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Previously on the Haunting of Labor Relations M9 conditions of his employment compared to when dealing

Part 2 as a group.

We mentioned the fundamental principles that underlie Another situation is those inhumane working
the right to self-organization. We also mention the 2 conditions. If the workers feel that they are not
broad notions that underscore the right to self- accorded just and humane conditions of work, the
organization. employer violates the right of the workers to occupational
safety and health, that is also another common grievance
Today, we have to identify what are the common reasons why workers decide to organize.
why workers decide to organize themselves into a labor
organization. If you look at the law that strengthens the right of workers
to occupational safety and health, there are a lot of rights
The Supreme Court has observed in one case that labor that are spelled out there and you will note that many of
organizations are organized out of necessities of the these rights are often violated. Perhaps deliberately or out
situation. They are formed to off-set the social and of ignorance. That will leave the workers helpless.
economic imbalance that an individual undergoes when
bargaining with his employer. Another reason why workers organize is because they
may want to participate in policy and decision making
True indeed, we need to concede that when we speak of processes.
a single employee, he/she is usually helpless in dealing
with his employer concerning his terms and conditions of Yung mga labor union naman they decide to affiliate with
employment like wages, hours of work and other benefits. a federation of national union in order to increase their
bargaining power with their employer. Tapos yung mga
If I am an employee and there is no labor organization federation of national union naman, they created and
within the establishment that I employed in and I may organized because as you know many governmental
want to improve on my wages and my salary, it’s kind of policies are influenced by unions acting as pressure
difficult on my part to approach management and request groups. So workers increase their bargaining power, not
them to grant me a salary raise. I may be shy, I may feel only with the employers but also with the policy makers if
so low, I may not feel so confident that if I decide to they are organized as national unions or federations.
approach management.
There could be valid reasons, you can think also of these
In the same way that the employee who may have valid valid reasons why workers form and organize a union.
grievance may also be in the same situation if he decides
to seek redress of his grievance. He may want to set an Now, in this regard, we have to take note that as the State
appointment with his employer. Most often than not, is quite cognizant of these concerns and problems
employers are really busy and they don;t really take their affecting workers, the policy of the State is to promote
employees seriously when it comes to addressing unionism. That is to enable the workers to negotiate with
grievances. the management on the same level and with more
persuasiveness than if they were to individually and
So the workers’ helplessness creates the necessity for the independently with their employer to improve their
workers to organize a labor organization. respective conditions.

TN: A worker bargaining with his employer is usually So, labor and capital do not really stand on equal footing.
placed at a disadvantage because between him and his The Labor is still dependent on capital. Off-setting this
employer there is a large difference in economic status, socio-economic imbalance is one of the primary objectives
bargaining knowledge, and skill and so on and so forth. of the exercise of the workers’ right to self-organization.

The employee may not be as good in dealing with his Makita mo yung mga federation of national unions diba,
employer regarding the improvement of his terms and even in politics, you will recognize itong mga politicians
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
natin are heavily dependent on their votes form these
organized labor unions. COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS - establishments
engaged in the sale of goods and/or services. Those
We can take notice that there are politicians who are persons employed thereat may exercise the right to self-
elected to office because the represent the leadership in organization.
these organized federations and national unions.
At this point I’d like to stress that the Constitution processing of raw materials into finished goods. The
guarantees the policy of the State to promote workers there may also organize or join a labor
unionism by giving the workers the right to self- organization. Manufacturing establishments in particular.
organization. Sabi ng Constitution “workers, we are
quite cognizant of your concerns and grievances and we Mag manufacture ka ng tobacco into cigarettes; a good
are promoting the policy of unionism. We want you to example of industrial establishment. Soda into soft drinks.
deal with management more or less at the same level
therefore we guarantee you the right to self-organization. AGRICULTURAL - those involved in farming operations.
So long as you are qualified to be a member labor union, Basically, the agricultural employees are covered by the
then you may exercise that right to self-organization” right to self-organization.

The State further guarantees the policy of unionism by RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS - regardless of your
providing organized labor unions who are certified as the faith, you are also eligible to exercise the right to self-
Sole Exclusive Bargaining Agent to exercise the right to organization.
collective bargaining. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS - Whether you operate
for profit or not, it does not matter, you can exercise the
Furthermore, the Constitution likewise guarantees the right to self-organization. As long as you are sizable
right of workers to engage in peaceful concerted activities enough to function as a labor union, then you may
including the right to strike in cases of unfair labor exercise the right to self-organization.
practices as well as bargaining deadlocks.
MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENTS - like hospitals. The
So there are so many essential features of the Philippine nurses, doctors as long as they are eligible then they can
Constitution that will spell out guarantees on the policy of also exercise the right to self-organization.
the State to promote Unionism. You just have to identify
them. As we go along, we will be discussing each and EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS - like USC, USJR, UC,
every constitutional right that is relevant; not to mention etc. Those private education institutions are also within
the rights of legitimate labor organization under the Labor the coverage of the right to self-organization.
Code of the Philippines.
There is nothing in the law that defines how many
Now that we know these fundamental principles, we know workers are needed before they can exercise the right to
the definition of terms, we know the objective of the State self-organization.
in promoting unionism, and we know what are the What the law defines is their eligibility or
guarantees of the Constitution to promote the same. ineligibility to exercise the right to self-
organization. It does say that an establishment that has
Q: In what establishments can employees exercise less than 5 workers cannot exercise the right. It’s
the right to self-organization? available to everyone. After all, the constitution provides
If you look at the Article 253 of the Labor Code, it will that all the people, including those employed in the
spell out to you a long enumeration of the coverage and private sector may form or organize a union, association
employees’ right to self organization. All persons who are or societies for purposes not contrary to law. This right
employed in commercial, industrial, agricultural, shall not be abridged.
religious, charitable, medical and educational
institutions may exercise the right to self-organization.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
Just give your own illustration what is considered execute management policies and/or to hire,
commercial, industrial, educational, madical, charitable transfer, suspend, lay-off, assign, discharge or
institution. discipline employees.

Aside from that, do not forget that the IRR also provide · Supervisory employees are those, in the
a similar provision for the coverage of the right to self- interest of the employer, effectively recommend
organization. such managerial actions like power to hire,
transfer, suspend, lay-off, assign, discharge or
I would like to reiterate that by definition of labor discipline employees, if the exercise of such
organization it spells out the 2 FOLD PURPOSE authority is not merely routinary or clerical in
1. For purposes of collective bargaining nature but requires the use of independent
2. For mutual aid and protection judgment.

For labor union, we can safely say that they exist for the TN: They are acting in the interest of the employer. Also,
purpose of collective bargaining and for other legitimate they can effectively recommend. It is not just a mere
purposes. recommendation, but effective recommendation of such
action if the exercise of these authority is not merely
For workers’ association, they exist for the mutual aid routinary or clerical but requires the use of independent
and protection of their members other than collective judgment.
· Rank-and-file employees are all employees
That is what we derive from the definition of labor not listed within any of the above definitions.
organization. Now that we know the establishments that
we are employed in are within the coverage of the right If you are neither a managerial or supervisory employee,
to self-organization, then we have to know who among then you are a rank-and-file.
the employees are eligible and ineligible to exercise the
right to self-organization. Between the supervisory employee and a rank-and-file,
(16-31 mins – Evangelista) the former exercises independent judgment while the
…to exercise the right to self-organization. latter merely performs routinary or clerical job and does
not require the use of independent judgment.
For this purpose, take note that Article 245 of LC provides
for the ineligibility of managerial employees to join a labor In labor standards, there is only 2 classification of
organization and also classifies other employees for employees:
purposes of labor organization. 1. Managerial, including officers or members of the
managerial staff
In other words, LC provides for a three-tiered 2. Rank-and-file
classification of employees:
1. Managerial employees In labor relations, it is a three-tiered classification.
2. Supervisory employees
3. Rank-and-file Eligible or Not Eligible to Exercise the Right to Self-
Organization (Article 255)
As I have said, the next question as who among the Let’s first tackle the provisions before we proceed to case
employees are eligible or ineligible to exercise the right to laws.
self-organization. Thus, you will have to know what the
classification of employees is.

Definition of terms (LC)

· Managerial employee is one who is vested
with the power or prerogative to lay down and
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
rank-and-file employees but may join, assist, or form
Art 255. Managerial employees are not eligible
separate collective bargaining units and/or legitimate
to join, assist or form any labor organization.
labor organization of their own.
Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
membership in the collective bargaining unit of
A supervisory employee may form or organization his own
the rank-and-file employees but may join,
collective bargaining unit or legitimate labor organization
assist, or form separate collective bargaining
of their own. So, it is only exclusive to members of
units and/or legitimate labor organization of
supervisory employees.
their own. The rank-and-file union and
supervisors’ union operating within the same
However, a supervisory employee is prohibited from
establishment may join the same federation or
joining the collective bargaining unit of the rank-and-file
national union.
employees due to conflict of interest, which involves 2
major areas:
Managerial employees 1. Collective bargaining
Absolute disqualification to join, assist or form any labor 2. Discipline
organization because SC said that the reason behind such
disqualification is due to conflict of interest. If you are Because the rank-and-file employee usually reports to the
managerial employee, you are acting in the interest of the immediate supervisor. A supervisor is supposed to act in
employer, if not the employer yourself. the interest of the employer, necessarily it will betray the
loyalty he owes to his employer if he is allowed to join a
When you are a managerial employee, you are charged collective bargaining unit of the rank-and-file employees.
with the formulation and execution of management In the same, if a supervisory employee is allowed to join
policies. You have the power to exercise management a rank-and-file union, it would be unfair and
prerogative ie. hire, suspend, transfer disadvantageous to the union if the supervisor will remain
loyal to management because the supervisor will be
A managerial employee cannot join, assist, or form any acting as a spy for or against the rank-and-file labor
labor union because a labor union exists for the purpose union. That may hamper the exercise of the right to self-
of collective bargaining and a managerial employee organization on the part of the rank-and-file union. To
cannot bargain with himself. avoid such situation, the law declares supervisory
employees ineligible to form, join or assist a collective
Since the law speaks of a labor organization, it also bargaining unit of the rank-and-file employees. However,
disqualifies managerial employees from forming, joining they can form their own.
or assisting the formation of a workers’ association. Also,
they are disqualified from dealing with management TN: This is a relative disqualification because they are not
regarding terms and conditions of employment ie. wages, absolutely prohibited.
hours of work, etc. They cannot deal because they are
the one who are supposed to adopt, implement and Rank-and-file employees
execute these terms of employment. There is no disqualification at all. Among all the
classification, only the rank-and-file are absolutely
The disqualification is very broad. A managerial employee allowed to exercise the right to self-organization.
is disqualified and prohibited from forming, joining or
assisting a labor union and workers’ association. In an establishment, there can be a union of supervisory
employees and a union for rank-and-file employees. That
TN: Labor organization includes not only labor union but is how the law strengths the right to self-organization by
also workers’ association. allowing in certain establishment to have at least 2 labor
organization: for rank-and-file and for supervisory
Supervisory employees employees.
Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
membership in the collective bargaining union of the
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
That is considered strong because what is left is only the supervisory employees to create their own local or
managerial employees. Thus, if the supervisory and rank- chapter from the same federation or national union. So
and-file employees decide to go on strike, the that's how strong it is. So ang maiiwang dyan si Dean
establishment will be paralyzed because it cannot run its Capanas nalang who is obviously a managerial employee.
operation. There will be a necessary disruption in the
conduct of its operations if these separate bargaining TN: Professors are RnF employees because their tasks
units of the rank-and-file and supervisors would ie. are clerical and routinary. The school assigned their
engage in consorted activities such as strike. subjects.

Same federation or national union for rank-and- Another thing is, what about alien employees?
file and supervisory
The last sentence of Article 255 says the rank-and-file They are allowed to work in the Philippines provided they
union and supervisors’ union operating within the same secure an Alien Employment Permit from DOLE. If they
establishment may join the same federation or national are nationals of a country which grants similar rights to
union. Filipino workers, as certified by DFA of which ratified ILO
Convention 87 - Freedom of Association and the Right to
Before the amendment to Article 255, the law does not Organize and ILO Convention 98 - Right to Organize and
allow due to conflict of interest a rank-and-file union from Collective Bargaining, they may also the right to join or
being affiliated as a local or chapter by the same assist in the formation of a labor organization. BUT NOT
federation or national union as the supervisors’ union. TO FORM THEIR OWN LABOR ORGANIZATION.

Because of the amendment to Article 255 strengthening But based on my experience, I haven't seen one where
the rights of workers to self-organization, it's quite clear aliens decided to form/join a union of RnF or supervisory
that doctrine of the SC has already been abandoned employees. Most of the aliens here in the PH are holding
because expressly, as it is stated in the law: managerial/supervisory employees. Supervisory alien
employees are allowed to join labor organizations but in
"the RnF union and the supervisory union my experience, I never see one. After all, even if they
operating the same establishment, they may join exercise their right to self-organization, since their
the same federation or national union." employment is usually for a term and their stay in the PH
is usually coterminous with their visa,the likelihood of
So it simply means that the federation or national union them exercising the right to self-organization is far
can create, in the same establishment, the RnF union as fetched from happening. Maybe those are some reasons
a local or chapter; can create in the same establishment, why they don't do so. But they are eligible to join or assist
local or chapter of the supervisory employees. So these 2 in the formation of a labor organization if they are so
separate unions now owe loyalty to the same federation minded.
or national union which makes it more stronger in
increasing their bargaining power in dealing with How soon can a R&F or Supervisor be eligible to
management regarding terms and conditions of join a
employment of those workers within its organizations. labor organization?

Example: Under the IRR: "for purposes of this section, as to

Kunwari, ako yung the USC College of Law, I was able to who may join labor unions and worker’s
form/organize a RnF Union among the faculty members. association, any employee, employed for a definite
Of course yung mga supervisory likewise, they were able period or not, shall beginning on the first day of his
to form/organize their separate union. Both of us can service be eligible for membership in any labor
become an affiliate of the federation or national union, organization."
assuming that we are independently registered. Or we
could just simply approach the federation or union to So for purposes of joining a labor organization whether it
create as a local or chapter and also to create among the be a labor union or association, on the first day of service
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
of an employee, whether he is employed for a definite In one SC case the SC made mention of the confidential
period of not, he is eligible under the eyes of the law. employees as ineligible to form labor organizations in the
same logic as managerial employees.
By the way, itong mga supervisory employees, rank in file
employees, it doesn't make nany distinctions whether Confidentialemployees (supervisory/R&F) - usually
they are regular or non-regular. so even a casual entrusted with confidential matters by management in
employee, a seasonal employee may be a member of a relation of labor relations. By reason of position,there
labor organization unless he is declared ineligible under could be a conflict of interest in management if you are
the law. allowed to join/form/assist a labor organization.

So on the first day of service, the law recognizes the right Example:
of the employee to be a member of a labor organization 1. If you are a supervisor but at the same time your
regardless of his or her status. Casual, project, fixed term employment is considered confidential due to your duties
pwede! they can all decide to form, organize, or assist in and responsibilities - you are NOT eligible
the formation of a labor union.
2. If you are a RnF employee, generally you are eligible
In fact the IRR also mentions, all other workers, but if you are a confidential employee due to your duties
including ambulant, itinerant, self-employed, rural and responsibilities you are likewise DISQUALIFIED.
workers and those without definite employers may
form a labor organization for their mutual aid and
protection and other legitimate purposes except What are the reasons they are disqualified?
The SC said under Doctrine of Necessary
Example: Market Vendors Association of the PH., Balut Implication, since confidential employees takes the
Vendors Association of the PH. same position as the managers, they are deemed
disqualified by reason of conflict of interest.
What could be the primary purposes of doing so?
Can you just imagine a confidential RnF employee
They could probably lobby with congress for the becoming a member of the RnF union but at the same
enactment of pieces of social legislation to uplift and time being loyal to the management? It would be a
protect their rights and welfare. In fact, collective action disadvantage to the Rnf union as well as the
is better than individual action. management. So to avoid this situation th SC said, they
are disqualified under the Doctrine of Necessary
Between the right of association and the right of Implication.
self organization:
Confidential Employee defined by the SC:
1.Self-organization - is more limited because it You assist or act in a confidential capacity in regard to
connotes unionism. persons who formulate, determine and effectuate
management policies specifically labor relations, then you
2.Assocition - is available to all people, employed or not are not eligible to form/join/assist labor organizations.
employed, as long as not contrary to law.
But take note that the confidential relationship must exist
Aside from the managerial employees who are between the employee and his superior officer and that
ineligible to form labor organizations, are there officer must handle the prescribed responsibilities relating
other classification of employees who are to Labor Relations.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
The prohibition is that it should not be arbitrary or
Before organizing a labor organization, the employees oppressive.
who intend to be members of the labor organization must
draft and prepare the union’s constitution and by-laws. LC provides that the fines and forfeiture should not be
arbitrary, excessive or oppressive. These fines and
In drafting the constitution and by-laws, one must be forfeiture refers to those disciplinary fines and sanctions
guided by Art 250, LC. The constitution and by-laws are paid by a member of a union or considered forfeited in
the basic documents every labor union must have. case the member violates the constitution or by-laws.

Constitution These are fees and sanctions which must be paid by a

· usually expresses the philosophy of the member for infractions committed within the
organization organization.
· Define the mission, vision.
· Incorporates the general principles that will Fines and forfeitures are usually found in the by-laws. It
underscore the organization must be reasonable.

By-Laws Example: If you misbehave and the violation is found

· More comprehensive piece of document under the by-laws, then you can be held liable.
· Defines the conditions of membership, admission
and retention of membership It is the union that can hold you liable for violating the
· Define the rights and duties of members to the constitution and by-laws.
union and duties and obligations of the union to
its members
· Define the list of officers, including their duties B. Full and Detailed Reports
and functions and their responsibilities to the The members shall be entitled to full and detailed reports
members from their officers and representatives of all financial
· Provides for the minimum qualifications to be a transactions as provided for in the constitution and by-
member of a union and laws of the organization.
· Provides for qualification to be elected as officer
Under the constitution and by-laws, there will a provision
TN: By-laws is more comprehensive than the constitution on payment of union dues. These union dues are
but both documents are important and required under the exactions made from members for the survival or
LC. subsistence of the union. No organization may
successfully survive without funds or money so the LC
As to what will be the contents, the drafters have to be expressly provided that for the survival or subsistence of
guided by Art 250. a labor organization, it must eb allowed by law to collect
union dues from its members.
A. Initiation Fees
A labor union is not a fraternity. For non-union members, the union may also assess
“agency fees”, provided it is expressly stipulated in the
No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees shall be required union’s by-laws and the non-member who is an employee
of the members of a legitimate labor organization nor in that establishment benefits from the collective
shall arbitrary, excessive or oppressive fine and forfeiture bargaining agreement.
be imposed.
Reason: If you benefit from the collective bargaining
The fees refer to the admission fees. To be admitted, the agreement despite being a non-member, the union which
constitution and by-laws MAY prescribe reasonable is the certified bargaining agent MAY assess agency fees
amount for admission fees.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
TN: Agency fees will no longer require individual ready Term of Office
(?) authorization because an employee cannot unjustly The term of office for officers is 5 years until they are re-
(????) at the expense of another so it is fair and just that elected, depending on the provisions of the constitution
the union who has successfully negotiated a CBA may be or by-laws.
able to collect agencies fees from employees who are
members of the bargaining unit and who benefit from the D. Determination by Secret Ballot
CBA. The members shall determine by secret ballot, after due
deliberation, any question of major policy affecting the
The legitimate labor organization can enter into entire membership of the organization, unless the nature
transactions and can get donations and can obtain of the organization or force majeure renders such secret
sources of money and all these financial transactions will ballot impractical, in which case, the board of directors of
have to be accounted for by the officers or agents to their the organization may make the decision in behalf of the
members. general membership.

This is consistent in requirement of transparency in This provides an instance when members of a labor
conducting affairs. In fact, there is a provision in the LC organization may decide on questions of major policy
that authorizes Bureau of Labor Relations Director to affecting the entire membership of the organization.
conduct examination of financial activities or transactions
of the labor organization as part of its visitorial and Ordinarily, a labor union has its board of trustees and it is
enforcement power. the board that manages and operates the labor
organization. However, LC allows the members to decide
C. Election of Officers on questions involving questions of major policies that will
affect the entire membership of the organization through
Q. What is the minimum qualification to be a secret ballot after due deliberation.
You must be an employee or worker in the establishment XPN: Such secret ballot can be dispensed with in which
where the union seeks to operate. That is the only case the board of directors may decide on behalf of the
minimum requirement prescribed by law. general membership.

Example: A is created as an independent union and A

TN: The purpose of organizing a labor union is for decides to affiliate with a federation or a national union—
collective bargaining and the right to collective bargaining that is a question of major policy.
may only be exercised if there is ER-EE relationship
between the employer and the employees who are Example: Disaffiliation by local or chapter from a
represented by the certified bargaining union. federation or national union—question of major policy.

That is the only minimum requirement prescribed by law. G. Authorized Collection

However, when you seek of elected officers, there are No officer, agent or member of a labor union shall collect
additional requirements: membership in good any fees, dues or other contributions in its behalf or make
standing, which means you are not delinquent in paying any disbursement of its money or funds, unless he is duly
dues, fully compliant with the constitution and by-laws. authorized pursuant to its constitution or by-laws.

