Ethics 2

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Maverick Pete

Part 1 Define the Following

1. Critical Thinking - A way of thinking in which the thinker enhances the quality of his or her thinking by
examining thinking mechanisms and enforcing conceptual criteria on their subject, issue, or substance.

2. Politics - Derived from the Greek word polis or city-state which means a political community whose
membership is restricted mainly to its citizens.

3. Society - A group in which man belongs with where they share a total common life. Domain of politics
and center stage of a citizen's political life.

4. Citizenship - Membership in a political state known as state.

5. Sovereignty - The ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in
the maintenance of order.

6. Maturity - The state of being responsible knowing whether it is positive or negative.

7. Metacognition / Metacognitive - The higher order of thinking and it is more on understanding.

8. Education - The process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals,
beliefs, and habits.

9. Thinking - The logic, reasoning and understanding.

10. Ethics - A system of moral principles, developed to identify good from evil

Part 2 Enumeration

1-3 Branches of Government

1. Legislative
2. Executive
3. Judicial

4-5 Principles of Citizenship

4. Jus sanguinis
5. Jus soli

6-10 Social Institution

6. Government
7. Economics
8. Education
9. Family
10. Religion

11-13 Schema of Self Awareness

11. Actual
12. Ideal
13. Ought

14-16 The prenatal development or stages

14. Germinal Period

15. Embryonic Period
16. Fetal Period

17-20 in order postnatal development or stages

17. Newborn
18. Infancy
19. Childhood
20. Adolescence

Part 3 Essay

1.What is the relationship of ethics with the formation and transformation of self.

Ethics actually guide man’s behavior and action as he relates himself in most situation in life. Ethics are
those which moralize what is good or bad. The ethics can be related to the transformation and
transformation of self, just because in order to develop yourself, you will need an ethics, just because in
order to develop yourself, the right or wrong must be known, because as a person make a sin, so we
must follow what is the ethics, in order to find our true self, not with the sake of others but with the
sake of ourselves. Because if you know what is right or wrong, you are actually practicing what is your

2. what is the relationship of ethics to politics.

Ethical behavior is closely linked to government and establishes citizens' rights and duties. A lot of the
social ethic is affected by government. They study human behavior and lay down laws for it. The politics
establishes laws to organize individuals and groups in order to bring about mass improvements. On the
other hand, ethics makes laws, aimed at the attainment of the ultimate good for the individual. It can be
said that political laws should be of such a nature that they may facilitate as much as possible the
achievement of the ultimate good. In this way ethics is not a branch of political science and neither is
political science a division of ethics, but the two are related. Political science should follow ethical

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