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Acta Ophthalmologica 2015

The importance of angle kappa evaluation for

implantation of diffractive multifocal intra-ocular
lenses using pseudophakic eye model
ın1 and Klára
Marta Karhanová,1 František Pluháček,2 Petr Mlčák,1 Ondrej Vláčil,1 Martin S
Department of Ophthalmology, Olomouc University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University,
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Department of Optics, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

ABSTRACT. working distances (Blaylock et al. 2006;

Purpose: To determine the critical value of the angle kappa in connection with a Hütz et al. 2008), increased dysphotop-
higher risk of photic phenomena for the AcrySof ReSTOR and Tecnis multifocal sia compared to monofocal intra-ocular
intra-ocular lens (MIOL) on a standardized pseudophakic eye model. To analyse lenses (IOL) (Souza et al. 2006; Chiam
the impact of biometric value changes on the critical angle kappa. et al. 2006; Hofmann et al. 2009),
Methods: Geometrical optic rules applied to a suitable optical model of the decreased contrast sensitivity (Montes-
pseudophakic eye were used to calculate the critical value of the angle kappa for Micó & Alio 2003; Zhao et al. 2010) and
the Tecnis and three types of the AcrySof ReSTOR MIOLs. The angle kappa increased intra-ocular straylight (De
was defined as critical if the incident ray passed through the first ring’s edge area. Vries et al. 2008). Unfortunately, in
some cases, even an IOL exchange is
The influence of different positive optical corneal power (K), effective lens
required (Woodward et al. 2009). How-
position (ELP) and axial length (AL) on the critical angle kappa (jc) was
ever, the bag-in-the-lens could only be
investigated. The dependence of jc on one of the parameters was studied for implanted in 70% of the eyes (Tassignon
standardized values of the remaining parameters. et al. 2014). A lot of studies have
Results: The highest value of the critical angle kappa was evaluated for the focused directly on the analysis of the
Tecnis MIOL. The increase in ELP and K caused an increase in jc under the governing factors for patient satisfac-
given conditions. On the contrary, an increase in AL led to lower values of jc. tion or dissatisfaction after MIOL
Conclusion: We demonstrated the dependence of the critical angle kappa on the implantation and attempted to find
central part of the MIOL and on biometric parameters of the eye, especially on the criteria for patient selection (Walkow
effective lens position. According to these results, we conclude that shallow anterior & Klemen 2001; Blaylock et al. 2008;
chamber depth in connection with a higher angle kappa is an important risk factor Kohnen et al. 2008; Pepose 2008;
for pronounced photic phenomena after implantation of a diffractive MIOL. Woodward et al. 2009; De Vries et al.
2011). It has been confirmed that the
Key words: angle kappa – anterior chamber depth – effective lens position – multifocal intra- main complaints in dissatisfied patients
ocular lens – photic phenomena are blurred vision and photic phenom-
ena (Woodward et al. 2009; De Vries
et al. 2011). The causes associated with
Acta Ophthalmol. 2015: 93: e123–e128
ª 2014 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
disturbing photic phenomena have
included MIOL decentration, posterior
doi: 10.1111/aos.12521 capsular opacification, retained lens
fragment, dry eye syndrome, uncor-
rected visual acuity, use of spectacles
Introduction and demands regarding refractive out- for distance purposes, postoperative
In recent years, multifocal intra-ocular comes are still increasing. Although astigmatism and postoperative spheri-
lens (MIOL) implantation has become excellent results are reported in many cal equivalent (Walkow & Klemen 2001;
an increasingly common solution for recent studies after MIOL implantation, Woodward et al. 2009). In the last years,
cataract and presbyopic patients who there are also some limitations. The the angle kappa has also attracted
want to find a spectacle-free option after weaknesses of MIOLs are, in particular, interest in connection with a possible
surgery. However, patient expectations unsatisfactory visual acuity at specific higher risk of disturbing photic phe-

