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Tourist maps – definition, types and contents

Article  in  Polish Cartographical Review · May 2017

DOI: 10.1515/pcr-2017-0003


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2 authors:

Kacper Jancewicz Dorota Borowicz

University of Wroclaw University of Wroclaw


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Polish Cartographical Review
Vol. 49, 2017, no. 1
DOI: 10.1515/pcr-2017-0003
University of Wrocław, Institute of Geography and Regional Development
Department of Geomorphology
University of Wrocław, Institute of Geography and Regional Development
Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography

Tourist maps – definition, types and contents

Abstract. Tourist maps are one of the most common groups of cartographic documents. Their variety in
terms of content, subject matter and publication titles is a result of growing popularity of diverse forms of tourism
activity. The aim of the authors of this article is to demonstrate issues related to tourist maps, including their
variety in relation to contemporary forms of tourism. As tourist maps are constantly developing, the authors
decided to propose a classification of tourist maps which is adequate from the point of view of the types of
maps we currently distinguish. Taking into consideration the aim and type of tourism, the maps were divided
into the following sub-groups: maps for sightseeing tourism, qualified tourism, and other tourism, as well as
tourist city maps, and maps prepared for promotion and advertising of tourism. The first there categories were
further divided into more detailed sub-categories and each of them was described briefly in terms of its content.
The classification of maps based on their scales and form of content presentation was also included.
The authors attempted also to define the concept of “tourist map” itself. The authors defined it as a geographic
representation of an area presented on a plane, in accordance with specific mathematical rules, which should
include topographic contents, information about tourist attractions of a given area, its tourist and complementary
infrastructure, presented with the help of conventional signs, in a matter appropriate for the scale of the map
and its intended use.
Contributing to the discussion on the place of tourist map in the general classification of maps, the article
distinguishes not only general-geographic maps and thematic maps, but also orientation and navigation maps.
This terms covered tourist maps, road maps, and navigation maps: sailing, sea, aerial and city maps. They
consist a group of maps in which the functions they play determine their informational content and their form
of cartographic presentation. However, unlike on thematic maps, where the general geographic content is
merely a background for presentation of the theme-related phenomena, the geographic content is essential in
case of tourist maps. It is precisely the general geographic content which is primarily responsible for com-
municating information which is meant to be used for orientation and navigation purposes.
Keywords: tourism, tourist maps, orientation and navigation maps

1. Introduction number of people who use non-traditional (not

printed) forms of tourist maps has also been
Tourist maps are one of the most common growing steadily. The non-traditional forms in-
groups of cartographic documents. Their variety clude all kinds of digital maps published on-line
in terms of content, subject matter and publi- and maps created to be used on mobile devices,
cation titles is a result of growing popularity which allow for using electronic tourist maps
of diverse forms of tourism. Development of directly in the area they represent.
tourism is also driven by society’s growing Despite all the above-listed circumstances,
desire to travel and encounter new places and the issues related to tourist maps have not be-
cultures, which is in turn most often inspired by come the focus point for Polish scientific texts.
mass media. Tourist trips and holiday travel Particular attention was given to the tourist car-
became part of “lifestyle” of many people. The tography in 1970s and 1980s when the scien-
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2 Kacper Jancewicz, Dorota Borowicz

