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Flagellated Protozoan/Mastigophora
(1) Trichonympha - gut of termite
(symbiont) - enzyme B-galacto sidase
- helps in digestion of cellulose of wood
(2) Choanoflagellate - Gregarious habit
(Proterospongia) - Connecting link b/t protozoa & porifera
(3) Giardia - Monogenetic Parastie of Human S.Intestine
- “Giardiasis”/Giardial dysentery
(4) Trichomonas - Monogenetic parasite of human urinogenital tract.
- Leucorrhoea in (STD)
(5) Trypanosoma - digenetic parasite, polymorphic
- Infective stage i Metacyclic
- Transmission : bite of insect
(a) T. gambiense - Human(p) & Tse-tse fly/ Glossina palpalis(s)
- African sleeping slckness
- Multiply in blood – CNS - Coma
(b) T.cruzi - Human/cattle/Dog(P) & Triatomabug/ Kissing bug excreta(s)
- Chagas disease (American)
(6) Leishmania - digenetic parasite, polymorphic
- Human (P) & Sandfly/phlebotomus(s)
- Sores/swelling – Leshions – Ulcer (open wound)
- Infective stage : Promastigote/Lepto monad
- Transmission : bite of sadfly
(a) L. donovani - Viscesal leishmaniasis/Kala-azar/Dum-dum fever
- Intracellulas parasite of liver & splean
- most fatal
(b) L.tropica - Cutaneous Leishmaniasis/Delhi boils/Bhagdad sores/ oriental sore
(c) L.brasiliensis - Naso-oral/muco-cutaneo/ expundia disease (American)

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 1

II. Amoeboid Protozoa/sarcodina :-
(a) Amoeba, Giant Amoeba
(b) Entamoeba histolytica – Monogenetic parasite of human Large Intestine
- Transmission : Contaminated food & water
- Infective stage : TNC
- Magna (pathogenic form) & minuta (pre-cystic form)
- Amoebic/Amoetic dysentery
(c) E.gingivalis - Monogen. Paras. Of human oral cavity
- Pyorrhoea (along with bacteria)
- No cyst formation
- Transm L by exchange of saliva
(d) Radiolaria & foraminifera (si) (calcium) shell shell

III. Ciliated Protozoa :-

(a) Paramoecium - free-living, fresh-water
(b) Opalina - Mullinudeated & Commensals of frog’s gut (rectal)
(c) Nyctolherus - Mullinudeated & Commensals of frog’s gut (rectal)
(d) Balantidium coli - Monogenetic parasite of human large intestine
(Parasite) - B. dysentery
- Trans : contaminated food & water

IV. Sporozoa :- (Endoparasites)

(a) Monocystis - Earthworm’s seminal vesicle
(b) Nosema - Pebrine ds in honey bee & silkworm
(c) Babesia - Tick/Tesax/Red water fever of cattles
(d) Eimeria - Coccidiosis in chicks
(e) Plasmodium - Malaria in human

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 2

Porifera (Sponges)
* Mainly marine (aquatic)
* Sedentary, sessil
* Body has many pores (ostia & single osculum)
* Mostly Asymmetrical
* Cellular grade of body org. (No tissue)
* Cell aggregate body plan
* Single cavity in body Spongocoel, Lined by flagellated collar cells (= Choanocytes)
* Intracellular digestion of food (collar cells)
* Water “Canal system” present (Feeding, resp, excre, reproduction etc.)
* Skeletal structures : CaCO3 /Silica spicules/ Spongin protein fibres (Basis of classification)
* Asexual reproduction (Common) : (Budding ext. sav/Gemmule int. buds Unfav)
* Hermaphrodite (Sexual Repro.
* No Gonads (Archaeocytes present)
* Internal fertilization (Collar cells
* Indirect Development
* Larval stages : Parenchymula, Amphiblastula
* Eg. – Sycon. (Scypha), spongilla (Fresh water, sponge) Euspongia (Bath sponge)