Acta Ophthalmologica 2015

nomena after MIOL implantation. It is

assumed that, in patients with a higher
angle kappa, a MIOL may induce more
aberrations, glare and halo. To date,
only few studies in larger cohorts of
patients have been published concerning
this problem (De Vries et al. 2011;
Prakash et al. 2011; Karhanov a et al.
2013). Although Prakash et al. (2011)
found a statistically significant associa-
tion between the angle kappa and photic
phenomena, they also noted that many
patients with a high angle kappa were
asymptomatic. Up to now, there has
been no clear explanation of this fact.
None of the published papers addressed
the question regarding which value of
the angle kappa is already a risk when
implanting a MIOL. Only recommen-
dations based on experience from the
practice have been published.
The aim of this study was to deter-
mine the critical value of the angle kappa
in connection with a higher risk of
developing photic phenomena for four
diffractive MIOLs, the Tecnis (Abbot, Fig. 1. The schema of the used optical model of the pseudophakic eye with an optical axial length
Illinois, USA) and three types of Acry- AL and an effective position ELP of a thin MIOL with the centre C of the MIOL on the eye
Sof ReSTOR (Alcon, TX, USA), on a optical axis. R marks the border of the central part of the IOL of the diameter d. The points N and
N’ represent the first and second nodal points of the pseudophakic optical system, F’ is the second
standardized pseudophakic eye model.
focal point of this system. The critical angle kappa kc is marked.
The second aim was to analyse the
impact of biometric value changes in suitable optical model of the pseud- The nodal visual axis corresponds to
the pseudophakic eye on the critical ophakic eye. The optical model applied the ray passing from the observed object
angle kappa and to find out whether in this text is based on the standardized to the fovea through the nodal points.
angle kappa evaluation is necessary for pseudophakic schematic eye (Holladay Moreover, it intersects the thin MIOL in
every patient before planned implanta- 1997, 1998, 2007) with a thin IOL the border R of its central part and the
tion of a diffractive-type MIOL. (Fig. 1). The distances used are ori- first ring for the critical angle kappa (see
ented according to Fig. 1 with the Fig. 1). According to the geometrical
Methods positive values in the incident light construction in Fig. 1 and to the rect-
direction (i.e. from left to right) and angular triangle RCN’, the size |jc| of
For an explanation of the photic phe- negative values in the opposite direc- the jc can be computed by the relation
nomena, a geometrical construction of tion. The MIOL is perfectly centred to
the incident rays through the nodal the pupil centre. The model is repre- d=2
points is used. The ray passes through jjc j ¼ arctan ð2Þ
sented by a positive optical corneal AL  ELP þ F0 N0
the first nodal point, and the foveally power K, an optical axial length AL, a
observed distant object defines the nodal thin MIOL effective optical power P F0 and N 0 are the second focal point
axis. The nodal axis is commonly for distance correction, an effective and the second nodal point of the
denoted as the visual axis. The angle position ELP of the thin MIOL and pseudophakic eye optical model, and
kappa (j) is the angle between the nodal by a refractive index n of the aqueous C is the centre of the MIOL. It can be
(visual) axis and the pupillary axis. The and vitreous. The ELP means a dis- shown (Tunnacliffe 1993) that
pupillary axis is considered identical with tance of the MIOL optical centre from
the optical axis of the eye (Tunnacliffe the anterior corneal vertex. A zero 1
F0 N0 ¼ f ¼  ð3Þ
1993). It is assumed that the photic postoperative refraction of the pseud- F
phenomena markedly increase if the ophakic eye is considered. Under these
intersection of the nodal axis and the conditions, the P is a dependent vari- The quantity f is the equivalent first focal
MIOL moves from its central part to the able. It can be shown that the relation length of this optical system, and F is its
first ring of the MIOL. The relevant n n equivalent optical power. The F can be
border value of the angle kappa is P¼ n ð1Þ obtained using a common equation for
referred to as critical angle kappa jc K  ELP the equivalent lens power in the form
(Fig. 1). holds for this eye optical model (Holl-
The critical value jc of the angle aday 1997, 1998). The central part of ELP
F¼KþP KP ð4Þ
kappa can be calculated using the the MIOL with the constant power has n
geometrical optical rules applied to a the diameter d.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2015

