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Best Practice

SABP-Z-001 16 November 2014

Plant Information System Data Compression
Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Introduction...................................................................................... 2
2 Conflicts with Mandatory Standards................................................. 2
3 References....................................................................................... 2
4 Definitions........................................................................................ 3
5 General............................................................................................ 7
6 Interface Utility Tools....................................................................... 8
7 OSIsoft’s Standard Interfaces………............................................... 9
8 PI-Tags........................................................................................... 10
9 Instrument Accuracy versus Resolution (Precision)...................... 12
10 Data Fidelity…………………………............................................... 13
10.1 High Fidelity Data Compression Configuration.................. 13
10.2 Moderate Fidelity Data Compression Configuration.......... 15
10.3 Basic Fidelity Data Compression Configuration................. 17
11 PI Interface Configuration.............................................................. 19
12 Performance Monitoring................................................................. 19
13 Compressing Configuration vs. Archive Files Size........................ 20

Appendix A – Documentation.................................................................. 21
Appendix B – Compression Configuration – Summary........................... 23
Appendix C – Performance Tags Example (Random Interface)............. 24
Appendix D – Impact of Compression
Configuration on Archive Files Size.................................. 25
Revision History....................................................................................... 26

Previous Issue: 2 January 2012 Next Planned Update: TBD

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 26
Primary contact: Mousa, Saad Younis on +966-3-8801671

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2014. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SABP-Z-001
Issue Date: 16 November 2014
Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Intended Users

The purpose of this Practice is to establish guidelines in configuring data

compression on company Plant Information System. The intended users may
include engineers and technicians working as PI administrators, whether as plant
engineering or IT support.

1.2 Scope

This Practice defines configuration of attributes and parameters used for data
compression specification as well as software required to ensure data
compression is configured in standard way on the company Plant Information
Systems in Saudi Aramco plants.

1.3 Disclaimer

This SABP is not intended to detail all aspects of the configuration and does not
include adequate information to enable it to be used as an instruction manual.
The equipment manufacturer's instruction manuals and data sheets will also need
to be referenced and utilized.

2 Conflicts with Mandatory Standards

In the event of a conflict between this Best Practice and other Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements, the Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements
shall govern.

3 References

Specific sections of the following documents are referenced within the body of the
document. Material or equipment supplied to this best practice, shall comply with the
referenced sections of the latest edition of these specifications. Where specific sections
are not referenced, the system shall comply with the entire referenced document.

3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-16 Project Execution Guide for Process Automation

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-Z-001 Process Control Systems

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Issue Date: 16 November 2014
Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

SAES-Z-010 Process Automation Networks Connectivity

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

23-SAMSS-010 Distributed Control Systems
23-SAMSS-020 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) Systems
23-SAMSS-050 Terminal Management Systems

4 Definitions

This section contains definitions for acronyms, abbreviations, words, and terms as they
are used in this document.

4.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

API, PI-API Application Program Interface
DCS Distributed Control System
ICU, PI ICU Interface Configuration Utility
ISU, PI-ISU Interface Status Utility
MSI Microsoft Software Installer
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OPC OPC is open connectivity via open standards.
PI Plant Information
PI™ Plant Information™ system of OSIsoft, Inc.; USA
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SDK, PI-SDK Software Development Kit
SMT, PI-SMT System Management Tool
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol
UDS, PI-UDS Universal Data Server
UniInt Universal Interface
UTC Universal Time Coordinated

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Issue Date: 16 November 2014
Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

4.2 Words and Terms

API, PI API: A library of interface functions that enable programs to access PI

Systems locally or across the network. PI ProcessBook, PI DataLink, PI
interfaces, and user-written application programs use this interface.

API Node: Another name for an Interface Node.

Archive Files: Files that contain the PI data (value and time). These files,
defined by start and end times, shall be contiguous and non-overlapping.

Archive Subsystem: The PI Archive subsystem stores and serves the data after
it comes out of the Snapshot subsystem.

Buffering Service: It is a service which is configured in the Interface Node to

insure against data loss when a PI Server is unavailable for archiving. There are
two types of buffering service (bufserv, PI-Buffer Server).