Aside from that, LC also prescribes additional Ordinarily, you have the President, Vice-President and
qualifications to be elected/appointed as officers and one
Secretary of a labor organization. Each of these officers
of which is: not convicted of a crime involving moral
will have defined duties and functions found under the
turpitude. A crime involving moral turpitude connotes
constitution and by-laws and they will have to faithfully
breach of trust which affects the integrity of the individual
abide with it. Aside from that, they cannot make
ie. estafa—disqualified. disbursement unless authorized by the constitution and
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
Mandatory Activities
K. Salaries and Compensation of Officers Ie. labor seminar, labor orientation, there is no need for
The constitution and by-laws shall provide for the salaries resolution for majority of members. Individual written
of the officers in attending union meetings but the law authorization from the members themselves will suffice.
prohibits payment of any compensation to the officers of
the labor union. These are just some of the salient provisions relevant.

If you are an officer, you are not an employee of the labor If you become a member of a labor organization, you
union. You are a member. Therefore, you are not entitled have th comply with the min. qualifications and the
to any compensation for services rendered. qualifications prescribed by the union constitution and by-
What could be allowed are salaries and expenses due to
their positions provided that they are specially found in The union is authorized to prescribed conditions for
the constitution and by-laws. memberships and retentions of membership as long as
these conditions are not arbitrary or unreasonable.
Union Dues
If you are a member of the union, the LC allows deduction The policy of the state is to promote unionism. If you are
from the union members’ wages from establishment if against such policy, by allowing unions to be
there is an individual written authorization. discriminatory as regards admission as member, that is
against the policy of the state.
If there is no individual written authorization but there is
a provision in the CBA that has been duly ratified then Any dispute between issues between a union member and
individual written authorization may be dispensed with for the union may qualify as an intra-union dispute and the
purposes of payment of union dues. subject within the jurisdiction of Bureau of Labor
Relations which under the LC has the power to act on
GR: For the union to collect union dues, the union inter-union and intra-union disputes.
member should execute individual written authorization.
Next Topic: Forming and organizing labor union, modes
XPN: The existing CBA contains a provision authorizing
deduction of union dues from the wages of the union
members. PART 4

Special Assessment or Extraordinary Fees PART 4 (1st 29 minutes)

That cannot be carried by mere check or provision. The
law specifically requires that special assessment or other Hello Ebriwan
extraordinary fees ie. payment to the union’s lawyer,
Today we will discuss how a labor organization is formed,
there must be a written resolution of a majority of all
organized, and registered as a legitimate labor
members in a general membership meeting duly called for
the purpose.

We will not understand this topic without understanding

TN: This provision has been asked in previous bar exam.
the Labor Code. Look at Arts. 240, 241 & 244

Q. In what instance may the union collect special

assessment or extraordinary fees? Would a check-
off be adequate? Modes of Acquisition of Legal Personality by a
No, there must be a written resolution of a majority of all labor organization
members in a general membership meeting duly called for
the purpose.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
ART. 240 Formation, Organization and Registration of an registration which will confer upon you, a legal personality
Independent Union, Including Federation, National Union as a legitimate labor organization.
or Industry as well as a Trade Union Center
Without a certificate of registration, your labor
ART 241. Formation and Organization of a Local Chapter organization is not considered legitimate. You could not,
through the process of Chartering therefore, exercise the rights provided by the Labor Code
to a legitimate organization. You need to acquire legal
ART 244. Registration of a Federation or national Union personality and acquisition of legal personality can only
in addition to what has been provided under Article 240. be done when you are issued a certificate of registration
as an independent union. The requirements are found in
Article 240.

Modes of creating, forming and organizing a labor A. Pay a registration fee of P50.00
organization can be made either by creating an - If you look at it the fee is just very
independent union or creating a local chapter minimal because the policy of the State
through the process of chartering. Those were the is to promote unionism; encourage
fundamental principles in the creation of a labor workers to organize themselves into a
organization. labor organization so that they could
exercise the right collective bargaining
and negotiation among other
constitutional rights.

This is the most basic union that usually exists at the - The State does not intend to make it
enterprise level. Otherwise known as local union. difficult for workers to organize
themselves into a labor organization.
Try to imagine yourself being employed in an
establishment and you are eligible to form and organize a - This P50.00 registration fee is merely a
labor organization. You may want to form and organize regulatory fee. It is merely intended
an independent union. perhaps to cover the processing of your
application for registration. Being a
If you want to form and organize an independent union, regulatory fee, the fee must always be
you have to be guided by Art. 240. reasonable and not excessive or
Requirements for the application and registration
of an independent union - The fee is not intended to curtail the
freedom of the workers to form and
Art. 240. An independent union shall acquire legal organize a labor organization. It is merely
personality and shall be entitled to all the rights and intended to police the rank among the
privileges granted by law to a legitimate labor labor organizations to enable the
organization upon issuance of a certificate of registration government/State to protect the
based on the following requirements: workers; perhaps against fly-by-night or
unscrupulous labor unions.
1. Pay a registration fee of P50.00
If we do not provide a mechanism for registration, you
can just imagine unions sprouting everywhere and trying
to extract money from its members to the prejudice and
detriment of the working men. The State does not want
If you want to create organize and forma n independent to do that, will not allow that to happen, therefore the
State has provided a provision for registration. If you
union you must be able to secure a certificate of
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
register then you will have to be submitting to the State
regulation and the State can closely monitor the union Between an independent union and a local chapter
and the officers managing and operating the union. The created through the process of chartering.
State can therefore better protect the workers who are
members of that particular union against illegal or The State favors yung local chapter being formed and
unlawful acts which are usually committed by organized as a labor organization, because if you are a
unscrupulous or fly-by-night labor organizations. local or chapter of a federation or a national union which
issued you a “charter certificate”. Then at least your
bargaining power is stronger compared to an independent
union that operates at the enterprise level.
B. Submit the names of the union officers, their
address, the principal address of the labor IOW, if I were to form and organize an independent union
union, the minutes of the organizational at the USC SOLG involving yung mga rank and file faculty
meetings and the list of the workers who members. Small-time lang ako because I only exist in the
participated in such meetings. University of San Carlos.
- These are the basic circumstances that must
be disclosed whenever you apply for the issuance I would prefer to be a local chapter of a federation or a
of a certificate of registration.So at least the national union like the Associated Labor Union - Trade
Government would know, who are these people Union Congress of the Philippines, then I would, in effect,
who would be managing and operating the union; be backed up by a larger Labor organization. In terms of
who are these people who would be collecting bargaining strength, in terms of bargaining resources, I
union dues from its members, people who can be would be better off than just a mere independent union.
held accountable in case there is misuse or Of course, their powers as defined under the Labor
maladministration of the union’s affairs. Code are, more or less, the same. But what I’ trying
to say is that there is more strength if a local chapter is
C. In case the applicant is an independent union, created by a federation or national union compared to a
the names of all its members comprising at least mere independent union.
20% of all the employees in the bargaining unit
where it seeks to operate. In my opinion it would be difficult to get 20%, for example
- This is one requirement that distinguishes the if you have 1000 employees, the 20% of 1000 is 200
registration of an independent union from the employees. You might say that is a small group of people,
registration of a local or chapter through the but when you start recruiting them to be a member of
process of chartering your union, that is when you realize it is difficult to recruit
them. So, even in student council, if the students do not
- If there are, for example, 30 USC rank & file want to be part of that student council, the recruiters
faculty members so 20% of 30 would be 6. I need would have a difficult time inviting them to be members
to subit the names of at least 6 rank & file faculty of the student council. Ganyan din sa pag form and
members together with my application for organize ng Independent Labor Union.
This is the most important significant requirement which
- These members must be employees in the distinguishes it from the other modes of creating labor
bargaining unit where the applicant union seeks organization.
to operate.
D. If the applicant union has been in existence
20% is not required in Chartering: another mode of for one or more years, copies of its annual financial
creating, forming or organizing a labor organization. reports; and
Why? Because the State prefers the creation of a local or
chapter through the process of chartering more than an -
As you know, the union collects money from its
independent union. members for its survival and its existence. The
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
union may accept donations from sources outside a federation or national union like for
the organization. Therefore it is duty bound to example the Associated labor union ALU-
render a full and detailed report of these financial TUCP, that is one of the largest most
transactions. respected labor organization in the
country. This ALU-TUCP has an affiliate
- If less than 1 year, no need. of at least 10 locals or chapters: 1 local
chapter from UC, 1 local chapter from
E. 4 copies of the constitution and by-laws of the USPF, 1 local chapter from Ateneo
applicant union, minutes of its adoption or College of Law, 1 chapter from UV and so
ratification, and the list of the members who on and so forth. At least 10. That
participated in it. federation can apply for registration as a
- The constitution must be ratified by at least federation or national union. Each of
majority of all the union members or by such these local chapters/independent unions
number of votes as may be provided for under is required to be a Certified Bargaining
the union’s constitution and by-laws. Agent in the establishment wherein it
TN: This list of requirements mentioned are the
same requirements that must be submitted for b. The names and addresses of the companies
registration if the applicant for registration is a: where the locals or chapters operate and
1. Federation the list of all the members in each company
2. National union/Industry involved.
3. Trade Union Center - Gi basa nasad ang provision.
- So the Government can verify that there in fact
For the Federation or NAtional Union, go to ART. exists a Certified Bargaining Agent which is
244 for additional requirements. affiliated with this federation or national union.
This is really more of understanding the
ART. 244 Additional Requirements for Federations requirements, not memorizing what is the
or National Unions checklist of requirements.
a. Proof of the affiliation of at least 10 locals
or chapters, each of which must be duly Let us now go to Article 241. Another mode of forming
registered collective bargaining agent in and organizing a labor organization is the creation of local
the establishment or industry in which it chapter through the process of “chartering”.
operates, supporting the registration of
such applicant federation or national Again, I repeat, the first was forming and organizing an
union; & independent union. The second, forming and organizing
a labor organization is the creation of local chapter
- *gi basa ug utro an provision* through the process of “chartering”
- You can just imagine ha, an independent
union, operates at the enterprise level, if Art. 241 Chartering and Creation of a Local Chapter
you look at the federation or national - A duly registered federation or national union may
union, it is a much larger type of directly create a local chapter by issuing a charter
organization. In fact, they cannot secure certificate indicating the establishment of the local
a certificate of registration unless there is chapter. The chapter shall acquire legal personality only
proof of affiliation of at least 10 locals or for purposes of filing a petition for certification election
chapters. from the date it was issued a charter certificate.
- Example: In my first example, we have - That is the 1st paragraph
an independent union consisting of the
USC College of Law rank and file faculty How is a local chapter created?
members. That is for USC. now if there is
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
- It is simply created by a duly registered federation or national union; that is the big difference
federation or national union, issuing a charter there!
certificate creating a local chapter.
Why is that so?
- The certificate of creation of a local chapter will
be issued by the government once the applicant Because as I’ve said, the State favors the creation of a
local chapter is able to submit a certain list of local chapter because if a local chapter is created by a
requirements; or federation or a national union, there is more bargaining
strength, more bargaining power and more bargaining
- The federation or national union acting on behalf resources, and so on and so forth. And if you have more
of the local chapter is able to submit a certain list bargaining power and resources you have better leverage
of requirements. to deal with management for the betterment of the terms
and conditions of the workers employment. So much
- But here it is simply a shortcut of everything. You better compared sa mga small-time independent unions.
want to create a local chapter? Just get a
federation or national union, which is duly So let me continue…
registered, to issue you a charter certificate. And
from the date you are issued a charter certificate, Art. 241 Second Par.
then that local chapter or the federation or The chapter shall be entitled to all other rights and
national union on behalf of the chapter may now privileges of a legitimate labor organization only upon the
file a petition for certification election, but only submission of the following documents in addition to its
for that limited purpose charter certificate:

- IOW, if you are a local union, you cannot file a a. the names of the chapters officers, their
petition for certification election without a addresses and the principal office of the
certificate of registration issued by the chapter;and
government. b. the chapters constitution and bylaws:
provided that where the chapters constitution
- But here, a local chapter that has been and bylaws are the same as that of the federation
created as such, through the issuance of a or the national union, this fact should be indicated
charter certificate by a federation or accordingly.
national union will suffice to confer legal
personality upon the local chapter to file a The additional supporting requirements shall be certified
petition for certification election. That’s the under oath by the secretary or treasurer of the chapter
difference there. and attested by its president.

- Yung independent union, before it can file a (Atty.’s emphasis on the requirements)
petition for certification election, it must be issued
a certificate of registration which will only be a. You see, here, in the creation of a local to the
issued by the government once they have process of chartering, what you submit are the
submitted all the requirements mentioned earlier. names of the chapter’s officers and their
addresses as well of course the address of the
… once they have submitted all the requirements I have place where the chapter will operate. YOU DO
But in the case of a local chapter, it can already exercise b. In fact you can dispense with the substitution of
the rights of a legitimate ahor organization but limited the constitution and by-laws if the constitution
solely to filing a petition for certification election once it and bylaws of the chapter are more or less the
has been issued a Charter Certificate by a duly registered same as that of the federation or the national
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
union, So you need to prove that they are more Of course the Labor Code about the registration of a
or less the same as that of the national union’s. worker’s association. So it comes to this, your DO No. 40-
03 as amended. Under these implement rules there is a
So from a long list of requirements in creating and provision on registration of labor organizations and it
organizing an independent union, the law came up with a mentions worer’s association. So meron syang checklist
very short list of requirements in the creation of a local of requirements. NO NEED GO OVER EACH ONE because
chapter to the process of chartering. the requirements are self-explanatory and what you have
to do is just to submit these requirements.
So for example the local chapter has been created by a
federation or a national union through the issuance of a TOPIC:
charter certificate, from the date of the issuance of the For purposes of affiliation, for example you are an
charter certificate, the local chapter is now entitled to file independent union and you want to strengthen your
a certification election. If it does not want to disclose its organization by affiliating with the federation or nation
identity, it may have the federation or union to act on its union, there’s also here (DO 40-03) the requirements of
behalf to be the one to file for certification election. affiliation.

Now assuming that the certification election has TOPIC: Action on Application for Registration
prospered and it resulted in the local chapter as the Action on Application for Registration is conferred upon
certified as the sole exclusive bargaining agent, in order the Bureau of Labor Relations.
for that local chapter to exercise all the other rights and
privileges of a legitimate labor organization, all that it But when you submit the requirements for application,
needs to do is to submit the 2 additional requirements you submit that with the regional office of the DOLE
under Art. 241. (discussed above) where the union applicant seeks to principal operate and
that application will have to be processed by the Labor
So if you notice, the 20% requirement applicable to the relations Division.
creation of the independent union is not found in Art. 241
when it comes to the creation of a local chapter to the To know what is a Labor Relations Division, take a look at
process of chartering. As long as you have a sizable DO 40-03!
membership that would function the union then it's more
than adequate to organize a local chapter. Wala syang Labor Relations Division: Sila yung nag pro-process
minimum number of people but of course it must be because they have a Labor organization registration
sizable enough. You must have at least a set of officers and collective bargaining agreement registration
to run the local chapter. If you are created by a federation unit. Aside from the MED (??) Arbitration unit, within the
or national union, it can simply guide you, supervise and Labor relations division, They are tasked to process the
control you in the cooperation of the local chapter. application for registration but the power and authority to
act belongs to the Bureau of Labor Relations. In fact, the
Anyay, if you win in a certification election, itong local power to cancel union registration likewise belongs to the
chapter has been certified as an exclusive bargaining Bureau.
agent, one of the union security clause that can be
negotiated by this local chapter is what is otherwise as a So those are the modes of forming labor organizations.
CLOSE SHOP AGREEMENT wherein all employees in the It’s just a matter of choosing which one is best for you.
establishment may have to become members of the Checklist of requirements is quite easy to understand
certified bargaining union. So dadami din yung once you have fully submitted the same then it will be
membership ng local chapter eventually when that local examined by the Labor Relations Division. And if your
chapter has won the certification election and certified as application is complete there is nothing missing there you
the sole exclusive bargaining unit. So that;s the least of could expect the issuance of the certificate of registration.
its weary - ang membership.
But let’s make this clear: if it were an application of
TOPIC: Worker’s Association independent union, federation or national union or
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
industry or a trade union center, what will conferred Under the labor code, if the certificate of registration is
personality upon then is a Certificate of Registration. denied for example by the labor relations divisions office
of the DOLE, an appeal may be brought by the aggrieved
When will they acquire legal personality? party to the bureau of labor relations.

It is from the date of issuance of that Certificate of On the other hand, if it were the Bureau of Labor relations
registration. that acted and eventually denied the application for
registration, since the bureau is exercising its original
On the other hand, when it comes to the creation of a jurisdiction, an appeal may be brought to the Sec. of
local chapter the processo fc bartering what is issued by DOLE.
the labor Relations Division Or the Bureau as certificate
of creation of local chapter. What instances do you think when an application for
registration will be denied?
These are different sets of documents!
If you failed to submit and comply with the requirement
Next Topic: Rights of a Legitimate Labor of registration, well that may be an instance for the denial
Organization. of the application for registration. Remember, we made
We will assume that you have been issued a certificate of mention of the long list of requirements for union
registration or a certificate of creation of a local caoter, registration?
since you have been issued once, you can now exercise
the rights of a legitimate labor organization! Ex: If you're applying for registration as an independent
union, and you failed to submit the names of the
members comprising at least 20% of the employees in
the bargaining unit, then obviously your application for
PART 5 registration will be denied.

Last time, we made mention of the registration of the For purposes of approving/denying an application for
labor organization and we specifically mentioned an registration, please take note of the meaning of the
independent union, local or chapter or a chartered local, Bureau of Labor Relations.
federation or national union as well as a trade union
center. And we discussed the power and authority of the Art. 219 (b). “Bureau” means the Bureau of Labor
Bureau of Labor relations to act on applications for Relations and/or the Labor Relations Divisions in the
registration of these labor organizations. regional offices established under PD No. 1, in the DOLE.

Please don’t also forget that if the application for Actions on applications for registration may be acted by
registration is approved by the bureau of labor relations: the Labor Relations Divisions in the regional office or the
1. a certificate of registration will be issued or Bureau of Labor Relations itself, so as not to create
2. A certificate of creation of a local or chapter will confusion.
have to be issued.
On the other hand, for today, we will discuss the grounds
And from the date of issuance will be the date when the for cancellation of union registration, if we have finished
Labor Organization shall acquire legal personality to discussing the application for union registration, we also
exercise all the rights of a legitimate labor organization. have to know whether certificate of registration of a labor
organization may be susceptible to cancellation.
Now, please take note that there will be some instances Let’s look at the Labor Code:
where the certificate of registration be denied by the
Bureau of labor relations. Art. Cancellation of registration.
The certificate of registration of any legitimate labor
organization, whether national or local, may be cancelled
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
by the bureau after due hearing, only on the ground all, and that will also be a ground for the cancellation of
specified in article 239 ( now article 245) hereof. union registration.

So, it’s quite clear here that the power and authority to b.) So that's how important it is also to truthfully provide
act on application for registration of a labor organization the information on the names of the officers including the
is vested upon the Bureau of Labor relations. It is also the election of these officers because if there's any
Bureau, upon Art. 245 that may order the cancelation of misrepresentation fraud, in connection with the election
a certificate of registration of any legitimate labor of these officers then that's also a ground for cancellation
organization, whether national or local. of union registration.

The grounds for cancellation are limited only to the c.) For voluntary dissolution by the members, you have
grounds spelled out in Art. 247 of the Labor Code. to read that in connection with the succeeding article:

Art. 247. Grounds for cancellation of union Art. 248. Voluntary cancellation of registration.
registration. The registration of a legitimate labor organization may be
The following the constitute grounds for cancellation of cancelled by the organization itself. Provided that at least
union registration: two-thirds of its general membership votes, in a meeting
a. Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in and duly called for that refers to the organization:
connection with the adoption a ratification of the provided further, that an application to cancel
constitution and bylaws or amendments thereto, registration is thereafter submitted by the board of the
the minutes of ratification and the list of members organization, attested to by the president thereof.
who took part in the ratification
b. Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in Now voluntary registration by the members is of course
connection with the election of officers, minutes one of the newest or recent grounds for cancellation of
of the election of officers and the list of voters union registration. In the past, when the union is
c. Voluntary dissolution by the members. registered with a certificate of registration, the union will
last indefinitely. There is no expiration of the registration
(Atty. explained each ground) of the labor organization that was to case.

a.) So that’s how important the constitution and by-laws Now, however while it is true that a certificate of
are - if there’s misrepresentation, false statement or fraud registration will be valid indefinitely until it is cancelled by
in connection with the adoption of a ratification of the the appropriate agency in accordance with the labor code,
constitution and bylaws - that is clearly recognized by the we have to emphasize that the law now allows the
Labor Code as a ground for cancellation of union members themselves to voluntarily dissolve.
So all they're going to do and all they need is just a board
As I’ve mentioned earlier, in order for the union’s resolution authorizing the dissolution of the organization
constitution and by-laws to be effective, it also needs to and that board regulation being ratified by at least two-
be adopted or ratified by the union by a vote of majority thirds of all its members in a meeting duly called for the
of all its members or as otherwise may be provided in the purpose of dissolving the organization. Now, once they
union’s constitution and by-laws. have this board resolution they have the vote of
ratification of at least two-thirds of all its members then
If the union of rexample submits an application for the union may now file an application with the bureau of
registration of a labor organization and fraudulently writes labor relations for the cancellation of its registration using
in the application that the constitution and by-laws have these documents to support their application.
been ratified when in fact it were not,
Once the bureau finds out that the application for
Or the union for example submits a list of individuals who cancellation of union registration satisfactorily meets the
purportedly ratified it when in fact it was not ratified at requirements of the law then the bureau can act on it and
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
order the cancellation of union registration and once the
cancellation becomes final then that means there's no So it would depend on who acted on the application for
appeal from the order of cancellation it will now have the cancellation of union registration or denial thereof.
effect of voluntarily dissolving the labor organization And then the appeal:
itself. So that's the way how it works.
from the Labor Relations
This is a new provision and there's no Supreme Court case !
yet involving this matter.
to the Bureau within 10 calendar days.