The formula (2) can be rewritten using

(3) and (4) to the form

jjc j ¼ arctan
AL  ELP  1
n KP

The term (5) along with (1)

describe the influence of the pseud-
ophakic eye model parameters K, ELP,
AL and n on the critical value jc for the
given diameter d of the central MIOL
For the calculation of the concrete
Fig. 2. Dependence of the critical angle kappa |kc| on the effective lens position ELP in the
value of critical angle kappa (jc), the
pseudophakic eye model for the standardized values K = 43.27 D and AL = 23.65 mm and for
standard parameters of the considered four values of d. The standardized value ELP = 5.25 mm is represented by the vertical dashed
pseudophakic eye model (Holladay line.
1997, 1998, 2007) K = 43.27 D, ELP =
5.25 mm, AL = 23.65 mm and n = 1.336
were applied to the relation (5). The
MIOL was modelled according to the
Tecnis ZMB00 (addition +4.0 D) and
AcrySof ReSTOR SV2STO (addition +
2.5 D), SB6AD1 (addition + 3.0 D)
and SN6AD3 (addition + 4.0 D) MIOLs
of the parameters d = 1.0 mm,
d = 0.938 mm, d = 0.86 mm and
d = 0.74 mm, respectively. All the data
relating to these MIOLs were obtained
from the manufacturers. Next, the influ-
ence of quantities K, ELP and AL on the
jc was analysed in the case of the above-
mentioned MIOL parameters by the
relation (5). In particular, the depen-
dence of the jc on one of the parameters
was studied for standardized values of
the remaining parameters.
Fig. 3. Dependence of the critical angle kappa |kc| on the optical corneal power K in the
Results pseudophakic eye model for the standardized values ELP = 5.25 mm and AL = 23.65 mm and
for four values of d. The standardized value K = 43.27 D is represented by the vertical dashed line.
The values of the critical angle kappa
were jc   15.48° for the Tecnis
ZMB00 (d = 1.0 mm), jc   14.56°
for the AcrySof ReSTOR SV2STO
(d = 0.938 mm), jc   13.39° for
the AcrySof ReSTOR SB6AD1
(d = 0.86) and jc   11.58° for the
(d = 0.74).
The results of the influence of
quantities K, ELP and AL on the jc
in the cases of these four multifocal
lenses are presented in Figs 2–4 in the
graphical form. The increase in ELP
and K caused an increase in jc under
the given conditions (Figs 2 and 3).
On the contrary, the increase in AL
led to lower values of jc (Fig. 4). The
Fig. 4. Dependence of the critical angle kappa |kc| on the optical axial length AL in the
impact of the MIOL characteristics is
pseudophakic eye model for the standardized values K = 43.27 D and ELP = 5.25 mm and for
evident, too – the higher d, the higher four values of d. The standardized value of AL = 23.65 mm is represented by the vertical dashed
jc. line.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2015