* Mainly marine, 2 body forms
* Fixed form (polyp) & free floating (Medusae)
* Radial symmetry, tissue grade
* Blind sac body plan, Diploblastic
* Single body cavity “Coelenteron”/Gastrovascular cavity, opens thr. Single pore (= mouth/Hypostome)
* Mouth is always surrounded by Tentacles
* P- of Cnidoblast/Nematoblast (= sting cells)
* Partial Extracellular & Partial intracellular digestion
* Nerve cell & muscle cell originated
* CORALS :- Polyps, secreting CaCO3 exoskeleton
* Few forms “METAGENESIS’ (obelia)
* Few forms “POLYMORPHIC”
* Mainly unisexual
* Medusae : Only sexual repro. Poly : Both sex & Asex (budding)
* Internal fertilization
* Indirect development
* Larval stages : Planula, ephyra
* Eg :- Physalia (Portuagese man of war), Adamsia (sea Anemone), Pennatula (sea pen), Gorgonia (sea fan), Meandrina
(Brain coral), Aurelia (Jelly fish)

(Comb-jelly, Sea walnut Gooseberry)
* Minor phylum (only 100 species)
* Exculusively Marine
* Only free floating
* Same as Chidaria in :
(a) Tissue grade (b) Blind sac body plan (c) Diploblastic (d) Food digestion (Extra & Intracellular both)
* Biradial summetry
* No cnidoblast
* Colloblast/lasso cells (adhesive) present
* “Bioluminiscence” seen
* 8’ rows of cilia on body (= 8 comb plates, for locomotion)
* Bisexual
* Only sexual Reprod.
* External Fertilization
* Indirect develop. (Cydippid Larva)
* Tentacles, if present are 2 in no.
* Eg. : Ctenoplana, Cestum (venus girdle), Pleurobrachia (Sea gooseberry)
* No Tantatleo – Beroe (cats eye)

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 3

* All members have dorsoventrally Flattened body
* Organ level of body organisation
* Blind-sac body plan, Incomplete alimentary canal.
* 1 st Triploblastic, Acoelomates, Bilateral symmetry
* Most are parasites, provided with “Hooks & Suckers”.
* Can absorb digested food from GBS
* Have “Regeneration power”
* Excretory organ : FLAME CELLS (Protonephridia)
* Bisexual, Internal fertilization, Indirect develop.
* Self-fertilization & Mouth & Gut absent in Taenia (Digest. Tract absent in Tape worms)
* Pseudeo/False-Segmentation seen.
* Larval stages : Hexacanth/Cysticercus/Bladder, cercaria, miracidium etc.)
* Eg :- Planaria/Dugesia (Free living/ Fresh water/ Great Regenesation), Liver fluke (Fasciola), Blook fluke (Schistosoma/
Bilharzia- only unisexual Flatworm), Lung fluke (Paragonimus), Taenia solium (Pork Tape worm), Taenia saginata (Beef
Tape worm), Echino coccus (Dog Tape worm)