tific conferences focused on issues related to The subject of the research conducted for
unification of cartographic symbols, including this analysis consisted mostly of printed tourist
methods of content presentation, methods of maps, mainly because of their high number and
construction of map legends, interpretation of thus great variety in terms of content. Although
contents, the issue of adding maps to tourist tourist maps published in electronic form are
guides, importance of cartography in the de- increasingly popular, they only concern selected
velopment of tourism, and other (K. Trafas 1973; forms of tourism, so they are not as varied and
Konferencja naukowo-techniczna… 1979; Mapa the scope of their content does not differ funda-
turystyczna... 1986). Polish journals included mentally from that of printed maps. The form of
discussions concerning geographical solu- information presentation is different in the case
tions used in tourist city maps (J. Ostrowski, of electronic maps, as is the way such maps
W. Ostrowski 1975) and analyses of the scope are used. Their content can also change with
of contents of tourist maps (E. Nowak-Ferdhus the changing scale.
1980). Issues related to representation of
mountain areas were also discussed, and a new 2. Cartography on the issues
type of tourist maps was showcased – geologi- of contemporary tourism
cal and landscape maps (W.A. Wójcik 1996).
Simultaneously, outside Poland, special atten-
The concept of tourism has been present in
tion was paid to the issue of designing sym-
the public consciousness since eighteenth
bols for tourist maps (D. Forest, H.W. Castner
century. Despite the huge amount of civiliza-
1985; R. Gerber et al. 1990).
tion-related changes that have taken place
In Poland, a conference concerning tourist
since that time, its fundamental importance
maps was organised at the beginning of 21st
has remained unchanged. W. Hunziker defi-
century. The conference covered such topics
as, among other things, the variety of types and nes tourism as “the sum of the phenomena
content of tourist maps and different methods and relationships arising from the travel and
employed to visualise said content, as well as stay of non-residents, insofar as they do not
the issue of using maps for qualified tourism lead to permanent residence and are not con-
and the role of tourist maps on the Internet nected with any earning activity”, and this defi-
(K. Trafas et al. 2003). Another publication nition is nowadays considered to be the most
which is interesting in the context of this article complex take on tourism (J. Wyrzykowski, J. Ma-
is the overview of tourist map types and market rak 2010, p. 11). It should be also noted that
in Poland prepared by W. Kaprowski (2004) the number of factors which function as incen-
and the overview of issues related to cognitive tives for tourist trips is steadily growing. New
and educational functions of this type of maps types of tourism often go beyond the scope
written by K. Kałamucki (2005). A. Kowalczyk determined in the above-mentioned definition,
(2015) wrote also an article focusing on me- as they are connected with doing paid work
thodological and methodical issues related to while making use of the tourist infrastructure
tourist cartography which constitutes another at the same time (P. Różycki 2006). At the same
important overview of issues related to tourist time, its traditional variations also evolved
maps in general. dramatically, which is a consequence of a con-
The aim of this article is to present a com- temporary tendency to spend leisure time in
prehensive overview of issues related to tourist an active manner (S. Toczek-Werner 2004;
maps, taking into consideration their variety in W. Kurek 2007).
relation to contemporary forms of tourism. As Regardless of its internal specificity, tourism
tourist maps are constantly developing, the remains closely connected with geographical
authors decided to propose a classification of space, as it is the sphere within which all pro-
tourist maps which is adequate from the point cesses related to movements of people take
of view of the types of maps we currently dis­ place. Therefore, it draws from fields describing
tinguish. Another aim of the authors is to at- said space, in particular from natural and hi-
tempt to determine what a tourist map is and to storical sciences, which provide information
contribute to the discussion about the place of about tourist attractions of various areas around
tourist maps in the general classification of the globe. This knowledge is made available
maps. mostly through guidebooks and tourist infor-
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Tourist maps – definition, types and contents 3

mation. Access to information concerning the versity of these types of tourism. Their diversity
location of tourist points of interest (POI), results in corresponding maps, which are often
which can be more easily presented in graphical much different from one another when it comes
than descriptive form, is very important from the to content selection and graphic form. Conse-
point of view of smooth functioning of tourism. quently, their users are provided with good
There is a link between tourism and cartography orientation in the field and information on the
– a scientific discipline and a field of practical properties of strictly-defined types of tourist
activity which deals with the development, pro- infrastructure or a given area’s attractiveness
duction and use of maps (J. Pasławski 2010). in terms of tourism, which are considered in
Cartographic publications can deal with issues accordance with criteria determined by the type
related to tourism in a twofold way. The first of tourism.
group consists of so-called maps of tourism
(tourism-related services) which present spa-
tial differences between phenomena related to 3. Definition of the tourist map
tourist flows – a good example is a map which
shows “tourist attractiveness” of individual Euro- An attempt to establish a definition of the
pean countries (the attractiveness is measured tourist map is a logical consequence of deli-
on the basis of the number of tourists visiting berations on the essence of interactions of
individual countries within a given time period). cartography and tourism. Classical definitions
Maps of this kind are not directly used by tourists, define a map as a graphical model of reality
and their main users are researchers who ana- that presents it in a reduced, generalized, and
lyse tourism-related phenomena. mathematically defined manner, by means of
The second group consists of maps produced conventional signs. The map allows user to
and published to enable tourists to organize get to know this reality, to see the connections
their leisure time and to meet their recreational and relationships between its elements, and the
needs, in particular its active aspects. Said development of each map has its own specific
needs relate mostly to the information about purpose. The term “tourist map” should there-
attractiveness of a given area in terms of tourism, fore be compliant with all features of a map.
that is, information on the significance of its Meanwhile, as noted by K. Trafas (2003), “tourist
tourist attractions, its general accessibility and map” is to large extent a conventional term. As
the state of its development for tourist purposes emphasised by Trafas, not all publications which
(J. Wyrzykowski 2002); tourist maps are also are commonly referred to as tourist maps could
meant to enable orientation in the field. Hence, be classified as maps in accordance with its
there is a need for a particular type of informa- classic definition. Such publications include,
tion – determined by the preferred type of to-
for example, perspective drawings, panoramas,
urist activity. J. Wyrzykowski and J. Marak
cross-sections, or views or diagrams showing
(2010) distinguish between the following types
tourist routes. Even though they are indeed
of tourism:
graphical models of reality which were designed
• leisure tourism (aim – regeneration of phy-
sical and mental strength), for tourist purposes, they are not tourist maps.
• sightseeing tourism (aim – learning about A. Kajoch (1996) notes that the tourist map
the world and expanding one’s knowledge is used both for making plans concerning va-
about the world), rious tourism undertakings and for their imple-
• qualified tourism (aim – engaging in forms mentation. The term “tourist map” should not,
of tourism which require certain skills and however, be used to refer to all cartographic
appropriate equipment, for example, bicycle, works that meet the general definition of the
automotive, aviation, nautical, climbing, ski map and at the same time serve the tourist in
tourism, and more), exploration and getting to know the area, or
• business tourism (aim – travelling for pro- which are helpful to tourist when it comes to
fessional purposes), planning and travelling. If we did it, the term
• religious tourism (aim – participation in reli- would also cover general geographic maps,
gious events). which are posted on various map websites
There are even more detailed divisions within and allow potential visitors to determine their
this classification which refer to the internal di- travel route on-line.
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4 Kacper Jancewicz, Dorota Borowicz