Those are the limited grounds on cancelation of union

registration. In the past there were so many grounds for
cancellation of registration. The Congress says (I can’t
from the BLR
understand)... Right to self-organization… now has
decided to narrow down the grounds for cancellation into
three. I’d like you to memorize these grounds because I to the Sec. of DOLE within 10 calendar days.
have been waiting in the bar examination for a question
asking the examinee to provide the grounds for
cancellation of registration. It's never been asked in the
bar examination. And if there’s no more appeal then at the level of BLR and
the Sec. As the case may be then of course, we can use
To repeat, when you speak of “Bureau”, under the the Rules of Civil Procedure:
definition of terms it refers to the Bureau of Labor
Relations and/or Labor relations Division in the regional Rule 65 on Certiorari to the CA and eventually to the SC
office. under Rule 45.

● If the cancellation of union registration is acted Finished!

upon the Labor Relations Division in the regional
office, an appeal may be brought to the Bureau
of Labor Relations
● If the cancellation of registration is acted upon by MOD 10 part 1 (1-17:00 min)
the Bureau of Labor Relations itself, as in the case
of certificate of registration of a federation or Rights of Legitimate Labor Organization
national union or trade union center an appeal
may be brought directly to the Sec. of DOLE. JMM: Earlier on we defined what is a labor organization
and we also made mention when a labor organization is
TN: The Sec of Labor may act on the application of considered legitimate. Here, in Article 251 only a
certificate of registration and has the power to order legitimate labor organization which is conferred by law
cancellation of union registration. certain rights and the rights are animated 1 by 1 in article
Of course, if the matter of cancellation of union
registration reaches the Bureau of Labor Relations and
there is no more appeal before the Bureau, then Article 251. Rights of legitimate labor organization
application of certiorari may be brought directly to the CA. - a legitimate labor organization shall have the
However, if the BLR exercises original jurisdiction on the
cancellation of union registration and the appeal is a. To act as the representative of its members
brought to the Sec. of DOLE, then application for certiorari for the purpose of collective bargaining
may be filed with the CA from the decision or order of the
Sec. of DOLE.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
JMM: Take note, when we mentioned what is meant by proceedings before the labor arbiter or other government
labor organization we said that it's not limited only to a agency. So it also clearly illustrates that labor
union. It may also include workers' associations. Here organizations enjoy a distinct and separate personality
when the law says “to act as the representative of its from its officers and members.
members for the purpose of collective bargaining” it refers
to a union or labor union because a labor union exists for If the labor organization who legitimately acts on behalf
the purpose of collective bargaining as distinguished from of its members in filing a complaint against the employer,
a mere workers association which exists for the purpose the SC described that as a “representative suit” not as a
of protection and mutual aid of the members. “class suit”. And if you look at your rules of civil procedure
there's a provision there on what we call a representative
A labor union that is considered a legitimate labor suit.
organization has a personality separate and distinct from
its members. And as a person by itself that is created by b. To be certified as the exclusive
law a Labor union can act as an agent for its members. representative of all the employees and an
appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of
Take note: the labor union is composed of individuals. collective bargaining
These individuals are called members of the labor union.
So when the law says “to act as the representative of its JMM: So under our state of labor laws, a legitimate
members” it means that it acts as an agent of its principal. organization that has been certified as the sole and
The Principal are the members of the labor union. exclusive bargaining agent may exercise the right to
Applying the principle of agency under our civil code as collective bargaining and negotiation on behalf of its
between the Labor union and the members, the union is members. Therefore, it requires that before a legitimate
considered as the agent while the members are organization can exercise the right to collective bargaining
considered the principal. As an agent, we can safely say and negotiation, it must be first certified as the sole and
that it is considered as an extension of the personality of exclusive bargaining agent. That is usually done through
its principal. There's Only one person, the union acting as a petition for certification election or through a
an agent on behalf of its members. certification by the regional director of the DOLE as the
sole and exclusive bargaining agent, we call it the SEBA
The representation referred to here is for purposes of certification.
collective bargaining. So it means that if one is a
legitimate labor organization, it can act on behalf of its c. To be furnished by the employer, upon
members in order to negotiate and bargain with the written request, with its annual audited
employer for a collective bargaining agreement acting in financial statements, including the balance
its capacity as an agent; to act as a representative of its sheet and the profit and loss statement,
members for the purpose of collective bargaining. So within 30 calendar days from the date of
when you negotiate a CBA on behalf of your members, receipt of the request, after the union has
you're acting as a representative of your members. An been duly recognized by the employer or
agency is created by law for the purpose of authorizing certified as the sole and exclusive
the union to negotiate and bargain with the employer on bargaining representative of the
behalf of the members of that organization. It's quite employees in the bargaining unit, or within
repetitive class but that’s how simple this provision is. 60 calendar days before the expiration of
the existing collective bargaining
We can also say that as an agent of the members the agreement or, during the collective
union can also initiate a complaint on behalf of its bargaining negotiations.
members. It can also act in defense of its members
against management action for example. So if the JMM: Itong letter c naman, it's the right of the sole and
management dismisses some members or officers of the exclusive bargaining agent to be furnished of the financial
union, the union can also act as an agent or statements by the employer The law however requires a
representative of these members or officers even in written request made by the sole and exclusive bargaining
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
agent to the employer to be furnished of the financial lawful purposes, shall be free from taxes, duties
statements. The law by the way also expressly provides and other assessments. The exemptions provided
the different stages when these financial statements may herein may be withdrawn only by a special law
be furnished by the employer to the exclusive bargaining expressing repealing this provision.
JMM: So may tax exemption pala itong mga legitimate
d. To own property real or personal river use labor organizations as long as they are actually directly
and benefit of the labor organization and and exclusively used for their lawful purposes.
its members
This is what I've been telling you about the importance of
JMM: The Union, using its money, and if authorized by the registration of a legitimate labor organization because
the board and also approved by the general membership that is only when, when it's duly registered and issued an
may also purchase properties for the use and appropriate registration certificate that it can exercise the
administration of the labor organization and for the rights of a legitimate labor organization.
benefit of its members. So it can own and when
somebody wants to donate a property to the union then SUMMARY:
the Legitimate labor organization has the power to own
these properties and even register its properties under its JMM: Under article 251, to sum it up, you must know
name. Because as I’ve said earlier the labor union has a when a labor organization is considered legitimate and
separate and distinct personality from its members once you must know when a legitimate labor organization is
it is a legitimate labor organization. certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent before
it can exercise certain rights of a legitimate labor
e. To sue and be sued in its registered name organization.

JMM: Letter e is very common to any juridical person. So So I repeat, in order to negotiate and bargain a CBA,
if you're a legitimate labor organization you can sue Your it is not adequate that the labor organization is
capacity as an agent officer or you can also be sued . legitimate, it also requires that it must be certified
as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent to be
f. To undertake all other activities designed able to exercise collective bargaining negotiation.
to benefit the organization and its
members including cooperative housing From this provision which right shall we discuss first and
welfare and other projects not contrary to foremost?
I think it is the right to be certified as the sole and
JMM: So it's a catch-all provision that will enable the exclusive bargaining agent for purposes of Collective
legitimate labor union to undertake all other lawful bargaining that must be discussed. Because once a
activities that wil; benefit the organization. It could legitimate labor organization has been issued a certificate
perhaps be attending a labor congress and labor training of registration or once a local or chapter that has been
and seminars for the benefit of its members. created under the process of chartering issues a
certificate of creation of a local or chapter then the next
Last Par. of Art. 251: thing that this labor organization must do is to exercise
collective bargaining and negotiations. However before it
Notwithstanding any provision of a general or can exercise that, it must first be certified as the sole and
special law to the contrary, the income and the exclusive bargaining agent.
properties of legitimate labor organizations,
including grants, endowment, gifts, donations and Under the Labor code the process that is recognized to be
contributions they may received from fraternal certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent is
and similar organizations, local or foreign, which through a certification election. So we have to get hold of
are actually, directly and exclusively used for their
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
DO 40-03 as amended to provide the details of a conduct 2. Through a request for sole and exclusive
of a certification election. bargaining agent certification or SEBA
certification (under the IRR)
I’d like you to make your own outline for the on what is
the step-by-step procedure in the conduct of Certification Whichever is convenient or expeditious to the legitimate
election in an unorganized establishment and in an labor organization, either can result in getting the
organized establishment based on the provisions of DO legitimate labor organization as the exclusive bargaining
40-03. agent of the employees of the appropriate bargaining

But before we do that, you have to first know what a

MOD 10 part 2 (1-11:00) bargaining unit should you belong to?

JMM: Last meeting we made mention of the article on What is meant by a bargaining unit?
the rights of the legitimate labor organizations and among DO 40-03
these rights I find the right to be certified as the sole and
exclusive bargaining agent of all the employees of an (e)“Bargaining Unit” refers to a group of
appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of collective employees sharing mutual interests within a given
bargaining as the most important right. Immediately after employer unit, comprised of all or less than all of
the labor organization has been issued a certificate of the entire body of employees in the employer unit
registration, if it were an independent union, federation or any specific occupational or geographical
or national union or trade union center; or a certificate of grouping within such employer unit.
creation of a local or chapter created as a local or chapter
In the process of chartering. JMM: Let me try to illustrate the definition.

In other words, once the employees who are eligible to Right now when the Labor Code provides for those
exercise the right to self-organization decided to form, employees who are eligible to form and organize a labor
organized and register a labor organization and once it organization, we noted rank and file employees and
has been issued a certificate of registration that confers supervisory employees.
upon it legal personality, What it needs to exercise
immediately is the right to be certified as the exclusive Rank and file employees belong to a group of employees
bargaining agent of all the employees of the appropriate In a particular establishment which is the given employer
bargaining unit for purposes of collective bargaining. unit.

So in other words, what should be in the mind of a Supervisory employees belong to a separate group of
legitimate labor organization is to exercise the right to employees that may exist in an establishment for a given
collective bargaining and negotiation. However, it cannot employer unit.
yet exercise the right to collective bargaining and
negotiation unless and until it has been certified as the So from the classification of employees who are eligible
sole and exclusive bargaining agent. Then the legitimate to exercise the right to self organization it’s quite clear
labor organization must therefore proceed first and that the labor code provides for at least two bargaining
foremost to get certified. units
1. The bargaining unit of the rank and file
Under the labor code and in the IRR, there are two ways employees
of getting verified as they saw an exclusive bargaining 2. Bargaining unit of the supervisory employee
1. Through certification election 9founf in the LC)
I say “two separate bargaining units” because we cannot
merge the rank-and-file bargaining unit and the
supervisory bargaining unit into one. We cannot make it
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
into one and the same because the law is very clear when
it disqualified the supervisory employees from joining in MOD 10 part 2 (11mins-end)
the rank-and-file bargaining unit. The same way that the Example: Within the rank-and-file bargaining unit, there
rank-and-file employees cannot also join the bargaining could be:
unit of the supervisory employees due to the conflict of a. regular and permanent employees
interest. b. regular field personnel or
c. regular non-field personnel
If you look at the definition of a bargaining unit, for
example in a private educational institution and we have They do not share mutual and common interest.
identified the classifications of employees in such
institutions in to two: That is why the law says to be the exclusive agent of all
the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit. Within
1. Academic personnel the bargaining unit of the rank-and-file, there may exist
2. Non-academic personnel more than 1 legitimate labor organization depending on
the kind of interest they share in common.
Among the academic personnel would include the
teachers, the professors who may be eligible to exercise Example: In the airline industry, there is a bargaining
their right to self-organization. On the other hand when unit for ground personnel and cabin personnel.
we speak of non-academic personnel we refer to non-
teaching positions which do not involve academic support
like for example those in the administrative offices or FACTORS IN DETERMINING APPROPRIATE
those working in the utility section private educational BARGAINING UNIT
Take note of textbook references in the factors in
In forming and organizing a labor organization, that labor determining the appropriate bargaining unit.
organization cannot exist in both academic and non-
academic classification of employees. In other words, we You will encounter “globe doctrine” wherein in
cannot mix the non academic and the academic personnel determining the appropriate bargaining unit, it is the will
into one bargaining unit. They have to be separate of the employees that must prevail.
because while they form the entire body of employees in
the private educational institution, the academic Another factor is the “substantial mutual interest
personnel do not share common interests with that of the rule” wherein what is taken into account is the
non-academic personnel. substantial similarity at work and duties,
compensation and working conditions.
Teachers for example, we are provided with regular
classes. We are paid by the number of units that we Another is the “prior collective bargaining history”
handle. On the other hand for the non academic and also “similarity of employment status”
personnel they are not paid per hour but rather they are
paid based on time and they are not given a class Make your own research on each of these factors. It is on
schedule. a case-to-case basis in determining what factor may be
best suited in determining the appropriate bargaining
In other words, these groups of employees do not share unit.
common interests while they both belong to the same
entire body of employees in the same school; they do not That is the preliminaries in our discussion before we
share mutual interest and therefore they cannot belong conduct a certification election.
to the same bargaining unit. There must be 2 separate
bargaining units one for the academic personnel and the
Because one of the items that is discussed during the
other for the non-academic personnel. preliminary conference in the conduct of a certification
election is determining the bargaining unit where the
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
petitioning union seeks to operate. You will be asked by d. Conduct of prelim conference and
the med arbiter. You will be asked “what is the bargaining hearing
unit that you seek to represent? Ie. rank-and-file or e. Submission of the petition for decision
supervisory” “Within the rank-and -file, do you intend to f. Order granting the petition
establish a particular group that will represent mutual i. Resolution of ancillary
interest? Ie. regular and permanent employees or non- issues
regular and permanent employees” That is something ii. Intervention – when the
that the med arbiter will inquire and qualify from the med arbiter decides to grant or
union that files a petition for certification election. deny the same, he will also
entertain issues on intervention
Example, if the med arbiter finds out that you are trying and ancillary issues
to represent only one group of employees but these group iii. No appeal
do not share mutual interest, there is no similarities in g. Order denying the petition
duties and functions, status, compensation of benefits, i. Grounds for
then the med arbiter would recommend 2 separate denying under LC (do not mix
bargaining units. org and unorg)

Ofc, it is more desirable to have a single bargaining unit 6) Conduct of cert election proper
where there is only one sole and exclusive bargaining - Inspection of polling places
agent but it is not advisable to have always have a single - Actual voting
bargaining unit when it turns out that there is nothing in a. marking of vote
common between the employees. b. challenging of votes
c. on the spot questions including protest
d. canvassing of votes
ii. compeletion of canvass
Make your own outline. First outline for unorganized and ii. results
second for organized establishment. x proclaimation of winner by the
med artibter
An establishment is considered unorganized when there x failure of election
is no certified or recognized bargaining agent or there x run of election
exists no collective bargaining agreement. x re-run of election
7) Appeal
An organized establishment is one where there exists a - Period
certified or recognized bargaining agent or where there is - Form
a CBA. - Transmittal to sec.
Follow these sequences of topics:
1) who may file a petition. Make an enumeration on 8) Sec of Labor
who is eligible. - Decision of the sec
2) Where to file – venue for petition for certification - Finality of the decision
election - Implementation of decision
3) When to file
4) Contents of petition Charot, nag vid lec pa ka
5) Procedure in the conduct of certification election
a. Raffle of the petition 2nd outline for organized establishment.
b. Notice of preliminary conference
c. Posting of the prelim conference and Next topic: Conduct of cert election.
petition f

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
MOD 10 part 3 (start-14mins)
Look at IRR. LC says any legitimate labor organization.

Certification election refers to the process of determining - A national union or federation issued a
thru secret ballot the sole and exclusive representative of charter cert may file petition on behalf of a
the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit for local chapter.
purposes of collective bargaining or negotiation. - Local chapter which has been issued a
charter cert on its own behalf.
IRR equated certification election to a consent election. - Independent union
The process also involves secret balloting wherein the - Employer, provided there is no registered
employees choose their sole and exclusive agent or CBA in the appropriate bargaining unit
representative for the purpose bargaining.
Employer would not prefer to have a CBA because they
The only difference is that in a consent election, it is one have commitments under the CBA that they have to make
that is voluntarily agreed upon by the parties with or good. Since a CBA is a contract, therefore, it is considered
without the intervention by DOLE. While in the case of valid and binding between the employer and the other
certification election, it is usually facilitated by the DOLE party. As much as possible, they don’t want a CBA
as to the conduct thereof. because it cuts on their profit because it contains
economic provisions or benefits that an employer must
NATURE OF A CERTIFICATION ELECTION give, by way of contract, to their employees. Nonetheless,
According to SC, it is a mere investigation of non- LC recognizes that if an employer is requested to bargain
adversary finding character to ascertain the will of the collectively, then he may qualify as party to file a petition.
employees as to the matter of their representation. It is
not an action nor a special proceeding. TN: If it were the ER who files a petition, as soon as the
petition has been filed, then ER has no further role.
In on other words, it cannot be described as a litigation.
It does not involve a party interposing adverse interest If the employees organize into a labor organization, they
against another person or party. can request their employer to file a petition so that the
labor organization may present itself to the employees as
PURPOSE the sole and exclusive bargaining agent.
According to SC, it has 2 fold purpose:
- Determine the appropriate bargaining unit After the ER filed the petition, it has no further role
- Ascertain the majority representation of because in a certification election, an ER is a mere
bargaining agent or rep if the employees bystander, and it is not a party to the election and
desire to be represented at all. therefore has no right even to oppose the certification
During the prelim conference, med arbiter will inquire
from the party who filed the petition as to what bargaining The CE is the sole and exclusive affairs of the EEs in the
unit does it seek to represent. appropriate bargaining unit.

Aside from that, the conduct and outcome of the election These parties I mentioned are the same parties who are
will be to determine whether the employee desires to be qualified to file a petition in a organized establishment.
represented by a bargaining agent or rep. And choose
which among the LO should the employees join. Where to file (Venue)
Under the IRR, Regional Office of the DOLE which issued
the petitioning union certificate of registration or
certificate of creation of chartered local.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
Whenever a labor organization decides to apply for write in a petition for certification election, if the
registration, it has to file it with the labor relations division establishment is not organized, is that you have to
of the regional office of DOLE because it facilitates the indicate there that the bargaining unit unorganized or that
processing and approval of application for union there is no registered CBA covering the employees in the
registration. bargaining unit because if there is a CBA then your
petition may be barred under the so-called “contract-
If you file it with the RO of the DOLE who maintains a bar rule”.
registry of legitimate labor org, he can easily verify
whether the petitioning union is a legitimate labor org On the other hand, if you do not make mention that the
because they are the ones who issued the certificate of petition involves an unorganized establishment then the
registration. mediator arbiter might be mistaken to believe that your
petition may be denied on the ground, say for example,it
TN: Only a legitimate labor organization can file for is being barred by the one-year certification year. So, you
certification election. Non-LLO = denied. have to disclose to the arbiter by writing in the petition
that the establishment is not organized then under Labor
When to File Code, the arbiter shall automatically conduct a
If the establishment is unorganized, then the petition may certification election. That means that he shall follow the
be filed at any time… conduct and procedure prescribed in holding a
certification election.

MOD 10 part 3 (14mins to 42:33) Q: Who has the jurisdiction over a petition for
certification election?
May be filed at any time, where there exists no registered A: Mediation Arbiter (Med. arbiter) in the regional
CBA in the bargaining unit. So it can be filed anytime kasi office of the DOLE
unorganized siya eh. Unlike if it is an organized
establishment, there are certain periods when the petition Under the set-up of the DOLE, there is a Labor Relations
for certification election will not be entertained. But, if it division in the Regional Office of the DOLE which consists
were an unorganized establishment, the petition of the Med. Arbitration Unit which is where we can find
may be filed at any time. the office of the Med. Arbiter.

CONTENTS OF THE PETITION Once the petition is filed with the regional office of the
You just copy what was written in the implementing rules DOLE which issued the certificate of registration, then
as to what are the contents of a petition. that petition will be raffled to a med arbiter; assuming
TN: Implementing rules require that the petition that there are 2 or more med arbiters. If there’s only 1,
for certification election, if it involves an there’s no need to raffle. The raffling of the petition will
unorganized establishment, must be verified. This be done by the Regional Director of the DOLE.
verification is also applies if it involves a petition in an
organized establishment. Q: What will now take place next?