ASCHELMINTHES/Nemethelminthas Round worms/ Thread worms

* Circumference of Cylindrical body is “Round shaped”, Bilateral symmetry.
* Organ-system level org. Started * “Tube-within-tube” body plan started
* Pseudocoelomate (False body cavity * Alimentary canal complete
* Most are parasites. Movt. Of thick muscular pharynx helps in feeding from host.
* Body wall : Only longitutinal Muscle layer
* Excretory organ : Solenocytes/Rennet cells (Protoneph)
* No cilia/flagella in any stage of Life cycle (Even sperms tail-Less) show amoeboid movt.
* UNISEXUAL, Internal fertilizatio * Indirect development
* Larval stges : Rhabdiform larva/Filariform/Microfilaria Larva
* Eg :- Ascaris lumbricoides sexual dimorph, (vivipar) Wuchereria bancrofti (Filarial), 1 st parasitic roundworm
discovered Ancylostoma devdenale (Hook worm), Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm), Loa-Loa (eye worm),
Dracunculus medinesis (Guinea worm fiery serpen), Trichuris trichiura (whip worm) , Trichinella (viviparous)
* “Annulus ring-shaped” segments * True metamerization (Both internal ext.)
* Organ-system level, Tube within tube plan * Triploblastic
* 1st Eucoelomate (Schizocoelomate) * Body wall – both Longitudinal & Curcular ms
* Excretory Organ : Nephridia (metanephridia) (some have protonephridia)
* Ammonia in aquatic forms & Urea in terrestial forms
* Closed circulatory system (except Leeches)
* Hb respiratory pigment dissolved in plasma (No RBC/ Intercellular Hb/ Erythrocruorin)
* Diff. habitats/ Diff. Locomotory Organs

Fixed no. of segments, suckers for locomotion (Class Hirudinaria)

* Neural system – Nerve ring + ventral, double solid nerve cord.
* Food ingestion – by movt. of muscular pharynx
* Respiration (O2-CO2 ) – by GBS, diffusion
* Bisexual (except Nereis - unisexual)
* External fertilization, cross fertilization
* Direct develop. (except Nereis – Trichophore larva)
* Eg : - Neries (Sand/ Rag/ Clam worm) Chaetopterus (Paddle worm, Bioluminis) Aphrodite (Sea mouse) Pheretima (North
Indian Earthworm) Megas colex (South Indian Earthworm) Lumbricus (European Earthworm) Hirudinaria (Fresh water/
Cattle Leech)

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 4

* Largest phylum, insecta - largest class
* Body has Exosketeton (chitinous),
* Ubiquitous & Cosmopoliton in distribution
* Organ system level, Tube-within-tube
* Triploblastic
* Eucoelomate (Schizocoelomate)
* Bilateral symmetry
* External, segmentation seen
* Body has head, thorax & abdomen
* 3 major classes (a) Crustacea – 5 pair or more legs, 2 pair Antenna Eg:- Prawns, crabs, cyclops, cray fish
(Astacus) (b) Aravhnida – 4 pair legs,, no Antenna Eg:- Spiders, Scorpio, tick, mites
(c) Hexapoda/ Insecta - 3 pair legs, 1 pair Antenna Eg:- Cockroach (Periplanata), mosquito, etc.
* Respiratory Organs : Branchial gills, Book lungs, Tracheal tubes
(crustacea) (Arachnida) (insecta) (most efficient resp. system)
* Excretrory Organs : Green/Antennal, coxal glands, malpighian tubules (crustacea) (Arachni.) (Insecta)
* Open circulatory system
* Colourless blood k/a “haemolymph” flows in haemocoel (No respiratory pig– except Haemocyanin is prawns)
* N.S same as annelida
* Special sense organs – Compound eyes (vision Mozaic), Antenna, Statocyst (Balancing organ in aguatic forms)
* Excretory product – Ammonia (aquatic) - Uric acid (terrestial)
* Mostly Unisexual, mostly internal fertilizatio
* Mostly indirect development
* Diff. types of Metamorphosi
* Mostly oviparous (except Scorpion Viviparous)

Eg:- Peripatus (The walking worm/connecting link b/t Annelida & Arthr.)
- Limulus (The king crab ; Living fassil) - Lepisma (Silver fish – No metamorphosis/Ametoboly)
- Pediculus & Bed bug (Sanguivorous) - Locust (Colonial/Gregarious pest)
- Vectors : Anopheles, Culex, Aedes mosquito
- Economically imp. Insects : Apis (Honey bee), Bombyx (Silkworm), Laccifer (Lac insect)
- Scolopendra (Centipede ; 1 pair leg per segment, 1st pair – poisonous claws)
- Julus (Miilipede, 2 pair legs/segment) Stink glands, present, no poisonous claws
- Firefly (Glow worm) - Mayfly (Shortest lived/ 1 day insect) - Entomology : Study of insects

