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Documentation Outline and Guidelines for Undergraduate Capstone Project

Copyright @ 2021

3-5 total pages (note: no blank spaces each page)

Background of the Study

- definition of the system (at least 3 citations from various authors)
 foreign to Local
 5 years backward
- use APA Formatting and Style. Click the link below further information
- for citation and references guide.
- Note: As a general rule all citation/s must be included in the reference/bibliography section in your paper. Do this
part later.
General Rules – APA Reference List

 The list of references must be on a new page at the end of your text. The word References should be centered
at the top of the page. Do not underline, bold, enlarge or use quotes for the word References. The reference
list must include all references cited in the text of your paper. The only exceptions to this rule are personal
communications and classical works; they are cited in text only and are not included in the Reference list.

 Capitalization: APA Style has two capitalization methods that are used in different contexts – title case
and sentence case:

o Title case: Each word in the title is capitalized, except for articles (a, an, the), prepositions (against,
between, in, of, to), conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet), and the infinitive to. Titles of
periodicals (journals, magazines and newspapers) are in title case.

o Sentence case: Only the first word and proper nouns in the title are capitalized. Always capitalize the
first word, the first word after a colon or a dash. For further information of what nouns to capitalize.

 Electronic sources: DOI or URL

o DOI: If a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is listed on either a print or an electronic source it is included in
the reference. A DOI is a unique alphanumeric string that is used to identify a certain source (typically
journal articles). Example: doi:10.1080/14622200410001676305. You will not have to include the URL
of the article's home page or of the database from which you retrieved the article if a DOI is available.

o URL: If there is no DOI for an article found in an online periodical or book, include the URL for the
journal home page. If the article does not have a DOI, APA says to provide the homepage URL for the
article or the publisher. Do not provide electronic database information, since it is not stable retrieval

 Abbreviations:

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o ed. = edition

o Ed. or Eds. = Editor(s)

o n.d. = no date (for not date of publication)

o p. or pp. = Page(s)

o Vol. or Vols. = Volume(s)

o No. = Number

 Order: Entries should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors' last names. Sources without authors are
arranged alphabetically by title within the same list. The references are arranged alphabetically, by the last
name of the first author or, if author is not available - by title. Ignore the words A, An, and The when ordering
by title.

 Italics: Titles of larger works (i.e. books, journals, encyclopedias) are italicized. Italicize book titles, journal
titles, and volume numbers. Do NOT italicize issue numbers.

 Page numbers: Use the abbreviation p. or pp. to designate page numbers of articles from periodicals that do
not use volume numbers, especially newspapers. These abbreviations are also used to designate pages in
encyclopedia articles and chapters from edited books.

 Indentation*: The first line of the entry is flush with the left margin, and all subsequent lines are indented (5 to
7 spaces) to form a "hanging indent".

 Authors: If the Reference list includes two or more entries by the same author(s), list them in chronological
order with the earliest first.

 Spacing: All References should be double-spaced, and should have a hanging indent (of 5-7 spaces) for the
second and subsequent lines for each entry.

 URL break: When the Reference entry includes a URL that must be divided between two lines, break it before a
slash or dash or at another logical division point.

 Remove hyperlinks: Remember to set your Word preferences to remove hyperlinks from URLs to prevent
them appearing with an underline.

For more info visit the link below:
Situation Analysis
- Situation Analysis should be presented from macro to micro underscoring existing scenario or situation.
- It includes information necessary to justify the existence of a problem situation/need/gap like statistical data from
authoritative source(s).

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- There should be a clinching statement to link the situation analysis to project problem.
- Note: The proponents should introduce the presentation of the problem, that is, what is the problem is all about. The
proponent should describe the existing and prevailing problem situation based on his or her or company (general)
experience. This scope may be global, national, or regional and local. Further, the proponents should state a sentence
or two that would show the link and relationship of the rationale of the study to the proposed project problem.
 state the problem (manual) of the existing system based on the following:
 Observation
 Experience (provided you are employed in that company that you conducted your research studies)
 Interview (structured, semi-structured and Non-structured)
 Cited existing research studies (published, journal or article citation)
 It includes information necessary to justify the existence of a problem situation/need/gap like statistical data
from authoritative source(s).
 scope may be global, national, or regional and local

- how automation solves the problem?

 Minimum of 2 pages
 Solutions cited from a minimum of 2 readings/researches or citations.

- definition of the automated system (at least 3 citations from various authors)
 foreign to Local
 5 years backward
Conceptual Framework
- INPUT (specific objectives must be declarative statement), PROCESS (methodology (i.e. ageile, scrum, rad) in Graphical
User Interface design) and OUTPUT (title of the system) model

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Note: Text written in red are not included in your documentation. It just serve as your guide to emphasize something.

