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Dellera, Shenna G.


Unit 1. The Ecosystem Concept Unit Skills 1: Flow of Energy

Graphics Attribution:
Unit 2. Ecosystems Types and Biomes
Unit 2.1: Biome Chart
Unit Skills 2.2: Biome Analysis

(1) What kind of ecological succession would wildfires result to?

Wildfires would result to secondary ecological succession wherein it pertains to the
evolution of a particular biological community’s structure after the occurrence of major
disturbances that has adversely affected a previously thriving land. The destruction caused by a
wildfire will greatly alter the structure of a biological community especially that under this
succession, the area was already occupied by living things when it was disturbed. However, the
good thing is that secondary ecological succession would require lesser time since the soil was
already fertile due to primary ecological succession. Under this case, a stable climax community
will be much easier to achieve.
(2) How does adaptation work in an ecosystem? You may cite examples.
Adaptation works through the modification of biological mechanisms that allow
organisms to survive and thrive in the midst of changes in their environment. Organisms actually
alter their body functions in order to cope up with the changes that are threatening their chances
of survival. The climatic conditions of the different ecosystems resulted to the interesting
modifications of the biological structure of organisms. In arid places, camels have adapted to
their environment through their oval-shaped blood cells that make it possible to consume large
amounts of water. The water is actually stored in their bloodstream and the unique shape of their
blood cells make it much easier for blood to flow. As a result, camels can really survive the
extreme weather condition where water is scarce. On the other hand, in a harsh cold climate,
polar bears have adapted to their environment by storing food in their body and by protecting
themselves from the cold through their thick layers of fat and fur. Indeed, the conditions of the
various ecosystems have caused organisms to alter and evolve their previous state in order to
survive and thrive.
(3) What does environmental stewardship mean? What kind of responsibility would this entail?
Environmental stewardship pertains to the responsible management of human activity
that may cause detrimental effects to the environment. This aims to conserve and preserve the
natural environment for the future generations of human and other forms of life on Earth. This
responsibility would entail a person to be passionate about saving the deteriorating environment.
The environmental dilemmas as of today are quite huge but this can be solved through our own
little ways that can collectively be massive enough if only we work together. We can be stewards
of the environment starting at our homes. We can choose to reduce plastic consumption, recycle
things that can still be used, avoid wastage of water and electricity and many more sustainable
practices. As of now, we do not really realize that these little ways can actually go a long way if
only we will be serious and consistent about it.

(4) In what way, can the environment harm the human population?
In the present times, we have already witnessed the detrimental effects of our own actions
against the environment because lately, we have been experiencing stronger typhoons,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and currently we have been in great misery due to the pandemic.
For me, the environment is not the one causing harm to the human population because I believe
that we humans are actually at fault for whatever that it is that we are suffering from. Our
irresponsible actions that have inflicted harm to the environment are actually the causes of why
we are in a difficult situation today. In other words, we humans have created our own dilemmas
and it is sad that some of us are just turning a blind eye against the current environmental issues
that greatly require our attention.
Unit 3. Solid Waste Management
Unit Skills 3: Waste Audit
1. (a) What was the most common waste/trash your household threw? (b) What do you think is
the possible reason behind why it was the most common? (c) What type of the waste would this
The most common waste/trash my household threw were plastic/packagings/e-waste. I think that
the possible behind why it was the most common is the fact that what we usually purchase from
outside uses plastic as their packaging. The type of the waste would be solid waste.
2. Try asking your family members or community leaders in the area, if do they know where the
waste goes. To where is it disposed?
The waste is collected weekly by the garbage trucks and are disposed in the dumping sites here
in our town.
3. (a) Does your household practice waste segregation? Describe how is the practice done at
home. (b) Does your community/barangay implement such practice?
Yes. Our household has been always practicing waste segregation. In our home, we have
different containers for each type of waste. We have a separate container for paper waste, plastic
waste, and food waste.
Yes. Our barangay has been strict about implementing this practice recently.
4. (a) How can you further improve the current practices? (b) What would be your proposed
solution to the current problem? Or proposed policy or ordinance? (c) How would the policy or
ordinance work?
Here in our barangay, only plastic wastes are being collected by the garbage trucks
leaving the other types of wastes in our homes. As a result, some households have opted to just
burn the other wastes left such as the paper wastes. This in turn would be detrimental for the
environment. This is why I would like to propose the collection of the other wastes especially
paper wastes and dispose it to those companies or people who are interested to either recycle or
upcycle it. The policy will be just like the existing one wherein garbage trucks rover around the
streets to collect waste in a weekly basis. But this time, paper wastes and other recyclable wastes
will now be included for collection. In this way, people will not be tempted to just burn those
wastes because this time, they already have a better option for waste disposal.
Unit 4. The Changing Climate, Air Quality, and Energy Consumption
Unit Skills 4.1 Upcycle your Stuff

