Module 11 Part1 COMPLETE

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ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021


PART 1 Why do we include itong workplace cooperation? Workplace

cooperation, particularly on the creation of the Labor-
When you studied LabStan, the agency which exercises
Management Council (LMC) is an ADR because if an ER
compulsory arbitration include the Arbitration Branch of
has in place, together with the workers, a LMC – which is
the NLRC referring to the LA and the RD of the DOLE
composed of equal representatives from the mgmt. as
when it comes to simple money claims.
well as the workers and the latter’s representatives are
When you initially studied LabRel, you came across the nominated directly by majority of the EEs, then that’s a
jurisdiction of the Arbitration Branch of the NLRC mechanism that may also prevent dispute. It is at this
referring to the LA, as well as of the RD of the DOLE, the level where the ER and the workers may freely discuss
authority and power of the BLR, jurisdiction of the SOLE issues or concerns. If they are amicably resolved, then
in labor disputes causing or likely to cause a strike or there’s no more dispute. We can therefore, safely say that
lockout in an industry indispensable to national interest. it’s an ADR mechanism to prevent or terminate existing
Another agency that exercises jurisdiction is the Office of disputes. Together with that would be EE involvement
the Voluntary Arbitrator. (EI) and EE participation (EP) schemes.

The LC contemplates of compulsory arbitration. REVISED GUIDELINES IN THE CONDUCT OF

However, that’s not really favored because in VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS.
compulsory arbitration, the parties are left with no choice
Earlier on, we have the NLRC Rules of Procedure, as
but to submit their dispute to a person who will have to
amended – which applies to proceedings before the LA
try, hear and resolve that dispute; and that dispute will
and proceedings before the NLRC.
have to undergo a mechanism where it may be appealed
to a higher tribunal and eventually brought up to the When you speak of Voluntary Arbitration, the NCMB
appellate court and to the SC. In compulsory arbitration, came up with a separate Rules of Procedure entitled:
you will notice that the process is quite long and rigid. REVISED GUIDELINES IN THE CONDUCT OF
Are there other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms for
dispute prevention? You have to ask yourself, aside from TESTIMONY: I was able to personally handle a voluntary
compulsory arbitration, is there an ADR mechanism for dispute arbitration case involving a softdrinks manufacturer and
prevention where the parties may resort to avoid a dispute or a CBU. In that particular case, which eventually reached
put an end to a dispute? YES! the SC and in fact there’s a SC decision on that, you will
note, if you read that case, on how the case was brought
to voluntary arbitration and eventually ended with the
For now, we’ll try to discuss the fundamental principles
discussed this thoroughly when we were on the topic of
revolving around grievance machinery and voluntary
SEnA; on the topic of proceedings before the LA; and on
the topic of conciliation and mediation before the NCMB.
IOW, conciliation and mediation are ADR mechanism to ARTS. 273, 274, 275, 276 and 277 of the LC are all about
prevent or terminate a dispute. grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration. Since we
are still in LabRel, we have to know the statutory
provisions and then we will discuss briefly fundamental
provisions of the LC on grievance machinery and
principles involved and eventually the rules of
voluntary arbitration.