So when the IRR says that it must be verified, it must be A: Notice of Preliminary Conference
under oath; it must be a notarized certification election. So once the petition has been raffled off to a specific
Just take note of the other requirements on how to Mediation Arbiter, then the med arbiter will now serve a
prepare the petition for certification election. notice of preliminary conference and a copies of which will
have to be served to the petitioning union and the
By the way, among the salient features of a petition for incumbent bargaining agent if any. Of course the
certification election would be a statement stating that employer will have to be served with a copy of the
the bargaining unit is unorganized or that there is petition.
no registered CBA covering the employees in the
bargaining unit. One of the allegations that you have to
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
Serving the petition to the employer will not make the Once completed, we will now expect the Mediation
employer a party because the employer is never a party Arbiter to act on the petition. Acting on the
to certification election. The employer’s notice will only petition could be:
serve to let the employer know that there is a legitimate 1. To grant the petition and order the conduct
labor union existing within the establishment and seeking of certification election; or
to represent the employees in the bargaining unit as its 2. Deny the petition.
sole and exclusive bargaining agent. So at least, the
employer would know that if the the certification election Before the Mediation Arbiter can act on the petition, the
would prosper and a sole and exclusive bargaining agent mediation arbiter also has the power and authority to
has been certified then it will be dealing with said entertain intervention. So if there exists another labor
bargaining agent for purposes of collective bargaining or organization who may be interested to participate in the
negotiation. election, the med arbiter may allow the intervention of
this legitimate organization.
It’s kind of absurd to imagine a situation where there will
be a sole and exclusive bargaining agent and the TN: Any employee has the right to intervene for
employer would not even know who it is. That is the the protection of his individual right.
reason for the service of a copy of the petition to the
employer. It’s not only the petitioning union that can appear and be
recognized during the preliminary conference but also any
NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE SHALL BE employee has the right to intervene in order to protect his
ESTABLISHMENT together with a copy of the
petition How would the mediation arbiter act on the petition? He
could grant or deny the petition. In resolving the petition,
Now, the implementing rules also require that the notice the med arbiter is also allowed to rule on ancillary
of preliminary conference shall be posted in conspicuous issues. For example on issues pertaining to the existence
places in the establishment together with a copy of the of employer-employee relationship that has been properly
petition. raised before the med arbiter; this could be an ancillary
issue that may be resolved by the med arbiter in his order
Since the petition for certification election will affect the granting or denying the petition for certification election.
employees in the bargaining unit who are qualified to vote
and participate in the election then the posting of that If there are grounds to deny, then the med arbiter will
notice of preliminary conference including the petition deny the petition. If there are no grounds for denial then
itself will serve as notice to all these employees the med arbiter will grant the petition and order the
concerned; that there is somebody who wants to conduct of certification election especially since the
represent them as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent establishment that we are discussing is an unorganized
for purposes of collective bargaining or negotiation. establishment.


HEARING (Unorganized Establishment)

Q: Who will preside? 1. If the petitioning union is not listed in the

Registry of Legitimate Labor Unions or,
A: Mediator Arbiter even if it is registered, its certificate of
registration has been cancelled with
One of the items that will be threshed out will be finality
determining the appropriate bargaining unit that the a. That means it is no longer a legitimate
petitioning union seeks to represent. labor union. If it’s not a legitimate labor
union then it has no right to be certified
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
as the sole and exclusive bargaining Of course, THERE CAN BE AN APPEAL ON THE
agent. Therefore, obviously the med RESULTS OF THE ELECTION
arbiter will have to deny the petition.
If the establishment is unorganized.
2. Failure of the Local Chapter or National Once the order granting the petition becomes final
Union or Federation to submit a duly issued and executory the med arbiter will have to let the
charter certificate upon filing of the regional director assign an election officer.
a. We said earlier that a National Union or An election officer is not the same as a med arbiter. The
Federation may, on behalf of the local/ election officer will be the one to facilitate the holding of
chapter, file a petition for certification a certification election.
election on behalf of the latter, provided
that it has issued a charter certificate. Q: So what will the election officer do here?
b. If the National Union filed the petition,
but there is no proof that it has issued a A: The election officer will prepare and issue a notice of
charter certificate then, the petition for pre-election conference.
CE will be denied.
The employer there will be required to submit the certified
3. Non-appearance of the petitioner for 2 list of employees in the bargaining unit or where
consecutive scheduled conferences before necessary, the payroll covering the members of the
the Mediation Arbiter despite due notice bargaining unit, at the time of the filing of the petition. So
a. That will indicate lack of interest on the at least we will know who are the qualified voters to
part of the petitioning union participate in the election.

4. Absence of employer-employee TN: Failure of any party to appear during the pre-
relationship between all the members of election conference despite notice shall be
the petitioning union and the considered waiver of its right to be present, to
establishment where the supposed question or object to any of the agreement
bargaining unit is sought to be represented reached in the pre-election conference.
a. To be a member of a union, one must at
least be an employee of the HOWEVER, this shall not deprive the non-
establishment where the union operates. appearing party of the right to be furnished notices
of and to attend subsequent pre-election
The other grounds will apply if the establishment is conferences.
organized; on top of the 4 abovementioned grounds.
What you expect is an order, granting or denying
the petition. The election officer will also conduct inclusion/exclusion
proceedings. Include those who are qualified and exclude
Once the order grants the petition there is no appeal those who are not qualified to vote in the certification
from that order. Why? Because the implementing rules election.
prohibit an appeal from an order granting a
petition if the establishment is unorganized. In the inclusion/exclusion proceedings, you know who
under the Labor Code are not eligible to exercise the right
If organized, then appeal is allowed. Both from an to self-organization, and you know who in the labor code
order granting and from the order on the results of the are not eligible to participate in a certification election.
election if the establishment is organized. So, if you find that in the list of employees provided by
the employer that there are employees who were
excluded then you have to move for the inclusion. If there
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
are employees who are included but they are not eligible ELECTION PROPER
to vote and participate in the election then they have to There will be an inspection of the polling place. When the
be excluded. election officer goes to the employer’s premises to
facilitate the conduct of the election, the election officer
The election officer does not have the power and will ensure that the polling booths are there, the polling
authority to rule. place is in order and that the employer’s premises is ready
for the conduct of the election.
If the union moves to exclude the employee from the list
of qualified voters then the election officer will simply Under the Rules, it’s all intended to ensure the secrecy of
take note of that. And separate the names of that the ballot. In fact, even the employer is allowed to inspect
challenged voter and place the name in a separate list the polling place, the ballot boxes as well as the polling
under challenged voters. There will be a list of qualified booths.
voters and there will be a list of challenged voters.
There is one thing that I would like to emphasize here in
Another thing that will be threshed out in the pre- the implementing rules.
election conference: DATE & PLACE of the election
- The ballots shall be prepared by the
Date will have to be done on a regular working day. election officer in English and Filipino or the
Unless circumstances will require otherwise. local dialect.
The Place of the certification election will have to be at
the employers premises unless there are circumstances - The number of ballots shall correspond to
that would require otherwise. This way, the employees the number of voters in the bargaining unit
can make themselves readily available. plus a reasonable number of extra ballots
for contingencies.
The mechanics of the election will be threshed out
at the pre-election conference before the election - All ballots shall be signed at the back by the
officer. election officer and authorized
1. Date and time of the election representative from each of the contending
2. Names of the contending unions, if any; unions
3. Description of the bargaining unit, including the
list of eligible voters and the list of challenged - A party party who refuses or fails to sign
voters. waives his right to do so
- Election officer shall enter the fact of
Posting of the notice, information contained refusal or failure therefor in the records
therein and duration of the posting cannot be of the case.
waived by the union or the employer.
In the pre-election conference or immediately thereafter,
It is important that when the date of the election has been the election officer will ask the parties to authenticate the
fixed the employees in the bargaining unit that will ballots so there will be no fake ballots that will also
participate in the election must be notified in advance that safeguard the integrity of the election.
there is a forthcoming election, so at least they can
decide whether or not to participate in the election. ACTUAL VOTING

Under the Rules, the notice shall be posted at leastWhen is the ballot considered marked?
10 days before the actual date of the election in 2 When is a ballot considered spoiled?
conspicuous places in the company’s premises. What is the effect of spoiled ballot in determining the so-
called “double majority rule”?
What is the rule on “on the spot question and challenging
of voters”?
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
These are just miscellaneous topics that you must If there is no appeal, the result of the elections shall be
remember final and executory after 10 calendar days.

AFTER ELECTION / CANVASSING OF THE VOTES No motion for reconsideration is allowed before the med
Election precincts shall open and close on the date and arbiter.
time agreed upon during the pre-election conference.
Pag nagging final na yan then what comes next is the
Canvassing of votes shall be followed, votes will have to exercise of the right to collective bargaining and
be tabulated and counted by the election officer in the negotiation.
presence of the petitioning union or the contending union
if any.

Appreciation of ballots - to determine whether spoiled MOD 10 Part 4 (1-14:00 min)

ballot or valid ballot.
JMM: Today we will discuss, and by way of comparison,
the step by step procedure In the conduct of certification
PROCLAMATION OF THE WINNER election involving an unorganized establishment.
Mediation arbiter will proclaim the winner in a certification
election. Before a winner is proclaimed the election officer And as I've said, if you speak of an organized
will determine whether there is a valid election establishment it is one where there exists a collective
bargaining agreement or there is a certified or recognized
DOUBLE MAJORITY RULE bargaining agent.
To have a valid election, majority of the eligible voters
must have casted a vote and to be certified, the union Similar to when we discussed the topic on the procedure
must obtain majority of the valid votes cast to be certified of the conduct of the election on unorganized
as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent. establishment, we start with who can file?

I want you to take note of the instances when the The answer is the same as those who are qualified to file
mediation arbiter may proclaim the winner and in what for certification election in an unorganized establishment:
instances the med arbiter cannot proclaim the winner.
If there is any protest raised during the election 1. Any legitimate labor organization is qualified
you must also remember how this protest must be 2. An employer when requested to bargain
formalized and how many days must this protest be collectively
formalized in order for that the med arbiter may resolve 3. Now when we speak of a legitimate labor
the same. organization Be an independent union can be a
federation or national union, it could be a local or
Take note of the items on when is there a failure of chapter Which is issued a charter certificate I can
election. When can there be a run-off election? When can be a trade union center (Leave labor
there be a re-run election? organizations are qualified to file a certification
election because they are all legitimate labor
At the end of the day, if there is a union which obtains organization)
the majority of the valid votes cast and there is a valid
election then the med arbiter will proclaim the union as
the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of the employees VENUE:
in that appropriate bargaining unit and the results of the Where do we file a petition?
election may be appealed to the SOLE within 10 calendar
days from receipt of the results of the election; whether Answer: The answer is still the same. It will have to be
organized or unorganized. filed with the regional office of the DOLE which issued a
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
certificate of registration or certificate of creation for a So if the establishment is organized, we have to maintain
local or chapter. the stability of the CBA during its period of validity. And
as what we’ll study later on, when we talk of the CBA, it’s
We have said that when there is the regional office of the valid for a period of 5 years so far as the representation
DOLE, there is also what we call the bureau of labor aspect is concerned and the CBA is valid for such a
relations which maintains the registry of labor number of years as may be agreed upon by the parties to
organization and registry of collective bargaining the CBA.
agreements. This office is in a better position to confirm
that the party who is filing for a certification election is GENERAL RULE: So we have to maintain the stability of
Illegitimate one are not. the CBA and therefore we should not disturb the CBA, we
should not change or amend or set aside the CBA

WHEN TO FILE EXCEPT during the period authorized by law. So a

In an organized establishment the certification election petition for certification election if the establishment is
may be filed anytime but not on the following period: organized must be filed within the “freedom period”.
1. within 1 year from a valid certification election
consent, run off or re-run election. CONTENTS OF The PETITION
More or less the same,
Why? Because within that 1 year period the Certified
Bargaining Union is expected to initiate the negotiation of 1. The petition must be verified.
a collective bargaining agreement. So a petition for
certification election within that one year period will not Only that if the establishment is organized, the
be entertained by the Med-arbiter petition must be supported by at least the
signature of at least 25% of the employees in the
2. You cannot file the petition for certification bargaining unit. Otherwise the etiton will not be
election outside the so-called “freedom period” entertained.
which refers to the period of 60 days immediately
prior to the expiration of the CBA. If it were an unorganized establishment, the petition need
not be supported by the signature of the members. It is
So you cannot file that on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year but adequate that the petition is signed by the officers
you can only file that on the 5th year particularly within authorized by the petitioning union.
60 days immediately prior to the expiration of the CBA.
This is so because under the law, the employer is duty The law is in effect telling the challenger: “Hey! You want
bound to recognize the representation status of the to replace the incumbent bargaining agent? Show me
incumbent bargaining agent when no certification election your support for the employees in the bargaining unit.
is filed. Outside the freedom period, the Med Arbiter will You cannot just simply attempt to replace me if you do
not entertain because the purpose there is to maintain not have the support of at least 25%.”
industrial peace and harmony within the establishment so
there must be no disturbance of the duly existing THE PROCEDURE IN THE CONDUCT OF PETITION
bargaining agreement if the establishment is an organized
establishment. After all when you speak of a petition for
1. You file the certification election and the regional
certification election the primary challenge there is to director will raffle the petition and assign it to the
challenge the representation status of the incumbent Med Arbiter who holds office in the med arbiter
bargaining agent. In other words you want to challenge unit.
the majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent. 2. The med arbiter will cause the issuance of a
You want to replace the incumbent bargaining agent as Notice of preliminary conference to be presided
the bargaining representative of the employees of the by the med arbiter himself.
bargaining unit. That is really the purpose. TN: The employer is a mere bystander and it is not a
party to the certification election and it has no right to
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
oppose the petition. The Regional office of the DOLE is
also a mere bystander. Its role is simply to facilitate the · The 4 grounds under unorganized petition
conduct of certification elections. · That the petition was filed before or after the
freedom period of the duly registered CBA – if
TN: The notice of the preliminary conference and the organized, file only within the freedom period.
notice itself must be posted in at least conspicuous places
in the establishment. The purpose of such posting is to · Petition was filed within 1 year from a valid
apprise the employees in the establishment particularly certification election, consent re-run, or run-off
the concerned bargaining unit that there is this labor election
union who wants to present itself to the members of the
bargaining unit to be the sole and exclusive bargain in the · Duly certified union has commenced and
unit. sustained negotiations with the employer in
accordance with the LC within 1 year from
3. The petitioning union may appear before the med recording of a valid certification election, consent
arbiter. run-off or rerun election – otherwise known as
the “certification year rule” or the “1 year rule”
Now the employer who is not the party may be present
but could not appear for any other reason. Although a · Dreadlock bar rule –> applies if there exists a
copy of the petition was sent to the employer, it does not bargaining dreadlock which has been submitted
make him a party thereto. to conciliation or arbitration or has been the
subject of a notice of strike or lockout where an
What will be thresh out during the preliminary incumbent or certified bargaining agent is a
establishment? party.

Well, the same issues, the same matter as in an Intent of the law: Prevent the maintenance of
unorganized easily during the preliminary conference. industrial stability to be disturbed.

For example the determination of the bargain unit sought Reason: If there exists a bargaining dreadlock and it
to be represented on the petitioning union will have to be could be a subject of a notice of strike, entertaining
determined. the petition to challenge the incumbent bargaining
agent will only aggravate the situation.
The Med arbiter will also have to try to check…
· Failure to submit the 20% signature of employees

Evangelista Mod 10 Part 4 (14 mins-end) If there exists a ground for denial, then deny. Otherwise,
grant the petition and order the conduct of a certification
· Whether there exist any other LLO within the election.
bargaining unit; it is within the power of med
arbiter to entertain intervention from any LLO Q. If the med arbiter issues an order granting the
within the bargaining union who may want to petition and ordering the conduct of the
participate during the certification election certification of election in an organized
establishment, would that order be subject to
Petition Submitted for Decision appeal?
Med arbiter will decide how to act on the petition, to grant
to deny. Yes, it is subject to appeal. Because if in an organized
establishment, there is a certified or incumbent
bargaining agent that will continue to administer the CBA
GROUNDS OF DENIAL OF PETITION IN AN so there is no harm if the law allows an appeal from that
ORGANIZED order to the Sec. of DOLE.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
Q. If there is an appeal, what is the effect? Non-waivable: The positing of a notice including the
If there is an appeal granting the order, then there will be information that must be placed in the notice and the 10-
no holding of an election. day duration to post the notice cannot be waived by the
TN: This is a salient provision that distinguishes
certification election in an unorganized and organized Reason: The bargaining unit must know beforehand that
establishment. there is a forthcoming election.
If the med arbiter, before acting on the petition, is
confronted on issues of intervention or ancillary issues ie. Election Proper
absence or lack of ER-EE relationship, it is within his Inspection
power to resolve before it formally acts on the petition for It will consider the inspection of the following:
certification election. · Polling places
· Polling booths
Assignment to an Election Officer · Ballot boxes
Once there is an order granting the petition and ordering · Etc.
the conduct of a certification election, then wait for the
finality of that order. Actual Voting
There will be issues on the following:
If it becomes final in the absence of an appeal taken to · Marking of votes
the Sec. of DOLE, med arbiter will forward the records to · Challenging of votes
the RD of the DOLE who will again assign the matter to · On-the-spot questions
an election officer.

Notice of a Pre-Election Conference

The election officer would fix the date for the holding of Election Protest
a Pre-Election and he will serve the Notice of a Pre- If there are irregularities in the conduct of a certification
Election Conference and will require the parties to appear election, it may be done thru a protest and it must be
before him. formalized within 5 days from close of the election
Pre-Election Conference
The effect of the failure of the parties to appear will also Canvassing
apply. Once the proceeding/election will be closed, there will be
canvassing of the votes and determination of whether
Inclusion/Exclusion Proceedings there is a valid election, failure of election and etc.
During the Pre-election conference, the election officer
will conduct the I/E proceedings. DOUBLE MAJORITY RULE
In order to have a valid election, at least majority of all
To be organized the employees must cast their vote and to be certified as
· Date and time of election SEBA then the union must obtain the majority of the valid
· Names of the contending unions votes cast will be certified as the SEBA.
· Description of the bargaining unit
· List of eligible and challenged voters Appreciation of Ballots
During canvassing, there will be appreciation of ballots.
Posting of a Notice of Election This is where the issue on valid ballots, spoiled ballots will
These information will written on a Notice of Election that come into play.
eventually will be required to be posted in at least 2
conspicuous places in the establishment to apprise the Minutes
employees of the upcoming election.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
The proceedings have to be contained in the minutes and Mod 10 Part 5
signed by the parties.
Other mode of certifying a legitimate labor union as the
Proclamation of Winner sole and exclusive bargaining agent and that is through a
Assuming there is a valid election, there will be request for a Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent (SEBA)
proclamation of winner by the med arbiter. Certification.

If there is no protest filed or if there is one but was not All you need to study for this purpose would be the
formalized within 5 days from closing of the election, the amendment to DO 40-01-15. Under this DO, please take
med arbiter can proclaim the winner. note that there 3 instances when action may be
taken by the Regional Director whenever there is
If there is no challenge or eligibility issues raised, or even a request for SEBA Certification filed before him
if one is raised but it will not materially affect the results Will a request for SEBA Certification be entertained by the
of the election, the med arbiter has the power to proclaim Regional Director? YES
the results. If the regional director will entertain, how will the reg.
Director act on that request for SEBA Certification?
Order of the Results of Election
The order of the results is appealable to Sec. of DOLE. 1. Unorganized establishment and there is
only one legitimate labor organization.
If not appealed within 10 days, then it becomes final and - The Regional Director will only examine
executory. whether the requirements that support
the request for SEBA Certification are
TN: Please take note when is there a failure of election, complete or not.
re-run election, run-off election.
One of the important requirements to
Appeal support the request for SEBA certification
The decision of the Sec. of DOLE on the appeal will would be the names of the employees in
become final and executory after 10 calendar days, unless the bargaining unit expressing their
a MR is filed. support for the certification. Provided
that, these employees comprise at least
If a MR on appeal is filed, then the decision of the Sec. of majority of the number of employees in
DOLE will become and executory 10 days after denial of the covered bargaining unit.
the MR. - This first situation contemplated here is
one where the establishment is not
There is no more appeal from the decision of order of the organized which means there exists no
Sec. of DOLE but as provided in the Rules of Civil certified or recognized bargaining agent
Procedure, you can still bring the decision of the Sec. of or existing CBA and there is only one
DOLE to CA under Rules 65 by way of certiorari on the legitimate labor organization.
ground of grave abuse of discretion or lack or excess of - In that situation the requesting party will
jurisdiction. need to attach in that request the proof
that at least majority of the employees in
From the CA to SC under Rule 45 on pure questions of the bargaining unit express their support
law. for the issuance of a SEBA Certification
- If the regional director finds out that
Next topic: Other mode of certifying as SEBA. Look at this request has the support of at least
40-01-15. majority of the employees in the
bargaining unit, then the regional
director will grant the request and issue
the SEBA Certification
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
- Q: What will be the effect of propriety of conducting a certification
issuance of a SEBA Certification? election.
- A: The requesting party will now be - If organized, that means there is a
considered as the Sole and certified or recognized bargaining agent
Exclusive Bargaining agent and will or there exists CBA, then the regional
now be entitled to exercise and director will not issue a SEBA Certification
enjoy the rights and privileges of an but rather endorse the matter to the med
exclusive bargaining agent of all the arbiter to determine the propriety of
employees in the covered conducting a certification election. That
bargaining unit. IT CAN NOW means that the med arbiter will conduct
EXERCISE THE RIGHTS TO a preliminary conference.
NEGOTIATION. - After the conduct of preliminary
conference, the med arbiter will act on
2. Unorganized establishment and there is the request for SEBA Certification by
more than one legitimate labor either granting the holding of a
organization. certification election or denying the
- What the regional director of the DOLE same, assuming there are grounds for
should do in that situation is to refer the denial of such conduct of election.
request to the election officer for the
conduct of a certification election which - When the order granting the conduct of
would, in effect, abbreviate the certification election becomes final, the
proceeding because it will bypass the med arbiter will assign the matter to the
conduct of a preliminary conference regional director for assignment to an
before the med arbiter. It will dispense election officer and so on and so forth;
with the issuance of an order granting the same procedure as in the case of a
the petition for certification election. certification election.
Once the regional director refers it to the
election officer, the election officer will Based on my experience, it is seldom that there is a
conduct the so-called pre-election request for a SEBA Certification. Most likely, the labor
conference wherein the election officer organization that exists in the establishment does not
will determine the date and time of the have the support of at least majority of the employees in
election and the mechanics for the that bargaining unit because if it has no support of at
holding of the certification election. least majority then the proper recourse there would
Similar to the procedure in the conduct of really be the conduct of a certification election
a certification election. because the certification election is intended to choose
- Refer to the election officer for the from among the union or contending unions the sole and
conduct of certification election assuming exclusive bargaining agent. The union that obtains the
that everything is in order. required support will be certified as the SEBA.
- In the conduct of certification election,
the med arbiter will still be the person This DO will also tell us what is meant by abstention
who isauthorized and empowered to and rerun election. This was not found in the IRR
proclaim the winner in the conducto of before. This is the new feature of this request for SEBA
the certification election. certification.

