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Tourism Sector

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Sunbath, water skiing... palm trees… sounds interesting...doesn’t it? Beaches
are the right place and who doesn’t like to get cozy on a snowy hill top or... get wet and
dampy… in the jungles… or… safari's or getting close to god… at pilgrims… what all
travelers look for is… place away from their... work place to spend leisure time with
their own selves. And family and these places...just give the right vacation...
destinations… and as it’s said… a traveler’s journey never ends… The places never
end… this world is a maze… even if one takes a wrong… turn on the roads.… he lands
onto a newer destination…
Tourism is the act of travel for predominantly recreational or leisure purposes, and
also refers to the provision of services in support of this act. Tourists are people who
"travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one
consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an
activity remunerated from within the place visited". The distance between a place of origin
and a tourism destination is immaterial to this definition. Tourism has become an
extremely popular, global activity.
A travel experience doesn't begin or end at the destination it embraces activities
ranging from the smallest sea-side hotel; to air-lines, multi-national hotel chains and major
international tour operators. Tourism is a service industry, comprising a number of
tangible and intangible components. The tangible elements include transport systems - air,
rail, road, water and now, space; hospitality services - accommodation, foods and
beverages, tours, souvenirs; and related services such as banking, insurance and safety and
security. The intangible elements include: rest and relaxation, culture, escape, adventure,
new and different experiences.

Tourism Sector
Many countries depend heavily upon travel expenditures by foreigners as a source
of taxation and as a source of income for the enterprises that sell services to these
travelers. Consequently the development of tourism is often a strategy employed either by
a NGO or a governmental agency to promote a particular region for the purpose of
increasing commerce through exporting goods and services to non-locals.


• One of the earliest definitions of Tourism was given by the Austrian Economist
Hermann Von Schullard in 1910. He defined it as,

"Sum total of operators, mainly of an economic nature,

which directly relate to the entry, stay and movement of
foreigners inside and outside a certain country, city or a

• Hunziker and Krapf, in 1942, defined Tourism as,

"Tourism is the totality of the relationship and

phenomenon arising from the travel and stay of strangers,
provided that the stay does not imply the establishment of a
permanent residence and is not connected with remunerative

• In 1976, Tourism Society of England defined it as

"Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of people

to destination outside the places where they normally live
and work and their activities during the stay at each
destination. It includes movements for all purposes."

Tourism Sector
• In 1981, International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism defined

“In terms of particular activities selected by choice and

undertaken outside the home environment.”

Tourism Sector

Tourism industry
Tourism is an industry that operates on a massively broad scale: it embraces
activities ranging from the smallest sea-side hotel; to air-lines, multi-national hotel chains
and major international tour operators. Originally, non-traditional industries such as
tourism emerged as a solution to strike a balance between ecology and industry. The
tourism industry is now one of the largest sectors earning foreign exchange for the
exchequer. In the face of such benefits, many countries have started assigning due
weightage to the tourism industry in their national development agenda.
The tourism industry comprises of the following main and distinctive sectors:
 Transportation
 Accommodation
 Tour operators
 Tourism Destination Operators/ Destination Management


Tourism industry is heavily dependent on the transportation industry which

comprises of airlines, cruise and ferry lines, passenger railways, coach and bus travel, car
hire. Thanks to the increase in tourist traffic, over the years, the range of airline services
has considerably, not only in terms of frequency of flights and number of destinations, but
also in terms of different services, and differing levels of service to meet different
passenger needs. This shows the important role marketing plays as competition and
demand intensifies.
Passenger rail services have also changed, and their role in tourism is as wide as
with, for example, Euro rail tickets allowing extensive international travel at basic(service)
standard for students and budget tourists, to the luxury of Palace on Wheels – where the
train voyage is the holiday. Cruise lines are operating different services tailored to
consumers’ budgets, and other shipping lines involved in the tourist industry, especially
the ferry operators, are broadening and upgrading their range of services and facilities to
meet consumer expectations, and to remain competitive. Coach and bus companies have
acted in a similar fashion and so have the car rental companies.

Tourism Sector


Accommodation includes hotels, ranging from the biggest international

chains recognizable worldwide such as Hilton and Holiday Inn to small independent
establishments. In order to gain recognition in an increasingly competitive marketplace,
many smaller independent hotels have grouped together, adopting a consortium approach.
Under a central brand name, they can offer central reservations services, for e.g. and
present a recognizable identity to consumers which enables them to compete against the
larger, more established chains. Other types of accommodations are also well established
in tourist markets, notably self-catering apartments and club type complexes.
With the innumerable dream destinations India offers the best of the
accommodation facilities to the travelers to the land. There are plenty of hotels and resorts
in India that cater to the needs of tourists of all kinds. The hotels and resorts in India
provide high standards of quality of accommodation, facilities and comforts to satisfy the
client’s at the most reasonable rates. The variety of hotels and resorts in India ranging
from Luxury Hotels, Standard Hotels, Budget Hotels to the Heritage Hotels In India. Then
there are several Indian & International Hotel Chains in India. The services and the
facilities are such that the hospitability of India gets revealed always. Throughout the
length and the breadth of the country that is dotted with tourist destinations the hotels and
resorts are available to make your experience of India unique. Hotels in India have been
categorized on different parameters all of them taking into account the factors such as
service provided, infrastructure, location, heritage value, and types of guests
accommodated. Like many other countries worldwide, these categorizations help the
common travelers zero down on the accommodation option he can afford or wanted to
stay at during his/her visit.
The incomparable and incredible land of India offers plenty of accommodation
options such that the visit to the wonderland suits all pockets. The country where tradition
and trends fuse to give you the best range of possible accommodations is vast. There are
the exclusive hotels chains that boast of luxurious amenities and world-class décor.

Tourism Sector

Tour operators
Tour operators are the firms which specialize in providing the whole holiday
package, incorporating travel and accommodation needs for the consumer. They range
from highly specialized operations such as, who customize every kind of
trip that you can dream of, to large operators offering services at all different levels to
cater for budget, family, or singles holidays to ‘near’ or ‘faraway’ destinations.
Thomas Cook is one of the best known of such operators; they also offer travel
agency and financial services to their consumers. An independent local coach firm may
also be a tour operator, and many transportation companies also offer holiday packages.
In today’s competitive market and with the increased bargaining power of the
consumers there is only one way to survive in the rat race and that is by segmenting the
market and offering different products pertinent to the demand of that segment.
With this in mind, what does a holiday in India symbolizes? This is a question that
every traveler to this vast subcontinent of human beings, dust, chaos, and religion asks
himself at least once. For many of them India is the exotic orient where you can find only
the snake charmers or sadhus. For few who have gone through contemporary literature on
the country, India is an organized chaos (as described one of the renowned writers and
sociologists). For the ones who have seen the exploitations of Indian expats in Silicon
Valley might consider the country as a future hub of knowledge economy.
For a quintessential vacationer in India, the country presents itself in the plethora
of colors, hues, and shapes. With its inexhaustible range of culture, traditions, wildlife,
beaches, and mountains India is huge. The country is not only about chaos and ways to
control them; it is about life, the civilization and continuity of it that makes people look
beyond the obvious. But obvious, we believe, is not the choice that you are going to make
while visiting India. What you need is something different, something that is new, and
something that is exciting. Concept tourism is one exciting option that a few tour operators
like believe is worth taking interest in. These operators give you a
number of exciting options categorized according to the interest and concept to tour India.

Tourism Sector

Tourism Destination Operators/ Destination

This is new category in many senses, as it is an area of the tourism industry
which has seen a massive growth in the development of theme parks and other types of
artificial tourist destinations in the recent years. However Disneyland and Disneyworld in
America were the forerunners of this development in tourism marketing, and they have
been well established for decades.
It is due to the recent growth, and the continuing trends, which make it area which
should be considered separately as a tourism industry. The new EuroDisney theme park in
France is an example of a tourism destination operation. On a smaller scale, heritage parks
which being developed from Britain’s industrial wasteland such as Wigan Pier, which
attracted over half a million tourists in 1991, and similar attractions now represent a
significant amount of tourism activity.
For a quintessential vacationer in India, the country presents itself in the plethora
of colors, hues, and shapes. With its inexhaustible range of culture, traditions, wildlife,
beaches, and mountains India is huge. The country is not only about chaos and ways to
control them; it is about life, the civilization and continuity of it that makes people look
beyond the obvious. But obvious, we believe, is not the choice that you are going to make
while visiting India. What you need is something different, something that is new, and
something that is exciting. Concept tourism is one exciting option that a few tour operators
like believe is worth taking interest in. These operators give you a
number of exciting options categorized according to the interest and concept to tour India.

Tourism Sector

Tourism may be classified into the following types:

1. INBOUND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM: It means visiting to a country

by non-resident of that country.
2. OUTBOUND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM: It means visiting by the
residents of a country to another country.
3. INTERNAL TOURISM: It means visiting by residents of a country to their
own country.
4. DOMESTIC TOURISM: It consists of inbound international tourism plus
internal tourism.
5. NATIONAL TOURISM: It consists of internal tourists plus outbound
international tourism.


