US20110272347A1 - HRAP Patente

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US 20110272,347A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0272347 A1
Pena Varon (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 10, 2011
(54) HIGH-RATE ANAEROBC POOL Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
(75) Inventor: Miguel Ricardo Pena Varon, CO2F 3/00 (2006.01)
Santiago de Cali (CO) CO2F I/00 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. .................................... 210/601; 210/170.09
Santiago de Cali (CO) (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No.: 13/131,341 The present application related to a high-rate anaerobic pool
bioreactor (“BLAAT) as an improved processing unit for
(22) PCT Filed: Dec. 1, 2009 treating biodegradable wastewater, which allows the conver
sion of a low-performance rate traditional system, Such as the
(86). PCT No.: PCT/B09/SS447 anaerobic pool, into an efficient, compact system that enables
clean energy to be recovered in the from of biogas. The
S371 (c)(1), application also describes a process for the anaerobic treat
(2), (4) Date: Jul. 28, 2011 ment of wastewater that uses said bioreactor, which optimizes
the processes of mixing and contact between the biomass and
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data the Substrate and presents a novel process for separating out
the biomass by means of improved sedimentation in horizon
Dec. 2, 2008 (CO) ..................................... 8 128 172 tallaminar flow.
Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2011 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2011/0272.347 A1


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Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2011 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2011/0272.347 A1



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Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2011 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2011/0272.347 A1


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US 2011/0272.347 A1 Nov. 10, 2011

HIGH-RATE ANAEROBC POOL 0007. The U.S. Pat. No. 4,209,388 document describes a
BOREACTOR method for residual water treatment that includes a first stage
in which the body of residual water is introduced into a
FIELD OF THE INVENTION reservoir outfitted with an air Supply that contains algae for
the decomposition of organic matter, then the residual water
0001. The current invention is related with a bioreactor for is transferred to a second reservoir where there are no nutri
high-rate anaerobic ponds (BHRAP) as an improved process ents or Solar light, as a consequence of the latter the algae die
unit for the treatment of residual biodegradable waters. It has and sediment. The residual water is thereafter transferred to a
four main components that characterize its design, construc third reservoir to separate the water from the sedimented
tion, and operation. Herein, we will also relate to an anaerobic algae.
treatment process of residual waters that employs said biore
actOr. 0008. The U.S. Pat. No. 4,267,038 document presents a
system of residual water purification, which includes the step
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION of elimination of Solids like sludge, the digestion of said
sludge, and the Subsequent remixing with residual water, then
0002. In recent years, a considerable number of treatment an anaerobic stage is applied where bacterial oxidation of
systems have been developed for the purification of residual organic wastes takes place. The next steps include the stabi
waters. Most of these systems require Sophisticated and lization of nutrients, nitrification, de-nitrification, and
costly equipment to guarantee the satisfactory operation of re-aeration, followed by the transference of the residual
the procedure. waters from the anaerobic tanks to one or more tanks con
0003. Also, the impact of organic wastes dumped into a taining algae or aerobic bacteria. The treated residual water is
water stream can be measured through the dissolved oxygen, sent to multiple tanks including the recycling of the flow
along with the nitrogen-ammonium, chemical oxygen current to the aerobic oranaerobic tanks indicated previously,
demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD). In the concomitantly with the separation of the algae used.
aerobic treatment of residual waters, i.e., the treatment in 0009 U.S. Pat. No. 5,447,850 presents a method to obtain
which there is a strong increase in oxygen Supply via irriga methane from the treatment of residual waters. The method
tion of Solid Surfaces, by agitation or simultaneous agitation includes the use of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms,
and aeration, to assure that growth of the microorganisms that which are inoculated in the residual water, the flow current is
will degrade the organic matter contained in the waste water fermented with said organisms and the methane produced is
and their activity grow proportionally to the rate of aeration. conveniently removed.