3. Organized Establishment Before this SEBA recognition, the DOLE recognized

- Regional Director should refer the same “voluntary recognition”. But that was already abandoned.
to the Mediator Arbiter to determine theBefore voluntary recognition, DOLE recognized “direct
certification”. Again that was abandoned because it was
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
very undemocratic. In direct certification, the employers Once the Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent has been
were given the privilege of directly certifying a labor union certified, it now enjoys majority representation and vote
as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent which is of confidence.
contrary to the democratic nature of a certification What is the extent and nature of the role of an
election. Why? Because the conduct of certification exclusive bargaining representative?
election is supposed to be the exclusive affair of the
employees where the employer is a mere bystander.
ART. 267. Exclusive Bargaining Representation
and Workers’ Participation in Policy and Decision
Of course, kung merong SEBA certification and there is an Making
aggrieved party, then the aggrieved will always appeal The labor organization designated or selected by the
that order granting the SEBA certification to the Secretary majority of the employees in an appropriate collective
of Labor and Employment. The usual reglementary period bargaining unit shall be the exclusive
there is 10 days. There is no more appeal sa level ng representative of the employees in such unit for
the purpose of collective bargaining. However, an
Secretary of the DOLE so the appropriate remedy there,
individual employee or group of employees shall have
if there is grave abuse of discretion for lack or excess of the right at any time to present grievances to their
jurisdiction, it will have to be brought up to the Court of employer.
Appeals under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. Then from
the CA to the SC under Rule 45 on pure questions of law. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding,
workers shall have the right, subject to such rules and
regulations as the Sec. of Labor and Employment may
Now that we have the SEBA Certification, the next logical
promulgate, to participate in policy and decision-
right that must be exercised by the certified bargaining making process of the establishment where they are
agent would be to negotiate and bargain a collective employed insofar as said processes will directly affect
bargaining agreement. In fact, the law requires that as the rights, benefits and welfare. For this purpose,
soon as the labor organization has been certified as SEBA workers and employers may form labor-management
whether through certification election or through request councils: Provided, That the representatives of the
for SEBA certification, then the certified bargaining agent workers in such labor-management coucnils shall be
elected by at least the majority of all employees in said
must immediately exercise the right to collective
establishment. (aab Sec. 22, RA No. 6715 March 21,
bargaining and negotiation. 1989)

Why? Because under the Labor Code, the duty to bargain

collectively is reposed upon the certified bargaining agent
What this provision means:
similarly reposed to the employer. In other words, the
If I am the president of a labor organization that has been
bargaining agent and the employer have the mutual duty
certified, as the SEBA I can now exercise the right to
to bargain collectively with or without CBA. If there is no
collective bargaining and negotiation.
CBA, then the certified bargaining agent will have to
To whom will the labor organization bargain with?
initiate the process of collective bargaining and
With the EMPLOYER in the establishment where the labor
organization has been certified as the Sole and Exclusive
ALONZO (00-15)
Bargaining Representative.


When you speak of that establishment , it refers to the
employer. It is now between the employer as a party to
1. Philippine Cons
the collective bargaining and negotiation and the certified
2. Labor Code of the Philippines
SEBA/union as the other party to the collective bargaining
3. IRR
and negotiation. Of course the SEBA/union is considered
4. International Conventions
the agent of the employees in the bargaining unit.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
These employees may be members of the union or and file bargaining unit, it does not mean that, just
non-members of the union as long as they are because there is a certified bargaining union in that
within the same bargaining unit. bargaining unit, you cannot, in your individual
capacity, bring a grievance directly to
In one bargaining unit which is composed of the
entire workforce of the establishment, which HOWEVER, for the purpose of collective
shares mutual interest as regards their wages, bargaining, you cannot in your individual capacity,
compensation, benefits and other terms and negotiate and bargain with the employer. Because
conditions of employment, then that will form part of the bargaining agent is the SEBA.
one single bargaining unit.
Insofar as matters involving implementation,
enforcement of the CBA, the law gives it upon the SEBA
That bargaining unit will be represented by the certified to act on behalf of all the employees in that bargaining
or recognized bargaining union/agent. In representing unit. A single employee, in his individual capacity, cannot
members of the bargaining unit, the representation involve themself in matters involving implementation or
extends, for purposes of collective bargaining, to non- enforcement of the CBA. He/She is deemed to have given
union members. that up to the SEBA.

However for grievance (any complaint), he is allowed by

That is why under the LC, one of the rights of a legitimate
law to bring it directly to his or her employer. It does not
labor organization, is to act as representative of ALL the prevent him or her from bringing up this grievance directly
employees, for purposes of collective bargaining. to his/her employer.

EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: Enforcement of the company’s policy on leave

In a rank and file bargaining unit, there could be members of absences
Application for leave of an individual employee who’s a
of the union and non-members of the union. But once a
member of the bargaining unit was denied. He now has a
labor organization has been certified as the Sole and grievance and he wants to bring it up to his employer, he
Exclusive Bargaining Agent that union will have to can do that.
represent everyone in that bargaining unit whether What he cannot bring up to the employer are matters
members or not as long as these members belong to the involving collective bargaining and negotiation.
same bargaining unit.
Read SC Case: Interpreting this particular
If it’s a rank and file unit, we exclude supervisory
employees because they can’t be merged into the rank & Q: Can an individual employee bring up a
file employees. We also exclude managerial employees grievance arising from the interpretation or
because they can never form, join or participate in the implementation of the CBA directly to
formation of the labor organization because they are, management?
after all, disqualified. A: NO because grievance arising from interpretation or
implementation of the CBA or company personal policy
will have to be brought up by the SEBA or the Sole and
We also exclude confidential employees because under
Exclusive Bargaining Union because the parties to the
the doctrine of necessary implication, they are placed in grievance machinery are the employer and the certified
the same situation as the managerial employees who are bargaining union or the SEBA.
disqualified from belonging to a bargaining unit because
they cannot bargain with their employers or themselves if
they were managerial employees.
Evangelista (15-30)
PAR. 1 (cont.), ART. 267
“However, an individual employee or group of employees The individual employee cannot bring such type of
shall have the right at any time to present grievances to grievance to the grievance machinery and then to
their employer.” voluntary arbitration. Hindi yan pwede individual. It must
It does not mean that if you are a member of the rank always be the sole and exclusive bargaining union who is
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
given the power, authority and representation on behalf representation from management and the workers in that
of the employees in that appropriate bargaining unit. particular establishment and insofar as the workers are
concerned, the law requires that the representations
2nd paragraph: Any provision of law to the contrary should be directly elected by at least majority of all the
notwithstanding workers shall have the right… employees.

The 1st sentence of 2nd paragraph emphasizes another Assignment:

equally important right of the workers which is the right - Differentiate a labor union and labor-
of the workers to participate in policy and decision making management council
process insofar as these processes will directly affect their - Research on whether a labor-management
rights, benefits and welfare. council may co-exist with the labor union
- Research on what are the main features or
This provision is now settled. There was once an SC case salient features of a labor-management
involving PAL. PAL is a unionized establishment and at council that distinguishes it from a labor
one time, PAL came up and formulated its code of union
discipline which it wanted to enforce but the company did - Research whether a labor management
not bother consulting the organized union. When it was council is same as a work’s council
challenged by the union, SC declared such Code of
Discipline as unenforceable because it violated the right DUTY TO BARGAIN COLLECTIVELY
of workers to participate in policy and decision making The LC provides for 3 important provisions on the duty to
processes. A Code of Discipline is a process which directly bargain collectively.
affects the rights of the workers particularly the right to
security of tenure. It might result to termination and loss In other words, if X is the sole bargaining agent and his
of employment. SC ruled that the workers have the right certification has become final and official then he has to
to participate in policy and decision making processes. SC know what are his duties and the scope of his duties to
required PAL to consult the organized union regarding the bargain collectively.
formulation and implementation of the Code of Discipline
as a prerequisite to its enforcement. Since there is no CBA yet, Article 262 and Article 263 are
The right to participate in policy and decision making
processes does not give the certified bargaining union or
ART 262. In the absence of an agreement or
LLO the right to manage and operate the establishment.
other voluntary arrangement providing for a
That is not the coverage of the right. They cannot demand
more expeditious manner of collective
for a seat in the board of directors nor demand to manage
bargaining , it shall be the duty of employer
and operate the business operation.
and the representatives of the employees to
bargain collectively in accordance with the
The right only requires the employer and organized
provisions of LC.
establishments to consult the workers in processes which
directly affects their rights, benefits and welfare.
The duty to bargain collectively when there is no CBA
It also states that for this purpose, workers and employers (Article 262) and when there is a CBA (Article 264) comes
may form labor-management councils: provided, that the into play only in the absence of an agreement or voluntary
representatives of the workers in such labor-management arrangement providing for a more expeditious manner of
councils shall be elected by at least the majority of all collective bargaining.
employees in said establishment.
If there is one, then act in accordance with such
The right to participate in policy and decision-making agreement or voluntary arrangement. If there is none,
processes includes the right to form and organize labor- then it is the law that confers upon us the duty to bargain
management council which is comprised of equal collectively.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
It does not compel any party to give to a proposal or to
Q. If there is no CBA, what is the scope of the duty make any concessions.
to bargain collectively?
This duty to bargain collectively is a mutual duty, both of There must be no compulsion to one party to agree. If
the employer and the sole and exclusive bargaining they cannot agree, then there is no agreement in the first
representative. place. Hence, it is called “collective” bargaining.

While to conclude a CBA is the necessary consequence of

ART 263. The duty to bargain collectively
bargaining and negotiation, the law does not compel the
means the performance of a mutual obligation
parties to conclude an agreement.
to meet and convene promptly and
expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of
Reason: In the exercise of collective bargaining and
negotiating an agreement with respect to
negotiation, neither of the parties is required to agree or
wages, hours of work and all other terms and
make any concession.
conditions of employment including proposals
for adjusting any grievances or questions
Thus, it is possible that there is no agreement at all. But
arising under such agreement and executing a
at least, there is a duty to bargain collectively.
contract incorporating such agreements if
requested by either party but such duty does
not compel any party to give to a proposal or
to make any concessions.
(30 min - end)

Q. What is the duty? JMM: Anyway, when you speak of collective bargaining
The employer and the sole and exclusive bargaining agent what is really the concept?
have to meet and convene promptly and expeditiously in
good faith. One principle is that it refers to negotiations looking
toward a collective agreement. It does not end with the
Q. What is the purpose? execution of the agreement but is considered a
The purpose of such meeting would be to negotiate an continuous process. So when you’re able to negotiate and
agreement (CBA) conclude a CBA, execute one, incorporating your
agreement, collective bargaining does not stop there. You
Q. Concerning to what? Still have the duty and the obligation to carry one the
Concerning to wages, hours of hours and all other terms agreement you have made to ensure that it is properly
and conditions of employment. This refers to the observed by the parties who concluded that agreement.
economic provisions of the agreement So in that sense, collective bargaining is a continuous
process. It does not end with the signing and execution
However, it also includes proposals for adjusting any of a CBA.
grievances or questions arising under such agreement.
The law requires that the parties must also negotiate a There’s also another equally important principle when you
grievance mechanism on how to resolve grievances and speak of collective bargaining: It is a means of ensuring
questions arising from that agreement. ie. matters of harmonious labor management relations.
interpretation, implementation
What did the SC say with the purpose of a CBA?
The duty also includes the duty to executing a contract
incorporating such agreements if requested by either In one case involving PH Airlines, the SC said that the
party. purpose of CBA is to stabilize labor management reactions
in order to create a climate of sound and stable industrial
Limitation peace.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
The duty to bargain arises from the time the official
certification that a particular union is the braining agent
or representative of the employees on the appropriate
bargaining unit.
On the duty to bargain, the SC once said that while the Hold-over Provision
purpose of the CBA is reaching an agreement, it does not
compel any party to accept a proposal or make any JMM: “It shall be the duty of both parties to keep the
concession. In fact failure to reach an agreement after status quo and to continue in full force and effect the
negotiations continued for a reasonable period does not terms and conditions of the existing agreement during the
mean lack of good faith. 60-day period and/or until a new agreement is reached
by the parties.” This is called the hold-over provision
Now, if there is a CBA which means that the establishment where the parties have to maintain the status quo until
has a certified bargaining union and they have they reach a new agreement.
successfully negotiated and concluded a CBA, what does
the duty to bargain collectively consist of? Sympre pag may propose to amend the existing
agreement which can be done within 60 days prior to its
You can find the answer in Art. 264 expiration, it is not assured that the parties will conclude
an agreement before the expiration date. The parties may
When there is a collective bargaining agreement, even go beyond the expiration date, in such case, the
the duty to bargain collectively shall also mean parties must maintain the status quo. You have to keep
that neither party shall terminate nor modify such the agreement as if it has never been disturbed at all. You
agreement during its lifetime. However, either continue to enforce and respect it until you reach a new
party can serve a written notice to terminate or agreement.
modify the agreement at least 60 days prior to
expiration date. It shall be the duty of both parties TN: You have to make a distinction between there has
to keep the status quo and to continue in full force yet no CBA so this is the duty to bargain collectively
and effect the terms and conditions of the existing means; If there is a CBA, this is the duty to bargain
agreement during the 60-day period and/or until collectively means.
a new agreement is reached by the parties.
JMM: Let’s now start and Initiate Collective Bargaining
JMM: “neither party shall terminate nor modify such and Negotiation. Being the sole and exclusive bargaining
agreement during its lifetime” means that if they have agent and enjoying exclusive bargaining representation of
agreed that CBA, in so far as the economic provisions are matters involving collective bargaining and negotiations,
concerned, is valid for 3 years for example, then they how does one initiate bargaining and negotiation?
have to respect and honor that economic agreement
during its lifetime. One party cannot just simply disregard, Art. 261 says:
modify, change or set aside the agreement during its
lifetime. The following procedure shall be observed in
collective bargaining:
It says further “However, either party can serve a written
notice to terminate or modify the agreement at least 60 a. When a party desires to negotiate an
days prior to expiration date”. This 60 days prior to the agreement it shall serve a written notice
expiration date is the only period where the law allows upon the other party with a statement of its
either or both of the parties to terminate or modify the proposals. The other party shall make a
agreement. reply thereto not later than 10 calendar
days from receipt of such notice;
Ex: So kung ang lifetime ng agreement is 3 years, you
cannot terminate or modify except within 60 days prior to JMM: Since it is the certified bargaining union that has
the expiration date. the duty to bargain collectively, the proposal of the CBA
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
is usually initiated or comes from the bargaining union. d. during the conciliation proceedings in the
They will have to submit that to the employer who is the Board, the parties are prohibited from
other party. doing any act which may disrupt or impede
the early settlement of the disputes
So when the certified bargaining union submits its
proposal for a CBA to the employer and the latter, under JMM: As I;ve said, while the Board is trying to mediate
the law, may replay within 10 calendars from the receipt and conciliate the parties, the law mandates that the
of the union proposal. parties are prohibited from doing any act that may disrupt
or impede the settlement. That prohibition, in my opinion,
b. should differences arise on the basis of prevents the parties from doing something that will affect
such notice and reply either party may the security of tenure of the employees in that
request for a conference which shall begin appropriate bargain unit. The union is also prohibited
not later than 10 calendar days from the from staging a strike for example.
date of request

JMM: So kung meron silang difference in the exchanges e. the board shall exert all efforts to settle
of the proposal, reply-proposal and so and so forth, wither disputes amicably and encourage the
party may request a conference and try to discuss and parties to submit their case to a voluntary
explore the possibility of settling these differences. They arbitrator.
should not simply go elsewhere and go on strike for
example or t. The employer should not resort to lock out JMM: Kung hindi ma settle ng Board then it will
just because there are differences from the notice and encourage the parties “Why don't you settle the
reply between the bargain gunion and the employer. differences to a voluntary arbitration?” It's
encouragement because you cannot compel the parties
c. if the dispute is not settled the board shall to submit to a voluntary arbitrator if one or both of the
intervene upon request of either or both parties do not agree. Voluntary arbitration requires
parties or at its own initiative and consent kaya nga voluntary.
immediately call the parties to a
conciliation meeting. the board shall have Very simple lang yung procedure in initiating a collective
the power to issue subpoenas requiring the bargaining and negotiation.
attendance of the parties to such meetings.
it shall be the duty of the parties to
participate fully and promptly in the MOD 10 Part 7
conciliation meetings the board may call.
2 Types of Collective bargaining
JMM: Check the definition of the word “Board” 1. Single enterprise Bargaining (most-common)
2. Multi-employer bargaining
Art. 219 (c). Bored means the national conciliation and Unfortunately, while the IRR recognize these 2 types of
mediation board exam which is under Executive Order No. Collective Bargaining, the IRR failed to define the
126. meaning and concept of these 2 types.

In region 7 we have an MCNB here. And it says here kung Please take note that between the Single enterprise
walang settlement in the differences in the course of bargaining and the Multi-employer bargaining it is the
collective bargaining and negotiation then the NCMB has former most-common.
the power and authority to intervene, particularly the
regional office in that region where the establishment and Single Enterprise Bargaining
the union exist. Decentralized bargaining. Only one or single employer is
involved. It usually takes place at the enterprise level

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
within the area where the the legitimate l;abor When you are now sitting down to negotiate a CBA, the 2
organization operates. basic features of a CBA are:
Multi-employer bargaining 1. Economic Provisions.
Industry-wide bargaining. Involves a unit structure where 2. Non-economic Provisions/Political Provisions
a number of employers join forces for purposes of
collective bargaining. It is mandatory for the parties to negotiate and bargain
It takes place within many geographical subdivisions. involving the employees wages, hours of work and other
May cover a metropolitan area, a region or even the whole terms and conditions of employment. The parties will be
country. remiss in the their duty and obligation to bargain
collectively if they don’t discuss these very important
STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE items, particularly the economic provisions.

Refer to DO 40-03, as amended Examples of economic provisions:

Focus on Single Enterprise Bargaining
Last time we made mention that in the absence of a CBA, Normally, when you discuss and negotiate a CBA involving
the parties (ER and Union) have the mutual duty and wages, you usually propose to the ER the grant of
obligation to bargain collectively. increase in the workers’ daily wage for the first year,
One of the forms of unfair legal practice is when another increase for the 2nd year and another for the 3rd
there is refusal on the part of the ER or the labor year.
organization to bargain collectively. Why three years?
As we shall discuss later on when we speak of the term
The parties are left with no choice, that once the of the CBA, the law prescribed that insofar as the other
legitimate labor organization has been certified as the provisions are concerned, these other provisions shall be
SEBA, it has to discharge the duty to bargain collectively. for a term that should be mutually agreed upon by the
Similarly the employer should not wait, it also has the parties. Subject to the condition that these other
equal duty to bargain collectively in order to negotiate an provisions whether economic or non-economic shall be
agreement that will embody the wages, hours of work and re-negotiated not later than three years from the date of
other terms and conditions of employment involving the execution of the CBA.
workers in the bargaining unit including the mechanism
on the resolution of grievances that may arise in the That’s the reason why in actual practice, when you speak
collective bargaining and negotiation and implementation of a proposal for wage increases, the union usually
thereof. proposes a provision that will entail an increase in the
daily wages covered by the CBA for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
I also made mention that the duty bargain collectively year because on the 3rd year it has to be renegotiated for
differs in substance when there is already a CBA. another set of years and so on and so forth.
For now, we will focus on the duty to bargain collectively
in the absence of a CBA. As you are quite aware, in Region 7, we have a prescribed
minimum wage. These prescribed minimum wage may be
LAst meeting I also made mention of the step-by-step the subject of a collective bargaining negotiation such
procedure in the conduct of collective bargaining and that the union may propose that for the first year of
negotiation. The LC mandates the labor organization or implementation of the CBa, out of these prescribed
the Certified bargaining union to initiate bargaining and minimum wage, there might be an increase of, for
negotiation by submitting to the employer its proposal for example, 15 pesos for the first year., 10php for the 2nd
the CBA. For the employer, it has the duty to reply within year, on the 3rd year - 5php.
10 calendar days from receipt of the union’s proposal.
Thereafter they will have to sit down, meet and discuss
The beauty of that is that the workers do not have to wait,
the negotiation of a CBA. a statutory or mandated wage increase coming from the
Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board because
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
of the EEs have a CBA with the establishment then they Economic provision are anything that improves the
are at least guaranteed and assured that for the 1st year wages, benefits of workers can be classified as economic
there will be an adjustment in the 1st,2nd, and 3rd years. provisions.
So now they will be dependent upon the contract with the
establishment and the ER. So that’s better, compared to TN: It is important to distinguish economic provisions
without having a CBA. from non-economic provisions because under LC, mere
violation of a CBA is not unfair labor practice. However,
PROVISION ON LEAVE BENEFITS malicious and flagrant refusal to comply with the
In the Labor Code, you only speak of a service incentive economic provisions of the CBA is considered under the
leave. To earn that, the worker must have rendered at LC as unfair labor practice.
least one year of service. The service incentive leave is
only for a maximum of 5 days. If you have a CBA, the Unfair labor practice carries both criminal and civil liability
union may propose to the management a provision on on the part of the persons responsible thereto. That is
leave benefits that may be better than the usual service how serious unfair labor practice is because it violates the
incentive leave. rights of the workers to self-organization.

