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Tales of Eternia – Guide and Walkthrough

PSP    

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Guide and Walkthrough by baki16

Version: FINAL | Updated: 10/10/2006

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TITLE: Tales of Eternia (PSP)


First time playing it through. With numerous help from VeghEsther, who was
very helpful and thoroughly enthusiasitc about helping out with every boss
and side dishes.

Written by "BAKi"
e-mail: ""

This walkthrough is for the use of public via No other use
of this guide is allowed without my permission. Hence, no leaking it to your
own website and such.
Thank You!

As a pre-emptive note to my guide, I would like to say that the guide has
occasional spoilers, but then reading a guide is a spoil in itself really.. :P

Table of Contents /
1)Walkthrough WLKTH

RAFO Rasheans Forest
FAVR Far Away Village, Rasheans
RRP Rasheans River Pier
REGDO Regulus Dojo 
RRP2 Rasheans River Pier (2)
ToAM Town of Academia, Mintche
MTM Mt. Mintche
MTMO Mt. Mintche Observatory
MTM2 Mt. Mintche (2)
 ToAM2 Town of Academia, Mintche (2) 
TVM Treetop Village, Morle
BoM Backwoods of Morle
UNS Undine Stream
TVM2 Treetop Village, Morle (2)
FoT Forest of Temptation
INFC Inferia City
PoI Port of Inferia
PB Port Barole
CoTB City of Trade, Barole
SYC Sylph Cavern
CoSSC City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
EFG Efreet Gorge
SQS Sidequests
FSY Farlos Sanctuary
MTF Mt. Farlos
CFSS Cape Fortress
CoCI City of Craymels, Imen
IMS Imen Station
LSHS Luishka Station
RVLUI Ruined Village, Luishka
MOG Mine of Gnome
CHHUT Chat's Hut
PCP Port City, Peruti
MTC Mt. Celsius
PCP2 Port City, Peruti (2)
CoCI2 City of Craymels, Imen (2)
CoATS City of Artisans, Tinnsia
RoVT Ruins of Volt
CoATS2 City of Artisans, Tinnsia (2)
BC Balir Castle
RVLUI2 Ruined Village, Luishka (2)
CoATS3 City of Artisans, Tinnsia (3)
SSH Seyfert Shrine
SQS2 Sidequests (2)
AFSC Aifread's Cavern
JTCoJ Jini, The City of Joy
ASP Aifread's Platform
SQS3 Sidequests (3)
SSHP Sunken Ship
SHDC Shadow Cave
FSY2 Farlos Sanctuary (2)
ToAD Tomb of Aifread
INFC2 Inferia City (2)
SGRD Seyfert Garden
INFC3 Inferia City (3)
SFOY Seyfert Observatory
BC2 Balir Castle (2)
RKLL Regulus Knoll
BC3 Balir Castle (3)
SHZC Shizel Castle
SQS4 Sidequests (4)
GLSP Glimmer Spire
SHZC2 Shizel Castle (2)

2)Post Game Extras

NLAB Nereid's Labyrinth
DARCH Defeating Arch

3)Skills SKLS

SKR Reid
SKF Farah
SKCH Chat 
SKCY Craymels
SKEXT Skill Extensions
 
4)Cooking CKNG

5)Lens LNSS

6)Rune Bottle Transformations RUNBO


7)Side Quests SQSM


8)Mini Games MNGMS


9)Other Games OTHGMS


10)Unlockables ULCK


Please note that this guide is structured to take you through the game from
beginning to end in the sense that you follow it through and not just come to
it from another guide. Events and side-quests are done throughout the game, so
by the time you reach the last dungeon and defeat the last boss, you will have
completed the game 100%!!

Remember, that should you need to refer to any lists immediately please refer
to the contents (above) and search using "Ctrl + F" with the appropriate code.

Finally, the guide assumes that you are controlling Reid (the main character)
in battles, throughout, unless stated otherwise.

Watch the Intro FMV, then select New Game.

Note that you may want to go into Options and change (on the Sound menu) the
voices volume to around 110.. -this is because the background music sometimes
drowns what the characters are saying.

Items/ /
----- 2x Apple Gel /
Spectacles /
Wooden Shield /

More Intros follow, where a young girl and her pet are talking (in some
language we cannot understand), and then she boards her ship. They fly through
the cloudy skies heading towards a nearby planet.

Meanwhile, our hero Reid is taking a walk upto the tower where he often goes to
collect his thoughts. There he meets his good friend, Farah. They converse over
old-times, as well as noticing the strange skies, which Reid dismisses as
nothing. Then another glance at it and they notice the oncoming ship, from
before, zoom by and crash-land, ending up on Rasheans Forest.

Farah, hastily hurries on to see what's going on, while Reid is left for us to
command. As with any RPG, I would suggest you press Triangle and look around
the menu, to get accustomed to the different menus. Once done, head south-east
to exit this first screen. On the second screen, battles start almost as soon
as you start walking, so be prepared to face the easiest enemies the game has
to offer. Make you way to the next screen where you have the option of going up 
or down after a set of steps. Go up first into another screen to grab hold of
an Apple Gel, then head back to the last screen. Now head down and take notice
of the glowing crystal at the edge of the cross-roads, while nearby are also a
chest and a goodie bag. The chest has a Wooden Shield (equip it straight away),
 while the bag, a pair of Spectacles.. -these allow you to view (scan) the 
enemies' attributes.. -and I suggest that you save it for the boss to come. BOOKMARK

Examine the crystal to realise that they are like Checkpoints within dungeons,
while the glowing ones (such as this one) also serve as HP-Replenishers. To
fully take advantage of their use you will have to examine it and then Save
your game for it to take effect. So that, should you wish to play later on,
this is where you will start the game from!

Being a Healing crystal means you can train indefinitely as you can heal after
every battle. I would recommend that you level up once, by which time you
should have also got your first skill, Sonic Blade! Equip this under any of the
free slots in the Skills menu, and remember where so you can use it in battle,
with its corresponding button-configuration.
Battles /
Most of the battles in this forest can be dealt with by simply /
pressing X. Should you wish to stab, press Down+X, while Up will jump /
and Up+X will perform a slicing attack (upwards). Depending on what /
type of move you use more will decide on where the end-of-battle /
points go to.. -e.g. SLASH or THRUST. Sonic Blade is a Slashing Skill! /
Note also that Square-button blocks. /

Move south-west of the crystal into a new screen. Here you can carry on left or
go north a little then left through the trees. Either way gets you to the same
place, with the latter being faster. In the new screen you will see a pond,
bench and a statue with a sign near it. Examine the statue, read the sign and
then head right (past the bench) to reach another Apple Gel. Then head back to
the crystal.

This time you will have to head north-east (rightways) of the crystal, into a
screen where you will encounter a strange creature you saw earlier in the intro
clip. It squeaks a sound which sounds like QUICK, so follow it "quickly"
upwards, to a new screen.

Here you will be faced with a crashed space ship, the girl that boarded it
earlier, that strange animal and your friend Farah. They can't understand the
mysterious language the new girl is speaking, but that's of least importance
right now as the space ship is about to blow.. -they escape.

They decide to help this newcomer, as they see strange things happening when
she and Reid make contact. So on they go to...

Items/ /
----- 2x Lens (#1,#2) /
4x Apple Gel /
500 Gald /
Collector's Book /
Kirima /
Omelette (Recipe) /
Sandwich (Recipe) /
Short Spear, Short Sword, or Hand Axe /

They immediately go to see the village elder. He is Khamran, and as a peace

seeker, wants the newcomer banished. They are interrupted in the midst of their
conversation, with the strange animal noting the presence of someone else. This
new character strikes our alien friend to the ground, and attacks the party of
two (Reid and Farah).

BOSS / /
-------- ???????? /
1,000HP /
No need to be alarmed, he only has two attacks (which he uses rather / 
frequently!), that can be avoided altogether if you just stay real close to /
him and keep on pressing (nothing, but..) X. You may want to use your /
Spectacles in this battle (if you haven't done so already), to scan this /
Boss's stats.. -it will be added to a Monster Book you collect not-too-far /
 into your travels. / 
He will fall rather quickly, though he starts off with a HP of 1000! /

Following his defeat, he teleports away, shouting something in the tongue we

cannot understand. The elder is alarmed by that guy's appearance and wishes the
new girl out of his village. Farah doesn't seem too bothered by that, as she
decides to leave with her. Dismayed and confused, Reid follows them.

They drop by Farah's house where the new girl changes into some of Farah's old
clothes (so to fit in), and they decide to go see Keele, who's an old friend of
theirs, and a scholar at Mintche University. Following some more talking you
are able to move Reid about. Examine the fireplace in this room and then the
drawer in the room above, while also taking notice of the cool mirror next to
it. No you cannot sleep in her bed! Get out of her house to move on.

Head right ways to see a farmer, talk if you must then examine the ploughed
ground below him for a Kirima. The house next to him is his own and inside is
another guy (who obviously knows you two), while the object of interest is the
little pink piggy at the top of the screen. Examine it to find the hiding
Wonder Chef. He hides in many obscure places such as this one, but once found
presents you with a recipe for you Cooking (menu) together with the ingredients
to make ONE of that particular thing. This one gives you the recipe for a
Sandwich. Leave this house and head back upwards and then leftways past Farah's
house into a new screen.

The first thing you should do in this screen is examine every barrel you see
for an Apple Gel from each, except the one at the bottom by the elder's house.
Then head into the ranch behind the old man standing infront of the door. The
only thing here is a short skit, where Reid talks to the cows! (Orlocks).

Head out and into the house next to it. This is Reid's house and your inn for
this village. North of the table in the centre is a line of clothes.. -check
the rightmost one for a little skit, while the meat next to them (on the wall)
also triggers a small skit. Climb the ladder and notice the picture on the wall
(right). And sleep if you want (though you should be at full health). Climb
back down the ladder and left of it into the cellar (storage room below). Seek
out two items here at the back.. -the chest for a Lens(#1), while the pot next
to it for an Apple Gel. Leave.

Back outside the house, take notice of the exit to the left of Reid's house,
which leads back to the Rasheans Forest, but plot says you can't go there! so
instead head south but don't exit, rather head into the elder's house. Go down
and left (opposite the broken wall) and examine the vase here for 500 Gald.
Then climb the ladder at the other end of the house, only to examine the
bookcase where our fabled heroes decide to "borrow" the Collector's Book. It
doesn't have much use until much later on in the game, if at all. Leave.

Now head south into the final screen. Notice that if you head right leaving
the screen you will end up at the farmer's screen. At the bottom left corner of
this screen is a guy half-hidden from view, who can swap your Hand Axe for two
other weapons. I do not recommend swapping your axe as it is better than both
of them. Instead the building next to him has another Lens(#2) at it's
entrance, so go grab it, by examining the wooden door. Now, head into the
building opposite, which is the weapon shop in this village. With the 500
Gald from the elder's house and the Gald you start the game with (200), plus
all the battle-won Gald, you should have around 2000+ Gald.

In the weapon shop is a Tutorial guy walking about, and he appears in every
town/village, in the weapon shops. Talk to him and listen to his advice in
battle tactics and hints. Afterwards, examine the Armour at the right side of
the counter to find the Wonder Chef, yet again! This time he teaches you the
Omelette recipe. Finally talk to the counter person, to buy the Long Sword and
a Leather Helm for Reid, and stock up on anything else you may want. I would
just 1 of everything you don't have! Equip both of those two new equipments on
Reid, then exit the store and head to the small bridge at the bottom of the

They talk for a bit, and as you head further down, the game points out that in
the world map you can press Square to bring up a menu where you can select Camp
and sleep for a bit to restore SOME HP. Also it tells you that pressing the
Select button will make a character in you team remind you of you next
destination. Both features are unique and useful.

Also note that you can rotate camera view left and right with the L and R
buttons, respectively. Do that to see where you're going. Also Save often 
(in the Menu>Save), as you never know what's gonna happen next.. -well
actually you do, coz you're reading this! Finally pressing Start button cycles
through the different views of the: world map, compass or neither!
 Levelling Up / 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKMARK
I suggest sticking real close to the town and facing battles around it /
and in the nearby forest to the left. The battles are much harder than /
those in the forest, mainly due to the number of enemies on the screen./
This is a good point in the game to take on the point about having to /
block and fight efficiently in battle. You absolutely SHOULD block, or /
you will die very quickly. Usually block after a couple of hits, as /
the enemy tends to retaliate after being attacked. /
Further more, I would suggest levelling up to about Lv12 for Reid, as /
this will seriously ease the trips. By this level you ought to have /
learnt all four skills that are available to you as well, just make /
sure you are using Thrust (Down+X) as much as Slash (X, Fwd+X, etc). /
The reason I say stay close to town is because whenever you're low in /
health or TP you can go back to sleep (thus Replenish HP & TP) at /
Reid's house. I would rather do that then spend/use the items in the /
inventory. /
You will most likely learn further skills with all your characters as /
you level up, so equip them as necessary and desired. Further on, I /
will comment on the skills you ought to have equipped, but for now, /
HAVE FUN! But just a wake-up-call for those of you new to the Tales of /
skill learning.. -you'll need to use a particular skill more than /
50-250 times to learn the next level-up one. That depends on the /
skill, but take that the early ones only need 50 counts to learn the /
next one up and then they get more and more. Mind you that some skills /
require that you do this for more than one skill below that level. In /
short keep using your new skills like crazy, if you wana learn better /
ones! Note that you'll also have to be a particular character /
attribute level as well (e.g. Thrust and Slash for Reid). /

Once ready, and in FULL health, follow the grassless trail to a bridge, where a
cutscene occurs, and you learn that the strange girl's name is Meredy. Well
that's always nice to know.. -the name of a person in your team! Cross over the
bridge and rotate the camera so you can see southways (have the compass
showing, and South pointing UP). You should see a building type structure to
the right (the red dot on your mini-map), which for now can be ignored, instead
head forward and left hugging the river, also bypassing the next building to
the right. It will seem like you headed for a grey hill (or rock), but it's
actually a place! Enter...


Once inside walk two screens left (ignoring the little wooden pier, as it is
useless), and talk to the men at the end. They tell you of the current
situation, and an FMV follows. You then learn that the building you bypassed on
the way here, is your next destination. Leave, and as you do you will label
Meredy as a "Travelling Performer?".. -a title you can change in the status
screen for Meredy. Head back the way you came and enter the brown building at
the end of the mountain, the...

Items/ /
----- 2x Apple Gel /
2x Lens (#3,#4) /
Beef Stew (Recipe) /
Leather Helm /
Lid Shield /
Manual /
Orange Gel /
Range Attack Command /

Press Select outside the dojo if you want Farah to say something, otherwise
just enter. Inside you will see a hut to the left and another to the right.
Also a set of stairs deeper into town, leading upwards. Head into the hut to
 the left first.. -it is the Inn. You needn't rest here as it'll only cost you 
for something you can do for free.. -CAMP! Instead go up the stairs and by the BOOKMARK
rightmost bed is a lamp (Genie type lamp), and it's the Wonder Chef at it
again, and this time he'll give you the Beef Stew recipe (and ingredients). On
the left of that same bed, examine the desk to find a Lid Shield. You can also
examine the main table in the middle for a notice of a Latte, but nothing other
than that. Leave and enter the other hut. This is the multi-shop for the town.

The guy to the left of the entrance will just tell you of you party strength,
which in his eyes seems weak (his words "exhausted"), while the one walking
about is the Tutorial guy. Listen to his battle advice once again, before
purchasing from the shops (in a left to right manner). I would suggest you buy,
a Francesca, a Short Spear and a Power Arms from the first shop (left one).
From the right one (the armour shop), you should get a Hard Leather and two
Wristbands. This should be well affordable if you trained to level 12 like I
told you to, and with this equipment you are well set for the next few sections.

You can purchase items from the middle shop, if you want to, otherwise leave.
(My advice, always, is to have one of every item, as you never know when you're
gonna need it, so if your money allows, get another Life Bottle, or otherwise
something you don't have in your inventory).
Equipment /
Make you sure you equip the Francesca on Reid and the ladies with /
their Wristbands, as well as the Power Arms on Farah, and Lid Shield /
on Reid. I may forget to mention, but as soon as you get a new /
equipment, equip it as it will most likely be better than the one /
you've already got, unless I tell you to do otherwise.. -which will be /
for your own good!! /

To the left of this multi-shop hut is a well, if you examine it you will hear
someone say something.. -worrying! Head towards the stairs to trigger some
talking, and then continue upto the top, where further talking takes place.

You have to battle 8 Dojo fighters as Reid ONLY. Your skills (such as Swarm)
can take out the monks here in 2-3 blows, otherwise just tap X continuously, to
pummle at them, until they die.. -you cannot die (get a game over screen, so it
doesn't matter). An impressed Franco greets you and invites inside his room.
Don't rush into his room like a fool, walk around this reception area to snatch
an Apple Gel and a Leather Helm, from the red "things" on either side of the
entrance door. Get another Apple Gel is in the large grey vase by the top left
corner of the room, after which you should follow Franco through any of the
doors. He'll be waiting for you at the top left most door, but before speaking
to him you may want to enter the complete opposite end door (the right-most

Soon as you enter examine the vase to the left for an Orange Gel, then hug the
left wall to the brown box on the floor, for a Lens(#3). Check the large chest
(or table thing) for a hidden skit, then leave. The next room up has two Dojo
fighters, that act as Tutorial and battle helpers, check the table to the right
of the entrance before you leave.. -for another Lens(#4). You may also want to
switch to Manual just so you can get the Manual (an item).. -also listen to the
difference in the two types.

The room beyond that one has another two Dojo fighters, these two practicing
their arts. Talking to the bottom one will trigger more game help (Tutorial
stuff), while the top one challenges you to a battle. Fighting him will not
result in death should you die in battle, so worry not, and you also gain some
nice EXP from it.. -so it's definitely worth the try. The dummy behind them
(which looks like a scarecrow) you can strike if you so wish. Leave. Finally
talk to Franco by the last door to learn more about your next destination and
events. Franco also teaches Farah a new skill.. -Healer. Just then an alarmed
Paollo runs in and you learn that he's the one that's going to help you. Go see
him at the bottom most room. Here you will be hinted upon the non active menu
C.Cage. But worry not about it for now, all you need to know is you'll be
heading for the Rasheans River Pier, WHEN READY!
Before you leave the Dojo /
Make sure you have listened and remembered the Tutorial stuff that is /
offered from the fighters here at the Dojo. While also making sure you /
have battled that practicing fighter for some great EXP. He is /
companied by more than a few friends of his, so each battle (if done / 
quickly) should rake you 82 EXP. At lv12+ they shouldn't even be able /
to kill you, but don't rely on just pressing X. Swarm is a good skill /
to use against them, as are others. I would say train here at least /
ONE Level Up! /
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Leave the Dojo, and head out behind it (while in the world map). Keep walking
into what seems just green fields, but as you approach the edge of the cliff
the scene changes and you will see an old man. He's the nameless someone-or-the
-other, and he teaches you the Range Attack Command. He describes it, so talk
to him a second time to learn about it and then go to...


You can press Select before entering if you want to hear Farah tell you to go
there! Otherwise just enter and talk to Paollo, who's waiting for you on the
wooden bridge.
Mini-Game 1: River Rafting /
Steering is done with the D-pad while you can accelerate with X. /
You should avoid accelerating altogether, and note that you should /
HOLD left or right on the D-pad to navigate better against the current./

Steer your way to the end of the river, then follow the path (fighting your
way) to...

Items/ /
----- Hamburger (Recipe) /
Lens (#5) /

You might see a boat leaving the town as you near it on the world map. Enter.

This town is buzzing with scholars. Talking to them will only by for fun. The
left building as you enter is an Inn. You should rest and save your game! The
building straight ahead is a general store, which funny enough sells weapons..
-now why a student would need weapons, I don't know! Anyway, stock up (buy a
Long Spear and two Ribbons [equip only the Ribbons]), talk to the tutorial
guy walking around, and then enter the building to the left (a tree next to
its entrance).. -this is the cafeteria. The pink flower at the top-right corner
reveals the Wonder Chef, who teaches you the recipe for a Hamburger.. -and as
always gives you a set of ingredients to be able to make one! Before you leave
check with the lady behind the counter, if you've got ingredients for your
cooking. As always just make sure you have one of everything (AT LEAST!). Leave.

Head all the way right into a new screen. Go into the building here.. -a Church!
You can talk with the priest and choose both options in turn to hear some funny
stories. Leave and head all the way right, into yet another new screen.. -the
Port! You can only talk to the people here for now and nothing else. Head two
screen left to be back in the main square, and then head far left into a new
screen. Enter the building here if you want to read some books.. -its a library!
I recommend you read all 5 books for elaboration on the game's events and

When ready, leave the library. To the left is the Mintche University, but we'll
head there later. For now head to the right of the library entrance and witness
a love skit as you approach the two people in the corner. Aww.. love.. IT SUCKS!

Head up the steps here to encounter a mini game. Before speaking to the two
girls, you may want to examine a tree to the left (at the end of the stone
path) for a Lens(#5). Speak to them to learn the rules to playing "Craymel
Mini-Game 2: Craymel Ball /
/ 
Listen to the rules, choose Normal Match, then choose a character of /
your choice to play with. None are handicapped, so choose anyone. /
The game has you facing, the two girls you spoke to, in a square /
 field, with a rainbow ball rolling around. The idea is to get her hit / 
by the ball. The ball changes colour (the aura underneath it) somewhat / BOOKMARK
randomly. Pick up crystals randomly littered about the field to change /
your colour as she will be doing the same. When the ball aura colour /
is the same as yours you can use X to send shock waves, forcing the /
ball her way. She will be trying to do the same so be on your toes and /
check the colour of your character, the ball as well as hers. Be /
patient, don't rush into things.. -sometimes they get hit by their own /
mistakes. /
Round 1 /
------- /
Pick up a crystal and walk around behind the ball. Be careful so that /
the ball doesn't change colour and be attracted to you. Just follow it /
carefully and not too close, and when the time (and colour) seems /
right press X to force it her way. Be very vigilante with regards to /
the colours and you should be fine. /
Round 2 /
------- /
She moves around a bit more now, that's what makes you have to move a /
lot more too. Just follow the same tactics as before, and if you want /
to be sneaky, stand close to her most of the time unless you wana /
press X to send the ball her way. She seems to not want to hit you /
when you're near her. Watch those colour changes, and you should be /
okay. /
Round 3 /
------- /
This time you'll really have to be at the edge of your seat to have /
any chance of winning. Stay real close to her.. and wait for her to /
aim the ball your way, but since you'll be next to her, move out of /
the way in good time to avoid it and let her get hit. Pick up the /
relevant crystals to change your colour accordingly to the ball and /
her. This round is deadly! /
Good luck! /

Once you're victorious you will receive the title of "Master Roller", which you
can change in the status menu.

To move on with the plot you will have to head back down the steps and this
time go left of the library and toward the Mintche University. Talk with the
reception lady and then head into the second door on your right. This is the
Light Craymel Department. Talk to the person at the back of this room to find
out about your friend Keele. Some more talking and your learn of the
whereabouts of your friend, Keele.. -he's at Mt. Mintche Observatory. As you
leave the classroom, Meredy earns the title of "Craymel Mage?".

If you so wish, there is another mini-game to play two floors up from here, so
take the stairs here and then the next set too, to reach a third floor. Enter
the first door here, the Exam Room -Beginner. It's a questionnaire scenario
about various places, people, events of the game. I guess you'll have to come
back later on in the game when you know the answers to them, but thanx to
Vengeance's guide on Tales of Destiny II, he has the answers to the possible
Namco Questionnaire - BEGINNER /
What colour are the eyes of Pac-Man? /
Black /
What is the name of the sea dragon that gave Philia a ride? /
Bernardo /
Which one of these titles was not produced by Namco? /
Fighting Calibur/Tales of Dragon /
Of the 7 Generals of Seinegald, who was the only female General? /
Melina /
Which one of these is not a Namco arcade hit? /
Dragon Valor /
Which character does not belong in the list? /
Stahn Aileron / 
Why did Alba request for Chelsea to return? /
Sew buttons on his pants /
 What is Philia's rank at Straylize temple? / 
Priestess / BOOKMARK
Which game does not belong on the list? /
Air Combat/Target Zone /
Who stirred up hatred in Junkland? /
Philia /
Who is Stahn's sister? /
Lilith /
What happened to Marian in Mikhail? /
Escaped in the lower pod /
Of the many shops that migrated from Darilshield to Radisrol, which /
was the first to settle? /
Inn /
What does Rembrandt of Mikhail often say? /
Hee, hee! /
What color is the ribbon on the head of Ms. Pac-Man? /
Pink /
What item is needed at the Frozen River north of Snowfria? /
Fur Cape /
At Cloudius, what does Baruk reveal about his intentions for the world?/
Reduce the world to zero /
Which game was not featured in Namco Museum Volume 3? /
Klonoa/Mr. Driller /
What color are the eyes of Ms. Pac-Man? /
Black /
Which one of these does not belong on the list? /
Target Zone/Air Combat /
What is the name of the navy that resides in Aquaveil? /
Black Cross Navy /
What is the name of the bio-alloy found at Trash Mountain? /
Belselium /
To where below the anti-grav elevator of Radisrol linked? /
Darilshield /
In the castle, what item possessed by Stahn's party was used as a /
homing beacon? /
Tiara /
Which character is the official mascot of Namco? /
Pac-Man /
How many doors in the Hidden Temple can be unlocked with a Swordian? /
3 /
When Karyl appeared in Moreau, she said People call me OO. /
Blue Lightning /
Which game is not featured in Namco Museum Volume 3? /
Klonoa/Mr. Driller /
What is the mini-game played at Cherik? /
Tag /
Get everything right and Chelsea will give you a Melange Gel and the title of /
"Namco Teacher". /

Once you're done here in Mintche (making sure you've done your shopping and
all), leave.

Most people would hold off training, so all your characters are around the same
levels, but I like to think differently, and would suggest you train in the 
fields mainly (as the beaches are quite deadly), until you reach about level 13.
(You may then want to tackle a few battles with beach-enemies to level upto
around 16-17).

 Time to move on... -press Select to hear a hint, then turn the camera so you 
can see a forest area.. -head that way to reach Mt. Mintche, uphill. BOOKMARK

Items/ /
----- 600 Gald /
Apple Gel /
Orange Gel /
Pole Axe /
Saber /

Soon as you enter you'll notice enemies coming out of the cave ahead of you.
Ignore them for now and just activate the Load Point to the right.. -then save.
Should you wish to battle and level up, do so with these enemies here. You'll
face large Golems and flying enemies that you can only reach with UP+X attacks.

Train as much as you wish, but if you followed my guidelines of training

earlier, you shouldn't really have to do much now.. -level 20 tops.

Make your way leftways and open the two chests for an Orange Gel and a Saber.
Then head right ways (above the very first cave you encountered). Pull/Push the
non-flashing-boulder to where the flashing image of it is, so that they
overlap, to block the cave so that enemies cannot be spawned. Make your way
rightways and pull the boulder against the cliff to the flashing image of it,
to block the second cave. Now, once you defeat those enemies below, they will
not re-appear any more. Walk up hill, to a new screen where a sunbeam shines on
the remains of a campfire it seems, which when neared, prompts you to camp.. -I
would suggest you take that opportunity, especially with the hard battles of
this place.

Walk past the camping ground and uphill to a new screen. To your immediate
right is an Apple Gel.
Note /
It may be the case that you have a full inventory of them.. - I know I /
did on more than one occasion, so you can do one battle for EXP, and /
then use an Apple Gel from your item list, and then grab this here /
item in the bag. Do that whenever this occurs as I may not mention it. /
Otherwise leave it. /

Walk left, and past the enemies (or fight them if you wish). Then uphill and
right past another set of enemies. Grab the goodies from the chest and bag..
-600 Gald and a Pole Axe. Then try to bring the boulder to it's flashing image,
so you block the cave below. This can be annoying with the enemies near the
flashing-boulder circling around you, but if you defeat two of them quickly,
it's easily done after that. Move up and left past this set of enemies, and
then right to block the cave they were coming from with a new boulder. Then go
left and up to a new screen.
Hint /
If you couldn't block that 3rd cave with the circling enemies nearby, /
you can go back now to an enemy-free plane to do that. Note that it's /
not necessary.. -it just provides an enemy-less path. /

The next screen, has random battles (so you cannot see the enemies, hence
you've left the dungeon now). Make your way across the bridge and onto the
world map.
Equipment /
I would recommend you equip the Saber over the Pole Axe on Reid, as /
the latter, although more powerful, brings down your accuracy by 10 /
points. / 
Camp, save your game, then enter...

 

Items/ /
----- Holy Bottle /
Lens (#6) /

You'll be greeted by none other than Keele. He's so involved in his research
that he mistakes you guys for university friends. Once the reunion of the
three old friends is over, Meredy triggers the next few conversations. She
hints on the events of the game to come, and you learn a bit more about the
world you come from (Inferia), the world Meredy comes from (Celestia) and the
whole universe as Eternia.

You learn that your next destination is Nostos Cave, which is where we're
headed next, but re-enter Mt. Mintche Observatory, to nab a few items before
you head back the way you came here. Check out the map to the right of the
entrance to get a talking scene, then the telescope and examine all 4 boxes
behind the telescope. Keele, talks about the missing contents of those boxes,
while a box at the bottom of the stairs contains a Holy Bottle. Check the wall
behind the box with the Holy Bottle to also find a Lens(#6). Leave.


As you make your way down the mountain you will automatically camp and witness
some conversations between your companions. The only thing you can do with
Keele for now is set him to be next to Reid in the battle formation as he is
quite simply awesome (and joins you team at the same level (+/- 1) as you).
Also you may wish to change his title (under status menu) to Graduate Student.

Make your way, afterwards, all the way back to Mintche (the university town), as
with Keele in your team, you can do a few more things.

Items/ /
----- Lens (#7) /

Soon as you enter my suggestion would be to rest up at the inn.. -I can assume
you're in bad shape with regards to TP!

Head straight into the store to equip your new found character, Keele..
-actually just buy two Capes for him and whatever else you need. You should
have plenty of money to spend with all the battling you've been through. Equip
Keele with the two Capes as his Accessory 1 and 2. Now head over to the

You can talk to various people here for different reactions, as well as grab a
Lens(#7) from the Water Craymel Laboratory (1st floor, 2nd room).. -check the
three pipes, just past the white-board on the left wall. Leave Mintche.

First thing aim to fight some thug-looking enemies and 100% they will drop a
Thief's Cape, which you can equip on anyone.. -aim to get a few of these! Also
change Reid's weapon to the Pole Axe (as you'll be needing the strength in the
next bit).

So, aim east on the compass, right on the mini-world-map, at the red dot right
at the end of the peninsula. That is Nostos Cave.
Training /
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
You may wish to train upto around level 20 before entering as well as /
aim to learn new skills by using the corresponding old ones! /
 ---------------- / 
Thief's Capes / / BOOKMARK
I know I mentioned them above, but try to get at LEAST one per /
character.. -though I would recommend 2/char. /
--------- /
Skills / /
A reminder here for learning new skills, you'll need to use your old /
ones.. -and sometimes more than one skill comprise to learning a new /
one. Just use every skill to over 60 times and you should learn the /
good ones by the time you're level 20(+). Rest at Mintche Inn, for /
recovery and TP replenishing and use one skill over and over and over, /
until you get sick of hearing it's name being shouted in battle. /
In addition, to learn specific skills, you'll have to also improve /
that area of your fighting style.. -for example for Reid you'll have /
to improve your Thrust to learn a Thrust based skill (even if you've /
used the basic skills needed enough times). /
Which means you may have to change weapons to use, say, Thrust only /
attacks, to level-up your Thrust. /
Of course best way is to just keep doing long combos which net you a /
good amount of bonus EXP, and this levels your thrust/slash (for Reid) /
real quick, as well as your character levels. /
------------- /
Spectacles / /
/First thing: please note this is optional.. -and yields only /
/satisfaction and no great deal of reward (a measely title). In fact /
/half way through the guide I stop mentioning to do this, but upto that /
/point you will see a lot of comments to do with Spectacles, ignore them/
/if you wish, or follow it through and to the end of the game, to have a/
/complete list.. -but once again, it's a tiring endevour with no reward./
Wondering why you're getting so many of this item?.. -roughly every /
other battle! Well reason being is that you're meant to use them to /
scan every new enemy you encounter. If you haven't used many (or ANY) /
since that boss battle at the elder's house back in your home village, /
well my suggestion is this: Start fighting your way back to Rasheans /
plains (and yes you can even go all the way back to your home village),/
but the furthest I'd recommend you go is Regulus Dojo.. -only because /
you can challenge the Monks, to be able to use a Spectacle on them to /
scan them. (You can also buy Spectacles from the Dojo shop should you /
run out of them.. -note that you can also buy them from Mintche town!) /
Note also that some enemies are night-only monsters! /
Note also that, if you didn't block all the caves at Mt. Mintche with /
a boulder, you can go scan some unique-to-that-area enemies there.. /
-and if you DID block the caves, then just go through the area to the /
bit just before the bridge and keep fighting there until you encounter /
a Rock Golem (as that's the only enemy you can't encounter else where)./
Finally, make sure you fight in forests as well, as some enemies only /
appear in forests. /
(Please, note, a FINAL time, that scanning enemies will only yield /
satisfaction at the end of the game and nothing comes out of it, so /
if you want to ignore it altogether, as it CAN take a bit of time in /
some areas to encounter and scan every enemy [for NOTHING], then /
please DO ignore all the time I say scan the enemies in this area, as /
I say that in every new area). /
Either way, scanning or not, train upto about Lvl 20, meanwhile trying /
to achieve high combos in battle, to earn nice EXP, and new skills for /
Reid and Farah.. -only recommendation, about Lvl 15ish, is fine! /

When ready to move on, press Select to hear a hint from Keele before entering...

 Items/ / 
----- 2x Orange Gel / BOOKMARK
Battle Axe /
Buckler /
Chain Arms /
Circlet /
Lens (#8) /
Life Bottle /
Panacea Bottle /
Protector /
Rapier /

As you move forward your party are greeted by a merchant who decides to sell
you things. The only item you most likely won't have in your inventory is the
Dark Bottle.. -buy one just for the sake of completeness, besides you've got
loads of money from all that training, anyway. I would also suggest you stock
up on as many as you can (afford) of Panacea Bottles, as there are enemies
that can poison you, and it can get rather annoying if you cannot help out a
team-member. Move into the darkness of the cave, to a new screen, and Keele
comments on some things that will come in handy, but you're reading the guide
so forget him!

You'll see a Load Point crystal.. -activate it then save, so that should you
die you can start from that point! Note that enemies start from this screen,
also.. -therefore make sure you're scanning each new enemy with those
Spectacles!, and the merchant at the beginning sells more should you run out of

From the crystal move left, past it, then up and then right to a new screen to
grab hold of an Orange Gel.. -remember if you can't carry any more, just have a
battle, use one then grab it from the bag/chest! Now go back to the crystal and
head rightways, where a scene takes place, as you walk up. Curve around the
bend to the right and down a slope to grab hold of a Protector.. -body armour
for Reid, which you should equip immediately. Then up the slope and to the
right you can grab a Panacea Bottle from a bag. Down the slope (again), and
rightways (and up) to a new screen.

You'll see two chests on a raised ground while another two (partially hidden)
to the left of this raised ground. Go around the raised bit to grab yourself
hold of a Buckler and Chain Arms. The Chain Arms you can only equip on Farah..
-DO THAT NOW, while the Buckler on Reid as a shield. Now move, upwards, but
beware that you will get attacked by an Egg Bear, and this battle will act as
a sort of Boss Fight.

BOSS / /
-------- Egg Bear /
4,800HP /
Only Reid and Keele participate in this battle, for the safety of the ladies! /
He's not that hard at all. You may not even need to be prepared for this /
battle, as rapid tapping of X can interrupt most of his attacks and very soon /
you will be victorious. Make sure you scan him first then tram away with your /
attacks. You could use skills if you so wish. /

You will camp after battle and converse between the lot of you. Afterwards,
having replenished your HP and TP, you may as well activate the crystal here,
and then save!

Head up to a new screen and grab the Battle Axe from the chest. Equip the
Battle Axe and if you haven't already got this message of there being a High
Tide, then walk around a bit more to make time pass, and you should get it.
What that means is the water level has risen, giving you access to previously
inaccessible places.

Go back past the camping screen (camp if you want/need), then cross to the
raised ground via the left log (the moving one), to grab hold of a Circlet and
a Life Bottle. Now to get another item you'll need to make your way all the way
back to the beginning of Nostos Cave, where you saw the first Load Point
crystal. Now the idea is to walk around until you get that message about there
being a High Tide, again. This is so that you can go left past the crystal and
to where you picked up your first item in this cave, only now the water level
has risen so that you can cross over to the other side and be able to reach a 
Rapier.. -a weapon for Reid. Depending on the type of attacks you wish to
execute with him, will be the difference between equipping him the Battle Axe
(Slash) or the Rapier (Thrust).

 Now leave Nostos Cave the way you came in, so that the water level goes back 
down. I mean leave as in back to the world map.. -then re-enter. Make your way BOOKMARK
to the very last screen you saw, past the camping screen, where you collected
the Battle Axe and walk up the slope and the bottom-right of the screen taking
notice of the blood on the right wall.

Make a right at this bloody wall to see a slaughtered group. As you examine
them you find out that it's a Bear family and the merchant's dead partner. Head
upwards to a new screen and up a further bit more to the left grabbing an
Orange Gel. Head up through a cave to reach a new screen and examine the woods
at the back for a Lens(#8). Make your way back to the Battle Axe room, with
the blood on the wall, and then left ways past there to exit Nostos Cave.

Back on the world map you should camp to recover and then press Select to hear
a hint about your next destination, Morle.
New enemies /
There's many new enemies on these plains, forests and beaches, but /
before you battle and scan, make your way to the next destination /
first. Scan the enemies in the battles on the way to Morle of course! /
Note also that some enemies can juggle you to about half your HP, so /
be aware of that! /
In fact the enemies here are generally quite a bit harder than the /
ones upto now. /

To get to Morle, change the camera view so you've got your back to Nostos Cave,
and follow the main path leftways to a tree in the middle of the forest (the
yellow dot on the mini-map).

Items/ /
----- Fruit Juice (Recipe) /
Garden Salad (Recipe) /
Holy Bottle /
Lens (#9) /
Orz Earrings /

Soon as you enter head up 'till you see a ladder and climb it to reach the
village (as the name suggests its a village at the "treetop"). You have your
shop, food store and inn all up here. Stock up on items you don't have or think
you may need. Also in the shop, you should talk to the tutorial guy walking
about, for some skill learning advice. While in the food store you'll meet up
with Katrine.. -Farah helps her out. Also in the food store examine the
pumpkin at the back to discover Wonder Chef yet again.. -he teaches you the
Garden Salad! then check behind the wonder chef to also find a Holy Bottle.

If you wish to skip my suggested training and enemy scanning then skip to after
the dashed section, otherwise read on.
Training & enemy scanning /
As I mentioned earlier, all the enemies on these plains, forests and /
beaches are new, and on top of that they offer great EXP, especially /
if you pull off nice combo-chains. So you may wish to take the time to /
train.. -I would say to level 23. /
Another thing you ought to be doing as you level up is learn new /
skills and equip the new ones as they become available, as well as /
scan the new enemies as you fight on grass, forest and beach! /
Also remember that you can go back to the village and rest for just 30 /
Gald to restore your HP and TP, while you should camp regularly too.. /
-for FREE! /
As help with training and general battling, I suggest you set Sandwich / 
and Garden Salad to Auto-ON, so that someone in your team can cook /
(make) them at the end of battles. To do that, go to Cook menu and /
press Square for Sandwich and then Triangle to set who will make this /
and how often. Do the same for the Garden Salad. Farah and Reid are /
 good cooks as she's a girl (no offence, in fact that says guys can't / 
cook!) and he loves eating! I would say every 5 battles should be / BOOKMARK
sufficient for both of those. Remember you can buy ingredients at the /
village food store. /

When ready, head back to the village of Morle and continue with the plot.

Walk upwards as far as you can go, talking to the people on the way. Reach
Mazet's house at the very top of the tree. A long scene of conversations
ensue and Mazet will give you all Orz Earrings, to help communication between
you and Meredy. When you have control go back into his house and check the
fireplace for a Lens(#9). Then go upstairs to find Wonder Chef disguised as a
chest.. -he teaches you Fruit Juice. Leave.

Talk your way to where a kid tells you that Meredy headed to the Backwoods of
Morle.. -your next destination...

Items/ /
----- Chirp Whistle /
Focus Attack Command /
Inferia Map /
Iron Helm /
Knight Saber /
Monster Collection /

You're now a party of three so things may get a little bit rough but with my
training suggestion earlier, you should be ok (I would hope).

As an aside note from Vengeance's guide of Tales of Destiny II, G.Spiders and
Marcroids, may drop Poison Thorn and Ranseur, respectively, for Farah and Reid.
Apparently they're really good weapons.. -I haven't had the luck for them to
drop these weapons, but keep fighting if you so wish. Keep in mind that you get
a new weapon for Reid in the second screen of this place anyway.

In the first screen activate the Load Point, and save your game. You may wish
to decide to just fight in this screen for a bit, to get accustomed to the
three-member party. Once done, move onto the second screen where you get a
glimpse of Meredy running to the next screen. Stray aside (to the right) to
grab the Knight Saber (which balances your slash and thrust and is you best
weapon.. -if you want extra slash or thrust power, then the Battle Axe and
Rapier are your weapons respectively). On the next screen you get the chance to

On the next screen, go down to open a chest with a Chirp Whistle inside.. -a
good weapon for Meredy. Then follow her upwards. On the next screen go all the
way right and before you climb down the vine, go around it to grab the Iron
Helm (for Reid) from the chest.

Climb down the vine and onto the next screen. You'll witness Meredy protecting
her pet Quickie from a big monster (so that's why she ran away!).

BOSS / /
-------- Insect Plant /
13,200HP /
Nothing too special here either... just keep pumpling it with Fireballs from /
Keele and all sorts from Farah and Reid. Scan it before fighting it (or at /
least before killing it). Don't let that high HP scare you, it's not difficult /
to kill it.. -in fact very soon it becomes a normal enemy! /

Once dead, a scene takes place, where the group reveal something!

A glowing Load Point is magically at the bottom of the screen, to your

convenience.. -so heal by touching it, then save. Also don't forget to equip
Meredy with her new whistle before you make your way back to the village. 

As you reach the campfire screen, another scene occurs where more revelations
are brought to light. You learn that you must collect (or gather?!) the Greater
Craymels, which in this game are summons! Head back to Mazet's house and more
 talking takes place, and you learn of your next destination. 
You receive the Inferia Map from Mazet along with teaching Farah the Detoxify
skill. Re-enter Mazet's house and talk to him to get the Monster Collection
book. It logs all the monsters you've encountered with their image and stats
listed.. this is why you've been scanning all the enemies you've been fighting
to complete this collection!

You may wish to leave for you next destination, but I suggest you go back and
fight in the woods (where you just came from) and battle to try and get those
two weapons that are dropped from those two enemies (mentioned at the
beginning of this section). They are damn strong weapons, and your best place
to fight is the boss battle place (on the last screen), as the glowing crystal
can restore your HP as many times as you want. I definitely STRONGLY suggest
you take this opportunity to get them, especially with your next destination
being what it is!

Once ready, re-stock on everything (you may as well max out on all ingredients
sold here, you can definately afford it), but make utterly sure you buy 5-10
Melange Gel.. -I know they're expensive, but where you're going you will need
them. Save your game and leave Morle.

Press Select to hear Keele NOT hint on Undine's location!

The paragraph below is from Vengeance's guide of Tales of Destiny II:

"Before you head to Undine Stream, you can get a new Command for battles. It's
the Focus Attack command. To get it, leave Morle and head north. Once you reach
the edge of the ocean, go west, until you hit some mountains. The place where
you get it is like right near where the mountains intersect with the ocean.
Talk to the nameless soldier and you'll learn the Focus Attack command (very

...and I suggest you follow that and go get the new battle command. It allows
all your characters to concentrate their attack. I also would suggest that in
your next random battle you open up your menu (with Triangle), go to comm
(Commands) and select the Focus Attack Command!

Now, to get to Undine Stream: you'll need to head north-east towards the second
red dot on your mini-map. The first one is a bit to the right, hence at the
fork just east of Morle head northways, through forested areas to reach...

Items/ /
----- 2x Melange Gel /
3x Poison Charm /
Apple Shield /
Feather Robe /
Hydra Dagger /
Iron Wrist /
Lens (#10) /
Mace /
Silk Cloak /

Before entering, you can stray from your adventure for just a bit, to find a
sort-of-hidden item. Head northwest (on your compass) from Undine, through
forests, while hugging the mountains to your right. Curve around the mountains
at the end of the forested area, to reach some green plains.. -north bit of
this entrapped by mountains plain and you'll find a Poison Charm, which you can
equip on ANYONE (Reid for me) and you should do that straight away. At the
sacrifice of your defense (a little), you are protecting yourself from poison
and weak statuses.

Now head back to Undine Stream and enter.

Head straight, right down some steps then DOWN to activate the Load Point (Save
after). Now head up to get another Poison Charm and this one you should equip
on Farah. Cross the water where you see the water stream looks different! Then
head north, crossing the water in the same way, to grab a Feather Robe. Now
cross back over the water and head down. Grab the Silk Cloak as you continue 
right and up. Don't cross the water to your right just yet, instead head left
and up and hidden under the leaves of the tree is a Lens(#10).
Equipment /
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
The Feather Robe can only be equipped by Keele, so no question there, /
just make sure you equip it. While the Silk Cloak by the two ladies.. /
-you decide (I say Meredy as she's the weakest of the team). /
------------- /
Spectacles / /
Just a reminder (unless you don't want to do it), make sure you're /
scanning the new enemies in Undine Stream but save one for the Boss! /

Crossing over the water, head up all the way to the next screen.

This screen looks full of water but you can cross over more than you think.
First off follow the unmistaken path all the way to the waterfall at the top,
then cross until you're on a fallen tree-trunk. Walk to the right side of it as
you come off and head right through a hidden path to a chest with a Mace inside.

Make your back to the tree-trunk and this time come off it to the left and
follow the path around to another chest, this one containing Iron Wrist. Equip
the Iron Wrist on Farah (or Meredy) and the Mace as a weapon to Keele.

Cross back over the water and head up.. -walking across tree roots to reach the
next screen.

Walk up and then right to reach the chest in the water stream. It contains a
Poison Charm this one you should equip on Meredy, leaving only Keele without
one. Now go up and enter the cave at the top. A conversational scene will take
place and you learn that you must fight Undine to possess her.

Open the box to the left for a Melange Gel, then leave this cave and notice
that the little water-spout to the right isn't here anymore, so make your way
rightways to the next screen. (Note that you can re-enter the cave to camp).

Head right across the main water section, and then right and up across a small
surface of water, then examine underneath the tree for a hidden-from-view chest
containing Hydra Dagger. It's a water based weapon, so hold off from equipping
it until you beat the boss of this area (as she is water based too.. -and you
don't wanna be healing her). Head on up and to the right to reach a chest with
a Melange Gel inside, then left and down to reach an Apple Shield for Reid..
-equip it! Then exit via the top-left corner of the screen.

In the next screen, activate an almost hard-to-see Load Point crystal, then
SAVE YOUR GAME! <- make sure!

Going ahead will have you facing a boss, and she has a huge amount of HP (some
odd 6000+).
Preparations /
Cook a Garden Salad to restore some TP on everyone, then use your /
items to top up your HP and TP, as you can only eat once every so /
minutes. Save you Melange Gels for the battle! /
Make sure you have equiped you characters carefully. Check that you /
have them equipped as I said, throughout this section. Just for this /
battle you may wish to equip Reid with the best Slash weapon as the /
two skills you'll be using are "slashy".. -which is the Battle Axe, /
though sticking with Ranseur will be just as good. /
Finally make checks that you have the right skills equipped, (non-water/
ones!), and that on your controlling character you have access via L+X /
or L+O to the quickly needed skills off of other team-members. /
No recommendations on skills, just make sure you have all but Keele to /
attacking styles and strategies and stuff, while Keele can lay back /
and enjoy the show... lol... more on that below. /

Please read the strategy below, "before" you decide to fight her!
When ready, head up, past the Load Point:

BOSS / / 
-------- Undine /
6,800HP /
 I will just write guidelines as to how to use your characters to overcome / 
Undine's wrath. / BOOKMARK
The following assumes you're using Reid as your controlling character... /
Soon as the battle starts, have Keele use a Spectacle on Undine! /
Formation /
Keele---------------------Meredy Farah Reid /
Reid /
---- /
Strategy /
Do As You Like /
Attack -> 5 Slash -> 3 Thrust -> 3 /
Use your best skills that you have (usually the ones you received last and /
use-up most TP). Demon Lightning Hammer, Neosonic Swarm, are examples. Abuse /
these two skills like there's no tomorrow. You may also wish to add Meredy's /
Lightning attack to an L-shortcut, so you can keep using it in conjunction to /
your moves. Alternatively, you can just keep on using Lightning Blade over and /
over, and nothing else.. -since it's fast and uses relatively low TP. /
Farah /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Punch -> 5 Kick -> 5 /
Let her do her thing! order her to heal if need be.. -when Keele can't keep up./
You can set her to be a healer only, if you're confident with Reid. /
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 1 /
Disable all but the Lightning skill!... -that way she'll only be using that. /
Keele /
----- /
Strategy /
Do As You Like /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 1 Recover TP -> 5 /
Sadly, he's got no specific use in this battle as his strength is quite /
pathetic and his magic skills at this point are rather inferior to the rest of /
the party members. Instead have him stay idle and at the very back of the /
group, using relevant items when needed. The occasional skill won't hurt but /
I'd just have him use recovery items. Make sure you're recovering health when /
it reaches 300/400, while recover TP when it reaches 30. You should have enough/
items to do this.. -so you can keep the onslaught. Also, don't fret about items/
being wasted as you can stock up after the battle, and you seriously need to /
use as many items as the situation presents, to stay alive. Save the Melange /
Gels until the second half of the fight.. -you'll know when that hits as she'll/
suddenly appear tougher. /
Keep fighting Undine and never rest.. -don't give her a chance to attack, /
because if she will, you'll probably lose a member of you team and that's where/
it goes down-hill. Some of her moves throw you back.. -learn to time a group /
jump, which is done by pressing up on the analogue stick, otherwise just order /
Meredy to keep on attacking and you (as Reid) keep on using the two best skills/
like this is the last boss. Finally, remember you can take a breather by /
opening the Menu in-battle, which also gives you the time you need to think on /
how to distribute your items. /
------------------------------------------------------- /
An alternative method that worked beautifully for me / /
Hold L and press X then Circle, to order Meredy and Farah to perform /
Lightning and Sonic Fist, then press your corresponding Circle command /
to execute Reid's Demon Lightning Hammer or Neosonic Swarm. Keep doing / 
that until your TP is real low at which point you should use an Orange /
Gel or two. Forget about blocking, she's a real walk in the park if you/
don't let her attack by doing the above over and over. I walked out of /
that battle with only Reid scathed by 200 or so HP.. -no one else got /
 TOUCHED! (All characters were at level 21 when I went in). / 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKMARK

Once defeated a series of scenes and events take place. You'll see a tutorial
on Craymel Cage menu.. -select Fringe, when prompted, to learn a skill, Spread!
and Meredy will keep Undine, SAVE, then make your way back to the beginning of
the Undine Stream. At the cave you'll take a break and discuss your next
destination. Head back to Morle, for now.
Equipment & stuff /
On your way back you may wish to change the equipment to the best ones /
for you (e.g for Reid you can now equip the Hydra Dagger). The two /
accessories you got from the Undine battle can be equipped on anyone /
and they are good too.. -I would say the Mental Bracelet on Reid (since/
he runs out of TP fastest) and the Talisman on Meredy. Re-enable all /
the skills you disabled for that battle. Set everyone to the formation /
you normally have them in, your strategies to suit YOUR style (or to /
the game defaults), and finally your skills to what suits you! /
Reid won't do much damage to the enemies here with the Hydra Dagger /
(being a water elemental weapon), but does great once outside. /

Press Select before entering if you want to hear "Reid" give you a hint.