University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS • CUYOS • MOLINA 1
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
ART. 273 GRIEVANCE MACHINERY AND Sentence 2 (par. 1): This is what’s important. When the law
VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION says “they” that is the ER and the CBU. When they
negotiate, bargain, and conclude the CBA, they are
The parties to a CBA shall include therein provisions
mandated by law to establish a machinery for the
that will ensure the mutual observance of its terms
adjustment and resolution of grievances arising from the
and conditions. They shall establish a machinery for
interpretation or implementation of their CBA and those
the adjustment and resolution of grievances arising
arising from the interpretation or enforcement of
from the interpretation or implementation of their
company personnel policies.
CBA and those arising from the interpretation or
enforcement of company personnel policies. The law is, in effect, saying that if you – the ER and the
CBU – have issues arising from the interpretation of the
All grievances submitted to the grievance machinery
CBA (as you cannot agree on how to interpret it); have issues
which are not settled within 7 calendar days from the
regarding the implementation of the CBA (as you do not
date of its submission shall automatically be referred
know when to implement it and when the other party breaches
to voluntary arbitration prescribed in the CBA.
the implementation), then the law is telling the parties that
For this purpose, parties to a CBA shall name and you have to resolve that dispute through a machinery
designate in advance a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel otherwise known as the GRIEVANCE MACHINERY.
of Voluntary Arbitrators, or include in the agreement
Same thing is true whenever there are issues arising from
a procedure for the selection of such Voluntary
the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators,
preferably from the listing of qualified Voluntary
Arbitrators duly accredited by the Board. In case the COMPANY PERSONNEL POLICIES. Do not
parties fail to select a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of necessarily refer to the Code of Conduct. They are long-
Voluntary Arbitrators, the Board shall designate the term provisions that underscore the philosophy of the
Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary mgmt. They may refer to long-term provisions on
Arbitrators, as may be necessary pursuant to the compensation, benefits, promotion, advancement and
selection procedure agreed upon in the CBA, which job opportunities and so on. But the parties in the CBA
shall act with the same force and effect as if the may include the company’s Code of Conduct as a
Arbitrator or panel of Arbitrators has been selected company policy if they stipulate that in the CBA. In the
by the parties as described above. absence of such stipulation, it does not necessarily follow
that it shall include the company’s Code of Conduct or
Doon palang sa Art. 278, it will involve an interplay of
Code of Discipline.
various principles:
EXAMPLE: Kung included yung Code of Discipline,
1. When you have a CBA, it presupposes that there
smoking by an EE which is sanctioned by a suspension
is an ER and a CBU or a SEBA, on the other hand.
for how many days without pay – can be subject to
The latter represents ALL the EEs who are
grievance. Kapag hindi ma resolve sa grievance, to voluntary
members of the BU. Instead of the workers
arbitration. Do you see how absurd it is? It will put too
individually negotiating with the mgmt., they
much congestion on cases that will be handled by the
will be represented by a SEBA
grievance machinery. It will cause too much issues that
Sentence 1 (par. 1): It’s very natural that when parties will affect the relation between labor & mgmt.
negotiate and conclude a CBA, they will include there a
Company personnel policies should only be confined on
provision that the parties agree to be bound to the terms
those long-term provisions that underscore mgmt.’s
and conditions of the CBA; that the parties commit to
philosophy, compensation, benefits, promotion,
hold themselves liable and accountable in case of
advancement and job opportunities and so on.
violation of the CBA. That’s a very common stipulation in
a CBA. Take a look at a SC case on what is really meant by
Company personnel policies para you will not be
confused and will have a full understanding.
University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS • CUYOS • MOLINA 2
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
1996 case of SAN MIGUEL CORP. V. NATIONAL arbitration. Where there could be a voluntary arbitrator
LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, or panel of voluntary arbitrators.
G.R. No. 108001
In the absence of stipulation, the rules provide that there
Company personnel policies are guiding principles
will be a single arbitrator. If you can’t settle you dispute
stated in broad, long-range terms that express the
in the grievance machinery within 7 calendar days, the
philosophy or beliefs of an organization's top authority
law automatically refers it to voluntary arbitration
regarding personnel matters. They deal with matters
which is embodied in the CBA.
affecting efficiency and well-being of employees and
include, among others, the procedure in the IOW, when you negotiate, bargain and conclude a CBA-
administration of wages, benefits, promotions, transfer you must provide a voluntary arbitration provision. By
and other personnel movements which are usually not the way, if you don’t know how to establish a grievance
spelled out in the collective agreement. machinery, look at DO 40-03. It provides the mechanism
of the creation of a grievance machinery.


