Ulangan Harian Nama: Kelas

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The statements below are true based on the text,

NAMA: a. Smoking is dangerous               
KELAS: b. Smoking makes us better           
c. Smoking is unhealthy for the smoker
d. Smoking must not be allowed
e. Smoking harms to the others
Text 1, questions 1-5

Smoking in a restaurant does not only give the

bad impact to the active smokers but also to the 5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
passive ones. a. Smoking in a restaurant is rude to do
b. Passive smoking is made by a smoker
Smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell
c. Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease
of the smoke affects all people and can turn them off
d. Smoking in restaurants must not be allowed
their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be
e. The smell of the smoke affects all people
put off by foul-smelling smoke.

Besides, smoking harm the others especially

passive smokers, that is, breathing in smoke made by a Text 2, questions 6-9
smoker, can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.
If you want to advance in your career, you will
Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health have to make some careful decision about which jobs
risk to the smoker. Cigarettes cause heart and lung to take. Evaluate a job offer for the value it has to your
disease and people do not smoke anywhere, not just in career. It may mean sacrifice at first. You may have to
restaurants. move to a different region or a different country to get
a job that is right for you. You may have to work late
Regarding to the bad impacts, smoking must
hours, at last temporarily. You might even have to take
not be allowed in any restaurants.
lower salary for job that offers you the experience that
you need. But you should never accept a job if it is not
1. What kind text is the text above? related to your career goals.
a. Narrative text
b. Analytical exposition text
Accepting a job that is not within your career
c. Hortatory exposition text
path will not give you the training or experience you
d. Descriptive text
need or want. You will find yourself frustrated in such
e. Report text
position and consequently will not perform your best.
This will have an effect on the people around you who
2. The communicative purpose of the text is to…
will not feel as if you are being a part of the team. The
a. explain how the smoking can be dangerous
best advice is to think carefully before accepting any
b. retell about some positive effects of smoking
position and make sure the job is the one you want to
c. persuade  readers with the smoking risk
d. describe how the smoking is not allowed
e. persuade readers that smoking must be banned 6. What is the most significant factor in evaluating a
a. location
3. Smoking in a restaurant is impolite. (Paragraph 2).  b. salary
The synonym of the underlined word is… c. value to your career
a. Rude                            d. How much you like it.
b. Sensitive e. prestige
c. Polite                           
d. Kind
e. Delicate 7. Which is not mentioned as a sacrifice for valuable
a. moving to other region
b. no benefits 10. Some people do not like the presence of pet dogs
c. bad working hours in their surroundings because....
d. moving to other country a. the dogs are left in the yards
e. low salary b. the dogs are often neglected
c. the dogs often bark and disturb the neighbors
d. the dogs play with the owner's child
8. What is wrong with taking a job outside your e. the dogs guard the security of the environment
career path?
a. you will earn less 11. The main idea of the last paragraph is....
b. You won’t perform well a. pet dogs are loyal animals
c. People will give you advice b. pet dogs are more loyal than humans
d. You will be part of a team c. dogs can be a great source of pleasure
e. People will complain to you. d. the writer has no objection to keeping dogs in
the city
e. the writer used to play and took care of his pet
9. What is the writer’s best advice? when he was a child
a. Take the first job offered.
b. Consider changing career 12. We can infer from the text that keeping pet dogs in
c. Don’t work with other people. the city will not cause any problem as long as....
d. Think before accepting a job. a. the dogs are amusing
e. Find a job with the highest salary. b. the neighbors like having pet dogs
c. the dogs do not bark at the neighbors
d. The writer has succeeded in persuading the
Text 3 , questions 10-12 neighbors.
e. its presence does not disturb the neighborhood
There are many reasons for keeping dogs as pets in
the city area, but many people feel that keeping pet Text 4, questions 13-18
dogs should not be allowed in the city. Dogs are often
not taken care properly. They are kept in small Mr. and Mrs. Brown were going abroad for
backyards and rarely taken for walks. They are left in their holiday. They had a dog called Blackie, which
the yard all day by themselves while the family is at they were very fond of. Unfortunately, they could not
work. Very little attention is given to the dog and it is take him abroad with them, so they looked for a good
not a very good life for it. It is no wonder why these place to leave him while they were away, and at last
dogs bark and disturb the neighbors and become a found a good place which looked after dogs very well
nuisance to the community. while the owners were away. They took Blackie there
just before they left for their holiday, and sadly said
On the other hand, not all people treat their goodbye to him.
dogs this way and why should the people receive a lot At the end of their holiday, they got back to
of pleasure and enjoyment from dogs’ suffer? Dogs England very late at night, and as they thought that the
can make a lonely person's life happy or make place where Blackie was staying might be close at that
wonderful playmate. It can also teach a child late hour, they decided to wait until the next morning
responsibility as they not only get to lay with the dog, before going to get him.
but also need to exercise, feed, and care for the dog. So the next morning Mr. Brown got into his
car and drove off happily to collect Blackie. When he
I feel that we should be allowed to keep dogs reached home with the dog, he said to his wife, “Do
in the city, because if it is taken care of properly, dogs you know dear, I don’t think Blackie can have enjoyed
can be a great source of pleasure. As a child I used to his stay at that place very much. He barked all the way
enjoy playing and taking care of my pet. There is not home in the car as if he wanted to tell me something.”
greater loyalty a person can get than from a well-cared Mrs. Brown looked at the dog carefully and
dog. then answered. “You are quite right, dear. He was
trying to tell you something. But he wasn’t trying to
tell you that he hadn’t enjoyed his stay at that place.
He was only trying to tell you that you were bringing 18. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Brown live in?
the wrong dog home. This isn’t Blackie!” a. Forest
(Taken from: Advanced Stories for Reproduction) b. A town
c. England
13. What kind text is the text above? d. America
a. Narrative text e. A village
b. Analytical exposition text
c. Hortatory exposition text Text 5, questions 19-23
d. Spoof text A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy,
e. Report text why are some of your hairs turning grey?”
The mother tried to use this occasion to teach
14. What is the text about? her child: “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action
a. Mr. and Mrs. Brown. of yours will turn one of my hairs grey!”
b. Blackie. The child replied innocently: “Now I know
c. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are going abroad for why grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.”
d. Bringing the wrong dog home. 19. What is the purpose of the text?
e. The unfortunate dog. a. to inform the readers about certain events
b. to describe grey hairs
15. The purpose of the text is…. c. to amuse the readers
a. To describe the way Mr. Brown brings the d. to persuade the readers that something is the
wrong dog home. case
b. To persuade the reader that there is an e. to retell a sequence of events
important case. 20. What is the funny part of the story?
c. To retell a series of past events. a. When the mother tried to teach her child
d. To retell a story which happened in the past b. When the child replied to what his mother said
time with unpredictable or funny ending. c. When the child asked his mother why some of
e. To tell a story dealing with problematic her hairs were turning grey
events. d. When the child did a bad action
e. When the mother’s hairs turned grey
16. …. But he wasn’t trying to tell you that he hadn’t
enjoyed his stay at that place. He was only trying 21. The child is …
to tell you that you were bringing the wrong dog a. innocent
home. This isn’t Blackie!” b. naughty
This part of the text is included into… c. talkative
a. Orientation d. stupid
b. Resolution e. annoying
c. Twist
d. Recommendation 22. “A curious child asked his mother…”
e. Events The underlined word has the closest meaning to …
a. confused
17. What did Mr. Brown think when Blackie was b. questioning
barking all the way home? c. drunk
a. He thought that Blackie was happy to see him. d. amazed
b. He thought that Blackie wasn’t enjoyed to be e. furious
left in that place.
c. He thought that Blackie didn’t want to go 23. “The child replied innocently…”
home. The underlined word has the closest meaning to …
d. He thought that Blackie enjoyed living there. a. frankly
e. He thought that Blackie wanted to tell b. carefully
something to him. c. cheerfully
d. recklessly
e. happily