For the past few decades many forms of tourism are becoming more popular, particularly:

This type of tourism involves travel in rugged regions, or adventurous sports such
as mountaineering and hiking (tramping).

It includes urban tourism, visiting historical or interesting cities, such as Delhi,
Amritsar, Mumbai, Banglore, Chennai, Ahmedabad, etc. and experiencing their cultural
heritages. This type of tourism may also include specialized cultural experiences, such as
art museum tourism where the tourist visits many art museums during the tour, or opera
tourism where the tourist sees many operas or concerts during the tour.

It may involve travelling to an education institution, a wooded retreat or some
other destination in order to take personal-interest classes, such as cooking classes with a
famous chef or crafts classes.

Tourism Sector

It is visiting historical (Rome, Athens, Cracow) or industrial sites, such as old
canals, railways, battlegrounds, etc.

It means usually to escape from cities or relieve stress, perhaps for some 'fun in the
sun', etc. often to "health spas".

It is used for advanced care that is not available in one's own country, in the case
that there are long waiting lists in one's own country for use of free or cheap health care
organisations for what is illegal in one's own country, e.g. abortion, euthanasia; for
instance, euthanasia for non-citizens is provided by Dignitas in Switzerland.

Pilgrimage tourism refers to ancient holy places (Rome and Santiago de
Compostela for Catholics, Temples and stupas of Nepal for the Hindus and Buddhist,
Mount Athos or Painted churches of northern Moldavia for the Orthodox), religious sites
such as mosques, shrines, etc.

Skiing, golf and scuba diving are popular ways to spend a vacation. Also in this
category is vacationing at the winter home of the tourist's favorite baseball team, and
seeing them play everyday.

It means sustainable tourism which has minimal impact on the environment, such
as Safaris (Kenya), Rainforests (Belize) and Hiking (Lapland), or national parks.

Tourism Sector

India is one of the popular tourist destinations in Asia. Bounded by the Himalayan
ranges in the north, and surrounded on three sides by water (the Arabian Sea, Bay of
Bengal, and the Indian Ocean), with a long history and diverse culture, India offers a wide
array of places to see and things to do. In 2004, foreign tourists visiting India spent 15.4
billion USD - the ninth highest in the world. India is also ranked among the top 3
adventure tourism destinations. One can expect to spend about $1,750 in 2005 dollars for a
two week visit, staying in accommodations equivalent to Western ones.
Commencing with a slow growth at the start of the millennium, the Indian tourism
industry has performed quite well in the last couple of years. The Indian tourism industry
has out performed the global tourism industry in terms of growth in the volume of
international tourists as well in terms of the revenue. The world travel and tourism council
(WTTC) has named India along with China as one of the most fastest growing tourism
industries for the next 10 to 15 years.
The key driver for this growth in the Indian tourism industry has been a fast
growing economy for the last 3-4 years. Despite lagging in the basic infrastructure that
supports the tourism industry, Indian tourism industry has been showing at an impressive
double-digit growth. In order to sustain this growth and meet the expectations, it is
essential for the government of India to invest in infrastructure such as the transport
systems and accommodations.
The expected growth of the industry in future has provided its players with an
opportunity to invest in the new technologies such as CRM tools and latest security
systems and to venture in to the new market segments such as Cruise tourism where India
has negligible share in comparison to world cruise tourism market. On the flip side, the
growth in the Indian tourism sector is accompanied by the imminent destruction of local
ecology and increase in the pollution, which in the long run is going to negatively impact
the tourism industry of India.

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Tourism Sector

Tourism statistics:

♠ Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries at present and

holds the status of the world's no. 1 industry.

♠ The tourism industry as a whole is presently estimated to earn over US$

3.5 trillion worldwide.

♠ The industry creates a job every 2.4 seconds with every one of those direct
jobs creating another 11 indirect ones.

♠ Spending on tourism amounts to 5%-10% of total consumer, spending in a

year worldwide.

♠ India's share of the total market is a pittance at 0.51%. The non-tourist

countries like Malaysia and Indonesia get much more tourists than India.

♠ However, the average duration of stay of foreign tourist in India is one of

the highest in the world. On an average, it exceeds 27 days in the case of non-
package tourists and is 14 days in the case of package tourists.

♠ Tourism has the distinction of being the third largest export industry after

gems and jewellery and readymade garments in India.

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Tourism Sector
♠ The Tourism industry's foreign exchange earnings in India are around $3.2 billion.
Tourism is the highest foreign exchange earner if we consider the fact that net value
addition in Gems & jewellery is less than 30 % whereas, in tourism it is more than 90 %.
India: Tourism Revenues and Expenditures 1990-2010

♠ It also has one of the best employment multipliers when compared with any other
industry in India. It generates maximum job opportunities, as it provides direct
employment to 9.1 million people and indirect employment to another 12.4 million. But
these statistics do not appear so impressive when viewed in the global perspective and
compared with that of other countries shown in the graph below.
Tourists Arrivals and Receipts From Tourism 1996

Source: 1. Report, World Tourism Organization - 1996.

2. Study by Mahajan and Aibara, Consultants to the Tourism and
Hotel Industry, 1997.

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Tourism Sector
♠ Tourism has been a neglected sector in India. Though it was recognized as a priority
sector in the Seventh Five Year Plan, hardly anything was done to promote this industry.
♠ Though the government has promised to give industry status to tourism, still, budgetary
support for this department is a mere Rs. 379 crore. This is despite a total tax collection of
about Rs. 2000 crore in 1996 from this sector.
♠ The tourism industry currently stands 127th on the list of priorities of the Indian
government. It is true that India has yet to reach the prosperity level where leisure activity
can be included in the priority sector but, if solving the country's unemployment and
foreign exchange problems are on the top of the national agenda, the potential of this
industry cannot be neglected.


In the service sector, tourism has become the world’s largest employer. This sector
is one of the world’s largest economic forces. Today the Travel & Tourism sector is the
second largest foreign exchange earner for India. Further the domestic travel for business
& leisure is also showing increasing trends. Bellow mentioned table & chart shows the
Foreign Tourist Arrivals & Foreign Exchange Earning from tourism from 1995 – 2001.
Foreign Tourist Arrival & Foreign Exchange Earning from

Foreign Tourist Arrival

Year Foreign Earnings
(in millions)
1995-96 2.19 2,929

1996-97 2.33 3,063

1997-98 2.37 3,173

1998-99 2.39 3,053

1999-00 2.48 2,949

2000-01 2.63 3,300

Source: - India Info line Sector Data base,

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Tourism Sector

The year 2004-05 saw tourism emerging as one of the major sectors for growth of
Indian economy, the foreign exchange earnings increased from Rs. 16,429 crore to 21,828
crore up to December. Similarly in the last year, tourism industry registered a growth rate
of 17.3% in foreign tourist arrivals, which has been the highest in last 10 years. Foreign
exchange earnings grew at an even higher rate 30.2%.

India's tourism industry is thriving due to an increase in foreign tourist’s arrivals

and greater than before travel by Indians to domestic and abroad destinations. The visitors
are pouring in from all over the world: Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia. At
the same time, the number of Indians traveling has also increased. Some tourists come
from Middle East countries to witness the drenching monsoon rains in India, a
phenomenon never seen in desert climates.

Domestic tourists are also fueling the industry's revival. Many of them escape from
the summer heat on the plains to resorts in the Himalayan Mountains. One of the major
beneficiaries this year is Kashmir, where a cease-fire between India and Pakistan has
reduced violence, if not completely, at least enough to help revive the state's sagging
tourism industry. Among the most favored tourist destinations in India, Kerala for its
scenic beauty, Agra for Taj Mahal, Khujraho for its sculptures and temples, Goa for its
beaches and some pilgrimages are the most important. Interesting feature of this growth is
that it has come even as global tourism has dropped, due to the September 11 terrorist
attacks in the United States, the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in East
Asia, and the Iraq war. Even the disastrous tsunami didn't affect India's tourism industry,
as tourist arrivals in India rose 23.5 percent in Dec 2004 and tourist arrivals crossed 3
million marks for the first time in 2004... The disaster was expected to have a negative
impact on India's tourism in terms of large-scale cancellations of tourists to India but
nothing of that sort was seen.

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Tourism Sector

There could be several reasons for the buoyancy in the Indian tourism industry.
First, the upward trend observed in the growth rate of Indian economy has raised middle
class incomes, prompting more people to spend money on vacations abroad or at home.
Also, India is booming in the information technology industry and has become the IT
center. Aggressive advertising campaign “Incredible India" by the government has also
had contribution in changing India's image from that of a land of snake charmers, and
sparking new interest among overseas travelers.


It is not hidden that tourism is among India's important export industries. Even
with comparatively low levels of international tourist traffic, tourism has already emerged
as an important segment of the Indian economy. Tourism also contributed to the economy
indirectly through its linkages with other sectors like horticulture, agriculture, poultry,
handicrafts and construction. Foreign exchange earnings from tourism during 2003-04
were US $ 3,533 million (Rs 16,429 crore). Besides being an important foreign exchange
earner, tourism industry also provides employment to millions of people in India both
directly and indirectly (through its linkage with other sectors of the economy.) It is
estimated that total direct employment in the tourism sector is around 20 million.



