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Ciudad Universitaria – Telef. 248152 - Sucursal – Telef. 215020
Name:....................................................................Date:...............................Course XI

1 Choose the correct options.

1 Trillions of emails are / be sent every year.

2 In the UK, ballpoint pens often call / are often called biros.

3 This blog won’t be / won’t updated until next week.

4 Apple Macs aren’t manufactured / don’t manufacture in England.

5 Where are Smart cars made / make?

6 The electricity supply is / was switched off yesterday.

7 The television wasn’t invented / invent by Alexander Graham Bell.

8 How many iPads will be / is sold in 2015, do you think?

9 Landlines haven’t be / been replaced by mobiles yet.

10 Figures are listed / list chronologically.

11 Was / Is the printing press invented in 1440?

1 point for each correct answer 10

2 Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.

1 Lots of mobiles are be used for taking photos.

Lots of mobiles are used for taking photos.

2 Who was Google founded from?


3 When was the first text message send?


4 My mobile phone was stole from my handbag.


5 Many new apps have added to the phone this month.


6 Is the telephone invented by John Logie Baird?

7 The lights haven’t be switched off yet.


8 The Social Network directed by David Fincher.


9 Barack Obama was award a Nobel Prize in 2009.


10 Around two million iPads was sold in the first two months.


11 A new generation of smartphones will introduced next year.


1 point for each correct answer 10

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 All the arrangements for the party were made last week. (make)

2 Many engineers _________(employ) to work on this project in 2015.

3 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation _________ (found) in 1994.

4 Five calls _________ (make) to your landline yesterday.

5 Engineers _________ (complete) this luxury hotel last month.

6 People _________ (buy) a lot of iPhones last year.

7 Has your house _________ (decorate) recently?

8 Employees _________ (tell) about the new arrangements tomorrow.

9 Do you _________ (throw) away or recycle your plastic and paper?

10 Two hundred copies of the Gutenberg Bible _________ (print) in 1455.

11 Complaints _________ (receive) by Google about the blog so they have taken it down.

1 point for each correct answer 10

4 Write the sentences and questions in the passive.

1 The BMW Group own the Mini car.

The Mini car is owned by the BMW Group.

2 You need a secure password to access your account.


3 When did they launch the new web browser?

4 You can buy nearly anything on eBay.


5 People throw a huge amount of plastic away every day.


6 The company will launch a new pocket-sized mini-computer.


7 Did the postman deliver any packages this morning?


8 When did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?


9 She put a lot of things in the basement.


10 They have predicted bad weather for the next few days.


11 Does he update his blog every day?


1 point for each correct answer 10

5 Complete the text with the correct active or passive form of the verb in brackets.

Peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) is a process that allows files (1) to be downloaded (download) from other
connected computers (called peers). Similarly, your computer (2) __________ (search) by other computers
on the network by peers looking for files.

File sharing (3) __________ (begin) in 1999 when Napster (4) __________ (introduce) a file sharing
program and central server that linked people who had files with those who wanted files. When you
(5) __________ (search) for a file, the server would find all of the available copies of that file. Then the files
(6) __________ (transfer) between the two private computers. Unlike P2P programs today, it was only
possible for people (7) __________ (share) music files.

Napster (8) __________ (prosecute) for copyright reasons and they (9) __________ (shut down) in July
2001. They (10) __________ (reopen) as a pay service some time later. After Napster shut down, new
ways of sharing files (11) __________ (develop) that did not require a central server. The most popular of
these are based on a system called BitTorrent.