An alternative solution for defining a tourist a map of religious sites or a map of camping
map is adoption of the content criterion. Such sites.
a solution was proposed by K. Kałamucki The content of the map is also determined
(2005, p. 66) who wrote that “only such a car- by its scale. When the scale is changed, the
tographic document can be classified as a tou­ number of objects which can be presented on
rist map whose material content (aside from the map changes too, because the map needs
topographic content) includes tourist informa- to remain clear and attractive in terms of its
tion on location and qualitative characteristics, graphic design. There is also a general depend­
or more rarely quantitative ones, as well as ency that the role of topographic elements
attractiveness for tourists, tourism infrastructure becomes greater when the scale of the map
and complementary infrastructure”. A similar increases (A. Kajoch 1973). The exposure of
definition of the tourist map was proposed earlier these elements depends on the type of the
by W. Kaprowski (1973) who emphasised the tourist map, which demonstrates how the
importance of not only the content of such a map, purpose of the map influences the choice of
but also its function – the map should allow for graphic solutions.
better orientation in the field. Elements of topographic content play a very
The proposed definition of the tourist map is important role on tourist maps, as they allow
therefore as follows: The tourist map constitu- map users for orientation in the field. The issue
tes a graphical representation of an area pre- of choosing this content and the method of its
sented on a plane, in accordance with specific graphic presentation was described by M. Rosz-
mathematical rules (which is meant to ensure czewska and W. Zalewski (2003). The correct
good orientation in the field, allow for obtaining representation of topographical relief is particu-
correct information about distances, etc.); such larly important for the map to be able to fulfil its
a map should include topographic contents, orientational function (W. Pawlak 1973), espe-
information about tourist attractions of a given cially in mountain areas. However, faithful and
area, its tourist and complementary infrastruc- clear representation of terrain is not easy. Com-
ture – presented by conventional signs, ap- bination of contour lines (or hypsometric tinting)
propriately for the scale of the map and its and shading methods is believed to be an opti-
intended use. mal solution. Contemporary tourist maps usually
reflect attempts to achieve a clear image of relief
by applying the above-mentioned methods.
4. The scope of the content of tourist The issue of land cover representation is
maps connected with its own set of problems. Tourist
maps represent the spatial variability of this
As noted by A. Kowalczyk (2015), tourist maps element in greatest possible detail, which is an
do not have clearly defined target audience. unquestionable advantage of such maps.
They can be used by people who have a lot of Methods of graphic presentation are usually
experience in tourism and map reading and analogous to the ones applied in topographic
people who have no such experience, people maps, but the qualitative generalization is used
with various education backgrounds, and tourists to a greater extent. Voices suggesting that the
who come from very different countries and scope of information about land cover should
cultures. No tourist map can meet the needs of be increased (K. Kałamucki 2003; M. Rosz-
all tourists who use it. The content of the tourist czewska, W. Zalewski 2003) seem to be justi-
map is the decisive factor for its usefulness, fied; for example in the case of differentiating
thus, the choice of content and presentation is between forest areas on the basis of their spe-
conditioned mainly on the purpose which the cies composition. Currently there is also a ten-
map is supposed to fulfil. The diversity of con- dency to introduce greater variety of built-up
tent and diversity of the audience is reflected, areas symbolization by differentiating between
among other things, in the large number of titles industrial areas, service facilities, as well as
of published printed tourist maps, for example, designation of object which due to their speci-
a geological tourist map, a nature-focused ficity function as landmarks (for example: te-
tourist map, a topographic tourist map, a map lecommunication masts or roadside shrines
of tourist attractions, a map of canoeing trails, which are commonly found in Poland).
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Tourist maps – definition, types and contents 5