Restock on food and items. Don't spend too much as the next big town you're
headed to has some real steep prices for some awesome weapons and stuff.. -but
I'd definately recommend getting Apple Gels, Orange Gels and foods to the max.

If you haven't done so already go examine the C.Cage menu, to learn more about
the way it works. On the Items list, use the Water Shard on Undine.

Talk to Mazet if you want, then leave Morle and head north east, only this time
at the fork head right (east), and cross a bridge. Camp then enter...

Items/ /
----- 2x Life Bottle /
2x Orange Gel /
2x Pine Gel /
400 Gald /
765 Gald /
Apple Gel /
Bastard Sword /
Charm Bottle /
Flare Bottle /
Holy Bottle /
Iron Arms /
Iron Wrist /
Lemon Gel /
Lens (#11) /
Melange Gel /
Miracle Gel /
Misty Robe /
Panacea Bottle /
Reverse Doll /
Rune Bottle /
Silk Cloak /
Spectacles /
Syrup Bottle /
Water Crystal /
Wind Crystal /
----------------------------/ 
You'll be greeted by uneasiness, as mist covers the forest. This place is quite
creepy, annoying and hard to figure out. Let's hope I can do a good enough job
 to get you through in one piece. 
Soon as you enter, you can leave to hear another Hint from Keele, as well as
camp if need be.
Enemies and items /
Remember to scan the new enemies in these woods (most of the enemies /
here are new). Speaking of enemies, Grim Reapers could drop a really /
nice accessory, the Reverse Doll, which resurrects you when you die.. /
-sort of like a life-line.. -you may decide to equip it, though its not/
really necessary here. Also the Skeletons have a very low % of /
dropping a Bastard Sword for Reid, if that happens equip it /
immediately as it's his most balanced and strongest one to this point. /
Also note that the Reverse Doll that the Grim Reapers can drop can be /
transformed (using a Rune Bottle to do that), into a Sephira, which is /
an accessory that earns you more money. I'd recommend doing this soon /
as you have a Reverse Doll in your inventory, and equipping the Sephira/
on Reid for the rest of the game!!! /

Once ready, examine the Load Point (save!) and head straight under the arch.

On this second screen, make a right before the first tree to another screen and
find Iron Arms, then head back to the last screen, and move forward (up).
Coming to this new screen, take a right and then a right again, to reach a
screen with a Melange Gel. Head back LEFT two screens.

Head up one screen and right one screen to find a Silk Cloak.. -then head back
left one screen and up TWO screens to reach a Misty Robe. Equip the Silk Cloak
on one of the two ladies that doesn't already have one, while the Misty Robe on
Nice items, by VeghEsther /
If you wish to skip this detour, and miss out on some nice equipment /
and Gald, then just carry on reading the next paragraph where you left /
off, otherwise read this and it will take you through a quick detour /
and lead you back to where you need to be again, so you can follow my /
directions.. -afterall this was written by me as well, so I don't leave/
you hanging! Just make sure you don't pick up any items along the way, /
as you'll be doing that in a bit, in my paragraph below. /
From the paragraph above: up(floating Grim Reapers, don't touch them), /
left(remember, ignore picking up the item here), up(meet a statue, /
examine it with X to make it face DOWN), down, right(floating Grim /
Reapers), up(another statue, make sure it's facing DOWN as well), down,/
right, right, right, down, down, right(statue: have it facing down as /
well), left, up, right(statue: have it facing down also). All four /
statues are now facing DOWN(south). From last location, make a left, /
up, left, left, left(Grim Reapers), down, down, down, right and up. /
This is what the detour was leading upto. Grab all the goods: 2000Gald,/
Shamsel, Needle Glove, Gem Rod, Pretty Whistle. All better weapons than/
the ones you'll be getting in the remainder of this dungeon. /
Please, note that I haven't done this so I don't know if it affects /
anything, but I will now direct you to the last screen, before this /
detour so that you can use the directions below, all the way out of /
this forest: down, left, up and up. Now you're in the same screen you /
were in when you last read my directions, BEFORE this detour. /

Up.. -you encounter two floating Grim Reapers.. -if they touch you, you lose
HP. Make a left.. -grab the Life Bottle, and go up to meet "The Deity of
Destruction". Have him facing right, go back down one and right one to the
Grim Reaper screen and then head up one to "The Deity of Confusion".. -have him
facing right, also.

Down two and right two to reach the Iron Wrists for Farah. Down one for 400
Gald, then up, left, left, up (grim Reapers), right, right, to reach a Life
Bottle. Go up one to a dead end with a spring to heal yourself.. -otherwise
right one to a Holy Bottle, then down one and right one to reach "The Deity of
Order". Have it facing left, then grab the Syrup Bottle. Left, down (grab the 
Pine Gel), then right to "The Deity of Creation". Have this one facing left
also while the box has a Flare Bottle. When you turn this one to the left,
you'll get a shock and be told that the forest path has been open.

 Left, up, up, left, left, left (Grim Reapers), down (Quickie and Meredy leave 
your team), down, down, right and up. These statues weren't all facing how they BOOKMARK
are, but due to the sequence you made earlier they are facing the way they are
and so you've made a path to the exit. But for now head directly behind the
statue at the back and examine the "tree" for a Lens(#11).

Down, left, down, right, right, up.. -where the team meets up with Meredy and
they head right to talk around a campfire. After they wake up they feel the air
is now unease with spirits. Examine the Load Point crystal (SAVE!) and head
down. Down to the end of the screen to get a Reverse Doll from a chest. If you
haven't already done so, use a Rune Bottle in your Items menu, and choose to
transform the Reverse Doll you just got from this chest into a Sephira.. -then
equip this Sephira on Reid for most of the game, as it will help you earn money
more quickly.. -and I mean NEVER take it off unless I specify the equipment for
a certain boss or something like that.

Head back up and then right to find a Panacea Bottle. Head down three times to
reach a Lemon Gel, minding the floating Reapers on the second screen down.
Don't be afraid, but be aware that as you head right into the next screen
you'll be facing a forced battle against a Jungler (one of the five lost
spirits). Make sure you scan it before you kill it, so that you don't have to
bother with the other four. After defeating this one take the treasure he was
guarding.. -Charm Bottle, then head back left to the last screen.

Now head up, right (Water Crystal), right (Pine Gel), down (Orange Gel), right
(Fight the 2nd Jungler and collect Apple Gel).

Left, up, right to find a set of Spectacles. Then left, left, up (Reapers), up,
up to reach a screen with an Orange Gel. Left (Rune Bottle), up (Fight a third
Jungler and get the Bastard Sword). If you already got this sword from a Grim
Reaper, then you should already have it equipped if not, then equip this one
straight away.. -and once more (as I will not mention this again), use the Rune
Bottle you just got on a Reverse Doll you got earlier to transfrom it into a
Sephira and equip Reid with it (as an Accessory, never remove it unless I
suggest otherwise).

Down, right, down, right, up to meet the fourth Jungler and get the Miracle Gel.

Down, left, down (Reapers), right, right (Reapers), right to reach 765 Gald,
then up to face the last of the Junglers (the fifth one) and then nab the Wind

Finally, down, left (Reapers), up (Some guy lying on the floor, and the statues
disappear), up, up to the world map. Camp, press Select to hear a tired but
relieved Reid comment that you should head for Inferia City.
Comment /
Even if you didn't get lost one bit and you followed the directions /
above as precisely as written, all your characters would've levelled up/
more than once or twice in that dungeon! So your current level should /
be in the vicinity of 25.. :o) /

To get to our next destination, the Inferia City, just follow the main path to
the closest dot on the mini-world-map. You'll see the grand city soon as you
cross the bridge too, so you can't miss it.
Enemies /
I'll save you the trouble of having to figure out for yourself, that /
all enemies in these plains, forests and beaches are the same as those /
to the ones around Morle, so if you've done your thorough Spectacle /
scanning before you needn't do it now. /
Also, for once, I don't suggest you train.. -not with these enemies, /
since you've fought them much too many times, and they dont give much /
EXP, so just head for the city and let's progress with the plot (for /
once). /

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Items/ /
----- 2x Pine Gel /
 Bellebane / 
Boarding Pass / BOOKMARK
Cream Stew (Recipe) /
Dark Bottle /
Lemon Gel /
Lens (#12,#13#,14) /
Rune Bottle /
Softcake (Recipe) /
Water Crystal /
Water Shard /

Okay this place is actually quite big. Because it can be daunting enough giving
directions, I'll leave the talking to people to you and only mention people you
HAVE to speak to, in order to make progress. This will ensure a short and
simple trip here, which otherwise can take quite long.

Starting at the entrance, watch a conversation scene, and when you're given
control head left, where you're stopped by a tailor who notices you're from
Rasheans.. -past him into the next screen, and enter the first building there.
Buy one of every weapon except for the Poison Thorn (you should already have
one of this anyway, plus it's not good). Before you leave to the left of the
Weapon shop door (inside) is a plant, examine the plant for a Pine Gel, then
head back right and enter the building here to stock up on Gels mainly and
anything else you feel is neccessary.. -spend enough, and she'll also throw in
a Holy Bottle. Then make another right to a new screen.

Enter the building here to discover it's the Inferia Inn. Make your way to the
next floor up the stairs to the right, and examine the flower stand in between
the two doors for a Bellebane, while the one next to the guy on the right
reveals the Wonder Chef, who teaches you the Cream Stew. You can also spend two
nights here (one in each room) to watch some skits between your characters.

Moving on, to the right of the inn you'll notice two angry people standing
outside the armour shop. Enter and buy ONE of everything while 2 Iron Wrists
and 4 Leather Capes are a must. Talk to the tutorial dude, then leave.

Head upwards to a new screen. Here you are stopped by the old man. Speak to
him afterwards too to learn a bit more about Celestians. While the lady next
to him (walking about) notices your Titles and assumes you're the actors for
the theater shows. Speaking of which head up a bit more and into the theater.
Watch as many acts as you want.. -though, personally, I feel they're a waste of
game time. Once you're done, in the reception area, examine the two flowers
here, one to the right of the stairs for a Lens(#12), while the one to the
left of the entrance door to reveal Wonder Chef yet again, for a recipe in
making Softcakes. Leave the theater and head left.

The castle is north, but speak to the white and orange kid by the left
building, standing there selling foods. Stock up (MAX) on all foods. Before
heading for the castle:
Talking /
Make sure you talk to everyone, inside and outside of buildings. /
Sometimes answering in two different ways triggers people to tell you /
more things. /
-------------- /
Royal Arena / /
It's to the left of the entrance to the city, and it has a red-carpeted/
entrance with a knight standing guard. This is a fighting arena, where /
at this point in the game you will get mullered and it's very /
expensive to participate. I would suggest you stand well clear of that /
place.. -for now. /
---------- /
Theater / /
It's a waste of time and money watching all the possible acts. Besides /
if you stick around and follow this guide to later on in the game, we /
WILL come back here when you have more money to finish off a side /
quest. / 
----------- /
Shopping / /
 / 
Recommendations have been made above. Just buy everything you don't / BOOKMARK
have and if need be more than one wouldn't kill. I strongly suggest you/
stock up on Gels and food however, as well as buying all the new /
weapons and armour. Again, just follow the above recommendations on /
numbers. /
------------ /
Equipment / /
Reid: Heavy Grave, Chain Mail, Round Shield, Iron Helm. /
Farah: Iron Arms, Silk Cloak, Iron Wrists, Ribbon. /
Keele: Mace, Misty Robe, Iron Wrist, Circlet. /
Meredy: Bird Whistle, Silk Cloak, Iron Wrist, Ribbon. /
All of the above are recommendations and probably your best weapons in /
your inventory upto this point. If you (somehow) have better equipment,/
or wish to (for example) equip Reid with a higher Slash (or Thrust) /
power, then by all means.. do so! /
Change the accessories of all/any characters as you see fit (for now). /

When ready to move on, head (from entrance) up one screen and talk to the three
girls to the right of the arch (leading to the castle). They'll comment on some
names, afterwhich head through the arch and into the castle grounds. You're
forced out!

Get into the Royal Observatory of Astronomy, the building to the left, examine
the structure in the middle and then the two on the wall behind it, to get some
descriptions on what they are, as well as a scene where Reid tells Keele not to
explain on everything they see. Take the stairs to the next floor and then the
next, talking your way up as well as reading on some books. When you try to go
beyond the closed-off area, you'll get a scene where you're forced out.

Outside the observatory the team talks and Keele suggests they go to the
Sanctuary. To get there take a right from where you are, exiting past the
theater. where you'll be at the screen with the old man and the lady about.
Enter the red-carpeted entrance next to the old man.. -this is the Seyfert
Sanctuary. Upon entering, make your way to the alter at the back and talk to
the Archbishop who also calls your bluff. Step outside and you're taken to

You're flooded in a tank, and your attempt to open some valve fails. Lucky
you're thrown a rope-ladder to climb to safety as someone thinks you're not
bluffing. Keele goes with him while you three are left to roam the Castle!

You automatically walk left to a new screen. Walk left again and then in this
out-door screen, examine the fountain (right where the water is falling) to
find a Rune Bottle, then take the stairs at the bottom-left. You'll see an old
man walking around on this floor. Enter the door behind him to trigger some
scenes and when you have control again re-enter and examine the drawer next to
the right bed here to find a Lens(#13). Take the stairs below the ones you
came through (to the left) and keep doing that until you're in the basement
with some guards sitting at a table. Examine the large chest in the upper
corner to get a Lemon Gel. Now take the stairs and enter the door on this
floor. To the right is a basket of fruits, examine it for a hidden Pine Gel.
Exit this room and then exit the building via the south exit. You'll be
outside the castle.. -witness some talk between the princess and some guard!

Walk around the front to go enter the right tower. Once inside take the stairs
to the basement and examine the many bottles here to find a Dark Bottle. Take
the stairs up and to the room where you were being flooded. You can turn the
valve to drain the water into the tank.

When you're done exit via either tower (the right side's faster) and enter the
castle through the middle.

The king talks and then Zosimos takes over. Catastrophe is upon the world and
something must be done. A Bridge of Light is mentioned, and after everyone
leaves you talk more with Zosimos about that. You're escorted outside and given
a Boarding Pass, which allows you to use the royal ships. 

Everyone decides to head for the port, however, head into the observatory to
the left here, and make your way to the top. Examine the table at the bottom
right of this room (with an open book on it) to find another Lens(#14) and
 then leave Inferia City. 
Your next destination is the dot to the north-west of here, but for now head
all the way north and to the very edge of this continent. Grab the two hidden
items (a Water Shard and a Water Crystal) in the hidden area, then go to...

(Press Select before you enter to hear a hint)

Items/ /
----- Fire Crystal /
Fish Stew (Recipe) /
Lens (#15) /

Show the guard here your pass, and you are let through. Go into the first hut
here and examine the blue anchor to the right. Wonder Chef at it again, and
this time he teaches you the Fish Stew. Examine the barrels next to here also
for a Fire Crystal. Also examine the upper-left corner to notice a model of
some ship. Exit this house and then cross the bridge. To the left is a ship
leaving for Mintche, so head right instead and before boarding the ship heading
to Barole, examine the barrels to the left of this screen.. for Lens(#15).

As you board Keele leaves your party to help out with experiments and stuff.

On your way to Port Barole, you'll see a scene and whenever you see the ship
sailing, note that you can change the camera view with L and R buttons.

Items/ /
----- Ahemt Helm /
Calamari (Recipe) /
Kite Shield /
Lens (#16) /
Water Shard /

Once you arrive, head right and down to grab a Kite Shield from the chest, as
you walk away from it a hidden merchant will stop you and you'll have to pay
for it.. -do so.

Walk left and then down to examine the bottom-most box and reveal Wonder Chef
who teaches you the Calamari recipe. To the left of these covered boxes (at the
bottom of the red stairs is a hidden Lens(#16).. and also to the right of the
stairs is another chest with an Ahemt Helm inside, for which you will be
stopped to pay for also. Equip both of those new equipment on Reid.

Head up the stairs and enter the building.. -stock up on all new foods here,
and examine the table to the right for a Water Shard.
(Note: if you can't afford to stock up on Tuna, then fight some enemies in the
close vicinity of the port to earn some money).
Fighting /
You'll probably notice that the enemies here are similar while there /
are some new ones. Venturing too far on just three characters may be /
unadvisable, but in the nearby plains and forests and beaches of the /
port, you can rake up some nice EXP and Gald. Also make sure you're /
scanning the new enemies.. -sometimes they look the same as ones you've/
fought before, but notice their colour is different as well as their /
You may sometimes be overwhelmed by the new enemies here, but aim to /
take out the magic ones first and then the others.. -that way you won't/ 
be attacked from the back row by magic. /
Head to the west of the port to find the city of Barole.
 (Press Select to hear a hint before you enter) 

Items/ /
----- 1,000 Gald /
Dark Bottle /
Elixir /
Holy Bottle /
Lens (#17) /
Pot Pie (Recipe) /
Shamsel /
Steak (Recipe) /
Water Crystal /

Prices here are crazy. But **spoiler** a new character will join your team soon
and you'll be able to train and get Gald from battles then, so you can buy all
you need from this town. So until then hold off buying anything until I tell
you to **spoiler ended**

At the entrance you'll realise where the nice smell was coming from.

On this first screen, head up into the food store with the large fish sign on
top of the entrance. Examine the two large pots right of entering to find a
Holy Bottle. Exit and enter the second to the left building with a large bottle
on top of its entrance. Make your way to the back and climb the stairs to the
roof. Speak with the Pink headed guy, to find Wonder Chef in disguise. He
teaches you the Steak recipe and leaves.

Leave, and exit to another screen to the left. Here you'll see a fountain in
the middle (examine it for 1000 Gald) and a weapon store above it. Enter and
talk to the tutorial guy walking about, then make your way to the left of the
counter to head outside. You'll see a chest with a Shamsel in it, while the
girl commends your efforts for finding her and gives you an Elixir as a reward.

Leave the store and head left down a set of stairs. An event occurs and you're
back to the first screen again. Head back to where the event took place and
down and right to meet up with this new character, Ras. He joins your team!

At the top left of this screen is a book shop. Head in to meet up with Katrine
again, then head back and enter the inn (where Ras joined your team). Examine
the little desk by the window (to the right of the counter) to find a Dark
Bottle. Then enter the next room to the left. Examine the tall wardrobe to the
right to reveal Wonder Chef.. -he teaches you the Pot Pie recipe.

Head back one screen to where you first met Ras. To the right of the top shop
is a flower bed with purple flowers. When the girl isn't standing in front of
it examine it to get a Water Crystal. Head inside and examine the two golden
vases to the right upon entering for a Lens(#17). For a scene you can also
examine the jewels to the right of the counter. Outside enter the right store,
and if you want you can examine the firefurnace 9 times, and on the 10th time
you'll see a scene.. -very useless if you ask me!

You can now play a mini-game one the second screen of town. A guy stands to
the right of the weapon shop and challenges you to a game he calls Arithmetic

Arithmetic Contest /
You get three piles of stones to pick from with each pile having a /
different number of stones. The idea is that you can pick one, two, or /
three stones on your turn, as you take turns.. -and the last one to /
take, wins. You can also cancel with Circle, but only on your turn. /
DO go first if: /
ONLY two piles, when divided by 4, have equal remainders/fractions. /
DON'T go first if: /
None of the three piles, when divided by 4, have equal remainders/ / 
fractions. /
All three piles, when divided by 4, have equal remainders/fractions. /
If that sounds complicated (for you non maths people), try seeing how /
 many 4's go into each pile fully and note the remainder.. -for example / 
11, 10, 9.. 11/4 gives 8 plus remainder "3", 10/4 gives 8 plus / BOOKMARK
remainder "2", 9/4 gives 8 plus remainder "1". So in this case you /
should let him play. While if you got the set of numbers that (when /
you did the division by 4) it gave you two (no more no less) same /
remainders then you should take that turn and make the pile that /
doesn't contribute to the two-same-remainder-piles and take from it /
enough to make it a fully divisible number by 4.. -e.g 4, 8, 12, 16.. /
etc. There on just keep taking opposite numbers from the same pile /
that your opponent takes.. -where opposites in this game are: 1 opp 3, /
3 opp 1, and 2 opp 2. So if he takes 3 from pile one you take 1 from /
pile one.. and so on. Get the hang of getting him into that trap and /
you can win EVERY single time. I suggest you lose (should you get real /
good at it) on purpose a few times so that the level and number of /
stones used lowers. /
So the idea is to try and get your opponent in a situation where he has/
to make a move and has multiples of 4, on all three piles! /
You win the Mathematician title for Reid and a Lemon Gel the first /
time, and then after a Miracle Gel everytime. These can be sold for a /
very good some of money.. -more on that below. /
Play a few times until you get many Miracle Gels. /

That game can make you very frustrated so don't play it too much, just enough
to get a couple of Miracle Gels. Sell a few of them (I'd say half of however
many you have), for a lot of Gald. Now with a party of 4 you can always go on an
enemy scanning mission, while getting EXP and Gald in the process. I would say
train until you have 30,000 Gald and you're at around level 30. Also make
sure you're practicing old skills to learn new ones as well as developing the
levels of your thrust/slash for Reid or kick/punch for Farah.. so on.

Remember to fight at night in all places as well as camping often, and note
that you don't need to cross over the bridge to the west of Barole.

Soon as you have 30,000+ Gald (including the money you got from selling Miracle
Gels), you should head back to do some shopping.. -this is regardless of whether
or not you're done with your training or even enemy scanning:
Buy /
Second screen, weapon&armour shop: Partisan, Steel Sword, Needle Glove,/
Misty Robe(but only if you don't already have one), and 3 Bracelets. /
All that costs close to 20,000! /
At the third screen (where you first met Ras), the top shop sells only /
three items, and they're all quite expensive. Suggestively buy one of /
each and more if you want/can.. -you may wish to hold off buying the /
Stun Charms (since they're so expensive), but DO buy one Mist Charm.. /
-you can buy the Stun Charms later on. /
Equip your characters accordingly with your new stuff. /
If money is available, top up on foods, gels and all other useful /
stuff. /

Go back to training and/or scanning, if need be.

When you're done with your training/scanning, head back to Barole, rest and
RESTOCK yet again. If you want you can play the arithmetic game a bit more to
earn yourself some Miracle Gels (to sell and to keep), after all you lose
nothing out of losing at that game, so there's no harm in playing it (apart
from stress). It may sound a lot but I spent a couple of hours on this game on
just getting Miracle Gels selling them and getting a whole lot of money out of
the process.. -at the end I decided I'd keep about 4 or 5 gels for myself.

Leave Barole and head south, across a bridge. then head westerly towards the
red dot on the mini-map.. -that's your next destination. Before entering camp,
then press Select to hear Ras say something.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Items/ /
----- 2x Melange Gel /
 1,800 Gald / 
Aerialboard / BOOKMARK
Arc Wind /
Assault Dagger /
Lemon Gel /
Lens (#18,#19) /
Life Bottle /
Mental Ring /
Needle Glove /
Orange Gel /
Storm Shield /

As a pre-emptive call.. -make sure you scan the new enemies in this section, and
definately save one Spectacle for the boss! (Note that some enemies even drop
them, so don't fret if all of the sudden you used up your last one).

When you enter you'll see a Load Point crystal. Do what you must then head on
up. Head up and right on the next screen too, to reach a third screen with a
house and two Inferia Guards. The party converse with them and then Ras talks
his way to let yourselves pass through.. -Reid's not so sure!

You needn't worry over the fact that there was a section to the left of the
house back there, as the wind will just blow you away and you can't go any
further.. -so do not waste your time. Instead, in the cave you automatically
enter, make your way to the end of this platform you're on, and notice a hole
on the ground. Wind occasionally blows out of it, at which point you should
step on it to shoot yourself to higher ground up above. Here make your way
leftwards to a chest containing a Storm Shield. Since this place is windy I
suggest you equip that shield straight away!

Two tornadoes damage you if you touch them, but carefully walking (not running)
you can pass through (in between) them and reach another hole. You'll have to
wait for the wind to stop gushing out before you can drop down it.

On this new cave area, soon as you climb the steps (slope), stop by the
stalagmite.. -and under any circumstances do not step or get too close to the
swirvy ground (as wind blows you back to the VERY beginning of the caves).
Instead, examine the stalagmite and Ras mentions that the wind is too strong,
so he latches a rope to the one on the other side and then connects it together.

Examine the now-latched rope to get across. On the other side take the wind up
to a new area and then grab the Melange Gel at the top before using the hole in
the ground to the left, to get back down (to a new area). In this small and
dark area head left into darkness to enter a camping room. They talk and then
sleep. When you wake up.. -with full health and TP, you should touch the Load
Point crystal here and then SAVE!

Head right to a new screen. The stairs/slope to the right leads outside to the
beginning,.. -you don't wana be going that way. Instead take the left
stairs/slope and use the gust from the hole to shoot up to a new area. Up here
hug the right side to pass to the right side of the middle line, and then down
to a chest with a Melange Gel. You may wish to fight in this area before
heading up to the top and using the hole in the ground to drop DOWN, and
instead use the opportunity to fight a Bone Knight, as they drop a Nimble
Rapier (for Reid) which is your best Thrust weapon to this point. Their drop
percentage is low, so you may have little luck until you fight an odd 10
battles or so. Chances are you may actually have it from the last training and
scanning session back at Barole grounds.. -check your inventory.

Down the hole in the ground on that last screen, leads to the caves again. Make
your way to the other side and use the wind from the hole to shoot up.

Walk right-ways to see a three-way fork. Walk via the middle one to fall down
(just before you get to the chest). You'll fall down to a chest containing a
Mental Ring. Unfortunately you'll have to be "gusted-out" and then have to make
your way back to the very last screen we were on (before you fell down to this
last chest!) Make sure you camp on your way back, recheck the Load Point and

This time take the top fork and around to an Assault Dagger (do not equip), and
the 1800 Gald from the bag. Also before you fall down there's a hidden
Lens(#18) in the corner above the hole. Get the Orange Gel and then the Lemon
Gel further up before using the gust to shoot up.

On this screen, just make your way to the very bottom and drop down the hole. 
On THIS screen, make your way to the very far left and grab a Needle Glove from
the chest. Go down a little and right to walk through an arch under the
platform above. You'll see a cave, which you should ignore for now and take the
path above it to shoot up, where you can collect a Arc Wind (do not equip) from
 a chest.. -then head back and this time enter the cave below. 
To the left a Life Bottle, then take the stairs and walk around the path to the
next screen. Here examine the Load Point crystal, cure up and SAVE.

The boss is coming up next, so here are some suggestions on curing and
Curing & items /
Before wasting your items (which maybe needed in the coming battle), /
why not waste some food items instead, to cook something that restores /
HP/TP as you may need it. I would suggest either a Cream Stew for a lot/
of HP curing or a Softcake for a lot of TP curing. Do the one you need /
most and then top up both (HP and TP) with gels. /
------------ /
Equipment / /
Reid: Steel Sword, Chain Mail, Storm Shield, Ahmet Helm. /
Farah: Needle Glove, Silk Cloak, Bracelet, Ribbon. /
Meredy: Bird Whistle, Silk Cloak, Bracelet, Ribbon. /
Ras: Saint Rapier, Misty Robe, Bracelet, Circlet. /
As with accessories, do as you see fit, but I definately suggest the /
Talisman either on Meredy/Ras who naturally have low defense, while /
you may choose to equip it on Reid also, since he's in the front line. /
With the rest, Thief's Cape should suffice. /

Please read the strategy below, "before" you decide to fight!

When ready, head up, past the Load Point:

BOSS / /
-------- Sylph /
6,600HP /
I will just write guidelines as to how to use your characters to overcome /
Sylph's wrath. /
The following assumes you're using Reid as your controlling character... /
Soon as the battle starts, have Meredy use Spectacles on Sylph and one of the /
companions! /
Formation /
Meredy---------------------Ras Farah Reid /
Reid /
---- /
Strategy /
Do As You Like /
Attack -> 5 Slash -> 3 Thrust -> 3 /
Use your best skills that you have (usually the ones you received last and /
use-up most TP). Tempest Strike, Demon Twist are examples. Abuse these two /
skills like there's no tomorrow. You may also wish to add Meredy's /
Grave attack to an L-shortcut, so you can keep using it in conjunction to /
your moves.. -and have one of Ras' best moves to the other L-shortcut at your /
disposal. /
Farah /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Punch -> 5 Kick -> 5 /
Let her do her thing! Order her to heal if need be. Use her most TP-consuming /
skills, in conjunction with yours and Ras' (disable her other weaker ones). / 
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
 Attack Same Enemy / 
Attack -> 5 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 1 / BOOKMARK
Disable all but the Grave skill!... -that way she'll only be using that. /
Ras /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 1 /
Let him do his thing. /
Again, just like with any boss, but particularly the Undine craymel boss, don't/
let this one attack, keep attacking non-stop. You should never be doing nothing/
...otherwise you'll be attacked. Keep ordering Meredy to use Grave when Sylph /
is on the ground, while when he's in the air use your other two characters' /
moves as well as your own, to bring him down. You should be ok with regards to /
HP but TP may deplete quite quickly, so counter that with a good GEL (e.g. /
Miracle Gel.. -remember you can get more when you play that arithmetic game at /
Barole). Also remember to take out the Arms first before the boss.. -with a /
skill such as Megasonic Thrust, and attack Sylph himself with Demon Twists! /
Depending on the skills you have available, make do with what you have, the two/
above are essential if you have them. /
------------------------------------------------------- /
An alternative method that worked beautifully for me / /
Make sure you take out the arms first! /
Hold L and press X then Circle, to order Ras and Farah to perform /
Dragon Flash and Rising Dragon Strike (or Twin Palm Strike or Death /
Blossom), then press your corresponding Circle command to execute /
Reid's Tempest Strike or Demon Twist. Keep doing that until your TP is /
real low at which point you should use an Orange Gel or two. Forget /
about blocking, he's a real walk in the park if you don't let him /
attack by doing the above over and over. I walked out of that battle /
with almost full HP and never had to even use any item, apart from two /
Spectacles.(All characters were at level 27 when I went in). /

After you defeat him, he reluctantly joins your team, and hints you on your
next craymel.. -very hot place!

Touch the Load Crystal to cure up (though you're always at full health after a
boss battle in this game, then save.

Go into menu and then C.Cage. Here choose Craymel and then select Sylph twice
to move him to the red cage (Keele's cage). Then press circle to confirm his
location, and go down to the flashing Fringe menu. Press it to combine the two
(Undine's and Sylph's) power and form Heal and Air Thrust.

Now head down and back to the caves. Make your way back to the area with the
three-way fork. Head to the left side via the middle path. This will make you
fall to somewhere close to the beginning. Let the wind blow you out.

As you try to leave, Ras leaves while Keele rejoins. You also get the brilliant
Aerialboard. Head down to the next screen where Meredy teaches Keele (and you
the player) how to use craymel fringing. The basics of it are what I told you
above about splitting them, while the levels increase the Craymel's power,
abilities and therefore you get better skills by fringing the greater your
craymel levels are.

Examine the Load Point crystal before you leave and re-equip your characters
to the best. Camp, press Select (to hear a hint), then save.

If you check your Inferia Map under the Items menu, you'll notice the places
you've been visiting while two more are still greyed out, The next one is
definately Chambard, which (from your current location) is all the way on the
other side of the world. You can get there easily with the Aerialboard, but
before that why not just get a hidden Lens on this continent that you're
Aerialboard / 
You can ride it everywhere apart from mountains and forests. You can /
even move back and forth from plains to water as you please. While over/
 rivers or oceans you don't face random battles, otherwise you do! / 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKMARK

From Sylph Cavern, hop on your Aerialboard, and keep heading north then
easterly towards Barole. Sleep at Barole if you wish but on your way there
you should have seen another bridge. While on your Aerialboard go between the
two bridges and into the river, you can go back on ground (but not forests), so
follow the riverup north, but before long you'll notice a semi-circle of
unforested area to your left. Get there and press Circle to come off your
board. Now aim to reach the very bottom-left corner of this continent. Use the
sea as a better medium, since you don't face fights while over water. When you
reach the peninsula just hover over the round green patch at the edge. Grab your

With the amount of cash you've got plus the Aerialboard, you can afford to do a
few more side-quests, but let's leave that for after you get the third Greater

To get to your next destination, use the Aerialboard and head out into sea. You
should aim to get to the right side of the world map, and reach Chambard. Keep
track of your location with the map in your Item menu. When you reach the sandy
areas, don't hover over ground until you get real close to the town. Camp
outside, then enter...

Items/ /
----- 1,000 Gald /
Carbonara Pasta (Recipe) /
Combo Command (for 10 Lens) /
Elven Boots /
Front Attack Command /
Inferi Cape (for 10 Lens) /
Lens (#20,#21,#22) /
Rune Bottle /
Seafood Pasta (Recipe) /

Man it's hot here. It's even annoying to see. Talk to the three people on the
floor you're on.. -the one stationary by the top corner talks about
Chamballoon. The door to his left leads to the inn. Enter the next door inside
and examine the top most bed (top-right if you will), to find Wonder Chef..
-teaches you Carbonara Pasta. Before you leave this room check the blue vase to
the left of the door for 1000 Gald.

Take the stairs to the right and then past the fountain another set to the left
and make your way right (to the top) and talk to the girl here to find out her
name's Irene the Lens collector. This is what you've been collecting Lens for!
She gives you nice items for every 10 Lens you collect. You should have 19 with
the hidden one you just got earlier, so come back to her to get the Combo
Command plus an Inferi Cape.. -an accessory for everyone.

Enter the house next to her and inside examine the large pot to the right for a
Rune Bottle. Leave without buying anything for now but remember where this shop

Go back to the ground floor (where the inn is) and head west.

On this screen head down to the fountain and examine it for a Lens(#20), so
head back to Irene to get the Inferi Cape. From the fountain head down and right
onto the beach! and to the right is a chest with Elven Boots. The guy standing
between the benches (wearing a hat and punching the air), is the Balloon Master.
You can challenge him to a mini-game, Chamballoon!
Chamballoon /
The idea is to simply strike every balloon on the screen in a time /
limit. /
--------- /
1st Round - 4.83 sec, 4 balloons / 
--------- /
Soon as it starts, press and hold UP on the d-pad, then press X once /
soon as he has hit the first balloon press X again (meanwhile you're /
never letting go of Up) and keep doing that for the rest. Easy 1st /
 round. / 
--------- /
2nd Round - 3.66 sec, 4 balloons /
--------- /
Again so easy, this is like testing your battle skills! Basically same /
thing as before hold up (on the d-pad all the time), while pressing XX /
and then XX again to each the second higher ones each time. /
--------- /
3rd Round - 6.00 sec, 4 balloons /
--------- /
Easiest round upto now! Hold up (as always), and slash, slash!! /
--------- /
4th Round - 7.00 sec, 6 balloons /
--------- /
A rough jump in difficulty! which can be made real easy if you realise /
that you've got your SKILLS at your disposal (I didn't realise this for/
ages). /
2 balloons are always separated to your right with the other 4 being to/
the far left. Jump slash and normal slash the two to your right, then /
perform any aerial skill like Demon Twist and you should get all three /
in the air, then run to the last one. /
--------- /
5th Round - 6.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
Just as easy as the last round, once you realise you can use skills, /
otherwise VERY, VERY HARD! /
8 balloons may sound much but you can take them out 4 at a time with a /
Demon Twist. So soon as it starts, perform two Demon Twists in a row to/
get all of them in like 3-4 seconds. /
Note that I mention Demon twist.. -this worked for me, you may have a /
better one or may not have this one.. so just use any other aerial /
skill that hits multiple times. /

Note that you can keep playing this for Melange Gels (just like you could play
the arithmetic game at Barole for Mircale Gels).

When ready to move on, Head up and left past the fountain to a new screen.
Enter the red door to the left, and witness a scene with Katrine getting
herself into trouble again! Farah helps out once more. When she leaves, buy two
Kitchen Mittens and two Blue Ribbons for the two ladies in your team and equip
them. Leave this shop and talk to the guy at the bottom of the stairs to learn
of your next destination. Then talk your way up to the top. walk to the right
and enter the blue door. Here is your weapon and armour shop. Buy a Ring Mail
and Gold Circlet (and a Kite Shield if you don't already have one). Hold off
buying a Cross Helm, as you will get one real soon. Then talk to the other
person behind the counter to buy weapons.. -buy all but the Crescent Axe (of
which you should have at least one already). Oh yeah talk to that tutorial guy
again, before you walk out.

Now enter the building to the left here, with the large fork and spoon. This is
Chambard Bistro. Head right soon as you enter behind the girl at the table and
enter a hidden room with two chefs behind a counter selling different foods.
Stock up on ALL foods from them BOTH! Leave and now head left from the entrance
and talk to the guy standing near the fountain who teaches you about
Auto-cooking. No he's not Widdock the tutorial guy, he just happens to know
about it. Then head left past him and examine the large red bottle in the
corner to reveal Wonder Chef.. -he teaches you Seafood Pasta. You can wonder
about the place, to find a Lens(#21) hidden upstairs by the centre table
(examine the chairs carefully!), then just buy a ticket for 10,000 Gald..
-a rip off if you ask me! to enter the cooking competition.
Cooking Arena /
If you want to participate then you better train your cooking skills /
for it. You'll need to train Farah to cook after every battle, and give/
her the Omelette and Pot Pie to make. /
/ 
Once she's maxed you can head back. When I say max out I mean she has /
5 stars underneath her for cooking that item when you go in the cooking/
menu and choose that item to be made. Then head back to town and /
pay-up to compete. First round has you making and Omelette, and you /
 should choose the ingredients in the following order: Onion, Rice, / 
Lemon, and Egg. (You'll have to get to the top floor and talk to the / BOOKMARK
girl to start cooking) /
You will get the title of 3-Star Chef for it. /
You can participate some more to get different titles. /
For the next round in making the Pot Pie, just choose the ingredients /
in the following order: Kirima, Pasta, Egg, Cheese. It's really a /
waste of money though.. -especially right now. /
Note, that because you don't have an ingredient to make the item in /
the third round, it would be pointless in paying up 10,000 Gald and /
not being able to win.. -so here I say it.. DON'T ATTEMPT THE THIRD /

While you're on your cooking training, you'll battle some new enemies, so make
sure to scan them before killing them. Also training to about level 30 wouldn't
hurt either.
Stuff to do before you leave /
Rest at the inn, restock up on foods and items. /
Make sure you've equipped the new goods on all team members, and /
suggestively train upto about level 30 and learn some new skills. /
Also fight on desert, grass, forests and beaches night and day.. -for /
about 3-4 days in a row, to make sure you've got every enemy scanned. /
Just north of town you've got all four! (that's all four being: desert,/
grass, forests and beaches). /
If you haven't done so already make sure you change your battle /
strategies to default or ones that suit you, as the ones I suggested /
for Sylph earlier will get you killed quickly! as the enemies around /
here can juggle you to death!! /
The training and cooking should go hand in hand, as you level up you /
level your cooking too. /
You may wish to leave the Omelette on Auto Cook for when An ally has /
abnormal status.. -that way Farah will only cook when she needs to. /
Note that when fighting a phoenix type enemy, Flamebird they will /
occasionally drop a Flamberge, a sword for Reid.. and his best one to /
use for training, but not at your next destination! This sword is so /
cool, in battle you actually get to see it's effect.. :o) /
A note on combos and skill learning, that VeghEsther on the message /
boards at GameFAQs mentioned. They said that you can equip crappier /
(weaker) weapons on your characters and aim to get higher combos that /
way (so you don't kill your enemy), and in the process higher combos /
yield greater EXP, which means quick leveling up of you characters as /
well as your attributes (like thrust and slash) which is great for /
quick skill learning. /

Rest at the inn, save your game, then hop on your Aerialboard and travel
northwest of Chambard to an island then go to the left edge of this island to
get a Lens(#22). There should also be the unnamed old man who teaches you the
Front Attack command. (Note: this is the island literally north-west of town,
and it's the island almost attached to the continent you're on. Moreover you'll
need to go to it's upper-left edge to enter the hidden area)

Make your way back to town, and then head southeast to the red dot on your map.

Items/ /
----- Blue Ribbon / 
Bracelet /
Cross Helm /
Fire Shard /
Flare Cape /
 Lavender / 
Lemon Gel / BOOKMARK
Lens (#23) /
Life Bottle /
Rune Bottle /
Sage /
Sorcerer's Ring /
Square Shield /
Venom /

This place is in the middle of the mountains, as you approach the dot on the
mini-map, so you'll have to go around the mountains to get inside the middle of
them to reach the entrance to this place.

Press Select if you so wish to hear a hint, then enter.

This place is very hot, so the group uses Undine to surround them in a barrier
of some sort to protect them. This doesn't last forever, though.. -once it
wears out, you'll start losing HP with every second that passes.

Head up and activate the Load Point. Save. Head up into the next screen then
hug the left wall all the way to a Venom.. -for Farah, which you should equip
straight away. Back to the start of this screen, head right and up leading to a
new screen. Here take an immediate right to a chest with Sage inside (don't use
this item until much later in the game), then head on upwards.
Spectacles /
Some new enemies here at Efreet Gorge. Just make sure you scan the new /
ones! /
Also, there are some enemies, Iron Golems, that may drop a Square /
Shield for Reid, and this is a MUST for this dungeon, as well as the /
upcoming boss. /
Speaking of a boss, make sure you save a Spectacle for him! /

This room is big and has many firespots everywhere. Hug the right wall all the
way upto a chest with a Flare Cape.. -make sure someone has this equipped. Head
Back to the start of this screen and head left all the way to a Lemon Gel (in a
chest), then backtrack a littleways the way you came, and head up through a
passage with no firewall. Then up and left through a firewall (the only way I'm
afraid!) to get to the cave opening at the upperleft, which leads to a new
screen where the team takes a camping rest!

The converse (as always) and then examine the Load Point before head on. Make
sure you save too!

Make your way past the next screen, as none of these doors can be opened right
now. On the next screen you'll face another big room with fire spots everywhere.

Make your way to the far right for a Life Bottle, then head back to the
beginning (of this screen) and head all the way up and right to a chest with a
Lavender. Trace back to a right with no flames and follow this (through a
firewall) to reach two chests containing a Square Shield and a Cross Helm.
Both are for Reid and equip both straight away.

Go left (past the flames you just cross), and then up and right to the next

Undine tells you she cannot protect your from these flames, so just wait until
they go down then cross safely (but quickly). Two chests here, take each in
turn to grab both items. The left one has a Blue Ribbon for the ladies (you
should already have them equipped!) while the right has a Bracelet.

At the top, head into the next bit, make sure you've cured (via cooking) and at
full HP and TP. Touch the Load Point and save.
Equipment /
Reid: Steel Sword, Ring Mail, Square Shield, Cross Helm. /
/ 
Farah: Venom, Silk Cloak, Kitchen Mitten, Ribbon. /
Meredy: Pretty Whistle, Silk Cloak, Kitchen Mitten, Ribbon. /
 Keele: Gem Rod, Misty Robe, Bracelet, Gold Circlet. / 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKMARK
Onwards to face the easy boss.. -no seriously, he's much easier than the last
two Craymels, so much so, I didn't even give him any strategy:

BOSS / /
-------- Efreet /
24,000HP /
Quite a jump in HP, from any enemy or Boss you've fought to this point, but /
honestly, with the equipment and suggested skills, he's a cake with a cherry /
on top. /
No strategy really needed, as long as you have protective equipment (those /
recommended above). Just keep attacking him with all you got.. -have no mercy! /
Notice that only aerial attacks and skills will hurt him since he's always /
floating. Also notice that if you touch his fire underneath him you get hurt! /
It may seem like he's hurting you bad, but just take a look at your HP /
occasionally to see that he's barely touched you!! /
Should you suffer too badly then use an item or two to bring you back to par, /
otherwise just keep attacking. /
Before killing him.. -or preferably right at the beginning of the fight scan /
him with a Spectacle!.. -if you're after completing that Monster Book, that /
yields nothing! but satisfaction (ok, and a useless title for Keele). /
------------------------------------------------ /
An alternative method suggested by VeghEsther / /
Reid: Steel Sword (replace with the Hydra Daggger instead.), /
Ring Mail, Square Shield (or a Pot lid), Cross Helm. Give him the /
2x flare capes or 1 flare cape and the inferia cape. /
This way Reid is totally immune to fire damage (and Ifreets attacks) /
Then Demon Twist him to death. Meredy Spread/Undine Summon or heal. /
Keele turn off all save Air Thrust, Sylph and Aqua Edge. /
Have Reid master Omelette before the battle (and set this dish to /
autocook before the battle starts.) Don't revive anybody that dies /
since 1 Reid will still be alive and 2 this dish cures all negative /
stats (including dead party members) /

Though I found the Steel Sword does way more damage than the Hydra Dagger I
was originally going to recommend, for MY method above. Try either mine or
his and see which one works best for you!

When he's down, Undine persuades him to join you and he does. Send Efreet to
either Meredy or Keele for now, it doesnt really matter. The Craymel of Light,
Rem also appears to say something and he gives you the Sorcerer's Ring.. -you
can use R to fire a light beam.. -you will need this at the Bridge of Light he

Examine the Load Point crystal to cure up and then save. Carry on downwards
where Meredy prompts to teach you more about craymels and fringing and what
not. Listen to ALL she has to say!

When in the C.Cage menu choose Fringe to learn Eruption, then choose Items
menu under C.Cage menu to give Fire Crystals and Shard to Efreet, Water ones to
Undine and Wind ones to Sylph.

Moving on.. head back to the room with the doors you couldn't open. Fire light
onto them with R-button (using the Sorcerer's Ring) and then heading inside to
fire another time at the things at the back of each room. The room in order
contain two Deaths each to fight and then a chest drops with: Rune Bottle,
Fire Shard and Lens(#23). Make sure you scan one of these Death enemies.

Leave Efreet Gorge.

On the way you'll stop by the camping screen and talk of some story stuff and
then Keele mentions Mt. Farlos, our next destination.. -though we won't be
heading there just yet.

 Soon as you're outside, camp, save and press Select to hear Keele's hint on Mt. 
Now that you've got all three Craymels and the Aerialboard, you should go on
some sidequests. You've done some on the way upto this point, but there are a
few more before moving on with the plot. Of course it's all optional so if you
feel you just want to continue with the story, then scroll down to "Farlos".

Items/ /
----- 2x Rune Bottle /
2x Savory /
7x random items ! /
Ahmet Helm /
Back Attack Command /
Bird Whistle /
Chain Mail /
Crescent Axe /
Lavender /
Lemon Gel /
Lens (#24,#25) /
Life Bottle /
Melange Gel /
Pine Gel /
Smash Cape /
Strawberries (buy from girl) /
Syrup Bottle /
Tuna Gel
White Cloak /
Wind Crystal /
Wind Shard /

First off, from Efreet Gorge, head directly south to a small green island. It's
totally tiny compared to the one you see almost immediately on the mini-map.
Here you can enter one of those hidden areas and grab a Life Bottle and a Syrup
Bottle.. -you'll need to use the Aerialboard to reach it of course.

Maintain on water from last location to head northways to reach a line of

little islands. Search out an island in the shape of a plus sign (you know the
maths arithmetic plus sign) and hover over it to find another hidden place..
-this one has a Pine Gel and a Lemon Gel. (It's northeast of the continent, to
the east of the top most small island in string of islands)

Head east from current location to reach the continent of Barole. Before
hitting mainland to the very north-west of this continent are three islands
clumped together.. -the middle one being the biggest of the three, and the one
with the hidden area.. -inside are a Lavender and a Savory. Note that this is
also the north-western most island on the whole map, so you cannot miss it.

From last location heading easterly and then southways to reach the town of
Barole. From Barole centre the camera so north is pointing up. Then hop on your
Aerialboard and ride it upstream on the river that flows in between the two
bridges. As you reach a forest to the left and an enclosed (unforested) area in
the mountains to the right, come off to the right to reach a hidden scene with
a girl selling nothing but Strawberries. Then come off at the left on the small
patch of unforested land and walk around to another enclosed hidden screen, as
you hug the left (sticking close to the mountains.. -here you'll find Wind
Shard and Wind Crystal.

While on this continent why not do a little cat-and-mouse chase at Barole town.
Head inside and at the screen where you used to play the arithmetic game, head
as if you're about to go to the next screen by the stairs but just at the top
of the stairs examine the stand for a partially hidden kid (whom you met
earlier in the game) and he keeps hiding and you have to keep finding him. Head
down the stairs to the next screen and find him next to the shop on the right..
-soon as you enter the next screen just examine the right side there. Go onto
the next screen down and enter the Inn at the bottom. Soon as you enter make a
right and examine the table with the vase atop to find the kid yet again.
Finally make your way to the first screen again and check infront of the guy
whose cooking the large stew in the middle of town. Check by the red/white 
stand.. -the kid will start running circles around the cook, and you'll have to
catch him with X. When you do Farah will lecture him and then head to infront
of the Inn to find him again and here he gives you a Rune Bottle before running
 Now 
go south to the Rasheans, and enter your home village! Here make your way BOOKMARK
to the northeast part of town and just to the left of Reid's house is the
entrance to the forest you started the game in. Head right and up on all the
screens in the forest to reach the crashsite. Check to the left of the blown up
scene to get a hidden Lens(#24). You may want to talk to the Elder and enter
the house south of Farah's house (which I think is Keele's house).

