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I hereby declare that the project report Titled “ELECTRIC BIKE.” submitted

to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, AVANTHI’S SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGICAL

AND RESEARCH ACADEMY, affiliated to SBTET, Hyderabad, TS, is carried out by me

during the year 2019-2020 in partial fulfillment of the award of Diploma in Mechanical

Engineering and is not submitted to any other university or organization for the award of any

other degree or diploma or published any time before.


Place: Hyderabad

Mr. CH. BALAJI (17515-M-033)

Mr. CH.KRISHNA VAMSI (17515-M-006)

Mr. M. PRAVEEN KUMAR (17515-M-022)

Mr. I. SAI KIRAN REDDY (17515-M-036)

MR. G. VAMSHI YADAV (17515-M-010)

I express my whole hearted gratitude to our beloved chairman MR. M. SRINIVASA RAO
minister of tourism, culture and youth advancement, Government of AP and chairman of
Acanthi’s scientific technological & research academy for having well qualified staff and labs
furnished with necessary equipment

I would like to express my sincere thanks to our beloved principal

DR.G.Ramachandrareddy, for providing us the opportunity to carry out this project

I would like to thank our head of the department Mr. SHUSPAL, for motivating from time to
time and being such an inspiration for us throughout the project

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our project guide Mr.SYED ALI
KASHIF, assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ASRA for his timely help
and in carrying out this project

I express my gratitude to the members of staff and all others who helped me in
more than one way


Mr. CH. BALAJI (17515-M-033)

Mr. CH.KRISHNA VAMSI (17515-M-006)

Mr. M. PRAVEEN KUMAR (17515-M-022)

Mr. I. SAI KIRAN REDDY (17515-M-036)

MR. G. VAMSHI YADAV (17515-M-010)


The bicycle has gone from being an old-fashioned recreational product to a less polluting means

of transport and a compact, ultra-light personal mobility tool. This is how electrical bicycles will

be used as the pillar that could support individual public transport in large cities worldwide. The

objective of this manuscript is to detect how worldwide research on the electric bicycle is being

developed, and, especially, around which scientific domains is it clustered, to finally identify the

main trends in the field. This study has been carried out based on the Scopus database, where all

the publications related to the topic of the electric bicycle have been analyzed up to the year

2017. Therefore, research on the global research trends of this topic was conducted. Its evolution

over time shows that since 2008 the growth of publications is much higher than in the previous

period. The main countries are China and the USA, and it can be inferred that there are two

major trend countries with high environmental awareness, which also have a large population

and that the electric bicycle is a suitable and sustainable form of transport. Among the main

scientific feilds, engineering leads in research. The keyword analysis shows that the central

theme is electric, then battery and motor stand out. Community detection was applied to detect

the six main clusters of this research, largely dedicated to the following topics: Transportation–

Environment, Electrical Engineering, Safety, Batteries, Sporting Goods–Urban Planning, and

Mechanical Engineering. This manuscript shows that global research trends about the electric

bicycle are increasing, and that it should be considered a means of sustainable urban transport

and will therefore contribute to energy saving and sustainable energy.



Introduction of E-BIKE

What is an E-BIKE

Material and methods

Keyword analysis



Components of E-BIKE

2 components of e bike

2.1 2.1.1Dc motor

2.1.2 Controller

2.1.3 Frame

2.1.4 Platform

2.1.5 Battery

2.1.6chain drive

2.1.7 Braking system

2.1.8 Sprockets

Designing of the shaft

3.1 Designing of the shaft

3.2 Bending
Misalignment of shafts

4.1 Design of Sprocket and Chain for Electric Bike

4.2 selection of pitch of sprocket

4.3 - 4.6 calculations


5 Advantages

5.1 Dis advantages

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 References

1 Dc motor 28

2 Controller 29

3 Battery 30

4 Chain drive 31

5 Electric brakes 32

6 Sprockets 32

7 Head light 33

8 Speedometer 33

9 Accelerator 34
TABLES Name of the table

Table 1 Specifications of E-Bike in various countries 07

Table 2 Main institutions with research on electric bicycle and their main bibliometric 23

Table 3 Main keywords used by the communities detected in the topic E bike 26


An electric bicycle is a type of electric vehicle based on a traditional bicycle to which an

electric motor has been added to help propel it. It is an ecological and urban means of transport

and its source of energy is a battery. In the 20th century, electric bicycles began to play a more

important role advantages, especially in highly populated countries like China . To highlight

this fact, it is enough to indicate that over 31million e-bikes were sold in2012. The bicycles are

both economic and environmental. Among the economic advantages we can find the total cost

per kilometer travelled by an electric bicycle (including the energy, purchasing and

maintenance), is less than 0.7 cents, compared to $0.031/km for a gasoline scooter , or

