Detailed Lesson Plan in English III (Degree of Comparison)

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English III

Demonstrator: Mark Ray T. Otto

Critic Teacher:
Time Allotment:

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. identify the degree of comparison in the sentence;
b. enumerate the three kinds of degree of comparison and;
c. write sentences using the three kinds of degree of comparison.


Topic: “Degree of Comparison”
References: Book in English III
Instructional Materials: cartolina, pentel pen, plastic tape, pictures,
KBI: “Listen Attentively and Participate Actively”

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preparation

a. Opening Prayer

Shall we all stand for opening prayer to be

lead by Jelaine. (Jelaine is leading the prayer)

For our energizer class, let’s sing “Thank you
c. Greetings

Good morning class? Learner’s: Good morning sir.

How are you this morning? Learner’s: We’re fine sir.
That’s great!

d. Checking of Attendance

Alright class who are absent today? Learner’s: No sir.

Very good! Let’s give a round of applause for
the perfect attendance. (Learners are clapping their hands)

e. Checking of Assignment

Do you have an assignment class? Learner’s: No sir.

f. Recall
Ok! Class, who can remember what was our
last lesson?
Yes, Mary Jane? Mary Jane: Our past lesson sir is all about
Very Good!

What is adjectives, Kenneth? Kenneth: Adjectives are words use to describe

and give more information about a noun sir.
Excellent, Kenneth.

g. Setting of KBI

Ok! This morning I we will set an agreement.

What will you do if your teacher is talking
here in front?
Yes, Rodnie? Rodnie: Listen sir.
Very good! And if there’s an activity?
Yes, Jumawan? Jumawan: Participate sir.
Right! How about if you want to answer a
question or ask a question?
Yes, Cesar? Cesar: raise the right hand sir.
Now everybody read our agreement. Learner’s: “Listen Attentively and Participate
Is that clear? Learners: Yes, sir.
B. Motivation

Okay class I have here a picture. What can

say about the picture? Janice? Janice: Different sizes sir.

Very good! They have different sizes.

Now class based on the pictures that have

different sizes, what do you think is our topic
this morning?
Yes, Saturnino? Saturnino: Different size sir.

Okay another idea, Che-an? Che-an: Big and Small sir.

C. Presentation of topic

Okay class, so this morning the title of our

lesson is all about degree of comparison.

D. Discussion

(teacher discusses the topic)

Class degree of comparison are use of

Adjectives when we described a person or a

Example: big, bigger, biggest

Like in what you have seen in the picture.


Also class there are three kinds of degree of


1. Positive Degree
This is use when we speak only one person or
a thing.
Example: big

The house is big.

Ok! Jesson give an example of Positive

Degree. Jesson: The Ant is small sir.
Very good!

What else, Mae Joy? Mae Joy: The flower is pretty sir.


Another example Charmane? Charmane: The baby is young sir.

Awesome! Ok class I think you understand

the first kind of degree of comparison now
let’s proceed to the second kind of degree of

2. Comparative Degree
Used when we compared two people or thing
to end the word. Add “er” to the end of the

Example: bigger
The house is bigger than that one.

Ok! Who can give an example of

Comparative Degree? Yes, Mariel? Mariel: That tree is taller than that one sir.

Very good!

Another, Alma? Alma: This road is longer than the one that we
past by.
Bravo! Ok let’s go on to the last kind of
Degree of Comparison.

3. Superlative Degree
This is use when comparing more than two
people or thing. Add “est” to the end of the

Example: biggest
This is the biggest house of the street.

Clent give an example of superlative degree.

Excellent Clent! Clent: My mother is the youngest of them all.

John: Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in

Another example John. the world.

Ana: This is the ugliest duck I saw.
What else, Ana?

Very Good!
Learner’s: Yes sir.
Ok class, Did you understand now class?

What are the three kinds of degree of Dianne: Positive degree, Comparative degree
comparison? Dianne. and Superlative degree sir.

Marvelous! Since you understand our

discussion class we will have an activity.


Okay class we will have an activity. I will

group you into two groups. Each group will
choose a representative to present your work
after doing it. What you are going to do is
that you will make a sentence using the
adjectives that I will give you. Is that clear? Learner’s: Yes sir.
I will give you 5 minutes to do it.

1. young
2. big
3. easier
4. pretty
5. wide

(correcting their works and announcing the



Class I will group you into two groups. Each

group will choose a representative to come in
front and get an envelope here. Inside the
envelope there are task that you are going to Learner’s: Yes sir.
do. Did you understand?
Direction: Underlined the adjective in the
sentence and identify what kind of degree of
comparison is it.

1. The lady is old. Biggest-Superlative
2. This is the biggest flower I ever see. Taller-Comparative
3. my brother is taller than my father. Highest-Superlative
4. That tree is the highest of all. Small-Positive
5. I have a small bag.

Paste your work in the front after answering

it then we will check if your answers are

(correcting their work and announcing the


Directions: Complete the table using the Degree of Comparison.
Positive Comparative Superlative
1. bigger
2. oldest
3. young
4. higher
5. longest

Just study the next lesson class which is Preposition.

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