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Online Final Examination Spring 2021

Student I.D: _______________ Date: 25/May/2021

Course Title: Fundamentals of Corporate Governance Course Code: MGT 442

Program: BBA- VIII / BBA(2Y)- IV Teacher Name: Usama Iqbal

Semester: Spring 2021 Marks: 40

 Type your Student ID in the above box
 Read the given case/questions carefully
 All questions are compulsory.
 Mention Your Program or Highlight it
 No Copy Pasting allowed.

Question No.1 (Marks 5)

What changes are expected within Corporate Governance system of
Pakistan after Implication of Gwadar and CPEC. Discuss at
Intellectual level.

Question No.2 (Marks 5)

What were some early Corporate Governance Issue faced by USA, East
Asia and Saudi Arabia. Answer these questions w.r.t Historic

Question No.3 (Marks 6)

Discuss the Purpose, Structure and Significance of Remuneration
Committee , Risk Committee and Nomination Committee

Question No.4 (Marks 6)

What are three Kinds of requirements provided by SECP and what
provisions are given in case of noncompliance.
Question No.5 (Marks 6)
Explain the following Corporate Life Cycle.

Question No.6 (Marks 6)

Differentiate between Current Creditor, Future Creditor, Creditors
Generally, Creditors Individually
Ans : Current creditor means that is a financial institution, such as a bank or
credit card issuer, that has a right to be repaid

Future creditor which means that a person who may mortgage in financial bank

Creditor individually means that a person who there owe things Individually

Question No.7 (Marks 6)

Explain the relationship between Underwriter and IPO

IPO underwriters are financial specialists who work closely with the issuing

body to determine the initial offering price of the securities, buy the securities
from the issuer, and sell the securities to investors via the
underwriter's distribution network. An underwriter is a party that assesses
and bears the risk of another party in exchange for a fee.

Underwriters are important in a variety of financial businesses, including

mortgage lending, insurance, equity markets, and some types of debt security

Underwriters are responsible for estimating the level of risk, or the possibility
that a particular outcome or investment would occur. An IPO, also known as a
stock market launch, is a public offering in which a company's shares are sold
to institutional investors[1] as well as retail (individual) investors. [two] One or
more investment banks normally underwrite an IPO, and they also arrange for
the shares to be listed on one or more stock exchanges. Floating, or going is a
term used to describe this phenomenon.

Explain the relationship between Voice and German CG System

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