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Open Course

O1.2 GE EXP6

TP0 -Student

Preliminary work

Software requirements
● Logisim-Evolution

Logisim Tutorials


Objectives of thePW
● Getting to grips with the Logisim software
● Discovering Logisim's functionalities

1. Presentation of the simulation software

The schematic input and simulation software chosen for the various digital
electronics teaching sequences is logisim-Evolution. It is a free, multi-platform
software (Windows, MacOs, linux, ...).

This software is very well known byeducators around the world and there is
a large amount of tutorials, videos and courses on this software. We have selected
two videos, quite short, allowing you to start slowly. Nothing prevents you from
watching others, butthese are compulsory!

Take the time to reproduce at home the actions that are shown.

One advantage of this software is that it allows the analysis of combinatorial

circuits. For example, from the circuit of the first video, you canobtain the output
equation, the truth table or the Karnaugh table (Menu "Project/Circuit analysis").
You can modify the truth table or the inputs/outputs and create a schematic from
these modifications.

2. Getting to grips with thesimulationsoftware

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Your job is to install the software on your personal computer, watch the
proposed video and reproduce the diagram and simulation presented in the
Take advantage of this moment to discover the other possibilities ofthis
software and to review your knowledge of Boolean logic:
● the "or", "and" and "no" operators,
● properties: associativity, commutativity, idempotence, ...
● tables of truths,
● algebraic and Karnaugh table simplifications,
● De Morgan's theorem, ...

2.1 Logisim Tutorial

Do the following parts :

- Beginner's tutorial

- Subcircuits

- Combinational analysis

2.2 Getting to grips with the tool

Using a blank sheet of paper, lay the following items:

● 1 Gate "ET" ( Gate AND )

● 2 entrances (accessible in the icon banner, this is the square)
● 1 exit (this is the round)

Connect the assembly as shown inFigure 1.

Figure 1

● Save your work (remember to save your work frequently)

● Select the hand with the index finger (we have moved on to simulation)

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● Press the inputs to observe the result on the output.

● Generate allpossiblestates(Truth Table)
● Modify the previous scheme to reproduce the scheme in Figure 2.
● Establish the complete truth table (n entries => 2 to the power of n lines on
the truth table)

Figure 2

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