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Module Handbook 2020/21

Module Name: Heat Transfer Power and the Environment

Module Code: UFMFW8-30-2

Module Leader Name: Rachel Szadziewska & Peter Kay


1. Module team information ........................................................... 3

2. Module enhancement ................................................................ 3
3. Introduction and context ............................................................ 3
4. Learning outcomes .................................................................... 4
5. Use of Blackboard and other learning technologies ........................ 4
6. Module schedule ....................................................................... 5
7. Learning and teaching on this module ......................................... 5
8. Reading list .............................................................................. 5
9. Past exam papers ..................................................................... 5
10. Assessment .............................................................................. 6
11. Communication ........................................................................ 7
12. Advice and support ................................................................... 7

1. Module team information
Module leader

 Rachel Szadziewska
 4Z032
 0117 32 87119
 Please email to arrange an appointment

Tutor team (if applicable)

 Dr Peter Kay
 4Z032
 0117 32 86068
 Please email to arrange an appointment

External examiners

External examiners are appointed to this module to provide the University

with impartial and independent advice, as well as informative comment on
the institution's standards and on student achievement in relation to those
standards. See the external examiner appointed to this field.

2. Module enhancement
The recent pandemeic has resulted in us making significant changes to the
delivery of the Module. We hope that you appreciate the material that we
have developed. These alterations will enable us to respond quickly should
the need arise.

3. Introduction and context

This core module builds on the pre-requisite first year modules of Fluid
Dynamics and Thermodynamics. Thermofluids is a fundamental skill for a
Mechanical Engineer.

4. Learning outcomes
By the end of the module you should be able to demonstrate:

MO1 Knowledge of the principal methods of power

generation and use
MO2 An appreciation of the relationships between
sustainable development, energy production and
MO3 Knowledge of the principal mechanisms of heat
transfer and its application in the design of heat
MO4 Knowledge of the cost drivers, commercial
constraints, uncertainty and risks in power
generation and heat exchangers
MO5* Ability to acquire and analyse experimental data
from laboratory and test cell experiments*
MO6* Appreciation of health and safety aspects of
working with power generating equipment*

* These learning outcomes have been removed for 2020 -2021 as, due to
the current pandemic, the decision was taken to remove the very intensive
lab assessments.

5. Use of Blackboard and other learning

Blackboard is a key communication area – especially this year.

The weekly schedule will clearly identify the expectations each week and
will direct you to the appropriate material. Lessons are pre-recorded, online
live and face to face. Both Xerte and Collaborate will be used.

Use the online help section (Discussion Board) to ask questions. Remember
to subscribe to the the forum to receive update on queries and solutions

All course material will be uploaded here in the Learning Materials section
and includes Powerpoints, Course Notes and past exam questions.

6. Module schedule
The indicative schedule for the first Teaching Block is:

Week number Topics

14(1) Introduction to radiation & thermography
Introduction to conduction & convection
15(2) Multilayers slabs with fluid boundaries
Newton Raphson method
Overall heat transfer coefficient
1-D Heat transfer in pipes and cylinders
17(4) Forced convection
Introduction to heat exchangers
Double pipe heat exchangers
Heat exchangers - shell & tube, temperature correction
factor & unknown outlet temperature
20(7) Natural convection
21(8) 2/3D Conduction – gauss seidel
22(9) Extended surfaces – fins & pins
26(10) Unsteady state heat conduction (transient)
Radiation - view factor algebra, crossed strings & grey

The schedule for the second Teaching Block will be added at a later date.

7. Learning and teaching on this module

The weekly schedule will clearly identify the expectations each week and
will direct you to the appropriate material. Lessons are pre-recorded, online
live and face to face. Both Xerte and Collaborate will be used.

8. Reading list
Your module reading list can be accessed online through the module's
Blackboard page.

9. Past exam papers

Examples are available on the Module Blackboard site

10. Assessment
50 % MO1
Examination - Component A* MO2
Examination - Component B* 50 % MO3
*Please note Heat Transfer is Component B but delivered first

If personal circumstances are preventing you from undertaking a

coursework assignment or an exam, the University's academic support
process might be able to help you. We recommend you contact an
Information Point as soon as you can so that they can recommend the best
option for your circumstances; the earlier they know about a problem the
sooner they can help you. The University's range of wellbeing support
options can also offer help and support if you are experiencing personal
difficulties. Alternatively, if you need help or advice about study skills, you
can access this from the link in the main menu of your module page in


You will receive informal feedback verbally through all teaching sessions –
ensure you listen carefully. Each assessment you submit will be returned to
you with written feedback, and consists of comments made by tutors on
students' assessed work which enables students to understand how they
have met the defined assessment criteria and identifying areas for further
improvement. The period for providing feedback will not normally exceed
20 working days (excluding University closure days) following the deadline
for submission of the assessment concerned. This period may be shorter or
longer for some forms of assessment. Where the period is greater than 20
working days, students will be informed of the deadline and the rationale
for the extension. Outcomes which have not been confirmed by an
examining board shall be considered as unconfirmed.

MyUWE is used to communicate unconfirmed marks, provide cover sheets

for assessments and to submit work.

11. Communication
Throughout your time with us, you will receive regular communication from
your module leaders, and also administrative staff. It is your responsibility
to ensure that you read everything that you are sent, and act upon it
where appropriate.

The main communication channel used is Blackboard for all the modules
you are currently studying. This should be checked regularly for module
specific information, new content and announcements.

Please see further information on all aspects of your myUWE portal.

In addition, the Faculty also has a Staff and Student Communications

Policy that applies to all FET staff and students.

12. Advice and support

There is a range of facilities and services available to go to for advice and
support, depending on what the issue is. Remember − asking for help at
the earliest possible stage will help you in the long run. Your Academic
Personal Tutor will be able to support you with matters relating to teaching
and learning and can help signpost you to other services. If you are not
able to contact your Academic Personal Tutor for any reason, go to an
Information Point.

Student Support Advisers are available and can also be contacted through
the Information Points.

However, you are more than welcome to talk to other members of UWE
staff depending on who you feel most comfortable talking to.

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