Mollusca (soft bodies Animals)

* 2nd largest phylum
* Unsegmented body, usually covered by Calcareous shall
* Both aquatic & terrestial
* Head, muscular foot/oral arm, Visceral hump (3 parts of body)
* Mantle layer/pallium; spongy skin, covering visceral hump, secretes CaCO3 shell on outside
* Oral Cavity – RADULA (rasping file like organ for mastication)
* Respiratory - Ctenidium gills (feather like) organ (In mantle cavity)
* Open circulatory system (except Cephalopoda)
* Blue blood d/t haemocyanin (Cu2+ containing) respiratory pig.
* Excretory organ : Kebers & organ of Bojanus
* N.S same as Annelida & Arthr.
* Organ-sys. Level, Tube within tube
* Triploblastic, Schizocoelomate (Eucoelomate)
* Bilateral symmetry
* Excretory- Ammonia (aquatic) product – uric acid (terres)
* Mostly unisexual
* Both Int & Ext fertilization
* Indirect development
* Larva : Trichophore, veliger Glochidium
* Osphradium : Chemosensitive organ in mantle cavity (pH changes detection)
* 3 Major Classes: (a) Gastropoda – “TORSION” seen eg- Snails, slugs, single valve shell
(b) Pelecypoda- Bivalvia (2 valve shell) eg- Oysters, Mussels
(c) Cephalopoda-Largest, most intelligent Invertebrates, water-Jet propulsion system , Ink glands for defence, closed
C.S Direct level
* Eg-Octopus/ Devil fish (8 oral arms), shell absent
* Internal shell – Sepia/ Cuttle fish – 10 O.A
Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 5
* Loligo/squid
* Nautilus (ext. shell)
* Architeuthis (Giant squid) (largest invertebrate)
* Eg.- Neopilina/ Segmented mollusc (Connecting link b/w Annelida & mollusca)
* Pila (Apple snail)
* Helix (garden snail)
* Limax / Slug (Shell – less snail)
* Pinctada (pearl oyster)
* Unio (fresh water mussel)
* Aplysia (sea hore)
* Dentalium (Tusk shell)
* Chaetopleura (chiton)
* Teredo (ship worm)
* Turbinella (Shankh)
* Study of mollusca : Malacology
* “Shells of mollusca : Conchology
ECHINODERMATA (Spiny skinned Animals)
* Exclusively Marine (Sea habitat)
* Bilateral  Radial symm. (Adult)
* (Larva)
* Organ-sys, level, Tube within tube
* Triploblastic – Mouth (lower/ventral) Anus (upper/dorsal)
* Eucoelomate (Enterocoelomate)
* Endoskeleton of CaCO3 ossicles
* “Water – Vascular/ Ambulacral” system (Locomotion, feeding transport)
* Tube feet Excretion, transport)
* Masticating – Aristotle’s lantern in sea urchin
* Respiratory organ – Resp. tree in sea cucumber
* Excretory system absent (NH3)
* Unisexual, External fert.
* Indirect development (free-swimm. Larva )
* Great power of Regeneration & Autotomy
* Larval stages : Auricularia, Bipinnaria, Branchiolaria
* Dipleurula – Probable Ancestor of chrodates
* Eg. – Asterias (starfish), - Echinus (Sea urchin)
- Antedon (Sea lily) Holothrix ccucumaria (Sea cucumber) - Ophiura (Brittle star)
- Clypeaster (Sand dollar) - Neometra (feather star)

HEMICHORDATA (Half chordates)