Linear elements, that is waterway networks tion of the accommodation facilities, which
and transport networks, are presented on tourist makes it difficult to identify them, and results in
maps in a manner similar to that used for ge- chaos when it comes to terminology.
neral geographic maps. Waterway networks The scope of presentation of tourism infra-
are subject to slightly stronger generalization, structure depends on the type of tourist map.
with the exception of maps meant to be used On general maps, it usually boils down to de-
for water-related types of qualified tourism. signating tourist routes, as well as accommo-
Transport networks, represented by roads and dation and catering facilities. Maps which are
railway lines, are treated differently – they are meant to be used for a specific type of tourism
presented in a fairly detailed manner due to are much more detailed in terms of information
their universal use. However, this does not about the trails and the elements of infrastruc-
exclude the occurrence of shortcomings asso- ture which are connected with said trails. There
ciated with the classification of roads. is a noticeable tendency to enrich the content
Elements of map content other than the topo- of the map by adding profile lines of tourist tra-
graphic elements perform a different function. ils and an information about time needed to
They have to present information about tourist travel through the specified trail sections.
attractions and, what is most important, about The paratourist infrastructure is a separate
the tourist infrastructure. Their choice implies issue. Such facilities are not among the faci-
that maps are useful for specific types of tourism. lities which are most often represented on
In the case of maps created for qualified tourism maps, even though they perform an important
the key aspect is a careful selection of infor- supportive role to tourism. Marking such facilities
mation needed for engaging in a given activity. as post office, health care institutions and shops
However, a less detailed character of informa- on the maps would be very useful. The role
tion meant for less demanding customers is played by shops can be considered in relation
typical for general tourism and sightseeing to the level of tourism development of the given
maps. area. The importance of shops increases signi-
Diversification of information details is observ­ ficantly in the areas with underdeveloped tourism
ed in the context of various criteria and related infrastructure − they become a part of the infra-
elements of thematic content. K. Kałamucki structure, and therefore they become a valu-
(2003) distinguishes natural attractions (e.g. iso- able element of the content of the map.
lated rocks, ravines, and protected areas), an-
thropological attractions (e.g. churches, museums 5. The place of the tourist map
and monuments), social tourism infrastructure in the classification of maps
(e.g. tourist information offices, leisure facilities),
technical facilities (e.g. tourist routes, accom- The presented characterisation of the scope
modation facilities) and paratourist infrastruc- of content of tourist maps indicates clearly that
ture (e.g. hospitals, banks, post offices). tourist maps stand out among other cartogra-
As the number of possible content elements phic publications. The tourist map is not a ge-
which meet the above criteria is very large, there neral geographic map, although it has its roots
is a need for qualitative generalization and, for in it. Topographic elements which allow map
small scale maps, quantitative generalization. users to orient themselves in space constitute
Location of the objects on the map is done in line the essence of the tourism-related content, just
with topographic method (in accordance with as other elements of the content. The said fact
objects actual location) or they are assigned to has already been emphasised in academic writ­
places (areas) in which they are located. There ing on the subject many a time (A. Kajoch 1973;
is an issue of determining what level of diversity E. Nowak-Ferdhus 1980; M. Roszczewska,
of categories of objects provide the tourist with W. Zalewski 2003; B. Medyńska-Gulij 2003).
an access to information with appropriate sub- Despite the distinctiveness of the content of
stantive level. As noted by K. Kałamucki (2003), tourist maps, they are omitted from the general
it happens sometimes that the number of ob- map classification based on the criterion of
ject classes on tourist maps exceeds the num- content which is used in cartographic literature.
ber of those contained in the act on tourism The standard division into two groups: general
services. It applies in particular to categorisa- geographic maps and thematic maps does not
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6 Kacper Jancewicz, Dorota Borowicz

indicate clearly to which of these groups tourist (E. Nowak-Ferdhus 1980). Such classifications
maps belong (A. Robinson, R. Sale, J. Morri- were based on the criteria of the type of tourism
son 1988; L. Ratajski 1989; K.A. Saliszczew for which maps were prepared. K. Trafas (2003)
2003; J.  Pasławski 2010; W. Żyszkowska, was the first person who attempt to formulate
W. Spallek, D. Borowicz 2012). However, tourist an exhaustive and comprehensive classifica-
maps show up in classifications organised in tion of tourist maps, taking into account diverse
accordance with maps intended purpose or use, criteria: purpose (nature) and type of tourism,
and thus in accordance to their social function. map scale, content presentation methods, type
Taking into consideration the specific con- of base map, presented area, type of cartogra-
tent of tourist maps and other maps which per- phic material and its editorial form. A detailed
form similar functions, it seems reasonable to classification of tourist maps was later presented
introduce (in addition to general geographic also by W. Kaprowski (2004) who attempted to
maps and thematic maps) a group of orienta- integrate various classification criteria: map scale,
tion and navigation maps. This group includes map content, graphic design and purpose.
tourist maps, car maps, and navigation maps The criterion of purpose and type of tourism
(sailing maps, nautical and aeronautical charts), refers to the intended use of the created map.
as well as city maps, which are all connected Tourist map types are distinguished on the basis
by the specific content of information and the of their content, from the point of view of poten-
manner in which it is cartographically represent­ tial user seeking specific information. K. Kała-
ed. However, unlike on thematic maps, where mucki (2005) confirmed correctness of this
the topographic content is merely a background approach in his own work. Application of this
for presentation of the theme-related pheno- criterion led at first to the identification of maps
mena, its role is essential in case of orientation for hiking (mountain, upland and lowland tou­r­
and navigation maps. The topographic content ism), water and skiing tourism, as well as a group
is primarily “responsible” for providing informa- of tourist-sightseeing maps (E. Nowak-Ferd­
tion about the terrain which are foremost used hus 1980). A much more extensive classifica-
for orientation and navigation purposes. De- tion of tourist maps, taking into account new
pending on the intended use of the map, its forms of tourism, was developed much later by
content is supplemented with many elements K.Trafas (2003). Trafas distinguished between
which do not always have orientation-related maps for sightseeing tourism, qualified tourism,
functions. They are, for example, accommoda- pilgrimage tourism, and other, as well as tourist
tion facilities in the case of tourist maps, air city maps, and maps prepared for promotion
traffic restriction zones on aeronautical charts and advertising of tourism, with more detailed
as well as information about the depth of water sub-groups within the first four groups.
bodies or bottom types on maps for sailing. Nowadays, the above-mentioned division is
Orientation and navigation maps may therefore insufficient because it does not take into account
be described as maps whose main purpose many of currently existing forms of tourism, as
is to be used for orientation in the field, while well as maps which are published with these
heading towards a particular direction, which new forms of tourism in mind. Table 1 presents
in fact means determining one’s own location a proposal of a classification based on that
and designating a route to any chosen place. proposed by K. Trafas and expanded to include
These maps are characterised by specific con- new forms of tourism. The purpose of the map
tent which makes the task easier for a specific (its intended use) still plays the decisive role.
user – tourist, sailor, or pilot. Another criterion taken into account is the type
of space in which the tourist flow takes place
6. Types of tourist maps and the way of traveling chosen by tourists.
After all, such factors have impact on the di-
For a long time, classification of tourist maps versity of the content of tourist maps. This
was not seen as a subject of separate publica- classification takes into account the contem-
tions. Classifications were made from time to porary types and forms of tourism flows distin-
time for the purpose of evaluating already pu- guished on the basis of the motivation behind
blished maps (E. Nowak 1973) or in the process travel (W. Kurek 2007; J. Merski, J. Warecka
of characterising the scope of their content 2009; J. Wyrzykowski, J. Marak 2010).
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Tourist maps – definition, types and contents 7

