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Subject Students’ data Date

Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020

Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

Task. Critical literacy and critical thinking in the

EFL classroom


▶ Revising the contents of this unit.

▶ Reflecting upon the concepts of critical literacy and critical thinking.
▶ Creating activities to promote intercultural understanding using critical literacy
and critical thinking skills.


Choose a text about any topic suitable to work intercultural understanding in the
EFL classroom. This can be a tale, a legend or an article. Then, develop a lesson for a
suitable educative level where you work critical literacy following Janks’ (2014a)
guidelines for working critical literacy in the classroom, and critical thinking
following the phases described by Crawford, Saul, Mathews and Makinster (2005).

Your task must include:

▶ A brief description of the target group: level, language level, number of students
and special needs if any.
▶ Length of time for the activity/activities.
▶ Materials used (include appendixes if necessary).

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

▶ Classroom arrangement.
▶ Detailed lesson’s procedure: explain all the steps you will follow, how you would
present the activities, what you will do and say, what you expect your students
to do, and their possible outcomes.

Assessment criteria

▶ Originality. You can use external material from books, journals or the Internet,
but not the activities (remember you must include references if you use external
material. Use APA).
▶ Detail. Explain the procedure carefully.
▶ Adjustment to the objectives and methodology.
▶ Cohesion and coherence. Present a tidy document with justified margins, same
font and coherence among parts.
▶ Major grammar and sense mistakes will be considered.


Task Description Maximum score %

Criterion 1 The task fulfils all the objectives and 4 40 %

follows the methodology.
Criterion 2 The task presents original ideas. 2 20 %
Criterion 3 The task is well supported by 2 20 %
additional material.
Criterion 4 The task shows cohesion and 2 20 %
10 100

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

Maximum length: 10 pages (with a minimum recommended of 4), font Calibri 12

and 1.5 line spacing.

▶ A brief description of the target group: level, language level, number of students
and special needs if any.
The following lesson plan in which learners will use critical literacy and critically
thinking in order to achieve greater understanding on the intercultural topic of
xenophobic and discrimination through the song Glory that is going to be
developed with students who are in the eleventh grade, whose average age is 16
years old. There are fifteen students, ten of them have B1 level and the other
five have and A2. All of them understand different kinds of readings that have a
low or an intermediate level, which is one of the reasons why the class is going to
work on the lyrics of the song. Later, when learners have understood the song
they will listen and watch the song’s video in order to give them a bigger context
of the song writer.
The following lesson plan will be developed in order to fight against segregations
situations that have been developed inside the school against learners who
belong to minority groups (indigenous Colombians and afro Colombians) who
have come from different places in Colombia where they have been displaced.
The main objective is that the eleventh graders will be aware of the segregation
situations that they have happened in the world, in different cultures, in the own
country and in their own school; in this way, they will encourage great promotion
against these relations of power where a race is over another and where they
can promote diversity.
Length of time for the activity/activities.
The lesson plan will be developed in three classes of one hour.

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

During the first session the learners and the teacher will build and share their
background on xenophobic and segregation in Colombia. In order to achieve
this, the learners before the first lesson will watch a video where is shown
xenophobic cases in Colombia. Later on the first class it will be discussed. I
addition, they will share discussion about racism in other countries, too.
During the second session the learners will read the Glory lyrics’ song, during
this process they will develop different discussions in different groups in order to
sizing up assumptions about what the lyrics say literally, with the intention of
drawing inferences about what the song writer says and what he does not say;
moreover, in order to achieve this, it will be and individually and an group job,
where discussion between peers will be develop constantly because through
interactions learners will be think together and they will be able to learn from
each other.
During the last session by groups the learners will redesign the message of the
song through different kind of texts; advertisement and sketch, in which they can
share their understood on the text in order to promote in the school the respect
on other racers and the fight against all kind of segregations.

▶ Materials used (include appendixes if necessary).

In order to achieve the main objective of this lesson plan; to be aware of
relations of powers between races and learning how to face them, through
developing a critical reading of the song lyrics Glory. Learners will use different
material such as the “song Lyric”, which is on the appendix. Also in order to build
a background on segregation, injustices because of the people's race and
segregation situation students will watch videos about different cases around
the world. A well, in order to achieve a greater understanding of the lyrics of the
song the learners will watch the video of the song.
▶ Classroom arrangement.