Compression: Process of selecting which of the events sent to the Snapshot

will be stored in the archive for maximum efficiency of data storage in the

Zero: A zero is required for all numeric data type points to indicate the lowest
value possible. It does not have to be the same as the instrument zero, but that is
usually a logical choice.

Span: The Span is the difference between the top of the range and the bottom of the
range. It is required for all numeric data type points.

CompDev, CompMax, CompMin: These are the compression specifications.

CompDev is the compression deviation; CompMin is the compression minimum
time; and CompMax is the compression maximum time. CompDevPercent and
CompDev are related by:

CompDev = CompDevPercent * Span / 100

where Span is defined by the Span PI point attribute.

CompDevPercent: This is similar to CompDev, but it specifies the

compression deviation in percent of Span rather than in engineering units.
If one is changed by user, the other is automatically changed to be compatible.
If both are changed at once CompDevPercent takes precedence.

Data Archive: The Data Archive (also called just “the Archive”) is a historical
record of values for each point in the Point Database.

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Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

Data Source Nodes: Another term for Interface Nodes.

Exception: Exception reporting takes place on the Interface Node. The point of
Exception reporting is to reduce the communication (I/O) burden between the PI
Server and the Interface Node by filtering out “noise”.

ExcDev: The ExcDev attribute specifies in engineering units how much a value
may differ from the previous value before it is considered to be a significant
value. This is a dead band, which when exceeded, causes an exception. This is
configured for each PI Point in either the ExcDev or ExcDevPercent attribute.

ExcMax: The ExcMax (Exception Maximum) attribute sets a limit on how long
the interface can go without reporting a value to PI. After the ExcMax time
period, the interface sends a value to PI, regardless of whether the new value is
different from the last reported value.

ExcMin: The ExcMin (Exception Minimum) attribute sets a limit on how

frequently the interface can report values. For example, if the interface shall be
configured to wait a full ten minutes before reporting a new value to PI, then the
ExcMin attribute shall be set to ten minutes.

Home Node: Network location of a PI Server.

ICU, Interface Configuration Utility, PI-ICU: The PI Interface Configuration

Utility (PI-ICU) is a tool that shall be installed on each Interface Nodes running
on Windows operation system machines. The ICU makes it easy to configure
and manage PI interfaces.

Interface Node: Interface Nodes run PI interfaces. PI interfaces get the data
from the data sources and send it to the PI Server. Each different data source
needs a PI interface that can interpret it. Another word for Interface Node is
Scan Node.

Interfaces: Software modules for collecting data from data sources or sending
PI data to other systems.

Interface Instance: An interface instance is defined as an interface with a

unique set of PI tags determined by PointSource and interface ID (/id startup
parameter). An interface instance may be redundant or standalone. Interface
instance is a copy of interface executable running as an individual process task.

Interface Status Utility: Specific interface used to monitor behavior and

performance other interfaces. PI Interface Status provides a means of indicating
to a user that data from a given interface is stale; i.e., that no fresh data is being
sent from the interface to the PI Server.

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Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

Interface Performance Tags: Tags configured to measure interface


Location 1 & 4: For interfaces that support scan-based collection of data,

Location1 attribute to specify the interface ID number and Location4 defines the
scan class for the PI point. The scan class determines the frequency at which
input points are scanned for new values.

Module Database: A hierarchical database hosted by the PI Server Base

subsystem. Each Module contains collections of Properties, Aliases and other
Modules. In the Module Database is stored interface configuration and start up
parameters (this is valid only for interfaces configured via Interface
Configuration Utility).

Network Manager: The PI Network Manager provides the connection between

all the subsystems in the Server. This subsystem also manages network
connections between the PI System and client applications.

Node: A computer location on a network, specifically the TCP/IP host name or

TCP/IP address of the computer.

OPC: OPC is open connectivity via open standards (formerly known as OLE
for Process Control).

PE Points: Calculated points, PI tags that take their data from results of the
Performance Equations (PE) subsystem.

Perfmon (PIPerfmon): The PI Performance Monitor interface. Reads

Performance Counters on Windows systems and stores the values in PI points.
Basic version of Performance Monitor Interface is part of PI-UDS installation
package and license.