Table 1. Classification of tourist maps in accordance with the aim and type of tourism

for hiking tourism
Maps for sightseeing tourism
bicycle touring
for tourism defined by
automotive tourism
modes of transport
rail tourism
cross-country skiing
for skiing tourism
downhill skiing
for nautical tourism

Maps for qualified tourism for cycling tourism off-road

rock climbing
for climbing tourism summer climbing
alpine climbing
winter climbing
for equestrian tourism
for speleological tourism
for orienteering tourism
for business tourism
for sports and recreation tourism
on foot
for pilgrimage tourism
Maps for other types using modes of transport
of tourism for geotourism
for biotourism
for culinary tourism
Tourist city maps
Maps prepared for promotion and advertising of tourism

Maps intended to be used for s i g h ts e e i n g terms of their natural and cultural landscapes.
to u r i s m are the most numerous and most po- Maps of this type are therefore to enable touri-
pular group of tourist maps. They are created in sts to orient themselves in the field and to ob-
line with with the general assumptions and tain additional information about any attractions
aims of tourism – exploration and getting to and tourist infrastructure of a given region. The
know areas which have particular value in most common sub-group among them is made
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8 Kacper Jancewicz, Dorota Borowicz

of so-called g e n e r a l m a p s . Versatility of the maps with smaller scales which depict a dia-
information represented on these maps allows gram of hiking trails and additional information
for them to be used by people who engage in relating to selected sections of the hiking trails.
practically all types of tourism. They are usually Maps intended to be used for purposes related
maps which scales range between 1:40,000 to hi ki ng i n mountai n areas and i n l ow -
and 1:200,000, although there is a tendency l a n d s constitute a separate category of maps.
nowadays to use map scales larger than According to A. Leonowicz (2003, p. 69) “a rich
1:100,000. Topographical relief is presented fairly set of names of peaks, passes, valleys, chutes,
accurately and the level of detail is highest in pastures and other elements of terrain topo-
mountain areas (contour intervals every 10 or graphy is the necessary element of any good
20 metres). Classification of roads includes mountain map”. Together with a detailed re-
national and voivodship roads, as well as local presentation of the relief, it is supposed to pro-
paved roads and others. Some maps also in- vide tourists with good orientation in hard terrain.
clude information about roads with damaged Symbols indicating places in which there is
pavement, which is useful for tourists who travel danger of avalanches are particularly important
by bikes and motorcycles. in the case of higher parts of the mountains.
Objects which are decisive when it comes Maps used for mountain tourism (figure 1)
to a given areas touristic attractiveness are re- contain also information about dangerous sec-
presented in great detail. Natural objects include, tions of trails, locations of chains and ladders,
for example, protected areas, caves and insel- and sections which are closed due to avalanche
bergs. Anthropogenic objects include a large danger. On the other hand, maps for lowland
group of religious and historical buildings tourism are closer in their content to the gene-
(churches, castles, palaces). Additional infor- ral sightseeing maps. While lowlands tourism
mation about these objects are usually placed is not typically distinguished when talking about
in the form of text on the reverse side of the tourist flows in general (W. Kurek 2007; J. Wy-
map. In the case of less numerous sightseeing rzykowski, J. Marak 2010), such identification
atlases, the description includes physical-geo- is useful when talking about tourist cartography
graphical and ethnographic characteristics of due to a large number of publications of this
the region. type and significant differences between maps
The scope of information on tourist infra- used by hikers in the mountains and in the low-
structure, which usually consists of dozens ele- lands.
ments, is very broad. It is the modern standard Maps for bi cycl e touri ng, automoti ve
to distinguish between several categories of to uri sm and rai l w ay touri sm are exam-
accommodation facilities (hostels, resorts, ples of maps used by tourists who use various
hotels, camping sites, tent sites) and catering modes of transport for sightseeing. Maps for
facilities (restaurants, pubs, cafes). Objects which b i cycl e to u ri n g place more emphasis on
are seen as “supporting” for tourism (shops, showing the road network along with cycling
cash machines, post offices) are included on trails. Even though this type of maps usually has
the maps more and more frequently. There are fairly big scales (from 1:25,000 to 1:100,000),
separate symbols designating hiking, cycling, they usually contain a very simplified depiction
ski, and educational trails. Content of maps of of topographical relief and less details about
mountain areas also include facilities and ob- buildings and any objects classified as tourist
jects constituting the skiing infrastructure (ski attractions. An indispensable element of any
slopes, lifts). cycling map is a detailed description of indivi-
Despite the assumed popular use of general dual sections of bicycle trails: routes, lengths,
maps, they are most often used by hikers (tourist and information about any difficult and dange-
on foot). These are mostly maps with scales rous sections. Such data, together with profiles
larger than 1:100,000, as well as maps with of routes, are included on the back of the map
smaller scales covering lowland areas or less or in the form of a separate brochure functio-
popular tourist areas. We can distinguish a se- ning as a supplement to the map. It should be
parate subgroup of general maps intended for nevertheless noted that despite the continuous
hiking. Such maps are supplemented with inset efforts to enhance the content of cycling maps
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Tourist maps – definition, types and contents 9