Recently, Indian government adopted a multi-pronged approach for promotion of

tourism, which includes new mechanism for speedy implementation of tourism projects,
development of integrated tourism circuits and rural destinations, special capacity building
in the unorganized hospitality sector and new marketing strategy.
A nation wide campaign, for creating awareness about the effects of tourism and
preservation of our rich heritage & culture, cleanliness and warm hospitality through a
process of training and orientation was launched during 2004-05. The aim was to rebuild

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Tourism Sector

that sense of responsibility towards tourists among Indians and re-enforces the confidence
of foreign tourist towards India as a preferred holiday destination. More than 6500 taxi
drivers, restaurant owners and guides trained under the programme.

Government also took several other initiatives to promote Indian tourism industry
and increased the plan allocation for tourism i.e. from Rs 325 crore in 2003-04 to Rs. 500
crore in 2004-05. Road shows in key source markets of Europe, Incredible India campaign
on prominent TV channels and in magazines across the world were among the few steps
taken to advertise Indian tourism. In addition a task force was set up to promote India as
prominent health tourism destination. However, in order to attract more visitors, India still
needs to upgrade its airports, roads and other infrastructure to global standards. Even with
the recent surge, tourist arrivals are just a mere percentage of those in such popular Asian
destinations like Bangkok and Thailand.


India Tourism office at Tokyo won two International Awards in Tour Expo held at
Daegu in Korea for excellent tourism promotion. Indian Pavilion won the Best Booth
Design Award as well as Best Folklore Performance Award competing with major players
in tourism such as China, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Canada.
The theme of pavilion was the Buddhist pilgrimage in India. Multi promotional activities
undertaken by Tokyo office drew a large crowd to India Pavilion, which added colors to
the entire travel show. The Korea’s leading newspapers published on the front page the
Incredible India booth’s photographs highlighting various aspects. The live Yoga
performance and Indian traditional snacks at the pavilion were enjoyed very much by the

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Tourism Sector

Tourism is very complex industry due to its multiple activities that satisfies the
need of the tourist. Tourism industry is also known for it’s ‘value based expectations’ i.e.
value for money concept. The marketing mix includes different types of sub-mixes like
product, price, promotion, place, process & physical evidence.

Product is the combination of tangible and intangible elements. The tourism
product, which is mainly the destination, can only be experienced. The views of the
location travel to the destination, the accommodation and facility as well as the
entertainment at the destination all form the tourism product.

Thus it is a composite product combination of attraction, facilities and

transportation. Each of these components has its own significance in the product mix and
in the absence of even single components, the product mix is incomplete.

The tourism products can be broadly classified into:

Tourism Products

Restaurant Attraction Recreation Shopping

Accommodation Transportation


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Tourism Sector
Selection of excellent restaurants which offers delicious & hygienic food. All varieties if
food including Chinese, Oriental, Western, Eastern available from place to place.
Tours to places having Natural Scenes like Kashmir, Nainital,
Kerala, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Japan-China-Hong Kong, and
East Cost which attract the tourist. Tours to places having
Historic Excellence like Delhi, Rajasthan, Karnataka, South
India, Europe & Russia & Egypt which attract the tourist.
Tours to places having Artificial
Beauties like Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Delhi, Goa which
attract the tourist. Also tours to places having SocioCultural
Excellence like Amaranth, Amritsar-chandigarh, Bhutan
Chardham Yatra Mansarovar Yatra, Sikkim, & Nepal which
attract the tourist.
Recreation facilities for tourist like Theatre, Music, Meeting, lectures
etc. Also playing games, music competitions in the bus & in hotels.
Shopping at various places both in world tours &
Indian tours. E.g. Tourists can buy shows made from wood in Bangkok.
Also articles of handloom & handicrafts in Sikkim & Nepal.
Accommodations in Two Stars, Three Stars, Four Stars &
Five Stars hotels in safety & security, comfort, elegance
being situated at convenient locations.
Transportation by Airways, AC & Non-AC Railway
coaches, AC & Non-AC buses & waterways with great
comfort as per tour package selected.

Components Of Tourist Product

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Tourism Sector
The fundamental benefit or
service that the customer is Traveling
Basic, functional attributes Ticketing, hotel reservation
3. EXPECTED Set of attributes/conditions Customer friendliness, good
PRODUCT the buyer normally expects food
4. Prompt services, comfortable
That meets the customers
AUGMENTED and convenient trip,
desires beyond expectations
PRODUCT spectacular sights, music

Totally customized tour

5. POTENTIAL The possible evolution to
packages, A grade service at
PRODUCT distinguish the offer
every stage

Selling a holiday is ‘selling dreams’. The way to win the customer’s heart is
through the peripheral services provided along with the core product. Thus a tourism
product is quite a complex one, including the destination, airline seat, hotel room,
occasional tangible products such as souvenirs, a free bag or bottle of whisky, etc.
Innovation in the tourism industry helps to raise the sensitivity in this regard. There
is nothing fixed or fundamental about the tourism product. The content factor is within the
jurisdiction of the government that undertakes the maintenance, development and
conservation of tourist attractions such as parks, museums, beaches, historical treasures,
etc. Unless these factors are developed in the right fashion, the marketing professionals
would never be successful in making the marketing resources productive.
Thus the direct or indirect patronage of the government is essential to get a positive
response. The government and private tourist organizations work together to undertake
activities such as developing infrastructural facilities such as transportation, water,
banking, Medicare facilities, etc., and also developing and maintain hotels, cottages,
havelis, lodges, etc.

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Tourism Sector

Pricing in tourism is a complex process. Pricing includes the prices of other
services like Air travel, Bus, Railways, Hotels, etc. All are included in tourism package.
Pricing also depends on the Geographic location of the destination.

Pricing also depends on Seasonality. Seasonality is the most important factor in

pricing. To match demand and supply tourist managers try to get either discount. E.g. Taj
is the tourist attraction in India. Pricing is also based on competitors pricing. Pricing is
also subject to government regulations. E.g. Air price changes tourism package also
changes, if Hotel charges change then also tourism package changes.

Pricing of the tourist product is a complex matter because of its composite nature.
Geographical location of the destination affects the pricing decision. At the same time,
seasonality factor and varying demand cannot be overruled. The objective of pricing in
any other firms is to fetch a target market share, to prevent competition, and to take care of
the price elasticity of demand.

A very important way, in which the travel and tourism business responded to their
highly complex pricing circumstances, is to operate at two levels. The first level is
corresponds with the marketing strategy, which concerns with the product positioning,
value for the money, long run return on investments etc. The second level corresponds to
the marketing operations or tactics where the prices are manipulated to match the current
demand and competition.

In pricing decisions, the product or the service mix of the tourist organization is
important. They have to set prices in line with the quality of services to be made available
to the customers. Pricing decisions are influenced by internal and external factors. The
tourism professionals are supposed to watch the emerging trends in both the markets. They
are required to think in favour of discounting price. These may include discounts for cash
payments, seasonal discounts, trade discounts etc. But while offering the discounts, it is
not to be forgotten that it may also create image problem since some of the value sensitive
tourists may doubt the quality.

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Tourism Sector

Different distribution strategies can be selected for Tourism marketing. Tourism as
a product is distributed as a travel. Internet is also used widely. There is also small agents
spread all over the town who plays a role of place. Large travel companies like Thomas
Cook, Cox & Kings, SOTC, etc they act as a wholesalers and these wholesalers also act as
a retailer.

The tourism marketer may not have adequate choice of the tourist center, because
in most of the case the tourist destinations many be natural, historical attraction. But,
infrastructure facilities, transportation, communication are important for the development
of the tourist center. The major decision that the tourism marketer takes regarding
distribution is relating to the channel of choice and channel members. The uniqueness of
tourism industry is predominant position of intermediaries. The two major functions
performed by the distribution system in tourism marketing are:

 To extend the number of points of sales or access, away form the location
at which services are performed or delivered
 To facilitate the purchase of service in advance

Different distribution strategies may be selected to reflect the company’s overall

objectives. The middleman may be tour operators, who buy tourism products in bulk and
make them available to travel agents who are retailers. The range of tourist products,
which are bought by the tour operators are airline seats, hotel accommodation, bus for
local sight seeing, etc. they may also sell directly to customers. The latest mode of
reaching the tourist is through Internet. Ticket booking can also be done through the
Internet and payment is made with credit card.