Make your way to the Regulus Dojo and enter the top. you'll have to face a
fight with a dozen of Monks to save Katrine, again! This girl just can't seem
to get to Inferia City can she?! Afterwards head to the rightmost door (at the
bottom of the corridor) to talk to Paollo and then the monk near him to learn
about Craymels. Leave when ready and use the aerialboard + river to get to

Here, west side of continent, directly across the mountains to the west of Mt.
Mintche Observatory.. -you'll enter a hidden screen, with a Rune Bottle. I had
a bit of trouble locating this one, but it's against the mountains and a forest
forces you to come off your aerialboard to reach the hidden screen. Now make
your way to the otherside of the continent and enter Mintche. Head right two
screens to reach the port. Take a second-class tickets to Inferia. Step outside
your room and enter the door to the right. Here a sea-sick merchant won't be
selling anything, but if you examine the pots at the back you can grab your
Lens(#25)! Leave this room and then this corridor and on the next screen take
the stairs going up to reach the deck for an Ahmet Helm and a Crescent Axe on
the west side, and a Chain Mail, Bird Whistle, and event on the right side.
Head back downstairs and enter the door to reach the first-class corridor. The
first room here has a chest with a White Cloak inside while you cannot enter
the next room so just head for the furthest to the right room and meet Katrine,
whose finally managed to get the directions right and like you she's heading
for Inferia!!

Leave the port and enter Inferia City just south east of the port. One screen
to the left and talk to the old man walking back and forth in front of the
Arena. He tells you he lost his Grip Sword. Head towards the playhouse and talk
to everyone outside. Someone will tell you that there was a lost item inside.
Talk to the guy standing near the theater door (the one farthest away from the
entrance) and then talk to the guy below. No good. Head out and go down one
screen and talk to everyone. Someone will mention he saw a soldier holding a
sword with a distinct grip. Head into the arena and talk to all of the
soldiers.. -one gives you the Grip Sword! No, you can't use it. Head outside
and talk to the old man and he'll give you a Smash Cape in return. Leave town.

To the west of town is a river, cross is and then take the sea to the
northernmost point above Undine Stream, across the mountains.. -in a hidden
screen against the mountains, some old guy telling you that there's some girl
who can ride Drake the Dragon.

Now go back to the Port of Inferia and take a ship to Barole by 1st class. Check
your room for a Savory and Melange Gel on the shelves (you can't get this if
you go by 2nd class). Go back to the cafeteria again. Get the Tuna Gel from
the chest, and examine the counter for seven random (?) food items (I got Bear
Meat, Banana, Egg, Bear Meat, Egg, Cabbage, Lettuce). Again, you can't get
these if you go by second class. Sleep when you're done.

From Barole Port head towards the centre of the world map to reach a final
hidden place and your next destination. On the way there you will see a
moonshaped island (this is not where we're going) and on this island you can
battle some new enemies not fought anywhere yet. Mind you they are tough.
Probably tougher than bosses you've faced upto now. You may have to run from
many battles in order to get your party back into shape. Of course if you'd
rather just continue with the story read the next paragraph.

South of the moon-shaped island is you next destination, which also has many
new enemies and strong ones too! So this is Farlos continent.. -forest on the
northern side.. -hidden screen with old man giving you Back Attack command.
Training & enemies & skills /
This island and the moonshaped island have the hardest enemies of the /
game so far. You may wish to level up, scan some new enemies and learn /
new skills, as the next few sections take you on an event after event, /
and you won't have the chance any more. /
It's possible to learn all your skills with Farah and Reid before /
going to Farlos, though there's an easier place to do so coming not / 
too far ahead, but not that soon either. Also make sure you scan the /
new enemies on this island and THEN the moon-shaped island.. -or you /
may wish to stay clear off of the moon-shaped island as the enemies /
there are absolutely deadly, for anything lower than Lvl60!! /
 / 
Stock up on stuff!.. like gels and foods. / BOOKMARK
Make sure to camp and save often! The moonshaped island has some /
evil enemies, and you most likely will have to use more than a couple /
of gels per fight to recover not only HP but more so TP. They have /
tons and tons of HP these enemies and can kill you before you know it. /
You may wish to just avoid that island, altogether, for the time being./
Many enemies (the hard ones) tend to drop some nice items occasionally,/
of particular interest is the Feather Magic (on Farlos continent), /
which is like a harpy-type enemy (a flying enemy), as it drops the /
Great Sword for Reid which gives him HUGE power. You may notice more /
enemies dropping other weapons for other characters, but this one is /
the beast! and the one I managed to find first fight against them, so I/
thought I'd note it down :O) /
While the Arachne Spider enemies on the moon-shaped island have a 20% /
drop rate for a Barrier Ring, which protects 10% elemental damage.. /
-and really worth getting. (Contributed by VeghEsther). /
Level wise.. -you really ought to be around the 40+ mark. Note this is /
just so that you find the next parts of the game easy.. -if you want a /
normal game then Lvl35 is fine! /

Press Select before entering to hear a hint.

Items/ /
----- Lens (#26) /

You'll have to enter this from the south side of the island. Enter when totally
ready and you've done all you want, because the next few scenes take you out of
this world!.. lol.. no but seriously, stock up at Chambard as they sell almost
everything from all foods and gels and what have you. You may even wish to do
some more arithmetic gaming in Barole to get some Miracle Gels. Like I said,
when totally and utterly ready, enter.
Just a quick note on enemies.. they're pretty much the same as the ones outside
(on the local world map regions), so unless you haven't done your scanning you
shouldn't have to do it here (now).

Moving on, enter and the team comment on the stained window. Talk to Widdock
the tutorial guy for some more craymel recap, then enter the church. Talk to
everyone here, then enter the door to the left of the priest. REST, when
prompted to do so, and you'll witness some talking about crossing the Bridge of

When you wake up, check the wardrobe to the left of the left most bed, for a
Lens(#26). Then leave this room and as you try to leave the church, the priest
stops you, and teaches Farah a new divine skill.. -Life. Note that this won't
happen until you speak with the priest and answer his two easy questions,
correctly! Moreover, you can go to the right of him into another door, where
examining the mirror shows how filthy you are, while talking to the fortune
teller (who tries to predict what Craymel you (the player) has in you). She
asks a million and one questions, and it's really not worth it, but if you
really want to, it gets you thinking about yourself a little ;o)

Leave the church and head up hill, to reach...

Items/ /
----- 2600 Gald /
Apple Gel /
Crystal Robe / 
Duel Helm /
Emerald Ring /
Flare Bottle /
Lemon Gel /
 Lens (#27) / 
Life Bottle / BOOKMARK
Omega Shield /
Orange Gel /
Trident /
Warrior's Symbol /

They talk about its height and then you gain control. Examine the Load Point
crystal and then save your game. Head up to the next screen and hug left to
reach a partially hidden chest at the peak of the trees.. -Crystal Robe. Hug
left and head upwards to reach a Duel Helm (for Reid.. -equip it). Now head
right, down a slope to the next screen. Grab the Omega Shield (which is weak!?)
and then head back to the last screen and head up the steps and to the right to
a new screen then up to a new screen again, and take note of the chest to left
on a lower ledge than you. Get to it, by walking up then climing down to it..
-it contains a Flare Bottle.

Further UP and a rockslide separates your party from Farah, who has a flashback
and hears Ras' voice. When you gain control, head down hugging the right side
and notice a rock now has fallen conveniently for you to be able to reach the
rope bridge to the right. Note you now will only have Meredy and Keele in your
party (as well as Reid of course), so battles may be a little tough unless
you're over level 30.

Cross the bridge and keep heading right until you can head down. Head down and
leftwards to a bag with an Apple Gel, then back on track heading right to a new
screen. Heading right a bit more, triggers an event, where you see Farah and
Ras, who rescued her. They decide to take their own path up, since joining up
doesn't seem viable. Head up to a new screen, and keep going right onto another
to find an Emerald Ring in a chest.. -equip this and a Mental Bracelet on Reid
as accessories, to make his TP always stay high.

As you walk upto a new screen, you'll witness Ras and Farah making progress...
with their talking! Keep heading up and right climbing Mt Farlos until you
reach a screen with fog and round boulders falling. Before heading up, head
left (run fast so to avoid getting hit multiple times) and grab the Warrior's
Symbol from the chest, then head back right and up the slope (left) and up to a
new screen. Grab the Orange Gel from the chest on the left (on a lower ledge
like before) then head up to a new screen. Keep following the general path
upwards and on the way you'll find a (hard to miss) bag in the middle of the
road containing a Lemon Gel.
Combo /
An efficient combo I found for the aerial (as well as ground) enemies /
in this area, due to the absence of Farah: Hold Fwd + XX, then Demon /
Twist, then soon as you touch the ground Neosonic Swarm. Great amount /
of damage and number of hits. This seems to work great in Farah's /
absence, but once she joins your team try it out in conjunction with /
her attacks for great combos. /
That was just something I realised while playing this section, as most /
of the time I just let Farah do the "knock-the-enemy-to-the-ground" /
thing and then I just pile up the rest of the hits. But since she's not/
in the fighting team, it meant I had to do more work and therefore /
learn some combos :P /
------------- /
Difficulty / /
You'll probably notice the enemies changing about now also, and getting/
a little bit harder (especially in Farah's absence), so you may wish to/
just scan and run away. /

Up on the screen with the Lemon Gel (to another foggy screen), head left (down)
first to a chest with a Trident inside, then up to the next screen. Head right
to grab 2600 Gald from the chest then up to the new screen.
On this third-in-a-row foggy screen, just head up as left has nothing. You'll
get a conversation event where Keele picks on Reid.

They camp (so you've got your strength back.. -though not your TP), examine the
Load Point crystal and save your game, before heading right (past it) to the 
next screen. Oh yeah, just as "heads-up" kinda comment, you cannot go back
anymore.. -to the worldmap or leave Mt.Farlos for that matter.. -in fact you
couldn't do this since Farah went astray. (You'll get one more chance higher up
the mountain, when Farah joins your team.. -but going all the way back down is
 a mission, as well as having to come all the way back up again, to continue 
with the story). BOOKMARK
Up on this next screen to witness what Farah and Ras are upto.. -oh guess
what.. more talking! Ras' funny though.. lol

Once you regain control, you'll have to use Quickie in this next puzzle, in
order to progress. The correct order is: Right, Go, Now, Now, There, Now, Go,
Now, There, Go, There, There. Climb (as Reid) all the ropes that lead to the
far top-right corner of this screen and onto another which has a bag with a Life
Bottle in it.

Up past the next screen, you'll meet up with Farah and Ras. Ras decides to part.
Meredy wants the fibrill. Reid doesn't give a ****. Examine the crystal, save,
examine the tablet to the right of the door, to learn that you'll need to shoot
fire at it to open it.. -use your R-button to do that. (It's the tablet you
need to shoot and not the door!)

Before entering, examine the pile of debris to the left for Lens(#27).

Enter the Stone Sanctum, and events take over (I'll save you from spoilers!),
culminating to a Boss Fight...
Preparation /
Make sure you don't have any elemental weapons equipped. /
Reid: Great Sword, Ring Mail, Omega/Kite Shield, Duel Helm. /
Farah: Venom, Silk Cloak, Kitchen Mitten, Blue Ribbon. /
Meredy: Pretty Whistle, Silk Cloak, Kitchen Mitten, Blue Ribbon. /
Keele: Gem Rod, Misty Robe, Bracelet, Gold Circlet. /

Read the boss strategies before facing him, though he's so easy.

BOSS / /
-------- Rassius /
4,408HP /
Have Reid and Farah pummel him with the best you've got. Have Keele/Meredy cast/
Sharpness/Concentrate on Reid and Farah before attacking with other spells. /
Make sure someone (Keele/Meredy) scans this boss before you kill him, /
preferably at the very beginning of the fight! /
He's got some hard to avoid (unblockable) attacks, but don't sweat, as they do /
merely any damage to you anyway. Cure if need be, but keep attacking him. /
Combo his ass, 'til he's down. /

His reinforcements come, but you teleport out of there in time.

Items/ /
----- Lens (#28) /
Melange Gel /

A cutscene followed by an fmv take you to Celestia. The party talk for a bit.

Head to the right of the house here, to find a hidden Lens(#28). Enter the
house to find a Melange Gel inside a box, and you may also rest in the bed for
free. The battle with Rassius has probably left you scarred a little, so why
not take that free HP-top-up!? 

A couple of things about Celestia.. -since the Craymels are different than
Inferia, that means that no Fire, Water or Wind reside in these substances.
Meaning no Aerialboard. Moreover, the music, world-wide has changed, that
 includes battles. 
Leave down, to exit to the world-map. You don't have the map for Celesita yet,
so rely on the mini-map for now. To get to your next destination, press Select
to get a hint from Meredy, then head EAST to reach Imen.

Note that the enemies on Celestia are ALL different to that of Inferia, so you
know what to do :o)

Camp, before entering.

Items/ /
----- Fruit Cocktail (Recipe) /
Lens (#29) /
Melange Gel /
Orange Gel /
Striped Ribbon /
Sweet Rice (Recipe) /

This is Meredy's home town. Very nice!

Events take you automatically to Meredy's house, where Farah decides to rest
and the rest of the group decides to look around. Starting outside Meredy's
home head up to see a merchant selling food. There should be only three new
types of food (you should have the rest in your inventory), and also note that
he doesn't sell some of the Inferian foods. Next to him is a pot with a hidden
Melange Gel and the building inside only serves for a little event and nothing

Head left to a new screen, and enter the first building here.. -the weapon shop!
An automatic event takes place where you're explained the purpose and use of
the different Craymel Guns in Celestia. Talk to everyone afterwards with the
guy behind the counter last.. -he's the one that sells weapons in this store
(and town!). I would suggest you hold off buying anything for now, until I say
so later on.

Head outside the store and head down and then right to have Meredy explain
about the water pump. Also talk to the other guy (twice) before heading down to
the new screen. On this screen (note that you can go up and right to the screen
with Meredy's house again) head inside the central building.. -talk to the guy
at the back, twice, then exit this house.

Enter the building below that last one where Keele makes friends! Exit and
directly infront of the door you just came out of are some jars and pots,
examine them for an Orange Gel. Now head down talking to everyone for various
conversation and events. Then head up and right to the first screen with
Meredy's house.. -enter.

Keele and Meredy go to visit the library, while Reid walks into the house and
talks with Meredy over events that have taken place and try to make sense of

The next morning, you notice that Keele isn't asleep in his bed. Head out of
this room and into the reception room.. -here examine the glass table in the
centre (the right side of it), for a Lens(#29). Then go to the upper left
room to find Farah. Meredy's isn't there either. Farah leaves to go look for
them, and you should do the same. Before you leave Farah's room check to the
right of the right bed for a Striped Ribbon. Leave this room and notice by
the exit door a little Robot has magically appeared. It's Wonder Chef..
-teaches you the Sweet Rice. It's basically a Celestian version of Cream
Stew. In Celestia, you may notice that you'll run out of ingredients but
can't find new ones. Some examples of these are Bear Meat and Kirima. So once
you run out of Bear Meat to cook Cream Stew, then cook Sweet Rice.

Leave the house and head up and west then down (past the weapon shop) to the
screen with the water pump. Directly in front of the water pump used to be a
guy who called you baldy, who isn't there any more.. -so enter the Library.

A scene occurs and you're taken back to infront of Meredy's home again, with 
Meredy asleep and you three left to explore some more.
Head down form this screen and enter the building below the top one (the one
with the blacksmith inside.. -the one Keele made friends with!) Talk to him for
 another event and the other guy sells you things.. -don't buy anything just yet. 
Exit that shop and head up and left, then left to enter the Library again.
Examine the big open book at the back left, to find Wonder Chef yet again. He
teaches you the Fruit Cocktail, the Celestian version of Fruit Juice. Head back
to Meredy's home, who has woken up and is attempting to contact a far away town
(where you'll be headed soon), to meet someone or the other. Leave this house
and head to the library to read on some books that explains a few things about
Celestia and the Craymels here.

Now with all four in your party again, you can decide more appropriately who to
buy things for and who to not, since some of these prices are quite steep and
most of these weapons aren't all that great. Starting by Meredy's house, head
up and stock up on all the foods you don't have (everything to the max). Head
left and enter the weapon shop.. -I recommend that you only buy the following:
Bardis, Silver Knuckles, Ruby Wand, Splint Mail, Striped Ribbon, Fine Shield.

Head down to the next screen and enter the shop where Keele made friends with
that guy. By the entrance (inside) is a guy who sells gels and sorts. Stock up
and then leave. As you try to leave town, you're stopped by the weapon maker
who promises Meredy a custom-made weapon for her soon! Cool!

Note: you may not have been able to afford the recommended items above, but I
strongly recommend them as well as stocking up on foods and gels (AND
Spectacles!) to the max. If that wasn't possible with the money you had, then
fight a few battles (not many) to earn some Gald, as the battles here give you
loads.. -then go back into town and buy what you need and what you like. Note
also that you can rest in Meredy's house for free!

Press Select while on the world map to hear a hint. Train up 1 level while
making your way to the Imen Station (east of here).

Items/ /
----- Train Cage /

Soon as you enter you see a train. The conductor tells you you'll need to bring
fuel to make the train operate again. Meredy hints that you may find some back
at Imen.. -so head back.

At the entrance you'll see an event.. -Meredy receives the title of Craymel
Engineer. Head to the weapon shop to buy the fuel thing for 2000 Gald, then
head back to the station.. -you'll need to examine the pipe thing on the floor,
behind the counter, and then talk to the guy to purchase it.

You'll participate in a mini-game now.

Mini-Game 3: Craymel Express /
This game may be tough for a while, but follow these and you'll master /
it real quick. Leave the brakes at 0 for a long, long while. Once you /
hit 300 on the Brake Power (the BIGGER number), increase the level to /
1. /
Once you hear Meredy shout that she sees it, increase it to 2. Once you/
can actually see the little building which represents the stop, slowly /
increase it to 3, 4, and then 5. Meredy will hop out and give the /
letter to the person. There are a total of four stops, but follow this /
strategy and you should do fine. For some laughs, just do poorly. /


Buy what you think you'll need/want, then leave this station. The Memory Whistle 
is a must for Meredy and the rest you should either have or not need. If you
want to complete your Collector's Book percentage, you should be buying one of
everything from every new store. That way you make sure you have every new item,
weapon, food, etc. For example I bought all the weapons back at Imen for Reid,
 although most of them are useless. 
Stock up on the foods to the right counter, before leaving. BOOKMARK

On the world map, there's one or two new enemies, otherwise same as before.
Make your way towards the east from the station to reach the town of Luishka.
Note that the Heavy Snake enemies occasionally drop a Bone Knuckle (for Farah),
which would be her strongest weapon to this point.

Press Select button before entering to hear a Hint.

Items/ /
----- Bitter Tofu (Recipe) /
Hot Borsch (Recipe) /

On entrance you'll notice that something has destroyed this town to the ground.
Meredy notices it as the work of Aurora Arte. Head up and then right and up
across a bridge to find Galenos' house. He's not there to greet you.

Enter the door to the right of the entrance. Examine the big glass container
here, then in the next room down, you'll find Galenos. He takes you to another
room and talks alot!

When he leaves, take the stairs to the right then enter the double doors in the
next screen. Examine the green thing by the bed to find Wonder Chef.. -he
teaches you the Bitter Tofu. Now go back to the room you were in last and
follow Galenos through the door he walked through.. -this leads you to the
first room of his house. Take this opportunity to step outside and make your
way one screen to the left, and step up the steps to the left and into the
ruins of the house to the right. Examine the spilt box to discover Wonder Chef
who teaches you Hot Borsch.

Head back enter the door to the right and then again then take off your clothes!

The rest end up leaving.. -Farah & Meredy decide to take a rest, and talk about
their parents. Meredy has a flashback/dream which you should keep in mind for

When you have control again, head back to the Luishka Station, and talk to the
tutorial guy, Widdock here.. -how on earth did he make it to Celestia?!

Stock up if need be, then head up to talk to the conductor and choose to go to
the Abandoned Mine Station.. -time for another mini-game.
Mini-Game 4: Abandoned Mine /
Really easy! Soon as your see the enemy appear Press X. You'll get /
them everytime. ANY later or even sooner and you'll miss or just catch /
the rear carriages of it's train. You'll actually WANT to battle more /
than a few times so you can scan the Hard Horn enemies and for some /
nice EXP (especially with high comboing). /

Eventually, you'll be at an abandoned mine...

Items/ /
----- All-Divide /
Bear Claw /
Bellebane /
Colain's Pot /
Elixir /
Gnome Pick /
Gold Bracelet / 
Hourglass /
Lemon Gel /
Lens (#30) /
Miracle Gel /
 Mythril Circlet / 
Ogre Lance / BOOKMARK
Pine Gel /
Rabbit's Foot /
Red Shield /
Ruby Wand /
Rune Bottle /
Savory /
Shovel, Dynamite, Key (part-of-the-story items) /

The rocks in this place are full of Earth Craymels, so you may just meet the
Greater Earth Craymel here. Let me just give you a couple of warnings about
enemies; Gentallmen are very annoying tall enemies that can easily dodge slash
attacks if you're standing too close. Don't get too close to Roller Snails, as
they can turn into a ball and hurt anything near it. And if you use the lever
things to take out treasure chests in the mine, BE CAREFUL. I have come
across a Fake in here. If you ever meet one, RUN LIKE HELL. They can easily
dish out 5000 damage with their Distortion spell, and right now you can
probably barely do 10 damage to them. Just come back later. Though don't forget
to scan every new enemy!
VeghEsther's contribution to killing the Fake enemies /
Reid: Sonic Blade non-stop! /
Turn off all of Meredy's/Keele's spells, except Lighting on Meredy and /
Fireball/Wind Blade on Keele. Set their attack spell meter to max 5. /
Farah: Healer/Revive/Sonic Fist. Set all to Attack Strong Enemy. /
With Reid and Co using their quickest spell casting moves/techs the /
Fakes should never cast Distortion and automatically die (they're in a /
permanent poison status) /
((On a 2nd playthrough just full maxwell extension them to death)). /

Starting off, check the chest to the right for a Gold Bracelet (equip it to
Keele). Then examine the Load Point crystal and save your game, before
heading up to the next screen.

Enter the door you see here, to the right. Reid mentions that you can sleep
(or rest) here, take that opportunity, and make sure you come back here often,
as it serves as a free healing room (both HP and TP). Now, check the top
most wardrobe, to find three items.. -Shovel, Dynamite, Key. Apparently a team
of 4 (Reid, Farah, Keele and Meredy) cannot carry three items! So take the
Dynamite first, and leave this room.

Head right to a new screen and right to the edge of it (past a boulder) to
reach a partially hidden chest with a Savory. Go back to the boulder you
passed (at the bottom of the screen), and examine it to use the dynamite and
blow it up.

Go back to the room you were in before, rest if you have to and this time take
the shovel from the wardrobe. Head back to the right where you blew up the
boulder. The boulder isn't there any more (duh!), so head down to a new screen.

Head to the far left for another partially-hidden chest, containing a Ruby Wand
(for Keele) if you didn't buy one earlier.. -then head back to the entrance to
this screen and down to the machine with the lever. Examine the lever to pull a
chest with an Hourglass inside.. -grab it, then head left and down to a new
screen. On this screen head down to a cross-road (an intersection).. -take a
left here then up to reach a chest with a Miracle Gel inside, then head down
(hugging the left wall) to another chest.. -and grab the Bellebane.

Head back to the cross-road, head right to find a Rune Bottle in a chest. Then
back to the intersection, this time taking the path DOWN, to a new screen.

Go as far left as you can then up to reach a chest with an Elixir. Now head
right as far as reaching a new screen, and then up on this new screen and pull
the lever on this machine here to bring down a chest containing an All-Divide
(which cuts half all damage done by allies and enemies.. -don't use it!). Now
head down and right to reach some gravel on the floor (blocking your path)..
-Farah will make Reid use the shovel and get rid of it, while they take a rest
back at the resting room. You'll get a message saying your health and strength 
has been restored.. -but note that doesn't include Reid, so use a couple of
gels to bring him upto par.
Head right, once you have control to go to a new screen, take the first down
 and then down and then right to reach a lever machine again, with a chest 
laying by next to its right side. The chest contains a Red Shield, while the BOOKMARK
lever makes the belt go the wrong way (bringing NOTHING to you).

Head up and left, heading left all the way, then up(new screen), then up and
left again to reach a new screen. Well not really new screen, coz you've been
here before. Now head DOWN(new screen), and follow this path curving around to
a chest with a Lemon Gel inside. You don't have the dynamite to blow up the
boulder, so head left and UP. Take a right, when you can you'll reach a place
with a small hole in the wall, and a chest(Pine Gel). With the shovel, dig at
the wall, to get Colain's Pot. It's one of the Seven Treasures of Celestia.
Meredy says Colain's fart (with blue font) is trapped inside.
Dropped Weapons /
Keep checking at what items you are receiving at the end of battles /
as some enemies drop nice weapons for you characters. I managed to get /
the Earth Blade for Reid which is his best weapon (to this point) in /
both slash and thrust. The enemy that drops it is called, a Hard Horn, /
which is the same enemy you've fought on the Abandoned Mine mini-game /
earlier where you were throwing bombs, and I mentioned you should fight/
these guys as they give good EXP as well as drop nice items. /

The boulder you saw earlier, it's time to go get the dynamite so we can blow it
up. To get to the resting room, just keep heading up and up on every screen.
For more precise directions read the paragraph below otherwise skip it.

From where you got Colain's Pot and the chest, left and then up to a new screen.
Head up-and-right to reach the door with the light, heading through it to a new
screen. Straight up to a new screen.. -you'll see a lever machine to your right
here, just above it is the exit. On this final screen head left and enter the
resting room in the next screen.

REST, save your game, then grab the dynamite from the wardrobe, and head back
to where you need to use it. Use the above directions backwards to get there.

Blow up the boulder here and the one to the right if you want (though you don't
need to). Hop on the lift here. It's not working.. -Meredy says it needs a key.
Remember that key you saw in the office? (Sigh) Go all the way back there and
get it. You might want to use a Holy Bottle, hopefully you've got some since
the enemies here drop them a lot. Once you've got the Key, rest, and head all
the way back down to the lift. Go on the lift twice to go down.

FINALLY, a resting scene, and a Load Point crystal. You're introduced to a new
mini-game here by Meredy.. -a card game.
Mini-Game 5: WHIS /
Left/Right: Select a card, /
X: Put down a card, /
O: Pass, /
Triangle: End Game /
Play the card with matching elements. You win if you use up all your /
cards. You lose if you have more than 15 cards in your hands. The /
player with the highest score after 5 rounds is declared the winner. /
The idea is to match the elements (i.e. fire, water, wind.. etc) and /
use up your cards. A boring game if you ask me. /
Just for trying it Meredy bestows the WHIS upon you.. (a valuable /
item).. -which means you can play this game any time you want. /

After 4 strenuous rounds of that silly game (though you can get quite addicted
to it if you like it), examine the Load Point, bring your team up to par with
gels, then Save your game.

From the crystal hug the wall left of it down to reach a hard to see door that
leads to a hidden alcove with a chest containing the Gnome Pick, which is
Reid's strongest weapon unless you managed to get an Earth Blade from the Hard
Horn enemies earlier.. -which is way stronger. Though both of these weapons are
useless against the next (and soon coming) boss.

Leave this small room by heading up then hug the wall right down and then left
to a chest with a Bear Claw inside (for Farah.. -her best weapon in everyway
upto this point in the game, and very useable against the next boss).

 Go down into the next area, and right for an Ogre Lance before continuing down. 
Head down and get the Mythril Circlet to the left. You'll notice a pile of BOOKMARK
gravel to the right.. -don't worry about it!

Head back to the last area (screen), and hug the right wall to an opening and
head RIGHT through it to a new screen. There's two right paths here.. -take the
upper one first and pull the lever to get some dynamite, then take the lower
right path and blow up the boulder at the next screen. Past the boulder is a
chest containing the Rabbit's Foot. Then go down to a new screen, where you're
greeted by Gnomes, who claim they are the Greater Earth Craymel.

Once they leave, follow them to the back to find a little village. One heals
your wounds, while you can buy stuff from a couple of others. In the lower
left hand corner, near the Gnome that says "Pooooo...?", you can find a

Once you're ready, DON'T cook anything as one of the gnomes near the Load
Point crystal acts as a free inn then save before heading to the right.
Preparations /
Stock up on everything from gels and spectacles and the new foods! /
------------ /
Equipment / /
Reid: ArcWind/GreatSword, Splint Mail, Red Shield, Duel Helm, /
Emerald Ring! /
Flare Cape! /
Farah: Bear Claw, Silk Cloak, Kitchen Mitten, Striped Ribbon, /
Warrior Symbol! /
Meredy: Memory Whistle, Silk Cloak, Kitchen Mitten, Striped Ribbon, /
Talisman! /
Keele: Ruby Wand, Misty Robe, Gold Bracelet, Mythril Circlet. /
Note: I have also included the accessories I recommend you have for /
this battle, as they will help greatly. Equip Keele with any /
accessory you wish though two Thief's Cape should suffice. /
Note: Also that Reid can equip the Arc Wind as this next boss is /
weak against wind, but I still feel the Great Sword does more damage, /
just because it has greater attack power. Note also that I don't /
recommend you use the newly bought weapons (from Imen) because they /
tend to only concentrate on either SLASH or THURST, and the Great /
Sword does both quite nicely! At the end of the day, it's your game do /
as you wish.. the above are only suggestions/recommendations :O) /
Examine the Load Point Crystal AFTER healing and equipping yourself, /
then save your game. /

Onwards to face this fun (and funny) boss.

BOSS / /
-------- Gnome /
16,160HP /
(Use a Spectacle at the very beginning of the battle). /
He's a real pushover. Just keep attacking him with all you've got and don't /
stress too much if he managed to deal a bit of damage.. -he's a boss afterall. /
Just use a GOOD (not some crappy Apple/Orange) gel to counter his wrath, and /
bring yourself back to par then keep on attacking until he's down. /
No real strategy. Just set Farah and Reid to maximum offense under strategy /
and Keele and Meredy in the back row, to casting healing and offensive spells /
from a distance. /
Use your strongest attacks and combos. I really feel there's no need for a /
strategy against this boss, because if you are close to level 40 (which you / 
SHOULD BE!) then he's very, very do-able. /
He shouts EVERYONE for one of his moves where millions of little gnomes come /
and rush under you. You CAN time a jump with the UP on the analogue-stick. /
 / 
-------------------------------------- / BOOKMARK
Alternative method, from VeghEsther / /
I prefer the Arc Wind as the best weapon give Meredy NOT Keel Sylph /
(though you will disable Heal if Meredy has Undine) since Keel /
already has a wind spell his default Wind Blade and let Meredy cast /
Air Thrust but its not needed. /
Spiral Attack, Demon Twist, Megasonic Thrust and even Super /
Lightning Blade are usefull. /

After the battle, Efreet, Sylph, and finally Undine will convince Gnome to
join. I recommend putting him in Meredy's Craymel Cage. When you're ready, leave
the little village to the left, and Gnome will summon his buddies to break a
hole in the wall leading you to the surface. Go through it. You'll be
surrounded by ocean, but you'll notice a hut to the west (the closest dot on
the mini-map). Go there...

Press Select before entering, to hear Farah's hint.

You may also wish to change everyone's strategy and weapons to the best (or
whatever suits you). Also I suggest you move about the Greater Craymels as
follows: Meredy.. -Undine, Gnome, while Keele.. -Efreet, Sylph. Then perform a
Fringe to learn new skills. You may have to fight a battle or two to trigger
the new Fringe with Gnome.

Items/ /
----- 3x Pine Gel /
All-Divide /
4,000 Gald /
Bloody Robe /
Blue Talisman /
Emerald Ring /
Ghost Shell /
Honey Ramen (Recipe) /
Lemon Gel /
Lens (#31,#32,#33) /
Melange Gel /
Mythril Helm /
Panacea Bottle /
Soul Eater /
Watercloud /

The enemies in the world map are the same as before, so no point in scanning
them. Though the enemies inside the Hut are different.. -so use Spectacles on

To start off with, this place is quite long (time-wise) and large, considering
it's small-size on the world map (and corresponding name).

Head up to the door and you'll have to walk back (as if exiting) for the curtain
drapes to open. Enter. It seems nobody's home.

Starting off, head down the stairs and go to the room in the back. When Meredy
starts jumping on the bed, a sleeping gas comes out and everyone falls asleep.

The team will all step out of this room to notice the evil doings of the owner
of the hut. Head back to the room you slept in, and note that you can examine
the arm-chair Meredy was jumping on to rest some more (so come back when you
need to). Of course of greater interest is the hidden Wonder Chef in this room.
Examine the clock on the wall to find him and he teaches you the recipe for
Honey Ramen.

Examine the mask on the wall (to the left of the clock). Putting in 200 Gald
gives you an Apple Gel, 500 gives you two Apple and one Orange Gel, and
finally 1000 Gald nets you two Orange Gels and a Life Bottle. If you examine
the back painting then you'll head back to the beginning, but the door is 
locked! So make sure the painting is facing to the right before exiting.
Okay, so this tower is 8-floors of puzzles. A puzzle per floor. Let's make this
quick shall we?!
 Head 
up the stairs to... BOOKMARK


Examine the Load Point crystal, Save.

Head far down the left hallway first.. -you can't open the doors along the way.
Check the glowing machine and you'll get a slight clue. Head all the way back
to the waterway room but go to the far right room this time. Examine the table,
and you'll get a toy duck. Open the chest for a Pine Gel.

Head outside this room and enter the room to the left. Then follow the hallways
to a room with 5 structures and pads with arrows. One of the arrows should be
pointing (in red) towards a door. You'll have to examine all the 5 structures
to light them up in order to make the arrow point to the next door in sequence
(clockwise). If you really want a Panacea Bottle (check if you need it) then
repeat in lighting the 5 orbs, so that the red arrow is pointing to the
(top-right) door.. -otherwise make it point the opposite direction (thus, bottom
left door). Note that if you decide to take the Panacea Bottle, you'll have to
make your way to this room (with the orbs) again to continue.

In this next room grab the toy duck spring, then exit out the other door. Make
your way to the far right and you'll be in the first room with the waterway and
the load point crystal. Examine the waterway and you'll send the toy duck down
to hit a switch. Head up the stairs to...


Another Load Point crystal, so touch it then save.

Go through the left door first (again), and you'll notice you've knocked down a
skeleton, Don't worry about that. Enter the first door here and grab the Ghost
Shell from the chest.. -a wonderful weapon for Farah. Exit this room via the
other door (left) and you'll have knocked another skeleton to the ground, enter
the opposite door to the one you entered then in the next room enter the bottom
door. You'll have knocked a skeleton in the main corridor who drops the duck.
Grab it. Then head to the left. Grab the Mythril Helm (equip on Reid!) from the
chest and you can examine the skeletons.. -one of them has a slight red mark on
it's head, if you examine it you'll be forced into battle.. -no nothing special!

Head back to the main corridor and enter the middle door. Then enter the
opposite door and follow the corridors to another part where you knock down a
skeleton and he drops the spring for the duck. Grab it. (Note that you by pass a
row of skeletons lined up on the way here, if you examine them you'll be forced
into battle again.. -maybe there is something to it.. I honestly don't know).
Go to the right door in this hallway and enter a room with a chest containing
the Soul Eater (equip on Reid!), plus another set of skeletons that when you
examine force you into battle. Return to the MAIN chamber (via the opposite
door to the one from this room) and send the duck down the waterway.. -then
head up to...


Another Load Point crystal, so touch it then save.

Go to the left (note there isn't a right!), and into the first room. Examine
the big machine.. -wind will start blowing. Leave this room and go left into
the next room. See the fluttering wallpaper? If a door has this wallpaper on it
then DON'T go in it. It will be a fake, and you will have to fight monsters.
But if you see wallpaper moving in the middle of a wall, then go ahead and use
R1 to burn it off with your Sorceror's Ring. It will reveal a hidden door. Burn
off the upper wallpaper and go inside for a duck and a Bloody Robe.

Head back to the main room and burn the wallpaper to the right to reveal
another door! Enter and take the first door you see on the left (the one at
the end of the hall is fake!). Burn the wall with the fluttering wallpaper and
go in for the spring (ignore the lower door in that room). Head back to the
main room and push the duck towards the back of the waterway...


Another Load Point crystal, so touch it then save.

This room is full of riddles. Answering them right gets you an item, but
answering them wrong forces you to fight. You have a very limited time to
answer these questions. First, go right. Head into the furthest door and step 
on the big question mark. Answer "a map". Pick up the Lemon Gel before returning
to the main room.
Head to the left and go in the furthest door. Take the riddle and answer
 "Sweater". You'll get the toy duck. Leave this room and go into the first room 
you see. Step on the question mark and answer "Mop". Pick up the Pine Gel and BOOKMARK
head right. Answer "Fog" here for a Melange Gel. Go right and answer "A joke"
for the spring. Head back to the main room and hit the switch with the duck...


Another Load Point crystal, so touch it then save.

The shortest of the levels. Let's make this quick. Head to the far left, in the
door at the end of the hall and go inside the little metal gate for the duck.
Also examine the box in the bottom corner for a Lens(#31). Now head back to the
main room, but this time take a right. Go inside the farthest room. Check out
the wooden thing to the left of the door and go inside for the spring. Return
to the main room and throw the duck in...


Another Load Point crystal, so touch it then save.

Head to the left and go into the first door you see for the spring. Head left
for a Pine Gel and a Blue Talisman. Now head left again and hold X while moving
the D-Pad/Analog to move the statue on the switch (the controls for moving
things are VERY badly done, and can cause EXTREME frustration). Make sure the
switch clicks (and makes a clicking sound) when you place the statue on it..
-otherwise tweak it a bit to make sure it's exactly on it. Head down.

You'll see a conveyer belt and another statue. You can do one of two things
here the second of which is easier if you can pull it off. Either: push the
statue towards the bottom(right) arrow so that when you try crossing the belt,
the statue will be behind you.. -and you should be able to cross. OR: just
simply get real close tight to the left arrow and (nevermind the statue) and
hold right and (more) down to enter the door as the conveyer belt pushes you.
Eitherway, get the toy duck and head back to the main room. Head to the right
and step on the conveyer belt. Step on the belt in here and get the Watercloud.
Move the statue on the switch, and go on the conveyer belt again. Head back to
the main room, set the duck...


Another Load Point crystal, so touch it then save.

Head to the left first, and enter each of the doors (in turn) and remembering
the positions of the pictures in each. Enter the left-most door and grab the
spring for the duck toy. You'll see a picture of one of the pictures you saw
in the other rooms. tilt it so that the hair of the person in the picture is
pointing rightways.

Go back to the main room and take a right this time. Head down to the farthest
door. Grab the duck and make the yellow part of the picture face to the left.
Now go out, but head into the upper door towards the end. Keep going left and
make the picture upside down (the green bit facing down). If you got all three
pictures in the right positions then you should hear a little tune. Head left
and grab an Emerald Ring. Rush back to the main room, and take a guess on
what you should do...


Another Load Point crystal, so touch it then save.

Head to the far left door and read the books scattered on the ground to make
Reid pick them up. Then examine the shelves themselves carefully.. -making sure
you examine the 3 different columns per bookshelf, to make a door appear
between the two book shelves. Enter and grab the duck spring. Leave this room
and enter the nearest (left) one in the hallway. Grab the almost hidden 4000
Gald in a bag to the left, then head back to the main room and head right this
time. Enter the door at the end. The duck is at the top most point of this room,
but to get to it you'll need to twiggle about and move the barrels in here to
make a clear path for yourself to it. It's would be time wasting for me to give
direction into solving this already annoying puzzle.. but the nice(ing) in me
says I should. So here's my best efforts:

As a pre-emptive note, you can just leave this room and re-enter if you want
the barrels re-started from original locations.

Starting from the door, take the first two barrels in the open and place them
against the crate to the right (with the vegetables in it) then the other two, 
so you should have 4 barrels placed in front of the vegetable crate.. -pack
them in close so they don't frustrate you when you try to leave this room. Now
see those two large french sticks (the bread!), examine the crate to the right
of it with rice or something and you should find a hidden Lens(#32). Now
 make your way to the door (but don't be stupid to leave!) and make your way to 
the left of the water tank. Pull the barrel from the side of the water tank BOOKMARK
towards the wall on which the door to this room is on, but only far enough to
be able to get to its side and so you can push it towards the door and pack it
in with the rest of the first 4 barrels. The last barrels is by the duck itself
and it's annoying to get out. But if you (starting from the door) go to the
left of the water tank and reach it from that side so you can pull it away, you
should be able to pull it towards the direction in which the last barrel you
moved original was at. Now just make your way to the duck grab it and RUN!!!!!!!

Get back to the main chamber and (guess what..?) place the duck in the waterway,
then you'll see a guardian to the basement fall to prevent you from accessing
the ground floor. It's a boss...
Preparations /
Use Apple/Orange gels to top up your HP and TP, or do some cooking. /
OR /
Submitted by VeghEsther: trace back to the beginning of the dungeon /
(RIGHT at the bottom most floor, and don't worry about enemies as there/
aren't any in these main rooms), and rest on the arm-chair/couch, to /
rest for free. /
------------ /
Equipment / /
Reid: Trident, Splint Mail, Red Shield, Duel Helm, /
Emerald Ring! /
Warrior Symbol! /
Farah: Bear Claw, Silk Cloak, Kitchen Mitten, Striped Ribbon, /
Elven Boots! /
Emerald Ring! /
Meredy: Memory Whistle, Silk Cloak, Kitchen Mitten, Striped Ribbon, /
Blue Talisman! /
Thief's Cape! /
Keele: Ruby Wand, Misty Robe, Gold Bracelet, Mythril Circlet, /
Thief's Cape! /
Thief's Cape! /
Note that Reid and Farah cannot use the weapons they got here because /
this guy has very high defense, so you need to use the elemental /
weakness he has against water against him. The Accessories compliment /
the strategy below. /
Examine the Load Point Crystal AFTER healing and equipping yourself, /
then save your game. /

Onwards to face this very fast boss.

BOSS / /
-------- Guardian /
30,000HP /
Not a hard boss, he's just... too damn fast (hence the elven boots on Farah). /
Set everyone's formation/strategies as follows: /
Formation /
Keele Meredy---------------------Farah Reid /
Reid /
---- /
Strategy /
Do As You Like / 
Attack -> 5 Slash -> 5 Thrust -> 5 /
Farah /
----- /
 Strategy / 
Attack Same Enemy / BOOKMARK
Attack -> 5 Punch -> 5 Kick -> 5 /
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 2 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 5 /
Keele /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 2 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 5 /
To start off, have Keele use a Spectacle on the boss, first thing. Then begin /
your pummeling of Demon Twists and what have you, to take this sucker down /
fast. Keep an eye on your HP/TP and restore as necessary. He shouldn't really /
kill off any of your members, if anyone Reid might die.. -and that's because /
you weren't careful. /
Just keep hitting him and don't give him a chance to retaliate, and though he's/
got a lot of HP (30,000) he will still go down faster than you might think with/
the Trident (water elemental) and your fury! /
With the above set up at strategies even Meredy and Keele join in on the fun. /
It's probably going to be your longest boss battle, but I had a really nice /
finish to this, Keel summoned Efreet, soon as that was done, Meredy summoned /
Undine, and that was the end of it!! :O) ..-a very classy finish if I must say./
-------------------------------------- /
Alternative method, from VeghEsther / /
Against the Guardian boss in Chats Hideout 4x Stun charms if everybody /
gets stunned at the same time you will never win. If you don't have 4 /
give them to at least Reid and Meredy. If Farah is lucky enough to have/
Eagle Rage (its a water elemental skill) use it. Equip Meredy with the /
Water Cloud accessory then she will also extend Spread to Maelstrom as /
long as Undine has a minimum Vitality of 5. /
Since it's fast the Elven Boots + Stun/Warrior symbol is a must. /

Go through the door that he was guarding. You'll be greeted by the mastermind
of the puzzle-filled hut, Chat.. -a GIRL!.. hahaha that made me laugh.
Basically she's the child of one of the descendants of... blah blah blah..
-yeah, become her deck hand!

Go into the room she went into and agree to be her deck hands. She'll
eventually show you her grandfather's ship, the Van Eltia. Her grandfather was
the infamous Aifread, a pirate who generously gave to the poor. Meredy says
Aifread's Treasure is one of the seven treasures of Celestia.

Once you actually get inside, head back out and go to the controls above the
stairs. Examine them for an All-Divide. Now go back in the Van Eltia and head
to the back. You'll find Chat is quite the grease monkey... Anyway, after a
funny scene, Chat heads into another room. Before following her go above the
engine towards the left for a Lens(#33). Then follow Chat, and talk to her. Tell
her you want to depart.

After a nice FMV scene, Chat will depart for Peruti. Then she heads back to the
engine room after being freaked out by Quickie. You'll head outside to the
freezing Port City of Peruti. Meredy says this coldness is not natural, and
then Keele gets frozen. Head to the left to get inside the town...

Items/ /
----- Spicy Shrimp (Recipe) /
Sushi (Recipe) / 
Head to the first house here: the one you can see the door of first (top half of
 the screen), and check to the right side of the counter to find Wonder Chef.. 
-Spicy Shrimp. Leave this food shop (he has no fish to sell! because it's too BOOKMARK
cold), and head up the stairs to the left. Enter the first house here, and talk
to the tutorial guy, Widdock, and he tells you a thing or two about combos..
-nothing you didn't already know. Talk to the shop keeper to buy some nice new
weapons. Ideally, as always, aim to buy one of everything (for you collection %)
but suggestively get these: Destroyer, Demon Javelin, Crystal Shell, Skull
Staff, Plate Mail, Tartan Ribbon x2, Gold Bracelet x2. You may not even be able
to afford these recommended ones let alone even get the Tote Bag for Chat. Try
selling double weapons (but NOT armour/accessory) or Miracle Gels, to get some
cash if you can't afford what you want.

Now enter the house adjacent to this shop. Soon as you approach it, Meredy
forces you in saying it's warm in here. They gather up close to the heater in
the middle. Talk to everyone to learn that the Greater Ice Craymel is to blame
for all this cold. Then examine the Miacis (a cat-type) creature to the right of
the bar. Then talk to the guys behind the counter.. -the left one offers you to
sleep in for 2000 Gald.. is he crazy?! and the right one is a general shop. I
say heal your characters with Meredy's healing and then use TP recovering gels
to replenish everyone's TP. Then head upstairs and enter the first room. Nothing
of great interest, you can examine the stove to the right of the door for a
small event, leave and enter the next room along. Examine the Snowman.. -AKA
Wonder Chef.. -Sushi!

Exit that bar/inn, and head left and down (not the path going up), to see the
guy with the pink hair come out of a house.. -this is the Mountain Gear Shop he
says.. -so head inside.

The guy across the counter says his name is Guston and that he paid for clothes
for you.

But everyone aside from Reid is too picky about which clothes to wear, and
they can't decide on their own. Talk to Farah, Meredy and Keele to have them go
inside the changing booths. Then examine the clothes. There are four sets of
clothes, one in the bottom corner, one in the right corner and two just about
the counter.

There is only one "correct" pairing of clothes for everyone. Farah wants
something warm and comfy, Meredy wants something easy to warm in but it doesn't
have to be warm, and Keele wants something warm but not too heavy. Try these
pairs up before choosing the correct clothes, for some very funny stuff. Almost
every pair aside from the right ones are funny, but these are actual events.

Farah + Santa Costume

Farah + Thief Outfit (...Drool.)
Meredy + Down Jacket
Meredy + Kitty Costume ("Meredy is Katz! Meow!")
Keele + Trenchcoat (Yeah! Rock on!)
Keele + Letterman Jacket

Some other things to try are Farah + Evening Gown, Meredy + Bunny Costume or
Thief Outfit, or Keele + Evening Gown (?!?!). The real outfits are Farah +
Poncho, Meredy + Cape and Keele + Heavy Cloak. Once you're done, talk to the
guy across the counter to get Reid's outfit (you could have done this at any
time). Then talk to him again and you can buy stuff (I recommend getting at
least two Freeze Charms). Then leave, and head down to the World Map.

Equip Reid with a Flamberge (you should more than one of this fiery-weapon),
then also equip the two Freeze Charms on Reid and Farah (and they should still
have Emerald Rings as second accessories as well. The rest of the equipment is
fine as it was since last set-up.

Press Select to hear a hint, then start making your way towards the northern
red dot you see on your mini-map.

Items/ /
----- 2x Life Bottle /
2x Elixir /
3x Syrup Bottle /
All-Divide /
Aqua Cape / 
Battle Pick /
Freeze Charm /
Freeze Ring /
Hourglass /
 Lavender / 
Lens (#34) / BOOKMARK
Miracle Gel /
Rune Bottle /
Sage /
Silver Cloak /
Toto Oil /

Pre-emptive note: There's many new enemies to be scanned and I also suggest you
do some training in the local areas of the world map, before heading to Mt.
Celsius. Aim to be at LEAST Lvl40.

Soon as you enter, everyone puts on their winter gear :p And Keele summons
Efreet to calm the cold.. -it won't last forever though, so just like in Efreet
Gorge, you'll need to be quick to finish this dungeon.. -but don't worry there's
plenty of time.

Examine the Load Point crystal, save then head up. Hug the left side of the
screen to reach two chests.. -an Elixir and an Aqua Cape.. -equip the cape to
someone (Keele!). Head back to the beginning on this screen and take the sloped
iced-steps.. -follow this path to a Rune Bottle, then come back to where you
collected the first two chests and head RIGHT underneath the passage above and
keep heading right to a new screen. Head right and up to a new screen then down
and left (underneath the path above) then up to a new screen with Igloos. You
may enter and rest if you wish.. -as well as grab a Syrup Bottle inside, then
head to the right (outside) to grab a Freeze Charm.

Head up from the Freeze Charm chest to a new screen then grab the chest just
to the left for another Syrup Bottle. Take this left path (near this chest)
first. Head up and melt the icicles with your Sorceror's Ring. Heading up
(using either path) melt the bottom glacier for a Life Bottle and some
enemies :O) Now head to the top right of this screen and melt down the
ice-spikes then head right to a new screen. Get the Life Bottle from the chest
and soon as you start walking right a pile of snow falls blocking that path..
-no worries we don't need it. Head right a bit more to see another chest
containing a Silver Cloak. Now go up and right melting the ice-spikes to

Note that on the next screen the snow will slide and cause you to fall down.
Examine the fallen snow behind you for a Lens(#34) then just head down and
left then up to come back to this screen again. Make your way to the chest to
the right (melting the spikes on the way). Grab the Sage from the chest.

Walk up and melt the glacier. Open the two chests for a Battle Pick and a
Miracle Gel. Head back left, taking the middle path. Get the Syrup Bottle, head
back, and take the upper path. If you fall down then just head back up again.
Examine the box.. -Meredy says it's full of Toto Oil, an oil that burns very
well. You'll take it with you.

You cannot go up the ice slope so go right(new screen), down and take the lower
path left. Now take the upper left path, and examine the ice thing that you may
have seen before. Reid will set the roots on fire and it will fall over. Go to
the upper right corner for an All-Divide, then go back and through the upper
left corner. Now on this new screen there is a Load Point crystal for an obvious
reason.. -please, by all means, do make use of it's feature. Save your game too!