GRIEVANCE MACHINERY. How will the parties
establish a grievance machinery? It‘s up to them! They can
create a grievance machinery composed of equal Section 2. Procedure in handling grievances. – In the
representatives from the management and the union. absence of a specific provision in the collective
bargaining agreement or existing company practice
In this grievance machinery, there will be a committee.
prescribing for the procedures in handling grievance,
The committee will be the one to resolve disputes
the following shall apply:
between the parties arising from interpretation and
implementation of CBA, and that of company personnel (a) An employee shall present this grievance or
policies. complaint orally or in writing to the shop steward.
Upon receipt thereof, the shop steward shall verify the
Doon muna idadala yung mga dispute. Usually, if the
facts and determine whether or not the grievance is
complaint or grievance originates from the union. The
person who brings it up to the grievance machinery will
be the shop steward. (b) If the grievance is valid, the shop steward shall
immediately bring the complaint to the employee’s
If the grievance comes from the employer, it’s usually
immediate supervisor. The shop steward, the
brought by the employer representatives to the grievance
employee and his immediate supervisor shall exert
efforts to settle the grievance at their level.
The law says, establish a grievance machinery if the
(c) If no settlement is reached, the grievance shall be
problem is interpretation or implementation of CBA;
referred to the grievance committee which shall have
interpretation or enforcement of company policy. Don’t
ten (10) days to decide the case.
go on strike and lockout. Submit your dispute to the
grievance machinery. It’s not a perfect rules of procedure. I noticed that the
grievance contemplated in the IRR, is the grievance
Allow the grievance machinery to resolve the dispute.
coming from the union. It did not consider that an
That’s what Art. 273, first paragraph is in effect saying.
employer may also have a grievance or complaint
VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION. It also mandates, “All against the union. The problem could be the
grievances submitted to the grievance machinery which interpretation or implementation of the CBA; or
are not settled within 7 calendar days from the date of interpretation or enforcement of company personnel
its submission shall automatically be referred to policies.
voluntary arbitration prescribed in the CBA. “
The grievance may come from either the employer or
Aside from a grievance machinery, the parties to a CBA CBU. It’s not always the CBU, although it’s common
must also include the mechanism on voluntary because it represents the workers. It does not foreclose a

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ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
situation where it’s the employer this time who has a Art. 274 JURISDICTION OF VOLUNTARY
complaint to the grievance machinery. If unresolved, ARBITRATORS AND PANEL OF VOLUNTARY
voluntary arbitration. ARBITRATORS

What does the law say about voluntary arbitration? The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
Arbitrators shall have original and exclusive
“For this purpose, parties to a CBA shall name and
jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved
designate in advance a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
grievances arising from the interpretation or
Voluntary Arbitrators, or include in the agreement a
implementation of the Collective Bargaining
procedure for the selection of such Voluntary Arbitrator
Agreement and those arising from the interpretation
or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, preferably from the
or enforcement of company personnel policies
listing of qualified Voluntary Arbitrators duly
referred to in the immediately preceding article.
accredited by the Board.
Accordingly, violations of a Collective Bargaining
If you look at the revised procedural guideline, it speaks Agreement, except those which are gross in character,
of a permanent arbitrator or ad hoc arbitrator. shall no longer be treated as unfair labor practice and
shall be resolved as grievances under the Collective
TESTIMONY: In my practice of law, I seldom see in the
Bargaining Agreement. For purposes of this article,
CBA naming and designating in advance the voluntary
gross violations of Collective Bargaining Agreement
shall mean flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply
You will never know. The CBA may outlive an individual with the economic provisions of such agreement.
who is designated as a voluntary arbitrator. Baka mamatay
The Commission, its Regional Offices and the Regional
na yun, andiyan pa yung CBA or an issue may arise after
Directors of the Department of Labor and Employment
the death of the person designated as the VA.
shall not entertain disputes, grievances or matters
The parties can designate in advance or eventually under the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the
choose after an issue has risen the VA or members of Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
panel of voluntary arbitrators from the list of accredited Arbitrators and shall immediately dispose and refer
voluntary arbitrators of the NCMB. the same to the Grievance Machinery or Voluntary
Arbitration provided in the Collective Bargaining
In fact, as law students if you have the necessary Agreement.
qualifications, you can go to NCMB and apply as VA and
I’ll be the person most proud if you’re designated as an
accredited VA by the NCMB. I will exempt you to some
major examinations, if you can show me proof. (Luh oys)
If you’re the VA, you may be chosen by the parties to
Art. 274 speaks of the jurisdiction of the VA or panel of
resolve the issues. Malalagay ka sa SC case, I will cite it to
voluntary arbitrators. The jurisdiction is original and
my law students. (proud papa♡)
exclusive on unresolved grievances on the interpretation
Your VA could be a single arbitrator or panel of or enforcement of a CBA; or interpretation or
voluntary arbitrators. This is dependent on the enforcement of company personnel policies. These are the
agreement of the parties. The law only provides the two major items that fall under the jurisdiction.
designation, mechanics and set up of voluntary
If the grievance can’t be resolved in the grievance
machinery, it will be referred to voluntary arbitration.
In one SC case, it says that there’s no particular set up in
It also says here, “except those which are gross in
establishing voluntary arbitration. It’s up to the parties
character, shall no longer be treated as unfair labor
to stipulate one.
practice and shall be resolved as grievances under the
Collective Bargaining Agreement. For purposes of this
article, gross violations of Collective Bargaining

