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1 5 Participle, to-infinitive and reduced clauses i Grammar [2G Participle clauses: general Walking into each village, | wos met by a pock of unfriendly dogs. Found mainly in the south of the country, scorpions in italy can give a nasty bite but are rarely dangerous. Having spent a couple of hours exploring Amalfi, 'm now ready for an excellent Italian dinner Participle clauses are more common in writing, and are often used to express ideas in an economical way. A participle usually refers to the subject of the main clause: Snarling ogeressively, the dogs were pretty terrifying at frst. (= the dogs were snarling and the dogs were pretty terrifying) We avoid using a participle clause when the subjects are different: Snarling aggressively, | kept away from the dogs. In this example, the writer is trying to say that the dogs were snarling and he kept away from them. However, it sounds as if he was snarling! The more accurate alternative is; The clogs were snarling aggressively, so kept away from them. In formal English a participle clause can sometimes have its own subject. which is often a pronoun or a noun phrase including a pronoun: Scorpions in North Africa, Some measuring up to 20 centimetres, can kill adults. (Scorpions in North Africa = subject of the main clause; ome = subject of the participle) ‘When we use not in a participle clause it usually comes before the participle: Not wanting to carry my backpack any further, | went tothe first hotel | came across Present participle (-ing) clauses We can use a present participle clause to talk about something that takes place at the same time as, or just. before, an action in the main clause: Opening up my sleeping bag | discovered a scorpion. A present participle clause can be used to give background information: Uving mainly in warm climates, scorpions have existed for over 400 million years. and after quoted speech, to say what someone was doing while they were talking: Wait for me here; cid Frank, running out of the house. Present participle clauses can also be used to talk about a reason or result: Arriving in Amalfi early in the afternoon, | had time to look around the town. (= because | arrived in Amalfi early in the afternoon) (E22 Past participle (-ed) clauses ‘We can use a past participle clause to talk about reasons and conditions: ‘Made from the softest leather imaginable, they are as comfortable as a pair of slippers. (reason = because they are made from the softest leather imaginable) Sold in Britain, the boots would have cost a lot more. (condition = if they were sold in Britain) Past participles combine with forms of be and have to create passives and perfect forms: Having fallen over a number of times, | was feeling thoroughly miserable. (= | was feeling thoroughly miserable because | had fallen over a number of times) 108 Participle, to-infinitive and reduced clauses 1 5 ‘We can use either having + -ed or a present participle with a similar meaning to describe events that follow one after another. However, having + -ed emphasises that the action in the participle clause is complete before the action in the main clause begins: Having climbed to the top of the hil | could see all the way to the Mediterranean, OF Climbing to the top of the hil, Being made so welcome at the hotel, was reluctant to leave. (= because | was made so welcome) Having been woken up by a scratching sound, found a large rat trying to get into my backpack. (= after | had been woken up) [EG Participle clauses after conjunctions and prepositions We can use a present participle clause after a number of conjunctions and prepositions, including: aftr, before, by, in.on, since, when, while, with, without, unless, unt Before leaving Naples, | bought yet more walking socks. OF less formally Before I left Naples, | bought yet more walking socks. We can also use with (or informally what with) to introduce a reason for somethingin the main cause. Notice that a subject has to come between with and -ing: With Naples being such a busy city, was surprised to find a hotel room so easily, What with sleeping badly, and some very steep hil to walk over, it was quite a relief to get to Amalfi this afternoon. (= because |had slept badly) Informal contexts we can use a past participle after (al)though, as, if, once, when, while, unless and unt Walking through Italy was a fantastic experience, but if asked, m rot sure Id doit again. OF... but if Iwas asked GJ To-infinitive clauses We can use a clause beginning with a to-infinitive to talk about purpose, result or condition: J walked up into the hills to avoid the long trek around the coast. (= purpose) | got to the hotel early, only to find that | couldn't check in until later (= result) To hear him grumbling last week, youd think he was about to get on the next flight home. (= ifyou had heard him grumbling) Reduced clauses We can sometimes use a ‘reduced’ cause beginning with a conjunction or adjective, but with no verb. Reduced clauses are usually fairly formal: While in Naples, | did what all visitors do. Of While I was in Naples, Exhausted by my walk, | went straight ¢o bed OF Because | was exhausted 109 1 5 Participle, to-infinitive and reduced clauses I Grammar exercises ‘Complete the participle clause at the start of each sentence using the information in brackets. 1 __Swirmming _ strongly, she was able to cross the river in just a few minutes. (‘She swam strongly.) 2 im oil, Colin got out from under the car. (He was covered in ol) 3 in Latin, the cwo letters were sent in 1406 to the French king, (They were written in Latin.) 