$0.62/km travelled by car. The batteries of the electric bicycles can be recharged by connecting

them to a plug or when pedaling in some gears. In addition, a typical electric bicycle needs 6–8

h to charge the battery and has a range of travel of 35 to 50 km at a speed of about 20 km/h

(depending on rider weight). This means that, with a single battery charge, It would been

thought go to work, visit friends, and return. Home on a normal day, since statistics show that

about half of the trips and procedures of a normal urban person are carried out within a distance

of 15 km from his/her house, therefore within the reach of these bicycles. From an

environmental point of view, for petrol car consumption in urban areas, the emissions are: HC

(Hydrocarbons) 3.57 g/km, CO 3.15 g/km, CO2 1.82 g/km, and NOx 2.29 g/km. Therefore, the

electric bicycle, as an alternative means of transport to the car, shows that for every 100 km an

average of 8.5 L of gasoline is saved, and this pollution would be avoided. The electric bicycle

as a new form of private transport has led to a new approach to mobility, especially in cities,

both for countries with large populations and for countries that are concerned about the

environment. The research on the electric bicycle is relatively new, but today, nobody clearly
knows where the efforts are being focused, nor what the main points of interest of the scientific

community are. The objective of this manuscript is to detect how the worldwide research of the

electric bicycle is being developed, and, especially around which scientific domains it is

clustered. Finally, the main trends in this field can be identified. The following table shows the

specification of various electric bikes used in few countries:

Key words:

Electric Bike, Electric Energy, Solar Panels, Fuel Economy.


P = Power

N = revolution per min

T = Torque

σs = Shear stress

σt = Tensile stress

σut = Ultimate Tensile Stress

fos = Factor of safety

Table 1 Specifications of E-Bike in various countries

Country Type of Speed limit watt Weight in Age
required in
bike in km\hr kgs
Australia Pedal 25 250 None None
Canada Hand 32 500 None Various
China P/H 30 200 20 None
Norway Pedal 25 250 None None
Uk Hand 27 250 40 14
Taiwan Hand 25 200 None None
Us P/H 25 750 None None

The world's car usage is boomerang. Cars are polluting the world's cities , dumping increasing

ampunts of carbon dioxide and other climate-altering greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere ,and

consuming vast quantities of petroleum. The harming reality is that the automobile usage is

growing at a much faster rate than the human production with saturation nowhere in sight. If

present trends continue, over 3 billion vehicles could be in operation by the year 2050, exceeding

20 cars per 100 people .Even then, world car ownership rates would fall far short of current U.S.

rates of 70 cars per 100 people. Nowadays, the price of oil keeps on increasing .People want to

use electricity instead of oil to operate transport .In China ,the industry of electric bikes has

grown rapidly in these10 years. The design of electric bikes trends to more environmentally

friendly. The energy from the sun can be used to run electronic devices .In this project , a electric

powered bicycle was designed. The materials used are more environmentally friendly and the

cost is much lower than the existing electric powered bike. The maximum speed of the bike is

20km/hr. The charging time by using electricity is 2-3 hours and 4-6 hours by using solar

energy .The design fulfils the requirements of China's government. Above, our target market is

China. We have analyzed the market for of electric bikes to understand the needs of its

citizen’s .The target customers want to have an electric bike with a light weight and don't need to
recharge frequently. They also care about the safety of the bike. Project Background A method

of upgrades a conventional electric powered bicycle over to Solar-Powered Electrical Bicycle

that is powered by an electric motor which gets its supply from photovoltaic (PV) panel. The PV

panels must be mounted and installed at the bicycle without compromising riding comfort

ability. The method employs a small electric motor that are easily connected and separated for

ease of transport. A solar co lector is connected to the rechargeable batteries for collecting solar

energy and converting such energy to electrical power that is delivered to the rechargeable

batteries for recharging there of. A rechargeable battery is operable connected to DC motor for

providing electrical power to drive the motor. Problem Statement There are several problems that

occur during upgrades a conventional electric powered bicycle to Solar-Powered Electrical

Bicycle .The specifications of photo volaic (PV) panel is must be sufficient to generate the

electric motor same as a conventional electric powered bicycle .The suitable connection of solar

cells ,rechargeable battery and DC electric motor with bicycle needed to make sure this project

accomplish with more optimum energy use. The electric motor must to support the weight and

size of the bicycle , size of solar panel and condition of the road surface.