1 point for each correct answer 10

6 Complete the table with the words in the box.

card program call number programme deal virus laptop waves man news





1 point for each correct answer 11

7 Complete the sentences with compound nouns from exercise 6.

1 Many people are worried about the latest computer virus which is infecting hundreds of computers
every day.

2 It was very nice to meet you. Do you have a _________ with your address on it?

3 Do you listen to _________ on the computer? You can get all the channels online.

4 I wrote my own _________ to play poker on my laptop.

5 You had a _________ while you were out. Could you call them back on this number?

1 point for each correct answer 4

8 Choose the correct options.

1 Have you done / made the shopping yet?

2 She made / did a lot of money when the company was sold.

3 Will you do / send me a postcard while you’re away?

4 I’ve played / taken the piano since I was eight years old.

5 She’s going to make / start a complaint about the terrible service here.

6 No notes were taken / done during the meeting today.

7 We’re hungry! Is dinner going to take / start a long time?

8 Was a lot of research done / made before the discovery of DNA?

9 My father didn’t make / start a business until he was in his fifties.

10 I usually take / do a size 39. What shoe size are you?

11 I haven’t done / started yoga for long – about six months.

1 point for each correct answer 10

9 Complete the conversations with an adjective formed with well- or badly- and a past participle from
the box.

paid behaved known equipped dressed done written

1 A I’ve never heard of Loudon Wainwright III. He can’t be very well-known.

B Really? He’s a folk hero!

2 A How would you like your burger cooked?

B _________, please.

3 A Michelle Obama is always incredibly ________.

B That’s true. She always wears very fashionable clothes.

4 A I’m terrified of flying. Is this plane _________ for emergencies?

B Absolutely. And we’ve got a very experienced cabin crew who are here to help at all times.

5 A I’m fed up with having a _________ job.

B Why – aren’t you earning much at the moment?

6 A Please stop your dog from jumping up. He’s very _________!

B Oh, I am sorry – he’s still very young, you see.

7 A Do you ever read Chat magazine?

B No, never. The articles are so _________!

1 point for each correct answer 6

10 Complete the conversations with the phrases in the boxes.

 Can we meet on Saturday instead?

 Sorry, you’re breaking up.

 Speak to you later!

 This is not a good line.

 I’m not sure.

1 A Hello, Sylvia? (1) This is not a good line.

B Hi, Lara? (2)

A I’m calling because I can’t make it on Thursday.

(3) __________________________

B (4) __________________________ Can I get back to you?

A Yes, fine – I’ve got to go now.

(5) __________________________
 Thanks for your help.

 Have you tried her mobile?

 That’s great.

 I’m trying to get hold of Clara LeRoy.

 I don’t have her number.

 No problem.

2 A Hi. (6) _____________________ Is she in?

B I’m afraid she’s not. (7) __________________________

A (8) _______________________ Could you tell me what it is?

B Yes – it’s 07996 813499.

A Oh, great – I’ll give her a ring now.

(9) ____________________________

B (10) __________________________ I’ll tell her you rang.

A (11) __________________________ Bye.

1 point for each correct answer 10

11 Translate the sentences.

1 Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1909 for inventing the radio.

Marconi recibió el Premio Nobel en 1909 por inventar la radio.

2 Was the Apple PC invented by Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?

¿La PC de Apple fue inventada por Bill Gates o Steve Jobs?

3 My favourite YouTube video has been watched millions of times!

¡Mi video favorito de YouTube ha sido visto millones de veces!

4 ‘I’ve had a really awful day!’ ‘What happened?’

"¡He tenido un día realmente terrible!" "¿Qué pasó?"

5 My parents have a Facebook account and they often post new photos on it.

Mis padres tienen una cuenta de Facebook y a menudo publican nuevas fotos en ella.

6 My laptop has been infected by several viruses since I bought it.

Mi computadora portátil ha sido infectada por varios virus desde que la compré.
7 Do you do any of your shopping online?

¿Haces alguna de tus compras online?

8 People who talk on their mobiles on the train drive me mad!

¡La gente que habla por el móvil en el tren me vuelve loco!

9 Have you ever bought or sold anything on eBay?

¿Alguna vez ha comprado o vendido algo en eBay?

1 point for each correct answer 9

Total 100

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