Performance Points: Performance Points are points that monitor Windows

Performance counters through the PI Performance Monitor interface.
PI Server: PI Server is the term to refer to OSIsoft’s time-based system that
collects data, includes several subsystems (Base, Snapshot, Archive,
Performance Equations), and provides data to client applications.

PI System: A network of cooperating OSIsoft applications running on one or

more computers designed to collect, store, retrieve, and analyze process data.
This includes PI for OpenVMS, PI Server on Windows and UNIX, PI Data
Archive, Server Applications, interfaces, and client applications.

Primary Archive: The archive file that ends at the current time. All events
recorded at the current time are stored in this archive.

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Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

Scan Class: A code that PI interfaces use to schedule data collection. Scan
classes consist of a period, which tells PI how often to collect the data and,
optionally, an offset, which tells PI when to start collecting data. A scan class
can also optionally contain a code that requires that the interface use UTC time.

SDK: COM-based Software Development Kit for PI applications. It runs on

Windows platforms only, but can access a PI Server on any supported operating
system. The PI SDK distribution includes the PI API.

SMT - System Management Tools: is an easy-to-use application that hosts a

variety of different plug-ins, which provide all the basic tools needed to manage
a PI System. It can be accessed through a single host application. This host
application is sometimes referred to as the SMT Host, but it is more commonly
called System Management Tools or SMT. It can be installed on any node.

Tag: The unique alphanumeric string that labels a PI point – tag name.

Universal Data Server (UDS, PI-UDS): Universal Data Server is another

name for the PI Server.

UniInt: UniInt is an abbreviation of “Universal Interface.” UniInt is reusable

code that performs many generic functions that most interfaces need, such as
establishing a connection to the PI Server node or monitoring the PI Point
Database for changes.

5 General

5.1 Plant Information™ System

Description: Plant Information™ System (PI™ by OSIsoft, Inc.) is the

preferred plant information software package used in Saudi Aramco to utilize
collecting, archiving, and storing historian process points.

Requirements: Company approval is required prior to procurement of the plant

information system software.

5.2 Data Compression

Description: PI uses the compression specifications to filter the data passed

from the Snapshot to the Archive. The goal is to store just enough data to
accurately reproduce the original signal. By filtering out data that are not
needed, more efficient Archive storage is get and the Archive can serve the data
to the clients more efficiently.

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Where exception reporting uses a simple dead band method for filtering data,
PI’s compression testing uses a more complex method that follows the slope of
the data (the swinging door compression algorithm).

6 Interface Utility Tools

6.1 Interface Configuration Utility (PI-ICU)

Description: The PI-Interface Configuration Utility (PI-ICU) is an application

that aids in PI System management by consolidating the setup and configuration
options required for new and existing PI Interfaces.

Any new or existing PI Interface shall be configured and maintained using PI-

● Interface Configuration Utility (PI-ICU) shall be installed on each Interface
Node running operation system minimum Windows 2000/2003/XP (either
standalone Interface Node; PI server or SCADA/DCS machine).
Note: PI-ICU Microsoft software installer file is part of PI System Management
Tool (PI-SMT) installation package.

● OSIsoft’s Universal Interfaces (standard interfaces) shall be configured via

Interface Configuration Utility. Interface Configuration Utility stores
interface configuration parameters in target PI Server Module Database and
to start up interface file and creates necessary performance tags.
Note: Interface Configuration Utility (PI-ICU) can’t be installed on machines
running UNIX or VMS operation system.

6.2 Performance Monitoring Interface

Description: The PI Performance Monitor interface, PIPerfmon, obtains

Microsoft Windows NT/2000 performance counter data and sends it to the PI
System. The interface program reads the PI point database to determine which
performance counters to read. It then scans Performance counters and sends
exception reports to the PI system.

● Performance Monitoring Interface shall be installed on each PI Node (PI
Note: Performance Monitoring Interface Basic Microsoft software installer file is
part of PI Universal Data Server (PI-UDS) installation package.

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Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

● Performance Monitoring Interface tags shall be configured via Interface

Configuration Utility (PI-ICU) for each interface instance communicating
with respective PI Node.
● Performance Monitoring Interface shall be configured via Interface
Configuration Utility (PI-ICU) on the interface host machine (PI Node).