Aerobic digestion is a bacterial process in which bacteria 0010 U.S. Pat. No. 5,744,041 reveals a method for reduc
consume organic matter and convert it to carbon dioxide in ing BODs in waste material that includes a high concentration
the presence of oxygen. Once there is a lack of organic matter, of organic wastes. The method includes the steps to obtain
the bacteria die and are used as aliment by other bacteria; the two fractions of the residual water in a liquid fraction that
reduction of Solids also occurs in this phase and because includes water and waste organic matter, thereafter a portion
aerobic digestion happens much faster, the capital costs of of said waste organic matteranaerobically digested by micro
this process can be much lower depending on the scale of the organisms present in the wastes. Then comes the removal of
project. a portion of the liquid fraction that has a reduced BODs in
0004. However, the exploitation costs are much higher for relation to the BODs from waste material; said portion that
aerobic digestion given the energetic costs necessary to add has been removed is then mixed with aerobic microorganisms
oxygen to the process. and air is injected. A portion of the waste material that has
0005 Conversely, anaerobic treatment is a bacterial pro been digested by aerobic microorganisms is allowed to form
cess carried out in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic diges liquor that includes water and Suspended solids. Afterwards,
tion generates biogas, which contains a high proportion of a portion of the Suspended solids is sedimented, permitting
methane that can be used fuel. Generating this fuel is a domi the formation of clarified liquor with a reduced BODs with
nating advantage for this anaerobic process. Its disadvantage respect to the BODs of the liquor. The clarified liquor is
is the time needed for the process, which in some instances subjected to bacterial treatment to obtain a permeate with a
may take several days, but nevertheless, the capital costs may reduced BODs with respect to the clarified liquid. As a final
be than those for the aerobic treatment. stage, at least a portion of the permeate is discharged or
0006 When residual waters with a reasonably high reused.
organic load are kept in the pond for several days, anaerobic 0011. In spite of the existence of the previously discussed,
sediment is accumulated at the base of the pond. In an uncov there is still a need to furnish a reactor and a process to carry
ered pond, the activity of anaerobic digestion is conducted at out an anaerobic treatment in residual waters, which provides
the base or bottom of the pond, while the activity near the an efficient solution in aspects related to the optimization of
surface tends to be aerobic facultative. These ponds may be mix processes between the biomass and the Substrate, the
shut to air with a floating cover to improve the activity of devices employed for the retention of the biomass, and the
anaerobic digestion through excluding air, permitting the col separation and recovery of such. With the solution proposed
lection of biogas fuel, and reducing the effect of the odor by the current invention, the conversion is achieved from a
coming from the anaerobic activity. Generally, these ponds low-rate traditional system like the conventional anaerobic
may take residual waters from BOD values between 400 and pond to a more compact and efficient system that additionally
5000 g/m with time of retention between 4 and 7 days. The permits recovery of clean energy in the form of biogas. An
anaerobic process is mostly self-propelled and the only initial important characteristic maintained in the high-rate bioreac
mechanical action required is that of supplying the pond with tor, HRAPB, is its simple operation and maintenance, which
residual waters and forcing its exit toward a drain by overflow. are reflected in low operational costs, making an HRAPB unit
US 2011/0272.347 A1 Nov. 10, 2011

Sustainable in the vast majority of minor municipalities and characterized by particles or bio-floccules constituted by a
Small communities in rural sectors throughout the world. diverse and active population of microorganisms from bacte
ria and archae domains. The dimensions or design of this
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS chamber is a direct function of the type of residual water to be
(0012 FIG. 1 represents the efficiency of COD, and COD, treated, the quantity of Such, and the environmental tempera
removal in function of HRT (h) for an anaerobic pond reactor ture of the treatment Zone. The depth of this chamber can vary
with horizontal baffle (HBAP). between 4 and 6 m, and its volume can be calculated with
(0013 FIG. 2 represents the efficiency of COD, and COD, Volumetric organic loads that range between 0.8-1.5 Kg
removal in function of HRT (h) for an HRAPB reactor of the BOD mid-'.
invention with a built-in mix pond (MPAP). 0021. The second component is a transition Zone between
the mix chamber and the sedimentation Zone. Said Zone is
(0014 FIG.3 represents the efficiency of COD, and COD, located directly afterward and on the upper part of the mix
removal in function of HRT (h) for a conventional anaerobic
pond reactor. chamber. It is constituted by semi-permeable barriers, which
permit changing the gradual direction of the fluid coming in
OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION Vertical direction and upon crossing the permeable barriers,
changes its direction to horizontal. Said barriers also offer a
0015 The object of the invention is related to a high-rate means of Support for adhered biomass growth, which aside
anaerobic pond bioreactor (HRAPB) as an improved process from furnishing additional treatment to the water exiting the
unit for the treatment of biodegradable residual waters, which mix chamber, also permits intercepting the particles or bio
permits converting a low-rate traditional system like the floccules trying to escape the mix chamber, returning them to
anaerobic pond into a compact and efficient system that per active reaction Zone. The combined action of the mix cham
mits recovery of clean energy in the form of biogas; also ber and the transition Zone is constituted in the active mecha
furnished is a process for anaerobic treatment of residual nism of biomass retention of a HRAPB bioreactor, and this is
waters, which employs said bioreactor. what defines its characteristic as a high-rate reactor known in