* Non- chordates
* Exclusively marine
* Organ-system level
* Tube within tube, Triploblas
* Enterocoelomate
* False notochord, m/o Endoderm in proboscis
* Worm-like body
* Fossorial (burrowing) habit
* Body parts – Proboscis Collar, Trunk (Cylindrical body)
* Filter feeder
* Respiration by gills
* Open C.S
* Excretion : Proboscis Glands
* N.S like Annelids
* Unisexual, ext. fert
* Larva – Tornaria
* Eg- Balanoglossus (connec. Link b/w non- chordates & chordates)
* Saccoglossus [Tongue /Acorn worms]
* 3 Fundamental characters -
(1)Dorsal, mesodermal NOTOCHORD in embryonal stage
(2)Dorsal, single, Hollow neural system

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 6

(3)“Paired gill slits” in pharynx at some stage of life cycle
* Other features –
• Closed C.S & Ventral Heart
• Hb inside RBC • “Post-Anal tail”

The subphylum Vertebrata is further divided as follows:


* Jaw-less vertebrate
* Circular, suctorial mouth
* Unpaired fins
* No scales on skin
* 6 – 15 pairs gill – slits
* Closed C.S
* Ectoparasites on fishes
* Anadromous migration (Sea to River ) Egg lying
* Remnents of notchord visible between Cartilagenous vertebrae i.e. notochord perrists throughout life
* Unisexual
* External fertilization
* Indirect development
* Larval stage : Ammocete larva
* Eg – Petromyzon (Lamprey) - Myxine (Hagfish)

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 7

Chondricthyes (Cartilagenous fishes)
* Only marine
* Ventral mouth
* Asymmetrical tail-fin (Heterocercal)
* 5 – 7 pairs, exposed gill slits (No operculum)
* Placoid (teeth like ) scales
* No air bladder, Need constant swimming
* Excretory product : Urea
* Cloaca present
* Clasper (Copulatory organ) in males on pelvic fins
* Internal Fertilization
* Vivi parous (most)
* “Ampulla of Lorenzini” (Electroreceptor) presents in sharks
* Notochord perristant throught life
* Eg:- Predaceous animals
(1) Scoliodon shark (Dog fish) (2) Carcharodon shark ( The great white shark) (3) Torpedo (Electric Ray)
(4) Trygon (Sting Ray) (5) Pristis (Saw fish) (6) Chimaera (Rabbit/ Rat fish) b/w Cartilag & bony fishes
Osteichthyes (Bony fishes)
* Mainly fresh – water
* Terminal mouth
* Homocercal tail fin
* 4 pairs gill slits, covered with operculum
* Cycloid/ Ganoid/ ctenoid Scale
* Air bladder present, provide buoyancy
* Cloaca absent
* Claspers absent
* External Fertilization
* Oviparous, Direct development
* Absent (ampulla of lorenzini)

False Fishes
(1) Jelly fish = Aurelia (coelenterata)
(2) Cray fish = Astacus (Arthropod)
(3) Silver fish = Lepisma (Arthropod)
(4) Cuttle fish = Sepia (mollusc)
(5) Devil fish = Octopus (mollusc)
(6) Star fish = Asterias (Echinoderm)
(7) Hag fish = myxine (cyclostome, Agnatha)

* Land Vertebrates, totally depends on water for external fertilization
* Scale less skin with mucus glands
* Dicondylic skull, 10 pair cranial nerves
* Eyelids present
* Ear – tympanum (no ext. ear), single columella auris present (ear ossicle)
* No ribs
* Typical gut
* Respiration : (a) Lungs (Pulmonary), in adult stage
(b) Skin (Cutaneous) – both larva & adult
(c) Gills, in larval stage
* Heart : 3 chambered (2A + 1V)
* Poikilothermic/ cold blooded
* Excretion :- Kidneys (mesonephric)
* Excretory product – Ammonia (larva) toolpole - Urea (adult)
* Cloaca present
* Unisexual
* Ext. fertilization
* Oviparous
* Indirect development

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 8

* Show Hibernation (winter sleep) – Aestivation (Summer sleep)
* Larva Lodinein water adult

