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The 18th Annual General Meeting of the S. ALAM COLD ROLLED STEELS LIMITED was
successfully held on Saturday, the 19th January, 2019 at 10.30 A.M. at Chittagong Club Limited,
S. S. Khaled Road, Chattogram and it declared 10% Cash Dividend for its shareholders for the
year 2017-18. With the net Turn-over of Tk. 3,807 million, the Company recorded the earning of
Tk.120.7 million. The Company achieved EPS of Tk 1.25 per share for the year. The shareholders
in discussion in the AGM expressed satisfaction over the performance of the Company, with
expectation that the Company’s management would exert it best efforts to maintain upward
trend of its growth.

Mr. Osman Gani, a Director from Sponsor Group who retires by rotation, was re-elected in the
Meeting. Moreover, Mr. Mohammed Shah Jahan, ICB nominee, was elected un-contest as a
Director representing Institutional Investors’ Group and Ms. Halima Begum was also elected
un-contest as a Director representing General Investors’ Group, while M/s. Rahman Mostafa
Alam & Co., Chartered Accountants has been reappointed as the auditors of the company for
the next term.

With Mr. Abdus Samad, in the Chair, Mr. Osman Gani, Director, Mr. Mohammed Shah Jahan,
ICB nominee Director, Ms Halima Begum, Director, Mr. Sampad Kumar Basak FCA,
Independent Director, Mr. Monotosh Chandra Roy FCA, Independent Director and a large
number of valued shareholders, attended the meeting. Mr. Subrata Kumar Bhowmick FCA,
Executive Director (Finance), Mr. Md. Delwar Hossain FCA, Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Md.
Shohel Amin ACS, Company Secretary (Incharge) and Shimul Nandy, Head of Internal Audit
of the Company also presented the Meeting.

Md. Shohel Amin ACS

Company Secretary (Incharge)
S. Alam Cold Rolled Steels Limited

Dated 19th January, 2019.

‡cÖm weÁwß
Gm. Avjg †Kvì ‡ivì óxj&m wjwg‡UW Gi 18Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv A`¨ 19 Rvbyqvix, 2019 evi
mKvj 10:30, Uvq wPUvMvs , Gm. Gm. Lv‡j` †ivW, jvjLvb evRvi, PÆMÖv‡g ‡Kv¤úbxi †Pqvig¨vb
Rbve Avãym mvgv` Gi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ AbywôZ nq| D³ mfvq 30 Ryb 2018 mgvß eQ‡ii Rb¨ †kqvi
†nvìvi‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ 10% bM` jf¨vsk ‡Nvlbv Kiv nq| G eQi †Kv¤úvbxi bxU weµ‡qi cwigvb 380.7
wgwjqb UvKv Ges Ki cieZx© gybvdv 120.7 wgwjqb UvKv Ges BwcGm 1.25 UvKv AwR©Z nq| G mfvq
m¤§vwbZ †kqvi†nvìviMY †Kv¯úbxi Kg©Kv‡Ûi cÖwZ m‡šÍvl cÖKvk K‡ib Ges hy‡Mvc‡hvMx †KŠkj cÖ‡qv‡Mi
gva¨‡g ‡Kv¤úvbxi Dbœq‡bi aviv Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e e‡j cÖZ¨vkv K‡ib|

D³ mfvq G eQi ¯úÝi cwiPvjK n‡Z Rbve , chv©qµwgK, Aemi MÖnb I cybtwbev©wPZ nb|
Rbve †gvnv¤§` kvnv Rvnvb - AvBwmwe bwgwb, webv cÖwZØ›ØxZvq cÖvwZôvwbK wewb‡qvMKvix cwiPvjK c‡`
wbev©wPZ nb Ges wg‡mm nvwjgv †eMg webv cÖwZØ›ØxZvq mvavib wewb‡qvMKvix cwiPvjK c‡` wbev©wPZ nb|
†gm©vm ingvb ‡gv¯Ívdv Avjg GÛ †Kvs, PvUv©W© GKvD›U¨v›Um †K cieZ©x eQ‡ii AwWUi wnmv‡e wb‡qvM
†`Iqv nq|

D³ mfvq, Rbve Avãym mvgv` - †Pqvig¨vb, Rbve Imgvb Mwb - cwiPvjK, Rbve ‡gvnv¤§` kvnv Rvnvb -
cwiPvjK (AvBwmwe bwgbx), wg‡mm nvwjgv †eMg-cwiPvjK, Rbve -
cwiPvjK, Rbve g‡bv‡Zvl P›`ª ivq, GdwmG - cwiPvjK Ges Rbve myeªZ Kzgvi ‡fŠwgK GdwmG -
wbev©nx cwiPvjK (A_©), Rbve : GdwmG - wmGdI, : -
†Kv¤úbx mwPe ( ) Ges Rbve wkgyj b›`x - cÖgyL mn AmsL¨ m¤§vwbZ
†kqvi †nvìvi Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb|

†Kv¤úbx mwPe ( )
Gm. Avjg †Kvì ‡ivì óxj&m wjwg‡UW

ZvwiL: 19 Rvbyqvix 2019 Bs

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