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Creation of awareness has a far reaching impact. The tourist organizations bear the
responsibility of informing, persuading and sensing the potential tourists in a right fashion.
The marketers need to use the various components of promotion optimally so that they
succeed in increasing the number of habitual users. Promotion helps in maximizing the
duration of stay, frequency of visit by offering new tourist products in the same country to
areas which hitherto have remained untapped or partially tapped. The various dimensions
of tourism promotion are as follows:
Advertising: Advertisement helps in furnishing important information to the
actual and potential tourists. Its coverage is wide. Advertising is aimed at the public to
create awareness of the travel offers available on a resort and its attractions to influence
their business decisions. Intangibility can be compensated with the help of visual exposure
of scenes and events. We can project hotel bedrooms, well arranged restaurants and
cafeterias, swimming pools etc.
Publicity: It focuses attention on strengthening the public relations measures by
developing a rapport with media people and getting their personalized support in
publicizing the business. It helps in projecting the positive image of tourists organizations
since the prospects trust on the news items publicized by the media people. Eg.
Kumarakom in Kerala after Prime Minister A B Vajpayee’s visit. The publicity
programme include regular publicity stories and photographs to the newspapers, travel
editors, contact with magazines on stories etc. There are different groups in publicity, such
as advertising publicity, projected publicity, structural publicity and personal publicity.
Sales promotions: Sales promotion measures are the short term activities seeking
to boost sales at peak demand periods to ensure that the firms obtain its market share and
are used to help launch a new product or support an ailing or modified one. The tool of
sales promotions is designed to appeal particularly to those customers who are price-
sensitive. There are a number of techniques to promote sale and the tourist professional
need to use them in the face of their requirements vis-à-vis the emerging trends in the

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Word-of-mouth Promotion: In the tourism industry it is found that the word-of-

mouth promoters play the role of a hidden sales force, which instrumentalize the process
of selling. The high magnitude of effectiveness of this tool of promotion is due to high
credibility of the channel, especially in the eyes of the potential tourists. The sensitivity of
this tool makes it clear that tourist organizations need to concentrate on the quality of
services they promise and offer. The marketers or the tourist organizations need to keep
their eyes open, identify the vocal persons or the opinion leaders and take a special care of
them so that they keep on moving the process of stimulating and creating demand.
Personal Selling: Personal Selling is based on the personal skill of an individual.
The oral representation in conversation bears the efficacy of transforming the motivation
into persuasion. The development of travel and tourism has been possible due to well
educated and trained sales personnel. The development of tourism business has been
influenced by the services rendered by the travel agents and travel guides since they work
as information carriers. Personal selling is the personal presentation of a tangible product
or intangible services or ideas to the personal customers. It is important to mention that in
the tourism industry, the personnel who attend tourists form an essential ingredient of the
product, such as sales personnel are found responsible for dealing with customers behind
the counter, the resort representatives cater to the need of tourists when they reach the
destination etc. all of them play a vital role in ensuring that the tourism products satisfy
the tourists. The phrase- the customer is always right applies specifically to the tourism
industry. No reduction in price would compensate for impolite and indecent travel guide, a
solvent waiter and a surly or a haughty coach driver. These facts are testimony to the
proposition that the travel business is linked with the performance and behavior of sales
personnel or travel staff.
Telemarketing: it is a method of selling in which a professionally sound
telemarketer expands the business. The quality of technology and the communicative
ability of the telemarketers determine the magnitude of success of this component. In
tourism, the travel agents, offices of airways, receptionist, secretaries can’t work
efficiently if the telephonic services are not up to the mark. This makes a strong advocacy
in favor of recruiting a person considered to be professionally sound, personally-
committed sales personnel having an in-built creativity, innovation and imagination.

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We can’t deny the fact that sophisticated technologies have been successful in
accelerating the pace of development. We also agree with this view that new generation of
information technologies have simplified the task of decision makers. At the same time we
also have to accept the fact that the sophisticated technologies can’t deliver goods to the
development process if the employees operating and maintaining these technologies are
not of world class. Technologies need due support of human resources who invent,
innovate and develop technologies.
Like other industries, the tourism industry depends substantially on management of
human resources. The tourism industry is an amalgam of the services of a lot of people
and hence this industry cannot work efficiently if the travel agents, tour operators and
travel guides lack world class professional excellence. Of course the offices of travel
agents depend on the new technology but after all employees and the other staff contribute
significantly to the process. The travel guides need professional excellence since the
projection of a positive image regarding a destination in particular requires their due
cooperation, failing which even the world class services offered by the travel agents are
found meaningless. The tour operators also need to manage human resources efficiently.
In the management of people, the related organizations are required to think in
favor of developing an ongoing training program so that we find a close relation between
the development of technologies and the quality of personnel who are supposed to operate
and maintain the same. They need a lot of credentials to fulfill the expectations of the
customers. The organization has to make the environmental conditions conducive and
focus has to be laid on the incentives to the employees for energizing the process of
performance orientation. Employee orientation requires due weightage to efficiency
generation, value-orientation and perfection.
In the tourism industry the travel agents and the travel guides are the two most
important people who speak a lot about the industry. Hence it is imperative that they have
to be at their best at all times. Travel guides especially, are expected to have a lot of
patience, good sense of humor, tact to transform the occasional tourists into habitual ones,
thorough knowledge of the places, linguistic skills etc.

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The operation process of the tourism firm will depend on the size of the tourism
firm. The sequential steps involved in the delivery of the tourist products are:

 Provision of travel information: The information

regarding the travel is provided at a convenient location where the potential tourist
seeks clarification about his proposed tour.

 Preparation of itinerates: It is a composition of series of

operations that are required to plan a tour.

 Liaison with providers of services: Before any form of

travel is sold over the counter to a customer; contracts have to be entered with the
providers of various services including transportation companies, hotel
accommodation, coaches for local sightseeing etc.

 Planning and costing tours: Once the contracts and

arrangements are entered into, then the task of planning and costing the tour, this will
depend on the tour selected as well as individual requirements.

 Ticketing: The computerized reservation system has in recent years

revolutionized the reservation system for both rail and air travel.

 Provision of foreign currency and insurance: In

case of foreign travel the final task provide foreign currency as well as insurance

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The tourist attraction, which is an expensive for the customer must be tangibilised
with the help of tangible items like, comfortable seats while traveling, layout, and design
of the resort, natural service scope, etc. the sign posts that indicate directions, route maps,
information regarding rules and regulations of the tourist spot and the sign regarding the
public utilities like toilets, telephone booth also form a part of the physical evidence.

Printed matters such as brochures also play an important role in the development
of tourism. As the product, in tourism is intangible. There is a need to describe fully the
product, which is done by providing an elaborate brochure, which shows how different
elements of the programmes are carefully planned to include all necessary information to
make holiday establishes expectation of quality value for money, product image and
status, which must be matched when the product is delivered.

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Though there are a number of bases for segmentation of tourists, one of the most
important is Lifestyle. Traveling decisions are fantastically influenced by changing
lifestyles. They are also affected by other factors such as level of income, availability of
leisure time, etc.


Mass market
Holiday Popular market
Individual market
Demand Secondary
Geography On the basis of regions, cities,
Psychography Personality motive
Demography Sex
Rich, Poor
Socio-economic Rural, Urban
Literate, Illiterate
Business Travel
Purpose Cultural Tourism
Common Interest Convention
Age Youth

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Such segmentation is useful when deciding the offerings to target a particular segment.
For example,

 The mass market consists of vacationists that travel in large groups and
prefer all-inclusive tours. They are generally conservative.
 The popular market consists of smaller groups going on inclusive or semi-
inclusive tours. This group includes pensioners and retired people.
 The individual market consists of chairmen, senior executives, etc.
 As the lifestyle changes, consumption of services might change. For
example, a newly married couple might prefer romantic holidays, but once they have
children they would prefer family vacations where there are plenty of activities to
entertain kids. Teens and youth might prefer adventure holidays whereas senior
citizens would probably prefer more relaxing vacations.


Users Of Tourism Services

The users of tourism services can be categorized in a number of ways.
One of the methods of classifying users of tourism services is on the basis of the
frequency of usage of services.

1. Non-users: They lack the willingness, desire and ability (income & leisure time).

2. Potential Users: They have the willingness but the marketing resources have not been
used optimally to influence their impulse.

3. Actual Users: They are already using the services generated by the tourist organizations

4. Occasional Users: They have not formed the habit of traveling

5. Habitual Travelers: They have formed a habit and avail of the services regularly.

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Another way of classifying the users is by dividing them into categories such as
General, Sex, Region, Education, etc.

Market Segmentation Bases

Demographic Socio-Economic Geographical

Segmentation Segmentation Segmentation
• Age • Middle-Class • Cities
• Sex • Higher-Middle • Provinces
• Occupation Class • Regions
• Income • Higher Class • Countries
• Education

Need for Segmentation

Consumer behavior can be defined in psychological terms as the whole range of
the generation of wants and their transformation into buying or using decisions. Users
have values, perceptions, preferences and expectations which are the result of
environmental influences. There are a number of factors that influence the behavioral
profile of consumers.
In recent years, the users have become more discriminating in their using habits
and therefore their needs for different services, products and brands change constantly.
This makes it essential that the marketers analyze their behavioral profile and undertake
segmentation so that they know the level of expectations.
In a nutshell, tourist organizations need to undertake segmentation in order to
simplify their task of creating and stimulating demand. In this way they can identify the
potential tourists, transform them into actual tourists and further into habitual tourists.