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ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Agreement shall mean flagrant and/or malicious refusal As I’ve said, voluntary arbitration is considered an
to comply with the economic provisions of such alternative dispute resolution. It’s more favored than
agreement.” compulsory arbitration. When we’re discussing the right
to strike, the NCMB for example may convince the parties
Art. 274, not only defines the original and exclusive
to submit to voluntary arbitration.
jurisdiction of the VA. It also tells us that not all
violations of the CBA on the flagrant or malicious Art. 275 JURISDICTION OVER LABOR DISPUTES
refusal to comply with the economic provisions of the
The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
CBA will be considered ULP.
Arbitrators, upon agreement of the parties, shall also
If it’s not ULP, those grievances will have to be resolved hear and decide all other labor disputes including
through the grievance machinery and if unresolved, unfair labor practices and bargaining deadlocks.
through voluntary arbitration.

First step, grievance machinery. If grievance not

resolved, next step will be is voluntary arbitration, NOT
compulsory arbitration.
The law says the “original and exclusive jurisdiction” of the
By the way, can the parties, employer and CBU, designate a
VA or panel of voluntary arbitrators. However, is it
LA to be their VA? Look for the answer. (YES. See pg. 9
possible for the VA to try, hear and resolve other labor disputes?
The answer is found on Art. 275.
“The Commission, its Regional Offices and the
The jurisdiction of the VA may also cover all cases
Regional Directors of the Department of Labor and
falling within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of
Employment shall not entertain disputes, grievances or
the labor arbiter, as long as there’s agreement by the
matters under the exclusive and original jurisdiction of
parties to submit those issues to the grievance
the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
machinery and eventually to voluntary arbitration.
Arbitrators and shall immediately dispose and refer the
same to the Grievance Machinery or Voluntary More or less, the jurisdiction of the VA is concurrent
Arbitration provided in the Collective Bargaining with the LA. But, only if there’s agreement by the
Agreement.” parties.