0016. Additionally, another object of the current invention the state of the technique.
is the optimization of the mix and contact processes between 0022. The third component is a biogas collection structure
the biomass and the Substrate to increase the conversion per found ahead and in the upper part of the transition Zone. This
formance of the process. structure that gathers the biogas produced in the mix chamber
0017. Another object of the current invention is the imple is projected in modular form or through compartments,
mentation of a system of retention of the active biomass for whose size and quantity depend on the Surface area of the mix
the bioreactor to diminish its operational losses over time. chamber of the HRAPB unit. Diverse geometric shapes can
0018 Particularly, another object of the current invention be used for such; these include domes, spherical or elliptic
is to provide a process of biomass separation through caps, or pyramid or conic bells. The materials used for this
improved sedimentation in horizontal laminar flow. structure are also diverse but these should be corrosion resis
tant and preferably light for the removal, maintenance, clean
ing, and adequate repair of the respective collection bells.
0019. The high-rate anaerobic pond bioreactor (HRAPB) Said collecting structure as a component of the HRAPB
corresponds to an optimization of the conventional anaerobic bioreactor is fundamental for the adequate management of
pond. Through the current invention an increase is obtained in the possible greenhouse gases from the anaerobic biological
the treatment efficiency of biodegradable residual waters, degradation of organic matter. The design, construction, and
measurement established as the percentage of biodegradable adequate operation of this component in a HRAPB, gives this
organic matter eliminated from the liquid phase entering the technology an ecological and innovative character, and turns
bioreactor per unit of time. Through this manner, a cleaner into an alternative that contributes to the mitigation of climate
liquid effluent is obtained at the output of the HRAPB biore change via improved treatment of liquid wastes of anthropic
actor, but also because of the active retention of the biomass, origin.
stabilization is accomplished of the bio-solids, thus reaching (0023 The fourth component of the HRAPB unit is an
what is known as advanced primary treatment of residual uncovered sedimentation Zone. Once the water flows hori
water and the bio-solid produced in the HRAPB bioreactor. Zontally through the transition Zone and through the semi
The latter is a typical characteristic of high-rate anaerobic permeable membranes, it continues in the same flow direction
reactors; improvement is reached with the solution provided along the sedimentation Zone. This Zone is characterized by
with the HRAPB reactor is the conversion from a low-rate low depth varying between 1.0 and 1.5 m; the water has
traditional system like the conventional anaerobic pond to a horizontal velocities in orders of magnitude of 1.0x10 m.s.
more compact and efficient system that additionally permits 1. Due to this, a laminar flow regime is produced character
recovery of clean energy in the form of biogas (i.e., Methane, ized by very low velocities and in a horizontal sense, which
CH), allows for improved sedimentation. This is also the most
0020. The HRAPB bioreactor, as an improved process notable difference of a HRAPB reactor in comparison with
unit, has four main components that characterize its design, other more traditional high-rate anaerobic systems like the
construction, and operation. The first component is a mix UASB or RAFP reactors. This Zone of the bioreactor is not
chamber, which is the structure that receives the raw residual covered because vast majority of the biogas has already been
water coming from the preliminary treatment. In this unit, recovered in the collector structure for said purpose.
through a vertical flow of the water, the necessary kinetic 0024. There are other complementary components that
energy is guaranteed to produce Sufficient mix and close guarantee the operation of the HRAPB bioreactor; among
contact between Substrate and biomass. Thus, a very active others, there are the devices of input and distribution of
biological bed is developed in this structure; such bed is residual water, the device to purge bio-solids, the beds for
US 2011/0272.347 A1 Nov. 10, 2011

bio-solid drying, bio-filters for purifying the biogas collected, The concentration of the tracer in the effluent was monitored
and the system for combustion or exploitation of the biogas. during the sampling for a period equal to three times the
Each of these components is designed and constructed in theoretical hydraulic retention time (HRT). A tracer pulse (1
function of the amount and quality of the residual water to be L solution containing 261 g LiCl42.47 g Li'l) was applied to
treated in the HRAPB. Likewise, the construction materials the input flow of each anaerobic reactor, assuring that the
for these components are specified in function of the corro point of application were the same for each test.