In my experience, usually a union proposes the Non-economic/Political Provisions

vacation leave of 10 days with pay and also sick leave Grievance Machinery
with pay. LC requires the incorporation of a grievance machinery in
a CBA. The grievance machinery is important to keep and
maintain industrial peace and harmony in the
Evangelista (13-26 mins) establishment. Without such, there will be chaos and
disharmony between the management and certified
…which are both economic provisions. bargaining union, including the employees who are part
A provision on retirement pay. LC provides for a provision
on retirement pay but that is the minimum so it can also The grievance machinery contemplated under the LC is
be improved if there is a CBA. one which will play a role whenever there is a complaint
involving the interpretation or enforcement of a CBA or
Example: Union may propose for a retirement pay more interpretation or enforcement of company policies.
than the usual 22.5 days for every year of service or Matters involving these 2 areas are classified as
retirement pay equivalent of 1 month pay or 30 days for grievances and thus, subject to the grievance machinery.
every year of service.
If this is not resolved at the level of the grievance
That is a salient feature of a CBA. machinery, it becomes unresolved. LC requires that the
same matter will have to be referred to voluntary
TN: In the exchanges between the certified bargaining arbitration. In fact, LC provides for the creation of the
unit and management, there is no obligation on the part voluntary arbitration or panel of voluntary arbitrators
of either parties to accept each other’s proposal or which have original and exclusive jurisdiction over
counter-proposal. unresolved grievances arising from interpretation and
enforcement of a CBA or company personal policies.
The parties may end up in a bargaining deadlock because
the parties could not agree on certain economic We will discuss this more in detail when we go to the topic
proposals. That is why the LC provides for a topic on on Revised Guidelines in the Conduct of Voluntary
bargaining deadlock which is a ground to stage a strike Arbitration Proceedings. This rule of procedure in
by the workers who are members of the certified organized establishment will apply more where there is a
bargaining union. grievance on the interpretation or enforcement of a CBA
or company personal policies.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
If the parties cannot agree and there is absence of The parties are at liberty to incorporate whatever they
agreement on grievance machinery or procedure, refer to want in the CBA. For one, a CBA is a contract and a
the IRR because in the absence of a stipulation in the contract requires consent on the part of the parties to be
CBA, the IRR on the grievance mechanism and machinery valid and binding so neither of the parties may be
will come into play. compelled to incorporate a provision that the other party
disagrees. That is purely the essence of a CBA.
That is something that should not weary the parties, if
they cannot agree to a particular mechanism in resolving But a CBA is a special contract because it is one that is
grievances then the IRR will apply and supplement this impressed with public interest and is basically protected
absence. by the constitution and provided enough safeguards by
the LC.
Union Security Clause
A union security clause is a generic term. It will In fact, the duty to bargain collectively requires the
encompass any agreement which requires the duty upon parties to keep and maintain status quo of the existing
the employee to acquire or retain membership in the labor CBA until a new agreement is reached by the parties. In
organization. other words, the provisions of the CBA must be respected
and honored by the parties.
- check textbook and make an outline on the Term of the CBA
different union and security clauses
Q. How long is the CBA?
Examples: Closed shop agreement, union shop The LC provides that insofar as the representation aspect
agreement, maintenance of membership shop, agency is concerned, the CBA is valid for 5 years.
shop agreement.
Representation aspect refers to the majority status of the
In my experience, when we negotiate and bargain a CBA, incumbent bargaining agent/union.
one of the items discussed by the parties would be: what
kind of union security will be written and codified in the If X is the certified bargaining union and he negotiates
CBA? and bargain a CBA with the management and eventually,
was able to sign and conclude a CBA, that CBA is valid for
Most of the CBAs usually have a closed shop agreement 5 years insofar as X’s majority representation is
wherein the employer will only have to hire members of concerned.
the certified bargaining union who have to keep and
maintain their membership as a condition for their It means that for the next 5 years, X will be the certified
continued employment. bargaining union who will administer the CBA and no one
should interfere with management and administration of
In fact, a closed agreement has been described as the the CBA.
most prized achievement of unionism because it adds
membership to the organization and the more the Administration means that X will ensure that the terms
members are, it will wield unity and solidarity. That is the and conditions of the CBA will be observed, respected and
basic feature of a closed shop agreement. honored by the management and vice versa.

Special Laws Insofar as other provisions, economic and non-economic,

In the course of collective bargaining and negotiation, the term of the CBA shall be for a term that will be
there are also special laws ie. Comprehensive Dangerous mutually agreed upon by the parties.
Drug Act, which require that a policy against drug use or
abuse must be incorporated in the CBA. That is one Example: A union security clause (political provision),
special law that contains a labor provision. the parties may agree that it is valid for only 2 years…

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
MOD Part 7 (26-end) because all the employees in the bargaining unit will
benefit from the CBA, members or not.
JMM: … or it’s valid for 4 or 5 years and so on and so
forth. Now, they could also agree that for the provision
on long assistance, on leave benefits may be valid for 3
or 5 years as the case may be. It depends upon the
agreement of the parties. IOW, what is fixed by law CHECK OFF PROVISION
insofar as the representation aspect is concerned. That is
also intended to maintain industrial peace and stability in I also failed to mention that it’s also very common to
the establishment because at least for the next 5 years, incorporate in the CBA the so-called check-off
there will be no trouble, no ther union trying to challenge, provision particularly for union dues and for other
replace or oust the incumbent bargaining agent. If there’s mandatory activities without need of individual written
anyone who wants to replace or challenge the majority authorization.
status of the incumbent bargaining agent, the law
requires that you have to wait until the “freedom period” This check-off provision the ff:
which is 60 days immediately prior to the expiration of the 1. the union collecting dues from the members;
CBA and that will have to take place in the 5th year; where 2. the union collecting agency fees from employees
a petition for a certification election in a organized in the bargaining unit who are not members of
establishment may be entertained and allowed. (We have the certified bargaining union. Especially when
discussed that) the union security involved is agency shop where
employees need not be members of the union but
By the way, I failed to mention that the union security if they benefit from the CBA then they have to
clause, which is a political and non-economic provision contribute in the form of agency fees
does not have any binding force and effect during the so-
called freedom period where the union is allowed to
decide whether to challenge the incumbent bargaining REGISTRATION
Where do you register this CBA?
TN: When the parties are able to come up with an
agreement, such is called a CBA. Since the parties are JMM: The parties may register the CBA after it has been
capable of entering into one, the CBA shall constitute as ratified with the regional office of the DOLE which has
the law between the parties. issued the certificate of registration of the certificate of
creation of a local or chapter.
However, for the CBA to be effective the rules required
that the CBA must be ratified of the employees in the There is a minimal registration fee.
appropriate bargaining unit whether members of the
union or not. One important requirement is the publication of the CBA
before it is ratified by the employees in that bargaining
For purposes of ratification, at least the majority of all the unit.
employees of the appropriate bargaining unit must ratify
for it to be effective and enforceable. Story time: I have one experience where we spent
almost 3 or 4 months in Iloilo to negotiate and bargain for
TN: The parties cannot enforce the CBA unless there is a CBa involving a private education institution. We’re so
proof of ratification by at least majority of the employees happy to sign and conclude the CBA however, when it’s
of that appropriate bargaining unit whether members of time to submit for ratification,l I was surprised that it was
the union or not. not ratified by the employees. IOW, they did not want the
CBA. The employees chose to have a bargaining
representative but when it was presented to them, they
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
opted not to ratify it. When the union came back to me bargaining union. In the same way that the certified
and told me that they wanted to enforce the BA, I had to bargaining union must respect the CBA it has concluded
tell them that “Sorry, I cannot do that because there is no with the management. They will now have both the duty
ratification of the CBA. We cannot implement the check- to bargain collectively - not for another CBA - but to
off provision, provide the wage increases, leave benefits, ensure that the CBA is properly administered in
etc.” That’s how the story ended. It was good for the accordance with the terms of the CBA.
management because at least they are able to save
money. Had the CBA been ratified or implemented, it That means that the employer has to make good of its
would have caused money to the school. But of course, commitment to the CBA. Same with the union.
we have to look at it from the bright side, because the
CBA is really intended for working men who are members Ex: There’s a no strike, no lock-out clause embodied in
of that bargaining unit. the CBA, the parties are bound to honor that for the terms
that have been agreed upon by them.
What’s the effect of the failure to register a CBA?
Analogy: It’s just like entering into a lease contract. The
JMM: The only effect is that the contract bar rule will landlord has the duty to keep and maintain you in your
not apply. peaceful use and enjoyment of the property. The same
way that you as a tenant have the duty to pay religiously
The contract bar rule prevents any legitimate labor the rentals to the landlord and to keep and maintain the
organization from filing a petition for certification election rented property in good condition. That’s mutual
except during the freedom period. obligation.

So if there is no contract bar rule, then that would enable When you talk of CBA, IT DOES NOT END UPON THE
any labor organizations to challenge the representation CONCLUSION OF THE CBA.
status of the incumbent bargaining agent at any time. Not
only within the freedom period but at any time! That’s the IT’S A CONTINUOUS PROCESS which involves the
disadvantage of the failure to register. administration and enforcement of the CBA.

Story time: In my experience, especially the union really

mind it very much to register because the know that the RENEGOTIATED CBA
contract bar rule is really intended to keep their status as
the majority union and prevent any organizations out TN: The law says other provisions shall be renegotiated
there from challenging their leadership; from not later than 3 years.
theoirtheining otust or replace them for the next 5 years
in the administration of CBA. JMM: That means that before the end of the 3rd year -
particularly 60 days before the end of the 3rd year - the
Walang hard and fast rule. You just sit down informally. partes will now have to sit down again and renegotiate
You just set the date and time of meetings and for the the CBA. We call that the renegotiated CBA, insofar as
negotiations. What’s important is that you put in the CBA these other provisions are concerned, which include the
matters that have been agreed upon and NEVER forget economic provisions as well.
matters involving wages, hours of work and other terms It’s not exactly 3 years because the law says “shall be
and conditions of employment. These are MANDATORY renegotiated not later than 3 years.” So before the end of
ITEMS that must be incorporated in the CBA. the 3rd year.

ADMINISTRATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF Ex: So when they can negotiate the economic provisions
THE CBA and fix the term for 2 or 3 years. It all depends upon the
agreement of the parties.
JMM: The employer should honor and respect the CBA
that has been agreed upon and conclude with the certified
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
TN: When it comes to renegotiation of the CBA, please
take note of the provisions of the Labor Code on the In any of these 2 instances, whether unfair labor practice
effectiveness of that renegotiated CBA. or bargaining deadlock, the labor code authorizes the
workers through their legitimate labor organization or
JMM: Of course, it depends on how soon the parties certified bargaining union as the case may be to engage
could conclude a renegotiated CBA. if they do that within in peaceful and lawful concerted activities which include
or beyond the 6 month period from the expiration of the the right to strike.
On the other hand, where there exists unfair labor
The effect will depend whether the parties are able to practice committed by the labor organization upon
conclude. That renegotiated CBA will either be the employer; where there exists a bargaining
prospective or will be immediately effective after the deadlock upon negotiating a CBA by the employer,
expiration of the CBA. the employer on the other hand is given by law to
declare a lockout or temporarily a refusal to
provide the workers with their work as a result of
Next topic: Revised guidelines in the conduct of an industrial or labor dispute.
voluntary arbitration proceedings
IOTW, the workers have the right to declare and stage a
JMM: In the course of the administration of the CBA, strike in accordance. On the other hand, ER has the right
there may be grievances or complaints arising from the to declare and implement a lockout as against the workers
interpretation or implementation of the CBA . when there is unfair labor practice or when there is a

Right of workers to engage in lawful or peaceful

concerted activities.
MOD 10, Part 8 ART. 278 of LC - Strikes, picketing and lockouts
Today, we will try to put ourselves in a situation where Let me emphasize that aside from strikes and picketing,
while in the exercise of the right to self-organization, that there is another form of concerted activity that is
is when the workers are in the state of recruiting recognize and that is what we call as a “boycott” or a
members to the union, enlisting members to the union; concerted refusal to patronize the ERs products and/or
when the workers are in the stage of organizing and services.
registering their labor organization unfair labor Picketing is considered a peaceful concerted activity.
practices may be committed by the ER against the Strike, as long as it is legally done in accordance with the
workers. requirements prescribed by law.

The most common form will be interference of the The most effective is the right to strike which is
workers right to self-organization . If there is a considered as the last weapon of the workers in order to
commission of unfair labor practice, we know that that is secure their demands for a collective bargaining as
one of the grounds for the workers to engage in peaceful against the ER or in order to protect them from unfair
concerted activities including the right to strike. labor practices.

On the other hand, while the certified labor union is on (a) It is the policy of the State to encourage
the course of negotiating and bargaining with the free trade unionism and free collective
employer for the CBA, the parties were caught in an bargaining.
impasse or a deadlock. We know for a fact that (i) Earlier on we said that the policy of the
another ground for the workers to exercise the State is to prevent unionism. That the
right to engage in peaceful and lawful concerted state has guaranteed the workers the
activities would be when there exists a bargaining right to self-organization, the right to
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
engage in peaceful concerted activities (iii) Therefore the right to strike is not an
and finally the right to negotiate a CBA. absolute right. It is subject to the
(ii) Consistent with that constitutional policy limitations provided by law.
of the State, the LC also reiterates the
policy of the state to encourage free (c) In case of bargaining deadlock, the duly certified
trade unionism and free collective or recognized bargaining agent may file a notice
bargaining. of strike or the employer may file a lockout with
(iii) Collective bargaining has been the National conciliation and Mediation Board at
considered a mode of settling labor least 30 days before the intended date of strike.
disputes. It is also protected by In cases of unfair labor practice, the period of
international conventions which forms notice shall be 15 days and in the absence of a
part of the legal system of the PH. duly certified or recognized bargaining agent, the
notice of strike may be filed by any legitimate
(b) The workers shall have the right to engage labor organization in behalf of its members.
in concerted activities for purposes of (i) This provision will summarize for us who
collective bargaining or for their mutual is authorized by law to file a notice of
benefit and protection. The right of strike.
legitimate labor organizations to strike and
picket and of employers to lockout,
consistent with the national interest, shall
continue to be recognized and respected. Evangelista (12-24 mins)
However, no labor union may strike and no
employer may declare a lockout on grounds …unfair labor practice case, then the notice of strike may
involving inter-union and intra-union be filed by a LLO in the absence of a certified or duly
disputes. recognized collective bargaining agent.
(i) Iya ra gi read and provision ug utro as
explanation. If there is no certified or recognized bargaining agent, it
(ii) In particular, when you speak of strike, it may be filed by any LLO because there may be unfair
produces a disquieting effect; not only on labor practices that may be committed by the employer
the relations of labor and management on the workers and in that particular stage, there is no
but as well as disturbance to the general certified bargaining union to speak of. As such, the law
peace of society. If there is a company authorizes the LLO to file the notice of strike.
involved in the manufacture of essential
goods and the workers of this company However, in case of bargaining deadlock, it is only the
are organized into a labor union and duly certified or recognized bargaining agent which is
decided to stage a strike because of, for authorized by law to file a notice of strike.
example, the commission of unfair labor
practices by the employer, then the In the case of the employer, whether it is a bargaining
effect of that strike will not only affect deadlock or unfair labor practice, the employer is given
the workers in that particular company, the right to file a notice of lockout, as the case may be.
not only the employer, it will also affect Letter C will spell out for you what is the so-called
the public at large or the society in “Cooling off period.” It is the period that would give the
general because the public usually national conservation mediation board the opportunity to
patronizes the goods and services of explore the possibility of settling the dispute between the
these companies. If these companies are parties.
on strike and there is no production
because of the temporary stoppage of It is fixed by law—30 days if the ground is bargaining
work then obviously the general public deadlock and 15 days if the ground is unfair labor
will be affected. practice. The 15-day cooling off period in case of unfair
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
labor practice may be dispensed with if the ULP consists This provision simply means that if all efforts towards the
of union busting. settlement of the dispute has been fully exhausted by the
NCMB, then this will now authorize the union or the
There is union busting if it involves the dismissal of an employer as the case may be to declare a strike or
officer of a union who has been duly elected in lockout, subject to the other requirements under the LC
accordance with the union’s constitution and by-laws and ie. conduct of a strike vote, submission of a strike vote,
where the survival or existence of the union is threatened. lockout vote to the NCMB at least 7 days before the
In this case, the law may dispensed with the 15-day intended strike or lockout, as the case may be.
cooling off period.
Reason: If there is union busting, then nobody would F. A decision to conduct a strike must be approved by
be left to manage and operate the union. It is as if you majority of a total number of membership…
are killing the union itself. There is nothing to cool-off It will tell us how a strike vote is conducted. It will have
between the parties. to be conducted by the union members and to have a
valid strike vote, the law requires that it must be approved
It will now authorize the union to submit and conduct its by at least majority of the total membership in the
strike (??) at least 7 days before the intended date of bargaining unit concerned. The strike vote must be
strike and to stage a strike without observance of the 15- conducted by secret ballot in meeting or referenda called
day cooling off period. for the purpose.

Union busting can be found in Article 278(c), last Those are the strict requirements on the conduct of strike
paragraph. vote under the LC. Read it in accordance with the IRR.
IRR will tell us that in the conduct of a strike vote, the
Letter D simply says that the notice must be in accordance NCMB must be at least notified at least 24 hours before
with such IRR as the minister of labor of employment may the conduct of the strike or lockout so that the NCMB can
promulgate. at least supervise and ensure the integrity of the process.
It is to ensure that holding of the strike/lockout vote is
Right now we no longer have a Ministry of Labor of not fabricated.
Employment, it is now DOLE. What is being followed right
now are the rules and regulations promulgated by the “A decision to declare a lockout must be approved by a
National Conciliation Mediation Board (NCMB) which is an majority of the board of directors of the corporation or
agency attached to DOLE. partners obtained by secret ballot called for the purpose.”

Letter E says that during the cooling off period, it shall be If the employer will declare a lockout, it must also observe
the duty of the government to exert all efforts at the secrecy of the ballot.
conciliation and mediation to effect a voluntary
settlement. “The decision shall be valid for the duration of the dispute
based on … on the same grounds considered when the
Under our present law, that duty is proposed upon the strike or lockout vote or taken.”
NCMB. The NCMB is mandated to conduct a marathon
conciliation and mediation conferences for the purpose of “The ministry in its initiative or upon the request of any
exploring possibility of settling the dispute between the party supervise the conduct of the secret balloting.”
parties. That duty is now reposed upon the NCMB.
Authority of NCMB to Conduct Secret Ballot
It says here that should the dispute remain unsettled until Under the law, the conduct of secret balloting may be
the lapse of the required number of days from the done by the NCMB motu proprio or upon the request of
mandatory filing of the notice, the labor union may strike the party concerned.
or the employer may declare a lockout.
Q. Why secret?

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
Because when you conduct a strike vote, you decide the Art. 278(g) continuation:
take of the union or decide to declare a lockout or
deciding the faith of the establishment. If you pursue with Such assumption or certification shall have the
the strike/lockout, there will be no work performed. The effects of automatically enjoining the intended or
party who would be adversely affected would be the impending strike or lockout as specified in the
workers in case of strike and employers in case of lockout. assumption or certification order.

Also, to prevent one from influencing another into making JMM: So the effect there is to enjoin the conduct of strike
a decision. or what is being held to require the workers to return to
work on the part of the employer to readmit the stickers
Without secret ballot, the voter might be subject of to their former positions under the same terms and
harassment or threat from his fellow union members. conditions prevailing prior to the strike.

G. Where Sec. of DOLE, in case of strike/lockout arising

from a labor dispute may cause a strike/lockout in an Art. 278(g) continuation:
industry indispensable to national interest.
If one has already taken place at the time of
Example: Pharmaceutical company, airline company assumption or certification all striking or locked
out employees shall immediately return to work
In such situation, the law says... and the employer shall immediately resume
operations and readmit all workers under the
same terms and conditions prevailing before the
strike or lockout. The secretary of labor and
MOD 10 Part 8 (24-end) employment or the commission may seek the
assistance of law enforcement agencies to ensure
Art. 278 (g) Grievance Machinery and Voluntary compliance with this provision as well as with such
Arbitration orders as he may issue to enforce the same.

