ASS-033 BSBINN601 Assessment V1.0

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Student Name Student ID

TASK 1 ☐ C ☐ NYC ☐ NA
☐ First submission
Assessment TASK 2 ☐ C ☐ NYC ☐ NA Type of ☐ First re-submission
task outcomes Submission ☐ Second re-
TASK 3 ☐ C ☐ NYC ☐ NA submission

Final Unit ☐ Not Yet Submission

☐ Competent
Outcome Competent Date

Assessor Name
This Page is
left blank
Purpose: This sheet provides an overview of a student’s competency for each unit based on all assessment tasks submitted.
Instructions: Assessor: Record the outcome of each assessment task and determine the student’s competency for the unit based on all
assessment tasks. Record the unit outcome below, sign and date.

Admin Team: Record the unit outcome in RTO Manager and save the assessment bundle in the student’s file. A scanned copy of this
document is to be retained once the assessment is destroyed.

Student Name Student ID

Unit Code BSBINN601


Assessment □ First Submission

Type of
Submission □ First Re-submission
Date □ Second Re-submission
Assessment Task Results (Please tick)

Assessment 1 □ C (Competent) □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed)

Assessment 2 □ C (Competent) □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed)
Assessment 3 □ C (Competent) □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed)
Final Assessment Result for this unit ☐ Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent

In completing this assessment, I confirm that the participant has demonstrated all unit
Assessor outcomes through consistent and repeated application of skills with competent
Declaration performance in multiple instances over a period of time.
Evidence collected has been confirmed as:  Valid  Sufficient  Current  Authentic

Assessor Name


Data Entry
Admin Officer Date Entered In
☐ YES ☐ No
Initials RTO Manager
Section One: Declaration

 I declare that this assessment is my own work, except where acknowledged, and has
not been submitted for academic credit elsewhere, and acknowledge that the assessor of this
item may, for the purpose of assessing this item:

 reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the Institute;
 communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which may
then retain a copy of the assessment item on its database for the purpose of future
plagiarism checking).

 I understand it is my responsibility as a student to keep a copy of the assessment

prior to submission, Albright Institute takes no responsibility for lost in transit. If required I may be
asked to reproduce another copy of the assessment/s.

 I understand that it is my responsibility to read all the policies relevant to my

course and college and if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be
taken against me.

Section Two: Agreement

Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement
below. Make sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.

 Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of

 Yes  No

 Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No

 Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No
 Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this
assessment? If yes, what are they?
 Yes  No

 Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an  Yes  No

This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of BSBINN601 - LEAD

About your assessments

This unit requires that you complete 3 assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks
with a competent result to achieve competency for this unit. Please read the information
below about each task included in this assessment.

Assessment Task 1 Written Questions

In this task, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit
requirements through completing and submitting written questions.
You must correctly answer all 18 questions to show that
you understand the knowledge required of this unit.

Assessment Task 2 Change management plan, and Role-play

You are required to conduct research, identify change
requirements and develop a change management plan. You are
also required to participate in a change management plan
Assessment Task 3 Project
You are required to implement your change management plan by
communicating with staff, arranging and managing a training
activity and activating their strategies. You are also required to
review your plan and make adjustments
What is competency?
To complete assessment tasks satisfactorily you will need to demonstrate competence –
but what does this mean?
In the Australian vocational education and training system, the concept of competence, is
defined as: “The ability to perform tasks and duties to the standard expected in the
workplace”. Competence involves the application of specific skills, knowledge and
attitudes to the work performance in an industry, an industry sector or an enterprise.
Competence is rarely achieved in a one-off demonstration. It needs to be developed
holistically – that is, bringing a range of skills and knowledge together – and over time in
a real or simulated workplace. To achieve competence, you need to demonstrate that you
can perform a given task to the standard defined in an endorsed unit of competency.

How to submit your assessments?

When you have completed each assessment you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task. Make
sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will
put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover
Sheet. Please fill it in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write
this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.

Assessment outcomes
Once the assessment has been completed the student will be given the result within 14
days. Once the student has satisfactorily completed the required assessments for a unit
of competency he/she will receive an outcome of C (Competent) or otherwise NYC (Not
Yet Competent) in which case the student is entitled to apply for a resubmission of the

Reasonable adjustments
Wherever possible, trainers/assessors will make reasonable adjustments to training and
assessment processes to ensure all people are treated equally in the training and
assessment process.
Students who have special needs may be allowed reasonable adjustment at the time of
assessment in line with the Albright Institute’s Policy and Procedures.
To meet the needs of all learners’ adjustments can be made to the way assessments are
conducted but not to the requirements of the assessment. The purpose of these
adjustments is to enhance fairness and flexibility so that the specific needs of students
can be met.
Examples of reasonable adjustments
 providing additional time for student to practice the assessment tasks
 presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues
 asking questions in a relevant practical context
 adapting machinery and equipment to make it more easily used
 presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words
and sentences
 simplifying the design of tasks
It is the responsibility of each assessor to assess students’ needs and make whatever
reasonable adjustments are practicable to maximise a students’ opportunity to
demonstrate their competence.

Assessment re-submission
If a student is deemed NYC (not yet competent) the Trainer/Assessor (TRN) will explain
why and inform the student of what needs to be completed in order to demonstrate

Re-assessment for assessments only occurs if the student has previously submitted the
assessment or has missed the relevant session(s) and has been afforded special
consideration which is approved by the Administration department.

If the result for the first submission of an assessment is NYC, students will be given two
re- submission opportunities to achieve a competent result (this re-assessment is
conducted free of charge). A suitable time will be arranged for the reassessment to occur
within 14 days of the completion of the unit in question. Should a student either not
make an attempt within this time frame (in spite of all efforts by Albright Institute, its
Trainer/Assessor and administration staff to have the student attend a reassessment
session) or the student does not achieve a satisfactory result after two re-assessments
they may be charged for another attempt.

Should the student still not achieve competence after these assessment attempts, it will
be necessary for them to re-enrol in (repeat) the unit of competence at a cost.

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by filling an appeal form. Ask for
an appeal for from a student support officer. Refer to Albright Institute’s Assessment Policy
for more information about our appeals process.

Plagiarism Policy
All student work must be written in their own words, except where acknowledged
through quotations and referencing. Plagiarism is a serious offence; Albright Institute may
impose severe penalties on students who plagiarise.
For more information on Plagiarism and Cheating refer to Albright Institute’s policies.
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept
a copy of your work.

Student ID

Unit Code Date of

and Name submission

I declare that
 these tasks are my own work.
 None of this work has been completed by any other person.
 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be
taken against me.