- Tip: research some example from IT thesis books in the library

Statement of Objectives
- objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound)
- general objective must be written in declarative statement.
- specific objectives (choose three that fits to system requirement)

The research study aims to create and design (proposed title). Specifically, it seeks to meet the following
1. to identify the existing process;
1.1 Itemized (optional)
2. to determine the design of the proposed system;
2.1 Itemized (optional)
3. to describe the features of the proposed system;
3.1 Itemized (optional)
4. to determine the hardware and software requirements of the system; and (optional)
4.1 Itemized (optional)
5. to test the acceptability of the system (optional, depending on the system requirements).

Significance of the Study

- minimum of 1 sentence per stakeholder
- the order must be from the most to the less important

Scope and Limitations of the Project

- Think the project scope as a box. High-level scope defines the sides of the box and separates what is relevant to your
project from what is irrelevant.
- The scope refers to the work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified
features and functions.
- The scope explains the nature, coverage, and time frame of the study
- The limitation, on the other hand, explains all that are NOT included in your project.
- In other words, the scope of the project gives an overview all the deliverables (i.e. the things that your project
gives/delivers), and the tools and technologies used that will be used in the project development while the limitations
of the project are the boundaries of the project (i.e. areas/things that are out of scope).

Definition of Terms
- the order must be from the most to the less important
- should be at max 2 pages
- focus mostly on technical terms

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- Minimum of 10 literatures on "Identify existing process”

 (citation) foreign to local
 5 years backward
 Synthesis at the end of the literature review for "Identify existing process"
 Synthesis 1 Paragraph only (no citation)
How do you write a synthesis in research?
 Gather literature that addresses your research question.
 Review literature and take notes: describe, summarize, analyze, and identify key concepts.
 Synthesize literature: compare & contrast, critically evaluate, interpret, so that you can draw conclusion.
 Contribution of the studies in your citation.

- Minimum of 10 literatures on "Describe the design of the proposed system"

 (citation) foreign to local
 Synthesis at the end of the literature review for "Describe the design of the proposed System"
 Synthesis 1 Paragraph only (no citation)

- Minimum of 10 literatures on "Describe the features of the proposed system"

 (citation) foreign to local
 Synthesis at the end of the literature review for "Describe the features of the proposed System"
 Synthesis 1 Paragraph only (no citation)

- Minimum of 10 literatures on "Test the acceptability of the proposed system"

 (citation) foreign to local
 Synthesis at the end of the literature review for "Test the acceptability of the proposed System"
 Synthesis 1 Paragraph only (no citation)


Research Design
- use descriptive developmental methodology
Rule: Each phase in the SDLC must have two paragraphs
- Tips:
1.1 State (instead “developer (after system develop)” use “researcher (before system develop)” example: The
researcher used the descriptive development type of research)
1.2 Define (citation two authors or sources according to their definition/s)
1.3 Justify (discuss why you choose descriptive developmental research …. that is your own words.) Example of
methodologies (agile, scrum, waterfall, RAD and etc.)

Sources of Data
- Internet or Web Research (state and justify (your own words))
- Library Research/Books (state and justify (your own words - no citation))
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- Observation (state and justify (your own words - no citation))

Tools for Data Analysis

- Fishbone Diagram (define + citation/diagram/describe or explain the flow)
Define (cite author)
Fishbone Diagram
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.1 as shown above is the Fishbone Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Flowchart (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.2 as shown above is the Flowchart of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- ERD Diagram (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
ERD Diagram
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.3 as shown above is the ERD Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Class Diagram (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
Class Diagram
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.4 as shown above is the Fishbone Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Database Design
Define (cite author)
Tips: create database to your http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
Next, click

Table 2.1 admin

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
Name varchar(50) No
username (Primary) varchar(50) No
Password varchar(255) No
Type int(11) No
Status int(11) No 1
date_join Datetime No CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

- Database Schema (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
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Database Schema (figures)
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.5 as shown above is the Use Case Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Database Instance (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
Database Instance (figures)
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.6 as shown above is the Use Case Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Use Case Diagram (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
Use Case Diagram (figures)
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.7 as shown above is the Use Case Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Activity Diagram (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
Class Diagram
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.8 as shown above is the Activity Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Interaction diagram (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
Class Diagram
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.9 as shown above is the Interaction Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Sequence diagram (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
Class Diagram
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.10 as shown above is the Sequence Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Communication diagrams (define + citation/describe or explain the flow)

Define (cite author)
Class Diagram
Describe or explain the flow
Ex. Figure 2.11 as shown above is the Communication Diagram of Water Billing of Colegio de Dagupan

- Graphical User Interface (forms/plates/screenshots/describe or explain the flow)

Ex. Plate 2.12 Admin Module
Describe or explain the function of the module


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Article in Online Magazine
"Business Coalition for Climate Action Doubles." Environmental Defense.. 8 May 2007. Environmental
Defense Organization. Retrieved from

Article from Online Newspaper

Clinton, Bill. Interview. New York Times on the Web. Retrieved from

Unknown Author, Page on a Web site

Global Warming. 2007. Cooler Heads Coalition. Retrieved from

An Article from a Professional Journal, NOT online:

Gowdy, John. "Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co-evolutionary Economics of Sustainability."
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology.  14.1 (2007): 27-36.

For more info visit the link below:

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