Fig. 1. Karkonosze. Mapa turystyczna (Karkonosze. Tourist map) 1:50 000. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo
Kartograficzne Eko-Graf, 2011/2012

by adding new, useful elements, the quality of of individual sheets, a very large group of maps
maps of this type often fails to meet the needs is published in the form of atlases containing
of cyclists who frequently use general maps. information on tourist attractions.
This can be explained by the fact that cycling M aps for rai l touri sm are maps intended
maps are still developed for sightseeing tourism. for tourists travelling on historical trains or
Information about types of road surface and its travelling to places associated with particular
condition could be an example of this. Such an persons or events (e.g. “The Papal Train”).
information is included only on some of the They highlight the travel route and places
maps and are limited to the sections which worth seeing located along said route.
constitute marked cycling routes. Cartographic publications prepared for q u a l i -
Maps f or aut omo ti v e to u ri s m are usu- fi e d to u ri sm are meant to meet the needs
ally prepared with medium scales (1:200,000) related to more sophisticated forms of active
or small scales. They are designed for tourists leisure. They are characterized by a specific
travelling both by cars and by coaches. They selection of content and graphic design. These
are characterised by a high level of generali- maps are useful only for people who engage in
zation of the relief, land cover, waterways net­ a given type of tourism. It is important to em-
work and build-up areas. This is, firstly, due to phasise that various maps for qualified tourism
the use of smaller map scales compared to can have very different graphic designs, which
general, hiking or cycling maps. Secondly, it is is caused by a considerable variation in the
due to the need to display information on the in- character of the infrastructure used by various
frastructure necessary for this type of tourism forms of qualified tourism.
(road numbers, information about steep road The most numerous maps for qualified
sections, gas stations, car parks, and catering tour­isms are maps published for people who
facilities). Maps for automotive tourism differ engage in ski to u ri sm (fig. 2). Their scales
from car maps whose purpose is purely navi- vary from scales larger than 1:10,000 in the
gational by the inclusion of information about case of ski station plans to medium-size sca-
natural and cultural tourist attractions of a given les (1:50,000) in the case of winter maps of
region. In addition to maps issued in the form mountain areas (M. Roszczewska, W. Zalewski
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10 Kacper Jancewicz, Dorota Borowicz

Fig. 2. Szklarska Poręba Jakuszyce. Mapa narciarskich tras biegowych (Szklarska Poręba Jakuszce.
Map of ski runner’s tracks) 1:25 000. Wydawnictwo Libra