Assessment Task Task Result Date Type Of Submission

□ C (Competent) ☐ First submission

□ NYC (Not Yet ☐ First re-submission
Written Questions ☐ Second re-
□ NA (Not Assessed) submission

Assessor feedback

Assessor Name Date

Assessor Signature
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the
individual must:
Identify strategic change needs through an analysis
P1 of organisational objectives
Review existing policies and practices against
P2 strategic objectives to identify where changes are
Monitor the external environment to identify events or
P3 trends that impact on the achievement of organisational
Identify major operational change requirements due to
P4 performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or
management decisions
Review and prioritise change requirements or
opportunities with relevant managers
Consult stakeholders, specialists and experts to assist in
the identification of major change requirements and
Undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority
change requirements and opportunities
P8 Undertake risk analysis and apply problem solving and
innovation skills to identify barriers to change and agree
and record mitigation strategies
Develop change management project plan
Obtain approvals from relevant authorities to confirm
the change management process
P11 Assign resources to the project and agree reporting
protocols with relevant managers

P12 Develop communication or education plan, in consultation

with relevant groups and individuals, to promote the
benefits of the change to the organisation and to
P13 minimise loss
Arrange and manage activities to deliver the
communication or education plans to relevant groups and
P14 individuals

Consult with relevant groups and individuals for input into

P15 the change process

Identify and respond to barriers to the change according to

risk management plans
Action interventions and activities set out in project plan
P16 according to project timetable

Activate strategies for embedding the change


Conduct regular evaluation and review and modify project

P18 plan where appropriate to achieve change program
 Task summary

You are to answer all the 18 written questions in this task.

 Resources and equipment required to complete this task

o Access to textbooks and other learning materials.

o Access to a computer, MS Word (or similar), printer, Internet and email
software (if required).

 When and where should the task be completed?

o This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time
to do this task in class (where applicable).
o Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

 What needs to be submitted?

o Your answers to each question in this task.

 Instructions

o This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
o You must answer all questions in this task correctly.
o You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a
similar program.
o Please include the following details in the header section of each page of
your assessment document:

 Student Name and ID

 Course Code and title
 Unit Code and title
 Trainer and assessor name
 Page numbers

o Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your
completed assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard
Explain in 50-100 words the distinct phases of change management process
Question 1:
to embed changes in an organization.
Phase 1- Preparing for change
Identify anticipated points of resistance and special tactics based on readiness
Phase 2- Managing change
Develop change management plans and take action and implement plans.
Phase 3- Reinforcing change
Collect feedback, audit compliance, diagnose and address gaps, look for pockets
of resistance.

What are the different components of a change management plan? Explain in 150-
Question 2:
200 words.
Typically, there are six components of Change Management: Leadership Alignment,
Stakeholder Engagement, Communication, Change Impact and Readiness, Training, and
Organization Design. A change management plan helps manage the change process, and
also ensures control in budget, schedule, scope, communication, and resources. The change
management plan will minimize the impact a change can have on the business, employees,
customers, and other important stakeholders. The premise is that these five items - vision,
skills, incentives, resources and an action plan – must be in place for successful change to
occur. Take a moment to view the diagrams below. You will probably recognize some of
these feelings as they relate to you or your organization. Tools or components of change
management plan include:
 -readiness assessments
 -communication and communication planning
 -sponsor activities and sponsor roadmaps
 -coaching and manager training for change management
 -training and employee training development
 -resistance management
 -data collection, feedback analysis and corrective action
 -celebrating and recognizing success
 -after-project review
List five (5) barriers to change management and describe the mitigation
Question 3:
strategies you would implement to overcome these barriers.
1. Lack of Employee Involvement
This is perhaps the most common barrier to change management.
Employees always have the fear of change, and unless they are involved in
the change process, it is highly likely that even the most loyal member of
your employees will resist the change. The biggest mistake some
organizations make is failure to involve employees in the change process.
This spikes fear of the unknown, lack of desire to embrace a new culture
and eventually a complete barrier to the change. Your efforts to introduce
change can only succeed when you get employees involved in the change
process as much as possible. Getting the employees involved means
listening to their opinion, accounting for their output and assuring them that
the change is for the good of all in the organization including them.
Providing relevant, sufficient resources to drive them towards change will
be a necessary thing to do, so that they are comfortable and ready to adjust
to the new development within the organization.
2. Lack of Effective Communication Strategy
Some organizations have no effective communication strategy. In fact,
some top leaders always assume that once they announce the change,
people will adjust and be ready to get started with the new development.
This is the silliest way to introduce change, hence forceful resistance to the
CEOs should stop making announcement and introduce strategies.
Employees do not need to know about the change only. They need to know
how the change will affect them as well as how they will adapt to the
3. A Bad Culture Shift Planning
Sometimes the planning team totally has no idea that the change will affect
people. Of course, the team at this state will only concentrate on planning
administrative structure, work area responsibilities, job responsibilities as
well as work reporting structure. More often than not, the planning team
always fails to make decisions based on feelings and intuitions. This really
overlooks how people feel, reason and work hence barrier to change.
The only way to break this barrier is for the planning team to understand
that the organization must not overlook the feelings of the employees. The
organization has to do whatever it takes to prevent deep resentments, which
usually occur due to disrespect of taboos and traditions at the workplace.
Therefore, when focusing on critical thinking and objective analysis, it is
important to understand that taking the feelings of the employees into
account is quite a great way to overcome the barrier that usually hinder
organizational changes.
4. Unknown Current State
Change is always difficult for organizations that lack the idea of their
current state. Trying to introduce and implement change without
conducting an assessment and understanding the current blueprint of the
organization is a common habit by many entities. Such entities actually do
not realize that the failure to analyses the current organization’s blueprint
will cause a barrier to the change they hope to introduce and implement.
The only way to get around this is to analyses and fully understands the
current blueprint of the organization before attempting to introduce or
suggest any change. Once you go through the blueprint and understand it
clearly, it becomes easier to plan and transition to a future state.
5. Organization Complexity
There comes a time when organizations begin to develop complex
processes, making the process of planning and implementing change a bit
more complex. The complexities include complex processes, products and
systems, all which contribute to change barriers because they are often
quite difficult for the members of the organization to understand.
It is necessary to break this barrier by introducing a keen and skillful
approach to tackle organizational fast growth as well as complexity. An
organization can break this barrier by employing diligent, quality and
highly effective project and change management approach. It is wise,
however, never to tackle a change that is going to be too complex for your
organization. You also do not want to introduce and try to implement
complex changes if your organization still lacks the maturity to handle any
complex change.