siveness of the water and of the biogas generated in the mix 0029. The LiC1 solution was prepared the day before the
chamber. test run to allow total cool down of such due to its exothermal
0025. The treatment process of residual waters in the behavior. A total of 60 samples per reactor effluent per test run
HRAPB bioreactor reaches efficiency of elimination of were obtained to elaborate the resistance time distribution
organic matter in the liquid phase in the order of 70+5%, (RTD) curves, based on the tracer experimental curves. Con
measured as BODs. For solid matter found in the entering trol samples of untreated residual waters and sludge from the
residual water, the HRAPB unit can reach elimination in the reactors were taken to establish the initial or bottom concen
order of 75+5%, measured as the separation of total suspen tration of Li' and the adsorption of such on the bio-solids. The
sion solids (TSS). The collection and treatment of the biogas Li concentrations were determined by atomic absorption in
generated can reach a CH recovery in the order of 80%. For a Perkin Elmer S100PC spectrophotometer, method of air
the bio-solids, the production is low requiring only one evacu acetylene flame at 670.80 nm with a detection limit of +0.01
ation of this material per month, depending on the contents of mg/l.
the organic matter present in the raw water. 0030 Each reactor was sown with a content of bio-solids
0026. The following experiments were developed to equivalent to 5% of its total volume. The samples from
evaluate the hydrodynamic behavior (Experiment 1) and the untreated residual waters and from the effluents were taken
performance of the process (Experiment 2) in the reactor of daily from 07:00h to 19:00h during the test runs of dispersion
the current invention as compared to conventional reactors. studies. According to the experimental design, 21 COD deter
The experimental reactors received residual water previously minations were carried out along with 12 from TSS and 12
treated to remove thick solids and fats. The arrangement of from sedimentable solids in the input flow and the effluent per
the entry and exit pipes and the geometric shape of the reac run, additional to the determination for temperature and pH.
tors were designed according to recommendations from tech
nical literature (Mara, D.D., Alabaster, G. P. Pearson, H. W. TABLE 1
and Mills, S.W. Waste Stabilisation Ponds. A Design Manual
for Eastern Africa. Lagoon Technology International. Leeds, Summary of operational variables obtained from the different reactors
England, 1992: PROSAB. Domestic Wastewater Treatment HRAPB with
by Anaerobic Processes and Controlled Disposal on Soil. J. HBAP MPAP CAP
R. Campos (ed.), PROSAB, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999).
Example 1 (1/s) (h) (1/s) HRT, (h) (1/s) HRT, (h) W.
1.O 25 570 10 29 373 1.0 23 470
0027 Experiment 1 evaluated a horizontal baffle anaero 1.2 21 6O1 1.2 24 526 1.2 19 751
bic pond (HBAP) reactor, an HRAPB reactor of the invention 1.5 16 847 1.5 19 751. 1.5 15 842
with a built-in mix pond (MPAP) and a conventional anaero 2.0 12 902 2.0 14 968 2.0 11 1232
bic pond (CAP) reactor. The HBAP reactor presents to baffles Qr = Rate of flow applied to the reactor;
placed at L/3 and 2L/3. A flow-free space (0.80 m widex 1.70 =Volumetric organic load expressed ing COD/md;
m high) was left at the end of each horizontalbaffle to permit HRT = Theoretical hydraulic retention time.
water flow at the turn points. The HRAPB reactor equipped
with MPAP was outfitted with a water input at the bottom
followed by vertical flow through a reaction chamber. The TABLE 2
residual water was fed by a multiple manifold type distribu Summary of hydrodynamic parameters obtained
tion system. Hence, the density resulting at the feed points from the different reactors
(surface area of 8.8 m) was 2.9 m/point of entry. Once the
residual water flows through the reaction chamber and is HRAPB with
mixed with the biomass in the HRAPB reactor with MPAP, it HBAP MPAP CAP
travels horizontally through an undisturbed sedimentation HRT HRT HRT
Zone toward the exit. The transition Zone between the mix (h) O2 A (h) O2 A (h) X2 A
chamber and the sedimentation Zone was elaborated with an
arrangement of four permeable screens constituted by Syn 22 O.4298 0.304 29 O.400S 0.273 23 O.S412 0.454
21 O.S.047 O.398 24 O.4257 0.299 19 O.6446 0.672
thetic high-density polyethylene nets placed in the following 13 O.4333 O.308 19 O.4352 O.309 15 0.6344 0.645
configuration: the first and second screens have a mesh with 11 O.1263 0.334 14 O.43O4 O.304 11 O.5294 O.435
25-mm diameter hexagonal holes; while, the third and fourth HRT = Theoretical hydraulic retention time;
screens have a mesh with 19-mm diameter hexagonal holes. o?= Variance of the RTD curve;
The experiment was statistically designed with a comparative 8 = Number of dispersion
two-factor experiment, where the factors varied were the rate
of hydraulic load (1.0, 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0 Ws) and the mix
device inside the pond (HBAP, HRAPB with MPAP and Example 2
0028. To conduct dispersion studies, a tracing solution 0031 Experiment 2 evaluated the process performance for
was used for each combination of mix device and flow rate. the HBAPHRAPB reactor with MPAP and CAP in stationary
US 2011/0272.347 A1 Nov. 10, 2011

state for 22 weeks with three different rates of hydraulic load removal occurs in a MPAP reactor (77-79%), followed by the
according to the design presented in Table 3. HBAP reactor (65-51%), and finally in the conventional reac
tor (67-49%).