When in his opinion there exists a labor dispute JMM: So kung merong strike on an airline company,
causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout in an pharmaceutical or in a hospital which are considered
industry and responsible to the national interest indispensable to national interest, it will not be up to the
the secretary of labor and employment may Sec. to assume jurisdiction and he may decide the case.
assume jurisdiction over the dispute and decide to In enforcing his jurisdiction, he may tap the assistance of
certify the same to the commission for the our law enforcement officer to:
compulsory arbitration. 1. ensure on the part of the strikers that they will
return to work and
IOW, this provision will tell us that if there is a labor 2. on the part of the employer to readmit these
dispute, and it will cause or likely cause a strike or lockout workers to their former positions in the same
in an industry and responsible to the national interest - if conditions prevailing before the strike or lock-out.
that is the opinion of the Sec. of Labor then there are 2 IOW, there should be no change on their
ways that the Sec. of DOLE may act: employment status nor assignment.

1. Assume jurisdiction of that labor dispute and

decide the case OR The next paragraph of Art. 278 (g) has been spelled out
2. Certify it to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration in various Supreme Court decisions.
exercising original jurisdiction
Art. 278 (g), Second Paragraph.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
In line with the national concern for and the strike or lockout, jurisdiction over the same or
highest respect accorded to the right patients to certify it to the commission for compulsory
life and health, strikes and lockouts in hospitals, arbitration.
clinics and similar medical institutions shall, to
every extent possible, be avoided and all serious JMM: So that’s how fast the LC mandates the Sec. to act
efforts, not only by labor and management but on cases involving these critical establishments like
government as well, be exhausted to substantially hospitals and other medical institutions.
minimize, if not prevent, their adverse effects on
such life and health, through the exercise,
however legitimate, by labor of its right to strike Art. 278 (g), Second Paragraph continuation:
and they management a lockout.
For this purpose, the contending parties are
JMM: This provision also contains a situation involving strictly enjoined to comply with such orders,
hospitals, clinics and similar medical institutions. So high provisions and/or injunctions as are issued by the
regard is placed in these types of establishments because secretary of labor employment or the Commission,
what is at stake here is the life and limb of the patients. under pain of immediate disciplinary action,
The LC itself considers these establishments as including dismissal or loss of employment status
indispensable to national interest. or payment by the locking out employer of
backwages, damages and other affirmative relief,
Art. 278 (g), Second Paragraph continuation: even criminal prosecution against either or both of
In labour dispute adversely affecting the
continued operation of such hospitals, clinics for The foregoing notwithstanding, the President of
medical institutions, it shall be the duty of the the Philippines shall not be precluded from
striking union or locking out employer to provide determining the industries that, in his opinion, are
within an effective skeletal workforce of medical indispensable to the national interest, and from
and other health personnel, whose movement and intervening at any time and assuming jurisdiction
services shall be unhampered and unrestricted as over any such labor dispute in order to settle or
are necessary to ensure the proper and adequate terminate the same.
protection of the life and health of its patients
most especially emergency cases, for the duration JMM: This emphasizes the Alter Ego Doctrine.
of the strike or lockout.
The Sec. of DOLE is considered the alter ego of the
JMM: So the law does not prohibit workers in hospitals President that means that the President may, himself,
and medical institutions from exercising the right to strike, assume jurisdiction over a labor dispute that involves an
however, the LC put much emphasis that what is industry indispensable to the public interest.
primordial would be the life and limb of the parties most
especially in emergency cases. So it mandates for
example, these hospitals and other medical institutions to Art. 278 (h) Before or at any stage of the
maintain a skeletal workforce that would ensure the compulsory arbitration process the parties may
safety of the life and limb of the republic and the patients have to submit their dispute to voluntary
in general. arbitration.

JMM: So voluntary arbitration is an alternative mode of

Art. 278 (g), Second Paragraph continuation: dissolving dispute and is considered primary mode
compared to compulsory arbitration.
In such cases, therefore, the secretary of labor and
employment may immediately assume, within 24 Art. 278 The secretary of labor and
hours from knowledge of the occurrence of such a employment, the commission or the voluntary
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
arbitrator shall decide or resolve the dispute, as I illustrated last meeting an example of a strike involving
the case may be. The decision of the president, the a pharmaceutical company and a hospital. Definitely,
secretary of labor and employment, the these types of establishments are considered
commission or the voluntary arbitrators shall be indispensable to national interest and therefore there is
final and executory 10 calendar days after receipt an overarching public interest that must likewise be
thereof by the parties. protected whenever the workers decide to strike.

JMM: If you read Art. 278 from letter a to i, it will spell First and foremost, you must also remember what is
out all the conditions when the workers may exercise the meant by a strike.
right to strike, to picket and on the part of the employer
when it may declare a lock out. STRIKE - A temporary stoppage of work as a result
of an industrial or labor dispute.

**check the meaning of industrial dispute**

AYOKO NAAAAAAA Who are you? Your tired Because without an industrial dispute, definitely
classmate temporary refusal of the workers to work may be
considered as a breach of the employer’s disciplinary rules
and regulations and therefore may require administrative
Alonzo (00-18) sanction.
We made mention that this right to engage in peaceful TN: Workers although they are given the right to
concerted activities is a right that is constitutionally strike cannot do so in the absence of an industrial
protected. Similarly, the Labor Code expressly recognizes or labor dispute. They cannot just walk out of their job
the right of these workers. for any reason whatsoever, otherwise, that strike will not
be considered a protected strike.
What are the common forms of concerted
activities? (When you say concerted activities, it is LIMITATIONS TO THE RIGHT TO STRIKE
performed by 2 or more individuals.)
1. Strike 1. Limitations provided by Law
2. Picketing - The marching to and fro from the 2. Limitations provided by Contract
employer’s premises where the workers usually
display placards to express their sentiments or Limitations provided by Law
emotions towards the employer Under the Labor Code before workers may stage a strike,
3. Boycott - the concerted refusal to patronize the they have to comply with certain conditions to hold a
employer’s goods or services and to persuade valid strike.
others to a like refusal
1. File a Notice of Strike
So far in one Supreme Court case, the Court has 2. Observance of the applicable cooling-off period
recognized these 3 forms of concerted activities. 3. Conduct of a Strike Vote
4. Submission of the Strike Vote at least 7 days
The Right to Strike is not an absolute right. It is before the intended date of strike.
subject to limitations provided by law because according 5. Observance of the 7-day waiting period
to the Supreme Court, it results to a disquieting effect on After they have complied with these requirements, and
not only the relationship between labor and management decided to stage a strike they have to make sure they
but also on the general peace and progress of society. do not violate any prohibited activities that are
Therefore, it must be regulated within reasons by defined by law.
balancing the interest of labor and management together
with the overarching public interest. INNOCENT BYSTANDER RULE

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
The 3rd persons who are not parties to an industrial or while it is valid, cannot be enforced as against the
labor dispute should not be affected or disturbed by a certified bargaining union including the workers.
strike that is conducted by the workers Because unfair labor practice is a violation, not only of
civil rights of persons but likewise constitute a criminal
Illustration: offense. When you are committing a criminal offense, that
In Ayala Mall or SM Department store if there is an outlet cannot be subject to a compromise and that could not be
or establishment within the mall where the workers have subject to a prohibition under a CBA.
an existing labor dispute with their employer, they have
the right to strike but they cannot do so if it will prejudice WHO MAY STRIKE?
innocent bystanders like for example, owners and
consumers of other outlets that are not involved in that Employees in the private sector - allowed by Labor
industrial or labor dispute. Code

Otherwise, under the innocent bystander rule, these 3rds Employees in the public sector, while they have the
persons who are not parties to a labor/industrial dispute right to self-organization, while they can form and
may seek redress from our regular court to prohibit the organize their association of workers for their mutual aid
strikers from causing harm or injury their establishment and protection, they cannot stage a strike because
including their operations the right to strike is not granted to them by law.
The right to self organization is subject to limitations
Another limitation by law is the provided by law.
NO-STRIKE POLICY of the Government
This is embodied in various Presidential Decrees which Under existing Civil Service law, rules and regulations,
enumerate what are the activities that are considered employees in the public sector are prohibited and
indispensable to national interest and therefore, workers disallowed to engage in striked for obvious reasons. If you
there cannot stage a strike if, for example, the SOLE has are part of the government and the government provides
assumed jurisdiction. public service. There will be an interruption or
disruption of public service if we were to allow
What about in a contract? employees in the public sector to stage a strike.
That is not good for the public welfare.
SC: A no strike, no lock out policy incorporated in
a CBA is a valid stipulation. Imagine:
If you allow employees in the DPWH, DOJ, DepEd to stage
If the workers decide to strike, they may be held a strike, that will cause an unnecessary disturbance to the
accountable under the no-strike, no-lockout provision of rendition of public service. Therefore, the law does not
the CBA, insofar as economic strikes are concerned. grant the right to strike to these workers in the public
IOTW, if in the CBA there is a no-strike, no lock out
provision, the union is bound not to stage a strike that is REMEDIES OF WORKERS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR
based on economic grounds because if they do so they
may be held accountable for whatever obligations that (Especially that strike is considered the last weapon in
they may have to the employer who is the other party to order for the workers to secure collective bargaining and
the CBA. protect themselves against unfair labor practice)
SC:Workers in the public sector who are not
That strike may be held illegal for violation of the no allowed to stage a strike can petition Congress for
strike, no lockout stipulation in the CBA. the betterment of the terms and conditions of
employment which are within the ambit of
The SC has confined that application of that legislation; or they can perhaps negotiate with the
provision only to economic strike. If the strike appropriate government agency where they are
involved unfair labor practice, that provision, employed for the improvement of their conditions
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
of employment, particularly those which are not **I want you to Download a pro forma notice of strike
fixed by law. It is not unusual for workers of the public from the website of the NCMB**
sector to have a collective negotiated agreement.
Not CBA because workers of the public sector cannot Do you need to have a strike vote when you file a
bargain with their employer (the government) because notice of strike? NO.
their compensation and terms of employment are fixed by
law. What they can do is they can negotiate with their KAPOYYYYYYY NAAAAAA RAWRRRRR
respective government agencies and come up a collective
negotiated agreement; fixing those conditions of Evangelista 18-36 mins
employment that are within the scope of power of their It is enough that the notice of strike is filed by the union
concerned government agencies. officer or authorized person by the union. Usually, it is the
president of the union who initiates the filing of the notice
Based on Art. 278 that we quoted earlier, it will appear
that the following are the step by step procedure in Once you file the notice, NCMB will determine from the
conducting a valid strike. face of the notice whether it conforms with law. If the
1. Filing of a notice of strike NCMB finds out that there is no strikable issue, then it will
- WHERE: Regional Branch of the National inform the union of the existence of a non-strikable issue.
Conciliation and Mediation Board having
jurisdiction over the workplace of the union Q. What could be a non-strikable issue?
members. 1. Inter-union and intra-union disputes are not
NCMB has a pro forma notice wherein the union strikable issues. When you speak of inter-union
will only have to fill in the blanks and have this dispute, it involves a dispute between and among
notice duly filed with the Regional Branch of the the labor unions. When you speak of an intra-
NCMB. union dispute, it speaks of a dispute between the
A copy of this notice must be furnished to union and its members.
the employer concerned.
Remember: The notice of strike is NOT filed with IOW, these disputes do not have anything to do with the
the DOLE, nor with the SOLE, nor with the Labor employer. Thus, filing a notice of strike of strike on the
Arbiter, nor the arbitration branch of the NLRC. basis of these issues are non-strikable issue.

Once the notice of strike is filed by the legitimate labor If it is a non-strikable issue, NCMB will refer the matter to
organization or the certified bargaining union, depending the agency of government which has jurisdiction over
on what ground it is, we must remember that the notice inter/intra-union dispute which is the Bureau of Labor
of strike must be grounded on those authorized by Relations.
2. Issues that has already been brought before
- Unfair Labor Practice voluntary or compulsory arbitration.
- Includes malicious &/or flagrant refusal
to comply with the economic provision of NCMB will defer any action to that voluntary arbitrator or
the CBA (which under the Labor Code is labor arbiter where the dispute has been brought. It will
considered as well as unfair labor no longer resort to its power or authority by encroaching
practice) upon the jurisdiction of the voluntary arbiter/labor arbiter.
- Bargaining Deadlock
If you are the counsel for a union, before thinking of filing 3. Violating of CBA involving political provisions
a notice of strike, you must know whether there exists a
ground to strike. If there exists a ground to strike, then
Example: Violation of the union security clause. There is
you may proceed with the filing of a notice of strike.
a closed shop agreement where the employer is under
obligation to hire only members of the certified bargaining
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
union and to require the employees to remain as Observance of Applicable Cooling-off Period
members of the union as a condition for their a. 30 days if the ground is bargaining deadlock
employment. There is a union dismissing one of its b. 15 days if the ground is unfair labor practice
members and it is requesting the employer to dismiss the
employee based on the enforcement of union security XPN: If the ULP involves union-busting, then 15 day
clause. period may be dispensed with by the labor union.

If that were the case, that is a violation of the CBA Reason: Intended to accord the parties the opportunity
involving a political provision if the employer refuses to to amicably settle the dispute with the assistance of the
grant the request of the union. NCMB.

Reason: The proper recourse is to refer the dispute to Q. Does the mere lapse of the cooling-off period
the grievance machinery that is embodied in the CBA. If authorize the workers to stage a strike?
it remains unresolved, refer it to voluntary arbitration. No. Another requisite is the conduct of a strike vote and
submission of the strike vote at least 7 days before the
4. If the issue in the notice of strike is a intended date of strike.
representation issue, that will have to be
endorsed by the NCBM to the med arbiter who Q. Can the parties suspend the cooling-off period?
has the original jurisdiction over representation They may agree to suspend it if the purpose is to enable
issues. them to further explore the opportunity to amicably settle
the dispute. It is not prohibited under the existing rules.
Example: Certification election issues. A was able to
organize a labor union in his establishment and then A Convert Notice of Strike into a Preventive
asks the employer that they have the majority support Mediation Case
and A demands recognition as the SEBA. However, the NCMB may also convince the parties to convert the notice
employer refuses so the union files a notice of strike. of strike into a preventive mediation case.

Remedy: Submit for certification election Effect: If it is able to convince the parties, the effect is
the dropping of the notice of strike from the calendar of
Reason: It is the democratic means of determining the NCMB. And it is as if there was no filing of the notice.
whether it enjoys the majority representation.
If they go on strike, the strike may be declared illegal.
Strikable Issue
NCMB immediately schedules marathon mediation- Preventive Mediation – it is potential labor dispute
conciliation conferences—it is a conference that will which are the subject of a formal and informal request for
require the employer and the LLO to appear before the conciliation/mediation assistance sought by either or both
NCMB for purpose of the possibility of settling the dispute. parties or upon the initiative of the NCMB to avoid the
occurrence of an actual labor dispute.
Under the LC, while the proceedings are ongoing the
parties are not allowed to perform any act that will disrupt It will prevent an actual labor dispute. However, it is not
the conduct of the conciliation conferences. automatic to convert to a preventive mediation case. It
requires the NCMB to convince the parties.
The parties are required to exhaust all their efforts during
the conciliation conferences. ie. walk-out, ignore Conduct of a Strike Vote
conferences After the observance of the cooling-off period is the
conduct of a strike vote requirement.
Reason: Once a notice of strike is filed before the NCMB,
it can assume power and authority to act on it. Q. Who will conduct the strike vote?
The union.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
For a strike vote to be valid, there are three requisites: Alam mo naman yung mga union leaders once they do
a. It must be approved by the majority of the total not get what they want from management they become
union membership in the bargaining unit so impatient, stubborn and hot heads sometimes. So to
concerned prevent the situation the law requires that the union
b. It must be conducted by secret ballot observe a 7-day waiting period; and that starts once you
c. In a meeting or referenda called for that purpose submit the strike vote to the NCMB - this starts the
running of the 7-day period.

During that 7-day period the NCMB will now verify with
When the union “Are you now really ready to stage a strike? Did
It may be done by the labor union at any time. It may you really deliberate the consequences of staging a
done after the filing of a notice of strike, during the strike? Are you really sure that your strike will be
cooling-off period or after the lapse of cooling-off period. successful because you are waging a war against the
employer?” When you stage a strike, you will be governed
Notification to the NCMB by the Principle of No work, no pay. And the strike has no
Under the Revised Rules of Procedure of the NCMB, in the definite period. It may last indefinitely and during this
conduct of a strike vote, the NCMB must be notified at period, the workers are not paid because they are not
least 24 hours so it can provide assistance ie. sending a working. “Are you ready to face that?” And when the
representative to assist union says “OK, we are ready.” Then after the lapse of
the 7-day period, the union may now stage an actual
Reason: Members of the union could easily fabricate the strike.
results of the strike vote or coerce the members to vote
in favor of strike. To ensure the integrity of the strike vote So there are certain conditions or requisites before a bar
and prevent coercion of members. To avoid union strike may be conducted before you can stage an actual
members to subject of harassment of the union leaders. strike:

TN: Voting by secret ballot. 1. Filing a notice of strike

2. Observance of the cooling off period
If there is a valid strike vote, it will be submitted to the 3. Conduct of a strike vote
NCMB where the notice of strike was filed at least 7 days 4. Submission of the strike vote to the NCMB
before the intended date of strike. 5. Observance of the 7-day waiting period

Therefore, a union cannot conduct a strike immediately Once you comply with these requisites, the union may
after the conduct of a strike vote and observe the 7-day now stage an actual strike.
waiting/strike ban period.
Q: Would that be adequate?
Reason: To give the NCMB an opportunity to verify
whether… Answer: NO because the law also provides that in the
conduct of strike, the workers and employers are
JMM: … that is intended to give the NCMB an opportunity prohibited from employing any threat, coercion or
to verify whether the projected strike really carried the intimidation to one another; or by the union employing
imprimatur (not sure if this is what he meant) of the threat of coercion intimidation against non-striking
majority of the union members. members.

Afterall, the decision to stage a strike must rest on rational Art. 279 of the LC provides for the worker’s rights
basis free from emotionalism and suede by the tempers in case of an actual strike.
and tantrums of few hot heads and firmly focus on the
legitimate interests of the union.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
(b) no person shall obstruct, impede or interfere with, by assume jurisdiction over the labor dispute. After that, the
force, violence, coercion, threats or intimidation, any striking workers are under duty and obligation to return
peaceful picketing by employees during any labor to work whether they like it or not. On the part of the
controversy wherein the exercise of the right to self- employer, he is under the duty to readmit these workers
organization and collective bargaining, or shall aid or abet under terms and conditions prevailing before the strike.
such obstruction or interference
TN: if they continue to strike despite the assumption of
(c) No employer shall use or employ any strikebreaker nor jurisdiction by the Sec. of DOLE, the law and
shall any person be employed as a strikebreaker. jurisprudence tell us that these workers will be
committing a prohibited act; then they could be subject
(e) No person engaged in picketing shall commit any act to disciplinary action by the employer; they may even be
of violence, coercion or intimidation or obstruct the free subject to disciplinary sanction including dismissal from
ingress to or egress from the employer's premises for employment.
lawful purposes or obstruct thoroughfares.
JMM: The Sec. of DOLE cannot assume jurisdiction if it
JMM: They have to confine themselves in the so-called does not involve an industry indispensable to national
strike area. You cannot just strike anywhere and that is interest, otherwise, it will be considered void and you can
exactly at the employer’s premises/establishments or challenge that assumption to the CA through a petition
even establishments of the employer where there is for certiorari (GADALEG).
commission of the so-called run-away shop which is
considered an unfair labor practice. Assignment: Check the IRR for those classified
industries as indispensable to the national interest.
Ex: If I am a manufacturing company and my plant is
situated in a particular barangay in Lapu-lapu city and the Ex: The General banking Act declares banks as
workers would stage a strike. It is not unlikely that the indispensable to national interest for they are important
employer may transfer the machinery and equipment to for our economic existence and survival.
another place. That is illegal because that is a run-away
shop. Yung are na yan where these machinery and Other examples but please check IRR:
equipment were brought, that will also be considered a 1. Power sector
strike area because the employer cannot defeat the right 2. Hospitals
to strike. 3. Educational institutions
4. Airline industry
5. Shipping industry
JMM: The right to strike is a constitutionally protected
right. It’s the last weapon of the workers to protect Ex: Definitely if you're operating a karaoke bar or a
themselves from ULP and in order to get whatever nightclub, that is not considered an industry indispensable
demands that they need in the process of collective to national interest. So the Sec. of Labor cannot assume
bargaining. jurisdiction in this example that would be in excess of his
However, please take note that under the LC, there’s an
exception wherein the right to strike may be prohibited
because there’s also the No Strike Policy of the LEGALITY OF STRIKE
TN: The law also provides consequences if the union and
GR: You cannot enjoin nor prohibit the right to strike. the workers stage an illegal strike.