1. Gather all materials needed for the upcycling.

2. Make a pillowcase using acetate. This will serve as the container for the junk food wrappers.
3. Put the wrappers inside the acetate pillowcase.

4. Staple the acetate pillowcase.

5. Make a pillowcase using old clothes.
6. Cut the old clothing into a shape the same size as the acetate pillowcase.
7. Sew the edges of the pillowcase.
Upcycled junk food wrappers
Upcycled old clothing
Unit Skills 4.2: The Energy Plan
(1) What are your suggestions on how people can adapt to natural disasters (such as flooding,
typhoon, and earthquake) in your community or barangay?
I suggest that people should be much more proactive this time especially nowadays that
natural disasters are getting stronger and it can just strike anytime. Recently, there has been
flooding in our town just because of the rains brought by the low pressure area. People did not
really expect that the continuous rain would flood many areas. As a result, people were taken
aback by how the flood suddenly came. After the flood, a lot of things were lost such as modules
that were already ready for distribution and as well as printers and other machines. Sadly, there
was also a recorded casualty in our town. I believe that the destructive effects of the recent
flooding could have been minimized if only people were prepared beforehand. Destructions
caused by natural disasters are inevitable but it is up to us if we let it destroy us in its full
capacity. This is why I strongly suggest that there should be concrete plans for disaster
preparedness in the community.
(2) If you are going to create a policy on the use of technology which emits greenhouse gas, how
will you put this into writing on a policy that can mitigate this problem?
If I were to create a policy, I would impose rules and regulations that would limit the
carbon footprint of each household. Carbon footprint refers to the amount of greenhouse gases
that are emitted due to our actions. My proposed policy would be to restrict people from going
beyond the carbon footprint limit that will be agreed upon. Next, I would like to create awareness
programs that would make people see that each of us has been contributing greatly for the
detrimental effects of global warming. In this way, people will be much more careful for their
actions especially when it comes to the use of technology.
(3) What type of energy would you recommend that Region 8 should invest in? Why?
I think that Region 8 should invest more in improving the current energy source that we
have. We actually have a good source of energy because our households are powered by
geothermal energy. This type of energy is renewable which means that it is a good choice. If we
opt to invest in solar energy, I think that it would be too costly and it would not be a stable
source of energy. On the other hand, I think that it will be detrimental to invest in hydroelectric
energy because this will increase the risks of flooding and may harm aquatic life. This is why I
recommend that Region 8 should stick on geothermal energy and devise ways to make it more
stable because it is already a good source of renewable energy.
(4) What are needed to generate electricity in tidal and hydroelectric energy? Describe the
Electricity from tidal and hydroelectric energy may be generated through the use of
turbines. When the water level is high, the water flows into the reservoir of the barrage. This
makes the turbines turn that serve as the mechanism responsible for the generation of electricity.
Meanwhile, when it is already low tide, the water stored inside the barrage reservoir will flow
back to the sea and will turn the turbines again. Even if it is low tide, there will still be electricity
because of the water flowing out from the reservoir.
(5) What are your action plans when it comes to conserving energy in the household?
Below is a list of my action plans when it comes to conserving energy in the household.
1. Use natural light as much as possible.
2. Switch to energy efficient light bulbs.
3. Turn off appliances when no one is using it.
4. Unplug battery chargers when it is not in use.
5. Use paper instead to write drafts instead of using laptop.
6. Minimize use of air conditioner.
7. Use electric fan during the daytime instead of turning on air conditioner.
Unit 5. Conversation and Management of Natural Resources
Unit Skills 5: The Conservation Plan
A. Forest Resources
What are the causes of land degradation and What are some of the ways we can protect
deforestation? these resources?