You see how powerful this provision is. If a party, an The essence of voluntary arbitration is consent and
employer or CBU files a complaint with the LA but the agreement. Without the agreement, the jurisdiction of the
issue involved is unresolved grievance arising from the VA will have to be confined on grievances arising from
interpretation of the CBA or implementation of company the interpretation or enforcement of the CBA;
personnel policies, the law says, the LA shall not entertain interpretation or enforcement of company personnel
the dispute. It should immediately dispose and refer the policies.
same to the grievance machinery or voluntary
arbitration prescribed in the CBA. How can you agree? You can stipulate in the CBA, stating
that the following labor dispute fall within the
Pag ikaw yung LA, you should know which issue belongs jurisdiction of the VA. If the parties don’t agree, don’t put
to your original and exclusive jurisdiction. If it belongs it in the CBA.
to the grievance machinery, don’t entertain.
This directive of the LC, is addressed not only to the LA
but also the commission, the NLRC. It’s also directed to The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
the RD of DOLE. That’s how the issue arising from the Arbitrators shall have the power to hold hearings,
interpretation or implementation of the CBA; issues receive evidences and take whatever action is
arising from the enforcement company personnel policies necessary to resolve the issue or issues subject of the
will have to be addressed under the LC.

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ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
dispute, including efforts to effect a voluntary submit statement of assets and liabilities? Kasi delikado rin,
settlement between parties. kasi kung public officer and then you are governed by anti-
graft and corrupt practices law, then you have to be aware
All parties to the dispute shall be entitled to attend the
of your liability in case you commit violations of anti-
arbitration proceedings. The attendance of any third
graft and corrupt practices law.
party or the exclusion of any witness from the
proceedings shall be determined by the Voluntary EXAMPLE: You accepted a bribe from a party.
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators. Hearing
ASSIGNMENT: Find out whether he is a public officer
may be adjourned for cause or upon agreement by the
and whether he is subject to accountability under the
laws on public officers.
Unless the parties agree otherwise, it shall be
mandatory for the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of ARTICLE 277. [262-B] COST OF VOLUNTARY
Voluntary Arbitrators to render an award or decision ARBITRATION AND VOLUNTRARY
within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of ARBITRATOR’S FEE
submission of the dispute to voluntary arbitration. The parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement
shall provide therein a proportionate sharing scheme
The award or decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator or
on the cost of voluntary arbitration including the
panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall contain the facts
Voluntary Arbitrator's fee. The fixing of fee of
and the law on which it is based. It shall be final and Voluntary Arbitrators, or panel of Voluntary
executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt of Arbitrators, whether shouldered wholly by the
the copy of the award or decision by the parties. parties or subsidized by the Special Voluntary
Arbitration Fund, shall take into account the
Upon motion of any interested party, the Voluntary
following factors:
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators or the
Labor Arbiter in the region where the movant resides, (a) Nature of the case;
in case of the absence or incapacity of the Voluntary (b) Time consumed in hearing the case;
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, for any
reason, may issue a writ of execution requiring either (c) Professional standing of the Voluntary
the sheriff of the Commission or regular courts or any
public official whom the parties may designate in the (d) Capacity to pay of the parties; and
submission agreement to execute the final decision,
(e) Fees provided for in the Revised Rules of
order or award
If you want to take a look at the detailed revised May bayad yung VA = voluntary arbitrator’s fee. So pwede
procedural guidelines in the conduct of voluntary kayong mag sideline as a voluntary arbitrator bc you get a
arbitration, it’s spelled out there the details of power and voluntray arbitrator’s fee and may schedule of fees yung
authority of the VA. VA sa NCMB, you get your money there.
The VA performs a quasi-judicial function. He has the EXPERIENCE: We were charged P25,000 per issue before
power to try, hear and decide on a labor dispute. the voluntary arbitrator. Initially, we placed in our
It has the power under the LC to issue a writ of execution submission agreements so many issues and when the
requiring either the sheriff or regular courts whom the voluntary arbitrator told us that “hey, my arbitrator’s fee is
parties may designate in the submission agreement to P25,000 per issue.” So, we started to narrow down our
execute the final decision, order or award. issues into one. You see how funny it is LMAO. Nagtipid
kami bc normally in a CBA, we stipulate there equal
It’s like being a judge. He’s just like a LA, only that he sharing between the union and ER for the cost of VA. So,
performs voluntary arbitration proceedings. if we submit an issue to VA, this is the arrangement that
How is it to be designated as the VA? Is the VA designated you make on the share of the voluntary arbitrator’s fee.
under the LC considered a public officer? Does he need to Usually, you stipulate that in the CBA but the amount