6.3 System Management Tools (PI-SMT)

Description: The PI System Management Tools (PI-SMT) are a set of Microsoft

Windows-based graphical (GUI) applications that are used to administer the PI
System from client PCs.

● PI System Management Tools (PI-SMT) shall be installed on each PI Server
home node (PI Node) and each Interface Node with host operation system
Windows 2000/2003/XP.
● PI System Management Tools (PI-SMT) shall be used for overall PI System
and interface performance monitoring.

7 OSIsoft’s Standard Interfaces

7.1 PI-OPC Interface

PI-OPC Interface shall be used to communicate with DCS and SCADA OPC
PI-OPC Interface shall be installed either on OPC server host machine or on
standalone Interface Node machine.
PI-OPC Interface shall be configured via Interface Configuration Utility
(PI-ICU) on the interface host machine.

7.2 PItoPI Interface

PItoPI Interface shall be used to communicate with other company PI Servers.
PItoPI Interface shall be installed on receiving PI Server host machine.
PItoPI Interface shall be configured via Interface Configuration Utility (PI-ICU)
on the interface host machine.

7.3 Universal Interface

Universal Interface shall be configured via Interface Configuration Utility

(PI-ICU) on the interface host machine.

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Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

Note: Other Universal Interfaces used in Saudi Aramco so far – examples:

● RDBMSPI Interface
● Yokogawa FastTool Interface.

7.4 Buffering

Buffering service (bufserv, PI-Buffer Server) shall be enabled and configured on

each standalone Interface Node.

7.4.1 The Buffer Subsystem (PIBufss) is an actual subsystem of the PI

Server that runs on the interface node is primarily designed to enhance
the High Availability (HA) features of the PI Server.

7.4.2 PIBuffer Server (BufServ) is an API-based buffering system that runs

on all platforms; however, it lacks some of the advantages of the newer
Buffer Subsystem.
Note: The vendor recommends the use of the PI Buffer Subsystem over BufServ.
While BufServ supports continuous collection of data on an interface node
regardless of the status of the destination PI Server.

8 PI-Tags

8.1 Numeric Pointtype (data type)


Numeric Pointtypes are:

● Float16
● Float32
● Float64
● Int16
● Int32

Data series of tags with numeric pointtype are affected by PI compression



● Pointtype Float16 shall not be used for analog values. Float32 and Float64
shall be used instead of Float16 respectively.
Note: PI Float16 values are not really floats, but integers scaled so that they can
represent fractional values.

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● Pointtype Float32 shall be used for analog values within range from
1.175494351 E-38 to 3.402823466 E+38 where acceptable precision is
7 decimal digits within this range.

● Pointtype Float64 shall be used for analog values within range from
2.2250738585072014 E-308 to 1.7976931348623158 E+308 where
acceptable precision is 15 decimal digits within this range.

● Pointtype Int16 shall be used for integer values within range from 0 to
32767 where acceptable precision is 5 decimal digits within this range.
Pointtype Int16 shall be used for values without fractions (no digits after
decimal point).

● Pointtype Int32 shall be used for integer values within range from -
2147450880 to 2147483647 where acceptable precision is 10 decimal digits
within this range. Pointtype Int32 shall be used for values without fractions
(no digits after decimal point).

8.2 Non Numeric Pointtype (data type)


Non Numeric Pointtypes are:

● Digital
● String
● Timestamp
● Blob

Value of tag with non numeric pointtype is not affected by PI compression



● Data series of tags with non numeric pointtype can not be compressed via PI
compression mechanism.

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9 Instrument Accuracy versus Resolution (Precision)

Purpose: Purpose of this section is to define impact of instrument accuracy to data



● Accuracy

The accuracy of an instrument reflects how close the reading is to the 'true'
measured value.

● Resolution (Precision)

The resolution (precision) of an instrument reflects the number of significant digits

in a reading.

● Measurement Error

Measurement Error also called Observational error is the difference between a

measured value of quantity and its true value.