The major causes of land degradation are land 1. Plant more trees to restore the consumed
pollution, commercial development, poor forest resources.
farming practices, urban sprawl and 2. Implement laws and rules effectively to
overgrazing. Meanwhile, deforestation is prevent deforestation.
caused by wood extraction, urbanization, and 3. Protect and nurture existing forests.
infrastructure development. 4. Be wise when it comes to the utilization of
forest resources in order to produce less
B. Agricultural Resources
What causes increase in soil salinity? And What are some of the ways we can protect
how do pests and diseases appear in these resources?
agricultural plants? 1. Constantly monitor groundwater levels and
The increase in soil salinity is mostly the salt in both land and water.
caused by dissolved salts in water supply. The 2. Adopt preventive measures to stop the
salt content in the water supply may have threat of soil salinization.
been from the flooding of the land by sea 3. Use natural remedies to get rid of pests and
water or brackish groundwater from below. In insects.
addition, it may have resulted from mineral 4. Produce less waste by being wise enough in
weathering which is a natural process of managing agricultural resources.
causing salinization.
Pests appear in agricultural plants
because of its goal to scavenge for food. Rats
and mice are common pests that destroy crops
during harvest seasons. Meanwhile, diseases
appear in agricultural plants due to the
transmission of bacteria or fungal infection
carried by the insects and pests. An example
would be aphids wherein this is regarded as
one of the main carrier of diseases in
agricultural plants.
C. Water Resources
How does pollution affect water quality? What are some of the ways we can protect
Pollution affects water quality through its these resources?
toxic chemical components that can change 1. Dispose waste to where it should be and
the color of the water and increase the amount definitely not on bodies of water.
of minerals that may harm aquatic life. 2. Educate people about water conservation
3. Participate in coastal clean-up drives and
other programs designed to help clean the
4. Impose stricter rules and regulations in
order to penalize those who are causing water
Unit 6. Eco-Innovation and Sustainable Economy
Unit Skills 6: My Environmental Policy
Type of Business: Eco-Friendly Online Retail Business
Products Sold/Manufactured:  Organic fruits and vegetables produced
by local farmers coupled with points that
may be earned for every purchase that
will be intended for various
environmental causes. The customer will
be the one to decide where to allocate the
points earned.
Environmental Management Policy
Objectives/ Commitment:  To ensure that the establishment of the
business will not impair the current
deteriorating situation of the environment.
 To minimize food waste by helping local
farmers to market their products.
 To make a real and meaningful
contribution to the environment by
granting points to consumers for every
product that they purchase that will be
intended for various environmental
concerns and by being strict about the use
of plastic-free packaging.

Packaging of Materials:  The business will strictly implement the

policy on having a plastic-free packaging
for products purchased. It will utilize eco-
bags and as well as cardboard boxes for
bulk orders.
Use of Water and Energy:  The business ensures the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions through the use
of bicycles in the delivery of goods to its
customers. Meanwhile, it will implement
strategies in order to be efficient in water
Disposal of Waste:  The business will dispose its waste if any,
to compost pits. This will be beneficial to
farmers because the waste can be turned
into organic fertilizer.
Community Social Responsibility:  The business strives to be a catalyst of
change for the environment and the
community. It has a driven purpose to
minimize food waste by helping local
farmers to sell their goods and provide
fresh and organic products to consumers.
It aims to make a compelling and
meaningful contribution to the
environment through the use of plastic-
free packaging and by providing points
for every purchase intended to alleviate
the detrimental effects of various
environmental concerns.

Comprehensive Test in Environmental Science

1. c 11. c 21. c
2. b 12. c 22. b
3. d 13. d 23. c
4. a 14. c 24. a
5. b 15. d
6. d 16. d
7. d 17. d
8. a 18. a
9. d 19. b
10. a 20. b

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