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Service Mapping Scoping Guide

ServiceNow Service Mapping Caveats

After completing the scoping guide, the lead customer representative should share the following caveats with the
technical Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for each of the business services that will be mapped. If the SMEs find
anything in their respective areas, a follow-up discussion with the ServiceNow team should take place to determine
if scope will be impacted :
1. The maximum number of CIs per business service must not exceed 50. Any service that potentially
includes more than 50, is suspicious of being several services interacting together in order to deliver a
single offering:
a. The number of CIs in the Stock Trading core infrastructure (not counting the 3 extra shared
services) should not exceed 50.
b. In the case of clusters (web, clusters, application clusters, etc.), each cluster member would be
counted as a CI.
c. Inclusion CIs do not count as separate CIs (EAR files, WAR files, database instances, etc.).
d. Redundant CIs such as passive nodes do not count as separate CIs.
2. Any IT/supporting/shared is considered a separate service and should be scoped separately:
a. In the Stock Trading business service, there are actually four services involved that should be
scoped and evaluated separately (Email, Single Sign-On, etc.).
b. Each service requires its own data gathering questionnaire.
c. Each service must not exceed 50 CIs (So, in this example, 50X4=200).
3. Confirm the services in scope are comprised of CIs from the supported applications list only.
4. As of the Geneva release, no support exists for discovery and/or mapping of the following technologies
and Operating Systems:
a. IBM Mainframe hosts, including but not limited to z Systems.
b. IBM iSeries including but not limited to AS/400.
5. Mapping of batch processes. These are typically kicked off by schedulers or schedules such as CRON.
They are usually formed as scripts, functions, or commands. Batch processes require reading and
understanding the scripts which are sometimes not available in clear text, and include if statements that
complicate them to a point where it is not practical to map them. An example could be:
a. A job that copies a file to an FTP server followed by a job that picks up the file and processes it.
6. Business services that are hosted on cloud services are not supported as of Geneva and Helsinki. The
only tested and verified aspect that can be discovered by Service Mapping is EC2 Infrastructure Services.
Meaning, that if a business service has a component that is installed on an EC2 instance on Amazon,
provided the MID Server has access to the cloud, and that we have the appropriate credentials, this
application can be discovered has part of a business service map. SaaS such as Office 365, ELB, RDS,
cannot be discovered by Service Mapping. For additional information, please visit this link.

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