1.1 What is Electric Bike?

The Electric bike is a bike which is driven with the help of battery which is coupled to

electric motor. Main principle: It works on the principle that the electromotive force of an

A.C. motor which receives electrical energy stored in D.C. battery is converted with the help
of D.C. to A.C. converter. Working medium: Here for the motivation of prime mover the

chemical reaction takes place from which an energizing current is evolved which is

responsible for the working. The working medium is sulphuric acid which is separated into

columns of H ions and negative SO4 ions when mixed with water. If the poles of the cell are

connected by a load, the flow of the electrons is from negative to positive. A bivalent

positive lead is produced from neutral lead when combined with bivalent negative of SO4

group to form lead sulphate. This results due to scarcity of electrons at negative pole.

Through the electron supply a bivalent positive lead is produced at positive pole from

quadrivalent positive lead. A combination of SO4 comes into existence thereby ruling the

combination of O2 which leads to formation of PbSO4. The atoms of oxygen and hydrogen

from electrolyte are released together to form water thereby decreasing the density of battery


1.2 A Brief Overview of the Electric Bicycle

Electric bicycles most at the same time as traditional bicycles. In the

1890s , several patents were granted for electric bicycle engines. In 1895, Ogden Bolton

was granted in the United States the patent (US Patent 552,271, 1895) for a bicycle battery

with six brush poles, a DC collector and a hub motor mounted on the rear wheel [9]. In 1897,

Hosea W. Libbey in Boston invented an electric bicycle (US Patent 547,441, 1895) that was

powered by a double electric motor. That same design was later used by the Giant Lafree e-

bikes (electric-assist bicycles) brand in the 1990s [10]. In 1920, Heinzmann, a German

company, started to mass produce electric motors for bikes. Their first motor was mounted

on a tandem. Later, it continued to develop engines that incorporated German mail

distribution bicycles. In the 1930s, Minneapolis-based Lejay Manufacturing registers patents

that are the germ of the Go Bike, an electric bicycle with a generator of a Ford T coupled to

the rear wheel. Later, Moulton Consultants Ltd. manufactured a double chain transmission,

one from the bottom bracket and another from the electric motor. In the1940s,electric

bicycles registered an increase due to a shortage in large motorized vehicles, as a result of the

war efforts of the Second World War. Several patents were granted for prototypes that were

eclipsed by the development and investment in the motorcycle industry, which played a more

important role during that war. In post-war Europe and Asia, due to the prohibitions to

countries like Italy and Japan to build and rearm their aeronautical industry, many engineers

who were dedicated to the development of engines for air planes saw and dedicated

themselves to the motorcycle industry, and in the shadows of this development were electric

bicycles, which went a bit ignored but nonetheless befitted from the new technologies and

innovations in that industry. However, it was not until the first oil crisis in 1973, that the use

of electric bicycles began to be promoted, although they did not have much popularity. It was

in the United States where electric bicycles played a preponderant role in urban transport as a

clean option for the oil problem. This first mass-marketed model was a bit rough and heavy

compared to the current models, as it had a solid steel frame and was cumbersome to

transport. However, it proved to be very versatile and

economicalcomparedtothelargeandpowerfulenginesofthecarsoftheseventies. This bicycle

,like its predecessors, did not harm the environment nor depend on the fluctuations of the oil

market. In 1982, the inventor Egon Gelhard developed a subtype of electric bicycles that

worked with the electric cycle pedal principle, where the driver is aided by the electric

traction of the engine when pedaling. Electric bicycles began to gain more notoriety in the

nineties. In 1992, Sinclair Research Ltd. sold the bike, a bicycle that included nickel-
cadmium batteries. It was a portable bicycle that weighed 11 kg with a small electric motor

driving the rear wheel and with batteries built into its frame. Only 2000 units were sold.




At the end of the 1990s, various models of torque sensors (US Patent 4,966,380, 1990)

and power control were developed, as well as new types of more durable batteries.

Furthermore, at the end of the 1990s, the big bicycle brands dominated the market, but at the

beginning of the year 2000 the sales of electric bicycles diminished radically, only to

resurface in the year 2005 with the boom of the lithium battery. This boom at the beginning

of the 21st century began thanks to the reduction in the weight of the bicycle: Panasonic built

the lightest electric bicycle on the market (19.9 Kg). Soon after, Honda released its Step

Compo model, the first electric folding bicycle to weigh 18.7 Kg.

