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Computer application in water supply and environmental engineering

Practical Exam

Water Distribution Question


Nodes property

Node Elevation (m) Base Demand (l/s)

R-1 700 0
J-1 700 0
J-2 710 10
J-4 700 10
J-5 650 15
J-6 700 10
J-3 700 0
T-1 830 0

In addition, for the tank, enter 1.22m for its initial level, 6m for its maximum level, and
18m for its diameter.
Pipes property

Pipe Length (m) Diameter (mm) roughness coefficient

P-1 3000 355 100
P-2 5000 300 100
P-4 5000 200 100
P-8 5000 200 100
P-6 5000 200 100
P-3 7000 250 100
P-5 5000 150 100
P-7 7000 150 100

2. For the following branched system, calculate the pipe flows and nodal pressures
for surface level in the reservoir of H=60msl. Assume all pipes CH=130.

  1(R) 2 3 4 5 6

Z(masl) ----- 12 22 17 25 20
Q(l/s) -86 12.5 24.3 12.3 20.5 16.4

Pipe Diameter Length (m)

N1 – N2 250 530
N2 – N3 150 410
N2 – N5 200 630
N5 – N4 100 540
N5 – N6 150 580

3. The ductile iron pipe network shown below carries water at 20oC. Assume that
the junctions all have an elevation of 0 m and the reservoir is at 30 m. Use the
Hazen-Williams formula (C = 130) and the pipe and demand data below to
perform a steady-state analysis and answer the following

Pipe and Junction data

Junction Demand
J-1 550
J-2 660
J-3 550
J-4 550

Pipe Diameter Length

(mm) (m)
P-1 150 50
P-2 100 25
P-3 100 60
P-4 100 20
P-5 250 760
a. Which pipe has the lowest discharge? What is the discharge (in L/min)?

b. Which pipe has the highest velocity? What is the velocity (in m/s)?
c. What effect would raising the reservoir by 20 m have on the pipe flow rates?
What effect would it have on the hydraulics grade lines at the junctions?

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