* Body : Head & trunk (no neck), Tail in some

Tadpole larva (frog)

* Axolotl larva (Salamander) – Paedogenesis & neoteny
* Eg:-
(1) Limbless :- Icthiophis, Gymnophiona
(2) Tailed & equal Limbed :- Salamanders
(3) Tail – less & unequal limbed :- Frog
- Rana tigrina (The indian Bull frog)
- Hyla (Tree frog)
- Rhacophorus (flying frog)
– Toads (Parotid poison gland on head)
- Bufo (Common toad)
- Alytes (midwife toad)
Note – Salamanders
(a) Proteus (Blind cave salamander)
(b) Necturus (mud puppy)
(c) Amphiuma (congo eel, largest RBC)
(d) Ambystome (Tiger salamander Axolotl larva)

* Creeping/ Crawling locomotion
* First true terrestial vertebrates
* 1 st Amniotes Dry, non-glandular skin, covered with epidermal scales/ scutes (spines)
* Monocondylic skull, 12 p airs C.N
* Ear same as amphibian
* Ribs present (except snakes)
* Typical Gut
* Respiration :- Only Pulmonary (Lungs)
* Heart :- 3 chambered (except crocodilia with 4 chambered)
* Poikilothermic
* Excretion – kindey (metanephric)
* Excreatory product : Uric acid
* Unisexual
* Internal fertilization
* Oviparous (shelled eggs)
* Direct development (No larva)
* 2 pair limbs (except snakes)
* Eg:- Chelone (Turtle), Testudo (Totoise), Sphenodon/Tuatara (Living fossil, 3 rd eye in New Zealand), Hemidactylus
(Geko/ House/ Wall lizard), Chameleon (Tree lizard viviparous), Draco (Flying lizard), Varanus komodensis (Komado
Dragon) largest lizard

Limb less lizard (Glass snake) = Ophiosaur

* Gila monster/ Heloderma = only poisonous (Beaded lizard)
* Python (longest snake)
* Typhlops (Blind snake)
* Cobra (Naja-Naja), Bangarus (krait), Viper
Neurotoxin Neurotoxin Haemotoxin (CVS)
* Crocodiles = Asia / Africa
* Alligators = N. America
* Govials = Rivers of Asia (India)
* Study of Reptiles = Herpetology
* “ Snakes = Ophiology/ serpentology”
* Jacobson’s organ (olfactory) seen in snakes & lizards
* UB absent in snakes & lizards

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 9

AVES (Birds)
* Forelimbs = wings, jaws = Beak/Bill
* Skin dry & non-glandular (except oil/preen glands near tail)
* Feathers covers skin
* Scales on hind limbs & base of beak
* Only Bony skeleton
* Bones pneumatic (hollow, air-filled)
* Monocondylic skull, 12 pairs C.N
* Amniotes
* Ear:- IE + ME (single columella auris) + Ext. auditory canal
- Pinna absent
* Perching in hind limbs
* Keel (sternum) for flight ms attachment
* Furcula (Fused clavicle/collar bone, V-shaped)
* Vertebrae fused : Synsacrum & Pygostyle
* Alimentary Canal -2 extra chambers b/w esophagus & Stomache (crop & Gizzard) for storage & Grinding

Respiration :- Lungs, associate with air-sacs (double ventilation)

* Heart : 4 chambered (2A + 2V)
* Homeothermic/ warm blooded
* Exceretion : Kidney (metanephric)
* Exceret product : Uric acid
* Urinary bladder appsent
* Cloaca present
* Unisexual
* Internal fertilization
* Oviparous (Shalled eggs)
* Direct develop. (No larva)
* Female birds have only left Ovary
* Study of Birds = Ornithology
* Syrinx (Voice producing organ)
- Archaeopteryx (Lizard bird)
Fossilized toothed bird
Connect link b/t Retiles & birds

