English - Narrative Essay

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1. Create a story using the line:

" All around him was the black night and the black sea."

Waking up one morning in a hospital, not knowing who you are or what happened to you that brought you
there in the first place certainly was not the intention of Angelus Jones. All he knew was his name is
Angelus Jones, he was grazed with a bullet to his temple and he suffers with amnesia. Nothing made any
sense to him as to why this happened in the first place or who would have done such a thing.
Doctor Liam Russel would always question Angelus, “How are you feeling?”, “What’s your name?”, “Do
you remember where you are from?” Angelus always thought it was out of true concern, only to find out it
was really for the status of his condition. Just as the doctor’s attitude toward him, was everyone’s. Angelus
then realizes that this could mean that he was the criminal who was unlucky. Later that night, Angelus was
given his nightly dose of medication by the nurse. As usual, an attitude of resent toward him, Angelus laid
back and thought to himself, “I must have been a terrible person to receive such an attitude from everyone
who’s helping me. Such resent!” He soon fell asleep.
Walking down this strange street, seemingly so significant, Angelus was wearing his blue dress shirt and
black jeans with a briefcase, as though he left his workplace. All he knew is that it is midnight and dark of
course and he must get to his apartment before the Uptown gang finds him, the streets were clear with cars
parked here and there, to their respective homes, probably? The entire setting seemed as though it is
constant. While walking, he received a text from someone, however while trying to take a glance of the
message, all he heard was a scream, “Please someone help me!” by a young man who was being beaten by
the gang. Angelus hid behind a nearby dumpster in which he overheard the remarks made by the men
conducting the assault. “You sold us out to the police, you told them about the drug cartel and slave ring that
we own, then claim your allegiance to us?!” After they brutally beat the man, two members held him up and
the leader shot him in the head. The leader instructed the members to dispose of the body where no one can
find it.
Angelus’ phone began to ring, and now Angelus began to panic. As the members drew their weapons and
approached the dumpster, Angelus began to run for dear life. They chased and shoot at Angelus, before he
knew it, he was shot to his left leg. They grabbed Angelus, but the police approached the area at the same
time. They throwed Angelus and the corps in the trunk in which a pursuit began. Angelus kept kicking and
banging the trunk, trying to find a way out. Suddenly, after approximately twenty minutes, they pulled him
out of the trunk and interrogated him,” What did you hear?”, “What did you see?” All around him was the
black night and the black sea, the only description of the place he was taken to. They beat him until he was
delirious and then they shot him. Angelus woke up, in a sudden manner. The doctors approached him and
gave him a total check-up. “Are you okay Angelus?” All he could ever do was look at them, speechless.

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