Explain in 100-150 words the process of identifying strategic development

Question 4:
needs of an organization.
For identifying and developing organizational strategy, the following are the
checklist which is based broadly on established processes of analysis, choice and
1. Understand the current position
2. Reflect on how you got there
3. Be clear about your corporate identity (mission, vision and values)
4. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses
5. Analyze the business environment
6. Identify and evaluate strategic options
7. Set objectives
8. Communicate the strategy
9. Implement the strategy
10. Review progress

As a manager, why is it necessary to review existing policies and

Question 5:
practices against strategic objectives? Write your answer in 50-100
It is important for managers to review existing policies and practices against
strategic objectives because it will help the organization build a broad
outline of actions that it needs to undertake to increase its business and
profits. It will help them achieve desired results because it is put together
after analyzing existing demand for the product or service as well as
analyzing the threats posed by competitors.

Before you implement changes, what questions must you ask yourself and
Question 6:
other stakeholders? List three (3).
1. “What external changes could affect the organization? Consider changing
demographics of stakeholders, including number, values, resources, power, etc.
2. “What could be the effects of these changes in terms of threats or opportunities?
3. “What changes must we make to address the threats?”

Explain several factors of external environment and impact they have

Question 7:
on business/organisation objectives.

Economy- The global economy is one of the biggest external factors that
will, at some time, affect your business. Market fluctuations based on
politics, terrorism attacks, wars and currency devaluation eventually trickle
down to most commercial enterprises.
Finance- Wall Street and the solvency of big banks and financial institutions
may not seem to have much to do with your business, but eventually they
may affect your ability to continue doing business. Interest rates, the
availability of credit and consumer loans are external factors you rarely can
Laws- State, local or federal changes in the laws can have a direct impact on
your business if the service or product becomes highly regulated or
outlawed. Cigarette manufacturers learned this lesson when public smoking
was outlawed in many areas and smoking indoors has become practically
nonexistent. Government regulations such as those that affect the
environment or communication are beyond your control and could have a
direct impact on your business.

Due to the performance gaps among employees, business threats and

Question 8: management decisions, what are the major operational change
requirements? Identify and outline five (5).
Every change management project needs compelling reasons for changing.
Whether taking advantage of an opportunity or meeting a customer need, a reason
for change needs to convince all those involved and, eventually, the stakeholders
and customers. If everyone agrees that the project has a good and necessary
purpose, they should be far more supportive of the changes.
1. Identify changes due to threats
2. Identify changes due to management decisions
3. Identify changes due to organizational policies and procedures
4. Identify changes due to external environmental trends
5. Identify changes due to opportunity or meeting a customer need

Read the case study and answer the question that follows:
Case study
This case study was written by Ernst & Young LLP. The story it examines,
of Westfield Insurance’s occupational change management saga, takes on
nearly universal themes from the business world and is something that
every insurance professional, especially those in leadership positions,
needs to read.
The effect that large-scale change could have on morale and engagement
of employees is a major concern and potential risk for operational
leaders. A decrease in morale and engagement may impact customer
Question 9: service, which is also a significant risk. Additionally, a workforce that is
not highly engaged will resist change — taking longer for expected
benefits to be achieved.
Many insurers are undertaking major change initiatives to transform their
operational capabilities, modernise technology and adjust to new market
realities. Some of the risks associated with large scale change
programmes include lack of employee engagement and results in people
and teams across the organisation resisting strategic change and refusing
to adopt new tools and processes. The impact on performance can be
significant, as customer service is disrupted and the expected value from
very large investments never materialises.
Westfield Insurance (“Westfield”), an Ohio-based P&C carrier, has leveraged a
holistic organisational change management (OCM) approach to deliver
impressive results on a multi-year claims transformation program. In fact,
Westfield accomplished a very rare feat: actually, boosting employee
satisfaction and engagement during a time of significant change.
While the broad-based nature of the change would challenge many
organisations, Westfield’s leaders, using a coordinated and multifaceted
OCM approach, have actually increased employee engagement.
Key strategies that have enabled the program’s success have been high-
profile executive sponsorship, cross-functional stakeholder alignment,
regular and tailored communications, comprehensive training plans, and an
extensive “change champion” network.
This article highlights Westfield’s experience in keeping its associates
engaged through a robust OCM program tailored to its specific needs,
transformation methodology and culture.
Full case study is available at

Why did the organisation decide to review and prioritise change requirements or
opportunities with relevant leaders/managers? Answer in 100-150 words.
Based on the article provided, it is almost impossible for Westfield Insurance to succeed
with their holistic organizational change management. However, the company was able
to accomplish its objectives and even went beyond their goals. I believe that the
organization made the right decision for the reason that when the leaders used a
coordinated and multifaceted OCM approach, it increased their employee engagement. It
is understandable that, when engaged, motivated workers have higher employee
satisfaction, this leads to enthusiasm in their role and overall company growth in the
form of higher retention and lower turnover; higher productivity, increased profitability;
less absenteeism, and increased employee loyalty.

Read the case study and answer the questions that follow:

Case study
When Jack Welch assumed the top position at General Electric in 1981, he
inherited a company that had a market value of $12 billion — certainly a
modest number, by today’s standards. By the time he left in 1998, GE was
worth $280 billion. While leading GE, Welch was charged with the task of
making the conglomerate better by any means necessary. With his gut
telling him that his company was due for a complete overhaul, Welch
decided to implement Six Sigma at GE in 1995. Quite simply, Six Sigma is a
methodology that aims to reduce defects and errors in all processes,
including transactional processes and manufacturing processes.
Organizations that use Six Sigma test their processes again and again to
Question 10: make sure that they are as close to perfect as possible. Jack Welch
discussed and obtained approvals from relevant authorities in GE especially
the board members to confirm the change management processes and five
years after Welch’s decision to implement Six Sigma and making sure all
team members are with him, GE had saved a mind- blowing $10 billion.
Welch claimed to have spent as much as half of his time working on people
issues. By assembling the right team and ingraining them with the right
management philosophies, Welch successfully oversaw the transformation
of GE from a relatively strong company to a true international juggernaut.