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 India’s geographical location, a culmination of deserts, forests,

mountains and beaches:

India is not only a vast country but also a beautiful country with world famous
natural locations, which attracts lots of foreign tourist everyday. India has all types of
seasons at the same time because of its tropical nature, as you will find the climate hot,
humid, cold and warm all at the same time in different locations. Also its location is
not very out of reach but easy to travel, as there are many modes of transport to reach

 Diversity of culture, a blend of various civilizations and their

India’s diversity is its greatest strength. There is so much to explore in India. One
cannot be tired of exploring its diverse culture, heritage and locations. The different
languages, dialects and other religious and cultural customs and traditions are all the
sources of attraction in India.

 A wealth of archeological sites and historical monuments.

 Manpower costs in the Indian hotel industry are one of the lowest in

the world. This provides better margins for the industry.

 Wide variety of hotels can fulfill the demand of the tourists:

A very wide variety of hotels is present in the country that can fulfill the demand
of the tourists. There are international players in the market such as Taj and Oberoi.
Thus, the needs of the international tourists and travelers are seen to while they are on
a visit to India.

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 Lack of adequate infrastructure:

It is a major drawback. It is not the case of less money but the money is not
being utilized in the right places and in the right manner. The airlines in India, for
example, are inefficient and do not provide basic facilities at airports. The road
condition in India is very bad.

 An intolerant attitude among certain sections of people:

This is among the people who do not like the foreigners and their entry into the
Indian Cultures as they feel that they will change the Indian Culture and attitude and
replace it with foreign culture.

 No proper marketing of India’s tourism abroad:

Foreigners still think of India as a land of snake, villages, beggars and
elephants. The Indians have not made any efforts to change this image and this has
proved very costly as foreigners still think of Indians as illiterates and narrow-minded.
The case of Plague in Surat in 1994 led to a decrease of 36% in arrival of foreign
tourists in India.

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 More proactive role from the government of India in

terms of framing policies:

The government is supporting India tourism industry with the recent
appointment of Mrs. Renuka Chaudhary a very intelligent and practical woman who
would like to develop India tourism. The Indian tourism industry should take this as an
opportunity and push forward its plans.

 Allowing entry of more multinational companies into

the country giving us a global perspective:

This is going to develop and build the confidence in the minds of the foreigners
who would like to explore India.

 Growth of domestic tourism:

Indian tourism will only develop if the roots are strong. So if the Indians
themselves travel around India the foreigners will feel confident to come to India. For
e.g.: Thomas Cook says “Travel Now Pay Latter.” Affordable traveling at leisure,
plenty of job opportunities.

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 Economic conditions and political turmoil in the other

countries affects tourism:

As a result of this people are afraid to venture outside their own homes for fear
of terrorist attacks and threats to their lives.

 Aggressive strategies adopted by other counties like

Australia, Singapore in promoting tourism:

There are hardly any tourists who confidently come to India and if the other
countries offer better packages and places then there is no reason why the tourists
should visit India

The important task is to get tourism accepted as an instrument of development and

national integration. For this it is necessary to create awareness of India’s charms as a
tourist paradise and simultaneously addressing the important issue of toning up
infrastructure and then getting down to marketing the product in a pragmatic and result
oriented manner. All segments of the tourism trade should get together ands hammer out a
strategy taking into account the ground realities and demands of the future.

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Environmental influences can be analyzed by using the PEST analysis.
 Political/Legal
The political factors are the main driving force of the industry. The Indian tourism
industry is built on the backbone of Government support and the industry cannot sustain
itself without it. The various archaeological sites and the places of historical importance,
the roads and the railways are all in the hands of the Government. All the support services
like the hotel industry, the airlines industry and the tourist operators to name some are
heavily dependent on the support and the cooperation of the Government.
The major reason as to why tourists visit India is for the vast and rich heritage that
our country has that is under the control of the Government.. Any policy change that
comes into force can have dramatic effect on the way the industry players perform. There
are many areas where the growth of tourism has not been rapid or has seen dramatic fall
because the political environment has not been conducive. Examples are the North East
for the former and Kashmir for the latter.
Similarly, the political turmoil in the state of Kashmir and now in Gujarat has
caused a virtual decimation of the flourishing tourism industry. However, there has been a
change in many of the policies of the Government with regard to the tourism industry. The
hotel industry has been getting many incentives and many State Governments are
encouraging the growth of major hotels in their states. After years of tight control over
airport infrastructure, Government has finally taken the decision to privatize the airports.
With respect to taxation, the World Travel & Tourism Council observed that:
“Tax paid by tourists in India is the highest in the world. Indian hotels charge
about 40% tax compared to other Asian countries where it varies between 3% and 6%".
Such high taxation renders the tourism sector as a whole uncompetitive. Further, there is
considerable disparity between state level taxes, especially on food and beverages. In fact,
the sales tax on imported beverages varies widely, e.g. 63% in Karnataka to 28.75% in
West Bengal.

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 Economic:
The tourism industry not unlike the other industries grows with the increase in the
spending of the people. The more the people spend the more the industry grows. The
spending power of the people has been increasing in the country and all over the world.
Since we are concentrating on the international tourists, the large increase in the spending
power in most developed countries has left a large amount of idle cash in their hands. This
has led to a tourism boom the world over and India has been no exception. There have
been more people coming into the country with more cash than ever before. This has lead
to an increase in the demand for better hotels. People who previously used to come to the
country on a shoestring budget and hunt around for the cheapest accommodation can now
afford to go in for luxury hotels. This has led to an increase in the number of hotels in the
country. However, an increase in spending does not only limit itself to accommodation.
The increase in the spending is also evident in the increase in the number of people
traveling by air. Even the number domestic tourists traveling by air has dramatically gone

 Social:
Tourism was always looked upon as something that led to the destruction of the
social fabric of a place. The more the amount of outside people coming into a place, the
more the perceived risk of that place losing its identity. A good example is Goa. From the
late 60's to the early 80's when the Hippy culture was at its height, Goa was a haven for
such hippies. Here they came in thousands and changed the whole culture of the state. This
had a ripple effect on the country. People became cautious, especially of the international
tourists. Whenever a certain place became famous, the example of Goa was cited to
discourage the inflow of international tourists.

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However some places such as Kerala and Rajasthan have been able to strike a
balance between their own culture and the demands of the international tourists and have
profited handsomely in the bargain. People are now adopting themselves to the fact that
tourism pays and it can be a major source of income for them.
In addition, tourism as a form of recreation has really caught on. People themselves have
started traveling and are willing to travel to a place that is out of the way and exotic. While
traditionally traveling on a holiday meant going to a hill station or a beach, now people are
willing to go in for adventure tourism and also visit places that might be exotic and cannot
really be called hospitable. For example, now places like Leh and Lakshwadeep are
mentioned in the same breath as Goa or Kashmir.

 Technology:
Although technology does not seem to be a major influence at
first glance, it plays a major part in the promotion of a place. Better
communication facilities are one of the first prerequisites for growth in
the inflow of tourists. This has been made possible with technology.
Improved technology in the field of communication at cheaper costs has
resulted in many remote and inaccessible areas of the country getting
connected to the rest of the world. This connectivity has made these
places visible to the world. Better communication means access to
media. And that is very important if any place wants to be on the world
tourist map. Similarly better transportation facilities have lead to a
dramatic increase in the number of tourists visiting any particular place.
The presence of an airport and the availability of frequent flights are a
great convenience to any traveler.

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 Pilgrimages:
India has a unique and multi-cultural yet harmonious society, a kind of its own in the
world. Home to an over 5,000 years old culture & civilization, India is the birthplace of
some of the world's major religions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism.
People of almost all faiths of the world such as Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jain,
Buddhists, Zoroastrianism are living harmoniously in India for many centuries and have
their own pilgrimage sites. The peaceful existence of people of India belonging to
different faiths is an excellent demonstration of its communal harmony. India houses a
significantly large number of religious shrines, visited by thousands of pilgrims from all
around the world. The beautiful and artistically designed Hindu and Jain temples,
mosques, churches, gurudwaras of India are not only places of worship but also show the
architectural richness of the country. On India Pilgrimage Tours, visit the sacred
pilgrimage sites of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism,
Zoroastrianism, Judaism and even the Bahai Faith.

 Ecotourism in India:
India, the land of geographical varieties offers several tourist destinations that not
just de-stress but also rejuvenate you. There are several ways to enjoy Mother Nature in
most pristine way. There are series of eco tours for India that provide the coolest hangouts
to take pleasure in indulging oneself into the God gifted environs.

 Beach Holidays:
Has the combination of Sun, Sand, Sea and Surf ever tempted you to take a break
from the daily monotonous chores that you perform so religiously? Then we have just the
right package for you with the sure-shot itinerary to relax you completely. The balmy
beaches of India are perfect escapade for the fun loving holiday tourism seekers. India
with its long coastline of 7500 kms, offers some of the most exotic beach holidays and
beach tourism destinations in the world. The great peninsula with the Indian Ocean in the
middle and accompanied by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal on each side besides
the two archipelagos of Lakshadweep and Andamans is perfect for beach holidays for
tourists the world over. The young state of Goa certainly happens to be the Beach Capital
of India. It offers the perfect spot for the novice divers. The blaze of glory, the beautiful
waves, the swinging palms and the many hues of the sky, the nature is for sure at its best

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at the beaches. India boasts of many beaches of Goa in the West, Kovalam in the South
and Gopalpur in the East. So you may head towards any direction of the Indian peninsula
and be invited to the sun bathed beaches. The never-ending shores and the untouched
oceanic horizons seem to be mesmerizing. The photogenic dawn and dusks at the beaches
are sure to be repetitive visitor to the shores.

