Ethics 1

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Maverick Pete


Test I. Definition of terms

1. Religion - Is a system of belief by a group of people concerning God or the creator. They believe
that ethics is an extension of religion, and that something that contradicts religious beliefs is
automatically immoral or unethical.

2. Secularism - is a result of the emergence of other alternatives that

compete with religion for recognition and acceptance, rather than the decline of

3. Atheism - It is an ideology that has no belief in any God.

4. Culture – is the root of people's alienation from the environment. Culture, therefore, is a
concept that refers to a wide and diverse collection of often intangible areas of social life.
Furthermore, they defined culture as the collective knowledge and schemes generated by a
group of people to perceive, view, convey and react to the social realities around them.

5. Eudaimonia - It is a Greek term usually defined as happiness, this is very important

for the reason that it is considered as the life of virtue, and virtue is needed in
achieving the purpose of human life.

Test II. Enumeration

1 – 4. Manifestation of Religion

- Worship
- Practice
- Teaching
- Observance

5 – 6. Derivation of the Term Culture

- Colere
- Cultura

7 – 9. Innate qualities of Human beings or individual

- Infant reflexes
- An interest in novelty
- A desire to explore and manipulate objects

10 – 14. Give at least 5 major religions

- Christianity
- Buddhism
- Islam
- Hinduism
- Judaism

15 – 20. Give at least 6 rituals of the Roman Catholic religion

- Eucharist
- Confirmation
- Matrimony
- Reconciliation
- Baptism
- Anointing of the Sick

Test III. Essay

1. Insights about Aristotle’s Nichomachean ethics.

- Aristotle's Nichomachean ethics are quite important in a person's life; it lets us determine
our role in this world, to discover the nature of happiness that complements an individual's
morality, when that virtue is required in achieving the goal of human life. He did not see
ethics as purely intellectual research for understanding what living a better life means.
Instead, an understanding of ethics is at the same time intellectual and also a means to
actually become better. Aristotle intended that ethics are both an intellectual and practical
pursuit, with the ultimate goal of human well-being and happiness.

2. How does culture narrow or widen a person’s ethical reasoning?

- A collection of traditions, knowledge, and ideas that characterize the social actions of a
certain group of people in society is referred to as culture. Knowledge characterizes people
as to how they conceptualize language, art, religion, and overall social interactions in the
community. People prefer to align their reasoning and behavior to the socially specified
moral values because culture is a model of social interaction in society. As a result, they end
up widening or narrowing their ethical thinking in keeping with the dominant cultural
norms. People will still be unable to consider new ethical concepts if existing moral values
are punitive and strict. Furthermore, if a person's culture is not different in the social room,
his or her ethical rationale may be expanded. People are more likely to have a more detailed
ethical rationale if the ethos of various social classes in society seems to be identical.

3. Is ethics possible without religion?

- Yes, others would say that something that goes against religion is immoral, but with a better
view of the meaning, a person will be ethical even though he or she does not have a religion,
for religion does not always teach one to be ethically correct, but ethics is simply an
extension of religion. We are the creation who know what is right and wrong. So, even
though there is no religion, we should be ethical and, as I previously said, we know what is
right and wrong, so what we want is up to us. By following the law that the government
provides our community, we can be ethical without religion. When we are faced with a
challenge, religion acts as a guide to help us make choices and develop our ethical behavior.
4. What is the insight of Thomas Aquinas about ethics and religion?
- Though Aquinas believes in the religious faith and revealed truths of the Christian tradition,
his philosophy is not, on the whole, rooted in both. In other words, the majority of Aquinas'
arguments do not require the reader to take the Bible as true to accept his premises and

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