LaterPanasonicadoptedtheLithiumionbatterytorevolutionizethemarketagain.So,in 2012

854,000 e-bikes were sold in the EU27, which means 1.7 e-bike sales per 1000 inhabitants,

and for the total number of bicycles sold means 4.2% . In France, 134,000 e-bikes were sold

in 2016, compared to 37,000 in 2011. In Italy, more than 124,000 e-bikes were sold in 2016

and nearly 24,000 were produced in the same year, growing by 40.5% compared to the

previous year .

It is estimated that around 21 million electric bicycles were circulating in China in 2009,

which is more than the total number of cars in China (9.4 million autos) [15]. In fact, Xinri is

the largest worldwide manufacturer of electric bicycles [16]. Their customers are, for

example, the Chinese police, and the postal service. However, the rapid expansion in the use
of e-bikes in this country has led to a consequent increase in the number of injuries [4]. From

a global point of view, in 2015, just over 40 million e-bikes were sold worldwide, of which

more than 90% were in China, 5% in Europe, and only 0.7% in USA.


power limit (W) and Top speed (km/h), in the USA it is 750 W and 32 km/h, in the EU it is

250 to 100W and25km/h, and inChinaitis25km/h with no limit on Motor power but the bike

must weigh <45 kg [17,18].

The greatest advantages provided by this means of transport are:

• In the morning time while leaving home, our time is appreciated at every minute and speed

makes this model of electric transport attractive for many urbanites, as the time of

preparation of the vehicle is considerably reduced.

• It also eliminates the need to look for parking, which not only means an inestimable time

saving but above all significant money savings in the urban economy.

• It is possible to convert a routine displacement carried out under pressure into an

opportunity to do exercise, since we work on our cardiovascular system during the ride. In

addition to avoiding traffic jams, we are taking care of our body, so the known excuse of not

having time to exercise can been resolved in the most practical and comfortable way

possible. In short, it is compatible to take care of yourself while going to work.

Given the advantages of the electric bicycles both from an environmental and

energy savings point of view, especially in urban transport ,in this work we set out as an

objective to study there search trends about scientific publications related to electric bicycles.

1.3 Material and Methods

The existence of two major databases, Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus, raises the

important question of the comparability and stability of statistics obtained from different data

sources . Several studies have measured the overlap between databases and the impact of

using different data sources for specific research field on bibliometric indicators,

demonstrating a larger number of journals indexed by Scopus compared to WoS . Regarding

the overlap, 84% of the WoS titles are also indexed in Scopus, while only 54% of the Scopus

titles are indexed in WoS . For this reason, Scopus was selected for this work. In this study, a

search of Elsevier’s Scopus database was performed using the key to search the sub feilds of

Title, Abstract and Keywords, to identify publications that address the issue of the electric

bicycle. The search was conducted over the whole data series, that is, the last 44 years, from

1973 to 2017. The search query was: TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Electric* bicycle*” OR “Electric*

Bike*” OR “e-bike”), since the scientific literature presents different ways to refer to electric

or electrical and bicycle or bike, in addition to singular or plural forms, and recently e-bike.

This methodology has been used successfully in other bibliometric studies . In this way, with

the publications that referred to the electric bicycle, the evolution of scientific production can

be studied in accordance with years, type of publication, language, distribution of

publications by country, indexation categories of publications,


carried out. Once the manuscripts related to the electric bicycle have been obtained, the study

on research trends is carried out through the study of their keywords. The first step is to

analyze which keywords are the most frequent among all these manu scripts; this shows

which topic shave been the most studied for the electric bicycle. To compare the relative

importance among them, these results are usually represented by a cloud word. The second
step was a specific search for the ten main countries that have published on this topic. For

China, the specific query was: TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Electric*bicycle*”OR “Electric* Bike*”

OR “E-bike”) AND (LIMIT-TO (AFFILCOUNTRY, “China”). These results will show the

main keywords used in the manuscripts published by this country. The third step was another

specific search for the main keywords obtained from the main query; e.g., TITLE-ABS-KEY