 Cultural Holidays:
Ever wondered at the cultural diversity of India? The enticing unity represented by
the people of the country who display a wide range of religions, culture, customs and
languages. The rich and varied heritage happens to be one of the many sources of pride of
the nation. The mysterious ways of the people, their lifestyles and the inseparable culture
cannot be done solved in words but can surely be enjoyed with experience.

 Adventure Holidays:
Ever felt the waves of a river on your face, wish to see to the land and everything
on it from a height of 18,000 feet? Fancy trotting from one palace to another riding a
camel or perhaps get a better view of the jungle sitting smart on an elephant? Well if any
of them is an affirmative, the adventure holidays and tourism in India are just for you. Try
out the aerial, aqua or land adventures and enjoy. The quest to do the uncommon, the
desire to meet challenges makes people take up any of the adventure activities and
rejuvenate themselves. India is the land of variety and diversity. The terrain of the sand
dunes and long stretches of barren land is ideal for desert safaris, the queen of rivers, the
fun of watching the wildlife at the Corbett National Park gets multiplied when enjoyed
riding an elephant, the Ganges is irresistible for the water sports and the scenic beauty of
Jammu is picture perfect for the paragliding. You name the adventure and India has the
right spot for it.

 Ayurveda and Rejuvenation:

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India adheres to the age-old philosophy of Ayurveda - in a traditional way - that's
what makes India a different locale to visit. Ayurveda recognizes that each individual is
different and so treatment too should be customized. Ayurveda, the traditional Indian
system of medicine holds out to the world the promise of a healthy long life. step into the
world, where healing is a ritual and nurturing life a tradition, i. e. experience the magical
power of Traditional Ayurveda. Ayurveda and Rejuvenation programs include a few
programs combining Ayurveda along with sightseeing and other aspects of tourism in
India. An extensive and well - crafted out Ayurvedic treatment package that would
rejuvenate your body and mind and make you face the hustle and bustle of the city life

 Golf Tours:
If Golf, is what you are passionate about and you happen to be an avid traveler
then the 21 day Golf Holidays package of India being offered is something you cannot
refuse to go ahead with. The perfect break from the stressful routine religiously followed
otherwise. Just catch up with the Golf fever that has caught the entire country in a big
way. Add that extra touch of versatility in you by playing the different surfaces in the
various golf clubs developed in several cities of India. The turfs, the mounds, the climate,
the yards of green all make golf better than ever before.

 Railway Tours:
Kuuuuu& Chuk Chuk !!! Doesn't the whistle of the luxury train. Be onboard the
luxury trains of India, the Palace on Wheels, the Royal Orient and the Toy Trains are the
pride of Indian Railways, the largest passenger train service in the world seem to invite
you. The Palace on Wheels lives by its name and is no less than a fort on the swing. The
lavish lifestyle, the facilities, the décor, the comfort and the style have made the first
tourist train of India the most sought after. The marvelous train that today is a joint effort
of the Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation and the Indian Railways. During this
excursion, the tourists are overwhelmed with the beauty at the major stations of Jaipur,
Chittaurgarh, Udaipur, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur and Bharatpur, and Agra chugging through the
culturally colorful states of Rajasthan and Gujarat. You may even opt for a voyage
onboard the Royal Orient, the train offering both style and comfort. It is a project of the
Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Limited along with the Indian Railways. The rainbow of

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cities trotted by the royal extravagance of the bygone era include Delhi, Chittaurgarh,
Junagarh/Veraval, Somnath/Sasan, Gir/Ahmedpur, Mandvi/Palitana/ Sarkhej, Ahmedabad
and Jaipur. Besides the Royal trains, the toy trains of India have attracted many a tourists.
The ride on the train with a 4500 kilometers track chugs through the popular hill stations
of the country like Shimal, Darjeeling, Ooty/ Udagamandalam or Ootacamund and
Matheran. The toy trains are called so because of the narrow gauge railway lines they ride
on. The wondrous miniature of rail engineering that offers the most scenic beauties of the
Himalayas from Kalka to Shimla and another from Jal Pai Guri to Darjeeling.

 Yoga Tours in India:

India has been the land of saints and sages who meditated and practiced yoga. The
spiritual city of Rishikesh happens to be the Yoga capital of India. Tourists and travelers
flock to contemplate and practice Yoga and meditation in the lap of Himalayas. The city
hosts the International Yoga Week every year in the month of February attracting several
experts and participants.

 Backwater Tours in India:

Cruising along the backwaters of Kerala is an ideal way to discover the real Kerala.
The placid backwaters that stretch for over fifteen hundred kilometers are covered with
swinging palm trees. The tourists are left spell bound by the tranquility of the backwaters
while riding the Houseboats, it's the most authentic and unexplored way to explore the
beauty of the backwaters. The Houseboats that float on the backwaters are the improved
version of the Kettuvalloms. The frequently visited tourist destinations amongst the
backwaters in Kerala comprise of Kovalam, Alappuzha, Kottayam and Ernakulam. The
tourists may indulge into tourism activities like boating, fishing and sightseeing while
exploring the backwaters of Kerala. The backwater cuisine, which comprises of delectable
fresh fish like pearl spotted fish, barramundi, crabs, mussels and prawns is finger licking
All these tours have been designed keeping in mind the requirements of travelers coming
from different parts of the world. Apart from these, there are some organizations which
specialize in custom made tours. Some of these tours offered are:

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 Special theme parties: Under these the following options are
 Moonlight Boat Cruise on the Backwater of Kerala:
Guests are ferried aboard a spacious, specially decorated boat for a delightful
moonlight cruise on the backwater of Cochin. South Indian culinary surprises are served.
There is also a thrilling firework display.
 Rajput Wedding:
A traditional Rajput wedding ceremony where the group members participate as
'Baraati' (the bridegroom's family and friends who form the wedding party) and the bridal
 Bollywood:
Guests in garish costumes, some posing as directors, some as action heroes,
romantic leading ladies, and ruffians live their dreams of becoming a star.
 Corporate incentive tours:
In today's world incentive travel is one of the most effective marketing and
motivational tools especially in the corporate sector. After all those long hours at work let
the corporate employee gets the much-deserved break in the form of an incentive. The
various corporate incentive tours that are offered have been planned in a manner to
rejuvenate and refresh the employees for the forthcoming assignments. Along with the
corporate incentives tours arrangements can be made for conferences, conventions,
seminars, board meetings, client presentations, training programs, workshops, dealers
meet or any other relationship building activity in any destination in India.
 Dream Marriages:
Tie the knot with your knight in shining armor in the most royal way. Celebrate the
biggest and the best occasion of your life - Marriage- in the most beautiful style. Get
married at any of the captivating castles, pulsating palaces or the happening hotels and
make your dream come true. At your dream marriage there will be fun and festivity all
around backed by the music of your choice and decorations with your favorite flowers.
The feast to your eyes and ears will be equaled by the sumptuous food that will treat the
taste buds at the dream marriage. From champagne bottles and confetti to photographers
we can arrange it all for the special you and the very special occasion of your dream
marriage. The setting for the realization of your dream will be splendid and the

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arrangements will be spectacular for your marriage that will bring smiles on every face
and heart!

 Wildlife Holidays
India is unique in the richness and diversity of its vegetation and wildlife. Almost
350 mammal species, over a thousand and two hundred species of birds in nearly 2100
forms and more than 30,000 species of insects - provide evidence to the wealthiness of
wildlife in India. Besides, there are a number of species of fish, amphibians and reptiles.
With over 4.5% its geographical area covered by more than 75 national parks and 425
sanctuaries, the range and diversity of India's wildlife heritage matches the grandeur and
magnificence of her civilization.
India's national parks and wild life sanctuaries (including bird sanctuaries) from
Laddakh in Himalayas to Southern tip of TamilNadu. These parks, reserves, sanctuaries
and forests are vital to the conservation of endangered species, such as Bengal tiger, the
Asiatic Elephant, Lion, the Snow Leopard and Siberian Crane. India's first national park,
the Corbett was established in the foothills of Himalayas. It supports a great variety of
mammals and over 585 species of birds. The Wild Elephant population is on the increase
and both tiger and leopard are regularly seen.

Other tourism in India are :

 Heritage Holidays
 Handicrafts Tours:
 Festival Tours
 Museum Tours

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As it’s said… a traveler’s journey never ends… The places never end… this
world is a maze… even if one takes a wrong… turn on the roads.… he lands onto a
newer destination… And if your confused in choosing the… places then….Welcome to
India!! A full package of the entire possible tourist spots...

Some of the popular tourists places in India are as

Perhaps India's best-known site is the Taj Mahal, one of the world's greatest
architectural achievements. It was built between 1631 and 1653 by Emperor Shah Jahan in
honor of his wife, Arjumand Banu, more popularly known as Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj
Mahal serves as her tomb.