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ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
will ofc depend on the voluntary arbitrator. So, you can reason why her decisions involving interpretation of
dictate how much would be your voluntary arbitrator’s law should be beyond this Court's review.
fee, as long as it is not unconscionable.
The petition for review was filed in time, and cannot be
In fact, the experience that I had before the VA, sigurista
dismissed just because the decision of the VA is final
eh before the VA agreed to release his decision, he asked
and executory.
the parties to show proof of payment of his fees. So,
nagpadala kami ng deposit slip na nabayaran na siya bago
The petition for review shall be filed within 15 days
niya ni release yung decision. Sigurista no?
pursuant to Section 4, Rules 43 of the Rules of Court;
I lost that case before the VA but I brought it up to the CA the 10-day period under Article 276 of the Labor
under a petition for review under Rule 43 and eventually Code refers to the filing of a motion for
I won before the CA. Before the CA, it was the union who reconsideration vis-à-vis the Voluntary Arbitrator's
brought it up to the SC and the rest was history. decision or award.

Check on that SC case involving our law firm that The rule, therefore, is that a Voluntary Arbitrator's
emanated in Cebu. (Sorry but I couldn’t find it T_T) award or decision shall be appealed before the Court
It is so nice to handle a voluntary arbitration case kasi of Appeals within 10 days from receipt of the award or
yung VA, when he renders a decision, the decision decision. Should the aggrieved party choose to file a
becomes final and executory after 10 calendar days. While motion for reconsideration with the Voluntary
the law does not prohibit a MR before the VA, kapag na Arbitrator, the motion must be filed within the same
deny yung MR, then decision of the VA becomes final and 10-day period since a motion for reconsideration is
executory. Your only hope is to bring it up to the CA filed "within the period for taking an appeal."
under petition for review provided in Rule 43 of your
RoC. Tignan niyo yung SC case there – bringing up a REVISED PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES IN THE
decision of the VA to the CA, is it 10 calendar days? Or is it CONDUCT OF VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION
15 days as prescribed by the RoC? There is a SC case on that. PROCEEDINGS
So, you better watch out on the right answer (pa thrilling
ka atty no? :3). NOTE: The definition of terms. What is meant by Voluntary
Arbitration, Permanent Arbitrator, Ad hoc Arbitrator,
GUAGUA NATIONAL COLLEGE v CA [ G.R. No. Submission Agreement, Notice to Arbitrate and Grievance
188492, August 28, 2018 ] Procedure.

There was no grave abuse of discretion because no RULE II

definite rule as to the reglementary period clearly
established. Certiorari will not lie in this case. CA
cannot be faulted for grave abuse of discretion in (d) “Voluntary Arbitration” — refers to the mode of
applying the equitable rule on construction in favor settling labor-management disputes by which the
of labor. parties select a competent, trained and impartial third
person who shall decide on the merits of the case and
Further, even if the decision of the VA is immediately whose decision is final AND executory.’
executory it remains subject to judicial review through
certiorari. However, in this case certiorari will not run
because only when the denial of the motion to
dismiss is tainted with grave abuse of discretion can
the grant of the extraordinary remedy of certiorari be
justified. A voluntary arbitrator by the nature of her
functions acts in a quasi-judicial capacity. There is no 2) AD-HOC ARBITRATOR — THE VOLUNTARY