(“Electric* bicycle*” OR “Electric* Bik*” OR “E-bike”) AND (LIMIT-TO

(EXACTKEYWORD, “Transportation”). These results will show the evolution of the

keywords during the study period. The set of articles obtained in the main search are

represented by a network that is nodded and linked. Nodes are the keywords and their

importance is represented by the size of the node and its centrality in the network. The size of

the connection between two nodes represents the number of relationships between the two

keywords, thus the larger the relationship between those two keywords the thicker the link

will be. If it is desired to know around which topics the articles are grouped, that is to say,

which parts of the network are more interconnected with each other, it is necessary to use a

community detection algorithm . Finally, the community detection algorithm is applied to the

network of the main query to group the global rends to the search criteria. As less strongly

related elements are associated with this nucleus, the peripheral elements are structured. In

this work the VOS viewer has been used ( specifically for this

type of scientific production analysis . Figure 1 shows the summary of the described

methodology. Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16 the electric bicycle, the

evolution of scientific production can be studied in accordance with years, type of

publication, language, distribution of publications by country, indexation categories of

publications, and analysis of key words; this last aspect is the one that provides the most
information for the research carried out. Once the manuscripts related to the electric bicycle

have been obtained, the study on research trends is carried out through the study of their

keywords. The first step is to analyze which keywords are the most frequent among all these

manuscripts; this shows which topics have been the most studied for the electric bicycle. To

compare the relative importance among them, these results are usually represented by a cloud

word. The second step was a specific search for the ten main countries that have published

on this topic. For China, the specific query was: TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Electric* bicycle*” OR

“Electric* Bik*” OR “E-bike”) AND (LIMIT-TO (AFFILCOUNTRY, “China”)). These

results will show the main keywords used in the manuscripts published by this country. The

third step was another specific search for the main keywords obtained from the main query;

e.g., TITLEABS-KEY (“Electric* bicycle*” OR “Electric* Bik*” OR “E-bike”) AND

(LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Transportation”)). These results will show the evolution

of the keywords during the study period. The set of articles obtained in the main search are

represented by a network that is nodded and linked. Nodes are the keywords and their

importance is represented by the size of the node and its centrality in the network. The size of

the connection between two nodes represents the number of relationships between the two

keywords, thus the larger the relationship between those two keywords the thicker the link

will be. If it is desired to know around which topics the articles are grouped, that is to say,

which parts of the network are more interconnected with each other, it is necessary to use a

community detection algorithm . Finally, the community detection algorithm is applied to the

network of the main query to group the global rends to the search criteria. As less strongly

related elements are associated with this nucleus, the peripheral elements are structured. In

this work the VOS viewer has been used ( specifically for this
type of scientific production analysis . Figure 1 shows the summary of the described


1.4 Evolution of Scientific Production

From1973to2017, research yielded 896 document results ,who set emporal

distribution is shown in Figure 2. It must be noted that the search has no data prior to this

date, for this reason 1973 is considered the first year of this search. It is observed that the

increase begins in 2003, and 2008 is the year when scientific production increases

significantly. These publications are written mostly in English in more than 90% of cases,

although the Chinese language also appears strongly since 2001, with 7.5%, other languages

are already anecdotal with less than 1% and included Japanese, Dutch, German, Polish,

Russian, Spanish, and French.

Table 2 Main institutions with research on electric bicycle and their main

bibliometric indicators
1.5 Keyword Analysis

The analysis of the keywords identifies or summarizes the work of the researchers

[29]. This section analyses the keywords obtained from the main query described in the

methodology section. In the overall articles obtained from the query, the frequency of

appearance of each keyword has been obtained. In Figure 6, a word cloud has been represented

where size and centrality show the importance of that keyword within the total publications,

defined by the highest frequency of occurrence or the number of times it is repeated. If the main

query is filtered by each of the major countries by number of publications, the main keywords of

these countries are obtained. Therefore, Table 2 shows the three main keywords of the top ten

countries. The keywords of the countries that least resemble the rest are those of Japan and

Australia, and both have a gender component that is very much present in their studies. On the

other hand, if the main search is limited to a particular keyword, the frequency of occurrence of

this keyword for each year can be obtained. Figure 7 shows the evolution over time of the top

three keywords. Note that the search is limited to the last ten years, from 2007 to 2017. This is

due to the small difference existing in earlier years (note that in 2007 two of these keywords had
no values). The keywords “Electric Vehicle” were almost always above the others but they have

emerged mainly since 2015. The other two keywords, “Sporting Goods” and “Transportation”,

were in the same rank until 2012. Since then, sporting goods began to distance itself upwards. In

this part of the analysis, it is worth noting that the electric bicycle is no longer just an alternative

for transportation, but a means of daily sports practice to improve health. Indeed, the electric

bicycle is considered a vehicle. It is important to highlight this fact, because for many countries it

is proposed as a solution to the problem of personal transport. On the other hand, in the US,

“sporting goods” refers to items that are purchased for recreational purposes.