According to the above-mentioned case-study,

a) Explain why it was necessary to obtain approvals from relevant
authorities to confirm the change management process (50 – 100
Relevant authorities could mean an agency or body created by a government to
perform a specific function, such as environment management, power generation,
or tax collection. In the above case study, Jack Welch obtained approvals from
relevant authorities to confirm the change of management process. He basically
obtained approval from the board members and made sure that even their
employees are with him. The board members have legal power inherent in their
job, function or position that is meant to enable Jack Welch to successfully carry
out his responsibilities. It is important to get approval from these authorities
because they can provide expertise reduce and uncover risk and increasing
project success rate.
b) What could be the "relevant authorities" in a business context?
(100-150 words).
Relevant authorities could mean an agency or body created by a government
to perform a specific function, such as environment management, power
generation, or tax collection. In the above case study, Jack Welch obtained
approvals from relevant authorities to confirm the change of management
process. He basically obtained approval from the board members and made
sure that even their employees are with him. The board members have legal
power inherent in their job, function or position that is meant to enable Jack
Welch to successfully carry out his responsibilities. It is important to get
approval from these authorities because they can provide expertise reduce
and uncover risk and increasing project success rate

Question 11: Mention five (5) benefits of correctly implementing organizational

1. The organization can respond faster to customer demands
2. Helps to align existing resources within the organization
3. Organizational effectiveness and efficiency is maintained or even
improved by acknowledging the concerns of staff
4. Change management provides a way to anticipate challenges and
respond to these efficiently
5. Effective change management supports a smooth transition from the
old to the new while maintaining morale, productivity, and even
company image

What are the primary and secondary cost components of change

Question 12:
management? List three (3) for each.
Primary costs:
1. Change management resource costs
2. Training costs
3. Communication costs
Secondary costs:
1. Consultant costs
2. General expenses
1. 3. Event costs (workshops, group meetings)

What steps would you implement to remove obstacles that might hinder
Question 13:
the implementation phase of change management? Explain in 50-100
Sometimes the planning team totally has no idea that the change will affect
people. Of course, the team at this state will only concentrate on planning
administrative structure, work area responsibilities, job responsibilities as well
as work reporting structure. More often than not, the planning team always
fails to make decisions based on feelings and intuitions. This really overlooks
how people feel, reason and work hence barrier to change.
The only way to break this barrier is for the planning team to understand that
the organization must not overlook the feelings of the employees. The
organization has to do whatever it takes to prevent deep resentments, which
usually occur due to disrespect of taboos and traditions at the workplace.
Therefore, when focusing on critical thinking and objective analysis, it is
important to understand that taking the feelings of the employees into account
is quite a great way to overcome the barrier.
how-to-easilyovercome- them/

What are the different tactics that can be implemented to embed changes in an
Question 14:
organisation? Write your answer in 50-100 words.
Leading by example, create a movement among the staff through communication
and training, run one project as a visible demonstration of how to bring new ways of
working to the organization, create spaces and adopt tools that support the new way
of working. Each tactic plays a particular role in the process of change.

What does PESTLE stand for? How is it helpful in determining the

Question 15: organisational behaviours and external environment impact on change
strategies? Explain in 50-100 words.
PESTLE Analysis, which sometimes referred as PEST analysis, is a concept in
marketing principles.
PESTLE is a mnemonic which in its expanded form denotes P- POLITICA, E-
PESTLE Analysis is helpful in determining the organizational behaviors and
external environment impact on change strategies as it assists managers to look
for ways to minimize any possible threats and exploit new opportunities.

How you can create an environment of change in an organisation? Write

Question 16:
your answer in 50-100 words.
When change is first announced, people will have information concerns. Leaders
should share information as plainly and as completely as possible. In the absence
of clear, factual communication, people tend to create their own information
about the change, rumors become facts. Leaders should prepare to answer
questions such as: What is the change? Why is it needed? What’s wrong with the
way things are now? How much and how fast does the organization need to

What are the different steps that must be initiated to set up a training plan? List six
Question 17:
Step 1 – Assess Organizational Training & Development Needs
You have a need and you want the training program to address that. It may be a new
product that requires a total revamping of the production line, or just want some
changes to increase the output of an existing product. On both counts, you want
employees to understand and adopt themselves to the new production flow and
increase their in-line efficiency.
Step 2 – Define Your Training Objective
The business goal has been defined. Now let’s see how to assess the training
requirements for this goal. You need to be clear about:
1. Step 1 – The business goal the training supports;
2. The roles and responsibilities of your employees in achieving that goal; and
3. The kind of training needed to ensure they are able to fulfill these roles and
So defining this kind of training objective is the most important aspect of the
program. It gives the program direction, and also serves as a yardstick to measure
success. Put simply, the training will be judged as successful if your employees are
able to successfully perform the tasks they were trained for.
In order for this to happen,
 The objective must be stated clearly and should make sense to everyone
 It should be achievable;
 It should be relevant to the training; and
 It should be measurable.
Put the objectives clearly across to your employees and appraise their understanding
of the same through tests, quizzes and practical exercises.
Step 3 – Training Program Design
Have a road map of your plans ready before you put the same into action. A
complete plan that includes learning and instructional methods, content matter,
content flow and other such aspects.
 Design keeping in mind the needs of your employees, and not that of the
 Always create content around your training objective.
 Design using the training principles for adults (see below).
 Introduce as many practical sessions as possible in the program.
 Design an interactive program. Introduce Q & A sessions.
 Break the sessions into short segments.
 Ensure proper flow and connect between the segments.
Step 4 – Adopt Training Principles for Adults
Remember that you are proposing to train adults. The training program has to factor
in their unique learning characteristics. They:
 Are experienced, self-motivated and goal oriented;
 Prefer training that helps in their advancement;
 Prefer task oriented and relevant training programs; and
 Have pride in their industry knowledge that needs to be respected.
Step 5 – Training Program Development
Start developing on the design and create your training materials, training manuals,
training notes for the instructor, PowerPoint presentations, charts, posters and other
materials for hands-on practical sessions.
Step 6 – Training Program Implementation
This is where all the preparation that you have done so far will actually be rolled out.
A few points to remember for effective implementation:
 Schedule training activities well in advance and mobilize the required
 Decide the location for the program based on the size and kind of training
rooms you need.
Step 7 – Evaluate Your Training Program
The last phase before you can sit back and relax. Evaluate the design and
development of the program, the effectiveness of the program, and the degree of
success achieved.
 Employee Feedback: Get employee feedback about the program. Was it
informative, helpful, and riveting? Do they have any suggestions to make it better?
Collecting this kind of feedback from employees who participate in training sessions
will help you come up with new and improved program versions.
Employee Assessment: This must be done during the training sessions. Evaluate
how much employees have actually understood about the training. This can be done
using mini quizzes, practical exercises, etc. In brief, you want to make sure they are
aware of the training objective and the process to achieve it.
 Program Assessment: After your trained employees report back to work,
conduct on the job evaluation of the training program to measure its
effectiveness in achieving the objectives.
Creating training and development programs for employees is of vast importance,
and needs to be treated with the respect that it deserves. In order to deliver the
desired results, the program requires a dedicated team. Your senior staff may agree
to share the burden and teach the rest of your employees, but that won’t produce the
results you expect.
anddevelopment- programs/

How would you monitor and review the change management strategy that
Question 18:
has been implemented in an organization? Explain in 50-100 words.
The management committee should use reports against its annual operational
plants to review progress towards meeting the strategic aims and objectives.
Therefore, they must ensure that whoever is doing the work is keeping appropriate
records so that progress can be assessed. This will involve, at the implementation
stage of your plan, being clear what systems and structures are required.
Evaluations and review should be an ongoing process of learning, continual
improvement and development. The key to evaluating knows what you are
What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Answers to all 18 questions 

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept
a copy of your work.

