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I really love and always feel amazed with Japan. Japan is located at in East of Asia and a country that has
4 seasons. As you know I live in Indonesia and only has 2 seasons. Japan is not far from my country you
just need around 7 hours to flight from Jakarta, my capital city to Tokyo, capital city of Japan.

Besides I love their seasons, some other things that I love about Japan are their culture and their
architecture design. So far I know that people who lives in Japan are very discipline and they are really
esteem about the time. About the architecture design, as we know that Japan is a country with has
many earthquakes happening almost everydayevery day. they will get earthquake. They will design a
building with a good respond response when earthquake comes.

If I have a chance, I want to go there after travelling banned end and of course if Japan has acceptsing
tourists. Before pandemic, come I want to visit Japan at in 2020 on June. But, unfortunately due to
COVID-19 we can not visit several countries. I wish next year, I can go there with my friends and my plan
is I can feel and enjoy the cherry blossom.

I really want to visit that country not only because the reasons that I have already mentioned. But from
Japan I can learn many things such as their honesty, and how polite they are to tourist. By the way I will
be really excited if I can eat at in Japan because I really love every food from Japan, the taste is really
good. You have to try it and I am sure you will falling fall in love with taste of Japan.


On December last year, I came to my friend’s wedding. It was held at Gedung Gembira, Tangerang. It
was the first time I came to a wedding with health protocol due to pandemic. We had to do a social
distancing and around 20% from the capacity of building could attend. My friend’s wedding was really
memorable for me. The first wedding ceremony that I attended and was not crowded, but it was
crowded if we considered during this current pandemic. You know what I mean right? I came to there
because the bride and the groom arewere my friends when I was atin senior high school. We are still
friends until now and even sometimes we went to vacation together with my others friend. So last year
when they said they would get married on December, me and my friends and I had no reason not to
come. They held wedding ceremony on Saturday, and I cocame to the wedding after my office hour. I
driveove alone from Jakarta to Tangerang, it toook around an hour and a half to go there. But It does
not not really matters because they are my friends. After that wedding I never came again to another
wedding because I avoid a the crowds


Last month, there was a hot news in my town, the news made a public scene at that time. The news
wasis about an animal which who can steal people’s money. We called it ”Babi Ngepet”. Actually I got
the news from twitter, many people talked about it. The case was near atby my office, so it was made
my office shocked. The incident happened when some people was keeping housingstay awake at night
in order to keep the houses around safe, and they found a black porkpig. At that a few days before,
some people said they loss their money, but doid not know where it gonewent. They saved their money
at cupboard, but at the night the money was gone. So they think their money loss because of “babi
ngepet”. When they found the porkpig, they bring it to the center of housing and called police. It was
really crowded because many people wanted to see the “babi ngepet”. Iit was affectmade several
people to believe that it was real, in this city there was Babi Ngepet. Because they have never seen Babi
Ngepet. But at the end of time, it was just a scenario by one person who wantsed to be famous and
bringought issue about babi ngepet, and then he prepared the porkpig at night.

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