One of the popular tourist circuits is called the Golden Triangle: the cities Delhi;
Agra (site of the Taj Mahal); and Jaipur. Delhi is approximately 200 kilometers away from
Agra, and 250 kilometers from Jaipur.

India also has a large variety of protected wildlife. The country's protected
wilderness consists of 75 National Parks of India and 421 Sanctuaries, of which 19 fall
under the purview of Project Tiger. Its climatic and geographic diversity makes it the
home of over 350 mammals and 1200 bird species, many of which are unique to the
subcontinent. Some well known national wildlife sanctuaries include Corbett, Kanha,
Sariska, Periyar, Ranthambore, and Bharatpur.

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The misty morning sprawls over the vivacious valleys, the flushing meadows wrap
the hillsides like a cloak. The sunlight softly caresses the leaves, the dew drops sparkle
like diamonds to welcome the new day. The rustle of the fallen leaves adds to the music of
the place and the sweet fragrance of flowers lingers on...

The Manasbal Lake near Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir is 2000 meters above sea
level.Tourist destinations in Jammu and Kashmir include:

1. Srinagar
2. Jammu
3. Amarnath
4. Leh
5. Vaishnav Devi
Other cities of interest in Northern India include Gwalior, Khajuraho, Varanasi,
Mathura, and Haridwar.

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Delhi,known in India as the "Lotus Temple", the Bahá'í House of Worship is one
of the most famous landmarks in the Delhi. Delhi, the capital of the vast, mystic
subcontinent that is India. A fine blend of old and new, ancient and modern in every
stream of life is the soul of Delhi. A melting pot of cultures and traditions, religions and
castes Delhi is true to its democratic nature. Delhi has ruled always from the mythological
days to the present, the Aravali ridges and the Yamuna river stand a mute witness to it.
The rulers left behind their trade marks in the architecture. Tughlakabad fort and the Qutab
Minar, the Jama Masjid and the Lotus temple, The Humayun's tomb and the Red Fort, and
India Gate and the Magnificent President's house. Delhi is famous for its wide roads and
crisp winters. One of the few places in India where colours of nature changes with the
seasons. Kerala to Kashmir and from Gujarat to Assam all the mouth watering delicacies
and shopping goods are found in Delhi. The cosmopolitan nature of the city has only
added to the beauty and glory of it. Big gardens, wide roads, ancient structures, and power
of politics is what Delhi is all about.

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The sunny beaches of Goa attracts millions of tourists every year.Goa is another
popular destination, famous for its excellent beaches, churches, and temples.Goa, a tiny
emerald land on the west coast of India situated between the borders of Maharastra and
Karnataka, is better known to the world at large as the former Portuguese enclave on the
Indian soil. With the rule of the Portuguese for over 450 years and the consequential
influence of the Latin culture, Goa presents a somewhat different picture to the foreign
visitor than any other part of the country. Not only the proportion of Christians (almost all

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of whom are Catholics) in the total population of Goa much higher than that obtaining in
most of the other States; the general way of living is also markedly different. Western
influence is evident in the dress and food habits, and the general life of the people is quiet
and peaceful. A striking feature of Goa is the harmonious relationship between the two
principal religious communities, the Hindus and the Catholics, who have lived together
peacefully for generations.


Rajasthan has a rich history and culture making it one of the most popular tourist
destinations in India. Shown here is the Hawa Mahal in Jaipur, Rajathan.Rajasthan, the
"Land of the Kings", is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Northern India.
The vast sand dunes of the Thar Desert attract millions of tourists from around the globe
every year. Major visitor attractions in Rajathan include:

1. Jaipur - The capital of Rajasthan, famous for its rich history and royal
2. Jodhpur, fortress-city at the edge of the Thar Desert, famous for its blue
homes and architecture.

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3. Jaisalmer is famous for its golden fortress.
4. Barmer and surrounding areas offer perfect picture of typical Rajasthani
5. Bikaner is famous for its medieval history as a trade route outpost.
6. Mount Abu is also one of the world famous tourist place.

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Maharashtra with its diverse geographical features provides a range of tourist

centres. The state has a 720-km coastline dotted by rugs standing as mute witnesses down
the ages to the march of warrior kings, foreign trading vessels and invaders from across
the seas.
The beauty of Maharashtra is in its forts, caves and temples, so much so that it is
called 'Dagd-Ancha Desh', meaning the Land of Rocks. It has a lot to offer to a visitor, its
features are such that any tourist will definitely find something of his interest from among
its beaches, forts, caves, temples, cities, wildlife sanctuaries, bird sanctuaries etc. The
intricately carved caves of Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta highlight the Indian heritage and
the spellbinding Indian Culture. Religious places like Pandharpur, Nashik, Shirdi,
Trimbakeshwar, Tuljapur, Ganapatipule, Bhimashankar etc are a refreshing experience
and make a fascinating whole.

Mumbai, the capital, can well claim to be (after Kolkata) the second cultural centre
of India. Also known as the First city of India, it is one of the world's truly great
cosmopolitan metropolises. Being the economic powerhouse of India Mumbai is the most
affluent and industrialised city in the country today. Its tradition of glamour and showbiz
makes it the city of dreams. Lively and pulsating, Mumbai is India's answer to Hollywood,
producing more films each year than any other county in the world. It is also the centre of
a healthy theatre culture.

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Orissa has been a preferred destination from ancient days for people having interest in
spirituality, religion, culture, art and beauty of the nature. Ancient and medieval
architecture, pristine sea beaches, nature at her beautiful best, the classical and ethnic
dance forms and a variety of festivals, all in combine attract tourists from far off places to
explore this state to a have a divine exposure of love and hospitality.

Orissa has kept alive Buddhism and the Buddha in its ancient womb. The spirit of
Buddhism still haunts the very air of Orissa. Rock-edicts that have challenged time stand
huge and over-powering by the banks of the river Daya. The silent stones sing out songs
of peace and non-violence. The torch of Buddhism is still ablaze in the sublime triangle at
Udayagiri, Lalitgiri & Ratanagiri, on the banks of river Birupa. The surrounding hills of
Langudi and Kayama stand as mute witness to the quirks and twists of history. Precious
fragments of a glorious past come alive in the shape of stupas, rock-cut caves, rock-edicts,
excavated monastries, viharas, chaityas and sacred relics in caskets. Rock-edicts of
Ashoka are a bonus for your eyes.

Tamil Nadu has a rich culture and offers a wide selection of temples famed for
their architectural beauty. Some of the more popular temple tour destinations include:

1. Chennai: The capital of Tamil Nadu has the second

longest beach in the world, the Marina Beach.
2. Madurai is known for the beautiful Meenakshi
3. Rameshwaram is famous for the longest corridor in
the world.
4. Kanyakumari, located at the tip of India, is at the
confluence of the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and
the Indian Ocean. Recently a massive statue of
Thiruvalluvar has been installed here.
5. Kumbakonam, known for the no. of temples in town.
The Mahamaham festival is held here once in every
12 years & attracts millions of devotees to the place.

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6. Tiruchirapalli known for its Akhilandeshwari temple
and Rockfort temple.
7. Thanjavur has the famous Brihadeeswara temple.
8. The famous hillstations Kodaikanal and Nilgiris
offer the visitors a welcome relief from the usually
hot climate in the state.

The southern state of Karnataka offers:

1. Bangalore, the IT capital of India, is also significant for its history;

2. Mysore, about 140km from Bangalore, has palaces, KRS Dam, several
temples, a Hindu temple atop Chamundi hills;
3. Srirangapatna, where nearby fortresses can be found (Tipu's);
4. Hampi the city of ruins (1500's when the Muslim kings destroyed the
prosperous Vijayanagar empire);
5. The Belur and Halebid temples are famed for their sculptural beauty;
6. Sravanabelagola has a Jain temple dedicated to king Bahubali. The statue is
massive and a Maha Masthaka Abhishekham performed one every year,
attracts a huge number of pilgrims;
7. Sringeri, located in western ghats, has a wonderful temple dedicated to
Sarada devi;
8. The Western Ghats offer many other places of exceptional beauty like
Agumbe, Horanadu etc.;
9. Madikeri, Kodagu, Talakaveri, Kemmanagundi all places of immense
natural beauty.


Kerala, nicknamed as "God's own country", is one of the most beautiful states in
Southern India. Shown here is Munnar, in Kerala.Kerala is an evergreen lush state, tucked
away in the southern corner of India. It is one of the most haunted visits of tourists in
India. The state has its own tourism brand name - "God's Own Country", which has super-
brand status. Kerala is famous for its backwaters and lagoons. Kerala is also known for its
Ayurveda. The state was nicked as one of the "10 paradises of the world" by the National

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Geographic traveller. The government of Kerala offers tourism packages related to
Ayurveda also. The major attractions in Kerala include:
1. Backwaters, lagoons, tropical beaches and spice farms.
2. Hill stations at Thekady and Munnar
3. Enchanting waterfalls at Athirapilly and Vazhachal
4. An exquisite flora and fauna at its wildlife santuries.
5. Its historical monuments.
6. The housboats of Alapuzha.