2003). Such maps are typically very diverse in which contain general information about winter
terms of graphic design. In addition to typical sports centres in the country or selected moun­
maps, there are also various panoramas or tain region and whose popularity is steadily
schematic perspective drawings showing the growing. Brochures promoting individual ski
location of lifts and ski slopes in ski resorts. resorts or complexes are also becoming in-
However, the selection of content elements re- creasingly common. Finally, boards with maps
mains virtually unchanged – the ski infrastruc- and profiles of cross-country skiing trails are
ture is meticulously presented: ski lifts, cable a common sight around the tourist areas.
cars, ski slopes and their parameters, rental The next group of ma p s a re th e se u se d
and ski equipment services, as well as accom- fo r vari ous types of nauti cal touri sm:
modation and catering facilities. On winter canoeing, sailing, underwater (diving) and fish­
maps of mountain areas the content is similar ing tourism. They contain detailed descrip-
to maps devoted for sightseeing tourism – there tions of water bodies (inland or coastal), canoe
is also a hypsometric representation of the relief, trails – on maps for canoeing tourism, attractive
although more generalized one. The maps show places for underwater exploration or location
not only hiking trails, but also ski trails, areas of shipwrecks – on maps for diving tourism,
of avalanche danger, as well as sections of fishing zones – on the fishing tourism maps.
hiking trails which are closed during winter. On The scale and form of the map depend on the
the back of the map, there is often additional characteristics of the area, e.g. maps for ca-
information about the infrastructure, as well as noeing tourisms usually have layouts corre-
the rules of dealing with avalanche risk and the sponding to the linear shape of canoeing trails,
rules of ski slopes. often taking into account their mileage; difficult
Maps for ski tourism are published in a large sections of the trails, harbours, waterside hotels
variety of editorial diverse forms. Aside from and elements of water engineering infra-
single-sheet maps, there are also skiing atlases structure, which are represented on the map.
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Tourist maps – definition, types and contents 11

A similar selection of content, including ele- fo r o th e r to u ri sm. This term was also used
ments related to sightseeing, can be found on by K. Trafas (2003), who in his work on this
maps for sailing tourism, with a sig­nificant per- group highlighted maps for pilgrimage tourism
centage of the information focusing on the (they are only a subset of broadly understood
characteristics of a given waterbody. It should maps for other tourism, table 1).
be noted, however, that professional naviga- Maps for pilgrimage tourism (religious)
tion maps are used in the case of large bodies are intended to be used by tourists visiting
of water. centres of religious worship. They are charac-
Ma ps f or quali fi e d c y c l i n g to u ri s m terised by a specific selection of content which
are meant to be used by tourist who have a lot is focused on the characteristics of sacred
of experience in this type of tourism. They are objects and they are diverse in terms of their
usually maps of areas which are more difficult scales. Large-scale maps of cities, towns or
to explore than the areas covered by maps for villages in which sanctuaries (pilgrim destina-
sightseeing bicycle touring. tions) are located are often included in the
Maps for climbing tourism can be divided guidebooks and travel brochures. Content of
into maps for rock climbing and alpine climbing, maps with smaller scales is adjusted to fit the
with the distinction of summer and winter ver- intended way of travelling – whether a given
sions (K. Trafas 2003). These maps are aimed map is meant for hiking or for the use of means
at ensuring efficient and safe use of the climbing of transport (automotive, bus and rail tourism).
routes. As a rule, these are very large scale Nowadays, travelling for professional rea­
maps, which contain technical information sons is included in the scope of tourism, and
concerning climbing routes, such as locations its form is considered one of the most profitable
of dangerous places or grips.
in the world (W. Kurek 2007). Ma p s fo r b u-
Ma ps f or eques tri a n to u ri s m are typi-
s i n e ss to u ri sm are not, however, intended
cally developed, just as the maps for hiking
for use on individual business trips. These are
and biking, with scales larger than 1:100,000.
maps for fair (exhibition) or conference (con-
These maps include horse riding trails and ele-
gressional) tourism, which are occasionally
ments of infrastructure for this type of tourism:
issued in the form of brochures, and designed
horse riding centres, stud farms and places
to make it easier for participants and observers
designed for rest and grazing.
of various types of assemblies to function and
Ma ps f or s pele o l o g i c a l to u ri s m are
intended for cave-loving tourists and speleolo- move within a given area. Similar function is
gists who have the appropriate predisposi- performed by maps for sport and recre-
tions, preparation and know how to use relevant a ti o n to u ri sm , sometimes also referred to
equipment. Because of the specific character as “fan tourism” (W. Kurek 2007), which are
of the presented areas, these are mostly maps published for e.g. big sports events. Their ad-
with very large scales. Their content is mainly ditional function is promotion of the places in
the layout of corridors and chambers of caves which such events take place.
(or cave systems) with information about their Currently, there is a growing interest in
names and exits leading to the surface. maps for geotourism, whose aim is to get to
Or ient eer ing m a p s are designed with know inanimate nature constituting landforms
large scales, usually between 1:2,500 and created by the effects of geological processes
1:15,000. The detail included in their topogra- (fig. 3). Less popular are ma p s fo r b i o to u ­
phic content is far superior to that of topographic r i sm which are intended to be used by, for
maps of similar scale, but most geographical example, tourist-ornithologists (maps including
names are omitted (W. Kaprowski 2004). information on bird habitats), or to present routes
A special group of maps is targeted at users through areas with interesting animals (e.g. for
whose tourist trips have particular goals. The safari tours).
predominant motive of tourist trips undertaken On the other hand, the number of ma p s fo r
by this type of map users is most often the c u l i n a ry to u r i s m keeps growing. Such maps
development of one’s own interests, spiritual show places of food production, places for
development or business activities. These maps tasting of local and regional dishes, and loca-
are grouped together and referred to as m a p s tions (and dates) of culinary festivals.
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12 Kacper Jancewicz, Dorota Borowicz

