TOEIC Grammar Guide - Word Families: Learning Hint

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TOEIC Grammar Guide – Word Families

How well you understand many kinds of grammar are tested. Your knowledge of vocabulary is
also tested. For this section, the correct answer may be a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. The
correct choice may also depend on its form. Should it be singular or plural? Is it the right tense
for the sentence? Should it be comparative or superlative? These are some things to think
about. Finally, does the choice you pick make sense? Read through the sentence with your
Learning Hint:
With word families, the possible answers are four forms of the SAME word. Memorize common
noun forms, adjectives, adverbs, and verb forms.

Word Forms
Word families tests how well you know the various types of words that can be made from one
word. A word can go from noun to verb to adjective to adverb by changing the ending of the
Finale (noun, thing) -> finalist (noun, person) -> finalize (verb) -> final (adjective) -> finally
Remember the common word endings used to make the different kinds of words:

Noun/ kata   Verb/ kata Adjective/ kata   Adverb/

benda kerja sifat kata

-ance   -en -able   -ly

-ancy   -ify -ible   -ward

-ence   -ize -al   -wise

-ation   -ful  

-ian -ish    

-ism   -ive  

-ment   -ous  





Typical Question Examples Found in Word Families

1) The manager read the report _____.
(A)     careful
(B)     carefully
(C)     care
(D)     caring
The correct answer is (B). An adverb is needed to complete the sentence. Carefully is the only
adverb. Adverbs modify verbs. How did the manager read the report? He read it carefully.
Answer (A) is an adjective. Answer (C) and (D) are verb forms.
2) The procedure was _____ properly to the new employee.
(A)    explain
(B)    explanation
(C)    explanatory
(D)     explained
The correct answer is (D). There is no main verb in this sentence. Was is only acting as a
helping verb. The correct verb form must have a past tense form to agree with was. Only
explained is both a main verb and in the past tense. Answer (A) is the present tense verb form.
Answer (B) is a noun. Answer (C) is an adjective.

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