● Example

Working Temperature Range -20 to 125ºC standard
Calibrated Temperature Range 25 to 150ºC
Accuracy +/- 1ºC
Resolution 0.01ºC
Working Pressure Range 0 to 15,000 psi
Calibrated Pressure Range 200 psi to 16,000 psi
Accuracy +/- 3.2 psi
Resolution < 0.01 psi


 Accuracy and Compression

Instrument accuracy shall be used for data compression configuration.

With proper data compression configuration the difference between measured
value (value reported by DCS or SCADA) and interpolated compressed archived
value shall not be greater than the instrument accuracy.

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10 Data Fidelity

Purpose: Purpose of this section is to separate data to groups corresponding data fidelity.


Tag database shall be divided to three data fidelity groups. Data are considered as High
Fidelity, Moderate Fidelity and Basic Fidelity.

-High Fidelity

Number of tags required High Fidelity data shall not exceed 3% total count of tags.
This limit can be increased as required to meet short term needs (e.g., testing,
commissioning, etc.)

-Moderate Fidelity

Number of tags required Moderate Fidelity data shall not exceed 20% total count of

-Basic Fidelity

Tags considered sufficient with Basic Fidelity data (circa 80% total count of tags).

10.1 High Fidelity Data Compression Configuration

Description: High Fidelity data configuration shall be used for Process control
data with high movements and most modeling applications (scan time in seconds).


10.1.1 EngUnits

Tag attribute EngUnits shall be set to engineering units of the


10.1.2 Zero

Tag attribute Zero shall be set to anticipated minimum value in

engineering units.

10.1.3 Span

Tag attribute Span shall be set to value range in engineering units.

Value range is absolute difference between anticipated maximum value
and minim value.

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Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

10.1.4 ExcMin

Tag attribute ExcMin shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.5 ExcMax

Tag attribute ExcMax shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.6 ExcDev

Tag attribute ExcDev shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.7 ExcDevPercent

Tag attribute ExcDevPercent shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.8 CompMin

Tag attribute CompMin shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.9 CompMax

Tag attribute CompMax shall be set to 28800

(28800 second ~ 8 hours).

10.1.10 CompDev

Tag attribute CompDev shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.11 CompDevPercent

Tag attribute CompDevPercent shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.12 Compressing

Tag attribute Compressing shall be set to one (1).

Compressing set to Off (zero): all exceptions are archived (no
*Better* Compressing set to ON (one), compdev set to 0: successive
identical values (or values aligning perfectly) are not archived. This is
much more efficient.

10.1.13 Scan

Tag attribute Scan shall be set to one (1).

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10.1.14 Step

Tag attribute Step shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.15 Shutdown

Tag attribute Shutdown shall be set to zero (0).

10.1.16 Archiving

Tag attribute Archiving shall be set to one (1).

10.2 Moderate Fidelity Data Compression Configuration

Description: Moderate Fidelity data configuration shall be used for Process

control data with slow movements (scan time in minutes and hours).


10.2.1 EngUnits

Tag attribute EngUnits shall be set to engineering units of the


10.2.2 Zero

Tag attribute Zero shall be set to anticipated minimum value in

engineering units.

10.2.3 Span

Tag attribute Span shall be set to value range in engineering units.

Value range is absolute difference between anticipated maximum value
and minimum value.

10.2.4 ExcMin

Tag attribute ExcMin shall be set to zero (0).

10.2.5 ExcMax

Tag attribute ExcMax shall be set to 60 (60 second ~ 1 minute).

10.2.6 ExcDev

Tag attribute ExcDev shall be set to ½ of the tag attribute CompDev

(compression deviation) and this value shall be the slightly smaller
than the accuracy of the instrument system.

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10.2.7 ExcDevPercent

Tag attribute ExcDevPercent shall be set to 0.25% or recalculated

from tag attribute ExcDev. Minimum value from these two values
shall be used.
Note: Tag attribute ExcDevPercent is recalculated by system from tag
attribute ExcDev and vice versa.

10.2.8 CompMin

Tag attribute CompMin shall be set to zero (0).

10.2.9 CompMax

Tag attribute CompMax shall be set to 28800

(28800 second ~ 8 hours).

