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Glossary tutorial 1

1. Hardware

Set of components that make up the material part of a computer

its electrical, electronic, electromechanical, and mechanical components, cables, as well as furniture or
boxes, peripherals of all kinds, and any other physical elements involved.

2. Software

The concept of software encompasses everything that is intangible on the computer, which cannot be
touched, such as programs and operating systems.

3. Applications

It is a computer program designed as a tool to perform specific operations or functions. Generally, they are
designed to facilitate certain complex tasks and make people's computing experience easier.

4. Motherboard

The motherboard is a printed circuit board to which all other components of the computer are connected.
From this board the power is distributed to each of the parts of the PC. The motherboard has connectors
for cables such as power cords and data cables, card slots such as GPUs, and plugs for CPUs.

5. Processor

A CPU is the central processing unit of a computer, and without it, nothing really works. Almost everything
you do on a computer will have to be calculated by the CPU in some way.

6. Bit

A bit is the minimum unit of binary information that can have a value of 0 (off) or 1 (on).

7. Internet

The Internet is the union of all networks and computers distributed around the world, so it could be
defined as a global network in which all networks that use TCP/IP protocols and are compatible with each
other come together.
8. Satellite

Satellites are nothing more than space-suspended instruments that receive radiocommunication waves and
reflect them back to Earth. This allows us to make satellite links from one point to another on the planet.

9. Memory RAM

Its acronym means Random Access Memory, and it is a type of memory that can be found on any device,
from desktops to mobile phones.

10. Programming

Computer programming is the art of the process by which the source code of computer programs is
cleaned, encoded, traced and protected, in other words, is to tell the computer what to do.

11. Protocol

In computer science and telecommunications, we are talking about a protocol to refer to a system of rules
that regulate communication between two or more systems that transmit information through various
physical means.

12. Modem

Device that allows the transmission of data between computers that communicate through a basic
telephone line or other data lines.

13. Router

It is a device that is used to distribute Internet signal among all local networked computers, either over
Ethernet via a cable, or through radio wave technology, causing the network to be characterized by being

14. server

A server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other computers that we might call
clients. This can be done over a local network or over the Internet.

15. Navigator

It is a program that allows you to view the information contained in a web page, interprets the code in
which the website is written and presents it on the screen allowing the user to interact with its content and
16. Orbit

It is the trajectory that travels through a body in space because of the gravitational action exerted by the

17. Port

It is a kind of plug that allows the output and input of the computer by connecting to different types of
external peripherals. In other words, ports are the means for PCs to communicate with the outside world,
that is, with peripheral devices connected to it.

18. peripheral

Any additional accessory or equipment that connects to a computer is called a peripheral, through which
there is a communication between the computer and the outside.

19. Monitor

It is an electronic computer output device that displays images and texts generated by a graphic or video
adapter of the computer.

20. Antivirus

It is a software or program that is installed on a computer, to fulfill the function of acting against codes or
malicious programs.

Glossary tutorial 2
21. Documentation

Systems Documentation is the set of information that tells us what systems do, how they do it and for
whom they do it. Documentation consists of material that explains the technical characteristics and
operation of a system. ... Procedures to maintain the administrative information system.

22. Programmers
A programmer is the person who develops computer programs, that is, writes, debugges and maintains the
source code of a computer program, which executes the hardware of a computer, to perform a specific

23. Methods

The method is then understood as a series of steps that must be followed to achieve an objective.

24. implementation

An implementation is the execution or start-up of a programmed idea, for example a computer application.

25. requirements

The functional requirements of a system are those that describe any activity that it must perform, in other
words, the behavior or particular function of a system or software when certain conditions are met.

26. Project

A project is planning, which consists of a set of activities to be carried out in an articulated manner, in order
to produce certain goods or services capable of satisfying needs or solving problems, within the limits of a
budget and a period of time. given time.

27. Variable

A variable is a unit of data that can change its value. It is the simplest form of storage, representing a
memory area where an item of data is stored.

28. Interface

An interface is used in computing to name the functional connection between two systems, programs,
devices or components of any type, which provides communication at different levels, allowing the
exchange of information.

29 Compiler

is a computer program that translates a program written in one programming language into another
programming language. Usually the second language is machine language, but it can also be an
intermediate code (bytecode), or simply text.

30. Maintenance
In software engineering, software maintenance is the modification of a software product after delivery, to
correct errors, improve performance, or other attributes. of software.

31. Methodologies

The methodologies are complete systems of techniques that include step-by-step procedures, resulting
products, functions, tools and quality standards for the completion of the complete life cycle of systems

32. Textbooks

A textbook is a book that contains data on a particular topic that is used by people studying that topic.

33. Customer

A client is the person or company receiving a good, service, product or idea, in exchange for money or
another item of value.

34. Specification

Detailed instructions provided in conjunction with the plans and copies of the Construction Plan.
Specifications often describe the materials to be used, dimensions, colors, or construction techniques.

35. Digital

Digital is a term associated with technology, although initially it was used to denote everything related to
the fingers, it began to be used when technological science made its presence in the different fields in
which it is known.

36. Analog

An analogy is a relationship of similarity that is established between two different things. It is a tool that
takes a characteristic that is present in an element and observes that this characteristic is shared by
something else.

37. Hybrid

Combination between analog and digital computers. They are used primarily for process control and
robotics. Hybrid computers were developed to complement the flexibility of digital computers with the
speed of analog computers.

38. Module
A module is a portion of a computer program. Of the various tasks that a program must perform to fulfill its
function or objectives, a module will commonly perform one of those tasks.

39. Accuracy

Is also called the number of bits used to represent a value. In general, in a computer system, precision is
given by the value of the least significant digit of a digital word that represents a number with a scale and in
a defined data type.3 Seen from another perspective, it is equivalent to the difference between two
Successive values that can be represented in the data type and scale of the number.

40. Constraints

They are restrictions that are used to limit the type of data that a column of a table can receive. The
restrictions can be defined when we create the table (CREATE TABLE) or later with the ALTER TABLE

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