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

In order to achieve a constantly discussion on the topic that is on the back of the
song’s lyrics Glory; xenophobic and segregations, learners will work in small
groups and also they will work as a class together. The class will be divided in five
groups; in each group will have two students who have a B1 level and one that
has an A2 level. There will be working in groups but there will be other activities
where the whole group will work together in order to the discussion will be
greater, where the whole students can share their point of views about the
author intention with this song.

▶ Detailed lesson’s procedure: explain all the steps you will follow, how you would
present the activities, what you will do and say, what you expect your students
to do, and their possible outcomes.
In order to develop and to improve the anticipation phase where the teachers
will prepare the students to focus on the segregation topic through the song.
Before the first lesson, they will watch the video Top 5 Racist Acts in Colombia,
which is on YouTube (it will be a previous activity) moreover the learners must
unmute the video because it is Spanish but it has English subtitles. They will be
able to watch the video as many times as possible as they have understood
clearly. They will take notes in order to improve their understanding and when
the first lesson will be developing they can introduce their ideas and point views
First session
During the first class the main idea is to develop the anticipation phase where it
will develop a conversation about the topic that is work on in the Lyrics. First, the
teacher will arrive in the classroom and greet the students. First, she will
organize them in a round table. First, they will work individually, they will take
out a piece of paper, they will write ideas about different concepts that the
teacher will copy on the board. Those concepts will be; race, injustice,

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

xenophobic and segregation. The learners must write a sentence where they
express their idea about the concept. This activity will take 10 minutes. Later, the
students will be organized by 5 groups; in which two students are in B1 level and
the other is in A1. Then, it is going to develop a discussion inside the groups in
which the learners give their opinion on those concepts and they will start
building a unique meaning on each concept. This will take another 10 minutes
During this process learners will introduce to their peers the conception and
misconception about these topics that they have about the xenophobic in
Colombian and other cultures.
Later, the teacher will ask to think about xenophobic cases and situations in
different countries; the main point of this discussion is that learners are able to
discuss the xenophobic using examples in different countries such as; the
apartheid in south Africa, different cases of xenophobic against Muslims, where
people assume that all Muslims are terrorists. Moreover, the current segregation
against the black people in the United States and of course the segregation
against black Colombian people and aboriginal Colombian groups.
After they have given the examples inside the groups the teacher will ask to give
reason about why this xenophobic that leads to segregation occurred. The
objective is that they can reflect about the situations and they realize that when
these situations occur is because people who discriminate show a lack of respect,
tolerance, love, and knowledge about other people, other cultures and other
races. This activity will take 10 minutes.
After this, inside the group the learners will develop a mind map in which they
will draw connections between the concepts that they have worked on during
the session inside each group. In order to draw it they will have 15 minutes, then
during the last 10 minutes they will be able to present the mind map to the class,
in this way the different groups will show, in this way the leaners will be able to
build a better concept of what is xenophobic, of course taking into account the

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

different kind of views of each student and each group. After this last activity the
session will end.
Before the class will end the teacher will introduce the song Glory, the learner
will see the lyrics and they will listen thee song. The teacher will play two times,
and as exit slip, they must answer about how did you feel when you listen the
song? they must write the answer in Padlet that is going to be send by the
Second Lesson
In the second lesson, there is going to develop a building knowledge phase,
where the learners will organize again by groups. The teacher will reorganize the
groups; each group will have the same characteristics that they had from the last
class. Two B1 learners with one A2 learner, but the groups will change. In this
way, the teacher will be promoting the values that are important that people
achieve when they are in a community or when they are with other cultures
(respectful, tolerance, love, etc.), especially in order to promote that learners are
diverse group and they must learn to interact between them respecting each
other. The teacher will give a copy of the song’s lyric Glory. And before they will
start reading the song, the teacher will ask the question
-What does glory mean to you?
Inside the groups each student will answer that question where possible answers
could be related with the presence of God in our lives, moreover they may be
related to the “word” glory in order to refer to a congratulation when a human
being has done a good for other people. Later, taking into account the title of
the song the teacher will ask the students
-what do you think that this song is about?
Possible answers can be; a religious song, but also as in the class the xenophobic
topic was worked they maybe assume that glory could be relate when people
achieve a change of mind against injustice, segregation a xenophobic in different