Table 4 Main keywords used by the communities detected in the topic E bike

1.6 Operation:

In this a DC waveform which is obtained id made sinusoidal due to operational

transistorized D.C. to A.C. amplifying circuit by switching the electric energy in the form of

electric current which flows from battery to D.C. to A.C. converter circuit. By using amplifier

circuit the small A.C. current is amplified again. In order to drive the circuit through the
condenser, this amplified current is fed to the stator winding of the A.C. motor. The condenser

which is used acts as a storage of electric energy and delivers at the time of requirement. The

sprocket wheel installed on motor shaft is driven by the motive power of the electric energy. The

rear sprocket wheel is being rotated by the chain drive mechanism on which the other two

remaining sprocket wheels are installed. The wheel is driven by the rear wheel installed on the

rear sprocket. Thus the electric bike is mobilized by using electric power.



The Electric bike consists of following components viz , frame, on/off key, chain ,

battery 12v 7ah ,24v 350w dc motor, headlight , speedometer, brakes, controller,

accelerator ,horn, flywheel.

2.1Dc motor:
The motor is having 350w capacity with make300rpm it is the main things bike due

to this motor the bike will run the motor have several capcities but no we using 350w

motor and it have a small hub in the rotor specifications are as follows :Current


Voltage rating:24 volts

Bearing: single row ball


The controller helps to moderate the speed and its was connected to the batteries

to supply power and it was also control the brake lights and head light and on off key.

The Frame is made up of M.S. along with some additional light weight components.

The frame is designed to sustain the weight of the person driving the unit, the weight of

load to be conveyed and also to hold the accessories like motor. Also it should be design

to bear and overcome the stresses which may arise able to due to different driving and

braking torques and impact loading across the obstacles. It is drilled and tapped enough

to hold the support plates.


The Platform is designed with robust base so that it can hold the load along

with the weight of the driving person uniformly. It is fabricated from Mild Steel at a

specific angle in cross section and welded with a sheet of metal of specific thickness. The

platform’s alignment is kept horizontal irrespective whether it is loaded or unloaded and

this is directly bolted and welded to the frame.


The battery also acts as a condenser in a way that it stores the electric energy

produced by the generator due to electrochemical transformation and supply it on

demand. Battery is also known as an accumulator of electric charge. This happens usually

while starting the system. The battery gives the electric supply to the motor the battery

capacity is 12v 7ah

2.1.5. Chain


A Chain is an array of links held together with each other with the help of steel

pins. This type of arrangement makes a chain more enduring, long lasting and better way

of transmitting rotary motion from one gear to another. The major advantage of chain

drive over traditional gear is that, the chain drive can transmit rotary motion with the help

of two gears and a chain over a distance whereas in traditional many gears must be

arranged in a mesh in order to transmit motion.

2.1.6 Braking System:

For the braking system it is convenient to use braking system used in

band brake system which consist of spring loaded friction- shoe mechanism, which is we

with the help of hand lever the braking system is third major part in e bike moving with
Certain speed the brake helps to stop the bike this is powerful braking driven


The chain with engaging with the sprocket converts rotational power in to rotary power

and vice versa. The sprocket which looks like a gear may differ in three aspects::

• Sprockets have many engaging teeth but gears have only one or two.
• The teeth of a gear touch and slip against each other but there is basically no slippage in

case of sprocket

• The shape of the teeth are different in gears and sprockets

7 Head light :

The head light is fixed in the front of the handle the head light is used to focus the light in

night times and they also have on off Button.


The speedometer is used to know the speed of the bicycle the speedometer shows

time ,km/hr, odometer etc…….

The horn is used to beware to others while driving the horn is fixed to right

side/left side of the handle and a button is fixed to the handle to sound horn.

2.1.9Accelator :
This is used to maintain the certain by rasing the accelator the accelator

wire is connected to controller to control the certain speed in dc motor


Here we have used permanent magnet self generating motor with 250 watt power

and 2100rpm. The motor runs on 48volts and 7.5amps power source. This motor can reach a

peak current during starting equal to 15 amps.

P = 2 x 3.14 x N x T /60 250 = 2 x 3.14 x 2100 x T /60

T = 1.13 N

m = 1136 N-mm Reduction in chain drive

R chain = 66/11 = 6:1

Torque at wheel shaft = T x R chain = 1136 x 6 = 6820 N mm Speed of wheel shaft = 2100 /

6 = 350 rpm




The force which develops across a specific cross section of the

shaft, it generates stress at that point of cross section that are subjected to maximum loading.