The boss is past this screen, so as always here's a few pointers.

Preparations /
Use Apple/Orange gels to top up your HP and TP, or do some cooking. /
------------ /
Equipment / /
Reid: Flamberge, Plate Mail, Red Shield, Mythril Helm, /
Freeze Charm! /
Warrior Symbol! /
Farah: Crystal shell, Silk Cloak, Gold Bracelet, Tartan Ribbon, /
Freeze Charm! /
Aqua Cape! /
/ 
Meredy: Memory Whistle, Silk Cloak, Gold Bracelet, Tartan Ribbon, /
Freeze Charm! /
Blue Talisman! /
 / 
Keele: Skull Staff, Bloody Robe, Gold Bracelet, Mythril Circlet, / BOOKMARK
Freeze Charm/Thief's Cape! /
Watercloud! /
Examine the Load Point Crystal AFTER healing and equipping yourself, /
then save your game. /

Onwards to face the not-so-easy boss.

BOSS / /
-------- Celsius /
33,333HP /
Ok so Celsius isn't all that hard but, she fights fast, and fights like Farah. /
Those two things combined can get ugly.. -unless you keep her at bay. /
Set everyone's formation/strategies as follows: /
Formation /
Keele Meredy---------------------Farah Reid /
Reid /
---- /
Strategy /
Do As You Like /
Attack -> 5 Slash -> 5 Thrust -> 5 /
Farah /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Punch -> 5 Kick -> 5 /
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 2 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 5 /
Keele /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 2 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 5 /
To start off, have Keele use a Spectacle on the boss, first thing. /
As always, assault seems to be the answer, especially since she has no loading /
time for her skills.. -SHE USES THEM SOON AS SHE WANTS TO! Which means you need/
to be attacking her constantly (especially since she has so much HP), to stop /
her from using skills and kill her quickly, before she does you. Probably the /
hardest boss to this point in the game.. -or in my case the only boss (to this /
point) to have posed a threat. Still got her first time without anyone dying /
however. In fact another awesome finish to this battle for me.. Keele summoned /
Efreet as the last move for the battle, to finish her off. A brilliant finish. /
Honestly, with the equipment above, you're well ready for this battle, it's all/
upto you now to link those attacks together into a long combo, and then keep on/
doing that. /
-------------------------------------- /
Alternative method, from VeghEsther / /
Freeze Charm + Elven Boots sure a Warrior symbol is fine for Reid but /
getting close to her and using Demon Twist and Megasonic thrust is a /
bad idea stick with Sonic Chaos (or Rising Phoenix if Reid has it and /
can trigger a Burning Phoenix). Emerald /Fairy Ring can be a must if /
not using the Elven Boots/Warrior Charm since most likely boss will /
still be alive after Reids TP hits 0. /
Meredy should have Efreet for this battle (Keele has his default /
Fireball spell and do turn it on and all of Keeles other spells off) / 
Meredy Eruption and Heal on all other spells turn off. /
Farah kind of useless without Fatal Fury usable so stick with healing /
or at least Super Swallow Dance/Super Sonic Thrust. /
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
After the fight, Gnome tells Efreet to go away and he wakes her up. It seems
she lost control of her weather, and of her consciousness. The Great Fall is
affecting Craymels, as well. Celsius gives you a Freeze Ring which lets you
shoot crystals of ice with L-button. She then goes into a Craymel Cage (Keeles!)

Get the chests for an Elixir, a Lavender and an Hourglass.

Also after one battle, make sure you Fringe as the new Craymel can offer the
Nurse and Freeze Lancer skills.

Use the flashing Load Point crystal to cure, then save your game before heading
down. You'll actually have to walk your way out of here and back to town.

Press Select to hear Reid's hint, camp, save, the enter.

Items/ /
----- Celestia Map /
Lens (#35,#36) /
Miacis Badge /
Cold Noodles (Recipe) /
Van Eltia /

Once you enter, you'll notice the town is nothing at all like it just was. As
you walk around, Guston (the guy that paid for your clothes) meets you. He
invites everyone to a little room, and asks them if they want to join the
Shileska group (a Balir resistance group). You decide to join automatically. He
doesn't know where Balir Castle is, but he suggests looking for Max in Tinnsia,
which is the location of the headquarters of the group. Guston then gives you
the Miacis Badge (the symbol of participation in the resistance).

Everyone eats and then sleeps, thanks to Guston. But in the middle of the
night, Meredy's Elara starts shining. She tells Farah that she hears cries and
screams from Imen, and must return. Farah says that she, as well as Reid and
Keele will go with her. The next morning, everyone explains this to Guston, and
they promise they'll come back later. Before you leave, Guston gives you a
Celestia Map.

Time to do some exploring and things we couldn't do in this town before, before
we head out with the story stuff.

Ok starting off leave the inn room, and head downstairs. Stock up on gels from
behind the counter, then leave this bar/inn. Talk to everyone in town for some
nice words in appreciation for your work with the Ice Craymel, Celsius. Talking
to the guy to the left of the inn (with white hair, standing by a stand of food)
.. -he sells some items, buy what you need as many as you need. Then head left
past him to another screen. Here (right at the start of the screen) another guy
sells stuff (3 items) next to a stand.. -buy what you need and as much as you
need. Then talk to the towns-people. Now circle around the pond here, to a dark
figure at the bottom of the screen.. -Wonder Chef in a nice disguise, teaches
you Cold Noodles' recipe. To the left of him, is the exit to the world map, to
the left of which are a room of stands with various items and foods. Run behind
them (from the right) to examine the tree behind them for a hidden Lens(#35).

Top up on anything you need from the guy selling outside and then inside the
right house, on this screen then head back to the right, to the previous screen.

Enter the weapon store to the right of the inn here (the one with the blue top).
Buy what you couldn't afford before, and especially the Tote Bag for Chat!
Now head right once more to the third screen. Enter the building here and stock
up on foods to the max. Exit and sneak behind the guy at the bottom of the
stairs and examine his crab-cart for a hidden Lens(#36).. -if he sees you doing
that you're dead!.. lol

Talk to the very excited trio to the right of the crab guy, and follow them to
the right, onto another screen. Here talk to the painter before heading right to
enter your ship, Van Eltia. Head right to enter the engine room and meet Chat,
again. This is where you first get to control the Van Eltia. X accelerates, O 
goes backwards and left/right turns. Press Square when next to shoreline or a
port to dock and come onto land.
You can also have Chat join your party now. Hit Square and go to the control
 bridge room. Then go to the engine room and talk to Chat.. -she will join your 
party (as in the fighting party). BOOKMARK
About Chat: have you noticed that in your Monster Collection, almost every
monster has a "drop item" on the bottom with a very high percentage, but you
don't have any of them? This is where Chat comes in. If she uses her Rover Tool
then there is a chance (indicated in the Monster Collection for each monster)
that she will steal an item from them. So yeah, it looks like you have a lot of
stealing to do if you want to complete that collection! Hence from now on I
will not be telling you to scan any more enemies as that basically stuffed it
for me. It's taken AGES to just scan the 50 odd percent upto this point, now we
gotta do it all over while stealing.. -as we say here in UK.. ALLOW THAT! No
but seriously that ruined it for me, I'm not gonna bother scanning any more, so
if you still want to then go ahead.. -but I will not say so any more on this
guide. Now some of you out there maybe thinking that shouldn't this guy have
known that already.. -but as I state right at the beginning of this walkthrough
I'm playing this game for the first time myself, as I'm writing this guide, so
this was the first time I've known about this point. Now, on with the guide.

Luckily, Imen is just northeast of Peruti. Head there now and use the map if
you get lost. Once you're at the low shoreline near Imen, hit Square, and choose
the "Land" option. Make sure you save now! Head into Imen.
Press Select to hear Meredy's hint, and camp if you want, before entering.

Items/ /
----- Apple Gel /
Lens (#37) /
Technical Ring /

I won't spoil it for you. Events have happened.. -let's keep it at that. Once
you regain control, head behind the Lightning Craymel monument at the entrance
of town is a hidden street vendor. Talk to him to buy weapons/armour/items/food.

Enter the first lit door (to the left of this merchant) to enter the shop where
Keele made friends with that guy. An event takes place and then you
automatically exit. Re-enter if you desperately want an Apple Gel, by examining
the bag in here.

Head up and right and enter Meredy's house in the next screen, for another

Head left onto the next screen, and enter the weapon shop. Examine the broken
glass table, at the feet of the first lying person here, for a Lens(#37). Also
talk to the two dead people here for some small reactions from the group.

Leave the weapon shop and head down and right towards the water-pump for an
event. Then when ready, opposite the water-pump is the library (as you know)
head in there for an event and a serious battle, with someone from early on in
the game.

Read this strategy before heading forward.

BOSS / /
-------- Hyades /
45,000HP /
For those of you who can't figure out who this is, it's actually the very first/
boss you fought back in your home village, he attacks the elder's home at the /
presence of Meredy. He's by no means as easy as back then. /
**END** /
Formation /
Keele Meredy----------Farah Reid /
(Note: they're not that far this time) /
---- / 
Reid /
---- /
Strategy /
Do As You Like /
 Attack -> 4 Slash -> 5 Thrust -> 5 / 
Destroyer, Plate Mail, Red Shield, Mythril Helm, /
Emerald Ring! /
----- Warrior Symbol! /
Farah /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 4 Punch -> 5 Kick -> 5 /
Crystal shell, Silver Cloak, Gold Bracelet, Tartan Ribbon, /
Emerald Ring! /
------ Resist Ring! /
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
Do As You like /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 1 Recover TP -> 5 /
Memory Whistle, Silk Cloak, Gold Bracelet, Tartan Ribbon, /
Talisman! /
----- Blue Talisman! /
Keele /
----- /
Strategy /
Do As You like /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 1 Recover TP -> 5 /
Skull Staff, Bloody Robe, Gold Bracelet, Mythril Circlet, /
Thief's Cape! /
Thief's Cape! /
In short, equip your best NON-ELEMENTAL weapons and your best armour and /
accessories.. -and use you best skills and strategies against him. Chat can /
also be used in this battle, but I think since she's so new to the party I /
think you should stick with characters and skills of theirs that you're /
familiar with, and leave her (Chat) out of this rather long and kinda hard /
fight. /
Use this strategy (that I used) and it will be over much quicker than normal: /
Have Reid cast Megasonic Thrust (if you have it) or something with one or two /
hard blows, while Keele dishes TP curing items and NOTHING else, Meredy casts /
Nurse (force her to do this more often that she already does) by either having /
her skill set to one of your L-shortcuts or just open the /
menu>skills>meredy>nurse. Farah should just aid you in attacking so you may /
wish to set her attack strategy to the max. /
With some luck and good use of skills (offensive and defensive) you should do /
fine.. -I mean I got him on my first try.. -sure enough, though, my team was /
hurt, but I never had to revive anyone from death. /
-------------------------------------- /
Alternative method, from VeghEsther / /
Sure the setup in the faq works but since Chats default hammer skill /
can temporarily stun him use her (remove Farah) if doing this and only /
use Chats hammer skill so turn off rover Tool. /
With luck Toss hammer will poison him making the battle shorter: Sonic /
Chaos, Demon Hammer and Megasonic Thrust and Meredy with Nurse Helps. /
If you still can't win LV up Celsius to LV 14 Fringe with Sylph and /
cast the Blizzard spell you will learn. /

It's kinda nice how after the battle you're all cured (HP and TP)!

Sagura runs back to the weapon store, leave the Library and follow him to his
weapon shop. After a little talking, everyone will go to the entrance of town.
Your next stop is Tinnsia. Before heading out, though, return to Imen and talk
to Bonz at the pump. He will give Meredy a Technical Ring. Make sure you stock
up on foods and items with the merchant behind the big structure at the entrance
to town.

Now go ahead and leave Imen. There's an event with Guston if you go back and
talk to him in Peruti, if you're the kind of person who likes events. Otherwise
travel WEST towards Tinnsia, which they say is on the west continent, (on your
map it's actually to the east) but since the world is round, it's closer to the
 west from where you are. 
------- BOOKMARK
Note /
VeghEsther (the huge contributor to this FAQ/Guide), mentioned that /
with the current setup of the Craymels (i.e. the way I've suggested /
you should have them earlier) there will be Activities Detected at the /
end of every battle, in the Craymel Cages (C.Cage), so shuffle around /
the craymels and Fringe to get new skills.. -that's all you have to /
do.. -see I didn't know that. In fact I guess you can have Meredy: /
Efreet, Undine, and Keele the rest for now. But shuffle about the /
Craymels whenever you get that message of activities in the c.cages, /
at the end of battles. VeghEsther also recommends we give Meredy the /
next Craymel, I'll remember to mention that after you've fought /
him/her, a bit later. /
Moreover, I didn't know something else, so I feel the need to add this /
in: to have Chat join your team you'll need to talk to her in the /
engine room off Van Eltia, and accept her to join. But to actually have/
her join the fighting party, you'll need to go to Formation menu select/
Switch (at the top) and the select a character you want out and then go/
to the far right to select Chat to replace the previously chosen /
character. /

As always press Select before entering, if you want to hear a hint.

Items/ /
----- Broiled Sandwich (Recipe) /
Celesti Cape /
Lens (#38,#39) /
Rune Bottle /
Sweet Parfait (Recipe) /

As you approach it, you'll notice it's got a port, so when the square button
appears on-screen, press it and choose Port, to leave Van Eltia at the port and
enter the city that way. You'll notice the city's technologically advanced
assets very quickly.

Starting off (on the leftmost screen), head just behind the first guy (standing)
to the left, and climb the escalator. Then another one to reach a new screen. In
the building here you can participate in a useless mini-game, that tests your
eating skills. I'm not going to comment on it, as in my opinion it's pointless,
but if you want to try it then, read the Sushi mini-game in the mini-games
section of the guide. You can just type "Mini-Game 6: Sushi" in your
CTRL+F field to find it straight away. The description is given there.

Moving on, head to the right (onto a new screen) and then head top right of this
screen to reach the painter from Peruti. After talking with her, check the
statue next to her (the front of it) to find a Lens(#38).

Ignore the weapon shop to the left of here (for now), and head down and right
(using the escalator) to a new screen. Here you'll need to use the correct
conveyer to make your way across. In my game the bottom one moved you to the
left (the way you want to go). Do that and enter the first building here. Talk
to the two customers to the left (if you want) then the lady in the corner..
-it's Irene.. -she's the one who exchanges your Lens for items in Celestia,
she'll notice you've collected 30(+), so she'll give you the Celesti Cape.

Before you leave that general store, buy what you need, should you need anything
(though you SHOULDN'T because I told you to stock up earlier!! ;o)), and then
examine the boxes just to the left of the counter, for a Rune Bottle. Leave.

Directly ahead of the entrance to the general store is an escalator, use to it

get to lower ground and enter the building directly below. To the left (upon
entering) is a little statue.. -it's Wonder Chef.. -and he teaches you the
Broiled Sandwich. Leave and then walk right to a new screen. Enter the first
building here.. -the Tinnsia inn. Examine the Dragon/Bird statue at the back to 
find Wonder Chef yet again.. -for the Sweet Parfait recipe. You can sleep for
some scenes between your characters, and when ready (or otherwise) leave.
Now to trigger the next event, you need to head right of the inn.. -you'll have
 to walk on the wooden boxes set as steps.. -only be aware that, you'll have to 
face a forced fight with some not so easy enemies. They tend to gang up on one BOOKMARK
person, so try and take them out quickly and with wide-spread attacks (such as
Freeze Lancer etc).

Once you defeat them a sexy lady welcomes you to Shileska's Headquarters. Note
that you don't die if you lose that battle, but it's good to win it.

In the next conversation events you get show the map of Balir's Castle, then
the Craymel Cannon, keep following her (Ayla), and eventually, you will meet
Max, the leader of the Shileska Resistance. Farah accepts the offer to join the
Shileska group.

Keele comes up with some solution to their problem, and decides to stay behind,
leaving a fighting party of 3 (where Chat is considered as the pilot of the Van
Eltia ship), so Max decides to tag along.
New character, Max /
He's very strong.. -much stronger than Reid and Farah. He uses some /
nice skills too, which usually kill enemies near Tinnsia in one hit, /
which by the way sucks when you want to rake up hits for a nice combo /
chain, but it's good if you're having trouble with an enemy. /
He'll learn some nice skills along the way which make him a great asset/
to the team. I very much doubt you'll be swapping this guy back for /
Keele or Chat. /

Leave Max's room and go back in it. Examine the chest for another Lens(#39).
Before leaving Tinnsia, you may wish to do some shopping. So starting outside
the hideout, head down, and you'll automatically be taken onto the next screen
of town and then Max takes you to Van Eltia following some directions he gives
you to your next destination. Press Square to Port and enter Tinnsia again, so
you can buy some weapons, foods and gels from the three stores in this town.
Make your way finding them and buy everything!

Suggestively.. -at least: Ogre Sword, Katar, Dragon Fang, Trumpet, Battle Suit,
2x Pretty Mitten and make sure you have AT LEAST 2x Stun Charms. As always if
you cannot afford all those, battle just outside of town for some Gald and go
back and make sure you buy the items suggested above.

When ready, go ahead and leave Tinnsia via the Van Eltia.. -the way Max made
you leave earlier.

To reach your next destination, Max says you should head southeast of Tinnsia.
Like last time, the location you'll be heading to is actually bottom left on
the Celestia Map in your Item menu, but from your current location its closer
to go south east (since the world is ROUND!!.. duh!). Board Van Eltia and make
your way southeast (matching your location with the celestia map) so you reach
the forests just to the left of your forthcoming destination (which is in grey
in your celestia map) called Jini. So aim for the forests to the left of it
(which are also just below Peruti). Hope that long description of a location,
finally manages to get you to where you need to be...

Items/ /
----- 2x Pine Gel /
All-Divide /
Big Bag /
Excalibur /
Holy Staff /
Lens (#40) /
Panacea Bottle /
Pirate's Hat /
Red Sage /
Rune Bottle /
Stun Charm /
Thunder Cape /
Voltic Sword /
WakeUp Charm / 
May I suggest that your characters should definitely be at if not more than
 level 40 by now.. -preferably 40-45. Moreover, the enemies here are quite a jump 
in difficulty, so it's definitely in your favour to be well equipped and BOOKMARK
levelled. Also with regards to enemies, be careful about the Neuroids, you have
to jump and hit their "heads" in order to hurt them.

Upon entering, some talking and then examine the Load Point crystal, and save!

Equip the Stun Charms on Reid, Farah and if you have more than equip the other
two as you see fit. Also equip your best weapons (the ones you bought back in
Tinnsia). Save again!?

There is a little riddle to open up the door, but Max just uses his strength to
open it anyway. As you approach the door he goes through but comes out FRIED up
by the electricity, and Farah bestows him the title of Mr, Carefree. Walk in and
wait for the lines of electricity to disappear before advancing. When you cross
all three lines, examine the sign in the room. After reading it you'll get a
Lens(#40). Head up the middle door and then through the double doors.

You'll be in a room with a puzzle. I'll save you the trouble and headache:
three doors (as stated on the tablet in the previous room), blue, red and white.
If you examine the doors, they mention some numbers. The switches on the ground
are actually numbers.. -you must add up numbers to equal the ones on the doors
to open them. Know that: 1) Unpressing a button displays a negative number.
Think of these numbers as a zero, because they do NOT subtract from the total.
2) The sign outside said "three stars" so you must have ONLY three buttons
pressed. The solutions are:

Blue: 6, 5, 3
Red: 6, 5, 4
White: 11, 4, 2

Go ahead and open the blue door first. Go towards the end of the hall for a
Stun Charm and enter the door. Run through the next room, and you'll be in a
long hallway. Head far up (right) for a Pine Gel, first. Then go down (right
from the chest) to the bottom right. The door will close on you. Enter the door
to your right and go down the hall for a Big Bag for Chat. Take a left from here
and go to a new screen. Look for a switch on the bottom left edge of the
screen.. -press it, and go down (just right of it). Go down in this area and
take the leftern door. Get the All-Divide from the chest and check the glowing
thing for a "fuse".

Leave this room and follow the L-shaped hall to a new screen. Take the bottom
door here. Get the Pirate's Hat and continue down. See the flame? Stand right
across from it and press L to activate your Freeze Ring. The flame will go out
and the electric walls will be disabled. Go down and then left, and you'll find
yourself at the fork again.

Use the middle door again, to reach the puzzle room and this time open the white
door. Go through it and run towards the end of the hall. Head UP and follow the
path until you come to another electric barrier. Put out the flame again with L.
Go to the next room.

Step on the little circle and Reid will insert the "fuse". Step on the only
block you can reach and you will be taken over to the other side of the red
door. Step on the right of those two blocks, then the upper, and then the upper
again to be taken to the other side. Keep in mind this is only one solution for
getting there, and there are many other ways.

Go through the door and you'll be in one of those camp screens where the team
decide to take a break. After some talk, they all sleep and then wake up.
Examine the Load Point crystal and then save!

Head left until you reach two chests with a Panacea Bottle and a Pine Gel. Go
into the room above, which is the control room, examine it for a little scene.
Then leave and go right until you come to a room with three different coloured
buttons. First step on the blue(left) and red(middle) ones and go up(left).

Take the Voltic Sword from the chest to the left, then go right. Head up and
left, getting the WakeUp Charm. From here take the closest door to your left
and then keep following this path, and taking the closest doors to you until
you reach the button room again. This time, deactivate the red and blue buttons
but turn on the green(right) one. Head through the bottom(right) door.

Get the Thunder Cape when you reach the next room. Keep going, nabbing a Rune
Bottle and Red Sage along the way. Eventually, you'll reach a split. Head right
for a Holy Staff, and examine the glowing thing for an item. Leave and go all
the way back to the control room. If you've already forgotten how to get there.. 
-get back to the three coloured button room by just tracing a linear path back
from current location, then take the door next to them, follow this until you
reach a hall with double doors to your left, which lead to the control room.
Put the thing in the machine, and leave the room.
 Go 
down, back to the campsite (rest if you want to) and go through the upper BOOKMARK
right door. Keep going down the hall and you'll be in a room filled with
electricity, and switches in the shape of a diamond. Step on the switch right
infront of you, then touch the one to your right (the one at the bottom of the
screen), which will hold the electricity in the bottom section of the screen.
Then touch the ones to your right (both of them) to open the door ahead (the
door won't open just yet). Now make your way back to the entrance of the room
touching the bottom-most switch on the way and the one in front of the entrance
door. Now make your way (along the left edge of the screen) to the opposite
side of the room and enter the newly opened door.

Head down the halls, until you see a room with a big black orb in the middle.
Cook something, and save. Head up to Volt, who fights you after Max gets
electrocuted for punching it.

Read the strategy below before facing it.

BOSS / /
-------- Volt /
54,321HP /
Formation /
Max Meredy-------------------Farah Reid /
---- /
Reid /
---- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 4 Slash -> 5 Thrust -> 5 /
Trident, Battle Suit, Red Shield, Mythril Helm, /
Thunder Cape! /
----- Stun Charm! /
Farah /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 4 Punch -> 5 Kick -> 5 /
Dragon Fang, Silver Cloak, Pretty Mitten, Tartan Ribbon, /
Celesti Cape! /
------ Stun Charm! /
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 1 Recover TP -> 5 /
Trumpet, Silk Cloak, Pretty Mitten, Tartan Ribbon, /
Stun Charm! /
----- Blue Talisman! /
Max /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 4 Battle TP -> 5 /
Assault Shot, Bloody Robe, Gold Bracelet, Duel Helm, /
Talisman! /
Stun Charm! /
Just keep using your best aerial (multi-hitting) skills with Reid, such as /
Demon Spiral Hammer, Demon Twist, Omega Tempest, Spiral Attack are you best /
examples. Farah should aid you with her best skills.. -such as Super Swallow /
Dance, while Max does his thing and Meredy Nurses you often! /
Note you may turn down Battle TP to 1 for Max if you don't want him wasting /
TP on that Burning Force move, which will mostly miss, instead set his Attack /
to 5 so he joins in on the fight (and bring him closer to the front line). Make/
sure you cure him soon as the battle starts however, as he'll be damaged from /
the electrocution by Volt prior to the fight. / 
Volt's really not that hard. I saw many people struggled with him at the /
message boards on GameFAQs, but he's actually ok, providing the right /
equipment, constant attacking and at LEAST level 40 requirements have been /
 met. / 
-------------------------------------- /
Alternative method, from VeghEsther / /
Between Max and Chat, Max sucks since Burning Force tends to miss 100% /
of the time. Use Chat's Toss Hammer.. -not her 1st hammer skill. /
So Switch in Chat (via the Formation menu), instead of Max. /
Reid Spiral Attack, Omega Tempest, Demon Hammer only! (sonic chaos/ /
megasonic thrust don't bother) /
Farah again Eagle Rage if she has it, Super Swallow Dance if not. /
Meredy Nurse/Spread only (don't extend to maelstrom) since combo hits /
above 10 cause Volt to counter with Family Reunion 100% of the time and/
it hurts badly. /

Once dead, you'll find out he's in pain, Celsius comes in to tell you to do
something to help it. You'll gain control of Reid.. -so make your way to
the back of the room and examine the white switch. This will turn on a
roulette type thing. Scribble down the Melnics words that Volt and Meredy are
saying and match them up with the roulette machines, in order from top to
bottom. If you match up all three (which is no easy task) Volt will join you.
If you're finding it hard to match the three figures that Meredy says, try this:
stare at the cycle until you see the figure you need, then stare at it some more
to see the one JUST before the one you need, which is when you should press X so
that it stops on your one. Do that for the other two as well. Note that once you
get it right everytime you have to reset the roulettes (by examining the white
switch) the ones you got right stay that way, so you only have to try the one
you got incorrect.

Have Meredy keep Volt in her craymel cage.

The three Greater Craymels of Inferia fuse to form Rem, and the three of
Celestia fuse to form Shadow.. -these two are also craymels you will (in time)
come to posses. These two now fuse (WOW!) and offer you a very, very f***ing
powerful sword.. -the Excalibur.. -equip it on Reid immediately.

Touch the Load Point crystal and save your game.

You'll have to not only make your way out of there, but also back to Tinnsia.
If you can't be bothered to break a sweat (with thinking): leave this room, and
follow the linear corridors to the camp-screen.. -rest! Save! Take the bottom
right door, and on the next screen just step on the only block you can and it
will take you all the way to the other side.. -enter the door here, to be in the
room with the blue, red and white doors and number switches. Directly opposite
the door you just came out of is the exit.

To get back to Tinnsia you'll have to make your way northwest from here
(checking your location as you go with the Celestia Map in your Items menu).
Note that the closest yellow dot (once on the world map, and out of the Ruins
of Volt) is your Van Eltia!

Items/ /
----- Hotel Coupon (Automatic) /

Enter Tinnsia and head to the hideout.. -Chat and Max leave your party.
Head down to the Craymel Cannon, where you will meet Ayla and Keele, who are
finishing working on it. Now they have to install it onto the Van Eltia. Ayla
gives Keele a coupon for the Hotel in Tinnsia, and Keele re-joins your party.

Go ahead and enter the Hotel. Reid says Chat is probably at the Van Eltia
supervising the installation of the Craymel Cannon, so there's no need to worry
about her. Talk to the Hotel clerk and take the elevator up to the Suite.
Everyone heads to bed, nervous about what's going to happen tomorrow.

Reid has a dream, about when he was a kid. Remember like, at the very beginning
when the Elder of Rasheans said "are you two bringing trouble on us again...
just like before?"? Well, this explains it. Reid wakes up. Head over to the
room to the right, to find out that Meredy is missing. Head back and go up the
 elevator, to the rooftop. A little scene will take place and everyone will fall 
back asleep. BOOKMARK
The next morning, go back to the hideout and talk to Ayla. Then leave and go
one screen left, and enter the lower right building, the Ship Chandler. Talk to
the guy and head down the stairs, and Chat and Max will greet you. You'll go
into the Van Eltia and head towards Balir Castle with the rest of the Shileska
squad. Chat spots some enemies, and so it's naval battle time...

Mini-Game 7: Sea Battle /
Left/Right: Rotate, /
X: Charge. Press again to fire, /
O: Press while charging to accelerate, /
Triangle: Switch View, /
Square: Support Fire /
This is such an easy mini-game. Press X once to charge the cannon, aim /
at the enemy and press it again to shoot them. Press Square to call in /
reinforcements (when they're ready) to take out a couple of ships. The /
enemies drop mines, so be careful about that. /
After defeating the entire enemy fleet, you'll then shoot down the /
shields surrounding Balir Castle. /

You'll navigate onto land automatically...

Items/ /
----- Black Onyx /
Dragger Lance /
Dragon Vein /
Lapis Bracelet /
Lens (#41,#42) /
Mythril Arms /
Pretty Ribbon /
Rare Shield /
Scale Robe /
Silver Cloak /
Silver Plate /
Sorcerer's Ring /

Once you arrive, Max will head for his men. Before following him, head back in
the Van Eltia and talk to Chat for her to join your party.. -this is the first
time I say you should have her join, though you could have done this soon as
you met her.. -note this doesn't mean she'll be fighting.. -it just means she's
joined the party (fighting party) so she can participate should you wish her to.
Port your Van Eltia and on this first screen make your way to the right and
then up and to the left (on this first screen!) and examine the barrel or
whatever it is for a Lens(#41). Then go right one screen to a little camping
place. There, you'll meet Guston and a bunch of guys offering things at
insane prices. Be careful about what you buy.. -you'll get a lot of this stuff
in the dungeon. Also, make sure you have the Excalibur equipped before entering.

Suggestively: stock up on ALL gels and as for the weapons' guy.. -the only thing
worth buying are the Lapis Bracelet, and get THREE if you can afford them, for
all FOUR characters who can wear them.. -as everything else he sells you will
get inside (or should have.. -i.e. Ice Coffin).

Moving on, enter. Take a left to a new screen and then find a Pretty Ribbon in
the top-left corner of this room. If you activate the machine (to the right of
this chest), it lets all the monsters loose, but it also activates an elevator.
However, you can take the stairs upto the same place anyway, without having to
worry about monsters. The stairs are in the upper right corner.. -do that!

On this new screen, take the right door, then follow the corridor to a Dragon

Run back left and go up the stairs. Go through the door in the lower right and
keep running down the corridor. Once you reach the other side, you'll have many
choices of doors to walk through.
 The 
upper left door has a chest that's really a Fake. You may have seen this BOOKMARK
enemy in Gnome Cave, and if you did then you should know to either run like
hell or defeat it with skills that take it down from a distance.. -such as
Sonic Chaos. These things are very dangerous! Leave this room and go up, for
a chest with a Rare Shield. Now leave and go down, and right. This door
will not open. Keep going right, and run up. Go in the upper two rooms for a
Dragger Lance and a Scale Robe. Then head into the right room.

Dash all the way down the hall and you'll find yourself in a camping room. Go
ahead and rest. Then head down the stairs into the next room. On the left side,
open the chest for a Lapis Bracelet. Now, look for a blue thing on the wall.
Aim at it and hit L to trigger the big metal thing to move aside. Go down
there and freeze the second blue thing. Pick up the white thing and head down.

Go down the hall and then take the upper room. Take another up and grab the
Silver Cloak. Then go left and take the bottom left door, to get a Silver
Plate. The upper left door has another Fake. Now head to the right and fight
the boss on the bottom edge of the screen.

BOSS / /
-------- Spiral /
45,000HP /
No real biggy.. -I'm not gonna even mention what you should do.. -just do your /
best! /
Make sure you don't have equipped the Dragon Vein on Reid.. -make sure you DO /
have equipped the Excalibur! /
Equip all the other characters with their best.. -elementals and all. /
Reid use Sonic Chaos to take out the small enemies first and then Megasonic /
Thrust to take out the big guy. Demon Spiral Hammer (if it connects) can do /
wonders too! /
Farah can aid you in keep him at bay, Meredy should heal and dish out Spreads /
and sorts, Keele can sit back and watch the show.. -or he may choose to /
contribute. /
Seriously, such an easy boss, it will just feel like a normal enemy with more /
than normal HP. /
If you're somehow still struggling, then (as always) here's an alternative /
strategy: /
-------------------------------------- /
Alternative method, from VeghEsther / /
Demon Spiral Hammer/Double Spiral Attack sucks and isn't worth the TP /
cost, instead use Demon Twist, Sonic Chaos and Megasonic Thrust. /
Since you don't want to have all party members be very close to this /
boss you can use Chat's Pow/Toss Hammer skill at it (if doing so /
replace Farah with Chat). /
Blizzard with Keele (cast if you can), while Meredy casts Nurse only. /

After this battle, go down. Take a left and get the Black Onyx. Then return and
go right. Keep going, and check the machine in the upper right corner once you
reach a big room. You'll put in the white thing and the elevator to the left
will be activated. Go over and stand on it, and you'll be back in the camp

Shoot the red thing in this room with R, and go in the door that just opened.
Keep climbing the stairs, grabbing a Lens(#42) along the way. At the top, you'll
find another machine. Examine it, and it will say that you are "verified". Go
all the way back down to the camp room, and head left down the hall. You'll be
in the one big room again. Head left down another hall, and hit the red switch
in the next room with the Sorcerer's Ring. Another door will open.

Go up the stairs to the top again and grab the Mythril Arms along the way.
Examine the second computer, and the path to Balir will be open. Go back to the
bottom of the stairs and head right. Run to the end of the hall, and go right
until you come across the door that's been locked before. Save and enter.
 ---------------------------------------- 
BOSS / /
-------- Shizel /
120,000HP /
This boss's HP should be enough to scare you to not even bother trying to kill /
her, let alone the fact that you can't actually win this battle, as even if you/
DO, the game acts as if you've lost anyway. /
Don't worry about curing or even trying much, she'll have you done in about 10 /
seconds. Since you cannot win, no point in wasting any items in this battle or /
even TP for that matter. /

After the battle some FMV scene takes place and then you witness some sad event.

Following that OPEN YOUR MENU and see your team in full health?! HOW THE F*CK!?
You just got obliterated by Shizel, then she used some mad aurora artes that
(okay) Ras blocked, but you still got thrown way out of the castle.. -and
somehow you're still in full health?! Okay!

Moving on, Ras gives you the Seyfert Key, and tells you that you should go see
Galenos at Luishka...


As you set off some revelations are brought to light, then make your way
southwest to reach Luishka.

You're automatically taken to Galenos, where you talk over Ras' presence earlier
.. -I mean.. how did he know where you were?! Play the game!

You'll need to make your way to Seyfert Trials.

First, though, Galenos wants you to take him out of that busted up village and
drop him off at Tinnsia so he can join Shileska. Head northeast to reach it.

Items/ /
----- Extreme /
Plasma Cannon (after donating money) /

Once you get there you will automatically head to the hideout. Ayla and Max
accept Galenos to join Shileska. Before leaving, make sure you talk to Max,
and he will join your party.

Leave the hideout, but along the way, talk to the guy near the big Craymel
Cannon. He'll ask you for a donation of 20,000 Gald in order to get Max a new
weapon. Donate twice (40K Gald) and talk to him again, and he will get Max the
Plasma Cannon. Before you leave Tinnsia, head left one screen after exiting the
hideout and take the first escalator you see, then head into the building here.
Talk with Irene, (and since you've collected 41 Lens) she'll give you the
Extreme accessory, which can only be equipped by some characters (I think
females!). While in this shop, stock up on gels.

Leave Tinnsia now.

On the Van Eltia, Reid will use the Seyfert Key and it will shine a light
towards where you are supposed to go next. Head south east (more south) to
reach it. It's just north of Ruins of Volt, so you may have seen this red dot
on your way to Volt earlier in the game.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
----- Lens (#43) /

Before heading upto the door, take note of the 4 light bulbs here, examine the
bottom-right one for a Lens(#43). Walk upto the door.

Open the door, and you will find out that only Reid can proceed. Walk up the
stairs, and you'll be greeted by a spectre of someone (Reid claims is) familiar.
He tests your courage and then disappears. A Load Point crystal appears, examine
it if you will, and then step into the centre. You will have transformed into an
Eggbear, and be in one of the rooms of Nostos Cave (from way at the beginning of
the game). You'll undergo your first trial. Proceed down, to find out that your
family is dead and most of the eggs are broken. You may face random battles..
-easy one-two-three and they'll be dead. As you make your way left, the
merchants appear and face you. Three hits and the Egg Trader is a goner. The
other one will run away.

Remember this place? Anyway, head left and down from where the corpses lie.
You'll get into a fight with Reid and Keele. I don't think you can win, even if
you try.. -after all this has already happened and you DID beat the Eggbear!
Watch the bear meat scene again, and you will be back in the Seyfert Shrine,
where you will master the Aurora Wall technique.

The game tells you that you can activate the Aurora Wall once Reid's HP is
flashing, by pressing Circle + X + Square all at once. It's a Sacred Skill that
will nullify the actions of everyone, including any uses of Craymel Artes.

Walk down the stairs and meet your friends again. A few scenes occur and you're
taken automatically back to the Van Eltia. Your next destination is Chat's Hut.
To get there (from your current location), open up your Celestia Map, from the
Item menu.. -and take note of your location on it.. -you'll have to make your
way INSIDE this big continent, i.e. west, north, then southeast, so you're
inside the water in the middle. Find Chat's Hut just to the right (on the
Celestia Map) of the river (crack) at the south of the continent. Enter.

Inside Chat's Hut, you'll witness some talking and you receive the GPS
(Global/Geographical Positioning System). You should take note of the
numbers Meredy reads off the artefact.. -204, 98.

With your next destination set, why don't you do some side-questing before


Just a pre-emptive note to an item list for this section: I felt there was no
need for one, since this whole section is like an item list in itself.

With the GPS in your inventory take note that when you're on the world map,
your get the two numbers appearing above your mini-map, noting your location.
There are hidden goods all over Celestia and Inferia, so let's seek them out!

Note that the first number is your right and left (east and west), while the
second your up and down (north and south).

- GPS(227,162) -> Rune Bottle

Lower-Right most island, right at the bottom-right of the map

- GPS(228,120) -> Miracle Charm

Small island southwest of Peruti, directly north from last location

- GPS(203,76) -> Volt Shard, Volt Crystal

Forest at the bottom edge of the mountains southwest of Tinnsia, north-west
from last location

- GPS(217,70) -> Red Bellebane, Red Lavender

Bottom of the mountains southeast of Tinnsia.. -best if you get to Tinnsia

- GPS(186,14) -> Thunder Cape
Northern tip of the island that looks like a star, north of Tinnsia
- GPS(177,30) -> 4000 Gald
 Bottom left tip of the island that looks like a star, north of Tinnsia 
- GPS(15,10) -> Shrimp
Small island northeast of Balir Castle, east from Star shaped island

- GPS(183,130) -> Skill "Toss Hammer" for Chat

Small island far southwest of Tinnsia, near the end of the string of islands

- GPS(82,38) -> Rush Attack command

Forest far northeast of Imen, northeast of last location

- GPS(72,48) -> Amango

Forest northeast of Imen, just across the river to the east from last location

- GPS(131,118) -> Quick Attack command

Forest at the end of the stream that runs south of Chat's Hut, get to her hut
and then follow the river all the way to the end, that flows next to her hut

- GPS(52,154) -> Snow Crystal, Snow Shard

Forest between Ruins of Volt and Jini, quite a small patch of forest (not the
big ones)

- GPS(60,126) -> a Lens(#44)

Area between two mountains at end of stream that runs north of Jini.

Now head to Peruti, port your Van Eltia and (with Max in your team..
-doesn't have to be in your fighting team) examine the little cat (Miacis) just
to the left of the port, to have Max learn a new skill.. -Air Blade!

Head to the left onto a new screen and walk just to the right of the Miacis
(cat), and onto a wooden pier. You'll automatically start talking to the guy
here, Mach. He challenges you to a race Around the Celestia.
Around the Celestia /
It involves using the Van Eltia in a race-type event against Mach, /
whilst going through checkpoints, marked by the GPS points below. /
Here are the checkpoint GPSs: /
1) 31, 75 /
2) 84, 29 /
3) 150, 41 /
4) 170, 60 /
5) 158, 89 /
6) 161, 139 /
7) 122, 148 /
8) 61, 161 /
9) 12, 146 /
10) 0, 110 /
11) 43, 100 /
My strategy: follow him all the way to just before the last two or /
three checkpoints and try to map out their location better than him, so/
you can beat him to the finish. Just stick real close behind him making/
sure you hear the confirmation sound when you go over a checkpoint. /
Never quit a race.. -try it to the end to learn the locations of the /
checkpoints, especially the last 3 or 4 checkpoints, which will greatly/
help when it comes to overcoming him near the end. /
Note this isn't very hard but can get very frustrating. Keep trying it /
and you'll get it by around the 4/5th try if you're good and more if /
you're not so good. /
I beat this guy but nothing special happened!? /
Maybe there's a time you have to beat too.. though he doesn't mention /
any!! Oh well, that was a waste of time!!!!!!!!!!!! /

Once you're ready, head for GPS: (204, 98), which is south of Tinnsia continent,
-to reach your next destination...

Items/ /
 ----- Flame Sword / 
Hourglass / BOOKMARK
Lens (#45,#46,#47,#48) /

You'll need to go inside this mountain island, where the cave opening appears.
If you really, really want to, board the ship just to the side.. press Select,
to hear a hint, then hop on the Van Eltia again, and enter the cavern.

Grab the Flame Sword out of the nearby chest, and grab Lens(#45), by examining
the left of the stack of crates. then enter through the lit doorway to the
left. Walk past this small room, onto a new screen. You're faced with a
platform-moving game. Your mission is to reach the end, by traversing over 40
platforms.. -keeping in mind that some are booby trapped, some have monsters,
while others may heal you.. and there are even some that do NOTHING!

Needless to say, fire, spikes, poison.. all hurt. Some traps involve a time
bomb chasing you (of which you need to get rid of, by running around like a
lunatic) until it blows. Avoid the chests as most, if not all are those
hard-to-beat Fake enemies, though they provide some nice EXP should you wish
to take them on. Now, unfortunately, there's no real strategy to this mini-game,
just rely on luck in turning the wheel and hopefully you'll make it to the end
quicker than expected. You can choose to look ahead (or previous) platforms,
so you know what to expect. You can spin a number 1 through to 6. I tend to
just stop the spin real soon after starting it, that way you tend to pick good
numbers.. -or it may just be my game! :o)

Only the first half of this mini-game is trap-full, the rest tend to be fights
and go back a few spaces type-of-things.

Eventually, you'll reach the end. There, you will meet a statue of Aifread.
Before walking to far into the room, examine the "anchor" on the wall, for
Lens(#46). Head into the next room and the Van Eltia will get a complete
makeover. When you have control of Reid, climb the stairs to the right and
examine the right side of this control section, for a hidden Hourglass. Then,
go left and enter!

Examine the barrel where you first arrive for a Lens(#47). Then go to where
the deck used to be to find Chat. This is the new submarine room. Check the
thing in the back to learn how to control the Aifish, the submarine form of
the Van Eltia. Then begin looking for the "Bridge of Expedition"!

Before heading down under, go back in the Van Eltia and talk to Chat for her to
rejoin your party. In the submarine room check out the front of the green
submarine for another Lens(#48). Then go to the control room and choose to

Swim in the Van Eltia out of the mountain-encircled cavern, and onto the ocean.

Head for the top left part of the map (northwest of Imen), then Press Square
and choose Aifish. Now go low to the ground and locate a cave at GPS "35, 15".

As you approach it enter with X.

Items/ /
----- Celesea Map /
Chilli Potato (Recipe) /
Hot Curry (Recipe) /
Hot Pot (Recipe) /
Lens (#49,#50,#51) /
Light Crystal /
Rune Bottle /

Note that this section (town of Jini) it entirely optional.. -I just felt like
adding it here, since you'll be leaving Celestia soon and it's a nice little
town to visit, beforehand.

Once you enter, you'll notice 10 Jini laying on the ground and you'll pick it 
Jini is a deserted town during the day, however at night it goes crazy! There
are two ways to make it night, either escape out of one of the two exits of
 town (NOT via the Aifish) and wait on the world map (or fight) until it's night 
time, OR.. -from where you start off (where you pick up the 10 Jini on the BOOKMARK
floor), head up the stairs to your left, then enter the first building here..
-the Inn. If you sleep here for 5 Jini you will also make it night.

Either way (though I prefer the world map way, since you can save your Jini
currency), check the bookshelf in the second floor of the Inn for a Rune

While nighttime, and inside Jini, make your way to the Aifish, so I can start
my directions from there.

At night, you'll see that all the buildings are open. Think of this place as
the Fun City or Golden Saucer of ToE.. -there are plenty of games to play and
things to do. First off, the currency in Jini is called "Jini".

Enter the building right in front of you.. -Casino & Exchange. You can exchange
Gald for Jini in this place.. -by talking to the woman left of the entrance.
The average cost is 100 Gald per Jini so if the cost gets any lower than that
then buy like crazy.. -buy another 190 Jini for now, so you have a total of 200
(together with the 10 Jini you found on the floor earlier).

Opposite that counter, are three slot-machines.. -examine the first one (not
the one the person is playing on) for a Lens(#49). Head up and notice the
flashing slot-machine in the top corner.. -it's Wonder Chef and he teaches you
the Hot Pot recipe. The players at the table are having fun with WHIS.. -that
card game Meredy taught you. You can participate, and should you have the
highest score after 4 rounds you win the title of Hustler and 25 Jini as your
reward. It's an annoying game, so you may wish to opt out. Leave the casino.

Head up the left stairs and to the right building. Talk to the guy walking back
and forth near the door (inside), and he/she mentions Bush Baby.. -it's an item
you get later on that you can bring to Jini for auctioning.. -so keep that in
mind.. -or don't and I will remind you anyway.. ;P
Inside here also examine the flowers to the left (upon entering) for a Light
Crystal. Stock up on gels and whatever you need by the counter.. -noting that
the prices are in Gald! Then also talk to the person standing to the right..
-they offer you something at a steep price of 10,000 Gald or 100 Jini.. -it's
the Celesea Map.. -BUY it for 100 Jini, it's better than the Gald price!!
It's a map of the underwater of Celestia.

Head to the right of this store, to a new screen. Enter the first building
here.. -the Dance Hall. Here, you can play a dancing mini-game. It costs 3 Jini
to play as Meredy and you can also watch the Dance Master's dance for 1 Jini..
-by talking to the left and right ladies at the counters. Talk to the spinning
person, and then examine the stove to the left of him/her for another Lens(#50).
Mini-Game 8: Dance /
You have to keep your character in the spotlight, as stepping out loses/
you points. /
It's difficult at first but, after a few tries you get the hang of it. /
You'll have to beat a time record (which isn't mentioned) to win a /
title for Meredy.. -but I haven't done it so I don't know what the time/
or the title is. /

Head right and enter the next building along.. -Bookstore. Nothing special here,
some clever dude, a lot of books and a frog to the right of the counter..
-examine it to find out it's Wonder Chef.. -Hot Curry!

Enter the next building along.. -Auction Hall. Here, you can buy extremely rare
(and extremely expensive) items. Remember, an easy way to convert Jini to Gald
is by just adding two zeros at the end of the Jini, so you can see if the item
is worth it or not.

You can place bids on items or sell some of your own. Here is a list of the
items I've seen that you can buy, along with their purchase price. So yeah,
this stuff is VERY expensive. Don't even bother trying to win this much Jini by
playing WHIS; the easiest way is just to convert Gald to Jini once you find a
low conversion rate. Items that cannot be found anywhere else are marked with
an asterisk (*).. -the ones of interest basically!

Angel Bracelet* 3400 Jini 

Crystal Dagger* 9800 Jini
Earth Crystal 1500 Jini
Elixir 6000 Jini
Fire Crystal 1500 Jini
 Hero Cane* 13200 Jini 
Light Crystal 1500 Jini BOOKMARK
Magical Ribbon* 2600 Jini
Merenol* 11000 Jini
Rare Helm* 5620 Jini
Reflect* 7880 Jini
Resume Ring* 50000 Jini
Reverse Doll 4500 Jini
Shadow Crystal 1500 Jini
Snow Crystal 1500 Jini
Technical Ring 3000 Jini
Volt Crystal 1500 Jini
Water Crystal 1500 Jini
Wind Crystal 1500 Jini

Two ways to get that kind of Jini: play WHIS and keep winning (very difficult),
or convert Gald to Jini when the exchange rate is good (below 100).. -though
you need a lot of Gald to even get the sort of Jini needed for some of the
items here.

Personally it's a waste of time and money (especially right now), so leave this
for later, and I'll tell you when.. -if you plan to follow the guide closely to
the end.. -at which point there is a method to make you a Jini millionaire!!!

In the Auction Hall, examine the table in the upper right corner (across from
the guy) for a Lens(#51).. -aim to talk to him to find it. Examine the picture
in the upper left corner, to find... the final Wonder Chef. As a final parting
gift, he gives you the Chilli Potato recipe. The remaining recipes can be
learned through mastering the current ones you have. You will not be meeting
Wonder Chef any more.

Head back to the Aifish.

Press Square to go back into the Van Eltia. Make your way to Chat's Hut or at
least inside the large continent. Then Aifish down to the bottom, and at the
centre of the dark area of the map is a blue building/structure...

Items/ /
----- Lens (#52) /
Silver Cage 1 /
Silver Cage 2 /
Silver Cage 3 /
Silver Cage 4 /
Silver Cage 5 /

Note that this next part will take you back to Inferia, so if you feel you have
something to do in Celestia before hand, do it now, though you shouldn't have
anything to do if you've been following this guide, as I've listed everything
you can do.

Enter, and you will see six holders. One has something in it, so examine that
one. Keele says that they're Craymel Cages, so apparently you should find the
other five. Examine the rest of them for random messages, which are clues on
where to find them. Also examine the central panel for a Lens(#52).

The messages give location hints:

#1: Northwest Port City (57, 113)

#2: Eastwest at the bottom of the gigantic trench (152, 164)
#3: West or East from Hideout 1 (167, 112)
#4: Northeast of a city with a narrow path (228, 42)
#5: 3:151 (3, 151)

They are the Hideout points in Celestia. Let's head out and locate the missing

Stay on the Aifish (not the Van Eltia) and follow the dark part of the mini-map
to the end of it and you'll see the first point.. -Hideout 1. Enter. Head to
the next screen and you'll witness a sword in the ground, which Reid tries to 
pull out but cannot.. -ignore it for now. Head up another screen and grab the
Silver Cage 1 from the chest.
Easiest way to the next one.. -Van Eltia head towards Chat's Hut and then south
 through the river/crack in the continent to reach a broken bridge, now Aifish 
your way south some more and then east and south aiming to hit the 152, 164 BOOKMARK
mark. Do the same here, get the Silver Cage 2.

While on the Aifish.. -from last hideout, head south following the dark bits on
your mini-map and when you reach the end of it, you'll be at your location for
Hideout 3 (167, 112). Enter and grab you Silver Cage 3.