4 them twice this year already, Bayern Munich are favourites to win again against Real ‘Madrid. (They have beaten them twice this year already) how to use the software, | found it easy to design my own website. (/ was shown how to use the software.) 6 eaten anything for hours, | was starting to feel abit faint. (/ hadn't eaten anything for hours.) i= ____ her glasses, she began to read her speech. (She put on her glasses.) 8 ____ Portuguese. | found travelling in Brazil difficult. (I can't speak Portuguese.) Read this extract froma blog about a visit to London. Rewrite the underlined parts using a participle clause, to-infinitive or reduced clause. (Wiel lan [edu oe tee uO and | only had time to spend a few hours there, First, went to the collection of clocks and watches. (2) When | saw the pocket watches, | was reminded of the old watch my srandfather used to wear | don't think | ever saw him without it Then | went to the Money Gallery They've got an incredible collection of coins, (3) and some of them are over 2,000 years old. Next stop was the Chinese collection. (4) Because Id Ived in Hong Kong. for so many years, | was very interested in this. Some of the jade objects were stunning, (5) After | looked at the Chinese collection, | had hoped to see the Mexican collection. Unfortunately, (6) when | got there | found that it was closed. (7) Because Id spent the whole moming walking around the museum, | decided that | wanted to do something very different in the afternoon, So | went to the London Eye (8) in order that | could get a bird's-eye view of the city. (9) When they are looked at from the top of the Eye, some of the biggest buildings appear quite small ~ even St Paul's Cathedral, across the river After that, (10) because | was tired from all the walking, | went back to my hotel room and slept for a couple of hours (111) before | went out to have dinner 10 auneune 110 Participle, to-infinitive and reduced clauses 1 5 in these sentences, is the subject of the participle and the main clause the same (5) or different (D)? IFitis different, think about how you could rewrite the sentence correctly. Painted bright yellow. | could see the signs cleanly from a distance, _D Hearing a noise from one of the bedrooms, | quietly climbed upsta Laughing at her new hat, jing looked really angry with me. Kept in the fridge, the cheese should stay fesh for weeks.__ Holding her umbrella tightly, she went out into the storm. Talking to each other in the library, | asked them to keep quiet.__ ‘Caught in traps put on the riverbed at night, many fishermen depend on crayfish for their livelihood, __ Worried that Zahira hadn't arrived, | decided to phone her home.__ Because the signs were painted bright yellow | could see them clearly from a. distance. Complete each sentence using one of the words in the box and an appropriate form of the verb in brackets, Use either an -ing, an -ed or being + -ed verb form. 1 Unless otherwise. stated _, all software contained on the CD is for demonstration purposes only. (state) 2 my book on the European Union, | interviewed more than a hundred members of the European Parliament. (research) 3 nolonger in the day-to-day running of the business, Mr Chen retains akeen interest in its development. (involve) 4 Defence Minister, he was head of the army for five years. (make) 5 her parents, she took their car and drove into town. When they found out, they were furious. (ask) 6 Not school had anyone told me to’'sit down and be quiet: (l.ave) 7 The virus doesn't have serious effects, but remainsin the body for life. (catch) 8 the wind hurricane force, ships have been advised to head for fand. (reach) 9 Islepr deeply bya fire engine going past the house. (wake) 10 guilty, she could face ten years in prison. (find) 1 ‘Some verbs can be followed either by an object + -ing or a possessive + -ing with a similar meaning, although the possessive + -ing form is usually considered to be rather formal: | resented Tom winning the prize. (more jormally | resented Tom's winning the prize) Mia recalled him buying the book (more formally Mia recalled his buying the book.) Also: detest, (dis)approve of, (dis)like, hate, love, object to (="(dis)liking’ | verbs); forget, imagine, remember, | think of (= thinking’ verbs) Note that we only use a possessive form (Tom's, his) here to talk about a person or group of people: \ remember the horse winning the race. (but not ... the horses winning ...) ‘Some verbs can be followed by to + -ing where to is a preposition: She confessed to stealing the money. fee ear i ‘Also: adapt, adjust, admit, took | You you? ‘ou don't object to working late tonight, do you \ ecrwvaed cara bntioat Note that these verbs can also be followed by to + noun phrase: She confessed to the crime. You don't object to the work, do you? Other verbs can be followed by different prepositions + -ing. For example: by + -ing (begin, close, end, finish (off / up), open, start (off / out)) Can you begin by cleaning the floors, and then do the windows? © on+-ing or on + object + -ing (concentrate, count, depend, focus, insist, rely) Clare insisted on (/ack) wearing a suit to the party. of + -ing or of + object + -ing (approve, hear, know, speak, talk, tell) Have you ever heard of (anyone) getting arrested for gossiping before? ‘object + from + -ing (deter, discourage, keep, prevent, prohibit, stop) The noise from next door prevented me from sleeping, Some verbs (feel, hear, notice, observe, overhear, see, watch) can be followed by an object and then either by an -ing