Punjab Group of Colleges Gujranwala: PHASE TEST # 3, 2021 Intermediate Part II Pakistan Studies

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Punjab Group of Colleges Gujranwala

PHASE TEST # 3, 2021

Intermediate Part II
Pakistan Studies
Time: 10 Minutes Objective A Max. Marks: 07

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1- Which country helped Pakistan in construction <I) )J K @ 8 & ABC D E ! F GH1 -1

of Kamra Complex?
A) China L B) Saudi Arabia 7M I)N C) Iran A O D) America PH
2- In January 2004, SAARC Conference was held <UV W D X 8  ABC YZ1 [- D RSST IQ -2
A) Peshawar B) Lahore C) Karachi D) Islamabad
\] V^ _ " ) 6 `a
3- When was the act of ban on child marriage < V b c d 1 IeC / I)f ! g h D 7i -3
passed in Punjab?
A) 2011 B) 2012 C) 2014 D) 2015
4- There is a Tax free help line for women to file <v w^ j Ik lm K \" n) $o pq r s  t u -4
complaints against themselves.
A) 1041 B) 1042 C) 1043 D) 1044
5- What Percentage of population in Pakistan € ‚ C px 1 y & z{| } ~ D ABC -5
deprived of clean drinking water?
A) 30% B) 50% C) 60% D) 70%
6- The common value among the people of <v [ƒ „ D z{|  ABC -6
Pakistan is:
A) Clothes .… B) Language A† C) Islam `a D) Habits )‡
7- The most standardize accent of Punjabi €v ˆ& ‰ IŠ 1 A† 2i -7
language is:
A) Majhi B) Pothohari C) Chachi D) Saraiki
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Punjab Group of Colleges Gujranwala
PHASE TEST # 3, 2021
Intermediate Part II
Pakistan Studies
Time: 1:20 min. Subjective Max. Marks: 28

2-Give short answers to the following questions. 2×5=10 <=" O“   ”  ^

•– —˜-2 ˜
1- State the evolution of Sindhi literature during <ž AŸ   1 7) ›œ A \)  š™S ? S™S -1
2- Write down names of Four Sindhi poets. <=" O“ `¡    ¢   A† ›œ -2
3- What is meant by National Solidarity/integrity? €v ) H £ ? ¤- \ ¥ ¦§ -3
4- What are the essential elements of National <¨ `¡   € 9 I\© ª« ? A& ¬  ¥ ¦§ -4
integrity? Name any Four.
5- What is meant by small scale industry? €v ) H £ ? ­ ®¯ -5
3-Give short answers to the following questions. 2×5=10 <=" O“   ”  ^
•– —˜-3

1- Write down definition of Economic planning. <=" °± ! Ie ²³ ´µ -1
2- What are the different types of violence against €9 £ `· ¸ ! )¹ * ¶ pq  pq  t u -2
3- What is the common explanation for honor €v º» I) ¼½\£ / ¾ `‡ ¬  ¿ / `¡  À -3
4- What are the objectives of Pak Saudi economic €9 £ Á  à ÄÅ 7M I)N ABC -4
5- What are the duties of Foreign Ministry? €v Æ) `Ç ’ È k £ —É  †\ -5

3-Give detail answers of following 1×8=08 <=" O“   Ê  ^

•– —˜Ë3

1- Give a detail note on Pak-China relations. <Ì GÍ» Ê 1 Î  L \ ABC -1

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