Flight – less birds

(a) Struthio = African Ostrich (Largest living bird, largest egg)
(b) Emu
(c) Aptenodytes (Penguin)
(d) Kiwi (Apteryx) – smallest living flight less bird
(e) Rhea
- Flying birds
(a) Corvus = Crow
(b) Psittacula = Parrot
(c) Columbia = Pigeon
(d) Nephron = Vulture

Mammals (= have mammary glands, for nourishment)

* Skin : Oil & sweet glands, glandular covered with hair & scales
* Dicondylic skull, 12 pairs C.N
* Heterodont, 7 cervical vertebrae, muscular diaphragm
* Ear :- Ear pinna present - 3 ear ossiles (malleus/incus stapes)
* Typical gut
* Respiration : Lungs
* Heart – 4 chambered, non-nucleated RBS
* Homeothermic
* Amniote
* Excretion :- Kidney (metanephric)
* Excretory product – Urea
* No cloaca
* Unisexual

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 10

Internal fertilization- Direct development
(A) Prototheria – Egg laying, Australia, Cloaca present (monotrema), No pinna, No teats connec. Link b/w reptiles &
Eg:- Echidna (Spiny Ant Eater)
- Ornithorynchus (Platypus)
(B) Metatherian – Ovo – vivparous/Marsupial
- Penis behind scrotom
- Paired uterus & vagina
Eg:- Macropus (kangaroo), Opposum (Didelphis)
(C) Eutherian – True placental, Viviparous
- Corpus callosum in brain
Eg:- Blue whale (Balaenoptera) largest living animal
- Delphinus (Dophin)
- Elephas, Canis (Dog), Felis (Cat), Panthera Leo (Lion), Panthera tigris, Rattus (Rat), Camelus, Equus (Horse), Macaca
(Monkey), Homospien (Human)
- Chiroptere – Bats (Flying mammal)
- Pteropus (Flying Fox)

Some Imp. Connecting Links

S.N. Link Between the groups
1 Euglena — Animals & Plants
2 Proterospongia — Protozoa & Porifera
3 Peripatus
(Walking worm) — Annelida & Arthropoda
4 Neopilina — Annelida & Mollusca
5 Balanoglossus — Chrodates & non-Chorda
6 Chimera (Rabbit/ Rat fish) — Cartilagenous & Bony fishes
7 Latimeria/Coelocanth (Living Fossil) — Pisces & Amphibia/ Tetrapoda
8 Protopterus (Lung fishes) — Bony fishes & Amphibia
9 Sphenodon/ Tuatara (Living Fossil) — Amphibia & Reptilia
10 Seymouria — Amphibia & Reptilia
11 Archaeopteryx (Fossilized toothed
bird) — Reptiles & Birds
12 Echidna (Spiny Ant Eater) — Reptiles & Mammals
13 Ornithorynchus (Duck-billed
platypus) — Reptiles & Mammals
14 Trochophore larva — Annelida & Mollusca
15 Tornaria Larva — Echinodermate & Chordata

Phylum Excretory
1. Porifera No, Difusion through body surface
2. Cnidaria No, Difusion through body surface
3. Ctenophora No, Difusion through body surface
4. Platyhelminthes Flame cells (Protonephridia)
5. Acshelminthes Renett cells/ Solenocytes (protonephridia)
Note:- Flame cells in Rotifers
6. Annelida (Earthworm) Nephridia (Metanephridic)
Note:- Protonephridia in some
7. Arthropoda
(a) Crustaceans (Prawns) Antennal/green glands
(b) Arachnids (Spiders), Limulus Coxal glands
(c) Insects Malpighian tubules
8. Mollusca Keber’s organ & Organ of Bojanus
9. Echinodermata Absent (water vascular System)
10. Hemichordata Proboscis gland
11. Cephalochordata (Amphioxus) Protonephridia(Flame cells/ Solenocyte)
12. Vertebrata Kidneys

Plot No. 46, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 11

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