Discussion results was not taken into account. aspheric prolate technology. We evalu-
We confirmed in our previous study ated these four lenses in our study
Angle kappa is defined as the angle (Karhanová et al. 2013) that temporal because of their different central diam-
between the visual axis (connects the decentration of the ReSTOR multifo- eters (d). The mentioned differences in
point of fixation with the fovea) and cal IOL (in cases of a positive angle MIOL design did not influence our
the pupillary axis (a line through the kappa) was associated with the greatest analysis because the MIOL was
centre of the pupil perpendicular to the risk of photic phenomena. By contrast, replaced with a thin lens in our model
cornea). A positive angle kappa is nasal decentration (in cases of a posi- and was represented only by its equiv-
associated with an out-turning of the tive angle kappa) did not cause pro- alent optical power P and central zone
eye (the pupillary axis is temporal nounced photic phenomena. Prakash diameter d. By comparing these four
relative to the visual axis), while a et al. (2011) evaluated the role of angle MIOLs on the pseudophakic eye
negative angle kappa is an inward kappa in the occurrence of photic model, we confirmed that the higher
turning of the eye (the pupillary axis phenomena after MIOL implantation the central zone diameter, the higher
is nasal relative to the visual axis). (Rezoom). They reported that patient must be the angle kappa to reach the
Thus, when an eye fixates on a light complaints about glare and halo edge of the first ring of the IOL. In all
source, the reflection on the cornea showed positive correlation with the four types of MIOLs, the critical angle
(Purkinje image) will not be centred preoperative values of angle kappa. On kappa (reaching the edge of the ring)
but will be located nasal (positive angle the other hand, they found that many calculated was higher than that found
kappa) or temporal (negative angle patients with a high angle kappa were in normal population.
kappa) to the pupillary centre. Accord- asymptomatic. On this theoretical model, we also
ing to the published literature, a The assumed cause of pronounced confirmed the influence of K, AL and
positive kappa angle varies from 3.5 photic phenomena after implantation ELP on the critical angle kappa. For
to 6° in emmetropic eyes and from 6.0 of diffractive-design MIOLs in patients better illustration, we calculated the
to 9.0° in hyperopic eyes. In myopic with a higher angle kappa is that the border values of parameters K, AL and
eyes, the angle kappa is smaller, aver- fovea centric ray would pass closer to ELP corresponding to the critical angle
aging approximately 2.0°, and can even the edge of the rings and not through kappa jc = 7° (which can be found in
be negative (Von Noorden & Campos the central area of the MIOL (Fig. 5A normal population) for all four types of
2002). Basmak et al. (2007a,b) also and B). To date, several MIOLs of this the MIOL as a model case (Table 1).
reported the angle kappa to be higher design have been available and com- Two of the eye model parameters
in hyperopes than in emmetropes and monly used in practice. For the pur- always have standard values and one
myopes. Hashemi et al. (2010) found pose of our study, we evaluated the of them was calculated. The values of K
mean angle kappa values of 5.52  AcrySof ReSTOR (Alcon Laborato- and AL for this particular model case
1.19° in hyperopic eyes, 5.72  1.10° ries, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas) and the are out of normal range, but the border
in emmetropic eyes and 5.13  1.5° in Tecnis (Abbot Illinois, USA) MIOLs. values of ELP achieve a realistic size.
myopic eyes. The AcrySof ReSTOR is designed to According to these results, we suggest
With the development of new types provide quality near and distance that the most important biometric
of intra-ocular lenses, angle kappa is vision by combining apodized diffrac- value that can influence the possible
coming to the forefront of interest of tive and refractive technologies. The occurrence of photic phenomena after
cataract surgeons. Kottler et al. (2004) centre of the lens consists of apodized MIOL implantation in connection with
reported a hyperopic patient with a diffractive optic that focuses light for a higher angle kappa be ELP. When
large angle kappa in whom the residual near through distance vision. Apodiza- the interdependence of ELP and pre-
refractive error after toric phakic intra- tion is the gradual tapering of diffrac- operative anterior chamber depth are
ocular lens implantation was improved tive steps from the centre to the outside taken into account (Olsen et al. 1990;
by displacement of the lens according edge of the lens. It helps to create a Holladay 1993; Olsen 2006), it can be
to the visual axis. De Vries et al. (2011) smooth transition of the light between established that patients with preoper-
suggested that three major causes of distant, intermediate and near focal ative shallow anterior chamber depth
discomfort after MIOL implantation points. The refractive zone surrounds are at a higher risk.
(ReSTOR, Alcon Laboratories; Re- the apodized diffractive region. To In our study, we presumed the
zoom, Abbott Medical Optics; Tecnis, date, three types of the AcrySof MIOL to be perfectly centred to the
Abbott Medical, Optics) were residual ReSTOR IOL have been introduced pupil centre. In the case of a decentred
refractive error, posterior capsule opac- in the market – AcrySof ReSTOR MIOL, the considered border point R
ification and large pupil size. However, SN6AD3 (addition + 4.0 D), SB6AD1 (see Fig. 1) shifts according to the
a large angle kappa and MIOL decen- (addition + 3.0 D) and SV2STO (addi- direction and size of the decentration.
tration from the visual axis should also tion + 2.5 D). They vary not only in Thus, the term d/2 in the equation (2)
be considered. Soda & Yaguchi (2012) add power, but also in central zone as well as (5) must be corrected – it
evaluated the influence of horizontal diameter and in the number of diffrac- must be increased for the decentration
decentration on optical performance in tive rings. The Tecnis MIOL is a full towards the visual axis or decreased for
different MIOLs using an eye model. diffractive optic. The diffraction pat- the opposite direction. In the simplest
He found that clinically relevant effects tern of this lens is on the posterior approximation, the term d/2 can be
are not to be expected up to a decen- surface of the lens (as compared to the replaced by the term d/2 + D or d/2 –
tration of 0.75 mm. But a possible AcrySof ReSTOR lens on the anterior D, where D represents the decentration
influence of angle kappa on these surface of the lens), and the lens has the size (in length units). The resultant

