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FSUIPC 4.939e changes since 4.

NOTE that this version works with FSX, FSX Steam Edition (62607- 62610), and
Prepar3D versions 1.4, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 (only 10438 update), 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 (12942-12944).

ESP is no longer supported.

1. This version is suitable for Prepar3D versions 2.3 - 2.5, and now FSX Steam Edition.
The FSUIPC4 Installer copes with both types of FSX-SE installation -- one without a parallel FSX installation, and one with. Note
that FSX is inside your Steam\steamapps\common\FSX folder, and FSUIPC and its documentation resides in the Modules
folder within. This applies to both varieties of installation. Note that the completely free-standing FSX-SE (i.e not one installed
in parallel with FSX) looks like FSX to the installer and will be installed as if it is FSX, but FSUIPC knows the difference.
2. A long-standing bug which can, for some users, crash FSX or P3D during loading, is fixed. Somehow the recent recompilations
for P3D made this bug more prevalent. It was so rare before that it wasn't tracked down.

3. An additional Lua event library function is available: event.offsetmask. This allows a bit mask to be specified to limit the events
to only changes in the selected bits. For full details please download the latest Lua package from the Support Forum. [The
difference from 4.932 to 4.932a is simply that the value parameter provided to the called function is that after the mask is
applied, so it can be tested directly rather than having to use logic.And to apply the mask again].

This new facility is also available in the latest WideClient version (6.999j or later).

4. The Traffic Zapper facility, used as an assignment in FSUIPC or via an offset from an application, crashed P3D 2.x when used. It
seems the function called was identical in every respect excepting that in P3D 2.x it handles only one parater -- the earlier
versions (P3D 1.x and FSX) took two parameters with the second unused.

The code calling the function has now been fixed.

5. A problem which may occasionally have caused application display windows to disappear irretrievably is fixed. These types of
Window are used by Lua plug-ins and programs such as Radar Contact.

6. A serious problem, which caused Lua plug-in threads started by a generic [Auto] section to be murdered as soon as they were
born, is now fixed. Note that this problem would not have occurred when there was also a specific [Auto.<name>] section for
the first loaded aircraft, and it did not affect plug-ins loaded by a RunLua entry in the ipcReady.lua plug-in.

7. If a parameter value of -2147483648 (hexadecimal x80000000) is entered when assigning a control to a Key press or Button, it
was displayed subsequently as -0 instead. It didn't mean the value actually used or stored in the INI file was incorrect, but it
was misleading. It appears to be due a bug in one of the Windows dialogue functions being used. In this version a work-around,
using a text function instead of a numeric function, ensures that the display is correct.

8. A facility to have Profiles separated into one file per profile, to relieve cluttering and large INI files, has been implemented. For
details, please see the separate document about this entitled "Profiles in Separate Files".
9. Axis polling speed is improved in this version.

10. When used with P3D version 2, FSUIPC discards the .FLT part of any request to load a flight via offsets, so that the new XML
format flight file may be loaded instead.

11. The TCAS traffic tables now have a maximum range of 100km instead of the previous 200km This is to allow for much higher
traffic levels without causing a deterioration in performance with SimConnect channels being overloaded. Similarly the ground
vehicles at an airport, which are read for the "DeleteVehicalesForAES" option, are now only read once rather than every second
as before. This allows for a higher density of such vehicles without overload.

12. Fixed an error which would crash P3D version2 during loading if the text menu intercept option is enabled in the FSUIPC4.INI

13. The Autosave option in version 4.936b now tidies up the P3Dv2 .PNL files automatically.
14. Implemented the same comment-saving action in INI file [Keys] section that has long been available in the [Buttons] sections.

15. An error in the Joystick lettering facility, whereby missing devices with names starting with numbers in the range 0-15 could
result in substitutions being made in the assignments, is fixed.
16. If the AutoAssignLetters=Yes option is enabled and new devices are added, these are now assigned previously unassigned
letters rather than replacing any missing devices with already assigned letters.

Note that this does mean that if you remove devices because they are no longer used or owned, the letters associated for
those will remain unusable for new devices. There are only 24 letters available (A-Z less I and O to avoid ambiguity), so it is then
possible for the Auto option to run out of letters. You should consider deleting unused entries.
17. Incorrect text shown for the "Aircraft Specific" or "Profile Specific" check box on the Joystick Calibrations tab in FSUIPC Options
is corrected.

18. Orphaned [Profile.<name>] sections in the FSUIPC4.INI file (i.e. those with no assignment or calibration sections in the same file
or in the Profiles folder) are now automatically deleted during initialisation so that the Profile can be re-added as new. This
action is logged.

19. When creating a new profile in the Axis assignments tab, existing assignments are now kept for the Profile if this is requested.
In error previously these were lost even if you did request they be carried over.
20. An incorrect value for the Lua library mouse.wheel function was being sent to FS -- 120 times the user-specified value, in fact.
This is now corrected.

21. The OOMcheck parameter in the FSUIPC4 INI file [General] section can now be set
to allow the check to take place (and the offset for VAS maintained) without sounding the low VAS warning.

22. The specific version of FSX or P3D being used is available in the one-byte offset 0x3124. The values are:

FSX: 1 to 4 for the RTM, SP1, SP2 and Acc versions, respectively
P3Dv1: 10 to 14 for versions 1.0 to 1.4
P3Dv2: 20 to 25 (etc) for versions 2.0 to 2.5 (etc)
FSX-SE: 101 for the December 2014 release (62607) and 102 for the January update (62608). For 62609, if and when
released, it will be 103.

23. The values at offset 3F02, registering when a new flight has been loaded, is now incremented also in the new flight has the
same name as the last one.

24. Additional checks are added to ensure links to ASN's active check function are valid. It seems that, somehow, bad copies of the
interface module, as_btstrp.dll, can find their way into the FSX folder and get loaded even when ASN is not installed.
25. Several problems with creating new profiles and using “Based On …”, or retaining the generic assignments, have been fixed so
that these actions are more consistent.

26. The Anti-Skid brake switch state is available in offset 0BFD. This is a one-byte value which is non-zero when the brake is active.
It can be written to to change it. This offset has been available for some time, but somehow never got listed!

27. The G3D error fix implemented for FSX is now also implemented in FSX-SE.

28. FSUIPC4 now logs minimum and maximum 20 frame average frame rates, and the minimum free memory recorded, in its end-
of-log summary produced when FS is closed down.
29. The installer now provides titles for FSX, FSX-SE, Prepar3D v1 and Prepar3D v2, in all of its logged and screened error messages
and notifications. This should prevent some of the confusion folks have had with errors being notified for version which have
been deleted but not fully uninstalled from the Registry.

Similarly, if it finds that both FSX and FSX-SE install paths, gleaned from the registry, are the same (usually because FSX-SE was
installed either before FSX was removed, or after but without a registry clean), it treats the installation as an FSX SE one and
does not complain, though it will log the anomaly. The big difference is in the CFG filename (FSX.CFG vs FSX_SE.CFG).

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