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SANBI Biodiversity Series 8 (2008)

National Botanical Garden

New common Old common Scientific
Roberts No.


RDB Status
name name name
(Roberts VII) (Roberts VI) FS H HP KD K KZN L P WS

565 Bush Blackcap Bush Blackcap Lioptilus

E M NT 
566 Cape Bulbul Cape Bulbul Pycnonotus
E R    
567 African Red-eyed Redeyed Bulbul Pycnonotus
Bulbul nigricans
NE R,N  
568 Dark-capped Blackeyed Bulbul Pycnonotus tricolor
R    
569 Terrestrial Brownbul Terrestrial Bulbul Phyllastrephus
R  
572 Sombre Greenbul Sombre Bulbul Andropadus
R     
575 Eastern Nicator Yellowspotted Nicator gularis
R 
576 Kurrichane Thrush Kurrichane Turdus libonyana
R    
– Karoo Thrush Turdus smithi E R        
577 Olive Thrush Olive Thrush Turdus olivaceus E R        
580 Groundscraper Groundscraper Psophocichla
Thrush Thrush litsitsirupa
R    
581 Cape Rock-Thrush Cape Rock Monticola
Thrush rupestris
E R    
583 Short-toed Rock- Shorttoed Rock Monticola
Thrush Thrush breviceps
NE R,M 
586 Mountain Mountain Chat Oenanthe
Wheatear monticola
NE R,N  
587 Capped Wheatear Capped Oenanthe pileata
M,R 
589 Familiar Chat Familiar Chat Cercomela
R     
591 Sickle-winged Chat Sicklewinged Cercomela sinuata
E R 
592 Karoo Chat Karoo Chat Cercomela
NE R 
593 Mocking Cliff-Chat Mocking Chat Thamnolaea
R   
595 Ant-eating Chat Anteating Chat Myrmecocichla
E R  
596 African Stonechat Stonechat Saxicola torquatus R   
598 Chorister Robin- Chorister Robin Cossypha dichroa
E R 
599 White-browed Heuglin’s Robin Cossypha heuglini
R 
600 Red-capped Robin- Natal Robin Cossypha
Chat natalensis
R  
601 Cape Robin-Chat Cape Robin Cossypha caffra R         
602 White-throated Whitethroated Cossypha
Robin-Chat Robin humeralis
E R  
606 White-starred Starred Robin Pogonocichla
Robin stellata
R,M 
611 Cape Rock-jumper Cape Rockjumper Chaetops frenatus E R 
613 White-browed Whitebrowed Cercotrichas
Scrub-Robin Robin leucophrys
R   
614 Karoo Scrub-Robin Karoo Robin Cercotrichas
E R   

E – Endemic, NE – Near-endemic, BE – Breeding endemic; M – Migrant, N – Nomad, R – Resident; NT – Near-threatened, VU – Vulnerable. 21

Photographs: Mark D. Anderson,

SANBI Biodiversity Series 8 (2008)
SANBI Biodiversity Series 8 (2008)

National Botanical Garden

New common Old common Scientific
Roberts No.


RDB Status
name name name
(Roberts VII) (Roberts VI) FS H HP KD K KZN L P WS

616 Brown Scrub-Robin Brown Robin Cercotrichas

E R 
617 Bearded Scrub- Bearded Robin Cercotrichas
Robin quadrivirgata
R 
619 Garden Warbler Garden Warbler Sylvia borin M   
621 Chestnut-vented Titbabbler Parisoma
Tit-Babbler subcaeruleum
NE R     
622 Layard’s Tit- Layard’s Parisoma layardi
Babbler Titbabbler
E R   
625 Icterine Warbler Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina M   
626 Olive-tree Warbler Olivetree Warbler Hippolais
M 
628 Great Reed- Great Reed Acrocephalus
Warbler Warbler arundinaceus
M   
631 African Reed- African Marsh Acrocephalus
Warbler Warbler baeticatus
R,M     
633 Marsh Warbler European Marsh Acrocephalus
Warbler palustris
M    
634 Sedge Warbler European Sedge Acrocephalus
Warbler schoenobaenus
M  
635 Lesser Swamp- Cape Reed Acrocephalus
Warbler Warbler gracilirostris
R    
637 Dark-capped Yellow Warbler Chloropeta
Yellow Warbler natalensis
R  
638 Little Rush-Warbler African Sedge Bradypterus
Warbler baboecala
R      
639 Barratt’s Warbler Barratt’s Warbler Bradypterus
E R,M 
640 Knysna Warbler Knysna Warbler Bradypterus
E R VU 
641 Victorin’s Warbler Victorin’s Warbler Cryptillas victorini E R 
642 Broad-tailed Broadtailed Schoenicola
Warbler Warbler brevirostris
R,M NT 
643 Willow Warbler Willow Warbler Phylloscopus
M       
644 Yellow-throated Yellowthroated Phylloscopus
Woodland-Warbler Warbler ruficapilla
R   
645 Bar-throated Apalis Barthroated Apalis thoracica
R        
648 Yellow-breasted Yellowbreasted Apalis flavida
Apalis Apalis
R 
651 Long-billed Longbilled Sylvietta rufescens
Crombec Crombec
R       
653 Yellow-bellied Yellowbellied Eremomela
Eremomela Eremomela icteropygialis
R,N  
654 Karoo Eremomela Karoo Eremomela
Eremomela gregalis
E R 
657 Green-backed Bleating Warbler Camaroptera
Camaroptera brachyura
E R  
661 Cape Grassbird Grassbird Sphenoeacus afer E R      
664 Zitting Cisticola Fantailed Cisticola juncidis
R       
665 Desert Cisticola Desert Cisticola Cisticola aridulus R  
666 Cloud Cisticola Cloud Cisticola Cisticola textrix R 
669 Grey-backed Greybacked Cisticola
Cisticola Cisticola subruficapilla
NE R    

E – Endemic, NE – Near-endemic, BE – Breeding endemic; M – Migrant, N – Nomad, R – Resident; NT – Near-threatened, VU – Vulnerable. 23

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