Student ID

Unit Code Date of

and Name submission

I declare that
 these tasks are my own work.
 None of this work has been completed by any other person.
 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be
taken against me.


Assessment Task Task Result Date Type Of Submission

□ C (Competent) ☐ First submission

Change management
□ NYC (Not Yet ☐ First re-submission
plan, and
Competent) ☐ Second re-
Role-play submission
□ NA (Not Assessed)

Assessor feedback

Assessor Name Date

Assessor Signature
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the
individual must:
Identify strategic change needs through an analysis
of organisational objectives
 Identify the strategic requirements
Dreamy Destinations’ strategic goal is to reduce
employee turnover from 48% to 19%. As a
requirement, the company needs to identify and
understand the reasons why there are constant
changes of employees particularly in the telephone
representative position. As the contact center
operations manager, I would like to suggest having
a SMART goal.
S- Reduce employee turnover, Develop training and
continuous improvement program in the
M-The employee turnover rate must be decreased
by 29%
A-There will be an assessment in the workforce to
identify the reasons of high employee turnover
R- Based on the current trend, the turnover ratio
remains static hence; in Dreamy Destinations the
ration is almost 2:1
T- These goals must be achieved within six months
 Identify what changes are required
Changes that are required in the current
organizational system:
- The company must include training
and continuous improvement program
to employees in its policy.
- Supervisors and employees
engagement meetings
- Semi-annual performance reviews and
evaluations for each employee
- Upgrade of company systems
 Identify what the organization is trying to
Dreamy Destinations management would like to
achieve the operational and strategic plan in order
to further cement their place in the organization
and enable the company to grow in the market and
maximize profit. The company would also want to
increase their market share percentage.
Review existing policies and practices against
strategic objectives to identify where changes are
 Areas of concern where changes are required
Based on the information provided, the following
areas are affected by the changes:
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Contact center
 Potential impact of not implementing the changes
If the identified changes are not approved and
implemented, the company system might become
obsolete as the system keeps on giving issues that
affects its operation. Aside from that, if there is a
resistance to change, the company might also face
closure as it cannot keep up with the current trend
in the market.
Monitor the external environment to identify events or trends
that impact on the achievement of organisational objectives
 Australian Bureau of statistics
Based on the statistic data found at Australian Bureau of
Statistics website, the number of filled jobs in Australia
increased by 116,800 to 14.0 million in seasonally adjusted
terms in the June quarter 2018. Main jobs increased by
112,100 and secondary jobs increased by 4,700. Hours
actually worked decreased by 25.7 million hours to 5.2 billion
hours. Total labor income increased by $2,523 million
resulting in the average labor income per employed person
being $18,393.
 Tourism Australia
Tourism Research Australia provides research information
across both international and domestic markets that supports
decision making, marketing and tourism industry
performance for the
Australian community. Tourism Research Australia produces
a range of reports, covering international tourism and
research tailored to regional areas.
The International Visitor Survey (IVS) and National Visitor
Surveys (NVS) are also managed by TRA.
The IVS samples 40,000 departing, short-term international
travellers aged 15 years and over who have been visiting
Australia. The NVS surveys via the phone approximately
120,000 Australian residents aged 15 years and over. These
surveys provide us with important variables such as
international and domestic visitor spend, demographics,
travel party, etc.

Identify major operational change requirements due to

P4 performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or
management decisions
Finance Manager- Funds for system upgrade must
be allocated
Human Resource Manager- Develop training and
continuous improvement program, decrease
employee turnover rate
Review and prioritise change requirements or
opportunities with relevant managers
As of now, the company needs to priorities the
employee turnover rate. When employees are
engaged and valued in the company, it will increase the
company’s profitability and has a direct impact in
meeting customer expectations.
Consult stakeholders, specialists and experts to assist in
the identification of major change requirements and
 The travel agency staff knows (or at least should)
what they are selling and can help the customer to
make the right decisions for that particular trip.
Agent is bringing value to the customer.
 Travel agents may have bulk deals with airlines and
other suppliers particular for a trip.
 The travel agent can offer services different from
what the end customer can book them. The challenge
for the travel agent is to reach the customer with this
 The Internet can be hard to navigate with too many
options and unclear offers. As a travel agent you
offer “one-stop-shopping”.
 I see that many travel agents have a tough time
justifying their own value to the customer. Raise your
head and be proud to enhance the customer’s trip by
providing value, products and information. Having
said that, you have to make sure to provide those
things, otherwise you can close shop now. You have
to think of yourself as a consultant, NOT an agent.
Not adapting to new habits and/or patterns quickly
enough. The travel industry has more or less been
standing as onlookers on the technical revolution,
giving away huge market potential to new players in
the field.
 Educate the customer, especially millennial and
the younger generation since very few of them know,
on what a travel agent does and the benefits.
 Embrace technology and use it to enhance the
customer experience and ultimately your own
business. Why not start with improving dynamic
online packaging to include more services that just
air, hotel and rental cars?
 As we established under threats, the internet is full
of too many offers. As a travel agent, you know how
to interpret the “5USD / night all-inclusive offer”. Can
you sell this service to your customers or use it as an
argument in your marketing?
 There are fewer agencies out there today than 15
years ago.
 Terrorism and natural disasters. As a travel agent
there are no way you can prohibit those from
happening and they might affect the general
economy and willingness to travel. What you can do
is to enhance your service levels when bad things
happen, i.e. when the ash cloud hits again you do
want to help your customer instead of just referring
them to the airlines website. Consider charging for
your services and this is a great revenue stream at
the same time.
 A downturn in the economy will affect people´s
travel habits.
 Not being able to inform the customers what you
 Not attracting new blood to the travel business. In
order to drive change you will need entrepreneurs
with a vision.

Undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority

change requirements and opportunities
To determine whether a project or operating change
is feasible. To develop a benchmark for comparing
projects. To weigh up one marketing initiative
against another. To establish goals for the project
itself, for example, to set time, productivity or cost
restraints on a project you've analyzed and
Undertake risk analysis and apply problem solving and
P8 innovation skills to identify barriers to change and agree and
record mitigation strategies

P9 Develop change management project plan

A change management plan defines activities and roles to manage and
control the change during the execute and control phases of the
project. So if you look at a project, the life cycle, you initiate the
project, you plan it, here is where you execute, monitor, control, and
then you close it.
6 steps of creating a change management plan:

 Define the change and align it to business goals.

 Determine impacts and those affected.
 Develop a communication strategy.
 Provide effective training.
 Implement a support structure.
 Measure the change process.
Obtain approvals from relevant authorities to confirm
the change management process
Three Options for Approving Change Requests

 Project Sponsor. The project sponsor is

typically a senior leader in an organization who
has authority to make project decisions.
 Project Manager.
 Change Control Board
This approval needs to occur before implementation
and is being done either via a CAB (for major and
significant changes) or by the change manager (for
minor changes).
Counting on the CAB to ensure there are no technical
red flags is a sign of poor planning from the side of the
change ticket owner. When the ticket arrives in the
CAB, it should be ready to go, except for some
extraordinary or new circumstances. Some
organizations use meetings (“red team” or “T-CAB”
meetings) before the actual CAB to ensure that all
technical stakeholders are on board. The CAB then
serves as the last gate to check for red flags.
The change process is all about the three Cs:
communication, communication, and communication.
The role of the CAB should focus on the effectiveness of
that communication. At a high level, the documentation
of a change is to guide the ticket through its paces or,
in other words, to ensure that the process is followed.
So, I want to argue that the main approvers for the
ticket need to be process people, rather than the
service owners.
The decision to adhere to the above suggested
guidelines obviously needs to be aligned with the
organization’s size and maturity. In the beginning of
greenfield change implementation stages, adhering to a
strict process focus may not be advisable. The goal and
the vision (together with continual process
improvement activities) however, should point to an
increasing emphasis on the process over time.
Assign resources to the project and agree reporting
P11 protocols with relevant managers
After obtaining the approval from the relevant authorities
to confirm the Change management process the resources
should be assigned to the project and the management
should be agreed upon the reporting protocols with the
relevant managers.

Develop communication or education plan, in consultation

P12 with relevant groups and individuals, to promote the
benefits of the change to the organization and to
minimize loss
Communication within an organization is relevant since it
helps in solving some of the perennial problems that exist
in the organization. By creating an open system of
communication that includes and varies from emails,
interoffice communication system, and SMS (short
message services). These forms of communication can be
customized to fit the communication department's goals
and agendas. In a setting such as this, emails work best
for those in the office and managers alike. However, by
using a communication system that is customized for the
workers such as SMS can be effective. Nowadays, with
digital inceptions and uptake people can link up and get
relevant information faster and efficiently through SMSs
or emails.
In order to deliver the communication plans there will be
an education plan. Since most of the employees use their
phone daily then using some of the communication
mechanism may not be a problem. However, they may be
taught on the importance of having a clear and definite
communication channels. If there is a problem then there
is a communication channel that people can access and
use. Thus, through and effective communication exercise
then the staff will; enjoy a good relation with the top
managers as well between themselves.
The relevant group in this process of implementation is
the employer and employee. However, there will be a
formulation of feedback questionnaires and
recommendation on the same. when
all the questionnaires are filled and returned all sealed in
an envelope then it becomes easier to know what needs
to be change and what was effective over the same.
Evidence of the ability to: demonstrate a very sound level of
competence in learning & teaching and related activities.

Analyse and interpret information about the

organisation’s internal and external environment and
consult with stakeholders to identify requirements and
opportunities for
changes that support organisational objectives

Prioritise opportunities for changes with input from managers

E2 Answer
Consult with managers to gain approvals
E3 Answer
The purpose of the consultation strategy is to design an
effective and efficient consultation approach. It should build
on the overall mapping of available and needed information
for a specific initiative, evaluation or fitness check and be fed
by a thorough and structured desk review of relevant
sources. consultation methods are:

 Meetings: these should be open-ended and open-

minded discussions with individuals or groups.
 Public forums or open days (often used for larger
 Exchange of letters and informative material.
 'House-meetings' of community or specific interest
 Workshops.

Develop a change management project plan for the priority

E4 changes incorporating resource requirements, risk
management and timelines
Develop strategies to communicate or educate the changes
E5 and embed them

Obtain approvals and agree reporting protocols with relevant

E6 managers and implement the plan including addressing
barriers to change
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively,
the individual must:

Explain the change management process or cycle and

E7 strategies for communicating and embedding change

Explain how organisational behaviour and the

E8 external environment can impact on change
Describe the components of a change management project
E9 plan

List potential barriers to change and explain possible

E10 strategies to address barriers
 Task summary

There are four parts to this assessment:

 Part A – You are required to review the case study provided below then conduct
and analyse research on change management.
 Part B – You are required to develop a change management plan.
- You are required to submit your change management plan to
your assessor.
 Part C – You are required to participate in a change management meeting (Role-
play) with the CEO of Sampson Media (their assessor) seeking feedback and
approval for your plan.

 Resources and equipment required to complete this task

o Computer and Microsoft Office (Word),

o Access to textbooks and other learning materials
o Access to the internet for research and to access web sites for legislation
and regulations
o Space to conduct a meeting
o Role-play participants (assessor and students)
o Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedure (provided by
your assessor)
o Sampson Media Magazine Printing, Circulation and Distribution Policy
and Procedure (provided by your assessor)
o Termination Policy and Procedure for Sampson (provided by your assessor).

 When and where should the task be completed?

o This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given
time to do this task in class (where applicable).
o Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

 What needs to be submitted?

o Part A – You are not required to hand in anything for this part for the assessment
o Part B – You are not required to hand in anything for this part for the assessment
You are required to email to your assessor with version 1 of the Change
Management Plan
o Part C – You are required to email to your assessor with the updated
Change Management Plan
o Role-play notes

 Instructions:

o You will participate in a role-play (see template at the end of this task).
o Please use the “Template for a Report” (provided by your trainer) to complete
the project assessment.
o Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your
completed assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard

Read the following case study / scenario and complete activities that follow.