Acta Ophthalmologica 2015

et al. 1990; Holladay 1993; Olsen 2006)

and a lower jc (see Fig. 2). Thus, the
effect of the opposite decentration on
the risk of photic phenomena should be
taken into account particularly for
shallow preoperative anterior cham-
This study also has some limitations.
The optical model of pseudophakic eye
used simplifies the situation in a real
eye. In a real eye, all three observed
parameters (K, AL and ELP) vary.
Also, the ELP is influenced by several
factors, not only by preoperative axial
(A) length, anterior chamber depth and
curvature of the cornea, but also by
lens thickness and refraction (Olsen
et al. 1990). The principal limitation is
the simplifying presumption that pho-
tic phenomena are induced by the
interaction of the central ray (corre-
sponding to the nodal axis in our
model) with the first MIOL ring. This
approach, also considered in another
study (Prakash et al. 2011), enables to
derive a relation between the critical
angle kappa and other parameters of
the eye and MIOL based on geometri-
cal optics and the thin MIOL approx-
imation (see above), but does not take
(B) into account other optical effects
caused by diffraction, etc. Thus, this
Fig. 5. Schematic ray diagram showing that in eyes with a small angle kappa, a fovea centric ray approach does not allow a detailed
may pass through the central area of the MIOL (A), while in those with a higher angle kappa, a
analysis of the influence of the angle
fovea centric ray may pass close to the edge of the ring, thus causing photic phenomena (B).
kappa on the photic phenomena, and
the real values of the critical angle
kappa can differ from our results based
Table 1. The results of values of optical corneal power K, effective position ELP of the thin IOL
and optical axial length AL corresponding to the critical angle kappa jc = 7° for four different
on simplified computations. Neverthe-
diameters d of the central part of the MIOL and for the refractive index n = 1.336. Two of the eye less, according to the aim of this study,
model parameters always have standard values, and one is changed in each combination. Only the the relationships obtained show which
values of ELP achieve a realistic size. parameters should be considered for
angle kappa evaluation with regard to
K [D] (ELP = 5.25 mm, ELP [mm] (K = 43.27 D, AL [mm] (K = 43.27 D, the risk of photic phenomena and how
d [mm] AL = 23.65 mm) AL = 23.65 mm) ELP = 5.25 mm)
their values can influence this risk.
0.74 26.70 3.66 35.95 Despite these limitations, we think
0.86 19.22 3.04 40.93 that the results of our study, especially
0.938 14.10 2.63 44.17 the dependence on biometrical param-
1.0 9.86 2.31 46.74 eters of the eye, can help to find a
possible explanation for the contradic-
tion why some patients with a higher
curves presented in Figs 2–4 shift ory of the haptics, contraction of the angle kappa are asymptomatic while
upwards or downwards in this case. It capsule, and IOL rotation, it is uncer- others complain of disturbing photic
means that the decentration towards tain whether the lens would stay in the phenomena. Further studies on real
the visual axis causes an increase in the decentred position (Prakash et al. eyes will be required to confirm this
jc and the risk of photic phenomena 2011). Conversely, the opposite decen- hypothesis.
evoked by a large angle kappa should tration causes a decrease of the jc and In conclusion, the perception of
be reduced. In the practice, different can heighten the risk of photic phe- photic phenomena is multifactorial.
methods for compensating for a large nomena. These results are in accor- Our study suggests that angle kappa
angle kappa (decentration of the dance with the study by Karhanov a may also play a role. We confirmed the
MIOL towards the visual axis) have et al. (2013). Moreover, as mentioned dependence of critical angle kappa on
been described (Melki & Harissi- above, a shallow preoperative anterior the central zone diameter of the multi-
Dagher 2011). However, due to mem- chamber leads to a lower ELP (Olsen focal IOL and on biometric parameters

Acta Ophthalmologica 2015

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