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ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
ACCORDANCE WITH THE ESTABLISHED says there “this is the VA setup, you have to choose a
PROCEDURES IN THE CBA OR THE ONE voluntary arbitrator from the list of accredited voluntary
What we did is we submit a notice to arbitrate with the
NCMB and the NCMB immediately acted on it by
requiring the parties to appear before the NCMB. The
(h) “Grievance Procedure” — refers to the system of NCMB says, “okay since your CBA contemplates of a
grievance settlement as provided FOR in the collective selection of a voluntary arbitrator, here is our list of
bargaining agreement. It usually consists of successive accredited voluntary arbitrators.” The union was there,
steps starting at the level of complainant and his the management was there, we selected a voluntary
immediate supervisor and ending, when necessary, at arbitrator.
After selection, the NCMB notified the selected voluntary
(i) “SUBMISSION AGREEMENT” — REFERS TO A arbitrator whether he will accept the designation or not.
WRITTEN AGREEMENT BY THE PARTIES The first voluntary arbitrator declined, the voluntary
SUBMITTING THEIR CASE FOR ARBITRATION arbitrator designated replied to the NCMB saying, “I’m
CONTAINING THE ISSUES, THE CHOSEN sorry I cannot accept the designation.” What the NCMB
ARBITRATOR AND STIPULATION TO ABIDE BY did was again to ask the parties to “okay, you designate a
AND COMPLY WITH THE RESOLUTION voluntary arbitrator” and we were successful to designate
INCLUDING THE COST OF ARBITRATION. another voluntary arbitrator.

(j) “NOTICE TO ARBITRATE” — REFERS TO A What the designated voluntary arbitrator did was to
FORMAL DEMAND MADE BY ONE PARTY TO THE accept the appointment and schedule a mandatory
OTHER FOR THE ARBITRATION. OF A conciliation and mediation conferences. Both parties, the
PARTICULAR DISPUTE IN CASE OF REFUSAL OF ER and the CBU appeared before the designated
ONE PARTY IN A CBA TO SUBMIT TO voluntary arbitrator. The voluntary arbitrator tried to
ARBITRATION. explore what’s the problem between the parties, “these
are my solutions, do you accept it or not?” and eventually
EXPERIENCE: In the case that I personally handled, there
the parties ofc agreed to accept any settlement of the
was a company that I am representing and there was a
issue. To submit to the voluntary arbitrator in that case
CBU and they had a CBA. In the CBA, there is a setup on
then you have to submit your respective position papers.
grievance machinery and VA. When there was an issue
involving the interpretation or enforcement of a CBA; When we submitted our respective position papers then
when there was an issue involving the interpretation or the voluntary arbitrator decided to render his decision
enforcement of the company’s personnel policy; when and ofc, btw, before he rendered his decision, there was a
there was an issue involving other labor disputes, the discussion on the amount of his arbitrator’s fees so on and
parties to the CBA agreed to submit it to the grievance so forth, mga ground rules.
Nagkaroon ng decision, the decision was rendered and
First step is may issue yung labor union then we submit served to the parties and I lost the case. The voluntary
the issue to the grievance machinery. Who submitted it? It arbitrator sided with the CBU. I lost the case T_T. I
was the shop steward bringing the issue to the grievance explained to the client that the remedy available is to
machinery. The grievance machinery was composed of a bring up the decision to the CA under Rule 43 of the
grievance committee with representatives from RoC within 15 calendar days.
management and representatives from the CBU. They
I brought it up within 10 calendar days because the
thrived their best to resolve the dispute but they were not
decision of the voluntary arbitrator becomes final and
successful. So, when we look at the CBA, it says there “if
executory after 10 calendar days.
it is not resolve at the grievance committee then you will
have to be referred to the VA.” When we look at VA, it