Fig. 3. Babiogórski Park Narodowy. Mapa geologiczno-turystyczna. (Babiogórski National Park. Geological
and tourist map) 1:13 000. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny − Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, 2010

As more and more new types and forms of This affects the choice of the scale and the
tourism are emerging, and their importance is map’s publication form. Typically, city maps
constantly increasing, it is expected that it will have the scale of 1:25,000 or larger, with the
be soon the fastest growing map group – in city centre plan in a larger scale, and someti-
terms of its variety and titles focusing on com- mes also a medium- or small-scale map of the
pletely new topics; hence the openness of the city’s surroundings. Single-sheet publication do-
category (table 1). While there is most likely no minate among city maps, but atlases are also
reason to expect publications of maps for lin- pub­lished in the case of large urban centres.
guistic tourism (aim – language courses) or Placing street names and building numbers
volunteering tourism (aim – taking up unpaid on city maps is intended to provide a basic
work), tourist will surely become more and more orientation feature. The list of street names is
interested in maps for festival tourism, trade usually placed on the reverse side of the plan
tourism, sentimental tourism or tourism related or, in atlases, on separate pages. Another im-
to visiting places known from books and films. portant element, especially for large cities, is
Some cartographic publications designed representation of public transport lines with
for tourists, due to their specific content selec- stops. Such selection of content enables tourists
tion or presentation, differ fundamentally from to travel relatively smoothly around the city.
the maps organised into the three above-de- Unfortunately, information concerning public
scribed main categories. They are tourist city transport quickly becomes outdated, especially
maps and maps prepared for promotion and on maps of fast-growing cities.
advertising of tourism. In addition to the already mentioned content
To u r i s t c i ty m a p s constitute a very nu- elements, city maps include also a lot of infor-
merous and popular group of cartographic mation concerning tourist attractions. Historic
publications. This is due to the fact that urban buildings and public facilities (cinemas, theatres,
centres attract a large number of tourists with and museums) are usually marked on such
different preferences regarding forms of relaxa- maps. Tourist infrastructure tends to be pre-
tion. City maps should therefore contain a very sented in a fairly detailed way, with particular
large amount of information, and this number regard given to accommodation and catering
increases proportionally to the size of the city. facilities. Additional information on this subject
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Tourist maps – definition, types and contents 13

is usually put on the back of the map or on 1:25,000 and larger), medium-scale maps
separate pages of the atlas. (scale range from 1:25,000 to 1:200,000) and
Publications prepared fo r p r o m o ti o n a n d small-scale maps (with scales smaller than
adve r t is ing of t ou ri s m constitute a particu- 1:200,000). On the other hand, A. Kajoch (1996,
lar sub-group of tourist maps. They are usually p. 65) claims that “the group of proper tourist
small-scale maps with strong generalization maps is composed of maps with scales 1:100,000
of their topographic content. There show most or larger, as they are meant to be used in direct
important tourist attractions of a given region confrontation with the area they represent”. In
(with vignettes), and brief information about the case of maps published in electronic form,
said attractions is placed on the back of the it is possible to change the map scale to a cer-
map. Promotional maps category also includes tain extent.
maps inserted into advertising brochures of
The form of the map is another classification
well-known holiday resorts.
criterion relating to the practical use of such
In relation to the presented classification, it
tourist cartographic material. In the case of
is also possible to divide maps on the basis of
scale. The wide range of used scales is due to printed maps, we can distinguish, folded sin-
a large variation in the amount of detail required gle-sheet maps (one-sided and two-sided, with
for various maps. The scales of tourist maps or without tourist information), tourist atlases,
can therefore range “from scales typical of situ- wall maps, travel guides, brochure maps (mainly
ational plans of particular objects (e.g. church promotional and advertising maps), plastic mo-
or castle interiors) – 1:100 and larger, through dels and interactive maps (virtual) (K. Trafas
all possible scales of topographic maps, to 2003). Tourist maps meant to be dis­played on
very small scales e.g. 1:8,000,000” (K. Trafas electronic mobile devices (figure 4) and tradi-
2003, pp. 8−9). Therefore, tourist maps can be tional maps displayed by means of small pro-
divided into large-scale maps (with scales of jectors directly in the field are also popular.

Fig. 4. Cyfrowa mapa topograficzno-turystyczna „Na zachód od Częstochowy” (Digital topographic

and tourist map “West of Częstochowa”), KSW Mapa. A digital tourist map for mobile devices
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14 Kacper Jancewicz, Dorota Borowicz

7. Conclusions forms of cartographic presentation of informa-

tion and their intended use. Content of maps is
The increasing popularity of active forms of tailored to specific groups of tourists. One of
recreation, including broadly understood tourism, the consequences of this phenomena may be
results in the emergence of new types of tourist the further extension of the classification of
maps and modification of their older variants. tourist maps. Changes may be introduced to
Tourist maps increasingly differ from one ano- the rank of individual classification criteria and
ther in terms of their scope of the content, to the definition of the tourist map itself.


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