10.2.10 CompDev

Tag attribute CompDev shall be set ExcDev multiple by 2.

10.2.11 CompDevPercent

Tag attribute CompDevPercent shall be set to 0.5% or recalculated

from tag attribute CompDev. Minimum value from these two values
shall be used.
Note: Tag attribute CompDevPercent is recalculated by system from tag
attribute CompDev and vice versa.

10.2.12 Compressing

Tag attribute Compressing shall be set to one (1).

10.2.13 Scan

Tag attribute Scan shall be set to one (1).

10.2.14 Step

Tag attribute Step shall be set to zero (0).

10.2.15 Shutdown

Tag attribute Shutdown shall be set to zero (0).

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10.2.16 Archiving

Tag attribute Archiving shall be set to one (1).

10.3 Basic Fidelity Data Compression Configuration

Description: Basic Fidelity data configuration shall be used for entire system
(high and moderate fidelity data are excluded).


10.3.1 EngUnits

Tag attribute EngUnits shall be set to engineering units of the


10.3.2 Zero

Tag attribute Zero shall be set to anticipated minimum value in

engineering units.

10.3.3 Span

Tag attribute Span shall be set to value range in engineering units.

Value range is absolute difference between anticipated maximum value
and minim value.

10.3.4 ExcMin

Tag attribute ExcMin shall be set to zero (0).

10.3.5 ExcMax

Tag attribute ExcMax shall be set to 180 (180 second ~ 3 minutes).

10.3.6 ExcDev

Tag attribute ExcDev shall be set to ½ of the tag attribute CompDev

(compression deviation) and this value shall be the slightly smaller
than the accuracy of the instrument system.

10.3.7 ExcDevPercent

Tag attribute ExcDevPercent shall be set to 0.5% or recalculated from

tag attribute ExcDev. Minimum value from these two values shall be

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Note: Tag attribute ExcDevPercent is recalculated by system from tag

attribute ExcDev and vice versa.

10.3.8 CompMin

Tag attribute CompMin shall be set to zero (0).

10.3.9 CompMax

Tag attribute CompMax shall be set to 28800

(28800 second ~ 8 hours).

10.3.10 CompDev

Tag attribute CompDev shall be set ExcDev multiple by 2.

10.3.11 CompDevPercent

Tag attribute CompDevPercent shall be set to 1% or recalculated from

tag attribute CompDev. Minimum value from these two values shall
be used.
Note: Tag attribute CompDevPercent is recalculated by system from tag
attribute CompDev and vice versa.

10.3.12 Compressing

Tag attribute Compressing shall be set to one (1).

10.3.13 Scan

Tag attribute Scan shall be set to one (1).

10.3.14 Step

Tag attribute Step shall be set to zero (0).

10.3.15 Shutdown

Tag attribute Shutdown shall be set to zero (0).

10.3.16 Archiving

Tag attribute Archiving shall be set to one (1).

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11 PI Interface Configuration

Purpose: Purpose of this section is to define usage of proper number of interface copies
per machine.

More copies of specific interface can be configured and run on dedicated machine
(Interface Node). With more copies can administrator properly load balance and tune
better machine performance to avoid high peaks.


11.1 Interface Instance

Proper number of Interface Instances shall be installed and configured on one

Interface Node to properly balance overall performance on Interface Node.

11.2 Scan Class

Proper number of Scan Classes shall be configured per each interface instance
to properly balance overall performance on Interface Node.

11.3 Interface Start up parameters

/id - The /id parameter shall be used to specify the interface identifier (interface
instance copy).

/f - The /f parameter shall be used to define the time period (scan class) between
scans in terms of hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. Order position of /f
parameter in start up file shall be defined in Location4 for particular tag.

12 Performance Monitoring

Description: Performance counters provide important insights into a number of

performance management problems, including interface performance, disk, and process
management problems.

Performance Monitoring Interface (PI-ICU) shall be configured to monitor performance

of the site interfaces. Quality of archived data shall be daily monitored.


 Performance Counters

Performance counters shall be created for each configured interface.

Note: Example of typical performance monitoring tags for interface is in Appendix C.