Hideout 4.. -reach it by using the Van Eltia to reach Tinnsia (northeast of
last location), and just to the northeast of town use the Aifish to locate this
cave. Do the same as before and grab your Silver Cage 4.

From last location, use the Van Eltia to go southeast, then south (to the west
of Ruins of Volt), pin-point your "3, 151" mark and Aifish into the cave below.
Oh and guess what you have to do here?

With all five Silver Cages, head back to Aifread's Platform.. -just north west
of Chat's Hut if you've already forgotten where it is. Van Eltia to it's
location and then use the Aifish to reach it.. -the quickest way to it in my
Easter-Egg /
If you really want to see something nice (from the game producers.. -an/
easter egg if you will) go to location 166, 82 and Aifish to see IT!! /
Look carefully at the sea-bed!! /

Place all Silver Cages then Aifish to the surface. Take the Van Eltia over the
lit patch nearby and prepare to watch a some-what cool scene. The relay point on
Inferia is just northeast of Farlos.

Items/ /
----- 6x Rune Bottle /
10,710 Gald /
12,240 Gald /
8,415 Gald /
9,945 Gald /
Aifread's Monument /
Bellebane /
Button /
Charm Bottle /
Diamond Armlet /
Donies Potpurri /
Earth Shard /
Elixir /
Fire Shard /
Flare Cape /
Holy Cloak /
Hourglass /
Kirima /
Krona Symbol /
Lavender /
Lens (#53) /
Ninja Sword /
Savory /
Sage /
Snow Shard /
Step Ring /
Tomato /
Uchiwa /
Volt Shard /
Water Shard /
Wind Shard /

Well first off, you haven't been here in a while so, why not visit a few
places, do a few things, BEFORE progressing with the story?!

For some reason, it felt (to me) like while we were on Celestia we were changing
something in Inferia (don't ask why), so when I got here I expected CHANGE..
-and in fact it's the same as you last saw it. ANNNYYYYWAYYYY.

 Starting off, head west from your current location, towards Rasheans, then south 
a little towards Mintche and use the Rasheans River PLUS your Aerialboard BOOKMARK
(heyyyyyyy, now there's something I missed!!), to reach your home village.

Rasheans: Go to Reid's house to find that his clothes are STILL wet! Talk to
Khamran (the Elder), and you'll find that his back is hurting. He wants the
legendary medicine Banrea to cure him. Banrea is made of three ingredients,
which the fellow villagers know. Talk to the guy outside the barn to find out
that one ingredient is an insect that likes firewood, and that is found in
Nostos Cave. The farmer below Farah's house, that is still attacking the ground,
says another is a Goat Horn which a goat on a holy mountain may drop. The guy
in Keele's old house says the third ingredients is Dried Peels, which can be
gotten by soaking 15 special fruits in the Craymel Hot Springs.

Before you leave here, to the left of Reid's house is the entrance to Rasheans
Forest. Enter and fight the so-easy-to-beat enemies, but try to do it in under
1 second, and you'll earn a title for Reid, Sonic Warrior.. -note that the game
doesn't say you got the title, but you will get it soon as you defeat something
in under 1 second.. -you can check that you got it in the Status screen/menu.

So let's get started! I'm sure you already have a Goat Horn (I had 6), but if
somehow you don't then go to Mt. Farlos and fight Falsea Horns until you get
one. For the Firewood Bug, go to the camping spot in Nostos Cave and CAMP.
Finally, the Dried Peels. Well, you can't get them right now, but oh well.
Just remember this for later (don't worry, I'll remind you).

Mintche: You can talk to Carlyle and Zank again, but Carlyle hasn't changed
much despite hearing about the Grand Fall. You can play Craymel Ball again, and
now you can take the Intermediate and Expert Exams! Search for "OTHGMS" with
Ctrl+F to find all the relevant answers. For winning Intermediate, you get a
Miracle Gel and the Namco Professor title, and for passing Expert you get
another Combo Command and the Namco Otaku title.

From Mintche head towards Farlos continent and seek out GPS "76, 123"..
-Hideout 1. Use the Aifish to reach it underwater. Funny how it looks exactly
like the hideouts from Celestia!?!?! Enter the second screen and grab the items:
12,240 Gald, Savory, Water Shard, Diamond Armlet, Volt Shard, Holy Cloak.

Morle: Make your way south from current location, while on the Van Eltia, to
reach Morle. Visit Professor Mazet for a scene.

Inferia City: Go to the Inn; now you're allowed to stay on the next floor,
since guests are sparse. First sleep in the east room, and then go back and
sleep in the west room for a couple of funny scenes. Try fighting in the Arena
if you want, you still probably won't get pretty far (I got to the third round
at level 48, but those damned octopus/Tortion enemies inflicted Weak on me),
and I'd recommend waiting until you're at least level 60 before trying for
real.. -I'll mention that later on.

Port Inferia: You can customize the Van Eltia here. The Inn costs 300K less
than the Chandler in Tinnsia. Ignore doing that for now also. Head right to
the ships and grab the Shadow Crystal from the chest.

Barole: Head northwest from Port Inferia, past the moon-shaped island, to reach
Barole. Go into the Shop of Need to find Tim (the little kid) working there. He
gives you a Donies Potpurri. Now go to the bar to find Katrine and Pierre! They
seem to have finally found each other and are now working in Barole.

Chambard: You can play an all-new set of Chamballoon challenges, which are much
tougher than the last set.
Chamballoon /
It's proper hard now. /
--------- /
1st Round - 3.00 sec, 7 balloons /
--------- /
Very difficult. Have Megasonic Thrust and Tempest strike on very /
familiar buttons. Keep holding RIGHT even before the round starts, soon/
as Reid begins walking perform Megasonic Thrust (be very quick.. soon /
as he turns to the right.. do it!), then as soon as he performs that /
keep pressing the button to perform Tempest Strike. If you pull off /
both skills quick enough, you'll do it in 2.83 or something like that. /
/ 
--------- /
2nd Round - 4.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
Nothing easy about this one either, but much easier than the 1st round./
 You'll have to be quick with the first two balloons and then two Demon / 
Twists should get the rest. / BOOKMARK
Hold DOWN keep pressing X, soon as Reid starts moving, hold up and soon/
as he hits the first balloon strike X again (you should be holding up),/
so he flies to the one above, then perform a Demon Twist, and then /
another soon as he's on the ground. You should be able to get this one /
no problem. /
--------- /
3rd Round - 6.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
Got this one in 3.21 sec. Very easy.. -simply perform 3 Tempest /
Strikes in a row, but be quick about it, and make sure you're pressing /
the button(s) for it before even the round starts, so Reid jumps /
straight into it. /
--------- /
4th Round - 6.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
Too easy to be true. Again, three Tempest Strikes will get you a good /
time of around 3.23. /
--------- /
5th Round - 7.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
HARD! The idea is easy, but to pull it off isn't. Keep tapping X until /
Reid begins to move towards the first balloon (left).. -don't tap any /
more X until he starts running back to his initial position, but /
during that run tap X and soon as he hits the first balloon, perform a /
Demon Twist, hopefully landing on the shadow of the one at the very top/
of the screen, which you can only get with a UP+X attack, and ONLY by /
standing directly beneath it.. -also the UP is with the analogue stick!/
The last one is a simple Demon Twist soon as you fall to the ground /
from the previous one.. -or up+X (Up on the d-pad). /

Winning earns you a Step Ring (you can get infinite of them by winning multiple
times). Talk to Aya (the girl nearby) after winning the 1st time for an Uchiwa.

Restock ingredients in Chambard Bistro, if you need to.

Make sure you talk to Irene in the first screen, also, for your last prize..
-Krona Symbol for collecting 50+ Lens.. though if you collect 60 she gives you
a title as well.. -we'll do that too. While on the first screen go into the
inn and check the plant to the left of the bedroom-door (on the first screen)
for a Charm Bottle. Finally, check the changing booth (to the left of the
mirror) in the "Bikini" store for a Button.

Finally, talking to the guy at the bottom of the stairs in front of the Bistro
(the food place), will give you a hint on your next destination.

Before heading to your next destination, let's seek out the rest of the hidden
Hideouts underwater.. -we got #1 earlier, now to get to Hideout 2, leave

Head to location "119, 122" on the Van Eltia, then Aifish to reach it.. -it's
southeast from Farlos. Chat learns Ice Hammer. Take: 8,415 Gald, Fire Shard,
Rune Bottle(x2), Hourglass, Sage, Aifread's Monument. Then I would also suggest,
if you haven't done so already (AND if you haven't already got a Sephira in your
inventory) to use a Rune Bottle and transform a Reverse Doll into a Sephira.
Don't worry about its use for now, I'll fill you in on it more, later.. -let's
just say you'll be a millionaire pretty soon.. -of course you'll know to have it
equipped since Forest of Temptation if you followed my suggestion all the way
back then in the beginning of the game.

To locate the next Hideout, head directly north from where you are (on the Van
Eltia), and aim to locate GPS "141, 1". On the second screen, before heading
towards the chests straight away, examine the flower to the left of the
entrance to this second screen for a Lens(#53). Now grab: 10,710 Gald, Ninja
Sword, Earth Shard, Rune Bottle(x2), Lavender. You may be in the same
situation as I was, in that I had too many Rune Bottles, and I couldn't pick up
the ones at Hideout 2 and this one. Just make sure to remember (as I may forget
to remind you) that should you need some Hideout 2 and Hideout 3 in Inferia
have two each.

Hideout 4 is located at GPS "226, 130".. -northeast of last one. Take: 9,945 
Gald, Rune Bottle, Elixir, Snow Shard, Bellebane, Wind Shard, then leave.
Now for some general items randomly about Inferia:
 First look in you inventory to see if you actually need that particular item, 
otherwise there's no point in locating it, apart from knowing how to get to the BOOKMARK
next, as all the directions below follow from the previous one. Also remember
that all of them are gotten to with the Van Eltia.

- GPS(186,33) -> Tomato

In the centre of the northern most forest of the Chambard continent, head
northwest from Hideout 4 through the continent via the river, then north to
the top.

- GPS(121,54) -> Kirima

Very small forest patch on a small island to the southwest (but not too much
south) of last location

- GPS(187,140) -> Flare Cape

Small island south of Inferia City, best got there northeast from last location.

- GPS(226,90) -> Rune Bottle

Small island northeast of Inferia city, southeast of Chambard, south of Efreet
Gorge and northeast from last location

Now for out next destination, locate GPS "33, 3", while on the Van Eltia, but
you'll need to use Aifish to reach the...

Items/ /
----- 52570 Gald (total) /
Cute Mitten /
Insea Map /
Rare Plate /
Rune Bottle /
Twinkle Flute /
Vorpal Sword /
WakeUp Charm /

As you enter, Reid, Keele and Chat "chat" about the looks of things, when you
have control examine the Load Point crystal, and save your game!
A few things to mention before we start with this place /
Firstly, we can go and do some craymel side-questing, for the optional /
craymels, but as we are not too high level yet, I've decided to hit /
this place first. /
Secondly, this is an optional area also, in fact a lot of the upcoming /
sections will be optional. /
Thirdly, you may do this and the following optional areas in any order,/
but I suggest this order as I see it to be a step up in difficulty each/
time. /
Fourthly, aim to be around Lvl45+, if not either train in one place and/
keep curing, while on the ship, or leave, train on the moon-shaped /
island and other northern islands of Inferia for some hard enemies and /
good EXP/Gald. I was Lvl46 and I was doing fine in this place.. -but /
aim to be around Lvl50 by the boss of this section. /
Finally, I will mention when the next non-optional but /
story-progressing section comes about. /
-------- /
Other / /
Equip someone (in the backrow) with the Sephira, so you're earning /
double the Gald at the end of every battle.. -and believe me money will/ 
be very important for the upcoming few sections). /
Further more on equipment.. -equip everyone with their best stuff, /
keeping in mind that Volt and Fire are good elementals to have on your /
weapons (though not essential as some weapons do more damage), for the /
 enemies here. / 
Set Farah (or whoever is best at it), to cook something at the end of /
everybattle. Cook something for HP and TP, so make two people cook or /
something. I needn't spoonfeed you all the info, be clever and know /
what you should cook, who should do it and how often (about every 5 /
battle for HP and everybattle for TP seems right to me). /
Carbonara and Hot Curry are two very good examples. /

On with this creepy sunken ship then.

Go down the ladder in the bottom right corner. You'll be in a room with three
doors. First, go down the far right one. There are three more doors in this
hall. The first door has a Cute Mitten, the second has a Fake (the chest enemy),
and the third has a Bulkhead Key (not an actual item).

Head back to the previous room, and now go down the middle path. Examine the
machine on the wall, and if you have the Bulkhead Key then the door will open.
Go into the next room to find it for the most part flooded.. -grab the Pump Room
Key and head back to the main room.

This time, go through the left door. You'll be in another hallway. In the first
door, there will be a scene, and then you can grab the Twinkle Flute. Head back
into the hall and go into the second room for a WakeUp Charm. In the third room
you'll find a cannon, which Keele says shows signs of heavy firing before the
ship sank. Then he accuses Aifread of sinking the vessel. Chat gets mad and
vows to prove otherwise.

Go back in the hall and go into the very bottom door, which can only be opened
if you got the Pump Room Key. Examine the machine, which will pump out the
water from the ship. Head back to the main room and this time go down the
middle door, into the room that was previously flooded. Go down two sets of
stairs into the next area.

Next, head right, and climb the ladder. Head up through the farthest door to
the north, as the room to the right contains nothing. Get the Rune Bottle from
the chest and climb UP the ladder to get to the Captain's Quarters. Here, Keele
will find more proof that Aifread sunk this ship. But Chat still can't accept
it. Open the chests here for the Insea Map and a Rare Plate.

Go back to the previous room and now go down the ladder. Get the Vorpal Sword
from the chest (don't you dare equip this right now!) and walk into the next
room. Examine the Load Point, cook something, and save. Make sure Chat is in
your battle party if you want to get a rare item.. -Watercloud.. -though you
should have one anyway, so unless you like her, I wouldn't wana force you into
using her, I prefer Max over her, and the usual Reid, Farah and Meredy. Go down
the hall to find a singing creature, whom Chat says is none other than a Siren.
You fight it.
Preparations /
Obviously heal yourself to max HP and TP.. DUH! /
Remove the auto-cooking after battle, as it won't be needed any more. /
Reid and Farah are a must. Decide between Max, Meredy, Keele and Chat. /
Personally, I prefer to use Max and Meredy, but if you really want to /
use Chat for the sake of stealing that Watercloud accessory from the /
boss, then use her, and Keele can be a great asset with his skills and /
craymel.. -your choice. /

Read the strategy below before facing her.

BOSS / /
-------- Siren /
52,000HP /
Formation /
Max/Meredy/Keele/Chat-----------------Farah Reid /
/ 
---- /
Reid /
---- /
Strategy /
 Attack Same Enemy / 
Attack -> 5 Slash -> 5 Thrust -> 5 / BOOKMARK
Flame Sword, Rare Plate, Red Shield, Mythril Helm, /
Aqua Cape! /
----- Watercloud! /
Farah /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Punch -> 5 Kick -> 5 /
Mythril Arms, Holy Cloak, Cute Mitten, Pretty Ribbon, /
Inferi Cape! /
------ Warrior Symbol! /
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 5 /
Twinkle Flute, Silver Cloak, Diamond Armlet, Tartan Ribbon, /
Talisman! /
----- Blue Talisman! /
Max /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Battle TP -> 5 /
Plasma Cannon, Bloody Robe, Lapis Bracelet, Duel Helm, /
Talisman! /
Sephira! /
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- /
----- /
Keele /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 5 /
Holy Staff, Scale Robe, Lapis Bracelet, Mythril Circlet, /
Talisman! /
----- Sephira! /
Chat /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Same Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Battle TP -> 5 /
Big Bag, Silver Cloak, Lovely Mitten, Pirate's Hat, /
Talisman! /
Sephira! /
I recommend that you definitely use Reid, Farah and Meredy, for obvious reasons/
and you can swap out Max for Keele or Chat. Note that you can swap them out /
once in battle so it shouldn't be a problem to steal the Watercloud from the /
boss anyway. /
If you have it, use and abuse Rising Phoenix with Reid.. -enough said. /
Otherwise have him equipped with the Ninja Sword, you got from the Hideouts /
earlier, so you can fish good damage on the other enemies that accompany the /
boss, then swap back to the Flame Sword, or whatever Fire/Volt sword you have /
that is better. /
Have Farah do her own thing, as she does that best! /
Have Meredy do her own thing too, and force her to use Nurse if she isn't doing/
it enough already.. -you may also wish to give her the Efreet Craymel if she /
doesn't already have it.. -this only holds if you're not using Keel AS WELL AS /
Meredy in the battle.. -in which case you'll have Efreet in at least one of /
them. Volt Craymel can come in handy also. /
Finally your last character depends on who you have: Max, can do his thing with/
the skills he has, while Keele should have all skills disabled apart from / 
Thunder Blade, or any other fiery or lightning based skills, while Chat should /
steal the Watercloud from Siren, then keep using her Hammer skills. /
So in short everyone can contribute in this battle, but you can probably see /
 that some characters are just plain better to use.. -I'll leave it upto you. / 
It's an easy battle come on, just go kick her butt! /
------------------------------------------------------------------------ /
Again, if you're somehow still struggling, then (as always) here's an / /
alternative strategy, by VeghEsther / /
Siren is weak to Thunder not Fire.. -best is to wait till you have Rem /
and Indingation her to death. If you can't wait beat at least Shadow /
and Maxwell 1st. (Too late for this bit, we're already here!!) /
Meredy: Meteor Storm or Nurse, Keele: Blizzard, Absolute and Dark /
Force. Reid Voltic Sword not Ninja Sword or Flame Sword and Rising /
Phoenix her (the boss) to death. As for the accessories listed (above) /
don't use those, since Siren can poison and weak stat you party members/
(Poison Charms) prevents both. So equip 4x Poison Charms. /
Chat's more useful then Max for this battle (since Max's skills can't /
attack the minor enemies). /

After winning, Chat asks her to take the spirits of the dead sailors with her
and leave to a happier place. The Siren thanks her and does so. Now that she's
gone, Aifread's name is cleared and you can get the treasure (they contain
a total of 52570 Gald). Go ahead and leave the ship.

Items/ /
----- 765 Gald /
Drain Charm /
Flare Arms /
Holy Circlet /
Lens (#54) /
Pico Revenge /
Saint Halberd /
Scale Robe /
Sephira /
Ticket Puncher /

Head back to Celestia, via the relay point north east of Farlos. Then once on
Celestia, to reach this cave, head to the GPS "5, 12" north east of Balir's
(Note that you'll need to turn the relay station 180 degrees to reach Celestia
Port and then Celestia).

At the GPS location (while on Van Eltia, you'll see a cave on the side of the
island north east of Balir's Castle, however to enter it you'll need to use
Aifish, as the cave lies underwater.
Preparations /
Before entering make sure you have everything from gels to foods maxed /
out. /
Re-equip all your party members with their best stuff, as the equipment/
from Sunken Ship will get you nowhere here. Just optimize everyone, and/
you should be fine, though you'll need to equip accessories manually. /
And, speaking of accessories, make sure someone has a Sephira equipped /
for double the Gald at the end of every battle.. -which helps. /
Though it's essential that Reid is equipped with the Excalibur, due to /
its Light Elemental effect, which can own most enemies in two hits. /
The party automatically make their way left to the next screen.. -so /
walk back and examine the Load Point crystal and SAVE! Now make your /
way left. Note that the enemies here are much more difficult than /
anything you've fought so far. Also, suggestively, you should be about /
Lvl50+ preferably Lvl55. If you're not, then stay close to the /
beginning somewhere and train up until you are, because the boss to / 
this optional dungeon isn't by all means at all easy. /
------------------- /
Max.. -New Skill / /
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Note that if you happen to go to Tinnsia, which is the closest place /
to re-stock after training, then take the opportunity to also get a new/
skill for Max (which can only begotten after you've entered Shadow Cave/
at least once). To get this new skill, seek the Pink Miacis (cat) at /
Gnome statue on the north side of town.. -where the weapon shop is.. /
-he learns the Aqua Spiral.. -BUT ONLY if you've spoken to his wife /
earlier on (when she was painting in this spot.. -which if you've /
followed this guide, you would have done). /

Once you've satisfied the requirements above, head left to the next screen
(past the first one with the Load Point crystal).

Walk down the sloped stairs, and grab the 765 Gald from the bag, and take note
of the enemy to the right (Mega Death, Dragontooth x3). Megasonic Thrust them
all to death. Note that these enemies respawn everytime you leave the current
screen.. -a nice way to keep fighting them over and over, so you can level-up..
-and DO THAT!!

Make your way right to the next screen. Go down the ladder, then left and down
another ladder, and then up the two leftern ladders for a Drain Charm from the
chest.. -note that you can avoid the enemies here by running fast, or you can
just choose to fight them.. -and I suggest the latter.

From the chest you just collected, make your way down both of the ladders to
the ground level, then up the ladder to your right, and then right towards the
next enemy and down the three ladders to the next screen.

On this screen, as always, I just suggest to beat up all the enemies as you
follow my directions.. -don't bother avoiding them, they're not that bad after
Lvl50. So make your way to the chest on the right.. -it contains a Saint
Halberd. Take either path from the chest (just make sure you beat up all the
enemies) and then make your way down, to the next screen.
Enemies/Items /
The enemies drop gels aplenty, so use them freely, especially the /
crappy ones like Apple and Orange. /

To the right an enemy guards a chest with a Holy Circlet, defeat the enemy and
then get the chest. Now, continue down along the right side of the screen, grab
the Flare Arms from the chest. Head back to the last screen and this time go
down the left side (you can avoid the enemy if you run), and go to the next
screen (the one PAST the one with the Flare Arms) by going down the ladder and
then heading down.

On this new screen, head right and down (use the small ladder) to grab the
Scale Robe from the chest. Use the ladder below this chest to reach the lower
ground and then follow left to the stairs leading to the next screen.

On this next screen, run past (or fight) the enemies, making your way right to
a long ladder heading down.. -use it to reach the next screen. Beautifully, this
next screen has a Load Point crystal, which you should examine and cure all your
characters at, plus save your game!
Random battles /
You will be having random battles here-on-in, not like the screens /
before.. -and note that the skeleton enemies that sit on the ground can/
kill you in about three hits if you're just used to going in and /
attacking, without blocking or tactical play.. -so be careful when they/
appear, and you may want to use Sonic Chaos (Reid) against them. /

So, from the save crystal, there are three paths below us. Go right from the
crystal, use this ladder here to reach the cave passage below. In this new
screen, there are two left paths that you can take, one just as you enter and
another near the top. Enter them both (in any order) and defeat the enemies you
see there(by pressing X when you approach them).. -a message will appear after
each of those battles saying "it got a little darker". No go back to the screen
with the save crystal and use the ladder near the crystal. Enter the nearest
cave here. Again two paths in here too.. -this time to your right. Enter the 
bottom one first an defeat the enemy.. -the message again, about the cave
getting darker, go back and enter the top one and approach this enemy from the
top, then press X to open an almost totally hidden chest behind this enemy,
which contains a Lens(#54).. -now fight this last enemy to receive a message
 that says "Absolute Darkness". Head back to the crystal. 
Now there's two things I could suggest here, the first of which you won't like:
1) Go back to Tinnsia and restock on all gels, as you will definitly need them
for the boss battle against Shadow.. -on the next bit of the cave.
2) Cook up something to cure yourself to max HP&TP, touch the crystal, save
your game, then enter the middle cave.. -via the ladder just below the save

I would strongly suggest the first one, since you'll need gels (especially TP
healing gels, but if you've got enough of those then don't worry too much about
the HP as Meredy's healing and Nurse will come into play.
(Note that I didn't have to leave the cave myself so apart from the enemies
that respawn prior to this screen, and the random battles of course, I do not
know if the enemies you defeated to make the caves darker respawn or not!! If
they do respawn upon leaving the cave, then it will mean you'll have to fight
them again, when you come back from Tinnsia.. -like I said, I would strongly
advise that you have TP-healing gels and don't worry too much about HP ones, so
if that's all set then don't worry about going back).
Preparations /
Cook a Carbonara, then top-up your HP & TP with Apple & Orange gels /
ONLY.. -do not waste your good gels, save them for the battle. /
Pine Gels, Lemon Gels and Life Bottle are essential! /
Examine the Load Point crystal, then save your game. /

Read the strategy below before facing him.

BOSS / /
-------- Shadow /
100,324HP /
Formation /
Meredy Keele Max-----------------Reid /
(Note, that I do not put Farah into the formation above, since I don't /
recommend her.. -you may think I'm crazy, but you'll be thankful. -read below)./
---- /
Reid /
---- /
Strategy /
Attack Strong Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Slash -> 5 Thrust -> 5 /
Excalibur, Rare Plate, Red Shield, Mythril Helm, /
Faerie Ring! /
----- Drain Charm! /
Keele /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Strong Enemy /
Attack -> 1 Battle -> 5 Recover -> 5 /
Holy Staff, Bloody Robe, Diamond Armlet, Holy Circlet, /
Emerald Ring! /
------ Krona Symbol! /
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
Attack Strong Enemy /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 5 /
Twinkle Flute, Holy Cloak, Lovely Mitten, Pretty Ribbon, /
Talisman! /
----- Blue Talisman! /
Max /
----- /
Strategy / 
Attack Strong Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Battle TP -> 5 /
Plasma Cannon, Bloody Robe, Lapis Bracelet, Duel Helm, /
 Emerald Ring! / 
Sephira! / BOOKMARK
Three things to note: /
1) Simply said: DO NOT GO NEAR SHADOW unless he's down or you're behind him, /
as he will just repel you with his SWORD IN YOUR FACE. /
2) Don't bother attacking the two enemies that accompany Shadow, they have far /
too much HP, and are simply there to deter you from the real target.. -SHADOW /
himself.. -besides they die when he does. /
3) Remember to keep on R-targetting Shadow as Reid tends to target the closest /
enemy to him (especially if they're right behind him). /
Use Keele: Blizzard, Wind Blade, Air Thrust, Freeze Lancer, Absolute, disable /
all other skills. /
Use Meredy: Nurse, Heal, Recover, Thunder Blade, disable all other skills. /
Use Max: Aqua Spiral ONLY!! Disable the other two skills. /
And finally Reid: Sonic Chaos if Shadow is up and walking about, Megasonic /
Thrust if he's down, as well as Rising Phoenix (if you have it and have used /
it 250 times to be able to trigger Burning Phoenix). (Thanks to VeghEsther /
for telling me that Megasonic Thrust and Sonic Chaos are the only two moves to /
use in this battle). /
With the above setting, equipment, strategies and personal skill, you can have /
him down in less than 5mins.. -and considering he's got over 100K HP, that's /
pretty good. /
Keep at it and you'll be done in no time. But make sure you're healing and /
reviving characters soon as they need it, don't leave it for later, use those /
Pine/Lemon gels and Life Bottles like there's no tomorrow.. -of course don't /
recover your TP unless it's dropped below 100!! /
Basically you should be hearing Megasonic Thrust alot, while your other /
characters Nurse, Absolute and Aqua Spiral his ass down. With ALL the above no /
one needed reviving, and I only had to use ONE miracle gel, as Keele was being /
stupid enough to go in and attack him, head on! /
---------------------------------------- /
An alternative method from VeghEsther / /
Remove Krona Symbol and Drain Charm for Reid/Keele against Shadow its /
not really needed. /
Since he does so much damage Meredy better have a Mystic Symbol (Rune /
Bottle on a Faerie Ring!) or by the time Nurse goes off everybody /
else may already be dead. /
Use Keele: Blizzard, Absolute ONLY!!! /
Use Meredy: Nurse ONLY!!! /
If Reid does have Rising Phoenix do use it but ONLY if it has at least /
250 uses to trigger Burning Phoenix its hi ougi version and do use it. /

After battle, have Meredy keep Shadow. Fringe to learn a new Arte.. -Dark Force.

VeghEsther's Craymel set-up (and I agree):

Maxwell (we don't have it yet)

Rem (we don't have it yet) 
Sekundes (we don't have it yet)
When you have control of Reid again, set Farah back in your team for whoever
 you swapped her with, and I would suggest Keele and Meredy for the other two 
characters. Also don't forget to reset you skills that you turned off before BOOKMARK
the battle, and finally you formation and strategies reset to your liking or
default 3/4s.. -though I just leave Farah and Reid on all 5s, while Meredy and
Keele and whoever else on 4 for attack and 5 for Recover. Oh, and how can we
forget, set you best equipment back on, while keep Excalibur on Reid until you
leave the cave.

Make your way down to the screen with the Load Point crystal, examine it and
save. Then make your way up the ladder nearby, and make your way out of Shadow
Cave.. -while fighting your way out or just running past all the enemies.. upto

At the last screen re-equip Reid with the Ninja Sword, examine the Load Point
crystal here and save, then board you Aifish and surface.

Using the Van Eltia, go to Luishka Station and talk to the conductor. He will
ask for your help to get his Ticket Puncher at Imen Station. So go to Imen
Station and talk to the conductor here. He will say the location in Melnics
language. To understand this word go to the Library of City of Craymel, Imen.
Choose the characters of this order : 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2. The word is Bonsai.
Keele will search the Bonsai in the library and you will get Ticket Puncher.
Now go back to Luishka Station and talk to the conductor again. You will get a
Sephira for your hard work.

Go to Chat's Hut, and walk down the stairs. A scene will take place that points
you towards the Aifread Cavern (204, 98).. -head out and another scene occurs
just outside the hut by the tree to the right.. -GPS (120, 128). Use the river
just next to Chat's Hut to reach a forest where you got your Quick Attack
Command.. -leave it to go through the forest and then hug the mountain south
of this forest to reach another forest and keep hugging the mountains to the
end of this forest to reach (120, 128). Here you will find Pico Revenge..
-Yippie! Leave head back northways to reach Van Eltia again, and use it to
reach (204, 98) which is south of Tinnsia continent.. -you've been here before.

When you enter, go to the lit cave entrance to the left and Chat will decide to
take the challenge alone.. -worry not it's not the same as before.. -this time
someone will test Chat on her knowledge:

Aifread's Pirate Quiz Game

1. Two Sage, Three Red Sage, and Three Savory. How many herbs related to HP
are there altogether?
-> 5

2. 2 Bananas, 3 Kiwis, 1 Amango, and 3 Cabbages. How many fruits are there
-> 6

3. 3 Tomatoes, 4 Potatoes, 5 cubes of Tofu. How many t's are there in all of
those names?
-> 5

4. There are 10 pirates. 5 of them are wearing scarves, and 6 of them are
smoking pipes. All the pirates wearing scarves are smoking pipes. How many
pirates are neither smoking pipes nor wearing scarves?
-> 4

5. In the previous question, how many pirates were smoking pipes?

-> 6

6. 3 Hourglasses, 3 Lid Shields, and 3 Tote Bags. How many of the items listed
are classified as Tools?
-> 3

7. 2x3-2+29-1x29=?
-> 4

8. 1 Hot Pot, 4 Broiled Sandwiches, and 3 Fruit Cocktails. How many times must
one use Red Satay to cook all the dishes?
-> 1

9. 3 Shrimps, 5 Beets, 8 Cabbages, 7 Potatoes, and 8 Red Satay. If you have

these ingredients, how many times can you eat Hot Borsch?
-> 5 times

10. Each man has 4 children. Each child of each man also has 4 children. The
total number of grandchildren is 96. How many men are there?
-> 6

 Chat will have learned Eternal Hammer as a Reward. (Contributed by VeghEsther) 

Now, stock up on foods of Celestia (best places are Tinnsia and Imen for the
rest), then head to the Relay station. Choose these options in order: Enter
Relay Point, Inverse Dome, Conversion Dock.. -examine the big statue of Aifread
TWICE.. -you will get the co-ordinates to your next destination, "88, 64", then
go back and choose Turn 180 degrees, Inferia Port, Inferia.

The continent just next to you (as you know) is Farlos.. -go to the south of it
and land your Van Eltia. Walk up and enter Farlos Sanctuary.

Items/ /
----- 24424 Gald /
Faerie Ring /
Golden Helm /
Omni Weapon /
Red Lavender /
Spirit Robe /

Soon as you enter, talk to the guy just to the left, he's the tutorial dude. If
you've just been reading the guide to the T (well thank you first of all!), you
probably have no idea much about your craymels, so talk to him to learn a bit
more and how they work. Next step is a bit optional and only for the total

Run left past the tutorial dude, and enter Mt. Farlos. From the screen where
you see the title Mt. Farlos appear and you see the Load Point crystal, follow
the steps below, screen by screen:

Needless to say, make your way back down the mountain, all the way to the Farlos
Sanctuary and enter the sanctuary (church thing). Note that you should probably
use a Holy Bottle or two (or more), to get down the mountain quicker (without
battles), as they are too easy and only a waste of time.

Talk to the girl just right upon entering if you need to buy anything, then talk
to the priest at the back and then go around the table he's standing next to and
examine the Seyfert Statue at the back. Your Seyfert Key will begin to resonate,
and a hidden path will open. As the priest says.. -YOU MUST PROCEED! Nah really
this is an optional dungeon, so you don't have to do this, but I strongly
recommend it.
Preparations /
Use crappy gels like Apple/Orange to bring you team upto par. /
Set some cooking to be done: /
Carbonara: Once Every 5 Battles, and /
Omlette: An Ally With Abnormal Status. /
I believe Farah will make the Omlette best, since you trained her WAY /
back at Chambard to do so, while Keele or whoever has a musical note /
above their head can make the Carbonara. /
I suggest a party of your classic 4: Reid, Farah, Meredy, Keele. /
------------ /
Equipment / /
Reid: Ninja Sword, Rare Plate, Red Shield, Mythril Helm, /
Faerie Ring! /
Warrior Symbol! /
Farah: Flare Arms, Silver Cloak, Cute Mitten, Tartan Ribbon, /
Emerald Ring! /
Resist Ring! /
Meredy: Twinkle Flute, Holy Cloak, Lovely Mitten, Pretty Ribbon, /
Force Ring! / 
Blue Talisman! /
Keele: Holy Staff, Scale Robe, Diamon Armlet, Holy Circlet, /
Emerald Ring!/Protect Ring! /
 Sephira! / 
If you trained in Shadow's Cave, then you should have countless Protect/
Rings. /
---------- /
Craymel / /
Meredy: Keele: /
Undine Sylph /
Gnome Efreet /
Volt Celsius /
Shadow /
Fringe when you're told to do so at the end of battles to learn new /
skills.. -especially learn Cyclone (with the above set up!!). /
------------- /
Strategies / /
Reid: 4,5,5 /
Farah: 4,5,5 /
Meredy: 4,5,5 /
Keele: 4,5,5 /
--------- /
Skills / /
You should be able to learn all of Reid and Farah's skills, by maxing /
out their slash/thrust, punch/kick Lvls.. -as well as using the /
corresponding skills the number of times needed. Very achievable! /
---------- /
Enemies / /
They are tough, and be careful of the big dragons, they can have you /
killed in one hit.. -Demon Twist it to death, +Megasonic Thrust. /
But the battles, all give you between 2500 - 3000+ EXP!! /
Examine the Load Point crystal, then save your game. /

It's a short dungeon, but quite a toughie. I'd recommend you be between Lvl55 to
Lvl60.. -if you're not, then train in the first screen.. -next to the Load
Point crystal.. -and head back out and into the left room to sleep for FREE!!
(VeghEsther reminded me about this free inn!).

When ready...

Head down to the next screen, then left, through the door, to the next screen.

Keep going left, through the next door, and left again through the NEXT door.
In this room, first enter the first door for 24424 Gald. Go back in the hallway
and enter the second door for a Golden Helm.. -equip it on Reid straight away.
Leave and go down the stairs.

Go in the first door here for a Spirit Robe.. -a MUST for Keele, equip and never
take off!! and then the second door to get a Red Lavender. Leave through the
southern door, and go east. Check the Load Point, cook something.. -remove the
auto cooking now, and save.
Note /
All the preparations and suggestions above still stand. Make sure /
you've equipped the newly acquired Golden Helm on Reid and Spirit Robe /
on Keele. /
Disable all but the following skills on the following characters: /
Reid: You'll be controlling. /
Farah: Swallow Dance, Super Swallow Dance, Eagle Rage. /
Meredy: Nurse, Heal, Dark Force. / 
Keele: Cyclone, Absolute, Freeze Lancer. /
Head up and get ready to fight a boss!
 ---------------------------------------- 
BOSS / /
-------- Maxwell /
34,000HP /
Formation /
Meredy Keele----------------- Farah Reid /
Really isn't a hard boss.. -what makes him hard is your attacks don't hurt him /
much, most of them 1HP!! /
He has 34,000 HP, which is quite a lot, considering the maximum amount you'll /
be able to take off in one skill is around 200 HP! /
Since you're controlling Reid, have him perfomr countless Demon Twists and /
Omega Demon Chaos.. -everyone else can do their thing with the limited skills /
they have to use. /
If you're getting bruised up, use a gel or two (not APPLE/ORANGE!), then keep /
at the on-slaught. Due to his high defense, you'll be fighting him for longer /
than any battle you've had so far.. -keep at it and he'll go down sooner or /
later. /
Only one move to be aware of: Tractor Beam.. -it's the circle on the ground, /
just make sure you're not on it when it glows red, otherwise you'll be a victim/
to some pain.. -group your characters away from the circle on the ground, as /
some of them are stupid enough to stand right on it. /
---------------------------------------- /
An alternative method from VeghEsther / /
Switch Shadow to Keele and Sylph to Meredy: Since you want Keel to only/
cast Blizzard or Absolute. When Meredy isn't using Nurse have her use /
Cyclone. /
Give Meredy a protect/force ring and a Mystic Symbol. Use Rune Bottles /
on Faeire Ring. /
Since Maxwell teleports a lot of times its 1 of the only battles where /
I recommend Semi Auto NOT manual mode. /
Do NOT use Omega Demon Chaos Maxwell can teleport even after its 2nd or/
so hits use Demon Twist only with a Warrior Charm + Force Ring (not a /
Faerie Ring equipped). /
Though its not really worth it a All Divide item if you have 1 can be /
used at the start of the maxwell battle (but use it toward the end). /
Toward the end around 10,000 HP it will use the full maxwell extension /
move Maxwell Minimus and since its his version similar to Blizzard he /
better NOT cast it since it only takes 2 casting of it to kill all /
arty members at once. Ouch! /

Once he's down, you'll put him into Meredy's Craymel Cage. Fringe to learn a new
Arte, then move him into Keele's cage and fringe again to learn yet another new
skill, but have him stay in Meredy's cage all the time after that.

Walk down, examine the Load Point crystal, save and leave this ancient shrine.

After the fight, Maxwell drops a Faerie Ring and an Omni Weapon, equip both of
those on Farah.. -swap the already equipped Emerald Ring for the Faerie Ring.

MAKE SURE YOU RESET all your character's skills to be usable.

Now, if you scroll up (or just happen to remember) that when we got to Inferia
this last time, we went to a Conversion Dock in the relay station, and upon
examining the Aifread Statue twice we got some GPS co-ordinates "88, 64". These
lead to our next destination. Head out of Farlos continent and head northeast
from it, towards the moon-shaped island. Pin point the GPS location (88, 64) and
enter a secret tomb... 
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Items/ /
----- 2x Elixir /
2x Mythril Bracelet /
13579 Gald /
All-Divide /
Captain's Hat /
Lens (#55) /
Light Sphere /
Losagna's Dress /
Moon Robe /
Red Bellebane /
Red Savory /
Star Shield /

You may wish to go to Chambard first to stock up on all foods/gels.. -I had to!

As you approach the moon-shaped island, you'll notice a white dot on your
mini-map.. -and believe me it wasn't there before!


At the bottom of the stairs examine the Load Point crystal, then head left to a
big lobby room. The team talk for a bit then you regain control. There are many
rooms here, and to start off, head through the bottom-left one.. -left from the
nude statue (along the blue pavement). Follow the next screen to a new screen
then take the left door first. You'll see four samurai (red-haired) soldiers..
-ready to slice you. Unfortunatly it's the only way across, RUN to the other
side, open your menu and cook a Carbonara.. -because you'll be at 1HP by the
damage inflicted from the swords.
Red-haired samurai /
They can only take you down to 1HP, they cannot kill you, so if you /
don't cure after one on-slaught you can keep crossing their attack /
range, and you'll just keep staying at 1HP.. -only problem is that you /
may run into a random battle while being sliced to 1HP, meaning you'll /
join a random battle at 1HP.. -in which case I recommend you run, or /
cure up real quick. /
Just make sure you cook a Carbonara after everytime you get sliced. /
---------------- /
Alternatively / /
You can walk close to the first one, freeze it with the Freeze Ring (L)/
and move a bit more to freeze the next one, until you pass them, in /
this way you'll get passed without ANY damage incurred.. -keeping in /
mind you have to do this quick. /
(The above is a fantastic contribution of Shih Johny, who e-mailed me /
of this fact.. -I definitly did not know about this!) /

Once you get to the other side, go through the bottom (left) door. You'll find
four more swordsmen. Go past them and get the Star Shield (Reid) and Mythril
Bracelet (Farah, [though it can be equipped on everyone, but Reid]) on the other
side. Go back, and this time go through the upper door. Get the Red Savory..
-you can see a Japanese lady on the other-side, in traditional clothing. Now go
back down.. -the way you just came.

Head through the right door, and through the sumrai, AGAIN, and on the next
screen go right. Examine the box to the left, upon entering, to find a hidden
Lens(#55). Cross the bridge here, and you'll fight a group of enemies. You MUST
win if you want to continue (running away won't work). Go left two screens.

You'll find a statue of a woman. Pull it towards the direction you just came
from, but make sure she's still on the stone-walk-way, then push this woman
towards the water-stream.. -and... something will happen (what the hell?!) that
will unlock a door. Go back (one screen) and open the door on the upper edge of
the screen. Continue down the hall and get the Captain's Hat. Examine the box
in the same room for Aifread's Beard (not a real item). Go to the right and 
you'll be back in the main room again. Examine the statue to put Aifread's
Beard on it.
This time, go through the door directly behind the statue. Cross the bridges
 and go through the door, and you will fall to an area below. It's easy to 
cross the spikes that looks impossible at first.. -simply hold Circle to run BOOKMARK
past them. Voila! Go up and get the Mythril Bracelet to the left before
continuing. Keep going north, and go the All-Divide in the area to the right.
Head to the upper left corner to get to another area.

Cross the rocks in the lava and get the 13579 Gald and an Elixir at the
bottom edge before going left.
Reverse Dolls /
This area with the grim reaper enemies, when you go into a fight with /
them you face Super Star enemies.. -and these guys have a drop rate /
of 5% for Reverse Dolls and its the best area to get them.. -note /
you will need 15 of these in our next destination, so make sure you /
have them. Keep re-entering this screen to re-fight these enemies /
until you have 15 Reverse Dolls. /

Here, you can talk to the statues for various information (and a shop and a
resting point.. -don't be stupid to pay for those silly-priced items and inn.
Continue on left. Stop the flames with the Freeze Ring (you'll have to use it
multiple times AND be at the right distance away.. -which is just as Reid
becomes hidden from view) and go down. In this room, examine the statue for
Aifread's Hat.. -to the right, up the stairs and go down (don't worry, you
won't fall this time). Cross the many bridges back to the lobby room.

Examine Aifread's statue to put his hat on. Now go to the room on the right. Go
down the hall and you'll be in a room full of guillotines. These are much
easier to cross than the spikes. Beware of the chest at the end of the hall,
it's really a Fake, but you should definitly be able to defeat these with no
problem, just make sure you're using Sonic Chaos non-stop. You find a hidden
Elixir in the chest he was hiding. Then go down the two sets of stairs., to a
new screen. Go left for a Moon Robe.. -don't swap the Spirit Robe already
equipped on Keele for this one! Now go down the stairs. You'll have to evade
this guy as you go left. If he touches you you'll go back up the stairs. Freeze
him from a distance with the Freeze Ring (L-button) and continue left.

Make the lead character a female, and go through the door. Go left and get the
Red Bellebane, making sure to avoid the bombs. Go up the stairs and continue
left down the hall. Go all the way down the hall in this area and you'll be in
a room with a bunch of coffins. Examine the opened one for Aifread's Clothes
and get the hidden chest to the right for Losagna's Dress. Now leave the room,
via the south exit.

Put Aifread's Clothes back on and a path will be revealed if you got all three
items. Go down the stairs and get the Light Sphere in the back of the room. Now
that you have the Light Sphere, exit the Tomb of Aifread.

Go back to the Van Eltia and go to the Bridge of Expedition/Relay Point. Choose
Inverse Dome, Conversion Dock and put the Light Sphere in the right slot.. -to
the right of the Aifread statue. Leave and go back to Inferia again.

Now for a quick detour. Head to Chambard and restock on gels and food, then
head to Mintche, go to the left-most screen.. -the university, and in the first
screen (after the receptionist), enter the second door on the right, and you
will see a scene where Keele is honoured a doctorate, is given the title of
Dr.Mintche plus a whole host of foods.

Now head to Inferia City, enter.

Items/ /
----- Cress' Bandana /
Drama Script /
Eternal Sword /
Rewards (various) /

You will be doing not so easy fights in this next bit, so please make sure you 
read before trying.
From the first screen head left.

 If you're already at a high level(60+), you can easily win the tournament at 
the arena. Enter the red-carpeted building to the left.. -Inferia Battle Arena. BOOKMARK
Some extra info from VeghEsther /
Burning Phoenix: /
Rising Phoenix 250x (uses). As Reid approaches the enemy (in a Rising /
Phoenix) trigger Rising Phoenix a second time. /
Dragon Demon Chaos: /
Omega Demon Chaos 130x. Monsters with at least 2130 or less HP left /
during its 8th strike. Use ODC before Reid lands during its 8th hit to /
trigger DDC if you meet the monsters HP requirements. /
If Omega Demon Chaos = 130 uses monsters would need 2130 or less since /
the formula is 5 - total # of attacks x30 + 10 and monsters with total /
# of uses ODC was used + 2000 or less HP left. Technically DDC could /
be triggered at 11000 or less max HP left since 9999 is the max usage. /
An awkward formula, that won't work on many enemies, but I will mention/
the ones it does work on. Don't use this against Cress! /
Quasi Seal: /
Omega Seal 50x. Then trigger a 2nd time before Reid slash's the only /
remaining monster left in mid air as long as it has 20,000 or less HP /
left and has a wind resistance stat of less then 50%. Cannot perform /
this on heavy enemies. /
VeghEsther deems the above a neccessity to winning the Battle Arena. /

Have Reid (always) equipped as follows, unless stated otherwise:

Reid: Ninja Sword, Rare Plate, Star Shield, Golden Helm,

Faerie Ring!
Warrior Symbol!

\ Battle Arena /
First talk to the lady at the right counter to enter the City Championship. /
-------------------- /
City Championship / /
You will need to pay up 5,000 Gald, just to participate. /
Round 1: 2x Squire, Ranger, Sage /
Round 2: 2x Kraaken, 2x Toriton /
Final Round: 2x Beast Ogre, Fire Cloud /
Rewards : 20,000 Gald and Potion Set (1st time only) /
15,000 Gald and Gel Set /
Too easy to even owe a strategy. Three words: OMEGA DEMON CHAOS! /
------------------------ /
National Championship / /
Now talk to the lady at the left counter to enter the National /
Championship. /
You will need to pay up 10,000 Gald, just to participate. /
Round 1: 2x Revenant, Metallicore, Mega Death /
Round 2: 2x Mythril Golem, Sky Keeper /
Final Round: 2x Evil Ripper, 2x Tentacles /
/ 
Rewards : 30,000 Gald and Large Gel Set /
Sonic Chaos the ground enemies and Omega Demon Chaos the aerial ones. Megasonic/
Thrust can be used within combos. /
 / 
--------------------- / BOOKMARK
World Championship / /
Talk to the right lady at the right counter (who wasn't there before), /
to enter the World Championship. /
World Championship (after winning City and National Championship), you /
will need to pay up 15,000 Gald, just to participate. /
Round 1 : Duelist, 2x Wizard /
Round 2 : Hellkite, 2x Phoenix /
Final Round : Red Dragon, 2x Hellkite /
Rewards : 80,000 Gald and Super Surprise Package /
A big jump in difficulty, but very, very do-able. /
Round 1 /
Target the first of the Wizards and Rising Phoenix + Demon Twist + Omega Demon /
Chaos + Omega Demon Chaos + Omega Demon Chaos... until they're dead. Turn /
around to face the Duelist (sword dude), and Megasonic Thrust his ass.. -BLOCK /
(with Square) after everytime you attack to avoid his retaliation.. -as he WILL/
get a hit in if you do not block. You can even try to Quasi Seal the Duelist. /
Round 2 /
Open up the menu and equip yourself with the Vorpal Sword, Square Shield, /
Resist Ring (Rune Bottle on a Protect Ring, if you do not have one) and either /
another Resist Ring or Flare Cape or even Reverse Doll! Target the Hellkite /
(dragon) and Omega Demon Chaos his ass.. -don't let up or the two Phoenix may /
kill you before you do it. Soon as the dragon is dead Omega Demon Chaos the /
Phoenix to death also.. -but make sure you defend(Square) straight after an /
attack as they tend to retaliate. Remember: if you didn't already equip a /
Reverse Doll as one of you accessories, then keep an eye on your HP and equip /
one soon as you're nearing death around 150HP!! /
Final Round /
Equip a Reverse Doll right at the beginning of the round, and leave all other /
equipment in tact.. -as they were in the last round! /
Omega Demon Chaos the two Hellkite to death, as quick as you can. If you've /
used the ODC(Omega Demon Chaos) enough times(130), you can even perform another/
one; DRAGON DEMON CHAOS as an extension to Omega Demon Chaos, but only on the /
last hit of ODC and only if the enemy is at 2000 HP or less.. -it's like a high/
ougi of ODC, which is simply a one hit kill! /
Make sure that if you've died and used up a Reverse Doll that you equip another/
one straight away.. -as the one that was used to bring you back up, isn't /
equipped any more.. -duh! /
It's imperative to re-equip the Ninja Sword for the dragon in this final round,/
as it does more damage, as well as re-equipping a Faerie Ring. DON'T USE /
------------------------------------- /
Alternative method from VeghEsther / /
World Championship last 2 rounds: /
Instead of a Vorpal Sword equip the Ice Coffin you should have bought /
1st time to Balir castle. Since all enemies in those 2 rounds are weak /
to ice. Btw you will need 2x flare capes or a flare cape + inferia /
cape. /
The resist ring is only 20% to elemental decreaseing. /
But the Flare Cape and Inferia Cape should be 30% to their respective /
elements. Golden Armor equip if you have it and the Square Shield if /
you don't. /

Reid gives a THANK YOU speech to the audience of the Battle Arena, and as he
makes his way, Cress calls him back to challenge him. Choose YES, to fight him..
-it's doable providing you put your PSP to sleep right now and read the whole 
strategy below :O)
A Quick Note /
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Please note that this next battle, is semi-boss-like, so treat it like one. /
Please, also note that you will most likely NOT beat it on the first try. As /
this is the (guaranteed) case, please search for "DARCH", to go to the /
Defeating Arche section of the guide. As is stated in that section, this next /
battle against Cress, can be made into an even more special battle (for you /
completists out there), whereby you're facing two bosses at the same time. Note/
before hand that if you so choose to NOT go ahead with that, and beat Cress on /
his own, you will not have the chance to do so any more, unless by starting a /
new game.. -so please consider reading the section Defeating Arche (DARCH), /
before reading the strategy below. /

BOSS / /
-------- Cress /
9,999HP /
Cress' Attacks: Spiral Destruction, Sonic Blade, Neo Swarm, Rising Phoenix, /
Dimensional Strike. /
This guy isn't THAT hard once you know what you're doing (which, in the /
beginning I didn't). With great help in equipment and strategy from VeghEsther,/
here's how to overcome Cress... /
Equipment is very important in this battle and will change often! /
Start of with: /
Reid: Ninja Sword, Rare Plate, Omega Shield, Golden Helm, /
Faerie Ring! /
Warriror Symbol! /
When you see Rising Phoenix appear on screen at the top in the red plate (it /
means the enemy has triggered it) in which case, pause and equip: /
Reid: Ninja Sword, Rare Plate, Square Shield, Golden Helm, /
Flare Cape! /
Resist Ring! /
Flare Cape! /
Inferi Cape! /
Accessories: I prefer the top two, but VeghEsther says two Flare Capes are /
better or a Flare Cape and the Inferi Cape, when Cress is using Rising /
Phoenix, have the other equipment in tact, when he isn't. /
When you're nearing death 150HP or less then equip a Reverse Doll immediately. /
Keep equiping Reverse Dolls, to stay alive, and keep attacking. /
Do not step too far away from him or he will Sonic Blade you to death.. -to /
overcome this you will need to edge forward in small steps and block otherwise /
until you get near him.. -at which point SPIRAL ATTACK + MEGASONIC THRUST /
should be used. /
Reid's Attacks: Spiral Attack(not DOUBLE!) + Megasonic Thrust. That is it! /
Keep using those two skills over and over and over. With a Faerie Ring /
equipped you should have enough TP. Seriously use nothing else until he dies. /
With 10+ Reverse Dolls.. -you shouldn't really lose! Just make sure you equip /
them often, but never replace the Faerie Ring!! /
If you STILL can't win: /
VeghEsther suggests that you beat Valkyrie (Glimmer Spire.. -scroll /
down or search for "GLSP"), and then equip: /
Golden Armour + Omega Shield + 2x flare cape or 1 flare cape + Inferi /
Cape = Total fire defense while keeping the Omega Shield's free HP /
regeneration effect intact. /
Good Luck. /

Note that should you die, talk to the lady at the left counter (the left lady)
to challenge him again, and again, until he's dead.
When he's dead, Reid will be crowned the strongest man in history, titled the
 Gladiator and be given the Eternal Sword by Cress. 
(Note that once you defeat him, you can't challenge him anymore, as the lady at
the left counter isn't there any more).