TABLE 3 0038 Hydrodynamic improvement and the increase in the
Design of the experiment for the evaluation of process performance in
contact pattern along with greater retention of biomass
stationary state for HBAP, HRAPB reactors with MPAP and CAP. explain the increase in efficiency in COD, removal found in
the HRAPB reactor with MPAP (50-78%), compared to
Configuration of the Applied flow Monitoring 41-44% with the HBAP reactor, and 44-53% with the con
reactor rates (1/s) HRT (h) period (weeks) ventional reactor (CAP).
HBAP 24.6, 18.912.3 6 0039. Although the current invention has been described
MPAP 6 with the preferred realizations shown, it remains understood
CAP 6 that the modifications and variations that conserve the spirit
and reach of this invention are understood within the reach of
0032. The response to each rate of applied hydraulic load the attached claims.
was evaluated for six weeks in stationary state, which was 1-17. (canceled)
previously established in a two-week period. 18. A bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds (HRAPB)
0033 Combined 12-h samples were taken in untreated as an improved process unit for treatment of biodegradable
waters and in the effluents from the reactors once per week, on residual waters which comprises:
the same day each week. The flow data were recorded each a) A mix chamber, which is a structure to receive raw
hour in each input flow on the day of the sampling. The flow residual water.
rates of the effluent were measured volumetrically once per b) A transition Zone between said mix chamber and a
week to check water loss by evaporation. Determinations sedimentation Zone.
were made on pH, temperature, REDOX potential, volatile
fatty acids (VFA), SO, alkalinity, filtered COD, total COD, c) A structure to collect biogas, which follows in location
TSS, suspended volatile solids (SVS), fecal coliforms, E. and on the upper part of said transition Zone.
coli, and helminth eggs. The samples of bio-solids were taken d) An improved sedimentation Zone.
from the bottom of the reactor by using an electric peristaltic 19. The bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds (HRAPB)
pump: Dayton-AC Gear 5K940D. as an improved process unit for treatment of biodegradable
residual waters according to claim 18 wherein said mix cham
TABLE 4 ber is outfitted with an active anaerobic biological bed.
20. The bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds (HRAPB)
Operational variables applied to the reactors during the as an improved process unit for treatment of biodegradable
operation in stationary state. residual waters according to claim 18 wherein said mix cham
HRAPB with ber has a depth between 4 and 6 m.
HBAP MPAP CAP 21. The bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds (HRAPB)
as an improved process unit for treatment of biodegradable
Qr Qr Qr HRT, residual waters according to claim 18 wherein said transition
(1/s) HRT, (h) , (1/s) HRT, (h) . (1/s) (h) , Zone has a plurality of semi-permeable barriers, capable of
1.O 24.5 S84 1.0 26.0 SS1 1.O 253 S66 changing the sense of flow of the incoming liquid without
1.3 18.2 791 1.3 19.0 758 1.3 17.9 800 introducing unwanted turbulence.
