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1. 1. The history of the baby frog.......

2. 2. Once upon a time there was a bunch of baby frogs.... … participating in a competition.
3. 3. The target was to get to the top of a high tower.
4. 4. A crowd of people had gathered to observe the race and encourage the participants.....
5. 5. The start shot rang out.......
6. 6. Quite honestly: None of the onlookers believed that the baby frogs could actually
accomplish getting to the top of the tower.
7. 7. Words like: "Åh, it’s too difficult!!! They’ll never reach the top." or: "Not a chance... the
tower is too high!"
8. 8. One by one some of the baby frogs fell off… ...Except those who fastly climbed higher
and higher..
9. 9. The crowd kept on yelling: "It’s too difficult. Nobody is going to make it!"
10. 10. More baby frogs became tired and gave up... ...But one kept going higher and
higher..... He was not about giving up!
11. 11. At the end everybody had given up, except the one determined to reach the top! All
the other participants naturally wanted to know how he had managed to do what none of
the others had been able to do!
12. 12. One competitor asked the winner, what was his secret?
13. 13. The truth was....... The winner was deaf!!!!
14. 14. The lesson to be learned:
15. 15. Don’t ever listen to people who are negative and pessimistic... …they will deprive you
of your loveliest dreams and wishes you carry in your heart! Always be aware of the
power of words, as everything you hear and read will interfere with your actions!
16. 16. Therefore: Always stay… POSITIVE!
17. 17. And most of all: Turn a deaf ear when people tell you, that you cannot achieve your
18. 18. Always believe: YOU can make it!
19. 19. DESINGED BY Sunil Kumar Research Scholar/ Food Production Faculty Institute of
Haryana- 124001 INDIA Ph. No. 09996000499 email: , linkedin:- facebook: webpage:
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The Deaf Frog-an Inspirational Story

by Abida Munir0


Today’s anecdote, The Deaf Frog-an Inspirational Story, brings you a very
important lesson about how to avoid the obstacles in your way, and instead,
how to use those negative comments to motivate you to keep moving forward
– all in this very amusing, little story of The Deaf Frog-an Inspirational Story.

The Deaf Frog-an Inspirational Story

“Once there lived a deaf frog. This frog was really obsessed with climbing
trees but because he was too young, he thought he couldn’t do it. But one
day, his bursting interest got the better of him and he decided to climb a tree

So he went to the jungle to make his dream come true. But when the other
frogs saw him going to the jungle, they followed him too. They were worried
he would try to climb a tree and injure himself, therefore they would try to stop
him. However, when they reached there, he had already started climbing a

Once they saw him climbing a pretty tall tree, they started shouting and
jumping in order to stop him. This caught our frog’s attention and he looked
down to see all these other frogs jumping. However, because he was deaf, he
wasn’t able to listen to their warnings. He got excited and thought they were
there to support him, to cheer for him. He then starting climbing even faster.

Each new branch that he reached, the frog below panicked more and started
to shout and jump even more than before. But by now, the frog was so sure of
their support that he kept climbing like the tree like a pro. Each new branch,
they shouted ‘you can’t do it, come back down’, while interpreted that ‘you can
keep going’, and thus, he climbed all the way up.

And once he was there, at the top of the tree, living his dream, the frogs below
were ashamed of their negative beliefs and therefore, were silent. But they
started shouting and jumping again, but this to appreciate what our deaf frog
had achieved!”

Moral of the story:

Have a deaf ear to the obstacles and negative comments, rather use them as
motivation to achieve your goals.

Lessons to take away:

1. Alas! We can’t have a deaf ear to the negative comments that we
receive so abundantly from people all around us. I mean even those who
don’t usually give advice, would try to stop you from doing something you
so eagerly wanted to do, even when they themselves don’t know anything
about it. But we can, however, avoid them or use them as a motivation to
prove them wrong. Yep, use their words to prove them wrong!
2. But in order to be able to go against such odds, we first need to believe
in ourselves. In the story above, our deaf frog really believed he could do
it once he DECIDED to climb a tree. And that believe which he had in
HIMSELF, made the blame and disbelief of the frogs below, appear as
the support to keep on going. He believed so realistically in his ability to
climb a tree that he assumed they must be cheering for him because he
was certain that they do believe in him as well. That’s the power of having
a strong belief, it turns everything into a stepping stone to keep moving
3. However, there will always be people telling you otherwise. They may
be your parents, your relatives, friends etc., but remember that they don’t
feel the passion, that interest, that makes you able to see the end result.
So they basically are unable to see what great things are in store for you
once you start your journey through the tough paths and reach the
destination. It is then a foolish thing to take into account their negativity-
filled, bling blame and disbelief. And at the end of the day, it always be
you missing out on chances and opportunities or going on to make your
dreams come true. For they will all cheer for you once you make it there,
at the top, even the ones who thought you couldn’t do it, like those frogs
standing below.

So, that wraps up our 2nd Anecdote-The Deaf Frog-an Inspirational Story and
the lessons you can get from it. We hope you have learned the impactful
lessons it offers. With that being said, share it with your siblings and friends to
let them learn some lessons too. Also, don’t forget to give your feedback and
let us know about us your takeaways from The Deaf Frog-an Inspirational

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