EXC: If the labor dispute causes or is likely to cause a Q: Who has the jurisdiction to declare a strike illegal?
strike or lockout in an industry indispensable to national
interest, the LC authorizes the Sec. of the DOLE to
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
A: Under the LC, the Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction to TN: So mere participation of union members in an illegal
declare s strike illegal. In fact, actions involving the strike will not result in the loss of their employment status
legality of strike and lockout is within the original and but it is the commission of an illegal act.
exclusive jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter.
Q: What are illegal acts?
TN: While the law says “original and exclusive”, it does
not prevent the Sec. of DOLE from assuming jurisdiction Examples:
over that issue in cases where the Sec. of DOLE may 1. the union members continue to stage a strike
assume jurisdiction such as labor disputes causing or despite the assumption of jurisdiction of the
likely to cause a strike or lockout in an industry DOLE Sec.
indispensable to national interest. 2. If union members vandalize the employer’s
So while the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter is 3. Trying to burn down the establishment of the
original and exclusive, it is also concurrent with employer
the Sec. of DOLE. 4. Trying to harm and injure non-striking
TN: The legality of strike may be taken cognizance by a 5. Barricading the ingress to or egress from the
Voluntary Arbitrator to the exclusion of the LA, IF and employer’s premises
JMM: These union members can be held accountable. If
there’s a petition to declare the strike illegal, they will also
CONSEQUENCES OF ILLEGAL STRIKE suffer the loss of their employment status aside from the
fact that management can also enforce disciplinary action
Q: What are the consequences (of illegal strike)? against them independent of what the law provides. It
depends upon how the employer will act upon the illegal
1. Union Officers strike.
A: Union officers who knowingly participate in an
illegal strike i.e., knowing that there is no observance In the bar exam, the consequences of the union officers
of the requisites of staging a strike, will be deemed to and members in an illegal strike have been repeatedly
have lost their employment status. asked. You have to make a qualification!

JMM: So if the employer files a petition with the LA to TN: If the union decides to stage a strike, the NCMB has
declare the strike illegal and the employer is able to prove still the power and authority to summon the partes for a
that the union officers participated knowingly in an illegal conciliation and mediation conferences where the NCMB
strike, then the LA may declare these officers to have lost may allow the parties to conduct an improved offer
their employment status. IOW, they will be terminated balloting or a reduced offer balloting. This is most
from their employment. applicable in bargaining deadlock cases.

That is the sanction provided by law. So it is not the Take note of the definition of these: improved offer
employer dismissing them, is it the law which operates to balloting or a reduced offer balloting!
declare their employment status as deemed forfeited or
lost. JMM: Tuloy--tuloy lang ang conciliation efforts ng NCMB.
Again, the strike will run indefinitely. Let’s see who will
2. Union members surrender. Will it be the employer or the union? Maybe
A: Under the LC, if the union members commit an illegal the employer will sit down with the union and come up
act during a strike, that is when they are deemed to have with an amicable solution. Or maybe the union may give
lost their employment status. up and ask to return to work.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
If their offer to work is made unconditionally, the Another agency that exercises jurisdiction is the OFFICE
employer is obliged to accept them back to work and OF THE VOLUNTARY ARBITRATOR.
continue normal operations.
The Rule: The Labor Code contemplates
If there are conditions, the employer may not accept compulsory arbitration. That is not really favored
these conditions and therefore may refuse them from because in compulsory arbitration, the parties are left
reporting to work. Then the strike will just have to with no choice but to submit their dispute to a person who
continue. will have to try, hear and resolve that dispute. That
dispute will have to undergo a mechanism where it may
TN: Do not forget the power of the employer to declare be appealed to higher tribunal and then eventually
a lockout or temporary refusal on the part of the employer brought up to the appellate court and then to the
to provide work. That will also operate in the same Supreme Court.
manner as if there is a strike. Dapat lawful din yung
lockout otherwise the employer may be held accountable. In compulsory arbitration you will notice that the process
is quite long and rigid.
Consequences of illegal lockout:
1. Readmit the workers back to work The first topic that I mentioned in 11 is
2. May be held accountable to pay backwages Are there other Alternative Dispute Resolution
3. To reinstate the workers in their former positions mechanisms for dispute prevention? YES.
without loss of seniority rights 1. Conciliation/Mediation
2. Voluntary Arbitration
But if the lockout is valid, it may also last indefinitely. 3. Grievance Handling

One is Conciliation and Mediation. We have discussed

MOD 11 Part 1 this thoroughly when we were on the topic of angle entry
ALONZO (00-16) approach and in proceedings before the Labor Arbiter. We
also discussed the topic of Conciliation and Mediation
Conciliation and Mediation is an alternative
Browse our course syllabus and look at important features dispute resolution mechanism to
and topics. prevent/terminate a dispute.

You will note that when you studied Labor Standards, the VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION
agency which exercises compulsory arbitration include Also considered as an alternative dispute resolution.
the arbitration branch of the NLRC referring to the Labor
Arbiter and we also have the REgional Director of the GRIEVANCE HANDLING
DOLE when it comes to simple money claims. Workplace cooperation which involves the Labor
Management Council or employee involvement or
When you initially studied Labor Relations, you came employee participation schemes
across the jurisdiction of the arbitration branch of the
NLRC; the LA and that of the Regional Director of the
Why do we include Workplace Cooperation?
DOLE. You came across the authority and power of theParticularly on the creation of a Labor Management
Bureau of Labor Relations and also the jurisdiction of the
Council. It is an Alternative Dispute Resolution because if
Sec. of Labor and Employment in labor disputes causing
the employer has in place together with the workers a
or likely to cause strike or lockout in an industry Labor MAnagement Council, which is composed of equal
indispensable to national interest. representatives from the management as well as the
workers with the worker’s representatives nominated
directly by majority of the employees. That is a
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
mechanism that may also prevent dispute because it is
procedure for the selection of such Voluntary Arbitrator
at this level that employers and workers may freely
or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, preferably from the
discuss these issues/concerns. If these issues/concerns
listing of qualified Voluntary Arbitrators duly accredited
are amicable resolved then we can safely say that it is an
by the Board (NCMB). In case the parties fail to select
ADR mechanism.
a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary ARbitrators,
the Board shall designate the Voluntary Arbitrator or
Together with that would be employee involvement and
panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, as may be necessary,
employee participation schemes.
pursuant to the selection procedure agreed upon in the
CBA, which shall act with the same force and effect as
if the Arbitrator or panel of Arbitrators has been
selected by the parties described above
Earlier on we have the NLRC Rules of Procedure as
amended which applies to proceedings before the Labor .
Arbiter and the NLRC. Article 273 involves an interplay of various
When we speak of Voluntary Arbitration, the NCMB came I. When you have a CBA it presupposes that
up with a separate Rules of Procedure. there is an employer and there is a Certified
Bargaining Union or SEBA on the other
Chikaminute: hand.
I was personally able to handle a voluntary arbitration - The latter represents all the employees who are
case involving a softdrinks manufacturer and a certified members of the bargaining unit. So instead of the
bargaining union. In that case, which eventually reached workers individually negotiating with the
the SC, you will note the step by step procedure on how management, they will be represented by the
the case was brought to voluntary arbitration and SEBA. Sentence No. 1 says “The parties to a CBA
eventually ended with the SC. shall include therein provisions that will ensure
the mutual observance of its terms and
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES revolving around conditions”
Grievance Machinery and Voluntary Arbitration
(ART. 273 - 277) - It is very natural that when the parties negotiate
and conclude the CBA they will put there a
provision that the parties agree to be bound by
the terms and conditions of the CBA and the
ART. 273 Grievance Machinery & Voluntary
parties commit to hold themselves accountable
Arbitration - The parties to a CBA shall include therein
and liable in case of violation of the CBA.
provisions that will ensure the mutual observance of its
terms and conditions. They shall establish a machinery
- What is important is the 2nd sentence of
for the adjustment and resolution of grievances arising
Art. 273. “They shall establish a machinery
from the interpretation or implementation of their CBA
for the adjustment and resolution of
and those arising from the interpretation or
grievances arising from interpretation or
enforcement of company or personnel policies.
implementation of their CBA and those arising
from the interpretation or enforcement of
All grievances submitted to the grievance machinery
company or personnel policies.”
which are not settled within 7 calendar days from the
date of its submission shall automatically be referred to
- “They” = the employer and the certified
voluntary arbitration prescribed in the CBA
bargaining union

For this purpose, parties to a CBA shall name and

When they negotiate, bargain and conclude the
designate in advance a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
CBA, they are mandated by law to establish a
Voluntary Arbitrators, or include in the agreement a
machinery for the adjustment and resolution of
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
grievances arising from interpretation of the CBA - IOTW the Labor Code provides that the parties to
and those arising from the interpretation or the CBA must establish a grievance machinery.
enforcement of company or personnel policies.
How will the parties establish this grievance
- The law is, in effect, saying if you (employer and machinery? IT’S UP TO THEM.
the certified bargaining union ) have issues, They can create a grievance machinery composed of
disputes arising from the interpretation and equal representatives from management and the union.
implementation of the CBA, you have to resolve
that dispute through the grievance machinery.
Evangelista 16-32 mins
- The same thing is true whenever there are issues …from management and union. In this grievance
arising from interpretation or enforcement of machinery, there will be a committee who will resolve the
company personnel policies. dispute arising from interpretation or implementation of
CBA and personnel company policy.
- These company personnel policies are not
company code of conduct. They are long term If the complaint originated from the union, it is usually
provisions that underscore the philosophy of the brought up to the grievance machinery by the shop
management. They may refer to long-term steward. If it originated from management, it is usually
provisions on compensation, benefits, promotion, brought by the employer representative.
advancement and job opportunities etc.
If the dispute is about the interpretation/implementation
- The parties may include the company’s code of of CBA/personal company policy, do not go on
conduct in the CBA as a company policy. In the strike/lockout. Submit the dispute to the grievance
absence of such stipulation, it does not machinery.
necessarily follow that the CBA shall include the
company code of Conduct. In fact, it also mandates all grievances submitted to the
grievance machinery which are not settled within 7
- Imagine: If you include the company code of calendar days from the date of submission shall
conduct, smoking by an employee which is automatically be referred to VA prescribed in the CBA.
sanctioned by suspension for how many days
without pay can be subject to grievance. If it will Aside from grievance machinery, parties to a CBA must
not be resolved by grievance, it shall be resolved also include the mechanism on VA wherein there could a
by Voluntary ARbitration. Do you see how absurd voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators. In
it is? the absence of stipulation, the rules provide that there will
be a single arbitrator.
- It will put too much congestion on cases that will
be handled by the grievance machinery. It will TN: If you do not know how to establish a grievance
cause too much issues that will affect the relation machinery, check DO 40-03 as it provides the mechanism.
between labor and management. It is not perfect because the notice in the IRR is a notice
coming from the union, it did not consider that an ER may
- Company personnel policies should only be also file a complaint or grievance against the union
confined to those long-term provisions that regarding the implementation/enforcement of
underscore management philosophy regarding CBA/Personnel company policy.
compensation, benefits, promotions, job
opportunities, and so on. Voluntary Arbitration
Parties to a CBA may designated a voluntary arbitrator in
- For a more accurate definition, see the SC Case advance or panel of arbitrators.
on what a Company Personnel Policy is.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
The guidelines speak of permanent arbitrator or ad-hoc
arbitrator. If a party, ER or certified bargaining union, files a
complaint before the LA but the issue involves an CBA
The parties may choose in advance or they may choose arising from the CBA/unresolved grievance of
from the list of accredited arbitrators of NCMB when the implementation of company policies, the LA shall not
issue arises between them. entertain the dispute.

Law students may even apply for voluntary arbitrators by If you are the LA, know which issues belongs to your
the NCMB if they have the qualifications. original jurisdiction. If it belongs to the jurisdiction of the
VA, do not entertain that.
The voluntary arbitrator could be a single arbitrator or a
panel of arbitrators. It depends on the agreement of the That directive is addressed not only to the LA but also the
parties. The law only provides the designation and NLRC and RD.
VA is considered an ADR. In fact, it is preferred that
In fact, SC ruled that there is no particular set up in compulsory arbitration.
voluntary arbitration. It is up to the parties to stipulate in NCMB may encourage the parties to submit their dispute
the CBA. to VA. It is all about VA.

Jurisdiction of VA ART 275. The original and exclusive jurisdiction of VA

Art 274. Original and exclusive on unresolved pertain on those 2 matters mentioned.
Q. Is it possible for the VA to try, hear and resolve
If the grievance was unresolved in the grievance other disputes?
machinery, it will be referred to VA who will have original VA/Panel of VA, upon agreement of the parties, shall hear
and exclusive jurisdiction on unresolved grievances and decide all other labor disputes including UPL and
arising from interpretation/implementation of bargaining deadlock. Thus, the jurisdiction of the VA may
CBA/personnel company policy. include all cases falling under the original and exclusive
jurisdiction of the LA as long as there is agreement
Violations of a CBA, except those gross in character, shall between the parties.
not longer be treated as unfair labor practice and shall be
resolved as grievance under the CBA. Gross violation shall The jurisdiction of VA is more or less concurrent with the
mean flagrant refusal to comply with the economic LA but only if there is agreement between the parties
provisions in the CBA. because the essence of VA is consent. Without such,
jurisdiction of the VA will have to be confined on
Not all violations of CBA is UPL; only violations of the grievances arising from interpretation/enforcement of
economic provisions. If it is not UPL then it is a grievance CBA/personnel company policies.
machinery within the jurisdiction of VA.
Example: Termination disputes if there is agreement.
TN: Not compulsory arbitration.
Q. How can they agree?
Research: Can the parties designated the labor Stipulate in the CBA
arbiter to be the VA?
Procedure in the VA
ART 274. The Commission, its regional offices and RD of ART 276. Power to hold hearings, receive evidence and
DOLE shall not entertain disputes, grievances or matters take whatever action is necessary to resolve the issue
under the exclusive and original jurisdiction of VA or panel including efforts to effect voluntary settlement between
of Vas and shall immediately dispose the same to the the parties. All parties to the dispute shall be entitled to
grievance machinery or VA in the CBA. attend the dispute proceedings. Attendance of any third
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
party or exclusion of any witness from the proceedings d. capacity to pay the parties
shall be determined by the VA. Hearing may be adjourned e. Fees provided for in the revised rules of court
for a cause or upon the agreement of the parties.
JMM: So pwede kayo mag sideline as VA! You get a VA’s
If you want to take a look at the detailed procedure, look fee and may schedule of fees yon sa NCMB, so you get
at the Revised Procedural Guidelines in the Conducts of your money there.
VA proceedings.
In my experience, before a VA was charged 25K per issue.
VA performs quasi-judicial function. He has the power to Initially if we placed in our submission agreements so
try, hear and decide labor dispute. many issues and when the VA told us “Hey, my VA’s fee
is 25K per issue” we started to narrow down the issues
In fact, he has the power to issue to writ of execution into 1. Nagtipid kami kasi normally in a CBA, we stipulate
requiring the NLRC or regular courts whom the parties there “equal sharing” in the union and the employer for
may designate in the execution agreement may execute the cost of VA. So if we submit an issue to VA, this is an
a final decision or award. arrangement of the share of the VA’s fee; it’s stipulated
in the CBA but the amount will depend on the VA.
TAUCAN (32:01 - 48 min) So you can dictate how much your VA’s fee will be as long
it is not unconscionable!
Art. 276, Par. 5. The Voluntary Arbitrator has the power
to issue a writ of execution requiring either the sheriff of (chika lang. Check this case involving his law firm)
the NLRC or the regular courts or any public official whom
the party may designate in the submission agreement to It’s so nice to handle a VA case kasi he decision becomes
execute the final decision, order or award. final and executory after 10 calendar days. While the law
does not prohibit a MR before the VA,kapag na deny the
JMM: So the VA has the power to execute just like a decision of the VA becomes final and executory. So your
judge. He is just like a LA only that he performs voluntary only hope is to bring it up to the CA under petition for
arbitration proceedings. review under Rule 43.

Most common question asked: Q: Bringing the decision of the VA to the Ca, is it
Is the VA, designated under the LC, considered a public 10 calendar days or 15 under the ROC?
officer? Does he need to submit SALN?
There is a SC case on this so watch out for the answer.
JMM: Anong answer? Kasi delekado pag public officer ka
kasi you’ll be governed by the Anti-graft and corrupt REVISED PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES IN THE
practices Act, then you’ll have to be aware of your liability. CONDUCT OF VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION
Find the answer to my question!
TN: Know the definition of the ff:
Art. 277. Cost of Voluntary arbitration and 1. Voluntary Arbitration
voluntary arbitrators fee. 2. Permanent Arbitrator
The parties to a collective bargaining agreement shall 3. Ad-Hoc Arbitration
provide therein a proportionate sharing scheme on the 4. Submission Agreement
cost of voluntary arbitration including the voluntary 5. Notice to Arbitrate
arbitrator’s fee. The fixing of the fee of voluntary 6. Grievance procedure
arbitrators, whether shouldered wholly by the parties or
subsidized by the special voluntary arbitration fund, shall JMM: In a case that I personally handled, there was a
take into account the following factors: company that I was representing and there was a
a. nature of the case bargaining union. They had a CBA wherein there is a set
b. time consumed in hearing the case up in grievance machinery and VA. So when there is an
c. professional standing of the voluntary arbitrator issue involving the interpretation and enforcement of the
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
CBA and/or the company personnel policy or other labor
disputes, the parties to the CBA agreed to submit it to the Step 5: The VA tried to explore “what’s the problem
grievance machinery. between you parties?” OK, here are my solutions, do you
accept or not? Eventually the parties could not agree to
(Caveat: ako ra ang nag himo2 sa steps guys. Step any settlement to the issue.
1 ra taman si JMM)
Step 6: So in that case, the VA will have to ask the parties
Step 1: May issue yung labor union so we submit the to submit their position papers.
issue to the grievance machinery.
Step 7: So when we submitted our respective position
Q: Who submits the issue? papers, the VA rendered his decision.

A: The Staff Steward. TN: Before he rendered his decision, there was a
discussion on the amount of his VA’s fees.

BTW, JMM lost the case. The VA sided with the union.

GRIEVANCE MACHINERY Remedy: Bring up the decision of the VA to the CA via

rule 43 within 15 calendar days.
JMM: The grievance machinery is composed of the
Grievance Committee with: BUT, I brought it up within 10 calendar days.
1. Representatives from the management and
2. Representatives from the union WHY?

Continuation of JMM’s experience: They tried their A: Because the decision of the VA becomes final and
best to resolve the dispute but they were not successful. executory after 10 calendar days.
So we look at the CBA and it says there “if it were not
resolved then it will have to be referred to Voluntary JMM: So on my own free will, I decided to bring it up
Arbitration.” And it says there “there is the VA set up: you before the 15th day. Because pag nagging final and
have to choose a VA from the list of accredited arbitrators executory yon, it could be subject to a writ of execution
from the NCMB.” and I don’t want that to happen so I brought it up within
10 days to the CA.
Step 2: So what we did was to submit a notice to
arbitrate with the NCMB and the latter immediately acted Remedy: In the CA, by way of petition for review, I also
on it by requiring the parties to appear before the NCMB. asked for the issuance of a TRO to enjoin the enforcement
of the decision of the VA, which I know will become final
Step 3: Then the NCMB says “Ok, since your CBA and executory within 10 calendar days.
contemplates VA, here is our list of accredited VA.” The
union and management were there and we selected a VA. JMM: The CA did not issue a TRO. I was afraid the VA
After selection, the NCMB notified the selected VA would execute the decision.
whether he accepts the designation or not. The first VA
declined so the NCMB asked the parties to designate Remedy: I filed a motion to resolve the petition for
another VA. review because time is of the essence.

Step 4: The VA accepted the designation and scheduled This time, the CA found merit and set aside the decision
a Mandatory conciliation and mediation conference. of the VA. So the person aggrieved is no longer the
employer. This time, it's the certified bargaining union.
So both the employer and the union appeared before the
designated VA.
Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)
Remedy: So the union brought up the case to the SC
under Rule 45 of the ROC after their MR was denied by If it is the LA conducting voluntary arbitration, he will have
the CA. to be governed by the revised procedural guidelines in the
conduct of VA proceedings NOT the NLRC Rules because
JMM: In the SC, there were so many issues that were he is designated as a VA.
brought up including the procedure of bringing up the
decision from the VA to the CA. But if he were to act in his capacity as LA then apply the
NLRC Rules of procedure as amended.
The rest is history.
Quite Notable Provision in the Guidelines:
Assignment: Again, find that SC case and see how the
SC ruled in that regard. The case was the summary of the Motion for Reconsideration. The decision of the VA is
procedural guidelines of VA. not subject to a motion for reconsideration.

TN: This provision has been rendered VOID by the SC in

JURISDICTION OF THE VA one labor case. Find the case!

JMM: While it is true that under the LC, there are 2 items Why?
that fall within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the
VA but if you look at the Procedural guidelines, THERE A: The principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies
ARE OTHER CASES that the VA may try, hear and decide. equally applies to the proceedings before the VA. A MR is
considered a plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the
1. All wage distortion issues from the application ordinary course of law. So the parties should not be
of wage orders in organized establishments prevented from filing an MR with the VA notwithstanding
2. All unresolved grievances arising from the the expressed prohibition because such has already been
interpretation and implementation of the declared void by the SC.
productivity incentive programs under RA

How is that so?

A: because it’s the law that says so; that these issues
must be referred to VA.
What law?




JMM: The other details and procedures are quite

explanatory (referring to the guidelines). As I’ve said, the
power of the VA is quite similar to the power and authority
of the LA. Caveat, not exactly similar.

If the LA is the one designated as the VA that is valid.

Module 9 - 11 Transcript l Labor Relations l Atty. JMM l Taucan, Evengelista, Alonzo (TEA)

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