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Name: Saurav Dhakal

Student ID: 30379328

SUBSYSTEM: Airbnb Management System

In this assignment, according to our group discussion I have decided to work on
the sub system Airbnb Management System.
Stakeholders of the subsystem

1. Hosts: Hosts are like partners who host the event for Airbnb. This can be regarded
as External Stakeholder.

2. Employees: Employees have a direct interest in the business because they earn a
living wage and receive other benefits (both monetary and non-monetary).
Employees may have a health and safety interest, depending on the nature of the
company. The employees, here, are considered as the internal operational

3. Guests (Customer): Many people believe that companies exist to represent the
needs of their clients. Customers are stakeholders in the sense that the quality of
service/products and their value influence them. Therefore, Customer are
considered as the external operational stakeholder of the businesses.

4. Shareholders: Shareholders put money into the company with the expectation of
getting a certain return on their investment. Both shareholders are stakeholders, but
stakeholders are not shareholders. It is an External Stakeholder. [ CITATION New \l
1033 ]
S. No. Actors Use Case Description
1 Guests Provide information They provide details
like number of
guests, check -in and
out date.
2 Employee Receive the details Receive the details
and fill in the
3 Employee Provide available They check the
property property available
and show to the
4 Guests Select the property They select the
property that they
5 Employee Provide the Provide the property
information to Hosts selected to the host.
6 Hosts Book the Property They book the
property with email
of the guests.
7 Employee Payment They provide the
price for the
property after
booking with Cash or
card option.
8 Guests Do the payment and They pay the amount
confirm the booking and booking is done.
9 Manager Exceptional Sometime some of
cancelation of the the booking gets
booking cancelled with either
sides ‘problem.
10 Airbnb Management Manage the finance All the finance are to
be managed for
proper sales details.
Brief Use Case Description
Use Case Diagram
Class Diagram
Constructive Reflection

The Assessment 1 was a very fun assessment to work on with

Airbnb. I felt excited to work on the topic related to Airbnb
and find its stakeholders. Although with the excitement,
there was a lot of confusion over the different subsystem as
the stakeholders were tough to find out. But once I found out
about the stakeholders, the work was reduced by 75%. I read
many scholar articles about Airbnb to find out about the
stakeholders. If something like this will arise in the future
again, I will just focus on reading the case study and the
articles related to the topic.[ CITATION How \l 1033 ]

How to Apply Gibb's Cycle of Reflection. (n.d.). Retrieved from Medium:

News. (n.d.). Retrieved from News Airbnb:

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