Case study / Scenario

Samson Media is a publisher of several upmarket fashion magazines. It has strong links with a number of
high profile fashion houses whose products are featured in the magazines and also provide a significant
source of advertising revenue. Readers of the magazines are predominantly 35 – 54-year-old women.
Readership has fallen over the last two years. This is due in the most part to due to competition from a
range of other fashion magazines and consumers switching to digital media. Due to the decline in
readership, profits have fallen by 20% and there has also been a fall in the share price.
As a consequence, a new CEO, Amir Johnson, has been appointed. Amir was the former Marketing Director
for a well-known successful media business that included a national newspaper, magazines and a
subscription television channel. The success of this business was based on targeting lower income groups and
its publications are focused mainly on sport and celebrity gossip. They were also successful because they
were able to undercut its competitors with low prices, enabled by a ruthless approach to achieving high levels
of efficiency.
Amir and his team of Managers have developed a Strategic Plan that includes the following objectives.
 Increase return on capital to 8% within 2 years
 Enact a transformational change of the company that will convert all magazines to a digital format
 Achieve cost efficiencies through reducing running costs
 Relocate to a smaller office.
It is intended that the new digital magazines will have the following features:
 Focus on health and beauty, fashion and celebrity gossip.
 Some free content but full access available only on a subscription basis.
 Additional features available to subscribers such as video clips, podcasts and discussion
Running costs are as follows. All staff are full-time permanent staff and their total salary costs per annum is
$3,370,000.00. The cost of running the printing and distribution site, plus staff costs is currently
approximately $1,500,000 per annum. The current office rent is
$500,000 per annum.
As the General Manager, you have been asked to lead the development and implementation of the change
management plan with the first step being to consult with an organisational change expert to discuss issues
and strategies for change management for the company.
It is anticipated that while there will be some cost savings in making the change, there will also be costs
involved including:
 Redundancies – anticipated cost is $300,000
 Upskilling staff - $100,000
 Consulting with experts - $100,000
 Communication throughout change with key stakeholders - $100,000
 Office relocation - $50,000 - $80,000.

Complete the following activities:



1. Review scenario and conduct research and analysis

a) Review the information in the scenario provided above and analyse the
company’s strategic objectives and identify the change needs. Make notes on
your analysis for use in your plan as outlined below.

b) Review existing polices/practices at Samson Media against strategic objectives

and the need for change and make notes identifying changes needed to use in
your report. Identify if the change required due to performance gaps, business
opportunities or threats, or management decisions.
c) Conduct research on change management – the issues and practices including
barriers that can impact on change and best practice change management
strategies. Also research trends in magazine publishing/on-line magazine
readership and analyse the impact the impact on Samson Media’s organizational
objectives as per the scenario information.
d) Consider major operational change requirements and recommended order
of priority.
e) You will need to identify your sources of information to show that you have
identified expert guidance on change management so make notes on all the
sources of information you identify and use.



1. Using your research and analysis develop a Change Management Plan for Samson
The Change Management Plan must address:
f) An overview of the change management process
g) An overview of the current situation facing Samson Media including:
 Identification of the need for change and an analysis of the situation that has
bought about the change (performance gaps, business opportunities or
threats, or management decisions)
 A review of existing polices/practices at Samson Media against
strategic objectives to identify change requirements.
 An analysis of the external environment relevant to Samson Media and its
objectives, including events/trends that impact on strategic objectives,
including trends in magazine publishing, as well as trends in on-line
magazine readership. Your analysis should reflect a PESTLE analysis
approach, reviewing political, economic, social, technology, legal and
environmental factors.
h) A list of the potential barriers to the proposed changes and possible
strategies to overcome or address them.
i) A detailed explanation of how an organisation can check their readiness for
change. This should include examination of how organisational behaviour can
impact change.
j) Strategies for embedding change into an organisation
k) Prioritisation of the recommended changes including your reasoning.

l) Your project plan will only address your first priority change. You may
presume detail that is not included in the case study.

m) The particulars of the change. Ensure the following information is contained in

your plan:
 The name of the change/project
 The stakeholder
 Revision History
 Stakeholder approval/endorsement
 Type of change – policy/process/people/system
 Resource requirements
 A Risk Assessment that includes your particular barriers to change. In
identifying risks and barriers to change you must demonstrate high level
problem solving skills and innovative approaches to risk mitigation
 Cost benefit analysis for your change
 Implementation strategies that includes:
 The Action plan that details the activities, responsibility, resources
and timeframe.
 The Communication plan that includes strategies to inform stakeholders of
the change. Ensure the strategies you develop are designed to promote
the benefits of change to staff and to reduce the likelihood of a negative
response/adverse outcomes.
 The Training plan that identifies the training strategy, what training is
required, who requires the training, the expected outcome, who will
deliver the training, an estimation of the training cost.
 Proposed reporting protocols. What will you report, when and to whom?
 A bibliography that identifies your sources of information. You need to identify
your sources of information to show that you have identified expert guidance
on change management.

1. Submit your Change Management Plan to your assessor via email (as the CEO of
Samson Media). Your email must include a brief overview of the purpose of the email
and indicate that you are seeking feedback and approval.
To The General Manager,
The following are the relevant key factors that need to be modified in order for the business
to prosper:
 The finance department needs to allocate funds relating to training and development
of the employees. Aside from that, funds are needed to upgrade our system.
 The human resources department needs to prepare training and continuous
improvement plan for our employees to ensure excellent customer service and to
keep up in the current trend of the market.
 The company’s goal is to increase its profit however, because of high employee
turnover; we are experiencing difficulties in achieving this. That is why we would like
to increase employee engagement to better understand them.
With this regard, I would like to ask your good office for an approval in the modification of
our management strategy.
Upon review of your plan your assessor will email you the date and time of the meeting to discuss
the plan and to provide input and possible approval.
Yours truly,



1. Participate in a change management plan meeting. Your assessor will play the role of
the CEO and change expert.
 The purpose of this role play meeting is to review your research and your
Change Management Plan and to seek feedback and approval for the next
phase – the implementation of the plan. You must obtain this input and
approval before you commence Assessment Task 3.
 Your assessor will ask you to explain the purpose and importance of a number
of the components of your change management plan
 During the meeting, you will be assessed on your effective oral communication
and interaction skills.
 Your assessor will provide you with feedback, which you must use in the
Change Management Plan and the Communication and Education plan.
2. Following the meeting, update your Change Management Plan ensuring that you
complete the revision history and submit your updated plan via email to your
assessor (the CEO). Your assessor will provide final approval of your plan.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Part A – You are not required to hand in
anything for this part for the assessment
Part B – Version 1 of Change Management Plan 
Part C – Updated Change Management Plan 
Role-play notes 
Role Play Checklist
(To be completed by the trainer/assessor at the time of the role play/observation and submitted by the student at
the time of assessment submission.)

