4.01 Communication: Total Points: 70

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Name: Kaya Spence School: BTW Magnet High School

Date: 11/20/2020 Facilitator: Mr. Walker

4.01 Communication
Total points: 70
Answer the following from what you learned in the lesson.

Fill in the Blank

1. Communication involves the exchange of information.
2. For effective communication to occur, the sender must communicate a clear message, and
the receiver must interpret that message accurately.
3. Two forms of communication are verbal and nonverbal.
4. Empathy involves putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes and trying to understand
their feelings from their perspective.
5. According to your lesson, messages that include the words “ ” tend to build
barriers to communication rather than promote effective communication.
6. Reflection is a strategy that involves repeating the message to help the sender expand on
the message and help the receiver understand the message.
7. “Whatever you think,” is an example of passive communication.
8. Aggressive communication is characterized by blaming, dominating, controlling, and
9. Passive- Aggressive communication appears passive but expresses anger by using
sarcasm or sabotaging the efforts of others.
10. “I feel angry when you do not do your chores because it makes life more difficult for the
rest of the family,” is an example of assertive communication.
11. In conflict resolution, competing promotes a win-lose outcome.
12. Feeling pressure to change for a relationship partner is a characteristic of a(n) unhealthy
13. Jealousy, shaming, controlling, intimidation, threatening violence against you or someone
you love, damaging property, preventing you from spending time away from your
partner, making you feel guilty for problems in the relationship, and physical or sexual
attacks are all signs of domestic violence.

Short Answer
14. According to your lesson, what is a good format to use when trying to communicate how
a situation affects you? Using assertive communication
15. What is the first step in the conflict resolution process? Avoiding
16. Your friend Kate told you that your mutual friend Sue has been saying unkind things
about you. This makes you angry and hurts your feelings. What steps can you take to
resolve the conflict?
17. Active listening is important to promote effective communication. What are three things
you can do to practice active listening?
a. Give full attention to understand the message
b. Remove distractions
c. Maintain eye contact, focus on what they’re saying, and make them feel heard
18. Your friend confides in you that she is feeling suffocated by her boyfriend. He wants her
to change the way she dresses and follows her to classes to make sure she does not talk to
other boys.
a. What would be a good response to your friend? Ask him why he is doing these
b. In talking with her boyfriend, using the format from the lesson, what could she
say to communicate her concerns? By starting off by saying “I feel that…” and so
c. She talked with her boyfriend, and he responded by hitting her. What should her
next steps be? Getting help and staying away from him
19. Kelly did not do her homework and wants you to share what is on the test. You tell Kelly,
“You should study, do your homework, and do your own work.”
a. According to the lesson, what is a negative quality of this response? It was
b. What would be a better response? Quote the words you would say. “Hey Kelly,
im sorry but I can’t help you on the test and I hope you do well.” Also, with a big

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