You may have spent quite a bit of money with the Championships, unless you were
upto scratch and just zoomed past them, in which case you would have gained
Gald. In any case, you should have 1 million or so Gald, if you've held the
Sephira equipped on someone since the first time you got one.

So head out of the arena and head up on this screen. Then head right (past the
castle arch) and onto another screen. Enter one of the building here.. -the
Imperial Playhouse. It's time to watch some stupid (and darn right expensive)

Imperial Playhouse - Tale of Ultus Veigh

Act 1 - 10 Gald
Act 2 - 50 Gald
Act 3 - 200 Gald
Act 4 - 1,000 Gald
Act 5 - 5,000 Gald
Act 6 - 20,000 Gald
Act 7 - 100,000 Gald
Act 8 - 500,000 Gald

Those are all the acts, and they won't all appear, but rather appear as you
watch the next one.

Note that you should definitly have the money for this, and I recommend you do
it now.. -it's expensive I know, but it'll pay of.. -I know, I know, it hurt me
too!.. -I mean 500,000!!!!

You should have watched a few early on in the game, now go ahead and watch the

Noblewomen are being kidnapped by someone leaving behind, as the only
clue, Ultus Veigh. The word of mouth is travelling even amonst the commoners.
Now noblewomen are being held indoors, in fear that Ultus Veigh will kidnapp
them. Anna, a noblewoman, goes crazy about her friend Clara being kidnapped and
her servant, Lucas, having joined the vigilante group, she decides to do so, as

Anna, in the market place, all alone. An excited Martha runs in and
claims Ultus Veigh to be a hero. An angry Anna listens to the words of no-one,
and gives chase to Ultus. The next day, Lucas is searching for Anna, who's being
hidden by a conspicuous Martha, which leads to Anna's kidnapping, by Ultus

Even the commoners were well shocked by the disappearance of a well

known, noblewoman. Lucas has lost it. He's furious about Anna's mishap, when to
his saddened happiness he finds Martha and Anna have switched clothes, and it's
in fact Martha who got kidnapped earlier. Anna turns him down on advice and
Lucas gives in, being her servant any longer.

Anna's servant, Lucas, is not around any more, but that doesn't stop her
being as intent as ever in catching Ultus Veigh herself. She leaves that night
for the market place. As she gives chase, Ultus Veigh appears behind her and
decides to show his image. He sweet talks our precious Anna, of a better place,
with no restrictions. Anna decides to go with him.. -but curiosity killed the
cat, as the old saying goes.

The finale is here. Anna has put all her trust in Ultus Veigh, in hope
of a better life, without the royal blabber. A golden headed Ultus Veigh appears
to take back his name and pride. Anna's attempt to run away from a mere slave
merchant is but to no avail. DUEL! The true Ultus Veigh wins the gruelling fight
and lady Anna is safe, again.

The morning after the night before, Anna and the real Ultus Veigh tell
of the truth behind there being an imposter, when it hits Anna that she was
wrong about Lucas, and seeks him out. Magically Ultus Veigh dresses down to be
Lucas in disguise. Much to Anna's excitment they take a trip together.

When the play is over, head up the stairs and examine the large book to the
left.. -it's the Drama Script.. -the sole reason I made you watch all those 
(expensive) acts.. -more on that item later.
Okay, finally there are no more side stuff to do (now anyway), so we shall head
to our next destination to move on with the story.
 


Locate GPS (166, 18), which is directly north from leaving Inferia, and north
west of Chambard. You need to use the Aifish to reach it. Enter.

The team joke about the security-less gardens. Go up the stairs and Reid will
open the door with the Seyfert Key. In the next room Keele and Quickie will
notice a crystal floating in the air.

Walk over the bridge-like arches to reach the stairs, then climb these stairs.
In the next screen keep following the linear path and eventually, you'll reach
another door that only Reid can go through. Keele, Meredy and Quickie go back to
check the crystal, while Reid enters to take the challenge.

In the Trial Room, climb the stairs and talk to the Messenger. Examine the Load
Point crystal before stepping into the centre platform.

The second trial has you taking the body of kid-Keele, in the Rasheans Village.
Walk downstairs to have breakfast with his parents. Reid and Farah call for you
outside, because they want to play. Keele goes out.

Reid says that Farah is already at Regulus Knoll, and he says he is going as
well. Catch up with him to find Farah's dad, Norris. Exit Rasheans and you'll
reach Regulus Knoll. Farah is there, waiting for you. She says that you're
going to play a game in which you see who can gather 15 glowing star fragments
the fastest. Reid dashes off, leaving you behind.

Go up and take the leftern of the two paths. Be careful about fights, Keele is
really weak. If you get into one then RUN! Just keep going and you'll see Reid
at a campsite. Rest if you need to and continue (go down the southern path).

Soon you'll be at an underground cave. Just keep going straight and you'll find
Reid again. Keele spots a star fragment, and just as they're about to go Norris
shows up. He tells you to go back to the village, and that he's going to make
sure everything is safe. As Norris goes on, he is surprised to find the seal
broken. A black mist envelops him, and the trial is over.

The guy gives you the Aurora Sword skill. Use it by rapidly pressing X when you
are using Aurora Wall. Then he leaves you to complete the third and final
trial. Head back to the Van Eltia, only to find it surrounded by Inferian


You'll be in the throne room of Inferia Castle. You'll tell the royal family
about Rassius, and they immediately sentence your death. You'll be thrown in
jail to behead you the next morning.

However, Princess Arende comes down to save you. She asks about Rassius, and
after you tell her, she opens the door and lets you free, telling you that the
ship is in the port. Go back to the entrance of the castle and talk to everyone
in town, before heading to Inferia Port.. -press Select before entering.

Once in Inferia Port, head up to the upper right part of the area. An Inferia
G. stands between you and your ship. Unfortunately, he just falls unconscious.
Head onto the ship and Reid will use the Seyfert Key to point to the final trial
of the Aurora Arte and Seyfert; up on the Orbus Barrier.

Head West from the port and towards the Relay Station. Inverse Dome, Turn 180
degrees, Celestia Port, Barrier Surface. You're actually on the Orbus Barrier,
between Inferia and Celestia!

Head to the west to reach Seyfert Observatory, the only other white dot on the

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Press Square and choose to Enter. Make your way right to the next screen where
Reid uses the Seyfert Key to open the door. Make your way to the end of this
passage, then examine the left side of the alcove to discover it's a lift.

Choose, Seyfert Observation Room first, where you can get a glimpse at the
Seyfert Ring and the Dark Matter. Keele and Meredy stay behind to tinker with
the huge machine while Farah goes with Reid to complete the trial.

Go back to the elevator and you will automatically head to the trial room.
There, Farah will see him off. Enter the big door above. Here, you'll face the
hardest trial of all.. -as Meredy. As always examine the Load Point crystal.

A scene takes place, and you're in Meredy's kid-body. I will not spoil it for
you.. -just watch. When you have control walk down, then down the stairs to the
right and through the double door to the left in the next screen. You will be
attacked by 4 Birial guards. You'll be controlling Shizel in battle.

The controls are:

O -> Spark Wave,
Down + O -> Cure,
Up + O -> Prism Sword,
Left/Right + O -> Grave (DON'T USE THIS ONE).

You must protect Meredy or you'll start at the beginning of the trial. To beat
them, just keep pressing O, to perform Spark Wave. Don't be too scared if they
get close, as they don't attack much. You will run back inside as another 4
begin to attack you. You must now make your way back upstairs, in the room you
started in, and leave via the window.. -the one by the mirror.. -press X to
exit. Then head right and up towards the chimney thing. You'll be attacked
again, in the room you end up in. Do the same to overcome these 4 Birial
enemies. Head towards the bed and Shizel will talk to Galenos on the phone
thing. Exit this room via the door, and you will have to fight again. As you
approach the door at the other end, it will close on you, enter the glass
chamber, and examine the circle on the floor of it. Then step out and examine
the controls just to the right then re-enter and use the newly opened hole.

Run down the sewer corridor to the other end, where you will face yet another
fight, afterwhich you should climb the ladder to ground level.

Go down, and you'll run into Hyades, and Birial. Shizel and Meredy are taken
captive, and Birial orders Balir to come out. The guards shoot both Balir and
Shizel, but Shizel gets a ton of power and destroyes Luishka.

The messenger will give Reid the Aurora Wave skill, which can be activated by
pressing Square, Triangle, and X when someone uses the Dark Aurora.

Farah will be very happy to see you. Head down and use the lift to go back to
Keele, in the Seyfert Observation Room. Keele tells you to use the Seyfert Key..
-as Reid examine the machine next to Keele to use the key. Watch the FMV.

After all is said, make your way to the entrance with the lift and then Van
Eltia. Go to the control room and depart. Head towards the Dark Matter,
northwest of the Seyfert Observatory. Enter the Ring, where it is now broken.

An FMV will take you through, and you'll end up at Rasheans Village as young
Reid (but note if you open your menu you're really YOU!!.. weapons, levels,
skills and all). Make your way from your house clockwise, talking to everyone.
When you reach the last screen seek out Farah at the village entrance by the
windmill. She feels terrible for the events that have occured. This is why the
Elder disliked you two befriending Meredy at the beginning of the game. Now you
are almost done with understanding Reid, Farah, and Keele's past. The only
things you don't know for sure is who attacked the village, and what happened
to Reid's uncle/Farah's dad.

You'll wake up in Tinnsia, Shileska's Hideout. Head down, out of this room.
Head down across from the table (not left). Here you will meet up with Keele.
Galenos tells Keele to "take care of Meredy", and then Keele joins you.
Continue down to Max's room, where Max and Meredy will rejoin you.

But your reunion has been interrupted. A Shileska guy says that Inferian troops
have entered Celestia and overran Balir Castle, and Ayla has been taken
hostage. So that's your next objective. Try leaving again, and Galenos will
come with you to deliver a message to Roen from Ras.

Before leaving the Shileska Hideout, talk to the guy that is asking for 
donations. Donate 20,000 Gald twice, and talk to him again to get the Grand
Magnum. Donate a few more times for the same amount to get another weapon
in a bit. Go ahead and leave.

 

Then leave via Van Eltia to Balir Castle. Make sure that, before you enter, you
go to the Control Bridge and talk to Chat for her to rejoin your party. Once
you get to Balir Castle hit Square and select Port. Go right, to the ruined
campsite, and then through the hidden path on the north edge of the screen (NOT
inside the castle itself).
Preparations /
You will have to use your best non-elemental STUFF. /
Reid: Ninja Sword, Rare Plate, Star Shield, Golden Helm, /
Faerie Ring! /
Warrior Symbol! /
Farah: Mythril Arms, Silver Cloak, Mythril Bracelet, Tartan Ribbon, /
Emerald Ring!/Faerie Ring! /
Resist Ring! /
Meredy: Twinkle Flute, Holy Cloak, Mythril Bracelet, Pretty Ribbon, /
Force Ring!/Talisman! /
Blue Talisman! /
Keele: Star Mace, Spirit Robe, Diamon Armlet, Holy Circlet, /
Emerald Ring!/Protect Ring! /
Sephira! /

Once there, you'll find Roen, a big monster, and a bunch of dead Inferian
soldiers. Go up towards Roen, to find that the monster is really Hyades! You
engage in another fight with him.

BOSS / /
-------- Hyades /
128,000HP /
Formation /
Reid Farah ----------------------Meredy Keele /
(VeghEsther told me that this is a forced BackAttack, so set the formation /
as above) /
Reid: Use your best stuff! KICK HIS ASSSSSSS. He's quite fast and does an Earth/
Shaker move that can be quite deadly. Keep hitting him to kick him out of the /
animation for casting it. /
Farah can just help out with her usual stuff. /
Meredy and Keele should stand in the backline casting magic spells and calling /
for Craymels when available. As always Meredy's Nurse is darn useful. /
Max should use all spells of his, should you wish to use him. /
Chat is unadvisable, unless you followed this guide and got the Eternal Hammer,/
in which case she's ESSENTIAL. /
At the level you should have arrived here (if you followed this guide.. -60+), /
he's a real walk in the park. /
X + X + Demon Twist + Omega Demon Chaos! That's it. That's all I kept doing, /
while my Farah was pummeling him with her usual stunts and Meredy Nursed us /
often and Keele performed Meteor something or the other a few times. A few /
Megasonic Thrusts here and there to top up the damage. /
---------------------------------------- /
An alternative method from VeghEsther / /
VeghEsther seems to think, it's ok to equip the Eternal Sword and /
the Omni Weapon. / 
Reid can use Rising - Burning Phoenix against Hyades as well. /
Chat can be swapped in and Keele out, to use Chat's Eternal Hammer /
 skill. Stun/Poison Charms equip on all OR Stun/Poison Guard via / 
craymel arts is a must. / BOOKMARK

When he's down, he leaves you with some bitter-sweet words directed to Meredy.

After taking out Hyades for a third time, Max will talk with Ayla and everyone
else will talk to Roen. Galenos tells him Ras' last message to him, that "Ultus
Veigh is entrusted to him." Everyone goes back to Shileska's Hideout.

Roen brings in Zosimos, and everyone makes plans for attacking Shizel after Max
and Roen join forces. Keele and Galenos suggest making a Fringe Cannon by
combining the Craymels of both worlds, but they'll need a Ribavius Ore to
complete the cannon. They haven't found one as of yet, and you regain control.
Talk to Farah and Max for them to rejoin and head out to the Van Eltia.

Make your way down a screen and talk to the guy that gives you weapons for Max,
and if you donated enough last time you saw him he should give you the Impulse
Cannon. Donate:

Plasma Cannon: 40K Gald -> You should have

Grand Magnum: 40K Gald -> You should have from just earlier
Impulse Cannon: 80K Gald -> You should have got just now
Photon Ray: 160K Gald -> You will get if you donate the money
Mega Launcher: 320K Gald -> You will get if you donate the money

Mega Launcher is Max's ultimate weapon. But remember they need some time to make
the weapons so you'll need to donate quite a bit, leave, go do some stuff then
come back and grab the weapon, then donate some more. But don't worry, if you're
upto the Impulse Cannon, then you're doing well. Donate before leaving.

Stock up on Foods and Gels. Leave Tinnsia for now.

Re-equip all your characters with their best stuff, and make sure your backline
character has a Sephira equipped at all times. So as Farah suggests, we need to
go to Inferia, but there's just ONE thing we can do before hand.

Travel east to reach Cape Fortress, near Imen. Enter with Max in your party and
go to the top left to find another Pink Miacis, and Max learns Rage Laser.

Now head south east some more towards the Relay Station and go back to Inferia.

Head southwest from Farlos, to reach Mintche, then use the Aerialboard + the
Rasheans River to reach the one place you couldn't enter since the beginning of
the game, Regulus Knoll.. -it's in beween Rasheans and Regulus Dojo.

Items/ /
----- Diamond Fist /
Elixir /
Flame Spear /
Mystic Symbol /
Mythril Bracelet /
Mythril Mesh /
Mythril Plate /
Ribavius Ore /
Shadow Crystal /
Volt Crystal /

This is next in line, with regards to story, so it's essential that you're well
equiped and levelled up. If you managed to beat the Battle Arena and
Shadow/Maxwell then you're well okay.

Press Select before you enter if you want to hear one of those useless hints.

Upon entering, Reid will use a technique he learned from Max to break down the
door. You remember this place, right? You were just here. So take either path
and eventually you'll be at a campsite. Keele will tell Meredy about what
happened here ten years ago. Farah will get upset, and puts the blame on
herself. But Reid, Meredy, and Keele calm her down. 

Now just follow the way to the left(bottom) until you reach Regulus Tomb. Search
the writing on the wall and Meredy will try to translate it.. -but she won't be
able to. Examine the Load Point crystal.. -this is where the dungeon really
 starts. 
Continue on down the cave and you'll get a chest with a Mythril Plate inside.
In the next room is the Ribavius Ore, but this stuff is in low quality. Time to
head further down. Meredy turns weird and notices something escaped from further
on down. Get the Elixir before continuing.

In the next screen, Undine pops out to tell you to be careful about relying on
Skills and Artes in here. You'll notice an aura below your feet when you move;
when it's red, your TP decreases, but when it is blue it recovers. Go up first,
and eventually you'll come across a chest with a Flame Spear. Go back down to
the room where Undine came out.

Now go down, and head left to get the Mythril Mesh. Then go far to the right
for a Shadow Crystal. Keep going right and get the Volt Crystal and Mystic
Symbol before returning to the room with the intersections.. -where Undine

Now go right, until you come to a screen with two caves. Head right first, and
knock down the boulder. Grab the Mythril Bracelet from the chest and continue
up, and eventually you'll come across a second boulder. Knock it down as well.

Return to where you saw the two caves but now take the left cavern. Cross over
the boulder, and continue on down the cave. Eventually, you'll come to the
second boulder. Get the Diamond Fist in the upper right hand corner, and head
left, and then down to the next screen.

Keep going down and you'll be at a Load Point crystal.. -examine it.
Preparations /
Cook a Carbonara, then top up your HP and TP with weak gels. /
------------ /
Equipment / /
Reid: Dragon Vein, Rare Plate, Star Shield, Golden Helm, /
Faerie Ring! /
Warrior Symbol! /
Farah: Ghost Shell, Mythril Mesh, Lovely Mitten, Tartan Ribbon, /
Faerie Ring! /
Resist Ring! /
Meredy: Twinkle Flute, Holy Cloak, Lovely Mitten, Pretty Ribbon, /
Mystic Symbol! /
Blue Talisman! /
Keele: Star Mace, Spirit Robe, Diamon Armlet, Holy Circlet, /
Resist Ring! /
Sephira! /
Save your game then... /

As you try continuing to the next room, Rem appears and tells you that the Seal
containing Nereid is ahead. Reid doesn't care, and is going regardless. But Rem
stands in his way.

BOSS / /
-------- Rem /
100,000HP /
Formation /
Meredy Keele----------------- Farah Reid /
Reid: Just simply use what works best for you. Omega Demon Chaos, Rising /
Phoenix are both good examples. Note that Omega Seal is inefficient to flying /
enemies, so don't bother with it. /
Farah: Have her massacre Rem with her usual stunts. You may wish to disable /
crappier skills. / 
Meredy/Keele: Nurse, Absolute, Dark Force, , Cyclone, Meteor Swarm, Shadow /
Craymel. Disable other skills to make for a quicker battle. /
 Max: Don't use him because he doesnt really have any nice skills that work / 
wonderfully against Rem, as she will be floating. A nice skill that would work / BOOKMARK
well against Rem we can only have access to after this dungeon.. -damn it! /
Chat: Her Eternal Hammer skill can come in useful, but I still prefer the /
classic 4 above. /
At the level you're at, if you followed this guide, you shouldn't have much /
problem with this boss. Just be aware of the floating ball that accompanies her/
as it damages you on contact and you cannot kill it. /
Aim to corner Rem and just keep attacking her to death. If she flies high, /
Rising Phoenix her down to ground, then when she's low, Omega Demon Chaos her. /
She's seriously not that hard. /
---------------------------------------- /
An alternative method from VeghEsther / /
Omega Demon Chaos its not worth using since you may run into the Orb /
Rem has next to her when using stick with Demon Twist only. For this /
same reason Don't use Rising - Burning Phoenix against Rem either. /
Keele: Dark Force, Absolute and Blizzard spells. /
Meredy: Meteor Storm, Cyclone and Nurse. /
Note when scanned via a specticles item her HP is in a permanent HP /
regeneration mode so end this battle ASAP. /

Have her stay in Keele's craymel cage.

Examine the Load Point crystal to cure yourself up, though after evey boss
battle in this game you're fully cured for some stupid reason.. -it takes the
fun out of it. Make sure you optimise all your character's equipment.
VeghEsther's Suggestion /
Before entering the room Rem is guarding (which means you end up in /
Rasheans), instead stay here and abuse the Load Point crystal for free /
HP healing. Do NOT leave the cave till Rem is high enough Lvl to fringe/
Indignation do not leave the cave till you have it! /

Head up when ready.

In the next area, you'll find the Ribavius Ore (aka "Galaxy Stone") in its
purest form. However, you'll notice the seal has been broken. A strange
darkness overcomes Meredy, but Rem repels it and tells you to get out of there.

You'll end up talking in Farah's House, in the Rasheans, while Meredy is

resting. When she gets up the team decide to go see Galenos.

Make your way to Balir's Castle Courtyard.. -I'm sure you don't need help in
getting there.. -it's where you fought Hyades just earlier.

Items/ /
----- Last Fencer /

They're almost done with the Fringe Cannon. Now that you've brought some
Ribavius Ore, they can complete the lens of the cannon. Galenos tags along and
asks that you take him to Seyfert Observatory (up in the sky).

Talk to Zosimos, and he will mention that Ribavius Ore is a good material to
make a sword. Sagura is the only one you can find in Celestia who can make a
sword. So let's go to Imen first.

Go to the top screen and enter the Weapon Shop. Sagura and Zosimos will be
there.. -talk to them and have Sagura start making a sword. Now go in and out 
of the city 5 times, then go see Sagura again.. -you will receive the Last
Fencer.. -it's Reid's ultimate weapon, though the Eternal Sword (you got from
defeating Cress at the Inferia Battle Arena) is still stronger.

 Now head to Luishka. Head to the second screen and up the slope on the left and 
then head towards the house rubble on the left. Automatically Max will come out BOOKMARK
and blah blah blah.. -you learn the Dark Laser skill.

Now head to Relay Point, then choose Barrier Surface. Head west towards the
Seyfert Observatory. Galenos leaves for Observation Room. Scenes automatically
takes place.. -the sound is off I know, they got it all wrong here.. -the sounds
are from somewhere at the beginning of the game, Reid and Farah talking. Just
enjoy the scenes and ignore the voices. Some more scenes between your characters
and then another messed-up scene where the voices are from early on in the game.

Now head north west of here to reach the Seyfert Ring. An FMV will show the
Fringe Cannon shootin at the Dark Matter, shedding it away and revealing Shizel
Castle. Enter.

Items/ /
----- Dark Sphere /
Demon's Seal /
Luck Bag /
Mumbane /
Mythril Mesh /
Mystic Sword /

Head up the stairs to the left. Examine the Load Point crystal. When you can
enter the door on the right, as the left one is closed. Just follow the linear
path three screens, where you see a chest.. -inside is a Mystic Sword. Use the
elevator below and choose go up. Just follow the way until you see 4 chests.
You will get Mumbane, Luck Bag, Demon's Seal and Mythril Mesh from the chests.
Now go up two screens and get Dark Sphere from the chest.

As you will soon notice, the battles here aren't too tough if you're Lvl60+,
which you should be, albeit they are much tougher than any anywhere else, so
it's definitly the best place to train and get Gald. But for now let's go back
to the world map and finish all the side quests. Go to Orbus Relay Point.

Choose Inverse Dome then Conversion Dock. Place the Dark Sphere to the left of
the statue. An FMV will show the Van Eltia being upgraded to be able to fly now
as well.. -Aibird. Chat also learns the title of Sea Lover.

Choose Turn 180 degrees, Inferia Port, Inferia.

Items/ /
----- Bush Baby /
Canceler /
Crib Sheet /
Deck Brush /
Face Powder /
Golden Choker /
Lens (#56,#57,#58,#59,#60) /
Snow Tomato /
Wind Bell /

Time to take on the last of the sidequests section.. -expect it to be long and
a lot of running around (Inferia <=> Celestia).

Now that you have the Aibird, you can complete the Banrea quest.. -the one
about making the medicine for the Elder of your village.. -Rasheans.

First, make sure you have 15 Kirimas.. -if you don't Chambard has a lot for
sale!! Now fly east of Inferia City, to location GPS(208, 108) and land.
Enter the round forest to find that's it's really a Craymel Hot Spring! Examine
the hot tank/barrel to the left upon entering for a Lens(#56) then go inside. 
Go straight ahead (left of the counter) to enter the double doors.. -examine
the mirror, near the brush in the top corner for another Lens(#57).
Go back and pay the guy 600 Gald to take a rest in the springs. The first time
 you do so, Chat learns the Para Ball skill from the statue in the men's room. 
The second time you rest, if you have 15 Kirimas, Farah, Meredy and Quickie BOOKMARK
will soak them in the spring and you'll get Dried Peels. Now that you have all
three ingredients, go back and talk to the old guy outside the barn in
Rasheans.. -just east of here. He'll make you the Banrea. Give it to Khamran..
-in the house just below here. Give you the Wind Bell. Before you leave right
of the old man that made you the Banrea is Farah house.. -enter and enter the
bedroom area.. -there examine the drawer next to the mirror to get the Face

Now using the Aibird, head southwest of Rasheans to reach Undine Stream, just
south of here is an enclosed section inside moutains, GPS (160, 130).. -here
you will find a hidden area with a Lens(#58).

Fly your Aibird east of current location and a bit south, to reach the town of
Mintche. Enter and go right two screens to reach the boats/port. There are two
sailors here and a student on his own to the left. Speak with him and he offers
you something for 10,000 Gald.. -buy it, it's the Crib Sheet.. -more on it's
use later.

Head to Inferia City, just west of here (a bit north). Go up two screens to
reach the Inferia Castle. Enter then enter the left tower. Make your way up the
stairs past the outdoor screen, then enter the door to the left, which is
Princess Arende's Room. Head up the stairs to the right to reach a higher room.
Speak with the princess, then examine the shelf's just left of the stairs you
came up on.. -you will find the Golden Choker.

Ok that's enough for side stuff in Inferia, let's head to Celestia.

Press Square and choose Aibird, then head northeast to reach town of Luishka.
Head up two screens to enter the house after the wooden bridge. Here head
straight to enter the room you should have seen earlier in your third Seyfert
trial, with Shizel. Examine the cat doll to the right TWICE to take it with
you.. -it's the Bush Baby.

Head southwest to Chat's Hut. Enter. Head down the stairs and enter the door
there. Examine the picture at the end of the room then the vase to the left of
it. Go down the stairs under the table that just moved to enter the Van Eltia
from underground. Enter Van Eltia to the left via the twisty path. In the first
screen of the Van Eltia examine the large roll of carpet or whatever it is at
the back to find the Deck Brush. Take it.

Head out and use the Aibird to reach Tinnsia, northeast of here. Enter then
make your way to the Shileska Hideout. Go to the room where you donate money
and if you donated 4/5 times last time you should be able to get the Photon
Ray. Donate some more (another 4/5 times), so you can get the next weapon..
-note that you can't get it just yet, no matter how much you donate, because
you need to trigger a game event somewhere else for it to take effect. Don't
worry I'll lead you through. For now just head down from this screen and reach
Max's room. You will get an option to remove Max from your party.. -do it.

Go to Cape Fortress, east of here. Enter and talk to Lesitia.. -the painter and
Max's wife. Now head east to Luishka again. Two screens up (by the wooden
bridge) you will meet Lesitia again, talk to her twice then leave. Finally head
to Jini. You can reach it with the Aibird southwest of here.. -(66, 152)! Enter
at NIGHT. Go to the inn and you will see three people: The Dark Panther, John;
The Dark Rose, Millie; The Dark Dragon King, Grid. They are a group called the
Dark Wings. Now go to the right screen and talk to Lesitia. You will get
Canceler from her. Now go back to Shileska's Hideout and get Max join your
party again.. -just talk to him to join you. With Max in your party go donate
some more money before you leave.. -remember you need to donate 320,000 Gald to
get his next and final (ultimate) weapon in the game.. -just keep donating until
you get the Mega Launcher.. -don't leave until you have it as I won't be
mentioning it again. Now go back to Jini at night, again. Head right towards
where you met Lesitia just earlier, for an event where Max learns his final
skill.. -Elemental Master.
Canceler /
The Canceler accessory that Lesitia gave you for Max.. -only Max can /
equip it. It allows Max to do combos with his skills. /
You'll need to perform a stronger one after a weaker one not the other /
way round as it won't work. /
Aqua Spiral -> Dark Laser -> Elemental Master is an example. / 
While still in Jini, go right to enter the Auction House. Talk to the two
people up on stage and choose to auction something. Scroll down until the item
 numbers reach the 200mark at the top left. Around there you will find the Ogre 
Sword you bought much, much earlier in the game from Tinnsia.. -if you didn't BOOKMARK
buy everything like I suggested, then you will need to do that now. Choose to
auction the Ogre Sword (NOT Ogre Lance). Pay the fee of 5 Jini to auction, then
leave and go to the inn. Sleep! Save your game NOW!! Go back to to the auction
house, if you can raise the reserve price, SAVE!!!!! before doing so.. -if you
cannot raise, then reload the saved game, which is why you should be saving.
Otherwise raise the reserve price, and sleep at the inn again. If you can raise
the reserve price again, save before you do so, otherwise reload. So on and so
forth. This way, you can easily rake 200,000 Jini in about 30mins of playing,
which is enough to buy one of all the auction house items.. -actually 150,000
Jini will buy you every item ONCE. Remember don't raise the reserve price by
the highest amount, all the time, as it will often fail.

Angel Bracelet* 3400 Jini

Crystal Dagger* 9800 Jini
Earth Crystal 1500 Jini
Elixir 6000 Jini
Fire Crystal 1500 Jini
Hero Cane* 13200 Jini
Light Crystal 1500 Jini
Magical Ribbon* 2600 Jini
Merenol* 11000 Jini
Rare Helm* 5620 Jini
Reflect* 7880 Jini
Resume Ring* 50000 Jini
Reverse Doll 4500 Jini
Shadow Crystal 1500 Jini
Snow Crystal 1500 Jini
Technical Ring 3000 Jini
Volt Crystal 1500 Jini
Water Crystal 1500 Jini
Wind Crystal 1500 Jini

The ones marked with an * are the ones you can ONLY get here. The Crystal Dagger
is most of interest as it's the best dagger in the whole game, though NOT Reid's
best weapon. If you can, do the little trick above to buy 1 copy of every item.

Note that instead of the Ogre Sword, you can use the Bush Baby, Drama Script,
all those useless items you got in the side area of the guide (some of which
you just got in the above paragraphs).

(The above Jini Auction House Contribution: By VeghEsther)

If none of the above technique made sense, then here it is again, in simpler
words (mine not VeghEsthers):

1) Choose Ogre Sword, Drama Script, Bush Baby, whatever you want to auction
(just choose something useless).. -I would choose Ogre Sword, since you can
just buy more of it if you end up giving it up for the auction.
2) Pay the fee to auction the item, then SAVE your game!
3) Go sleep at the inn.
4) Go to the Auction House, check on your item:
4a) If you can raise the price, cancel, SAVE YOUR GAME, then raise
it by a little, don't be greedy.
4b) If you cannot raise the price and indeed the item is returned to you
then reload the last save you did.
5) Go check up on your item now and repeat step 4 over and over and over.
6) Should you run out of Jini to sleep, check up on the exchange rate down from
the inn, to exchange Gald to Jini.. -but only exchange if the rate is 100 or
less.. -98 is a good number.. and probably as low as you'll get it to be.
7) Never save AFTER you've raised a reserve price!!

Just be patient, sometimes it may take two restarts of the game, to accept a
reserve increase. But once the prices hit over 10,000 they increase quite

Remember that you only need 115,000 to get 1 of each item with the *.
Remember that you only need 150,000 to get 1 of ALL the above listed items.

Buy all the items above that have the * next to them, while buy the rest only
if you want to. But DO raise the reserve price to about 120,000 > 150,000
before giving up your item and accepting the bid.. -though having said that,
I gave up at 126,700 or something like that.. -my item just kept getting
declined, even after I reloaded my save 4 times in a row.. -hence I gave up and
just bought one copy of all the items with the * next to them.

You also get a title from the autioneer, after earning so much Jini, Nouveau
 So after you're satisfied with Jini, and you've bought all the items you want 
from the Auction House, leave Jini. BOOKMARK

If you really, REALLY want to, the three Dark Wings members you met earlier in
Jini, at the inn.. -they are a very small group of three that form a group like
the Shileska. You can seek them out.. -though I think it's pointless:

You can find them at these places :

- City of Joy, Jini -> Jini Hotel (You did this already earlier)
- Efreet Gorge -> the fourth screen from the entrance
- Forest of Temptation -> the screen with 5 Deity
- Sylph Cavern -> guard post
- Inferia City -> Imperial Playhouse

While remaining in Celestia, head to the location GPS (120, 110), to locate
another hidden place, not marked on the map (but it will be once you enter it
once). This place is called Katz Village.. -it's a small round forest on the
world map surrounded by mountains, just like the Craymel Hot Springs in Inferia.

When you enter for the first time, you'll watch a funny scene where Reid, Farah,
and Keele tell stories to the Katz. When you leave, re-enter. Talk to the Katz
and some will reenact some of the scenes in the game. One Katz sells Purple
Satay for 200 Gald. Enter the blue hut near the top of the Village, and inside
examine the three small jars on the floor next to the base of the ladder for a
Lens(#59). Leave this hut then head right and up to the next screen. Enter the
pink hut. Examine the STUFF to the left of the sink, for the FINAL Lens(#60).

Leave Katz Village, and go to Tinnsia. Head to one of the middle-level shops and
in one of them speak to Irene, who will notice that you've collected 60 Lens,
and thus bestow upon you the title of Lens Hunter.

If you want to get a title for Farah, then at Chambard there was one cooking we
couldn't do much earlier in the game because we needed a Snow Tomato, which you
can now get at the exact place where you fought Celsius Craymel. Go east and a
bit south from Tinnsia to reach Mt, Celsius. Inside make your way to the top
where you fought Celsius. There you can find Snow Tomato, but you can only
carry one at a time. You will need to master Seafood Pasta to win in the
competition at Chambard.. -we're headed there now.

So just one more side area left and then we're onto the last side-section. From
Tinnsia, head east towards the Relay Station, and back to Inferia.

Having mastered Seafood Pasta and got the Snow Tomato from Mt. Celsius you
should have no problem in winning the final round of Chambard Bistro cooking
competition.. -simply choose the ingredients in the following order: Shrimp,
Snow Tomato, Pasta, Squid. You will get a title for Farah.

Finally from Chambard head to the top of the world map and land inside the
enclosed in mountains area. Land your Aibird and enter...

Items/ /
----- 17595 Gald /
19125 Gald /
Beam Shield /
Bellebane /
Crystal Rod /
Earth Shard /
Elixir /
Fire Shard /
Golden Armor /
Jet Boots /
Lavender /
Rune Bottle /
S.D. (Summon Destiny) /
Sage /
Savory /
Snow Shard /
Tuna Gel /
Volt Shard / 
Water Shard /
Wind Shard /

 It's 
not essential but it's recommended that you go get some Reverse Dolls by BOOKMARK
defeating the Super Star enemies at Tomb of Aifread on the moon-shaped island.
To find them head straight behind the statue in the lobby room, cross the many
bridges in a row, fall down the trap to the pits below with the spikes, north
of that screen and you'll reach a screen where there are Grim Repears on the
screen.. -upon contact you'll engage in battle and face Super Star enemies
accompanied by some other enemy. The Super Star enemies have a drop rate of 5%
for the Reverse Dolls, so every couple of fights you will get one.. -try to get
15.. -the Grimp Repears respawn every time you leave that screen and come back.

Remember you did the above earlier (if you followed this guide), but I felt the
need to say it again for those of you that haven't followed this guide, and for
those of you that tend to forget.

Equip all your characters with their best stuff.. -and make sure you have used
Omega Seal at least 50 times!! Just fight in the local forests of Glimmer Spire
and set Omega Seal to just Cicrle, and set Reid's Skills to Manual, and then in
every battle just keep pressing Circle and nothing else. You'll get your 50x
uses in no time.
Also make sure you have stocked up on all gels at Chambard.

Enter Glimmer Spire.. -the tall building in the greenery surrounded by mountains
at the top of the Inferia map.
Notice /
Notice how there is a water section here too, is it maybe possible to /
come here via some secret underwater passage like you did in Celestia /
to reach Jini for the first time??! I don't know.. -that's why I'm /
asking you! Possibly! Afterall, when we get the Aifish we get access to/
Inferia, having been in Celestia for quite a while.. -who knows, I /
don't! /

Glimmer Spire is a multi-staged, tall building, with every level a puzzle to be

solved, a bit like Chat's Hut, only not as annoying and no enemies to deal
with either.. -it's also a bit like a Japanese Pagoda, for those of you that
know what they are: only you don't fight at every floor, but instead solve

ANYWAYYYYYYYYY, moving on with the guide and enough of my blabbering...

Upon entering, examine the Load Point crystal to your right, then walk up the
stairs, where you team notice the building's tall-ness.. -while Farah, somewhat
accidentally, touches the panel to the right of the entrance door and opens it.


Inside you're faced with your first puzzle. It's a pentagon with orbs at it's
points. The puzzle is to try and light all 5 orbs. To light three orbs at once
you need to step on an orb, which lights the orb you stepped on plus the two on
either side of that one. Without further description of what you have to do,
here's how you do it: Start at an orb.. -any will do, and walk all the way
around the pentagon stepping on the rest as you go, either clockwise or
Lighting up all 5 orbs will activate the red circle just above the pentagon,
which acts as a transporting lift to the next floor.. -step on it.
Note /
Note that, if you wish to go down a floor or two or more, you'll have /
to repeat the puzzles to get back upto the floor you were on, since /
there are no enemies it's ok, but you have to do the whole tower in one/
go. /


Upon nearing the door to the next floor, you'll be told by some mysterious voive
to "go back". Enter. Face the next puzzle. Here you will see 4 coloured orbs.
The puzzle here is random everytime, so I can't really help you out, but it's
easy anyway. The idea is to examine the central "thing" and note down the 
pattern in which the coloured orbs light up.. -you can either try to remember
the pattern or write it down. Then you have to replay that pattern.. -by
examining the orbs and pressing X.

Examine the circle right at the front, then go upto the left side and notice
the fine wind coming out of the walls, blowing the fire as you try to light up
the two candles. Freeze the two sources of the wind with L-button, then light
up the candels with R-button. A platform will appear at the bottom, and as you
step on it the other steps show up.


6 coloured crystals and 6 wholes beneath them. The wholes beneath them tell you
what to shoot at that particular crystal (Freeze Ring - L, or Sorcerer's Ring -
R). Just shoot them from different angles and heights to light them all up. Note
that when you shoot one with the correct ring, it lights up but changes the
levels of ALL the crystals, which means to get to the unlit ones you'll have to
walk up and down around them on the platform. Upon lighting them all up the lift
will become active on the right side of the room.


You hear a voice again telling you to go back. Enter.

Here you will see three flames, of different colours (no relevance). you will
also notice a small square tile on your end of the screen and another shadowy
one (holographic one) that matches your moves (oppositely) at the opposite end
of the chasm.
I believe the flames are at random spots in every game so I cannot give
directions, but the idea is to move your tile by pushing in a particular
direction so that the see-through tile at the other end crosses all the
flames..-which will cause the lift to be activated. Not that hard, just give
it a go.
Note /
Note that your tile and the see-through one can overlap each other.. /
-they can go past each other. /
Also note that once the holographic tile touches a flame it becomes /
that colour and that flame disappears, which helps, because your tile /
cannot go over the flames. /


Red, Green and Blue. Many, many tiles, and 3 bulbs of the same three colours
that you need to light up.. -by examining them. To start off, head to the right
where there's an arrow on the ground.. -this is your starting point. There's
two ways to do this, either via a set strategy and combination OR no strategy
what so ever and just keep moving about back and forth until you reach a light
bulb, examine it then do the same for the other two.

The crazy, random way is (or can be) faster, so do give it a go. While the
actual solution is below.

|---| |---|
|18 | |19 |
|16 |15 |14 |13 |
|12 |11 |10 | 9 |
| 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 |
R |---|---|---|---|---|
E |17 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | < START
D |---|---|---|---|---|


You hear that voice once again, this time saying, "Why don't you quit?!" Enter.

 Walk to the thing in the middle, to be teleported to another room. Here you 
will see many purple/red panels. Some teleport you back to the last room while BOOKMARK
others let you walk on to reach the other side. The correct way is shown below.

2 X 6
1 3 5 X
X 4 X


This isn't really a puzzle level it's like the boss level. You'll see a Load
Point crystal, which you should examine afterwhich you should save your game.
Equipment /
Reid: Eternal Sword, Mumbane, Star Shield, Golden Helm, /
Faerie Ring! /
Warrior Symbol! /
Note that it's a duel against the upcoming boss, with Reid all alone. /
Make sure you set Reid to manual use for his skills. To do that: Open /
your main Menu, choose Skills menu then choose Reid. In the skills menu/
press up on the d-pad to move the cursor to the Auto, Semi-Auto, /
Manual, choose Manual!! /

BOSS / /
-------- Valkyrie /
32,000HP /
Use Reid's Sonic Chaos non-stop.. -make sure it's not set to up+O or you'll be /
jumping alot. If she gets close run away and keep doing some more Sonic Chaos. /
Don't use any other skill, scan her to see at what HP she's at. If she's at /
20,000 or less, you can do a one hit kill: /
First make sure she's in view. Then perform Omega Seal, and just as Reid is /
about to slash her in mid-air trigger another Omega Seal.. -it's best to set /
it to Circle and just keep pressing it so you don't risk missing the /
opportunity. If you do it right Reid will extend his usual Omega Seal to a /
Quasi Seal and instantly kill Valkyrie in one hit. /
(VeghEsther's contribution). /

She gives you an invisible ring that let's you pull out the sword "beyond
human comprehension", the S.D... -which is found at Hideout 1, in Celestia.

Grab all the chests you see before you.. -I won't bother listing all the items
in them.

Optimise everyone's equipment with the ones you just picked up from the chests,
also give the shards and crystals to your craymel via the Item menu in the
C.Cages menu. Then head down, examine the glowin Load Point crystal, then enter
the teleporter to be teleported to the First Floor. Leave Glimmer Spire.

Now it may feel like all you collected is some crappy items from chests (though
they're not actually crappy at all), but the best deal of this side dungeon is
the S.D. item she bestows upon you. Now, remember a sword you couldn't pull out
of the ground in one of the Hidden Hideouts of Celestia, well it's Hideout 1,
at GPS (56,112). So head to Celestia then head there, and reach it via the
Aifish. Inside go to the second screen and pull the sword out of the ground.

Reid will flash and then pull the sword out of the ground. He will also get the
title of Explorer, if you've followed this guide, for getting all the Seven
Treasures of Celestia. Moreover, the S.D. stands for "Summon Destiny", a hidden
Craymel that you can only summon once every 30mins of game play. Note that only
YOU the player can force Meredy to cast it, otherwise the AI will never do it.

To reach our next destination, enter the Relay Point above Chat's Hut then
choose Barrier Surface. Then head northwest to reach the Seyfert Ring and then
the castle within it.

 Note that you can reach this final castle from Inferia too, by heading northeast 
of Farlos, entering the Relay Point, choosing Barrier Surface, then heading BOOKMARK
southwest to reach the Syefert Ring within which is Shizel's castle.

Also note that, you've been here before to get the Dark Sphere for the Aibird.


Upon entering, head up the left stairs and examine the Load Point crystal. Save!
Needless to say /
This is the last portion/section of the game, so equip your best stuff./
Make sure someone (Keele in my case) has a Sephira equipped, so you're /
earning double Gald. /
Warrior Symbol, Emerald Rings, Faeire Rings, Blue Talisman, Resist /
Rings are all good examples for accessories. /
When you face a Boss, I will tell you to change you equipment again. /

Make your way through the right door as the left one is locked. Follow the
linear path until you come to a dead end and there's a lift that you can take
up or down.. -note that just above this lift would be a chest containing the
Mystic Sword, which you should already have if you're following this guide.

Use the lift to go up ONLY if you haven't got the Aibird, otherwise choose to
do down. On the next screen follow the linear path left a couple of screens to
reach another lift that takes you down automatically.

The chest on this next screen is a Fake enemy, but defeating it will earn you an
elixir.. -besides just set yourself to Manual, stay away from it and cast
countless Sonic Chaos at it until it dies. At the level you're at they should be
normal enemies to you. Head right after defeating the Fake, to a new screen.
Then right again to yet a new (but familiar) screen. Head up and use the
teleporter to reach a camping screen, camp then head back to the last screen.
Now head DOWN to the castle lobby. Examine the Load Point crystal, then save
your game. Now use the door to the left, since you can now. Then head left, left
to reach the screen where you fought the Fake enemy chest. Head up to use the
lift.. -choose to go DOWN.

Grab the chest you see as you descend.. -inside is Eternia Melody, Meredy's
final weapon.

Head down from the chest and keep following the stairs down to a screen with a
big entrance and tree roots at either side of the entrance. Enter the Time
Space. Head up to meet the Greater Craymel of Time, Sekundes.

Have him stay in Keele's Craymel Cage. Fringe straight after to learn some new
artes immediately.

He doesn't want to test your strength and just willingly joins you. You can
choose to battle against him, however, at any time you wish, simply by heading
up on this screen to initiate a choice: Fight, Don't Fight.

Fighting him is not easy, but will mean you get all the juicy EXP from the

Here's the strategy to try and beat him, should you wish to come back to it
later. Unequip Chat and Farah first.

BOSS / /
-------- Sekundes /
200,000 HP /
Formation /
Meredy Keele Max-----------------Reid / 
(Note, that I do not put Farah into the formation above, since I don't /
recommend her.. -you may think I'm crazy, but you'll be thankful. -read below)./
 ---- / 
---- /
Strategy /
Attack Strong Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Slash -> 5 Thrust -> 5 /
Eternal Sword, Reflect/Golden Armor, Beam Shield, Cress' Bandana, /
Faerie Ring! /
----- Warrior Symbol!/Resume Ring! /
Keele /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Strong Enemy /
Attack -> 1 Battle -> 5 Recover -> 5 /
Crystal Rod, Spirit Robe, Mythril Bracelet, Holy Circlet, /
Mystic Symbol!/Faerie Ring!/Emerald Ring! /
------ Reflect Ring!/Resist Ring! /
Meredy /
------ /
Strategy /
Attack Strong Enemy /
Attack -> 1 Battle TP -> 5 Recover TP -> 5 /
Eternia Melody, Mythril Mesh, Mythril Bracelet, Magical Ribbon, /
Mystic Symbol! /
----- Reflect Ring! /
Max /
----- /
Strategy /
Attack Strong Enemy /
Attack -> 5 Battle TP -> 5 /
Mega Launcher, Moon Robe, Mythril Bracelet, Golden Helm, /
Emerald Ring! /
Resist Ring! /
Note that I list sometimes two different weapons or armour to equip, it means /
the first one is the one I recommend, but you may not have it so I list a /
second possibility. /
I definitly recommend Meredy has a Mystic Symbol but suggestively Max and Keele/
should have one each as well. Remember you can use Rune Bottles to transform /
items to other items, so here's a few transformations, as you may need them. /
Notice that they're all reversible! /
Faerie Ring <===> Mystic Symbol (try to have 2 Mystic Symbols) /
Force Ring <===> Reflect Ring (Reflect Ring; a must, 2 if /
possible) /
Protect Ring <===> Resist Ring (If not Reflect then Resist; 2!!) /
Sephira <===> Reverse Doll (You should have too many Sephira, /
since their function is not /
cummulative you really only need /
ONE, so transform all but ONE to /
Reverse Dolls) /
Skills /
------ /
Meredy: Nurse, Restore, Resurrection, Indignation, Meteor Swarm, disable all /
other skills (but NOT the craymel). /
Keele: Cyclone, Freeze Lancer, Absolute, and all his craymel, disbale all else./
Max: Aqua Spiral, Elemental Master, disable the rest. /
Reid: Use his best stuff; Rising->Burning Phoenix, Omega->Dragon Demon Chaos, /
Megasonic Thrust.. -his usual stuff basically. Omega Seal is useless however. /
(The above skills are the mind of VeghEsther). /
Absolutely use an All-Divide item RIGHT at the beginning of the battle!!! /
/ 
Use Indignation at 100,000 or less HP (scan with Spectacle to see what HP /
Sekundes is at), for a one hit kill. You will see Meredy use the extended /
version of Indignation where she chants some heavenly words.. -note that this /
can only be done against Sekundes!! /
 / 
Use Miracle Gels aplenty and Life Bottles, Reverse Dolls are kinda useless here/ BOOKMARK
since you want to keep the equipment I suggested, though Reid's Warrior Symbol /
can be taken off for a Resume Ring (which doesn't always work) or Reverse /
Doll. /
He's actually not that bad, providing you run away and press DOWN (on the /
analogue stick) to collect your team together and escape his wrath. Also force /
your characters to use their best skills. Revive Meredy and cure her soon as /
she dies. Help her out with curing and reviving with Reid and Keele, Max should/
only be attacking. Your Megasonic Thrust will probably perform best here, as he/
can cancel all other long skills, like the Omega Demon Chaos. /
I went into this battle at Lvl66! Came out 10 Life Bottles shorter.. lol. /

You receive the Derris Emblem for defeating Sekundes.. -just another accessory..
-or is it??.. -more on that in the post game sections.