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

cultures and societies. This introductory activity will take just 10 minutes. Later,
the students will read the lyrics of the song, where the students develop a
process in which, first they will do a literal comprehension of the lyrics in order
to get explicit information about the story that tells the song, in order that
students can go on and do inferences taking into account what they have already
known about xenophobic and what the song says and what does not say. In
order to achieve that learners will be answering questions through the learning
process that will be around inside the group; they will answer the following
questions, the learners must read the questions before in order to take into
account while they are reading, in this way through the reading process of each
verse of stanza they will be able to answer the questions, and also to express
their opinions about what the song says and how is expressed. This activity will
take 15 minutes.
● To which war is the song referring?
● What will be the destiny of this fight?
● What is the end goal that this ethnic group is looking for?
● Give examples of how these people has fought this was against injustice.
● What do you think the song says “The fight is not over”?
● What kind of things has this group done in order to face injustice against
The main objective of this activity is that though a group discussion learners are
able to identify that the war that is referring the song is segregation against black
people: also they must identify that they are not happy with that situation, the they
are fighting, but not fighting with weapons, as it says in the song; these people can
to fight with their, ideas, with courage and actually promoting values and its says in
the song. As the same way the teacher will ask to the students:
-Can we see the same fight in Colombia, people who are fighting to be treated
equality, besides their race?

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

Probably, the learners will be able to do a comparison with the aboriginal people in
Colombia, who actually recently they have done marches through Colombia in order
to demand their rights, to not to be killed and the respectful the Colombia peace
deal, where they have been killed a lot Colombian people especially aboriginal and
black Colombian people. The end goal of this discussion is that learners can identify
the author’s point of view; segregation exists but, people who are segregate can do
a lot of things to fight against that segregation.
Later, after they have read the lyrics and they have answered the questions and
developed the preview discussion, the teacher will give them a brief explanation of
the segregation situation that is told in the song (Rosa sat in the bus and how they
faced it).
Then, in order to achieve inferences and to understand better the lyrics the learners
will watch the video of the song, which also shows what is told in the song. They will
watch the video and then they will discuss the following pints. This discussion will
take another 15 minutes.
● Against which race is shown the segregations?
● What kind of violence can you see on the video?
● Which attitudes can you see from the white people?
● Which attitudes can you see from the black people?
● What do you think is the main goal of the black people who are fighting?
● Which connection you can find between the lyrics and video?
Later, the different groups will join into a big discussion with the whole group in
order to make inferences that convey the meaning of the video with lyrics song that
actually is showing the segregation that it has developed though the American
history , but through the questions that learners have answers they must find out
that the different kind of situations that black people have faced in the United
states an even during a long of year the black people had not done anything in the
United states, they tired and that is the reason what they stated fighting and against

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

all of those injustices, an even the fight is not over they will continue until they can
achieve that glory where everyone in treated in the same way.
The idea is that when they are discussing their point of views they can find out the
author’s message. As well, when learners have found out, the teacher will ask to
think if these kinds of situations also happened against the African Colombians?
Obviously, that they will say yes, but they may say that the problem it would not be
as bad as is in the United states, because when a black person in the USA is killed by
a police or discriminate by white people, different groups do protests but in
Colombia it does happened in the same way, Colombia people say that is injustice,
maybe the so some claims in social media, but nothing else happened. In addition,
the cases in Colombia are covered and in some many cases the audience do not that
happened. Other learners could say that in Colombia the African Colombians cover
and live in different territories that the other races; probably learners must say that
most of African Colombians live in Choco, and the Atlantic coast; which it could be
another way to discriminate because there are not take into account that a lot of
black people live in big cities.
Finally, the teacher will ask to the students according to the song:
-what do you think that is the best way to achieve that everyone is treated
in the same way?
Every group must participate and find out that if a group want to achieve that, they
must fight, but it would be peaceful, it this way it would teach to the whole
population that at the end everyone can live together but respecting the different
cultures, beliefs, point of view and not discriminating because the colour of the skin;
because at the end everyone are human beings, which is the main objective at the
lesson plan. This group discussion will take 15 minutes. Before the class end,
leaners will create a short message (sentences) where they express that
discrimination is bad for all of us. E.g. When you discriminate against someone else