Picture 1, questions 24-27

28. The picture above is a…

a. Poster
b. Banner
c. Pamphlet
d. Advertisement
24. What is the topic of the poster? e. A, b, and c are right
a. Safety
b. Art 29. What is the suitable word to fill the missing word
c. Environment in the picture?
d. Sport a. Body
e. Health b. Money
c. Energy
25. What is the meaning of the message in the poster? d. Lamp
a. We have to be careful to step e. Light
b. We have to live carelessly to destruct
environment 30. The message is intended for…
c. We have to watch our step a. Babies
d. We have to watch our step to destruct b. Animals
environment c. The government
e. We have to live carefully to prevent global d. Everyone
warming e. Parents

26. The word ‘you’ in the poster, refers to... 31. Mam : Yesterday, I had to stand in the
a. Readers school corridor because I didn’t do my homework.
b. Writer Many students stared at me,....
c. Poster maker Woman : You should do your homework
d. Government before you get to the class.
e. Children a. I didn’t really care.
b. It was so embarrassing.
27. The message is intended for… c. I was so happy.
a. Babies d. Finally, I could make it.
b. Animals e. I was pleased.
c. The government
d. Everyone 32. Woman : There were so many people
e. Parents watching my performance and I made a mistake in
front of them....

Picture 2, questions 28-30

Man : That’s fine. Mistakes are not always Conversation 2, questions 37-40
bad things. You can learn from it and you won’t
make the same mistake in the future. Jess : Hi john, what are you drinking?
a. I was so happy. John : Hi Jess. I’m drinking coffee, as usual.
b. I was in doubt. Jess :John, have you heard the news? They said
c. I was so embarrassed. coffee is not good for your heart. I
d. I did not agree. think you should not drink it every day.
e. I was little bit fuzzy. John : Really? Well, if you ask me, I think it is not
that bad. It boosts my energy, thanks for
33. Man : You should not scream at the man. the information anyway!
Woman : He plays the cassette too loudly.... Jess :You’re welcome! I have a class to attend,
a. It annoys me. bye!
b. It makes me happy.
c. I’m still confused about it. 37. Where does the conversation take place?
d. I don’t know about it.
e. I am afraid of him. a. Home

34. Man : Stop disturbing me. I’m working.... b. School

Woman : Oh. I’m sorry. I’m leaving. Bye.
a. You make me happy. c. Hospital
b. You make me confused.
c. You make me angry. d. Park
d. I’m sorry.
e. I’m counting on you e. Hotel

Conversation 1, questions 35-36 38. What kind of expression that is used in the
Citra : Oh…no! What have you done with my book?
Kirana : I’m sorry. I’ll give you the new one. a. Love

b. Embarrassment
35. The dialogue above expresses….
c. Sadness
a. Love
b. Embarrassment
d. Anger
c. Sadness
d. Anger
e. Stance
e. Stand
39. What can we get from the conversation?
36. Why was Citra angry at Kirana?
a. Coffee is good for your heart
a. Because Kirana took citra’s book
b. We should drink coffee everyday
b. Because Kirana tore citra’s book apart
c. Coffee is bad for your heart
c. Because Citra hated Kirana
d. Coffee should be banned
d. Because Kirana is annoying
e. We should drink coffee twice a day
e. Because Kirana stole Citra’s book
40. Will John stop drinking coffee?

a. No, he doesn’t.

b. Yes, he will

c. No, he didn’t

d. Yes, he will

e. Yes, he wills

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