Moving on...

You may wish to switch Farah back into the team. Re-enable all the disabled
skills. Equip everyone with their best stuff, though the accessories are good
to remain. Make sure you always unequip the team members you're not using as
the ones that you ARE using may need their equipment.
Equipment /
If you really want, here's what I always keep equiped unless there's a /
boss. /
Reid: Eternal Sword, Golden Armor, Beam Shield, Golden Helm, /
Faerie Ring! /
Warrior Symbol! /
Farah: Omni Weapon, Mythril Mesh, Mythril Bracelet, Magical Ribbon, /
Emerald Ring! /
Resist Ring! /
Meredy: Eternia Melody, Mythril Mesh, Mythril Bracelet, Magical Ribbon,/
Mystic Symbol! /
Reflect Ring! /
Keele: Crystal Rod, Spirit Robe, Mythril Bracelet, Holy Circlet, /
Mystic Symbol! /
Reflect Ring! /

Head outside this place and make your way back up the stairs.. -upto the top
most screen. To the right is the lift you used to get here, use it again to go
up. Head right two screens then down to reach the lobby of the castle.

Now you may wish to do one last thing outside this castle, even though I deem
it to be useless.. -at least until the post-game stuff. Basically you can
choose to leave the castle head back to Inferia/Celestia, and upgrade your
ship, with different stuff. The list below lists the prices of the upgrades and
where you can find them:

You can fill the empty cabins with something useful if you go to Ship Chandler
in Tinnsia(Celestia) and Angler in Port of Inferia(Inferia).

The Ship Chandler in Tinnsia has these options :

1. Empty Cabin - 170,000 Gald
2. Shop - 300,000 Gald
3. Inn - 900,000 Gald
4. Warp Station - 1,800,000 Gald

The Angler in Inferia Port has these options :

1. Empty Cabin - 170,000 Gald
2. Infirmary - 1,000,000 Gald
3. Inn - 300,000 Gald
4. Game Room - 800,000 Gald

They cost a lot of Gald and time. Upto you.

Before heading upto the next part of the guide, go back to Inferia(Chambard) and
restock in all foods and gels. Then go to Celestia(Tinnsia) and restock in foods
gels and Life Bottles.. -everything basically!
 When 
ready, head up the left door of the castle (from the castle lobby), then BOOKMARK
up on the next screen. You're back at the camping screen, camp if you wish then
head up the stairs.

You will see a semi-circle platform with 6 pillars. Each pillar you examine will
have you solving a mini-puzzle and then fighting an elemental boss. I like to do
things of this nature, in a left to right manner, so starting with the left most

Wind Pillar

Make your way to the next screen, once you've been transported. Here you will
see many green, moving platforms. Should you mess up the order, just make your
way back to the start and re-enter this screen to reset them.

Hop on the left of the first two green platforms you see. Make your way to the
next one, but come off and go back on it. Then head down some more to the next
one.. -get off and take the next one. This last one will take you on a platform
that has a switch that you need to step on. Having done that, hop back on the
moving tile, then use the next one and the next one and back to the beginning
again. Now use the one closest to the entrance and come off it to the left, so
you can reach the left-most tile.. -use it. It brings you close to other tiles,
come off it left and use the tile next to you wich takes you back to the
beginning.. -use it again to come back. Come off LEFT again and use the new
tile there to reach the end tile and then the door.

BOSS / /
-------- Wind Elementler /
80,000 HP /
When you enter the door you'll see a glowing enemy. Before you approach it: /
Keele: Explode, Freeze Lancer, Absolute. /
Meredy: Meteor Storm only! /
Farah can just do her usual stuff. /
Max: Elemental Master.. -ONLY! /
Chat: Eternal Hammer.. -only! /
Reid: His best skills and extension all work against this one: Dragon Demon /
Chaos, Burning Phoenix, Quasi Seal does not! If you want a really quick battle /
then target the boss right at the start of the battle, then Demon Twist and /
Omega Demon Chaos him to death. If you do them fast enough he won't even /
retaliate ONCE!! /
VeghEsther suggest Blizzard, Absolute and Ground Dasher (but you'll have to /
shuffle the craymels about to achieve Blizzard and Ground Dasher). Shooting /
Star and Holy Lance if you can use them. /
It only has 80,000HP, which should be a 1minute battle for you. /

Head up through the other door of this room (not the one you came form). Up on
this screen too, examine the teleporter and Keele will use Sylph on it.

The next pillar along (clockwise from the left-most one) is the...

Fire Pillar

The idea is to examine the first fire rod you see which shoots a fireball out.
You have to walk ahead of it creating a path for it from one rod to the next,
simply by stepping on the doors so they stay down and moving the rods 
accordingly. For the last two rods, let the fire touch the moving one and wait
for 1second beofore stepping on the switch to move it.. -if you don't wait
that extra second (as scary as it may be) you won't make the last rod.

 Everytime you mess up, just exit the room and re-enter. 
BOSS / /
-------- Fire Elementler /
80,000 HP /
When you enter the door you'll see a glowing enemy. Before you approach it: /
Keele: Cyclone, Freeze Lancer, Absolute. /
Meredy: Meteor Storm only! /
Farah can just do her usual stuff. /
Max: Elemental Master.. -ONLY! /
Chat: Eternal Hammer.. -only! /
Reid: His best skills and extension all work against this one: Dragon Demon /
Chaos, Burning Phoenix, Quasi Seal. If you want a really quick battle then /
target the boss right at the start of the battle, then Demon Twist and Omega /
Demon Chaos him to death. If you do them fast enough he won't even retaliate /
ONCE!! /
It only has 80,000HP, which should be a 1minute battle for you. /

Again, Keele will come out in the next screen and use Efreet to infuse the Fire
Craymel to the pillar.

Water Pillar

When you reach the puzzle room, walk up just looking at everything then head
back to the start of this screen. You would have seen 3 blue tiles that can
move, many pillars and a hole in the ground. The idea is to slide the tiles
into that hole. They SLIDE and not move, which means you'll have to use the
pillars to help you out. There are many ways to do this but one method for
all three tiles is listed below:

Tile to the right: Left, down, left, down, right, down, left, up.

The closest tile (from the entrance): Up, left, down left, down, right, up,
left, up.

Tile to the left: Up, right, up.

BOSS / /
-------- Water Elementler /
80,000 HP /
When you enter the door you'll see a glowing enemy. Before you approach it: /
Keele: Cyclone, Flame Wall, Explode. /
Meredy: Meteor Storm only! /
Farah can just do her usual stuff. /
Max: Elemental Master.. -ONLY! /
Chat: Eternal Hammer.. -only! /
Reid: His best skills and extension all work against this one: Dragon Demon /
Chaos, Burning Phoenix, Quasi Seal. If you want a really quick battle then /
target the boss right at the start of the battle, then Demon Twist and Omega /
Demon Chaos him to death. If you do them fast enough he won't even retaliate /
ONCE!! / 
VeghEsther says: -> All the above but Flame wall (on Keele sucks). Shooting /
Star and Holy Lance if you can use them. /
 It only has 80,000HP, which should be a 1minute battle for you. / 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKMARK
Meredy will come out this time and use Undine to infuse the Water Craymel to
the pillar.

Earth Pillar

Many platforms. Random bridges. Some Platforms have enemies while some have
chests. There are 5 chests to collect.. -Elixir, Red Lavender, Red Bellebane,
Red Savory and Red Sage. I don't believe there is a set path (as I've actually
saved and restarted this room many times to try and come up with a solution.

The way I did it is by trying to get as many chests as possible.. -noting down
what I just collected, on the way to the other side. Then after killing the
boss for this pillar I re-entered this place and tried to get the rest of the
items. It took me three or four tries this way to get everything.. -plus some
of the enemies here drop some real nice weapons and shields!!

Of course there's the fail-proof way of doing it, by simply using every bridge
on the starting end ONCE. That way you actually end up visiting every platform
with every enemy and chest, but it also means you have to re-enter this pillar
5 or six times.

BOSS / /
-------- Earth Elementler /
80,000 HP /
When you enter the door you'll see a glowing enemy. Before you approach it: /
Keele: Cyclone, Explode, Freeze Lancer, Absolute. /
Meredy: Meteor Storm only! /
Farah can just do her usual stuff. /
Max: Elemental Master.. -ONLY! /
Chat: Eternal Hammer.. -only! /
Reid: His best skills and extension all work against this one: Dragon Demon /
Chaos, Burning Phoenix, Quasi Seal. If you want a really quick battle then /
target the boss right at the start of the battle, then Demon Twist and Omega /
Demon Chaos him to death. If you do them fast enough he won't even retaliate /
ONCE!! /
VeghEsther says: -> He suggests Blizzard over Freeze Lancer, which means /
you'll have to re-set some craymel from the main set-up suggested. Shooting /
Star and Holy Lance if you can use them. /
It only has 80,000HP, which should be a 1minute battle for you. /

Meredy will come out again and use Gnome to infuse the Earth Craymel to
the pillar.

Ice Pillar

A timed one.. -I hate these.

You will see Red blocks and Blue blocks. You will also see some crumbles on
the four corners of the room, as the diagram below illustrates:


xxxxx xxxxx 
xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx
 DOOR 
xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx


You need to move the red blocks of ice to the left side of the room, and
place them ON or as close to the crumbles of ice on the floors. Then the
blue blocks of ice to the right side of the room, also on or as near to the
crumbles of ice on the floor. You can pull and push these blocks by nearing
them and then press-hold X-button, while you move.

Now shoot your Sorcerer's Ring with R at the clock.. -top of the room! It
will start a timer. You will need to push the blocks in the four pits that
open, BEFORE the timer runs out. If you've placed the blue/red blocks of
ice in the correct places and tight enough against the crumbles, they will
simply fall and you won't even know what happened. One or maybe two may need a
push into the pits.

If the time runs out and you haven't managed to push all the blocks in their
pits, then you will have to leave this screen and re-enter.

When you do that in the time, then you will have broken the seal to the boss

BOSS / /
-------- Ice Elementler /
80,000 HP /
When you enter the door you'll see a glowing enemy. Before you approach it: /
Keele: Eruption, Cyclone, Explode. /
Meredy: Meteor Storm only! /
Farah can just do her usual stuff. /
Max: Elemental Master.. -ONLY! /
Chat: Eternal Hammer.. -only! /
Reid: Rising->Burning Phoenix works wonders in this battle! While Omega Demon /
Chaos can keep this boss not casting or doing ANYTHING, if you just keep using /
Omega Demon Chaos over and over and over. Quasi Seal extension to Omega Seal /
also works. /
VeghEsther says: -> Cyclone, Indignation. Shooting Star and Holy Lance if you /
can use them. /
It only has 80,000HP, which should be a 1minute battle for you. /

Keele will come out this time and use Celsius to infuse the Ice Craymel to
the pillar.

Volt Pillar

The final pillar belongs to Thunder.

In the puzzle room, you will see some gems stationary while others circulating.
The ones that are turning are one level higher than the stationary ones. Go up
the stairs to the left to higher ground. Stand at each corner in turn and shoot
with L-button your Freeze Ring just as the colours match. They will freeze/fuse
together and the door is open. The easiest one, in my opinion.

It took me 20seconds to realise that the exit door is actually on the ground
level, so make your way back down the stairs to reach the door, which lead to 
the boss lair.
 --------
BOSS / / 
Volt Elementler / BOOKMARK
80,000 HP /
When you enter the door you'll see a glowing enemy. Before you approach it: /
Keele: Cyclone, Explode, Freeze Lancer, Absolute. /
Meredy: Meteor Storm only! /
Farah can just do her usual stuff. /
Max: Elemental Master.. -ONLY! /
Chat: Eternal Hammer.. -only! /
Reid: All three of Reid's extensions can be used, while my favourite is still /
Omega->Dragon Demon Chaos. Or even simply Omega Demon Chaos x10, he's dead! /
VeghEsther says: -> Spread - Maelstrom, Blizzard, Absolute. Shooting Star /
and Holy Lance if you can use them. /
It only has 80,000HP, which should be a 1minute battle for you. /

Meredy will come out this time and use Volt to infuse the Volt Craymel to
the pillar.

Finally all six pillars have been infused with Craymel energy, giving you access
to the final boss of the castle and the last boss of the game (with the
exception of the bonus dungeons.. -more on that later).

Before you head on and step into the light, walk down the steps and camp when
prompted. Open up your menu and make sure you have the following:

15 Lemon Gel
15 Miracle Gel
15 Pine Gel
15 Life Bottles
15 Panacea Bottles
15 Melange Gel (just in case, though not neccessary)
4 Reverse Dolls (just in case you can't pull off something in the boss battle,
of course being more if you can/want)
5 Spectacles (not needed, but very useful; see strategy below)
1 All-Divide (quite essential, you should have it anyway)

That's the items sorted, as for Craymel, all your Craymel should be at level 30
by now, with the exception of Rem and Sekundes. Make sure they Reach Lvl 26 at
least, before triggering the final battle.. -just go train in other parts of the
castle to do that.
Craymel set-up:

Meredy Keele
------ -----
Undine Gnome
Sylph Celsius
Efreet Volt
Maxwell Rem

You should already have another setup (the one you should always have), but for
the last two battles you will need Stun Guard/Poison Guard/Freeze Guard, hence
the setup above gives you all those, plus keeps all the best skills available.

Equipment: Just equip all your best gear, don't worry about elemental crap, the
best will suffice.

Reid: You'll be controlling, so more on that below. Faerie Ring and Jet Boots!
Elven Boots if you don't have the Jet ones.

Farah: Though quite useless in this final battle (I know it's sad to say..
-she's great otherwise), you can still use her if you want, and just let her do
her stuff.. -she may need to aid with healing skills and stay in the back-row.

 Max: Elemental Master and Aqua Spiral, nothing else. 

Chat: Eternal Hammer, though I don't recommend her.

Meredy and Keele are a must! Equip them with Mystic Symbols and Reflect Rings..
-no questions about that. Scroll upto Sekundes, and see how to achieve those
equipment.. -just below the strategy for Sekundes.

As for skills ->

Meredy: Nurse, Meteor Swarm, Shooting Star, and all her Craymels.. -disable
ALL the other skills.

Keele: Cyclone, Freeze Lancer, Absolute, Holy Lance, Distortion, and all his
Craymels.. -disable all the other skills.

Needless to say cure up via cooking/camping and top the rest of you HP/TP
with crappy gels, examine the Load Point crystal, and most importantly, SAVE

Head up two screens from the Load Point crystal to the pillar screen, then step
onto the central circle. Note that the boss battle is in two phases.

BOSS / /
-------- Shizel /
120,000 HP /
Formation /
Meredy Keele Max-----------Reid /
With all your best equipment and the above suggested accessory, plus the above /
suggested skills, craymel and all that, let's begin. After some long'arse /
talking: /
Omega Demon Chaos like there's no tomorrow. Let all your other characters be on/
3/4 strategies for attacking and battle TP while 5 on Recovery TP. You're /
controlling Reid so it doesn't matter what strategy he's set to. /
Rising Phoenix does ok, Omega Seal is crap, so just use Megasonic Thrust, Sonic/
Chaos, Demon Twist, Omega Demon Chaos.. -while the last one in the list is the /
most used one. /
You characters should be using the earlier stated skills they have at their /
disposal, use Life Bottles when needed, to recover fallen characters ASAP. /
Don't use TOO many items in this round, as the next round poses greater threat./
Note whenever Eternal Finality appears on screen have Reid trigger Aurora Wall /
(hold down X+O+[] with a 50 TP cost!) to cancel the move. Since it reduces full/
party HP to 1 HP, it's essential that you do this. /
(Contributed by VeghEsther, and so is alot of the stuff above, but I can't be /
bothered to quote everyline that's his.. -put it this way, a lot of it is his /
effort). /

BOSS / /
-------- Nereid /
300,000 HP /
Formation /
Meredy Keele Max-----------Reid /
So finally the true form of the evil that be, shows up. /
Use an All-Divide item round about 1/2 of it's HP (150,000! or less). It's /
essential if you plan to live, though if you're Lvl 70+ you shouldn't have /
that worry. /
Then just keep doing what you did for the first round against Shizel: Omega /
Demon Chaos it's ass, while the other members keep doing their work too. /
If either "Eternal Finality" or "Darkness of the Outer Limits" appears on /
screen use Aurora Wave (same buttons as Aurora Wall held down. Costs 50 TP /
though Reid doesn't use any). Else automatic game over since Darkness of the /
Outer Limits is a instant kill. / 
To prevent the mishap of not being able to pull off Aurora Wave, soon as the /
boss recheas around 10,000 HP, equip 1 Reverse Doll on each of your characters /
(4 altogether), just in case.. -then try to pull of Aurora Wave as well, and /
 if it fails you've got the Reverse Dolls to bring you back up. / 
Oh and Meredy should use the only Craymel you haven't used yet, S.D. The summon/
you got from beating Valkyrie. Remember it can only be used once every 30 mins /
of game play, so it should be useable now, unless you've tried it against /
Sekundes or something. Don't use it against Shizel above, use it now, and /
around the half way mark.. -afterwhich you should use that All-Divide item. /
Note to prevent Darkness of the Outer Limits altogether, just trigger Dragon /
Demon Chaos with Reid, or perform Eternal Hammer with Chat, to have Nereid /
dead, but only once he/she/it has reached 10,000HP or less. /
Good Luck. /
The first battle will be short. The second one is a long ass 10minute battle!! /
But don't let the length of the battle scare you as it's seriously not bad at /
all. Just keep up the Omega Demon Chaos and Megasonic Thrusts. DO summon /
Destiny with Meredy, whenever you feel like, just don't leave it too late. /
Miracle Gels, should be used constantly to bring Meredy(especially) upto par, /
but the others as well. Make sure you press and hold all three buttons: Circle,/
X and Square and hold them, whenever you see Eternal Finality appear in either /
of the two rounds, while also Darkness of the Outer Limits, in the second /
round. The second one is a must as it will be game over if it hits you. /
Actually it DOES hit you but you bounce all the enery back at Nereid.. -that's /
where it goes "What???" and it dies. /

I wont spoil the ending for you, but make UTTERLY SURE that you create a NEW
save (don't save over your current file), at the end of the ending and credits.

After you've created a NEW save file, it will say something like this: *Inferia
the * means it's a new game (from the start) but now you can understand Melnic
(Meredy's language) right from the start, as well as some other stuff.

When you're taken back to the title screen, choose to load the save file you
just created. As the Intro FMV is playing with Galenos walking in a forest,
press Start. You'll see Reid walk in in-game graphics. Press Start+Select+L+R
all simultaneously (altogether) and you'll be taken back to the Title Screen.
Now choose to load the save file just before the boss (NOT the newly created
one). When it's loaded, choose to save OVER it.. -so just save as if you were
saving after having done a section of the game. Note how your save file now has
a * in front of it as well. That means you've just cheated the game into
thinking you've reached this far in a second playthrough, and you now have
access to an Optional Dungeon: Nereid's Labyrinth and some other stuff too.

So here now the Main story is completed, from here on-in the guide will take on
the extra stuff that you would normally only have access to if you played the
game through from the start, a second time.

-------------------------------THE END OF MAIN GAME-----------------------------


NLAB Nereid's Labyrinth /

To get to this optional dungeon, you will need to be on the celestian side of
the orbus barrier, and when you're in the clouds, you will see a new red dot on
your mini-map other than Shizel's Castle, just south from the Relay Point.

((Note that I have tried to enter this dungeon from the Inferian side of the
Orbus Barrier, and it works that way too, it's still the same thing.. -but some
people claim that it can only be entered from the Celestian side. In my game
the only thing you cannot enter from both sides is the Seyfert Observatory,
which can only be accessed from the Celestian side, otherwise the last dungeon
(Shizel's Castle) and Nereid's Labyrinth are all accessible from both sides.))

Before entering this place, you may consider searching for "MNGMS" (which is
just lower down), and reading the last bit of the section BEFORE it, regarding
upgrading your Van Eltia's empty cabins. I suggested you do this after the main
story somewhere earlier in the guide, and this is when I suggest you do it. It's
not by any means essential, but it's for you completists.

Before we can set out to take on this optional dungeon, you will first of all 
need to get your team into good shape, and it's not going to be a simple 1-2
step procedure:
1) You need to make sure you've completed all other sidequests, as the rest of
 the steps below, assume so. Including defeating Shadow, Maxwell, Valkyrie etc. 
2) Lvl70 minimum! -> though this will be achieved as you do the other steps, or
you may already be above that. Please note that you don't want to exceed Lvl100,
BEFORE entering Nereid's Labyrinth, as the bosses there (mainly the final
one) will slaughter you.. -so keep to below Lvl90 while undertaking these steps
listed here.

3) Best equipment -> various choices and preferences are available, mine are:


Eternal Sword, Golden Armor, Chaos Shield, Golden Helm,

Faerie Ring, Warrior Symbol

Eternal Sword can be swapped with Last Fencer OR Mystic Sword.

Chaos Shield with Red Shield or Omega Shield.
Golden Helm with Cress' Bandana.
Accessories, totally a preference, but I definitely recommend
the Faerie Ring.

Eternal Sword: from beating Cress

Last Fencer: from doing the little Last Fencer side-quest, after defeating Rem.
Mystic Sword: from a chest in Shizel Castle.
Golden Armor: chest, after defeating Valkyrie.
Chaos Shield: Fire Elementler dungeon in Shizel Castle.. -Fire Warrior enemy
drops it.
Red Shield: chest, after defeating Valkyrie.
Omega Shield: chest in Mt. Farlos, chest in Peruti, shops.
Golden Helm: chest in Maxwell's Lair.
Cress' Bandana: dropped by Cress after defeating him in Inferia Arena.


Omni Weapon, Mythril Mesh, Mythril Bracelet, Magical Ribbon,

Emerald Ring, Resist Ring

Omni Weapon is a must, no other weapon surpasses it.

Mythril Mesh is a must, also.
Mythril Bracelet can be swapped with Cute Mitten.
Magical Ribbon is a must.

Accessories, totally a preference, but I definitely recommend

the Emerald Ring.

Omni Weapon: Maxwell drops it upon defeat.

Mythril Mesh: chests in Regulus Knoll & Shizel Castle.
Mythril Bracelet: chests in Regulus Knoll & Tomb of Aifread.
Cute Mitten: chest in Sunken Ship.
Magical Ribbon: buy at Jini Auction, for 2600Jini.


Eternia Melody, Mythril Mesh, Mythril Bracelet, Magical Ribbon,

Mystic Symbol, Reflect Ring

Eternia Melody is a must.

Mythril Mesh is a must.
Mythril Bracelet or Cute Mitten (just like Farah).
Magical Ribbon is a must (just like Farah).

Accessories, totally a preference, but I definitely recommend

the Mystic Symbol.

Eternia Melody: chest in Shizel's Castle.

Mythril Mesh: chests in Regulus Knoll & Shizel Castle.
Mythril Bracelet: chests in Regulus Knoll & Tomb of Aifread. 
Cute Mitten: chest in Sunken Ship.
Magical Ribbon: buy at Jini Auction, for 2600Jini.
K E E L E 
Crystal Rod, Spirit Robe, Mythril Bracelet, Holy Circlet,
Mystic Symbol, Reflect Ring

Crystal Rod can be swapped with the Star Mace.

Spirit Robe is a must.
Mythril Bracelet is a must. (Like Farah and Meredy).
Holy Circlet is a must.

Accessories, totally a preference, but I definitely recommend

the Mystic Symbol.

Crystal Rod: chest, after defeating Valkyrie.

Star Mace: dropped by Beast Ogre enemy, in Regulus Knoll (underground).
Spirit Robe: chest in Maxwell's Lair.
Mythril Bracelet: chests in Regulus Knoll & Tomb of Aifread.
Holy Circlet: chest in Shadow Cave.


Mega Launcher, Moon Robe, Angel Bracelet, Rare Helm

((All of Max's weapons are earned by buying them from the man standing behind
the Craymel Cannon in the Shileska HQ. You must donate money, and then come back
later until it's made.))

Max can equip equipment from the characters above, but the best
equipment without having to de-equip the main 4-characters are
the ones listed here.
Equip accessories as you see fit, though the Canceler is a good
one.. -and it can only be equipped by Max.

Mega Launcher: as stated above you'll need to donate money.

Moon Robe: chest in Tomb of Aifread.
Angel Bracelet: buy at Jini Auction, for 3400Jini.
Rare Helm: buy at Jini Auction, for 5620Jini.
Canceler: for this accessory you will need to do the Lesitia side-quest.


Wonder Bag, Holy Cloak, Cute Mitten, Captain's Hat

Just like Max, you can have her equip most of the ladies'
equipment, but you'll have to de-equip Farah or Meredy (or
even Keele). The Captain's Hat only Chat can equip, so you might
as well.
Equip accessories as you see fit.

Wonder Bag: dropped by Gunner enemy, in Glimmer Spire, after you've defeated
Holy Cloak: chest in Inferia Hideout 1.
Cute Mitten: chest in Sunken Ship.
Captain's Hat: chest in Tomb of Aifread.

4) That was all step 3 there. For step 4, you will need to go to Inferia Battle
Arena, and participate in the Inferia World Champinship.

Before you do that, go into your items menu (then Tools), and give Reid every
Sage/Red Sage/Savory/Red Savory you have in your inventory (that you've got
throughout the game).. -if you haven't already used them.

Have Reid equipped as above unless otherwise stated.

Open menu, Config, Difficulty -> set it to Normal, if it isn't already.
Choose to participate in the Inferia World Championship.

Inferia World Championship
Round 1 /
Target the first of the Wizards and Rising Phoenix + Demon Twist + Omega Demon /
 Chaos + Omega Demon Chaos + Omega Demon Chaos... until they're dead. Turn / 
around to face the Duelist (sword dude), and Megasonic Thrust his ass.. -BLOCK / BOOKMARK
(with Square) after everytime you attack to avoid his retaliation.. -as he WILL/
get a hit in if you do not block. You can even try to Quasi Seal the Duelist. /
Round 2 /
First thing, open up the menu and equip yourself with the Ice Coffin(weapon), /
Square Shield(shield), and two Flare Capes (accessories), or a Flare Cape and /
the Inferi Cape. Target the Hellkite(dragon) and Omega Demon Chaos his ass.. /
-don't let up or the two Phoenix may kill you before you do it. Soon as the /
dragon is dead Omega Demon Chaos the Phoenix to death also.. -but make sure you/
defend(Square) straight after an attack as they tend to retaliate. Remember: if/
you didn't already equip a Reverse Doll as one of you accessories, then keep an/
eye on your HP and equip one soon as you're nearing death around 150HP. If you /
managed to equip all the above stated equipments (for this round), including /
TWO Flare Capes, forget about blocking and Reverse Dolls, as the enemies will /
only deal 1HP damage to you!! /
Final Round /
Equip a Reverse Doll right at the beginning of the round, and leave all other /
equipment in tact.. -as they were in the last round. Again, you don't need to /
bother with the Reverse Doll if you got ALL the equipment equiped from last /
round (inc: two Flare Capes). Omega Demon Chaos ALL the enemies. If the Red /
Dragon is alive last, then you can even pull off Dragon Demon Chaos on him. /
You may want to re-equip your Eternal Sword for the Red Dragon, once the /
HellKites go down. /

Though you have to pay 15,000 to participate, you earn so much after each round,
plus the reward money of 50,000, it shouldn't be a problem. Of course the sole
reason for doing this is to also earn yourselves (guaranteed) either one (or
more) of a Sage/Red Sage/Savory/Red Savory. Then keep giving them to Reid until
he's got 9999HP and 999TP. Once he's set, do the same thing for Farah, Meredy,
Keele, Max and Chat.. -yes, for all your characters. As you can see you will
need to keep fighting in the arena (making sure it's the world championship
you're participating for), as the enemies WILL drop those items that increase
your HP/TP.
Note /
Remember that you can use Rune Bottles on Sages to get Savorys and vice/
versa, as the Hellkites mainly drop Sages, you may be converting some /
into Savorys to max out those TPs. In the First Round, chances are that/
5%Drop rate a Wizard will drop a Rune Bottle so you shouldn't run out /
of them. More can be found in chests in Inferia Hideouts, and Glimmer /
Spire, you can face the same Wizards as First Round here, who drop Rune/
Bottles and can be stolen from them with Chat's Rover Tool skill. /

No doubt the above will take you a good few hours, as some of your characters
will need more sages/savorys than others. But keep doing it, and soon enough
you'll become so robotic to it that it won't even feel like you're doing
anything.. -even the strategies above (and equipment changing) will become

One last note: everytime you finish all three rounds, (for some odd F'cked-up
reason), your shortcut skills (L+X, L+O) become cleared, and you'll need to
reset your skills to them. So either don't have the skills you need set to
those buttons or keep re-setting your skills BEFORE choosing to participate,
as you may forget to do it in battle.

(You may wish to ignore Chat's HP/TP maxing, as my strategies below, don't
use her, but I suggest you do all)

5) Having set all your characters to max HP/TP and best equipment available
(outside Nereid's Labyrinth), you're almost there and ready to take this dungeon

Now it's time to sort out your Craymels. Go to Shizel Castle and equip really
weak "weapons". I put weapons in speech marks coz that's all I want you to
degrade (not your armour or accessories or anything else). Examine your C.Cages,
and see which summons (Craymels) need leveling up, ie the ones that aren't at
Lvl30 yet. Either write them down or remember them. No go to Meredy and Keele's 
skills menus, and disable ALL skills that are related with the craymel that are
already at Lvl30, excluding ones that are joint with craymel that aren't Lvl30
yet. Basically you want to use those skills of the craymels that aren't at Lvl30
so you can level up those craymel faster. The weak weapons will encourage longer
 combos, as a result more EXP, thus leveling up your characters and craymel. Do 
not leave until all your craymel are at Lvl30. If the weapons you have equipped BOOKMARK
are really not killing off the enemies then have slightly stronger ones equipped
but still weak in respect to the best.

Keep doing the above until all your craymels are at Lvl30 and your characters at
Lvl80-ish.. -if you really wana skip on some leveling-up, then just level up all
craymels to at LEAST Lvl26.. -so you can Fringe Maxwell+Sekundes=Shooting Star.

Also while leveling up have Meredy cast NOTHING but Shooting Star, to build up
Maxwell's vitality. Keep forcing her to cast it more (also disable all her other
skills.. -not the craymels) and keep checking after every battle what vitality
level (the yellow bar) the Maxwell Craymel is at.. -when he reaches 9, stop
fighting cure up all your characters and make your way to Nereid's Labyrinth, as
you want Meredy to be able to enter her boss fight, with Maxwell just ready for
the Maxwell Extensions.. -see extensions section for more details.

6) One more boring step before, you go for it. I recommend that you master all
foods (if you want to be lazy, only the listed ones), but aim to at least have:

1) Fruit Sandwhich (100% HP&TP):

Master -> Sandwhich + Soft Cake + Fruit Cocktail

2) Nutrition Drink (100% TP & cures poison):

Master -> Steak + Fruit Juice + Garden Salad

It also makes getting the requirements to trigger Dragon Demon Chaos

and Burning Phoenix hi ougis of Omega Demon Chaos and Rising Phoenix
way easier (same with Farah and Fatal Fury).

3) Power Noodles (100% TP & Infirmitry):

Master -> Hamburger + Honey Ramen + Broiled Sandwich

4) Seafood Stew (100% HP&TP & Removes All Status Effects):

Master -> Beef Stew + Fish Stew + Hot Pot

(Step 6: Contributed by VeghEsther)

7) Stock upto max on ALL foods (Chambard in Inferia, Tinnsia in Celestia),

Lemon, Miracle and Pine Gels, Life Bottles, Panacea Bottles, Holy Bottles,
Reverse Dolls(via Tomb of Aifread, search for ToAD, then scroll down till you
see the note for Reverse Dolls in dashes boarders). Just stock up on EVERYTHING.
You should have 10-odd Elixirs in your inventory as well, if you haven't used
any (ever) in the game, as throughout the game you only get 15 from beginning,
through all the sidequests, to end of Shizel Castle.. -15 in total! You can even
buy Elixirs at the Jini Auction, if you want to top-up your inventory (if you
don't already have 15).


Finally, equip everyone with their best, and head for the Relay Station in
either Celestia or Inferia and enter the Orbus Barrier. Head to the red dot
nearby where you appear to reach Nereid's Labyrinth. You cannot easily leave
once you enter, as the dungeon is made up of 6 random levels and on each level
you're only allowed to use one character. Save and enter when ready.

N E R E I D ' S L A B Y R I N T H

Upon entering, the team talk of the place's weirdness and life-like feel, then
Farah leaves it upto Reid (you, the player) to decide who will take on each

As forementioned, this dungeon is made up of different floors(levels). On each

floor, only ONE character can be used (solely), and that same one cannot be used
again, until the 6th floor, where you can use a team of 4. On each floor, you
will face random battles and at the end a boss.. -yes, on your own! Each floor
is also of a random map lay-out so no specific guide can be written to lead you
through.. -though it's very linear. So choose wisely, who takes on each floor.

F L O O R 1 

Many different strategies are available for each floor, but for the sake of the
guide, and my personal choice (with help from VeghEsther), I recommend you
choose Meredy for the first floor. You may wish to equip Elven Boots and a
 Magic Mist as accessories, until you reach the boss, where you re-equip your 
usual accessories. These two will allow you to run from random battles faster, BOOKMARK
and I suggest you do that for every battle you encounter, upto the bosses.

To reach the boss, you'll have to follow the general path.. -it's really that
BOSS / /
-------- Wind Elementler /
80,000 HP /
Really isn't a hard battle. Don't be scared of getting hit, as that's only /
normal. If you've done the neccessary preparations above, especially getting /
Maxwell to Lvl9 Vitality, then you'll ace this fight. /
Equip the Derris Emblem and a Mental Ring as accessories, target the boss /
(ignore the Harpy enemy), cast one or two Shooting Stars to get Maxwell /
castable. Give yourself a Pine Gel to recover your TP, and begin the onslaught /
with the full Maxwell Extensions. Try to get all the extensions to connect. If /
it's still alive (somehow), then Shooting Star it to death.. -but re-equip a /
Tech Ring and Mystic Symbol after the Maxwell Extensions. /

After the battle, you find the Gungnir and Persha Boots, both of which are
equipment for Reid. Strip Meredy of all but her weapon, as some of the equipment
will be useful to other party members on the next levels. Then walk into the

F L O O R 2

You'll get a message to leave dungeon on go on further, obviously choose to go

on. For this floor choose Keele.

Equip the Magic Mist and Elven Boots as accessories immediately, and make your
way (in the same way as with Meredy) to the boss of this floor.
BOSS / /
-------- Fire Elementler /
80,000 HP /
Equip a Mystic Symbol and a Jet Boots for accessories. Then Holy Lance the /
mini-enemy first, then the boss to death. No doubt this will take slightly /
longer than Meredy's battle, as you don't have Maxwell's awesome extensions at /
your disposal, but don't lose hope, as it's still not that difficult, /
especially with all my recommended suggestions earlier above. Use a Melange Gel/
or two to bring yourself upto par, then continue hammering it with Holy Lance /
(set it to Circle and keep hitting it). After so many Holy Lances, you may even/
trigger Rem to be summonable, so do summon him if that happens. /
Something I did not know, but VeghEsther told me is that a D-Pad that appears /
at the bottom left corner of the screen when you cast Holy Lance, you're meant /
to press whatever is displayed in order to speed up his Holy Lance casting. /
The run away from the boss, before recasting Holy Lance. /
Equip a Reverse Doll, if you're real close to death and won't have time to cure/
yourself, though you shouldn't even be able to bring yourself to that kinda /
situation. /

After the battle, you will find a Star Circlet and a Mystic Symbol. Not sure if
it's guaranteed but the boss may drop an Elixir and some other battle items.
Strip Keele of all but his weapon, as some of the equipment will be useful to
other party members on the next levels. Then walk into the light.

F L O O R 3

Proceed and go on further.

Choose Max to take on the next level, and equip him with Elven Boots and a Magic

Make your way to the boss in the same way as before. Along the way you should 
find a chest with an Earth Shard in it.. -a sign as to the type of boss the next
one is.
BOSS / /
 -------- Earth Elementler / 
80,000 HP / BOOKMARK
Equip a Mystic Symbol and a Jet Boots, then take care of the minor enemies /
first, then the boss. Use nothing else but Aqua Spiral (set it to circle and /
hammer it). I've noticed that if you stay closer to the boss he tries to /
physically attack you, giving you the time you need to cast Aqua Spiral. /
You'll probably feel outrun if you don't have the Jet Boots on, so equip them /
at the start of the battle. /
If you want to use Chat, this is the only battle I recommend her in, and use /
Eternal Hammer till it's dead. /

After the battle, you will find a Star Helm and a Blue Shield. Not sure if
it's guaranteed but the boss may drop an Elixir and some other battle items.
Strip Max of all but his weapon, as some of the equipment will be useful to
other party members on the next levels. Then walk into the light.

F L O O R 4

Finally the intersting battles and characters to use. Choose Reid for this floor
and as per usual equip the Elven Boots and Magic Mist, and DO escape the
battles, as tempting as it may be to fight them.. -coz you need to preserve your
HP/TP items for the final boss. Also equip the Star Helm you just picked up from
the previous boss.
BOSS / /
-------- Living Armor /
200,000 HP /
Mental Ring and a Faerie Ring are a must. Rising Phoenix -> Burning Phoenix. /
Kill the Bigfoot enemy first and then the huge boss. /

After the battle, you will find a Star Cloak and a Star Bracelet. Not sure if
it's guaranteed but the boss may drop an Elixir and some other battle items.
Strip Reid of his accessories, as some they are needed in the next battle. Then
walk into the light.

F L O O R 5

Choose to go on further. Choose Farah for this floor.

As usual Elven Boots and Magic Mist to help escape battles quicker.
Also equip the newly acquired Star Cloak and Star Bracelet.
Make your way to the boss.
BOSS / /
-------- Hyades /
45,000 HP /
Equip Faerie/Emerald Ring + Mental Ring/Warrior Symbol. /
Chi/Fatal Fury the minor enemies first, then Hyades. He doesn't have that much /
HP, so he'll go down real quick. /

After the battle, you will find a Gaia Cleaver and a Reviverser. Walk into the

F L O O R 6

Finally a whole team of 4 in battle again, but only to face the final-final boss
of the whole game, who's a real pain.

De-equip ALL and starting from Reid optimise their equipments in turn, with the
best possible, as you've picked stuff up along the way. I would suggest a party
of Reid, Farah, Meredy and Keele. Reid has a possible of three weapons to equip 
Gaia Cleaver (high in slash), Gungnir (high in thrust), and the Eternal Sword
which is balanced.
 My suggestions: 
Reid: Eternal Sword, Mumbane, Star Shield, Star Helm, Reflect Ring,
Persha Boots.

Farah: Omni Weapon, Star Cloak, Lovely Mitten, Magical Ribbon, Reflect Ring,
Resist Ring.

Meredy: Eternia Melody, Mythril Mesh, Lovely Mitten, Magical Ribbon,

Mystic Symbol, Resist Ring.

Keele: Crystal Rod, Spirit Robe, Star Bracelet, Star Circlet, Mystic Symbol,
Resist Ring.

You will notice that you have better equipment in your inventory, but for the
sake of having defence against darkness (S), the above is the best.

Keele Meredy..................Farah Reid

Reid: you'll be controlling, so it doesn't matter.
Farah: Attack Strong Enemy, 5,5,5.
Meredy: Attack Strong Enemy, 4,5,4.
Keele: Attack Strong Enemy, 5,5,5.

Meredy Keele
------ -----
Undine Gnome
Sylph Celsius
Efreet Volt
Maxwell Rem

Reid: see strategy below.
Farah: Chi/Maximum Burst, Fatal Fury.
Meredy: Craymels, Nurse, Restore, Shooting Star.
Keele: Craymels, Holy Lance, Blizzard.

Fight your way to the boss, so that you build up Maxwells' vitality, that way
soon as you're in the boss battle you can start the masacre with Maxwell

Before walking up the stairs to meet Regulus/Nereid, place Meredy in the 1P slot
so that you can perform the actions for the Maxwell Extensions.
BOSS / /
-------- Nereid/Regulus /
160,000 HP /
Cure everyone to max HP/TP, especially Meredy. Then equip Meredy with the /
Derris Emblem and a Mental Ring. /
Begin the fight with Meredy casting Shooting Star, if Maxwell is not castable, /
otherwise summon Maxwell and Maxwell Extensions Nereid to oblivion. Re-equip /
Meredy with a Mystic Symbol and a Resist Ring. Swap Reid into the 1P slot, then/
Summon Destiny straight after. Have Keele and Farah doing their thing as set /
with the skills above, while Meredy should be cured if her TP is low. After /
both the extensions and destiny have been used, use an All-Divide item (if you /
have one.. -you should) on the battle. Then pummle away With Omega Demon Chaos,/
Rising/Burning Phoenix and Quasi Seal Nereid once it hits 20,000HP(use a /
Spectacle) or less, for a one hit kill! /
Nereid's got loads of attacks, all of which hitmultiple times, but don't hurt /
you that much. He even uses some skills from ALL your characters. Just keep at /
it, and he'll go down in no time. Summon any craymels that become castable. /
Given all the suggested preparation, this fight is just long, it isn't hard. /
At Lvl80, with 9999HP and 999TP on all four characters, I never died in the / 
battle, only used 3 Elixirs, 4 Miracle Gels, 2 Melange Gels and 2 Spectacles. /
I actually expected him to be harder after all the hype people make.. -then /
again, this is Normal difficulty, on Hard/Hardcore, surely he's a nightmare! /
 -------------------------------------- / 
An alternative method by VeghEsther / / BOOKMARK
I prefer Max over Farah but keep both Meredy and Keele and Reid. /
The reason I used Max over Farah is every now and then Regulas weilds /
a golden/reddish sword which if it physically hits you, instant kills /
anybody reguardless of their defense stat. Using Max for when that /
happens is safer then using Farah. /

After the battle Regulus' chair will have a sparkle, examine his chair to
collect the Hyper Gauntlet accessory. Down the steps, and leave.

This is it boys and girls. Nothing else left to do in the game. I believe you
can keep fighting the bonus dungeon and final boss as many times as you want,
other than that, it's game over.

DARCH Defeating Arche /

This little section is devoted to the hidden boss, Arche. She's hidden in the
sense that you cannot just find her, in some secret dungeon or whatever..
-instead, what you must do is not have yet defeated Cress at the Inferia Arena,
and before facing him setting the difficulty of the game to the hardest mode,
in the Config menu. This makes the already-hard battle even harder for the
hardcore gamers, by offering two bosses at once, facing Reid all alone.

So, if you've defeated the Inferia Arena (including Cress) you will not be able
to face Arche (or Cress for that matter), thus miss out on this. If, however,
you've still not beaten Cress (or have come to this part of the guide as a
result of having read the "NOTE" in the Inferia Arena part of the walkthrough,
just before facing Cress), then set your game to Hardcore, and go to Inferia
Arena in Inferia City, and speak with the lady at the left of the left
counter. Pay up and be prepared to face Cress and Arche in battle, both at the
same time.

Have Reid equipped as below, and Rising Phoenix set to the Circle-button!

Reid: Ninja Sword, Rare Plate, Omega Shield, Golden Helm,

Faerie Ring!
Mental Ring!

Obviously you want to have some 10-15 odd Reverse Dolls in your inventory and
equip them should the going get tough.

BOSS / /
-------- Arche /
6,000HP /
Arche has magical skills, that can hinder you from getting close, as well as /
healing spells to recover Cress and herself.. -thusly she's your primary /
target. With a HP of 6,000, you'd think she goes down quick, however, fighting /
solo and having to deal with Cress in the screen to bother you as well, she's /
more than a handful. /
Don't fear them, just because they're two (similarly don't underestimate them /
either). Arche can easily go down if you just have Rising Phoenix set to just /
Circle-button, and keep hitting Circle over and over and over, and try to /
trigger Burning Phoenix, by pressing Circle while Reid is in Phoenix form, /
swooping down on them (Arche and Cress). With the above equipment, you'll be /
able to withstand onslaught as well as TP-consumption. /
Once she's done with, then for taking care of Cress, you'll need to do some /
swift equipment changing, otherwise Rising Phoenix is your friend. /
Arche drops Arche Ribbon, while Cress drops Cress' Bandana and the /
fabled Eternal Sword. /
---------------------------------------- /
BOSS / / / 
-------- Cress / /
9,999HP / /
 Cress' Attacks: Spiral Destruction, Sonic Blade, Neo Swarm, Rising Phoenix, / 
Dimensional Strike. / BOOKMARK
This guy isn't THAT hard once you know what you're doing (which, in the /
beginning I didn't). With great help in equipment and strategy from VeghEsther,/
here's how to overcome Cress... /
Equipment is very important in this battle and will change often! /
Start of with: /
Reid: Ninja Sword, Rare Plate, Omega Shield, Golden Helm, /
Faerie Ring! /
Mental Ring! /
When you see Rising Phoenix appear on screen at the top in the red plate (it /
means the enemy has triggered it) in which case, pause and equip: /
Reid: Ninja Sword, Rare Plate, Square Shield, Golden Helm, /
Flare Cape! /
Flare Cape! /
Re-equip the other set of equipments when he's NOT doing Rising Phoenix to you./
When you're nearing death 150HP or less then equip a Reverse Doll immediately. /
Keep equiping Reverse Dolls, to stay alive, and keep attacking. /
Do not step too far away from him or he will Sonic Blade you to death.. -to /
overcome this you will need to edge forward in small steps and block otherwise /
until you get quite near him.. -then abuse Rising Phoenix, until he dies. /
With 10+ Reverse Dolls.. -you shouldn't really lose! Just make sure you equip /
them often, but never replace the Faerie Ring!! /
If you STILL can't win: /
VeghEsther suggests that you beat Valkyrie (Glimmer Spire), and then /
equip: /
Golden Armour + Omega Shield + 2x flare cape or 1 flare cape + Inferi /
Cape = Total fire defense while keeping the Omega Shield's free HP /
regeneration effect intact. /
Good Luck. /


With great help from VeghEsther the following skills and cooking sections were


SKR Reid


| Skills | Slash | Thrust | Other, Skill Usages |
| SONIC BLADE | 2 | 1 | - |
| LIGHTNING BLADE | 1 | 2 | - |
| SWARM | 2 | 5 | - |
| DEMON HAMMER | 5 | 2 | - |
| SPIRAL ATTACK | 9 | 16 | - |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 
| TEMPEST STRIKE | 16 | 8 | - |
| TWIN SONIC BLADE | 10 | 3 | Sonic Blade 50x |
 | SUPER LIGHTNING BLADE | 4 | 10 | Lightning Blade 50x | 
|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| BOOKMARK
| NEO SWARM | 4 | 13 | Swarm 150x |
| DEMON TWIST | 13 | 4 | Demon Hammer 150x |
| DOUBLE SPIRAL ATTACK | 5 | 22 | Spiral Attack 250x |
| OMEGA TEMPEST STRIKE | 23 | 4 | Tempest Strike 250x |
| AURORA WALL | - | - | First Seyfert Trial |
| OMEGA SEAL | 30 | 30 | MAX-out the slash and thrust levels |
| DEMON LIGHTNING HAMMER| 7 | 5 | Demon Hammer 50x, |
| | | | Lightning Blade 50x |
| NEOSONIC SWARM | 5 | 7 | Sonic Blade 50x, Swarm 50x |
| MEGASONIC THRUST | 1 | 14 | Lightning Blade 70x, Swarm 70x |
| SONIC CHAOS | 13 | 1 | Sonic Blade 60x, |
| | | | Twin Sonic Blade 60x |
| DEMON SPIRAL HAMMER | 19 | 14 | Spiral Attack 80x, Demon Hammer 120x|
| NEO TEMPEST SWARM | 19 | 14 | Neo Swarm 120x, Tempest Strike 80x |
| OMEGA DEMON CHAOS | 24 | 20 | Demon Hamer 250x, Demon Twist 200x |
| RISING PHOENIX | 22 | 24 | Super Lightning Blade 200x, |
| | | | Megasonic Thrust 150x |
| AURORA SWORD | - | - | Second Seyfert Trial |
| AURORA WAVE | - | - | Third Seyfert Trial |
| Extensions | Slash | Thrust | Other, Skill Usages |
| BURNING PHOENIX | - | - | Rising Phoenix 250x, |
| | | | As Reid approaches enemy in Phoenix |
| | | | form, trigger Rising Phoenix a 2nd |
| | | | time. |
| DRAGON DEMON CHAOS | - | - | Omega Demon Chaos 130x, |
| | | | Must use on 8th hit of 1st trigger, |
| | | | to trigger ODC a 2nd time. |
| | | | Enemy must be able to withstand the |
| | | | whole barrage of hits. |
| Quasi Seal | - | - | Omega Seal 50x, |
| | | | Must use just as Reid slices the |
| | | | enemy in the air, plus it has to be |
| | | | the last enemy in the battlefield. |


SKF Farah


| Skills | Punch | Kick | Other, Skill Usages |
| PALM STRIKE | 2 | 1 | - |
| TRIPLE BLOSSOM | 1 | 2 | - |
| SONIC FIST | 5 | 2 | - |
| SWALLOW DANCE | 4 | 5 | - |
| HEALER | - | - | Regulus Dojo; Franco teaches you it |
| EAGLE DIVE (Mid-air) | 4 | 8 | - |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 
| DETOXIFY | - | - | Morle; Mazet teaches you it |
| MIRAGE | 15 | 15 | - |
 | LIFE | - | - | Farlos Sanctuary; Priest teaches you| 
|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| BOOKMARK
| RISING DRAGON STRIKE | 8 | 4 | Sonic Fist 30x, |
| | | | Palm Strike 10x |
| DEATH BLOSSOM | 11 | 12 | Triple Blossom 80x, |
| | | | Eagle Dive 30x |
| TWIN PALM STRIKE | 10 | 8 | Palm Strike 60x, |
| | | | Rising Dragon Strike 30x |
| SUPER SONIC FIST | 18 | 6 | Sonic Fist 150 times |
| SUPER SWALLOW DANCE | 9 | 18 | Swallow Dance 150 times |
| EAGLE RAGE | 22 | 25 | Death Blossom 160x, |
| | | | Super Swallow Dance 100x |
| CHI | 22 | 14 | Super Sonic Fist 100x, |
| | | | Twin Palm Strike 100x |
| FATAL FURY | 30 | 30 | Chi 250x, |
| | | | Eagle Rage 250x |
| | | | (Skills AND Punch/Kick Lvls Maxed) |
| DEADLY FORCE | - | - | Farah; 1P slot for 300 total battles|




| Skills | (GPS), Location | Other |
| TOSS HAMMER | (184, 139), | Chat must be in your party. |
| | Celestia; | |
| | World Map | |
| ICE HAMMER | (120, 122), | Chat must be in your party. |
| | Inferia; Hideout 2| |
| ETERNAL HAMMER | (106, 112) | Chat must be in your party. |
| | (204, 98) | Need to visit Chat's Hut for an |
| | Celestia; | event then go to Aifread's Cavern|
| | Chat's Hut | for a quiz. |
| | Aifread's Cavern | |
| PARA BALL | (208, 108) | Chat must be in your party. |
| | Inferia; | Have to take a bath. |
| | Craymel Hot Spring| Need Aibird to have access. |




| Skills | (GPS), Location | Other |
| AIR BLADE | (36, 100), | Max must be in your party. |
| | Celestia; | After Seyfert Shrine. |
| | Port Peruti | Pink Miacis near the docks. |
| AQUA SPIRAL | (212, 53), | Max must be in your party. |
| | Celestia; | Must enter Shadow Cave ONCE. |
| | Port Tinnsia | Miacis at Gnome statue, northern |
| | | most screen of town.|
|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 
| RAGE LASER | (34, 63) | Max must be in your party. |
| | Celestia; | After Seyfert Observatory. |
| | Cape Fortress | Miacis at top part of screen. |
 | DARK LASER | (115, 70) | Max must be in your party. | 
| | Celestia; | After Regulus Knoll. | BOOKMARK
| | Luishka | Miacis near massive debris. |
| ELEMENTAL MASTER | (66, 152) | Max must be in your party. |
| | Celestia; | Aibird obtained. |
| | Jini | Canceler obtained nighttime Jini.|
| | | Outside Auction House. |


SKCY Craymels


*Spread Undines default LV 1
Acid Rain LV 12 + Gnome LV 5
xHeal Undine and Sylph both LV 1.
xNurse LV 14 + Celsius LV 1
Cure LV 22 + Maxwell LV 1
xRestore LV 25 + Rem LV 1
xRaise Dead LV 25 + Sekundes LV 1

Air Thrust Sylph default LV 1
*Cyclone LV20 + Shadow LV 9
Concetrate LV 6 + Effreet LV 9
xItem Plus LV 23 + Maxwell LV 10
xMedical + Sylph LV 26 + Rem LV 10 (learn ASAP makes Nurse etc recover more HP.)