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

you are losing the opportunity to learn about him. These learner’s quotes will be
paste it on the on the classroom. They will have 5 minutes to do this activity.
Third lesson
During the last session, there will occur a consolidation phase where learners have
learned from the song and have learnt about injustices that people have faced
through history just for his/her skin colour. In order to develop a big discussion
group, the teacher will organize the students in a round table. And she/he will be
asking the following questions in order to facilitate the discussion where they must
show a reflection on the topic song; discrimination and how to fight against it. This
discussion will be developed in 15 minutes.
● How do you feel if you were a black people and have to face any kind of
● If you see that someone is discriminating against another person because of
their race, will you interfere? How will you do it?
● How will you promote the respect with other races in your own community?
After this discussion the learners will be organized again by threesomes. They will
prepare and sketch in which they show a discrimination case, but they also must
show a solution but each case, they will have 15 minutes to prepare, the sketch
must be short. A possible sketch can show a black person who is wants to enter into
his apartment, but appears a neighbour who does not him/her and think that
he/she is thieve because is black person and start to insult; then appear another
neighbour appears and speaks with both, and promote the respect between the
two races. Later after they have prepared their sketches, they will show them to the
class. They will have another 15 minutes to present the sketches to the class. As a
final activity, the learners will work in groups again and prepare an advertisement in
order to promote the respect of other races in the schools. The advertisement must
have a slogan, a picture and a message. Learners will have 20 minutes to prepare.

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

They will show the proposal to their teacher. Then, the next day they will paste it in
different places in the school.


(with Common)
(from "Selma" soundtrack)

[John Legend:]
One day when the glory comes
It will be ours, it will be ours
One day when the war is won
We will be sure, we will be sure
Oh glory

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

Glory, glory
Oh, glory, glory

Hands to the Heavens, no man, no weapon
Formed against, yes glory is destined
Every day women and men become legends
Sins that go against our skin become blessings
The movement is a rhythm to us
Freedom is like religion to us
Justice is juxtapositionin' us
Justice for all just ain't specific enough
One son died, his spirit is revisitin' us
True and livin' livin' in us, resistance is us
That's why Rosa sat on the bus
That's why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up
When it go down we woman and man up
They say, "Stay down", and we stand up
Shots, we on the ground, the camera panned up
King pointed to the mountain top and we ran up

[John Legend:]
One day when the glory comes
It will be ours, it will be ours
One day when the war is won
We will be sure, we will be sure
Oh glory
Glory, glory

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

Oh, glory, glory

Now the war is not over, victory isn't won

And we'll fight on to the finish, then when it's all done
We'll cry glory, oh glory
We'll cry glory, oh glory

Selma is now for every man, woman and child
Even Jesus got his crown in front of a crowd
They marched with the torch, we gon' run with it now
Never look back, we done gone hundreds of miles
From dark roads he rose, to become a hero
Facin' the league of justice, his power was the people
Enemy is lethal, a king became regal
Saw the face of Jim Crow under a bald eagle
The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful
We sing, our music is the cuts that we bleed through
Somewhere in the dream we had an epiphany
Now we right the wrongs in history
No one can win the war individually
It takes the wisdom of the elders and young people's energy
Welcome to the story we call victory
The comin' of the Lord, my eyes have seen the glory

[John Legend:]
One day when the glory comes
It will be ours, it will be ours

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

One day when the war is won

We will be sure, we will be sure
Oh glory
Glory, glory
Oh, glory, glory
Oh, glory, glory
Hey, glory, hey, glory

[John Legend:]
When the war is won
When it's all said and done
We'll cry glory, oh glory

Top 5 - racist acts in Colombia

Video: song Glory

Unit 6. Exercises
Subject Students’ data Date
Intercultural Surname: Zuñiga Patiño 16/11/2020
Communication and Name: Natalia
Language Teaching

Glory lyrics. (2020). Recuperado 16 de noviembre de 2020, de azlyrics website:
Paramount Pictures. Selma Movie - Glory Lyric Video. Recuperado:
Rincón afrolatino. Top 5 Racist Acts in Colombia. Recuperado:

Unit 6. Exercises

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