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ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
On my own freewill, I decided to bring it up before the implementation of the productivity incentive program,
15-day kasi pag naging final and executory yun, it could be that is also another case that falls within the jurisdiction
subject of a writ of execution and I don’t want that to of the voluntary arbitrator.
happen so I brought it within 10 days to the CA and in
How is that so? Because it is the law themselves that say
the CA, by way of petition for review, I also asked for the
so. What law? On the wage distortion, it’s the Wage
issuance of a TRO to enjoin the enforcement of the
Rationalization Act that says so. In the case of
decision of the voluntary arbitrator which I know
productivity incentive program, it is the Productivity
becomes final and executory after 10 calendar days. So,
Incentive Act that says so that it must be referred to VA.
umakyat sa CA.
If I ask the question: What are other cases that fall within the
The CA did not issue a TRO. So, again I was afraid that
jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator? Be sure to take note
the voluntary arbitrator would execute a decision, so
of the wage distortion issue and issue involving the
what I did was I filed a motion to resolve the petition for
productivity incentive program.
review because time is of the essence and luckily, this
time the CA found merit on the petition and set aside the The power of the voluntary arbitrator is more or less quite
decision of the voluntary arbitrator. The person similar, not exactly the same but quite similar to the
aggrieved is no longer the ER but this time it was the power and authority of a LA. If the LA is the one
CBU. designated as the voluntary arbitrator, that is VALID.

They brought up the case to the SC under Rule 45 of the If it is the LA conducting the proceeding, he will have to
RoC after their motion for reconsideration was denied by be governed by the Revised Procedural Guidelines in
the CA. In the SC, there were so many issues that were the Conduct of Voluntary Arbitration Proceedings, not
brought up including the procedure of bringing up the the NLRC rules because in my example he was
decision of the voluntary arbitrator to the CA, the rest was designated as the voluntary arbitrator, but if he were to
history. act in his capacity as a LA, what rules do you apply? It is
the NLRC RoP as amended.
Basically, that is a summary of the Revised Procedural
Guidelines in the Conduct of Voluntary Arbitration There is one provision here that is quiet notable: “MR –
Proceedings. the decision of the voluntary arbitrator is not subject of
a MR.” This provision has been declared VOID by the
I’d like to mention that while it is true that under the LC,
SC in one labor case. I want you to find what labor case is
there are 2 items that fall within the original and exclusive
that. (Kung mo hatag nalang diay ka atty? Wag mo na kami
jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator, if you look at the
pahirapan maghanap enebe)
Revised Procedural Guidelines, there are other cases that
the voluntary arbitrator may try, hear and decide. It says GUAGUA NATIONAL COLLEGE v CA [ G.R. No.
here, “all wage distortion issues arising from the 188492, August 28, 2018 ]
application of any wage orders in organized
establishment.” The Court notes that despite the clarification made
in Teng v. Pagahac, the Department of Labor and
Remember in LabStan, we discussed wage distortion, if Employment (DOLE) and the National Conciliation
there is a wage distortion involving an organized and Mediation Board (NCMB) have not revised or
establishment, that issue arising from the wage amended the Revised Procedural Guidelines in the
distortion is within the jurisdiction of the voluntary Conduct of Voluntary Arbitration Proceedings insofar as
arbitrator. its Section 7 of Rule VII is concerned. This inaction has
obviously sown confusion, particularly in regard to the
Another case that falls under the jurisdiction of the
filing of the motion for reconsideration as a condition
voluntary arbitrator will be all unresolved grievances
precedent to the filing of the petition for review in the
arising from the interpretation and implementation of
CA. Consequently, we need to direct the DOLE and the
the productivity incentive programs under RA 6971
NCMB to cause the revision or amendment of Section
because we have the Productivity Incentive Act. Kapag
7 of Rule VII of the Revised Procedural Guidelines in the
merong unresolved issues arising from the
University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS • CUYOS • MOLINA 9
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Conduct of Voluntary Arbitration Proceedings in order to
allow the filing of motions for reconsideration in line
with Article 276 of the Labor Code.

The principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies

equally applies to proceeding before the voluntary
arbitrator and a MR is considered plain, speed and
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. The
parties should not be prevented to file a MR with the
voluntary arbitrator notwithstanding the expression
prohibition kasi itong express prohibition, was declared
void by the SC in one labor case.

I will not tell you what labor case is that, you have to
find that for me. *rolls eyes*


University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS • CUYOS • MOLINA 10

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