Student Name: Student ID:

Date of Assessment: Signed:

S N/S Comments and feedback to

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task the participant needs to
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence
a) Provide an introduction to the
meeting, clearly stating the purpose  
of the meeting.
b) Build rapport with the team
 
 Discuss the company’s situation with
 
the expert based on the information
in the scenario
 Seek advice on how to manage
the changes that are required
 Ask questions about the advice
the expert provides
 Demonstrate understanding of change
management and best practice
through use of informed questions
and understanding of change
management concepts?
 Seek approval for the plan
and reporting protocols?
 Provide information on the expert
sources of information that they
have collected?
 Demonstrate understanding of how
organisational behaviour and the
external environment can impact
on change strategies?
 Demonstrate understanding of the
purpose and importance of at least
four components of the change
management plan?
d) Role modelling leadership and ethical
behaviour  
e) Using effective verbal and non-verbal
communication skills, for example, speak  
clearly and present information
confidently, encourage questions,
actively listen and respond positively to
questions and feedback
f) Build trust, confidence and respect
through providing leadership and  
an inspiring but factual
g) Make decisions that reflect the team's
needs and expectations, and in line  
with the risk management plans

Assessors Name: Erdem Celik Title: _Trainer and Assessor

Signed: Date:
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept
a copy of your work.

Student ID

Unit Code Date of

and Name submission

I declare that
 these tasks are my own work.
 None of this work has been completed by any other person.
 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be
taken against me.


Assessment Task Task Result Date Type Of Submission

□ C (Competent) ☐ First submission

Project □ NYC (Not Yet ☐ First re-submission
Competent) ☐ Second re-
□ NA (Not Assessed) submission

Assessor feedback

Assessor Name Date

Assessor Signature
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the
individual must:
Arrange and manage activities to deliver the
communication or education plans to relevant groups and
Consult with relevant groups and individuals for input into
the change process
Identify and respond to barriers to the change according to
risk management plans
Action interventions and activities set out in project plan
according to project timetable
P5 Activate strategies for embedding the change
Conduct regular evaluation and review and modify project
P6 plan where appropriate to achieve change program
P7 Evidence of the ability to:
Obtain approvals and agree reporting protocols with relevant
E1 managers and implement the plan including addressing barriers to
Review and evaluate the change management project plan and
E2 modify as needed to achieve objectives.
 Task summary

There are three parts to this assessment

 Part A – You are required to prepare for your presentation
 Part B – You are required to conduct your presentation
 Part C – You are required to review your change management plan and
make adjustments

 Resources and equipment required to complete this task

o Computer and Microsoft Office (Word).

o Access to the Internet for research, textbooks and other learning materials
o Presentation technology (e.g. PowerPoint or similar program)
o Space to conduct a meeting (presentation)
o Access to role-play participants (assessor and students) for your presentation
o Staff survey comments

 When and where should the task be completed?

o This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given
time to do this task in class (where applicable).
o Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

 What needs to be submitted?

o Part A – You are required to submit your communication with staff

communication via email to your assessor.
o Part B – PowerPoint slides created in PART A.
o Part C – You are required to submit your evaluation report and updated
change management plan via email to their assessor.
o Role-play notes

o You will participate in a role-play (see template at the end of this task).
o Please use the “Template for a Report” (given by your trainer) to complete
this assessment.
o Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your
completed assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard
Read the following case study / scenario and complete activities that follow.

Case study / Scenario

Assume that one of your communication and education strategies was to invite staff to an information session
on the planned change. As part of this communication staff will have
the opportunity to complete an online survey regarding their feelings about change in general and how they
think Samson Media has communicated change previously.
The information session must contain a presentation of the change process, the reason for the change, impact
of the change and brief details of the planned change. You also need to ensure you promote the benefits of
the change.
You need to clearly demonstrate the activation of your strategies in your presentation - responding to
the barriers to change in accordance with your risk assessment and embedding the change into the

Complete the following activities:



1. Your assessor will provide details of the date, time and location of the presentation,
and invite other students to play the part of staff.
2. Prepare staff communication (email invitation for a meeting). Prepare the
communication to staff ensuring that it includes the arrangements for the information
session (time and place, etc.) and enough information to entice them to come along.
This communication may be in the form of an email, a memo, a poster or formal
3. Prepare the presentation (20 – 25 slides). The presentation should be in
PowerPoint or similar presentation software and you will have 15-20 minutes for
the presentation.
4. Send your communication via email to your assessor (as a staff member).



1. Conduct the presentation in the designated timeframe

 Your assessor will play the part of a staff member as will the other students
 You must provide the opportunity for input and feedback and seek ideas
or suggestions on the change process from the group
 You will be required to demonstrate effective communication skills and
appropriate language to respond to issues and questions raised by employees.
Bear in mind that there will be some sensitivities, as the changes will require job
losses. One of the staff members will be upset and you will need to handle this.
You will need to do this through using your problem-solving skills to work out how
to handle this situation, and apply effective negotiation and consultation skills.



1. Complete evaluation of the presentation and the staff survey comments in a brief report
a) Outline how your presentation was received. Evaluate how you responded to the
barriers of the change and how effective your strategies to embed the change are
going to be over the lifetime of the change management plan based on feedback
from staff. Recommend at least modification to your plan.
b) Discuss the ideas and suggestions made by the staff and whether or not
you will include them into your plan.
c) Evaluate the survey comments (provided by your assessor) and make at least
one recommendation for a modification to your Change Management Plan
d) Update your project plan to incorporate your recommendations as well as the
changes to the Action plan, the Communication and Training plans to include the
activities and timeframes for this assessment (the information session and staff
e) Submit your report and updated Change Management Plan to your assessor via
email (as the CEO of Samson Media). Your email must include a brief overview of
the changes to your plan and the reasons for the changes.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Part A – Email communication sent to

staff (screenshot or copy)

Part B – PowerPoint slides created in PART A 

Part C – Evaluation Report and

updated change management plan
Please provide any feedback you may have for this unit.


Trainer and Assessor

Other Feedback

…………….………….………………………………………….……..……. Tear Here………...…………….………………………….……………………

Students should retain the section below as their receipt for submitting this work.
Students are required to keep a copy of all submitted work.

Student’s Name Student’s ID:

Type of submission □ First Submission □ First Re-submission □ Second Re-submission

Date of Submission Unit Code & Name BSBINN601 LEAD AND MANAGE ORGANISATIONAL

□ Written Questions (Task 1)

Assessment tasks
submitted (Please
□ Report, and Role-play (Tasks 2)

□ Project, and Role-play (Tasks 3)

Staff Name Staff Signature

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