Some of these players mentioned in the above graph can be explained as follows:

Govt. of India Tourist

Office (GOITO)
The Govt. is the most important player since the land is owned by the Govt. and
they also have a lot of resources at their disposal in comparison to pvt. players.
Goito was found in mid 1940’s. The main function of Goito is giving information
and promoting tourism. It collects information from various travel related suppliers like
hotels, resorts, parks, sightseeing places regarding the various facilities they offer, their
location, their rates etc. by sending them letters. This work is done around August –
September. In October it updates its existing information.
Goito along with promoting tourism also funds ITDC (Indian Tourist Development
Corporation) and MTDC (Maharashtra Tourist Development Corporation). Thus, Goito

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encourages ITDC and MTDC to built more hotels and improve infrastructure by funding
them. Goito does not build and sell hotels; it only funds to build them.
Initially Goito had only 5 main regional offices: Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai
and Guwahati. Later many sub- offices were opened. At present there are 22 sub-offices in
India and plenty of them overseas.

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Departments of Goito

1. Updating Information: 1 person is just in charge of updating information related

to travel suppliers.

2. Hospitality: This section deals with media and journalists. It also writes articles
about promoting rare Indian destinations.

3. Hotel: This department is responsible for classifying and inspecting Hotels. Goito
classifies and inspects up to 3, 4 & 5 star are inspected by Ministry of Tourism.

4. Approval of Travel agents: According to required qualification; Goito approves

and authenticates Travel Agents.

5. Approval of Travel Guides: Goito trains guides in a 4 months course.

(Graduation is the minimum qualification required; people should be between the age
group of 21-65 yrs). An entrance and an interview need to be cleared to become an
approved guide. Once they clear both the exams they get a approved guide license.
These guides are paid by Travel agents, around Rs.350- Rs.1900 per day.

6. Accounts section: They deal in money matters relating to all departments.

They also put up counters at cruise liners and trade fairs.

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Himachal Pradesh Tourist

Development Corporation

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In the afternoon conversation started with Mr. Anil Kapoor, Manager at
the HPTDC branch, Mumbai. Speaking about Tourism, he explained us how
important it is to provide best services and make the tourist satisfied.
According to his views, tourism sector is fast booming resulting in
market competition among tour operators, he spoke about various services
offered like individual tours, group tours to various destinations. Also about
the special packages that are on discounts for families individuals packages
as per the schemes.
Further about the segmentation of the company, he informed us that as
it is a government company they do not have to look at the market level,
strategy, age-group, seasons, or so on. They have a fixed rate throughput the
year, though they have to make various adjustments during off-seasons and
so on. They provide the customer services as per the tourists’ desires.
He also told about the various promotional activities they carry out,
they keep exhibitions where they put up banners of HPTDC, sell items which
are grown or manufactured in Himachal, give pamphlets, put up hoardings,
He also talked about major event that will be carried out in Himachal
Pradesh that is they are making a Ski-village, which is sponsored by an
American based company Ford. This Ski-village is expected to be ready by
2007 and is will also held the skiing world cup the same year. The Ski-village
will consist of various shopping malls, entertainment activities in order to
attract more n more customers. the ski-village also will provide a lot of
employment opportunities to the local people in Himachal Pradesh which will
increase the economy of the state and thereby improving the per capita and
the standard of living of people.
At last, talking about the Indian economy, he stated that, it is resulting
in higher growth level of economy. Also other important factors contributing
to rising tourism sector are fall in air fares, ease getting of visas, embassy
support and give-take relations.

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A pioneer and market leader in outbound group travel, this division markets and
operates foreign holiday packages under the SOTC World Famous Tours brand in India
and in the big NRI markets of the Middle East, USA and UK. It is also active in the
Incentive Tours and the Trade Fair Tours segments. SOTC operates from 26 branches with
over 400 employees in India.

 Highlights of SOTC
1. Pioneered Package Tours in India. Today, India's largest Outbound Tour
Operator with a distribution network of 116 points across the country.
2. First to introduce package tours to NRI's. Today, 13 General Sales Agents in 14
countries abroad: USA, Canada, UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,
Kenya, Qatar, Tanzania, Hong Kong and Singapore.
3. Turnover in excess of Rs.200 crores.
4. Has a special tour for Pure Vegetarians and Jains.
5. Launched Happy Holidays in 1997. Customers Holiday Abroad and Pay Later in
easy monthly installments.
6. Namaste India Holiday Club gives an opportunity to NRI's to discover India.
7. Awarded Outstanding Performance in South Asia at the World Travel Mart
8. Honored by Switzerland with the renaming of Engel berg town as the ' SOTC
Indian Village '.

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Thomas Cook is one of the world's leading international travel and financial
services groups and serves over 20 million customers a year. They provide services to
customers at 4,500 locations in more than 100 countries and employee over 20,000 people.
The Thomas Cook Holiday comes with a 150-year-old guarantee of
eternally sunlit memories. They couldn't expect any less from the people who invented
travel for leisure. They offer the world's most enjoyable holidays, to exotic destinations in
India and abroad where everything is taken care of from beginning to end. Customers
don't have to do a thing except, of course, have a good time.
They strategic mergers and alliances with the world's leading leisure travel
agencies allow the company to offer the Indian travelers a choice of world-class
international holidays. The tempting array of choices includes budget tours with Cosmos;
resort holidays with Club Med and luxury cruises with Star Cruises, Cunard and others.
For those customers traveling in India, they provide the entire gamut of services from
customizing guided tours to arranging theme evenings.

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Established in 1984, Kesari Tours is a premium travel company, which offers

world-class holidays in India and around the world. Kesari have perfected their tour
itineraries to meet the special needs of the Indian tourist abroad.The motto of organization
is 'No compromise on quality'.

At Kesari Tours, they have made a promise to us; if they make a promise to their
customers, they honor it. They believe in honest, transparent deals. No hidden costs and no
compromise on sightseeing. They strive for 100% satisfaction of tourists. Immense
goodwill. That's what they earned out of their beliefs.

Whether travelers visit their corporate office or any of their branches across
Maharashtra and India, they will experience the same level of service and commitment.
All their business associates, branch offices and preferred sales agents are connected
online and each one has complete access to the sophisticated reservation system for up to
date information.Totally dedicated, hard working team strives for total customer
satisfaction. Their team has a way of winning over hearts effortlessly with their
professionalism and warm behavior.

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At Kesari tours, from youngsters to senior citizens, from couples to families,
everyone enjoys their tours to the fullest. Their personal touch ensures maximum repeat
passengers. Many lifetime friendships begin on a Kesari tours holiday.

A passion for Travel & a vision for
creating innovative travel packages, two
driving forces saw the beginning of a
Travel Company in a very modest way in
Mumbai’s Masjid Bunder.

Raj travels started with conducting & managing tours to Srinagar (the Switzerland
of India) & to South India. The aggressive marketing combined with several add-on
features like inclusions of maximum sightseeing, using top class hotels, catering to good
food, innovative ideas, a pre-departure get-together, games on tour, library, mobile T.V &
intercom, were some of the inclusions, which were unheard of. This was their Unique
Selling Point & it spoke for itself. A quality product had to be with a high price tag.
Customers chose it.

In 3 years time (1979), Raj Travels introduced International tours. PATTAYA,

LUMPUR-the maiden tour was fully packed with 44 people!!! A big number in those
days. The tremendous success & satisfaction of this tour paved way for Raj to hold its
banner high & it continues to do so till date. They are proud to say that year after year they
have improved on the product, adding new destinations, new attractions, pro-active
marketing, & building customer confidence.

The growth & success can be attributed to its constant improvisation and
introducing new features - be it the choice of Hotels, choice of Airlines, or choice of
Destinations. Awareness of the growing trends in travel trend, up to the demands of the
more educated and savvy travelers.

Orlando, Madame Tussauds, Kukenhof Gardens, Fantasia land, Holiday Park,

TGV train ride, Hovercraft ride Safari, Helicopter ride, Balloon ride, Ski flight, Dinners at

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Planet Hollywood, Hard Rock Café, Rainforest Café, James Bond Breakfast at Schilthorn,
Mt Titlis, Mt Rigi, Dinner on 107th floor of World Trade Center, Para Sailing, Submarin
ride, Ride on MTR, the Singapore Zoo, Night all these and more were brought to the
discerning traveller, only in a Raj Tour.

Wars, tsunami and bird flu etc. are serious problems
that have a significant affect on tourism. But, these are not
the elementary problems. Infrastructure is one primary
problem to many industries in India. Infrastructure in India
has improved but still it is far from what is required to
become a world tourist destination. Another one is the
infamous corruption of India, which is a major obstacle to the
tourism industry.Resolving these issues will itself help in
overcoming other smaller problems mentioned above.

Government of India has a target of 10% GDP growth

rate, with the present growth rate at around 8%. To maintain
such a high growth rate and increase the employment
opportunities also at the same rate, it has to exploit the
highly potential and growing sectors like Tourism. And, to
fully exploit these sectors, problems related to these sectors
should be addressed along with the fundamental issues like
infrastructure and corruption.

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