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Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

13 Data Compressing Configuration vs. Archive Files Size


Impact of compression configuration on archive files size

Archive files size configuration depends on two primary parameters: point count and
amount of online history.

Amount of stored history events depends on compression. More compression provides

less size of archive file, less compression evocate larger size of archive files (see Note

Several other parameters also impact size, although the effects are much less quantitative,
and therefore it is difficult to supply specific size information. Examples of these
parameters are:
● Snapshot rate,
● Archive rate,
● Compression specification (Exception and compression)
● Archive access, and
● Non-PI activity on the system
Note: Example of compression configuration impact on archive files size is discussed in
Appendix D - Impact of compression configuration on archive files size.


Archive file size shall be configured to accommodate minimum of one week history.

Revision Summary
19 December 2006 New Saudi Aramco Best Practice.
2 January 2012 Minor revision.
16 November 2014 Editorial revision to transfer responsibility from Process Control to Process Optimization
Solutions Stds. Committee.

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Appendix A – Documentation

Purpose: Purpose of this section is to list vendor’s documentation describing

installation and configuration of PI system.

Requirements: Vendor’s documentation shall be used as a guide for installation and

 Getting Started with the PI Server
Getting Started with the PI Server (this volume) provides the basic information to install or
upgrade your PI Server and the PI Server Applications. PI Server Applications are
purchased separately from the PI Server. System requirements and planning are discussed
as well.
 Introduction to PI System Management
Introduction to PI System Management for new users and beginners

 PI Server System Management Guide

PI Server System Management Guide explains day-to-day management requirements and
techniques. It includes utilities and tools, troubleshooting tips, and an explanation of
specific PI Messages.

 PI Server Applications Guide

The PI Server Applications Guide covers functionality of the subsystems, such as Performance
Equations and the Batch Subsystem.

 System Management Tools User’s Guide

The PI System Management Tools, or PI SMT 3 host application, is a stand-alone program
which loads and hosts dozens of graphical "plug-in" modules which are single-purpose tools
for PI System administration.

 PI Interface Configuration Utility User Manual

The PI Interface Configuration Utility is an application that aids the PI System Manager by
consolidating the setup and configuration options required for new and existing PI

 PI Interface Status User Manual

The PI Interface Status provides a means of indicating to a user that data from a given
interface is stale; i.e., that no fresh data is being sent from the interface to the PI Server.

 OPC Interface to the PI System User Manual

The PI OPC Interface is a COM custom interface designed specifically for the OSI PI
Server. It interoperates with any OPC Server.

 PI to PI TCP/IP (NT / Unix) Interface User Manual

The PI to PI Interface transfers data from one PI server (the source server) to another PI
server (the receiving server) via TCP/IP.

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 UniInt End User Manual

The UniInt is a template that many interfaces to the PI server rely on.

 PI Server System Sizing Recommendations

Excel sheet with system sizing examples and recommendations.

 PI-API Buffer Sizing Worksheet

Excel sheet with buffer sizing examples and recommendations.

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Appendix B – Compression Configuration – Summary

High Fidelity Moderate Fidelity Basic Fidelity

% of tag database <=3% <=20% ~80%
EngUnits Engineering Units Engineering Units Engineering Units
Minimum Value in Minimum Value in Minimum Value in
EngUnits EngUnits EngUnits
Span Value Range Value Range Value Range
Exception Disabled Enabled Enabled
ExcMin 0 0 0
ExcMax 0 180 600
½ of CompDev and this ½ of CompDev and this
value shall be the value shall be the
ExcDev 0 slightly smaller than the slightly smaller than the
accuracy of the accuracy of the
instrument system #) instrument system #)
ExcDevPercent 0 0.25% #) 0.5% #)
Compression Enabled Enabled Enabled
CompMin 0 0 0
CompMax 28800 28800 28800
CompDev 0 ExcDev by 2 ExcDev by 2 *)
CompDevPercent 0 0.5% *) 1.0% *)
Compressing 1 1 1
Scan 1 1 1
Step 0 0 0
Shutdown 0 0 0
Archiving 1 1 1
#) –
Minimum values from these two values shall be used
*) –
Minimum values from these two values shall be used