2.O 12.3 11S1 2.0 12.6 1124 2.O. 12.6 1124
22. The bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds (HRAPB)
Qr = Flow rate applied to the reactor; as an improved process unit for treatment of biodegradable
= Volumetric organic load expressed ing COD/mid, residual waters according to claim 21 wherein said semi
HRT = Theoretical hydraulic retention time. permeable barriers provide a means of support for the adhered
0034. The BOD (wV) rate of volumetric organic load growth of the biomass.
applied to each of the reactors at the last stage (Q, 2.01/s) was 23. The bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds (HRAPB)
780, 762, and 762g BOD/mid' for HBAP MPAP, and AP, as an improved process unit for treatment of biodegradable
respectively. residual waters according to claim 18 wherein said collecting
(0035) The efficiency of COD, and COD, elimination for structure of biogas presents a modular structure or compart
each of the HBAPHRAPB reactors with MPAP and CAP are ments, which is flexible in its design and construction.
presented in FIGS. 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The figures 24. The bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds (HRAPB)
illustrate the percentage of experimental COD, and COD, as an improved process unit for treatment of biodegradable
elimination in function of the HRT (h) compared to the com residual waters according to claim 18 wherein said sedimen
pletely stirred tank reactor (CSTR) polynomial and the model tation Zone has a depth between 1.0 and 1.5 m.
by Wehner & Wilhelm. 25. A process to treat biodegradable residual waters using
0036 FIGS. 1, 2, and 3 show the degree of dispersion of the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, char
experimental data when compared to the theoretical lines of acterized because it comprises the following stages:
the CSTR and Wehner and Wilhelm dispersion models. The a) Placing into contact the entering residual water or Sub
data dispersion is greater in the HBAP and CAP, especially in strate with the active biological bed within a mix cham
the elimination of COD, in contrast, the MPAPreactor shows ber.
a behavior close to that of the CSRT model for COD, and b) Translating the residual water to a transition Zone where
COD, it is possible to carry out a change in flow direction of the
0037. The results of evaluation of process performance in water without appreciatively disturbing its kinetic
stationary state show that the greatest efficiency in COD, energy.
US 2011/0272.347 A1 Nov. 10, 2011

c) Sedimenting the residual water from the transition Zone 35. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
in an improved sedimentation Zone with low horizontal using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
Velocities and flow in laminar regime. according to claim 25 wherein said stage a) the flow of
26. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters residual water is vertical, producing mix due to the kinetic
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, energy of the fluid to place in close contact the residual water
according to claim 18 wherein said stage a) the flow of and the biomass.
residual water is vertical, producing mix due to the kinetic 36. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
energy of the fluid to place in close contact the residual water using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
and the biomass. according to claim 25 wherein said stage a) the Volumetric
27. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters organic load is between 0.8 and 1.5 kg BODs mid'.
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, 37. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
according to claim 18 wherein said stage a) the Volumetric using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
organic load is between 0.8 and 1.5 kg BODs mid'. according to claim 25 wherein said stage a) the input flow of
28. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters residual water in Vertical sense is gradually changed to hori
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, Zontal flow.
according to claim 18 wherein said stage a) the input flow of 38. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
residual water in Vertical sense is gradually changed to hori using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
Zontal flow. according to claim 25 wherein said stage b) interception is
29. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters carried out of the flocculent biomass, which is returned to the
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, mix Zone ina).
according to claim 18 wherein said stage b) interception is 39. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
carried out of the flocculent biomass, which is returned to the using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
mix Zone ina). according to claim 25 wherein said stage c) the Velocity of
30. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters horizontal flow of residual water has a value close to 1.0x10
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, m.s'.
according to claim 18 wherein said stage c) the Velocity of
horizontal flow of residual water has a value close to 1.0x10 40. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
m.s'. using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
31. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters according to claim 25 wherein said stage c) there is laminar
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, flow during the whole process, contributing to the high effi
according to claim 18 wherein said stage c) there is laminar ciency of the sedimentation operation.
flow during the whole process, contributing to the high effi 41. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
ciency of the sedimentation operation. using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
32. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters according to claim 25 wherein said elimination of organic
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, matter in the liquid phase is between 65% and 75% measured
according to claim 18 wherein said elimination of organic as BODs.
matter in the liquid phase is between 65% and 75% measured 42. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
as BODs. using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
33. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters according to claim 25 wherein it eliminates between 70% and
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, 80% of the solid suspended material present in incoming
according to claim 18 wherein it eliminates between 70% and residual water, measured as TSS (total suspended solids).
80% of the solid suspended material present in incoming 43. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters
residual water, measured as TSS (total suspended solids). using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB,
34. The process to treat biodegradable residual waters according to claim 25 wherein said recovery of methane gas
using the bioreactor for high-rate anaerobic ponds, HRAPB, from the process is in the order of 80%.
according to claim 18 wherein said recovery of methane gas
c c c c c
from the process is in the order of 80%.

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