Development Planning Process in The Philippines:: Vertical and Horizontal Linkage

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Development Planning Process

in the Philippines:
Vertical and Horizontal Linkage
Orientation/Workshop on the Formulation of Provincial Results Matrices for the Province of Cotabato
February 08, 2021 via videoconference
Development planning process
Target Indicators Investment
PPAs Programming
Planning RRM
C/MRM Revenue
Accomp. Indicators
RRM Monitoring & Project Evaluation
PRM evaluation & Development



The RM is an instrument designed
to provide results orientation to the
development plans-PDP,RDP,
PDPFP, CDP, and other thematic
It is anchored on results-based
management (RbM), a strategy focusing
on performance, by highlighting the
achievement of results at different levels.
Relationship of RMs to Development Plans


Mainstream / Harmonize CBMS, CDRA, CSPP, RaPIDS
15 Years 17 Goals 169 Targets 232 Indicators
2040 1

5 8 9 14

6 15 16

7 10 11 12 13

17 19 18 20
Chapters 2, 3, 4 – Global/ regional prospects, economic growth,
demographic trends, physical characteristics

Chapter 21 – Plan implementation and monitoring

RDP Chapters in Sectoral Alignment
15 16

5 6 7

20 9
19 18
Results Matrix 2017-2022
Midterm Update
Major Considerations in Preparing the RRM
The RM should be aligned with the
• 0+10 socioeconomic agenda of President Duterte
• P/RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update
• Agenda 2030, SFDRR

As a guide to the programming process, the RM shall be used as the

basic framework in identifying and updating priority programs and
projects (AIP) under the RDIP, 2017-2022 and LDIPs.
• Executive Order (EO) No.
27 – Directing all
Government Agencies
and Instrumentalities to
implement the Philippine
Development Plan (PDP)
and Public Investment
Program (PIP) for the
period 2017-2022

• Issued on 01 June 2017

to PDPFP /
SDG Indicator: 4.3.s1 Net Enrolment Rate in elementary
4.3.s2 Net Enrolment Rate in secondary education
Harmonized Net Enrolment Rate increased (%)
a. Kinder
PDP/ b. Elementary
RDP c. Junior HS
Indicators d. Senior HS
RaPIDs/ Local Net Enrolment Rate in
a. Elementary
RMs b. Secondary
SDG Indicator: 9.1.2 Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of
Harmonized • Round-trip flights increased (number of flights,
PDP/ • Passengers transported by sea increased (in
RDP number of passengers, cumulative)
Indicators • Cargo shipped increased (international and
domestic) (MT, cumulative)
RaPIDs or • Number of flights
• Number of passengers
Local RMs
SDG Indicator: 15.3.1p1 Forest Cover Change ( from
close to open forest)
Harmonized • Forest cover increased (in ha)
RaPIDs/Local • Loss of Forest Cover/ Rate of
RMs Deforestration
Results Matrix 2017-2022
Midterm Update
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 5: Ensuring people-centered, clean, and efficient governance

• Score in national government index (NGI) improved

• Percentile rank in the worldwide Governance Indicator (WGI)-Control of
Corruption Indicator improved
• Percentile rank in Corruption Perception Index (CPI) improved
• Percentile rank in the WGI-Regulatory Quality Improved
• RDP Proxy indicator: Improved percentile ranking in the cities and
municipalities index
• Percentile rank in the Global Competitiveness Improved
• Percentile rank in the WGI-Government Effectiveness Indicator improved
• Percentile rank in the WGI-voice and accountability indicator improved
• RDP Proxy indicator: Percentage of LGUs that are complying with 25% or
more NGO representation in LDCs
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 5: Ensuring people-centered, clean, and efficient governance

• Open Budget Index (OBI) score improved

RDP Proxy indicator
• Compliance to the Transparency Seal
• Compliance to the Full Disclosure Policy
• Proportions of positions (by sex, age, persons with disabilities and
population groups) in public institutions (national and local
legislatures, public service, and judiciary) compared to national
distributions increased (%)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 6: Pursue swift and fair administration of justice

• Percentile rank in the World Governance Index – Rule of Law

• Percentile rank in the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of
Law Index: Fundamental Rights improved
• Percentile rank in the WJP- Rule of Law Index: Civil Justice
indicator improved
• Percentile rank in the WJP- Rule of Law Index: Criminal
Justice indicator improved
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 7: Promote Philippine Culture and Values

• Tolerance and respect for others enhanced

• Pride of being Filipino increased (%)
• Distribution of cultural infrastructure index
RDP Proxy Indicator:Number of Cultural Events
• Increased number of development plans with culture
a)Regional Development Plans
b)Provincial Development Plans
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 7: Promote Philippine Culture and Values
• Number of documentations conducted on indigenous knowledge
systems and practices increased
• Number of cultural conservation management plans developed across
all levels of government
• Percentage of municipalities, cities, and provinces with Indigenous
Peoples Mandatory Representation (IPMR) (cumulative)
• Percentage of LGUs with cultural mapping completed
• Percentage of LGUs mainstreaming culture in their local development
plans increased
• Percentage of LGUs with Local Culture and Arts Councils (LCACs)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 8: Expand economic opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery
1.Growth of Gross Value Added (GVA) in Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries (AFF) Increased (%, in real terms)
a. Crops
b. Livestock
c. Poultry
d. Forestry
• Growth in Value of Production of Fisheries Increased (%, at constant
a. Commercial
b. Municipal
c. Aquaculture
• Yield of Major Commodities Increased (MT/ha, cumulative)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 8: Expand economic opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery

• Volume of Production for livestock, poultry vegetables and high value

commercial crops (HVCC) Increased ('000 MT, Cumulative

• Growth in Labor Productivity of Farmers and Fisherfolk Increased

(%, in real terms)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 9 Expanding economic opportunities in Industry and Service through
Trabaho and Negosyo
• Gross Value Added (GVA) growth rate in industry sector improved
• Manufacturing GVA as a proportion of GDP increased
• GVA growth rate in the services sector improved (%)
• Employment generated by the industry increased (‘000s)
• Manufacturing employment as a proportion to total employment increased (%)
• Employment generated from the services sector increased (‘000s)
• Total approved investments increased (PhP million)
• Number of barangay micro business enterprises registered increased
• Number of Shared Service Facilities (SSFs) established
• Number of Negosyo Centers
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 10 Accelerating Human Capital Development
• Mean years of schooling increased
• Functional Literacy Rate increased (%)
• Net Enrolment Rate increased (%)
• Kinder
• Elementary
• Junior HS
• Senior HS
• Completion Rate increased (%)
• Elementary
• Junior HS
• Senior HS
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 10 Accelerating Human Capital Development

• Proportion of students performing at moving towards mastery, closely

approximating mastery or mastered increased (%)
• Elementary
• Junior HS
• Senior HS
• Proportion of students at low mastery reduced (%)
• Junior HS
• Senior HS
• Government expenditure for higher education research, development, and
innovation as a percentage of GDP increased (%)
• Certification rate of TVET graduates increased (%)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 10 Accelerating Human Capital Development

• Life expectancy at birth (years) increased (Male and Female)

• Total fertility rate (average number of births per woman aged 15-49
during her lifetime) decreased
• Maternal mortality ratio decreased (number of deaths per 100,000 live
• Neonatal mortality rate decreased (number of deaths per 1,000 live
• Infant mortality rate decreased (number of deaths per 1,000 live births)
• Under-5 mortality rate decreased (number of deaths per 1,000 live
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 10 Accelerating Human Capital Development

• Premature mortality attributed to cardiovascular disease,

cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases decreased
(number of deaths per 100,000 population)
• Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 decreased (%)
• Tuberculosis incidence decreased (per 100,000 population)
• Number of newly diagnosed HIV cases decreased
• Modern contraceptive prevalence rate increased (%)
• Proportion of fully immunized children increased
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 11: Reducing Vulnerabilities of Individuals and Families

• Percentage of out-of-pocket expenditure over total health expenditure

decreased (%)
• Proportion of children aged 5-17 years removed in child labor
• Number of deaths due to disaster per 100,000 population
• Number of missing persons due to disaster per 100,000 population
• Percentage of population covered by PhilHealth insurance
• Proportion of poor senior citizens covered by social pension
• Percentage of economically active population contributing to SSS
pension scheme increased (cumulative)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 11: Reducing Vulnerabilities of Individuals and Families

• Percentage of families affected by natural and human-induced

calamities provided with relief assistance
• Percentage of emergency shelter assistance provided
• National Health Insurance Program availment rate increased (%)
• Social Protection Index
• Percentage of women age 15-49 who have experienced spousal
a. Physical Abuse
b. Sexual abuse
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 11: Reducing Vulnerabilities of Individuals and Families

• Poverty incidence for basic sectors

• Children
• Women
• Youth
• Senior Citizens

• Land tenure security and protection for IPs and farmers ensure
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 12: Building Safe and Secure Communities

1. Proportion of urban population living in informal settlements decreased (%,

2. Proportion of socialized housing target to housing needs improved
3. Occupancy Rate
4. Number of government resettlement sites with complete housing facilities prior to
5. Retention Rate
6. Number of Housing Units Produced by the Private Sector (i.e., Gawad Kalinga,
Habitat for Humanity)
7. Percentage/Number of Local Government Units (LGUs) with Local Shelter Plan
8. Number of Housing Loan Take-outs (i.e., HDMF, SHFC, Landbank, GSIS) and
Value (PhP)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 13: Reaching the Demographic Dividend

1. Crude death rate decreased

2. Total fertility rate decreased
3. Adolescent birth rate (aged 15-19 years) (per 1,000 women in that
age group) decreased
4. Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate increased (%)
5. Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) decreased
6. Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) decreased
7. Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 decreased (%)
8. Youth not in education or employment
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 13: Reaching the Demographic Dividend