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Appendix C – Performance Tags Example (Random Interface)

Tag Name Descriptor random interface IORates tag Interface Status Utility tag for random
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .io_rates Number of events per second written to the PI Snapshot.
Only applies to instance _Total
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .log_file_msg_count Total number of messages that have been written to the log
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .point_count Number of points loaded by the interface
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .pts_added_to_interface Total number of points that have been added to the interface
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .pts_edited_in_interface Total number of point edits that have occurred
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .pts_removed_from_interface
Total number of point that have been removed from the
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .sched_scans_%missed Percentage of missed scans since starting the interface. If a
scan occurs more than 1 second after its scheduled time
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .sched_scans_%skipped Percentage of skipped scans since starting the interface. If a
scan occurs 1 scan period or more after its scheduled time
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .sched_scans_scans_this_interval
Total number of scans over the current performance interval
for a particular scan class. Performance interval time is set
with the /PERF=<hours> flag (8 hours by default).
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(_Total) .up_time The number of seconds that have elapsed since the interface
has started. Only applies to the instance _Total
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 1).point_count Number of points loaded by the interface
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 1).scan_time Time in milli-seconds to call developer function and to write
values to PI. Does not apply to the instance _Total
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_%missed
Percentage of missed scans since starting the interface. If a
scan occurs more than 1 second after its scheduled time
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_%skipped
Percentage of skipped scans since starting the interface. If a
scan occurs 1 scan period or more after its scheduled time
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_scans_this_interval
Total number of scans over the current performance interval
for a particular scan class. Performance interval time is set
with the /PERF=<hours> flag (8 hours by default).
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 2).point_count Number of points loaded by the interface
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 2).scan_time Time in milli-seconds to call developer function and to write
values to PI. Does not apply to the instance _Total
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 2).sched_scans_%missed
Percentage of missed scans since starting the interface. If a
scan occurs more than 1 second after its scheduled time
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 2).sched_scans_%skipped
Percentage of skipped scans since starting the interface. If a
scan occurs 1 scan period or more after its scheduled time
sy.perf.ihistorian.random(Scan Class 2).sched_scans_scans_this_interval
Total number of scans over the current performance interval
for a particular scan class. Performance interval time is set
with the /PERF=<hours> flag (8 hours by default). random Scan Class 1 Performance Point random Scan Class 2 Performance Point

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Appendix D – Impact of Compression Configuration on Archive Files Size

Calculate space required for PI archive files for two different compressing configurations
and compare results.
Problem description
 PI database size is 20,000 tags
 20 interfaces scan events from 20 DCS every 5 seconds
 Tag attribute pointtype is defined for all tags Float32
Scenario 1:
All tags are configured as High Fidelity Tags.
Compression configuration: Exception is disabled (excmax=0)
Compression is disabled (compressing=0)
Space occupied by 1 even for pointtype Float32 is 5 bytes
In 1 archive record (1,024 bytes) can be accommodated 200 events
Number of events for 1 tag per 2 years with scan time 5 second is:
(12 x 60 x 24 x 365 x 2) = 12 614 400 events / 1 tag / 2 years
Number of events for 20,000 tags per 2 years is:
(20,000 x 12 614 400) = 252 288 000 000 events / all tags
Number of bytes occupied by all events is:
((252 288 000 000 / 200) x 1,024) = 1 291 714 560 000 bytes
Required space on hard disk displayed in different units is:
1 261 440 000 kB, or
1 231 875 MB, or
1 203 GB, or
1.17 TB
Result: This is not acceptable configuration.
Scenario 2:
Tags are configured as Moderate Fidelity Tags.
Compression configuration: Exception is enabled
Compression is enabled
Usual exception ratio is 1:10
Usual compression ratio is 1:10
Result archiving ratio will be 1:100
Required disk space will be 12 GB
Result: This configuration is acceptable.

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Issue Date: 16 November 2014
Next Planned Update: TBD Plant Information System Data Compression

Revision History

Date Author Comment

19 December 2006 Jan Kucirek New Saudi Aramco Best Practice.
17 October 2011 Saad Y. Mousa Revised Saudi Aramco Best Practice.

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