Eruption Efreet default LV 1
Flame Wall LV 12 + Gnome LV 9 (useless.)
*Explode LV 15 + Volt LV 9
Sharpness LV 5 + Sylph LV 7

Stalagmite Gnome default LV 1
*Ground Dasher LV 21 + Shadow LV 10
xMental Charge 5 + Sylph LV 11
xLife Rescue LV 24 + Rem LV 10
xMental Supply LV 25 + Maxwell LV 20

Freeze Lancer Celsius default LV 1
xBlizzard LV 12 + Sylph LV 16
*Absolute LV 14 + Volt LV 12
Resist LV 10 + Gnome LV 11
xFreeze Guard LV 14 + Efreet LV 14

Thunder Blade Volt default LV 1
*Indignation LV 22 + Rem LV 10
xRecover LV 6 + Gnome LV 11
Charge LV 5 + Sylph LV 15 (totally useless to cast even after learning it.)
xStun Guard LV 10 + Undine LV 19

xDark Force Shadow default LV 1
*Bloody Howl LV 28 + Sekundes LV 18 (not really worth it.)
Deep Mist LV 5 + Undine LV 19 (useless since it never really works on
boss's/strong monsters)
xBarrier LV 5 + Volt LV 15

Ray Rem Default LV 1
*Holy Lance LV 21 + Maxwell LV 24
Holy Bliss LV 15 + Effreet LV 24 (OK but Life Rescue is kind of better since
you don't have to cast that unlike this spell)
xHealth+ LV 10 + Shadow LV 21

Elemental (Maxwell):
Meteor Swarm Maxwell default LV 1 
*Shooting Star both Maxwell and Sekundes at LV 26 (a pain in the ass to learn
but once you learn this all other attacking spells tend to be useless)
xPoison Guard LV 10 + Shadow LV 17 (learn ASAP)
xLife Up LV 10 + Celsius LV 22 (sucks since of how late you get it but the only
 way to increase HP at LV up without items that do so, Mental up does the same 

*Distortion Sekundes default LV 1.
Stagnation LV 2 + Celsius LV 30
Delay LV 20 + Gnome LV 30 (sucks eternal sword has a similar effect when using
physical attacks)
Drain Guard LV 10 + Rem LV 11 (sucks but only worth it if you have both Rem and
Sekundes but didn't enter shadows cave yet)
xMental Up LV 20 + Efreet LV 24 (see Life Up but for TP.)

* = the strongest spell of that element/summon, x = should/must have spells but

are far from needed (but may not be possible) to learn all

Since Heal (Undine + Sylph) and Blizzard (Sylph + Celcius). So if Blizzard is

usable by Keel you will remove Heal from Meredy's spell list if she did know
this spell (which is OK since once she gets Restore/Nurse heal will start to

VeghEsther's Craymel set-up:



Assuming all 10 are at LV 30 in above setup you Meredy will get most healing
spells and a few attack spells. Keele mostly attack spells.

For both mostly the best attack spells save Ground Dasher (Gnome + Shadow) but
it sucks anyways. Meredy won't learn Cure (Maxwell + Undine) but it sucks.

Above should give you: attack spell wise at least:

Keele: Absolute, Holy Lance, Explode, Distortion (sucks though,) and Cyclone.
Meredy: Indignation, Meteor Swarm, Dark Force, Stalagmite, Shooting Star.

Healing: Heal, Nurse, Restore (I think,) Raise Dead.

So once you have all 10 craymels at max LV 30 I suggest you list these as a
good craymel setup for both in the faq.

However Freeze stun and Poison Guard will be needed against the final boss
but try not to disable all the good spells listed above when doing so
(hardcore mode only). Normal mode only Stun guard is really neeeded.


SKEXT Skill Extensions


R e i d

Omega Demon Chaos -> Dragon Demon Chaos

Omega Demon Chaos 130 uses.
Use ODC again on 8th hit of 1st trigger, to trigger ODC a 2nd time, only it
will extend into a special attack Dragon Demon Chaos. The enemy must be able
to withstand the whole barrage of hits.

While the monsters must meet the low HP requirements for Dragon Demon Chaos,
both Maxwell and the Fakes can survive Dragon Demon Chaos.

Please note, to never use DDC on Cress or Reid will die instantly if he 
attempts it then.. -and that applies to all difficulties.
Rising Phoenix -> Burning Phoenix
 --------------------------------- 
Rising Phoenix 250 uses. BOOKMARK
As Reid approaches enemy in phoenix form, trigger Rising Phoenix a 2nd time.

Omega Seal -> Quasi Seal

Omega Seal 50 uses.
Must use just as Reid slices the enemy in the air, plus it has to be
the last enemy in the battlefield. Doesn't work on heavy or wind-type enemies.
Note that, the monsters can have a max HP of less then 20,000 and Quasi Seal
will still work.

F a r a h

Chi -> Maximum Burst

Chi 300 uses and Fatal Fury 60 uses.
Pefrom Chi a second time as Farah hits with charged-up attack.

Deadly Force -> Flame Dance

Use Deadly Force. The screen will turn black and the background music will stop.
While the screen is still black, run to your opponent and punch it two times,
then, perform a rising skill (like Swallow Dance) link it with a diving skill
(like Eagle Dive). If the enemy is still alive Flame Dance will be used.

T e a m S k i l l E x t e n s i o n s

Flame Sword
Reid:Demon Hammer +
Keele:Fireball (defualt spell)

Lightning Strike
Farah:Palm (NOT twin) Strike +
Meredy/Keele:Thunder Blade (Volt's default

Serpent Knuckle
Farah:Rising Dragon Strike +
Meredy/Keele:Heal (Undine + Sylph fringe)

Earth Divide
Reid:Spiral Attack +
Meredy/Keele:Cyclone (Sylph LV 20 + Shadow LV 9)

Simply shortcut cast the other persons' spell and hold down the shortcut key
then move Reid/Farah within range of their spell casting circle and trigger the

C r a y m e l S p e l l E x t e n s i o n s

Summon Arche
Maxwell at max LV30 and Full Vitality on Manual/SemiAuto mode, cast Shooting
Star and you can control Arche while the spell is in effect. Meredy or Keele.

Indignation against Sekundes

At 1/2(normal), 1/3(hard) and 1/4(hardcore) HP, cast that spell for a 1 hit
kill against Sekundes, if it connects and it only works in this battle.
Indignation extension can be used by either Meredy and Keel and the caster can
be on Auto mode to use it.

Spread -> Maelstrom 

Undine lvl 15, caster (either Meredy or Keele) must have greater than 0% Water
Resistance, then it's automatic usage. Undine's Vitality greater than 9 is
needed (take away 1 vitality for every extra 10% Water resisteance the caster
 has). 
Watercloud = 50% water resistance and equip it to make Maelstrom easier to BOOKMARK
trigger (at Undine Vitality LV's above 5.) Yes it can stack with another
Watercloud or even a Poison Charm for water resistance same with Barrier Ring
or Resist Ring and Pershia Boots.

M a x w e l l E x t e n s i o n s

Without any technical jargon, here's what you need to do to perform a successful
full-set of Maxwell extensions:

You must be in the 2nd playthrough (or have cheated to get Hardcore mode
available). You then need to set the game for at least one battle to Hardcore.
Win a battle in Hardcore (then you can reset the difficulty to normal if you
want), to activate Maxwell Extensions.

Equip Meredy (or Keele, whoever has Maxwell), with the Derris Emblem (you get it
after defeating Sekundes), and a Mental Ring (you should have one). You need to
set the craymel mage (Meredy/Keele) to the first slot, so they become the
controlling character in battle.

Maxwell must be set to a normal skill button, not a shortcut key. Also note
that the extensions don't work on all enemies, though it does on most. If all
enemies die during any extension, you cannot continue doing the rest after that


1. Summon Maxwell. While this is in effect, hold <- + SQUARE until Dual the Sol
is executed.
2. While Dual the Sol is in effect, hold CIRCLE until Eternity Swarm is
3. While Eternity Swarm is in effect, hold X until Prismic Stars is executed.
4. While Prismic Stars is in effect, hold TRIANGLE until Shining Gate is
5. While Shining Gate is in effect, hold SQUARE until Explosion Nova is
6. While Explosion Nova is in effect, hold TRIANGLE + CIRCLE until
Maxwell Minimus is executed.
7. While Maxwell Minimus is in effect, hold SQUARE + X + CIRCLE until
Dimension Material is executed.
8. While Dimension Material is in effect, hold SQUARE + X + CIRCLE + TRIANGLE
until the enemy freezes a bit and Blue Earth will be executed.

Note that Blue Earth will only be executed if you have the Derris Emblem
equipped and enough TP (hence you need the Mental Ring's regenerating feature.

Blue Earth does not do damage, rather, it restores your party's HP and TP by
about 2000HP and 200TP multiply 5 times each and revives any fainted
characters. It will give you 100,000EXP after battle (on top of the normal EXP
from the enemies).


Inferia Cooking:

Hamburger: Plant in Minche University Cafeteria 15% HP restoration.

Sandwhich: Rasheans House next door to Farahs I think piggy bank 30% HP.

Seafood Pasta: Chambad Bistro Wine Bottle in the restaurant (where the cooking
contest is) 60% HP

Fruit Juice: Mayers House in Morle Treasure chest on 2nd floor 10% TP

Garden Salad: Morle Food Shop Pumpking 20% TP

Softcake: Inferia Playhouse check 1 of the 2 plants (the other has a lens)
40% TP 

Calamari: Barole Port check the crate (a lens is hidden in the same area)
15% HP and removes poison.

 Steak: Barole Bar 2nd floor talk to the man their on the rooftop 15% HP and 
removes stun/paralyze BOOKMARK

Beef Stew: Regula's Dojo Inn check the pot 15% HP and attack up increase for 1

Fish Stew: Inferia Ship Chandler (where you would go to put a item etc shop for
the Van Elta) anchor 15 HP + Physical defense up increase 1 battle only.

Omelette: Rasheans Shop Suit of Armor cures all negative stats (this includes
dead party members.)

Pot Pie: Baron Inn Bed 15% HP + accuracy up for 1 battle.

Carbonara: Chambard Inn Top Right Bed 60% HP and 40% TP

Cream Stew: Inferia ports Inn (town after Forest of Tempation is completed,)
60% HP + removes all negatve stats (dead party members included)


Celestia Cooking:
Honey Ramen: Chats hut Clock on Wall 15% HP can get even whe you get thrown
into the 8 floor dungeon below her hideout I think.

Broiled Sandwich: Tinsea Ship Chandler Pink Miacis statue 30% HP

Cold Noodles: Peruti (post Celsius Battle) Black Statue 60% HP

Fruit Cocktail: Imen Library Big Open Book (must do before going to Lushika 1st
time else once Hyades destroys the town you will NEVER get this one,) 10% TP.

Spicy Shrimp: Peruit Fish Shop Barrel (must get before beating Celsius else its
another you can never get at all one,) 20% TP

Sweet Parfait: Tinnsea Hotel Lobby Left corner (stuffed bird) 40% TP

Hot Borsch: Lushika after talking to Galenos Wooden Box, 30% HP + Cure
Infirmity (which = whatever remedy bottles cure I think.)

Bitter Tofu: Lushila after talking to Galenos 1st floor Bedroom Green trashcan,
10% TP + Physical defense up 1 battle.

Hot Pot: Jini Casino Bottom Slot machine 10% TP + attack up 1 battle

Chili Potato : Jini Auction House Top corner (picture frame,) 10% TP +
resistance up 1 battle

Sushi: Peruti Inn snowman (must get with the Spicy Shrimp dish else its another
one you can never get,) 10% TP + Accuracy up 1 battle.

Hot Curry: Jini Bookstore Frog, 60% HP + 40% TP.

Sweet Rice: Imen Meredy's House after Farah wakes up (Robot) must get with the
Fruit Cocktail since once Imen gets destroyed both it and this dish can never
be gotten, 60% HP removes all negative stats (dead party members included.)


Master the following:

Fruit Sandwhich: Sandwhich + Soft Cake + Fruit Cocktail 100% HP and TP (get

Nutrition Drink: Steak + Fruit Juice + Garden Salad 100% TP + cures poison get
ASAP (it makes getting the requirements to trigger Dragon Demon Chaos and
Burning Phoenix hi ougis of Omega Demon Chaos and Rising Phoenix way easier)
same with Farah and Fatal Fury.

Power Noodles: Hamburger + Honey Ramen + Broiled Sandwich 100% HP + Cure

infirmity (what ever remedy bottles cures I think.)

Seafood Stew: Beef Stew + Fish Stew + Hot Pot 100% HP/TP removes all status
effects (dead party members included.)

Potato Casserole: Chili Potato + Omelette + Pot Pie max HP +1 increase

(permanent but useless.)

Mabo Curry: Sweet Rice + Bitter Tofu + Hot Curry + Sweet Parfait max TP + 1
increase (permanent but useless.)
Spicy Soup Hot Borsch + Cold Noodles + Seafood Pasta 30% HP + attack up 1 battle
 Tuna 
Paella: Master all up to Sweet Rice 30% HP and both attack/defense up 1 BOOKMARK

Dark Pot: Random effects, Random items needed to cook it and you start the game
with it.

Most items Chambard in Inferia and Tinsea in Celestia carry most if not all the
store bought items needed to cook them. Or buy the Item shop upgrade for most
items (and by the rest in Chambard/Tinsea.)

But Purple Satay can only be bought it Katz Village (nearest Gnome mines
AirBird required and only 1 at a time) or buy from 1 Gnome in Gnome mines
(where the save point is 1 room before you fought Gnome)

Master = 5 stars under the party members pictures in the cooking menu. You can
only cook 1 time after a battle but if the character fails to create the dish
you can use the cook command till they succeed.

Usually takes around 15 + total tries to master any dish.



These are the items you'll get by talking to Irene in Chambard(Inferia) &

10 -> Combo Command

20 -> Inferi Cape
30 -> Celesti Cape
40 -> Extreme
50 -> Krona Symbol
60 -> The title of "Lens Hunter" for Reid

Far Away Village, Rasheans
Search the yellow box at the basement of Reid's house

Far Away Village, Rasheans
Search the door of the abandoned windmill, first screen from the entrance
(opposite the general store)

Regulus Dojo
Search the thing next to the vase inside the far right room at the dojo

Regulus Dojo
Search the table inside the second room from the right at the dojo

Town of Academia, Mintche
Search the left tree near the two girls who play mini-game Craymel Ball

Mt. Mintche Observatory
Search the box at the bottom left of the screen

Town of Academia, Mintche
Search the machine inside Water Craymel Laboratory, second floor of Mintche

Nostos Cave
Search the wood inside the cave two screens above from the dead man and three

Treetop Village, Morle
Search the fireplace of Mazet's house 

Undine Stream
Search the the hidden tree near the shallow water at the first screen
 Lens(#11) 
Forest of Temptation
Search the root behind the middle statue(Great Deity)

Inferia City
Search the plant near the stairs inside Imperial Playhouse

Inferia City
Search the drawer beside the bed inside the guest's room of Inferia Castle

Inferia City
Search the paper south of the telescope inside Observation Room, fifth floor of
Royal Observatory of Astronomy

Port of Inferia
Search the barrel near the ship which go to Port Barole

Port Barole
Search the box near the stairs

City of Trade, Barole
Search the gold vase near the entrance of Shop of Desire

Sylph Cavern
At the area with three routes and the middle route will make you fall down to
the bottom search the right edge of the screen

Inferia World Map
A little south west from Sylph Cavern, go to the bottom left edge of this

City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
Search the horse statue behind the Balloon Master

City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
Search the table at the second floor of Chambard Bistro

Inferia World Map
Go to northwest of Chambard to an island then go to the left edge of this island

Efreet Gorge
Get from the chest inside the bottom door in the area with three doors

Rasheans Forest
Search the back of the left most broken piece of Meredy's ship

Inferia World Map
Choose the 2nd class of the ship ride and search the jars in the room next to
your room

Farlos Sanctuary
Search the wardrobe inside the bedroom, the left room inside the sanctuary

Mt. Farlos
Search the stonepile to the left at the peak of the mountain

Cape Fortress
Search to the right of the stairs outside the hut

City of Craymel, Imen
Search the glass table at the living room of Meredy's house

 Lens(#30) 
Gnome's Village BOOKMARK
Search the lower left of Gnome's Village, with the gnome that says pooooo!

Chat's Hut
Search the box below the stove inside the furthest left room at Basement
Level 4

Chat's Hut
Search the crate above the vegetable crate inside the furthest right door at
Basemenet Level 1

Van Eltia
Search the engine from the upper left screen in the Machine Room of Van Eltia

Mt. Celsius
Search the snowpile where you fell down and where you can get Sage, Battle Pick
and Miracle Gel

Port City, Peruti
Search the tree at upper left screen

Port City, Peruti
Search the crab-cart

City of Craymel, Imen (destroyed)
In the weapon shop, search the broken glass table in the corner

City of Artisans, Tinnsia
Search the Gnome statue in the top-right most screen of town; just below the
weapon shop

Shileska's Hideout
Search the chest inside Max's office; once Max joins you

Ruins of Volt
Search the stone tablet at the first screen where you can see three doors

Balir's Castle
Search the barrel at Balir Castle Port

Balir's Castle
Get from the chest at the right wing tower

Seyfert Shrine
Search the right light bulb

Celestia World Map
Area between two mountains at the end of the stream that runs north of Jini

Aifread's Cavern
Search the crate near the entrance

Aifread's Cavern
In the room where you can find Aifread's statue, search the anchor

Van Eltia (remodelled)
Search the barrel at Viewing Deck

Van Eltia (remodelled)
Search the left submarine with green glass

 Lens(#49) 
City of Joy, Jini BOOKMARK
Search the slot machine at Casino & Exchange

City of Joy, Jini
Search the upper right heater of Dance Hall

City of Joy, Jini
Search the table at upper right corner of Auction Hall

Aifread's Platform
Search the middle panel

Inferia World Map
In Hideout 3, search the plant left of entering the screen with the chests

Shadow Cave
Search the upper right passage (of the leftern cave of the last three caves)
near the end of the dungeon

Tomb of Aifread
Search the box at left of screen (at Oriental section) near the bridge where
you will be attacked

Craymel Hot Spring
Examine the hot water tank to the left upon entering

Craymel Hot Spring
Examine the mirror in the room left of the counter

Inferia World Map
GPS (160, 130), hidden area just soouth of Undine stream, enclosed in mountains

Katz Village
Examine the jars at the base of ladder in the blue hut

Katz Village
Examine the random stuff to the left of the sink, in the pink hut


You can use Rune Bottle to transform items into something better or equal.

------ -----
------ -----
Apple Gel Lemon Gel
Aqua Cape Thunder Cape
Bellebane Lavender
Black Onyx Moon Crystal
Blue Talisman Warrior Symbol
Charm Bottle Miracle Charm
Combo Command Step Ring
Dark Bottle Holy Bottle
Earth Shard Earth Crystal
Elven Cape Smash Cape
Faerie Ring Mystic Symbol
Fire Shard Fire Crystal
Flare Cape Aqua Cape
Force Ring Reflect Ring 
Heal Bracelet Mental Bracelet
Holy Bottle Dark Bottle
Holy Symbol Mental Ring
Lavender Bellebane
 Lemon Gel Pine Gel 
Light Shard Light Crystal BOOKMARK
Melange Gel Miracle Gel
Mental Bracelet Heal Bracelet
Mental Ring Holy Symbol
Miracle Gel Elixir
Moon Crystal Black Onyx
Mystic Symbol Faerie Ring
Orange Gel Pine Gel
Panacea Bottle Life Bottle
Pine Gel Lemon Gel
Protect Ring Resist Ring
Red Sage Red Savory
Red Savory Red Sage
Reflect Ring Force Ring
Resist Ring Protect Ring
Reverse Doll Sephira
Sage Savory
Savory Sage
Sephira Reverse Doll
Shadow Shard Shadow Crystal
Smash Cape Elven Cape
Snow Shard Snow Crystal
Step Ring Combo Command
Technical Ring Step Ring
Thief's Cape Elven Cape
Thunder Cape Flare Cape
Tuna Tuna Gel
Volt Shard Volt Crystal
Water Shard Water Crystal
Wind Shard Wind Crystal


The game has many side quests many of which cannot be done in one go, but rather
over the course of the game. Here they are in the order you encounter them.

Katrine & Pierre

You can find them at these places :

- The place where you can play mini-game Craymel Ball at Town of Academia,
- Treetop, the house beside Morle Inn at Treetop Village, Morle
- Barole Bookstore at City of Trade, Barole
- Cafetaria if you take first class shipride
- Bikini at City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
- Scaroni Grill at City of Trade, Barole

All the above you can do when you first visit that place, apart from the last
one, which needs to be done right near the end of the game.. -around the point
when you get the Aibird.

Grip Sword
You can start and finish this sidequest right after you defeat Efreet.

1. Talk to the old man in front of Arena in Inferia City.. -left one screen
upon entering the city.
2. Talk to the woman in the middle screen in front of Seyfert Sanctuary..
-up one screen upon entering the city.
3. Talk to the man up the stairs inside Imperial Playhouse.. -right one screen
from last place.
4. Talk to the guy at upper right screen in the place where you can see Inferia
Hotel.. -right upon entering the city.
5. Talk to the soldier inside the Arena at Area 3 in front of the left lady..
-left from entrance to the city.
6. Talk again to the old man in front of the arena.. -the first person that you 
spoke to to start this sidequest.
You will get Smash Cape for the reward.

 -------------- 
Ticket Puncher
You can start and finish this sidequest right about the point when you have
access to the Aifish and therefore Shadow's Cave.

To get this side quest, go to Luishka Station and talk to the conductor. He
will asked for your help to get his Ticket Puncher at Imen Station. So go to
Imen Station and talk to the conductor here. He will say the location in
Melnics language. To understand this word go to the Library of City of Craymel,
Imen. Choose the characters of this order : 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2. The word is
Bonsai. Keele will search the Bonsai in the library and you will get Ticket
Puncher. Now go back to Luishka Station and talk to the conductor again. You
will get a Sephira for your hard work.

Last Fencer
You can start and finish this sidequest right after you've beaten Rem, the

Having got the Ribavius Ore from Regulus Knoll:

Talk to Zosimos at Balir Castle; courtyard and he will mention that Ribavius
Ore is a good material to make a weapon. Then go to City of Craymel, Imen
and talk to Sagura.. -at the top most screen of town, enter the weapon shop.
After that go in and out the city for five times and you will get Last Fencer
from Sagura.

You can start this sidequest after acquiring the Aifish, and having access to
Inferia having been in Celestia for a large part of the game. But note that
you can only finish this quest once you have the Aibird (near the end of the
game), to reach Craymel Hot Springs.

The ingredients for Banrea are :

- Firewood Bugs -> search the firewood at camp point inside Nostos Cave
- Goat Horn -> defeat Falsea Horns in Mt. Farlos
- Dried Peels -> bring 15 Kirimas and pay 600 Gald to take a hot bath at
Craymel Hot Spring, TWICE.

Now go back to Rasheans and talk to the old man in front of the barn. He will
brew the ingredients and you will get Banrea. Now go to the Elder's house. He
will give you Wind Bell for the reward.

You have access to this sidequest much earlier in the game than you can finish
it. You will first come across her when you return to Peruti town from Mt.
Celsius. But you can only do the last three steps once you have gotten the

Lesitia is a painter and Max's wife. She travels all the world to make a

You can find her at these places :

- Peruti Port -> right after acquiring Celsius.
- Tinnsia -> first time you come here.
- Cape Fortress -> Once you've acquired the Aibird
- Luishka -> Once you've acquired the Aibird
- Jini at night -> Once you've acquired the Aibird

Note also that for all those to occur you cannot have Max in your party.. -the
first two are ok, since you don't have access to Max at that point anyway, but
the last three have to wait until you don't have access to Max, or just wait
till near the end of the game when you gain access to the Aibird and you can
just selectively kick Max out of the team, by visiting his room in the Shileska
Hideout at Tinnsia.

You will get Canceller from Lesitia.
 Dark Wings 
---------- BOOKMARK
This can only be done right near the end of the game when you've acquired the

Dark Wings is a group like Shileska but they are not famous like Shileska and
lack of people. They are travelling all the world to get followers.

Dark Wings are consist of 3 peoples; they are:

- The Dark Panther, John
- The Dark Rose, Millie
- The Dark Dragon King, Grid

You can find them at these places:

- City of Joy, Jini -> Jini Hotel
- Efreet Gorge -> the fourth screen from the entrance
- Forest of Temptation -> the screen with 5 Deity
- Sylph Cavern -> guard post
- Inferia City -> Imperial Playhouse

Van Eltia
Yes this is a sidequest as well. It can be first started when you've gained
access to the Aifish (or maybe just earlier).. -but due to the crazy prices
you need to complete this sidequest I decide to leave it until the last
section, Shizel Castle, where enemies dish out Gald like it's free, and with
a Sephira equipped you can get double the amount the enemies drop.. -thus in
my opinion the easiest way to do it is then.

As you progress in the game, you'll acquire a ship, the Van Eltia. You can
travel the sea all over the world. This ship is owned by Chat, the
granddaughter of Aifread, the famous pirate. And later in the game you will
upgrade Van Eltia, this time you can use Aifish to travel underwater all over
the world. You will upgrade the ship at Aifread Cavern.

Later in the game after you activate the Bridge of Expedition, you can find
Aifread Statue in Orbus Relay Station. There are 2 slots beside the statue to
put Light Sphere and Dark Sphere. You can get Light Sphere at Aifread Tomb and
Dark Sphere at Shizel Castle. Look at my walkthrough for more details. You can
upgrade Van Eltia after you put both spheres at Aifread Statue. The upgraded
Van Eltia will have Aibird, with this you can access all the places in the world
where before you couldn't.

You can fill the empty cabins with something useful if you go to Ship Chandler
in Tinnsia(Celestia) and Angler in Port of Inferia(Inferia).

The Ship Chandler in Tinnsia has these options :

1. Empty Cabin - 170,000 Gald
2. Shop - 300,000 Gald
3. Inn - 900,000 Gald
4. Warp Station - 1,800,000 Gald

The Angler in Inferia Port has these options :

1. Empty Cabin - 170,000 Gald
2. Infirmary - 1,000,000 Gald
3. Inn - 300,000 Gald
4. Game Room - 800,000 Gald

I tend to just leave this sidequest as there is no point in it, unless you want
to do it earlier on, as by the time I suggest you do it (the last section of the
game), you don't really need those upgrades to your ship.


You have access to the first mini-game 20mins into the game.
Mini-Game 1: River Rafting /
/ 
Steering is done with the D-pad while you can accelerate with X. /
You should avoid accelerating altogether, and note that you should /
HOLD left or right on the D-pad to navigate better against the current./
 
You will get access to this mini-game the first time you reach Mintche.
Mini-Game 2: Craymel Ball /
Listen to the rules, choose Normal Match, then choose a character of /
your choice to play with. None are handicapped, so choose anyone. /
The game has you facing, the two girls you spoke to, in a square /
field, with a rainbow ball rolling around. The idea is to get her hit /
by the ball. The ball changes colour (the aura underneath it) somewhat /
randomly. Pick up crystals randomly littered about the field to change /
your colour as she will be doing the same. When the ball aura colour /
is the same as yours you can use X to send shock waves, forcing the /
ball her way. She will be trying to do the same so be on your toes and /
check the colour of your character, the ball as well as hers. Be /
patient, don't rush into things.. -sometimes they get hit by their own /
mistakes. /
Round 1 /
------- /
Pick up a crystal and walk around behind the ball. Be careful so that /
the ball doesn't change colour and be attracted to you. Just follow it /
carefully and not too close, and when the time (and colour) seems /
right press X to force it her way. Be very vigilante with regards to /
the colours and you should be fine. /
Round 2 /
------- /
She moves around a bit more now, that's what makes you have to move a /
lot more too. Just follow the same tactics as before, and if you want /
to be sneaky, stand close to her most of the time unless you wana /
press X to send the ball her way. She seems to not want to hit you /
when you're near her. Watch those colour changes, and you should be /
okay. /
Round 3 /
------- /
This time you'll really have to be at the edge of your seat to have /
any chance of winning. Stay real close to her.. and wait for her to /
aim the ball your way, but since you'll be next to her, move out of /
the way in good time to avoid it and let her get hit. Pick up the /
relevant crystals to change your colour accordingly to the ball and /
her. This round is deadly! /
Good luck! /

You will get access to this mini-game the first time you reach Imen Station.
Mini-Game 3: Craymel Express /
This game may be tough for a while, but follow these and you'll master /
it real quick. Leave the brakes at 0 for a long, long while. Once you /
hit 300 on the Brake Power (the BIGGER number), increase the level to /
1. /
Once you hear Meredy shout that she sees it, increase it to 2. Once you/
can actually see the little building which represents the stop, slowly /
increase it to 3, 4, and then 5. Meredy will hop out and give the /
letter to the person. There are a total of four stops, but follow this /
strategy and you should do fine. For some laughs, just do poorly. /

Just after the Craymel Express mini-game above you have access to this one as
part of the story.
Mini-Game 4: Abandoned Mine /
Really easy! Soon as your see the enemy appear Press X. You'll get /
them everytime. ANY later or even sooner and you'll miss or just catch /
the rear carriages of it's train. You'll actually WANT to battle more / 
than a few times so you can scan the Hard Horn enemies and for some /
nice EXP (especially with high comboing). /

 You 
will get access to this mini-game the first time you reach a resting screen BOOKMARK
in Mine of Gnome. You then have the cards in your Valuable menu, which you can
access any time you want.
Mini-Game 5: WHIS /
Left/Right: Select a card, /
X: Put down a card, /
O: Pass, /
Triangle: End Game /
Play the card with matching elements. You win if you use up all your /
cards. You lose if you have more than 15 cards in your hands. The /
player with the highest score after 5 rounds is declared the winner. /
The idea is to match the elements (i.e. fire, water, wind.. etc) and /
use up your cards. A boring game if you ask me. /
Just for trying it Meredy bestows the WHIS upon you.. (a valuable /
item).. -which means you can play this game any time you want. /

You will get access to this mini-game the first time you reach Tinnsia.
Mini-Game 6: Sushi /
White plates are worth 100 points, red are 300 and gold are 800. /
As you eat the gauge fills up. Press O when the gauge is really high. /
You need a total of over 4300 points to beat Kong the Man. /

You will get access to this mini-game the second time you come to Tinnsia,
having beaten Volt, the Craymel.
Mini-Game 7: Sea Battle /
Left/Right: Rotate, /
X: Charge. Press again to fire, /
O: Press while charging to accelerate, /
Triangle: Switch View, /
Square: Support Fire /
This is such an easy mini-game. Press X once to charge the cannon, aim /
at the enemy and press it again to shoot them. Press Square to call in /
reinforcements (when they're ready) to take out a couple of ships. The /
enemies drop mines, so be careful about that. /
After defeating the entire enemy fleet, you'll then shoot down the /
shields surrounding Balir Castle. /

First time you're in Jini, you can access this mini-game.

Mini-Game 8: Dance /
You have to keep your character in the spotlight, as stepping out loses/
you points. /
It's difficult at first but, after a few tries you get the hang of it. /
You'll have to beat a time record (which isn't mentioned) to win a /
title for Meredy.. -but I haven't done it so I don't know what the time/
or the title is. /

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Mintche Exams 
------------- BOOKMARK
You have access to the Beginner's test the first time you visit Mintche. The
Intermediate and Expert can only be taken after you have access to Inferia
having been in Celestia for a large portion of the game.. -thus when you have
access to the Aibird, so you can come back to Inferia.

Namco Questionnaire - BEGINNER /
What colour are the eyes of Pac-Man? /
Black /
What is the name of the sea dragon that gave Philia a ride? /
Bernardo /
Which one of these titles was not produced by Namco? /
Fighting Calibur/Tales of Dragon /
Of the 7 Generals of Seinegald, who was the only female General? /
Melina /
Which one of these is not a Namco arcade hit? /
Dragon Valor /
Which character does not belong in the list? /
Stahn Aileron /
Why did Alba request for Chelsea to return? /
Sew buttons on his pants /
What is Philia's rank at Straylize temple? /
Priestess /
Which game does not belong on the list? /
Air Combat/Target Zone /
Who stirred up hatred in Junkland? /
Philia /
Who is Stahn's sister? /
Lilith /
What happened to Marian in Mikhail? /
Escaped in the lower pod /
Of the many shops that migrated from Darilshield to Radisrol, which /
was the first to settle? /
Inn /
What does Rembrandt of Mikhail often say? /
Hee, hee! /
What color is the ribbon on the head of Ms. Pac-Man? /
Pink /
What item is needed at the Frozen River north of Snowfria? /
Fur Cape /
At Cloudius, what does Baruk reveal about his intentions for the world?/
Reduce the world to zero /
Which game was not featured in Namco Museum Volume 3? /
Klonoa/Mr. Driller /
What color are the eyes of Ms. Pac-Man? /
Black /
Which one of these does not belong on the list? /
Target Zone/Air Combat /
What is the name of the navy that resides in Aquaveil? /
Black Cross Navy /
What is the name of the bio-alloy found at Trash Mountain? /
Belselium / 
To where below the anti-grav elevator of Radisrol linked? /
Darilshield /
 In the castle, what item possessed by Stahn's party was used as a / 
homing beacon? / BOOKMARK
Tiara /
Which character is the official mascot of Namco? /
Pac-Man /
How many doors in the Hidden Temple can be unlocked with a Swordian? /
3 /
When Karyl appeared in Moreau, she said People call me OO. /
Blue Lightning /
Which game is not featured in Namco Museum Volume 3? /
Klonoa/Mr. Driller /
What is the mini-game played at Cherik? /
Tag /
Get everything right and Chelsea will give you a Melange Gel and the title of /
"Namco Teacher". /

Namco Questionnaire - INTERMMEDIATE /
Name the artist who designed the characters in Tales of Destiny. /
Mutsumi Inomata /
How many bikes and riders are featured on the cover of the MotoGP /
instruction manual? /
3 bikes, 3 riders /
Who is the bad guy in Time Crisis 2? /
Ernest Diaz /
((123+200) * 2 + 123) - 4 = ? /
765 /
Which character has the biggest ears? /
Klonoa /
Members of the Dark Wings are John 'The Beast', Whirlwind Milly, and /
Grid the -------. /
Omnipotent /
What is the name of the heavily wooded aeropolis? /
Cloudius /
After the fall of Belcrant, what can you play after winning 5 times /
in the Arena? /
Ghost Hunt /
Which game title is correct? /
Cyber Sled /
Which Namco character performs the Rising Impale? /
Clovis Barclay /
In Tekken 3, who's death did Jin Kazama wish to avenge? /
Mother /
What is Mr. Driller's tool of choice? /
Jackhammer /
In which game would you burn rubber on a real racing circuit? /
MotoGP /
What did Alba give Stahn when he returned with Chelsea from the /
mountain? /
Melange Gel /
In a bar at Janos, a stranger says 'Let's make a toast to your /
beautfiul ----------'. / 
Sparkling Eyes /
What is embroidered on Klonoa's hat? /
Pac-Man /
 / 
Which game was not featured in Namco Museum Vol. 1? / BOOKMARK
Dig-Dug /
What is the name of the player's ship in Xevious? /
Solvalou /
Which one of these cars was not featured in Ridge Racer V? /
Ziblant XS /
What is Mary's specialty dish? /
Beast Meat Supreme /
Which Doctor does not work for Namco? /
Dr. Right /
Symphony, Samba, March and Rambo. These are the skills of which /
character? /
Karyl /
Who is Stahn's childhood friend? /
Rufus /
For whom did Karyl have feelings? /
Eleanor /
What did Chelsea cook for Alba when he feigned his illness? /
Risotto /
What is the name of aeropolis where the Antigrav Cruiser can be found? /
Mikheil /
In which game might you encounter Heaven and Hell? /
R4 /
Which fruit is Pac-Man most likely to eat? /
Cherry /
How many force fields are there in Straylize Shrine? /
5 /
For how long does the Neutralizer effective against the poison in /
Junkland? /
60 seconds /
Get everything right and Klarth will give you a Miracle Gel and the title of /
"Namco Professor". /

Namco Questionnaire - EXPERT /
Which one of these is a Namco game? /
Cutie Q, /
Warp & Warp /
Which one of these is NOT a Namco game? /
Pac-Man Ex, /
Lightning & Thunder, /
Pac-Sac, /
Blah Blah, /
Final Lap 1, /
Dragon Knight, /
Drag Racer, /
Pot Holes, /
World Kicks, /
Flip Flop, /
The End /
Which one of these is a Namco arcade hit? /
Jackpot2, /
Ninja Assault, /
Horse, / 
Pac-Man's Ticket Factory, /
Pinpoint Shot /
When was the original Tekken first released? /
 1994 / 
Which one of these is not a character from Dig Dug? /
Clyde /
Which ghost in Pac-Man is the color Orange? /
Blinky /
How many mazes were featured in the original Pac-Man game? /
1 /
Which ghost in Pac-Man is the color Pink? /
Pinky /
Cyber Sled is a game that takes place in the year -----. /
2067 /
The Tower of Druaga board game was released in the year ----. /
1985. /
What color is Mr. Driller's Helmet? /
Pink /
My name is Mappy. I am a -----. /
Mouse /
Which one of these is not a Tekken character? /
Hwang /
In MotoGp, you might call your 'ghost' a -----. /
Trail Image /
In which game might you find yourself in the Creepy Catabombs? /
Pac-Man World /
Get everything right and Clemente will give you a Combo Command and the title /
of "Namco Otaku". /

Arithmetic Contest
First time you go to Barole you have access to this sidequest, and you can play
it there after any time and as many times as you wish. You get Miracle Gels
everytime you win, as well as the Mathematician title for Reid the first time
you win.

Arithmetic Contest /
You get three piles of stones to pick from with each pile having a /
different number of stones. The idea is that you can pick one, two, or /
three stones on your turn, as you take turns.. -and the last one to /
take, wins. You can also cancel with Circle, but only on your turn. /
DO go first if: /
ONLY two piles, when divided by 4, have equal remainders/fractions. /
DON'T go first if: /
None of the three piles, when divided by 4, have equal remainders/ /
fractions. /
All three piles, when divided by 4, have equal remainders/fractions. /
If that sounds complicated (for you non maths people), try seeing how /
many 4's go into each pile fully and note the remainder.. -for example /
11, 10, 9.. 11/4 gives 8 plus remainder "3", 10/4 gives 8 plus /
remainder "2", 9/4 gives 8 plus remainder "1". So in this case you /
should let him play. While if you got the set of numbers that (when /
you did the division by 4) it gave you two (no more no less) same /
remainders then you should take that turn and make the pile that /
doesn't contribute to the two-same-remainder-piles and take from it /
enough to make it a fully divisible number by 4.. -e.g 4, 8, 12, 16.. /
etc. There on just keep taking opposite numbers from the same pile /
that your opponent takes.. -where opposites in this game are: 1 opp 3, / 
3 opp 1, and 2 opp 2. So if he takes 3 from pile one you take 1 from /
pile one.. and so on. Get the hang of getting him into that trap and /
you can win EVERY single time. I suggest you lose (should you get real /
good at it) on purpose a few times so that the level and number of /
 stones used lowers. / 
So the idea is to try and get your opponent in a situation where he has/
to make a move and has multiples of 4, on all three piles! /
You win the Mathematician title for Reid and a Lemon Gel the first /
time, and then after a Miracle Gel everytime. These can be sold for a /
very good some of money.. -more on that below. /
Play a few times until you get many Miracle Gels. /

Chamballoon /
The idea is to simply strike every balloon on the screen in a time /
limit. /
--------- /
1st Round - 4.83 sec, 4 balloons /
--------- /
Soon as it starts, press and hold UP on the d-pad, then press X once /
soon as he has hit the first balloon press X again (meanwhile you're /
never letting go of Up) and keep doing that for the rest. Easy 1st /
round. /
--------- /
2nd Round - 3.66 sec, 4 balloons /
--------- /
Again so easy, this is like testing your battle skills! Basically same /
thing as before hold up (on the d-pad all the time), while pressing XX /
and then XX again to each the second higher ones each time. /
--------- /
3rd Round - 6.00 sec, 4 balloons /
--------- /
Easiest round upto now! Hold up (as always), and slash, slash!! /
--------- /
4th Round - 7.00 sec, 6 balloons /
--------- /
A rough jump in difficulty! which can be made real easy if you realise /
that you've got your SKILLS at your disposal (I didn't realise this for/
ages). /
2 balloons are always separated to your right with the other 4 being to/
the far left. Jump slash and normal slash the two to your right, then /
perform any aerial skill like Demon Twist and you should get all three /
in the air, then run to the last one. /
--------- /
5th Round - 6.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
Just as easy as the last round, once you realise you can use skills, /
otherwise VERY, VERY HARD! /
8 balloons may sound much but you can take them out 4 at a time with a /
Demon Twist. So soon as it starts, perform two Demon Twists in a row to/
get all of them in like 3-4 seconds. /
Note that I mention Demon twist.. -this worked for me, you may have a /
better one or may not have this one.. so just use any other aerial /
skill that hits multiple times. /

Later when you come back to Inferia having been in Celestia for a large portion
of the game, you have access to this again, but a harder set of rounds this
Chamballoon /
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
It's proper hard now. /
 --------- / 
1st Round - 3.00 sec, 7 balloons / BOOKMARK
--------- /
Very difficult. Have Megasonic Thrust and Tempest strike on very /
familiar buttons. Keep holding RIGHT even before the round starts, soon/
as Reid begins walking perform Megasonic Thrust (be very quick.. soon /
as he turns to the right.. do it!), then as soon as he performs that /
keep pressing the button to perform Tempest Strike. If you pull off /
both skills quick enough, you'll do it in 2.83 or something like that. /
--------- /
2nd Round - 4.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
Nothing easy about this one either, but much easier than the 1st round./
You'll have to be quick with the first two balloons and then two Demon /
Twists should get the rest. /
Hold DOWN keep pressing X, soon as Reid starts moving, hold up and soon/
as he hits the first balloon strike X again (you should be holding up),/
so he flies to the one above, then perform a Demon Twist, and then /
another soon as he's on the ground. You should be able to get this one /
no problem. /
--------- /
3rd Round - 6.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
Got this one in 3.21 sec. Very easy.. -simply perform 3 Tempest /
Strikes in a row, but be quick about it, and make sure you're pressing /
the button(s) for it before even the round starts, so Reid jumps /
straight into it. /
--------- /
4th Round - 6.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
Too easy to be true. Again, three Tempest Strikes will get you a good /
time of around 3.23. /
--------- /
5th Round - 7.00 sec, 8 balloons /
--------- /
HARD! The idea is easy, but to pull it off isn't. Keep tapping X until /
Reid begins to move towards the first balloon (left).. -don't tap any /
more X until he starts running back to his initial position, but /
during that run tap X and soon as he hits the first balloon, perform a /
Demon Twist, hopefully landing on the shadow of the one at the very top/
of the screen, which you can only get with a UP+X attack, and ONLY by /
standing directly beneath it.. -also the UP is with the analogue stick!/
The last one is a simple Demon Twist soon as you fall to the ground /
from the previous one.. -or up+X (Up on the d-pad). /

Chambard Bistro
First time you come to Chambard you can compete in this cooking competition..
-though you can't finish the 3rd round until much later in the game.
Cooking Arena /
If you want to participate then you better train your cooking skills /
for it. You'll need to train Farah to cook after every battle, and give/
her the Omelette, Pot Pie and Seafood Pasta to make. Give them in turn /
and not all three at once, once she's mastered them, you can /
participate. /
Chambard Bistro is the buliding with a giant fork and spoon outside. /
Here, Farah can play an Iron Chef type game against the Tastemaster /
of Chambard. It costs 10000 Gald to enter, and if Farah wins then she /
will get new titles. You must pick four ingredients from four lists, /
and only one outcome of four ingredients is right. Here are the /
guests, who tell you which dish they want. Also here are the required /
ingredients. If you hope to win against the Tastemaster then Farah /
should max out the recipe she will be cooking (5 stars). Guests appear /
in this order every time. / 
Round 1: Gina /
Request: A tasty Omelette /
Ingredients: Onion, Rice, Lemon, Egg /
 Comment: The first time, you won't know what to do, but during her / 
conversation with the host she says something was added to her / BOOKMARK
Omelettes when she was a kid. Well, since the Onion, Rice, and Egg /
must be there to make an Omelette, the thing to add is in the third /
list. And the only thing that makes sense is the Lemon.. -zesty! /
Reward: Farah gets the title "3-Star Chef" /
Round 2: Franco /
Request: An energy-packed Pot Pie /
Ingredients: Kirima, Pasta, Egg, Cheese /
Comment: Before you can do this one successfully you must see a /
certain event. No matter how good you are you will NOT win the first /
time. So lose the first time, but keep Franco's story in mind. Head /
to Undine Stream, the place where he tasted the Pot Pie. Go all the /
way to the back, where you fought Undine, and you will see a wounded /
man. Carry him back to the beginning, and you will run into someone /
else who gives him something to eat. Now you can go back and win by /
choosing the above ingredients after maxing out Farah's Pot Pie /
cooking skills. /
Reward: Farah gets the title "Kitchen Star" /
Round 3: Galvani /
Request: An old-fashioned Seafood Pasta /
Ingredients: Shrimp, Snow Tomato, Pasta, Squid /
Comment: Again, you just can't waltz in expecting to win the first /
time. Once you've purchased a ticket, make Farah the main character /
of your party. Then walk into the shopping area in the Chambard Bistro /
building. Talk to the Tastemaster there. You will need a Snow Tomato as/
the extra ingredient. To get the Snow Tomato you will need to go to the/
exact place where you fought Celsius, but you need to go there much /
later in the game. /
Reward: Farah gets the title "Warrior Chef" /


New Game+ Rewards


After you beat the last boss and the credits roll, you will be asked to save.
Create a new save file, and when you start it, you will start a new game, but
your save file will have a star next to it, and you'll have access to more

Unlockable How to Unlock

All camp/help skits Go into the Customize menu of a new game+ file
All cutscenes Go into the Customize menu of a new game+ file
All dialogue Go into the Customize menu of a new game+ file
Nereid's Labyrinth Dungeon In a New Game+ file, go to the Orbus Barrier to
find a new dungeon

To access these, open Customize menu, then Sound Volume > Sound Test.

(Contributed By: Cybertic Dragon)


Cool Discoveries

Some really cool discoveries made by a reader of this FAQ, and a lover of ToE:

New Game* Trick 

Hi there! I'm a big fan of Tales Of Eternia and i'd like to help you out at
your guide by giving you some infos I'm discovering by exploring the game.
You can transform any save into a *save in your PSP, so you don't have to play
 it all over again to get Nereid's labyrinth or fighing against Arche! 
Just pass the game, create the * save file, then load that save. Then, press BOOKMARK
Start + Select + L + R simultaneously, and you will be back to the Tales of
Eternia screen. Load your save game with all your game within and save it. It
will get the * mark!

Easy Battle Arena and Leveling up

Another good trick... The world arena contest gives you lots of sages,
red sages, and rune bottle!!! It's really cool to maximise HP and TP!! To
maximise TP, just use the rune bottles you gain on the sages and red sages
and you will get savory! It's really cool!!!

More.. this one is a must!! Use the Krona Symbol with Demon's Symbol and you
will receive double exp without any curse! I'm maximizing all my characters
with this tricks, and trust me, it's worth a try!

After getting the airfish, go to the location 166, 82 in Celestia and you will
see this nice little easter egg, for the PSP only release, at the bottom of the

(Contributed By: Filipe Jesus)


New Game* Trick

The above method to make an old save a New Game* save, can apparantly be easier
as stated below:
(Note that I haven't tested this.. -so I don't know if it works.. but he says
it does)

Save the game to a 2nd save file after the final boss dies, then load a
pre final-boss save to accesss a * saved game and you won't have to replay the
entire game all over.

(Contributed By: VeghEsther)


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