9. Mean years of schooling

10. Population growth rate (%)
11. Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)
12. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (any method/ all methods) (%)
13. Unmet need for family planning (%)/ Proportion of women of
reproductive age 15-49 years with unmet need for family planning
14. Age dependency ratio (youth and old age)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 14: Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology and Innovation

• Total Number of Filipino patent registered

• Total number of Filipino utility model registered
• Total number of Filipino industrial design registered
• Proportion of Regional Intellectual Property Expenditure by
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 15: Ensuring Sound Macroeconomic Policy

• Local source of LGU income to total income

• Inflation rate
• Annual value of microfinance services delivery maintained
(in Billion Pesos)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 16: Leveling the Playing Field through a National Competition Policy

• GCI overall ranking improved

• GCI business dynamism/sophistication improved
• GCI product market efficiency improved
• GCI market size improved
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 17: Attaining Just and Lasting Peace

1. Percentage of barangays affected by internal armed conflict

cleared and protected
2. Poverty incidence in conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable
areas decreased
3. Percentage of HH in conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable
barangays with improved access to social services
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety

1. Average monthly index crime rate reduced

2. Average monthly non-index crime rate reduced
3. Index crime solution efficiency improved
4. Non-index crime solution efficiency improved
5. Zero casualties due to human-induced disasters
6. Zero casualties due to natural disasters
7. Police-to-population ratio increased
8. Fireman-to-population ratio increased
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 19: Accelerate Infrastructure Development

Airports and Seaports

• Round-trip flights increased (number of flights, cumulative)

• Passengers transported by sea increased (in number of
passengers, cumulative)
• Cargo shipped increased (international and domestic) (MT,
• Number of vehicles carried by RORO vessels increased
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 19: Accelerate Infrastructure Development

Water Resources Management

1. Percentage of Flood Prone Area Covered by Flood Control Project
2. Cropping intensity increased (%, cumulative)
3. Ratio of actual irrigated area to the total potential irrigable area increased (%,
4. Proportion of HHs with access to improved/basic sanitation facilities to total
number of HHs increased (%, cumulative)
5. Proportion of HHs with access to safe water supply to total number of HHs
increased (%, cumulative)
6. Households Served by Level 3 Water Supply Systems Increased
7. [Proportion of cities/municipalities served by water districts with 24/7 water
supply increased (%, cumulative)]
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 19: Accelerate Infrastructure Development

Energy Supply
1. Power requirements are met (% available capacity over peak demand)
2. Energy intensity (primary energy) reduced (tons of oil equivalent per million
3. Energy intensity (electricity consumption) reduced (kWh per million peso)
4. Proportion of HHs with electricity to total number of HHs increased (%,
5. Conserved annual amount of electricity and fuel increased (in kilotons oil
equivalent (KTOE), cumulative)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 19: Accelerate Infrastructure Development

Roads and Bridges

1. Road traffic accident rate reduced (in number of deaths per 100,000 population)
- incidents of accidents
2. Travel time (decreased) via land per key corridor (in hours)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 19: Accelerate Infrastructure Development

1. Cost of ICT services decreased (% of Gross National Income (GNI) per capita)
2. Average broadband download speed increased (Mbps)
3. Proportion of public schools with internet access to total number of public
schools increased (%, cumulative)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 19: Accelerate Infrastructure Development

Social and other cross cutting Infrastructure

1. Water and sanitation (WatSan) facility to pupil ratio improved
2. Proportion of Barangays with Barangay Health Stations (BHS), Rural Health Units
(RHU) or Urban Health Centers (UHC) to the total number of barangaysf increased
(%, cumulative)
3. LGUs with access to Sanitary Land Fills (SLFs) (in % of total no. of LGUs,
4. Number of LGUs served by SLFs
5. Classroom to pupil ratio improved
6. Proportion of public schools with connection to electricity to total number of public
schools increased (%, cumulative)
7. Proportion of public schools with adequate water and sanitation facilities to total
number of public schools increased (%, cumulative)
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 20: Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment

1. Forest cover increased (in ha)

2. Quality of coastal and marine habitats improved (in ha)
3. Number of residential free patents issued
4. Employment from ecotourism and sustainable community resource-based
enterprise increased
5. Percentage of highly urbanized and other major urban centers within ambient air
quality guideline value (i.e., PM10 and PM2.5) increased
6. Percentage of priority water bodies within water quality guidelines increased
7. Number of LGUs with APPROVED CC-DRR enhanced plans
8. Number of LGUs with operating early warning systems (EWS) in-placed
9. Number of fully functional DRRM operation centers increased
PDP/RDP Harmonized Indicators
Chapter 21: Ensuring Regular and Safe Migration

• Percent share of documented to total OFs increased (%)*

• Philippine ranking on the US index on Trafficking in Persons
• Percent share of active to total members of OWWA increased (%)**
• Voter turnout increased (%)*
• International remittance costs as a proportion of the amount remitted
reduced (%)
• Percent of returnees successfully provided reemployment or
inquiries on the AmBisyon, PDP, RDP:

NEDA Regional Office XII

Regional Government Center,
Carpenter Hill, Koronadal City

Telefax: (083) 228-9203
Thank you.

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