This internal or resisting moment gives rise to the stress called as bending stresses. Torsion:

When the shaft which is twisted by the couple such that the axis of that shaft and the axis of

the couple harmonize, that shaft is subjected to pure torsion and the stresses generated at the

point of cross section is torsion or shear stresses. Combined Bending and Torsion: In actual

practice the shaft is subjected to combination of the above two types of stresses i.e. bending

and torsion. The bending stresses may occur due any one of the following reasons:

1. Weight of belt

2. Pull of belts

3. Eccentric Mounting of shafts/gears


Misalignment of shafts
4.Misalignment of shafts/gears

On contrary, the torsional movement occurs due to direct or indirect twisting of

the shaft. Hence at any given point on cross-section of the shaft, the shaft is subjected to both

bending and torsional stresses simultaneously. Following stresses are taken in consideration

while designing the shaft:

Shaft design

T = 36000 N mm

T = 3.14 / 16 x σs x d3

Fs allowable = 80 N/mm2

6820 =3.14 x σs x d3/16

σs = 34.73 N/mm2

Material = C 45 (mild steel)

σ ut = 320 N/mm2 ------------ PSG design data book.

Factor of safety = 2

σt = σb = σ ut/ fos = 320/2

= 160 N/mm2

σs = 0.5 σt = 0.5 x 160

= 80 N/mm2

σs is less then allowable so our shaft design is safe

4.1Design of Sprocket and Chain for Electric Bike

We know,
TRANSMISSION RATIO = Z2 / Z1 = 66/11 = 6

For the above transmission ratio number of teeth on pinion and the number of teeth sprocket

is in the range of 21 to 10, so we have to select number of teeth on pinion sprocket as 11


So, Z1 = 11 teeth


The pitch is decided on the basis of RPM of sprocket. RPM of pinion sprocket is variable in

normal condition it is = 2100 rpm For this rpm value we select pitch of sprocket as 6.35mm

from table. P = 6.35mm



THE TRANSMISSION RATIO = Z2 / Z1 = 66/11 = 6 which is less than 7 Dia. of small


Periphery = π × dia. Of sprocket

11 × 6.25 = π × D

D = 11 × 6.25 / π

D = 21.8 mm Dia. of sprocket,

Periphery = π × dia. Of sprocket

66 × 6.25 = π × D

D = 66 × 6.25/ π

D = 131.3 mm

So from table, referred from PSG Design Data book

The minimum centre distance between the two sprocket = C’ + (80 to 150 mm) Where C’

= Dc1 + Dc2 /2

C’= 131.3 + 21.8/2

C’ = 76.5 mm


DISTANCE = 170 mm


– (with help of PSG Design Data)

Load factor K1 = 1.25 (Load with mild shock)

Distance regulation factor K2 =1.25(Fixed center distance) Center distance of sprocket

factor K3 =0.8

Factor for position of sprocket K4 = 1

Lubrication factor K5 = 1.5 (periodic)

Rating factor K6 = 1.0 (single shift)


For pitch = 6.35 & speed of rotation of small sprocket = 2100 rpm

Factor of Safety for this drive = 8.55

Calculation of Allowable Bearing Stress:

For pitch = 6.35 & speed of rotation of small sprocket = 2100 rpm
Allowable Bearing stress in the system = 2.87kg / cm2

=2.87 * 981/100 =28 N /mm2

4.6Calculating Maximum Tension on Chain

Maximum torque on shaft = Tmax = T2 = 6820 N-mm


T1 = Tension in tight side

T2 = Tension in slack side

O1, O2 = center distance between two shaft

Sin ∝ = R1 - R2 / O1O2

Sin ∝ = 65.65 - 10.9 / 170

Sin ∝ = 0.33

∝ = 18.78


θ = (180 –2∝ ) X 3.14/180

θ = (180 –2*18.78) X 3.14/180

θ = 2.48 rad

According to this relation,

T1/T2 = eµθ

T1/T2 = e0.35 x 2.48

T1 = 2.38T2

We have,
T = (T1 – T2) X R

6820 = (2.38 T2 – T2) X 65.65

T2 = 75.27 N

T1 = 2.38 X 75.27

T1 = 179.16 N

So tension in tight side = 179.16 N

We know,

Stress = force / area x 2

Stress induced = 179.16/ (3.14 * 32 / 4) x 2

Stress induced = 12.67 N /mm2



• Easy to commute with low fatigue

• Less maintenance cost.

• Normal Drag/Pedal is possible when power is not in use.

• Deployable batteries – can be taken inside house.

• Cost of the unit is very low.

• Easy to carry since it is portable.

• Less energy consumed.

• High efficiency can be obtained if inverter is used.

• If using solar panel, free utilization of energy can be done


• High intensity of wind load.

