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W4:L4 |Engagement Activity:

Visit any website of establishments mentioned in our class. Or, you have an option to
search for establishments that fall under the hospitality industry. Browse and observe the features
of their site. Create, as an output, an article that discusses how this establishment communicates
with their prospectuive clients through that site.

McDonald’s Philippines goes high-tech, high-touch


After reading the said online article, I came up to this critical analysis
of the article. Computerized tech has started to assume control over McDonald's
stores in the Philippines, through credit only installment frameworks and self-
requesting stands. Does this mean machines will supplant administration work force?
In actuality, says Margot Torres, McDonald's Philippines overseeing chief, as the new
store design—called NxtGen—will highlight multi-point requesting, which expands
eateries' ability to serve clients. McDonald's Philippines goes innovative, high-contact.
Inexpensive food goliath reveals new store design called NxtGen. Advanced tech has
started to assume control over McDonald's stores in the Philippines, through credit
only installment frameworks and self-requesting stands. Does this mean machines
will supplant administration staff? Actually, says Margot Torres, McDonald's
Philippines overseeing chief, as the new store design—called NxtGen—will highlight
multi-point requesting, which expands eateries' ability to serve clients. "That implies
we must be set up as far as our creation team, so we can serve every one of those
orders," says Torres. There are presently five NxtGen branches in Metro Manila:
McKinley West around there; Madison Street, Greenhills, San Juan City; and Pioneer
Reliance, Kapitolyo and Robinsons Galleria around there. These stores include self-
requesting stands, or huge touch screens where one can simply tap on their orders
and pay utilizing their Visa or Mastercard.

They are actively publishing content, engaging their audience in

discussions and in this way growing their customer base and engaging the
existing customers.McDonald's is to supplant human workers with voice-based
innovation in its US drive-throughs. The cheap food chain trusts the AI innovation
will make the requesting interaction more effective.Posting habitually/planning posts.
Presenting pertinent substance on their intended interest group. Drawing in with
clients and adherents, in both a great route and for client support. Utilizing flow and
occasional occasions in their social advancement procedures.The web and cell
phones have totally reshaped how we request, make and devour food. Rather than
thumbing paper menus in cafés, clients utilize their telephones to arrange for
conveyance. Rather than requesting exhortation from their companions, individuals
study surveys left by all out outsiders on the web.

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