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Rules are made for everyone’s good.

They served as the law that will guide us throughout our life.
Whether you like it or not, you simply have to follow in order to have a good life and avoid
consequences of our wrongdoings. In every aspect of our lives, we need rules. Why? Not because we
don’t know how to do things but because we don’t know the consequences of everything that we’ll do.
That is why we tend to have rules and we should always have rules in order to make everything right
and avoid everything that is wrong. Let me tell you about the rules implemented in our school. There
sure are many rules. We, as a students, need to follow. First, always come to class on time. Almost all
teachers say this right? especially on the first day of school. Being a good student starts by coming to
school early. Waking up early is just a sign that you are a good student and that you are excited to learn.
Besides attendance is a must so you really get to be inside your room even before the teacher comes.

Rule number two is that respect your teachers. Respect everything about teachers' privacy opinions,
thoughts, and behavior. Your teachers are your second parents so respect them as if they are your true
parents. Treat them in the best way and make them feel that they are loved and respected. When the
teacher makes a mistake, tell him/her in the nicest way. Don’t use that mistake to embarrass him or her.
Everything is fine when the teachers and students both have a good mutual relationship.

Rule number 3 is that respect your classmates. Not only the teacher has the right to be respected but
also everyone in the classroom including your classmates. We, students, know that we have our own
strengths, weaknesses, and flaws. When you have strength for something, use that to inspire others
who have weakness in it. Don’t belittle them instead, inspire them to work hard and encourage them to
try their best too. You don’t know what someone’s going through with so the best thing you can do for
them is to help them with everything you can. When your classmates answered wrong answer to a
question, don’t laugh at them because this will make them feel little and embarrassed. Help each other
as much as possible in order to have a good relationship with each other.

Religion is probably the one with the most rules as it is part of our lives so it has rules in everything we
do. It is connected in every single detail of our lives. For me, following these rules may be hard at first
but as a time goes by, you will eventually like it and you will be sad if you miss it. First rule is that always
pray on time. This is one of the most common rule in my religion yet not everyone is following it. Some
people pray late and some don’t pray at all. If you are praying, you must be sincere in it so that it will not
be wasted and you will get the reward here after.

Second rule is to accept the destiny. Accepting the destiny include being grateful and content for what
you have. Accepting the destiny include both good and bad thing that happen in our life. It is very simple
to say yet so hard to do. Many people are grateful we they get good but angry when bad things come.
This is wrong. You must accept whatever happen maybe good or bad because it is already written in our
book. When you receive things that are good, be grateful and keep in mind that it’s also a test if you will
abuse the gift or not. When you receive things that are bad, then be grateful also and be patient for it is
also for you.

Third Rule is to be sincere all the time. Being true and clean to yourself and your surrounding inside and
outside. Islam has ordered us to be clean physically the outer you and your surroundings. Cleaning is
part of faith. It is very important. Islam has also ordered us to be clean inside which means the avoiding
of any bad intentions that you feel or you imagine. You know when the heart have diseases physically,
that is dangerous but the diseases of the heart inside is more dangerous. It doesn't only kill the owner of
the heart but also that people whom you had a bad intentions with your heart. Free your heart from
sadness, sorrow, jealousy, depression, and wrath.

Home is where we find ourselves in a very comfortable way where we can be our true selves when we
are inside our home. But still, there are many rules to follow. In order to have a nice and happy home
rules are implemented. Everyone in the family must agree with it about this rules and apply it to the
next generations. First rule is to always respect and love one another. You must respect everyone in the
family especially your parents. Our parents are the best gift to us so don’t argue nonsense with them
because they have a sensitive feelings that may break their heart. Have a bonding with the every
member of the family in order to have a strong relationship. Obey what your parents order you. if you
are a little call siblings like brother or sister. If you were the elder show the little ones that they’re also
respected and loved. Help each other because no one will help but you yourself and your blood family as
saying goes blood is thicker than water.

Second rule is to keep the house clean and neat. Cleaning is very important task in the house that
everyone should do and follow. Everyone is responsible to cleaning not just the girls or women. Boys
must also be taught to clean at the house. Cleaning is not just a task, it is also an exercise for you know
when you clean, you are like burning calories counter so it’s a good thing for you. If you’re lazy to clean,
then your home won't improve. You will be laughed by your neighbors. Cleaning also includes doing all
the household chores like washing clothes (cleaning clothes), wiping tables, glasses, and furniture
(cleaning things), scrubbing the floor (cleaning the floor), and washing the dishes (washing the plates). It
is important to clean in order to have a safe environment, free of germs and viruses.

Third rule is to make good use of any resources at home. I am talking about the electricity, water, food,
and everything in the house. Having a light or electricity all the time doesn’t mean you have to use them
all the day. Remember to use it only when needed. Don’t waste any resources because you don’t know
how many people are in the dark searching for their light. likewise, water is not permanent. It can be
consumed in no time and nothing will remain. Food is the number one reason why we are striving hard
to get money. We use money to buy food and some even don’t have a money to buy food. When we
don’t like the food in table, we don’t eat food. Instead, we put it in the trash. Many people are dying
because they have no food to eat. We really make good use of everything in our home. Don’t abuse it.
Don’t waste it. Use only when it is needed.

I oppose one rule in the House which is the rule no.3. (Make good use of any resources at home). This
rule is likely to be done by my brothers but as the time goes by, I got the habit of it. It is not that I like to
waste anything but I just don’t see it as a serious problem. I know it’s bad to waste anything but I really
can’t help it. I pray to Allah to forgive me for this. Ever since, We have enough water, electricity and food
so whenever I have to throw food, I don’t see it as a bad habit because in my mind, we’ll always have
everything till death. May Allah forgive me for this.

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