• High centre of gravity.

• Cannot tolerate drastic changes in environment.

• Needs Periodic Monitoring.

5.3 Conclusions

After completing the scientometric analysis, it is observed that the top ten countries

concerned about this issue, as reflected in their scientific production are, by order: China,

United States, Taiwan, Italy, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Malaysia, and Canada.

It can be deduced that there are these main trends: countries with a large number of

inhabitants are interested in electric bicycles because they are a sustainable form of mobility

due to their long tradition as a means of transport, and countries with high environmental

awareness. Regarding the main institutions six are from China (Southeast University, Tongji
University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Southwest Jiaotong University and

Beijing Jiaotong Daxue), two are from the USA (University of Tennessee, Knoxville and UC

Berkeley), one from: Italy (Politecnico di Milano), Australia (Monash University), and

Taiwan (Kao Yuan University Taiwan). Thus, the main languages of these publications are

English, as was expected as a scientific language; however, Chinese stands out in a high

percentage. Our analysis also shows that the electric bicycle as a research issue is not very

consolidated, as the type of publication corresponds mostly to conference papers.

The data analyzed related to the electric bicycle shows an increase in scientific and

technological interest in this subject. The countries through their research centers or

universities have devoted a good part of their efforts to develop an efficient and high quality

electric bicycle model by means of the latest technology. This is reflected mainly from the

use of lithium batteries in 2005 and since 2012 by the increase in sales of electric bicycles.

This was a phenomenon promoted by the attraction caused by the price, much less than a

scooter, and by its speed and lightness in use, in addition to having a simple and inexpensive

recharge. The most important part of this study has focused on finding out what scientific

trends are observable in the research and how electric bicycle research is grouped. This has

been obtained through the analysis of keywords. Thus, when they are analyzed together one

can see that the electrical subject is the one that dominates, using keywords such as electric,

motor or batteries. However, they stand out especially in the last ten years. Of the ten, three

of them are notable: “Electric Vehicle” almost always occurs above the others but this trend

has emerged mainly since 2015, “Sporting Goods” is in second place and “Transportation”

arrives in third. It has been noted that the electric bicycle is not only an alternative for

transportation, but also a way of practicing daily sports to promote healthy living. This
research is classified into distinct areas: Engineering (42%), Computer Science (12%),

Energy (10%), Social Sciences (10%), and Medicine (4%). From the point of view of

mechanical engineering it is being investigated in the incorporation of new ultra-light and

resistant materials, and from electrical engineering in batteries with more autonomy, and a

lighter and faster recharge. Large cities, especially in countries with large populations such as

China, or with bicycle transport traditions, such as Holland or Belgium, are betting on this

means of transport to make their cities less polluting and for the sake of a heal their way of

life. This is reflected in the large number of publications that relate to the electric bicycle as a

means of transport and its consideration as a sporting good. Therefore, an increase in the

number of electric bicycles in circulation is expected. Additionally, if the analysis is carried

out with the relationship between the keywords of the publications studied, the main clusters

can be obtained by means of a community detection algorithm. The obtained clusters were, in

order of significance: Transportation/Environment,Electrical engineering, Safety, Batteries,

Roads and streets, and Mechanical engineering. In short, the research in relation to electric

bicycles every year incorporates new technologies that make more and more people bet on

this alternative means of transport, which makes it compatible with a healthier lifestyle, is

respectful to the environment, and will contribute to energy saving. More research is needed

to improve the knowledge base on the use and safety of the e-bicycle, particularly on two key

issues: firstly improving road safety and secondly reducing the impact of conventional lead-

acid batteries in favor of less environmentally polluting ones.

With the increasing consumption of natural resources of petrol, diesel it is necessary to

shift our way towards alternate resources like the Electric bike and others because it is

necessary to identify new way of transport. Electric bike is a modification of the existing
cycle by using electric energy and also solar energy if solar panels are provided, that would

sum up to increase in energy production. Since it is energy efficient, electric bike is cheaper

and affordable to anyone. It can be used for shorter distances by people of any age. It can be

contrived throughout the year. The most vital feature of the electric bike is that it does not

consume fossil fuels thereby saving crores of foreign currencies. The second most important

feature is it is pollution free, eco – friendly and noiseless in operation. For offsetting

environmental pollution using of on – board Electric Bike is the most viable solution. It can

be charged with the help of AC adapter if there is an emergency. The Operating cost per/km

is very less and with the help of solar panel it can lessen up more. Since it has fewer

components it can be easily dismantled to small components, thus requiring less



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