form or bare infinitive, but the meanings may be slightly different. Compare | saw them playing football from my window. (~ing indicates an action in progress) and | saw him smash the bottle. (bare infinitive indicates a completed action) Iwas able to watch them building the new car park from my office window. (-i that | watched, but not from start to finish) and | watched him climb through the window, and then | called the police. (bare infini suggests | watched the whole action from start to finish) ig suggests After the verbs dare and help we can use either a bare itive or to-infinitive: | was angry with him, but | didn’t dare (to) say anything We hope the Twitter campaign will help (to) raise awareness of the problem. When dare has an object, we can only use a to-infinitive. Compare: | dared him tocross the river. (not | dared him cross ...) and Ihetped them (to) pack. After have, let and make we can use an object + bare infinitive but not to-infinitive: His exam results might make him work harder. (not ... might make him to work...) 'hhad /rena clean up her bedroom before | let her go out to play. Unit Exercises 30 EBD possible, rewrite these sentences using the possessive form of the object. If not, write X. @B 1 Ireally hate you having to be away from home so much. | really Wate your having to be anay from home so much We don't approve of the developer locating the factory so close to houses. Ihave always detested the dog jumping up at me when | visit them. No one heard the man shouting for help. Itis difficult to imagine him accepting the decision without any objection. No one in the crowd that day will forget Ashe fighting so hard to win the match. | remember them arguing a great deal when they were children The police investigated him stealing cars from the city centre. Rewrite the italicised part of each sentence so that it has similar meaning. Use one of the verbs from the box and an -ing form. GES) adapt approve discourage end -ownup- rely Ina survey, 65% of dentists said that they had made mistakes in treating patients. owned. up to. making | don't think children should wear jewellery in school. I would like to finish with a summary of the main points of my talk. My parents said they thought | shouldn't go to university. You can't trust Sophie to turn up on time. | grew up in the countryside, and | found it difficult to get used to life in a big city. auaun E©EED Uncertine the most likely verb form. Consider why itis the most likely. @B 1 [heard the tyre burst / bursting and then the lorry skidded across the road. 2 Carl noticed someone watch / watching him from an upstairs window. 3 She felt the wasp sting / stinging her just before she brushed it off her arm, 4 With a good telescope you can see the eagles feed / feeding their chicks in the nest. ELD Match the sentence beginnings and endings, adding an appropriate object where necessary and write (to) where this might be included 1. When Lana thought of goingon the roller-coaster it made 2 The new course is intended to help 3. Scientists hope the new drug will help 4 We didn't agree with the decision, but we didn’t dare 5 When Ethan arrives, have understand modern art 5 The dial on the left lets protest against it. 14b. When Lana, taught of going on. the roller-coaster ib made her feel. quite UL prevent hay fever feel quite it control the speed of the fan. wait outside my office. seance > Additional exercise 7 (page 244) 61 ‘After some verbs we need to include an object before a to-infinitive in active sentences: The police warned everyone to stay inside with their windows closed. (not The police warmed to stay ...) Also: advise, allow, believe, cause, command, enable, encourage, entitle, force, invite, order, persuade, remind, show, teach, tell After other verbs, however, we can't include an object before a to-infinitive: We've decided to leave early. (not We've decided us to leave early.) | Also: agree, consent, fail, hope, | 8 Ps manage, offer, pretend, refuse, start, threaten, volunteer After some verbs we have to put a preposition, usually for, immediately after the verb before an object + to-infinitive (see also Unit 29) They arranged for Rania to stay in London, iiicelibay arranges! Rania to-sayes) wait (After apply and campaign, the ‘They applied for the court appearance to be to-kifinktive ts usually passive) postponed. Se mat Also: advertise, campaign, tong, plan, Other verbs can be followed by different prepositions + object + to-infinitive. For example: at + object + to-infinitive (go on [= to criticise continually], keep on [= to talk about something many times], scream, shout, yell) | shouted at the man to open the door. on + object + to-infinitive (call [= to officially ask someone to do something], count, depend, prevail, rely) ‘We're depending on you to find a solution soon, to + object + to-infinitive (appeal, gesture, motion, signal) He closed the door and signalled to the pilot to take off. ‘A number of other to-infinitive and -ing forms can also follow verbs - verb + negative to-infinitive and negative -ing forms We decided not to goto Paris after all. (compare The people didn’t decide to go to war, it was their political leaders.) Some of my friends have considered not going to college because of the cost. (compare | haven't considered going to college - | don’t want to goon studying after school.) verb + to have + past participle The accident seems to have happened at around 1 pm yesterday. ‘Simmons is alleged to have assaulted a police officer. This form is often used to give an opinion (after verbs like seem and appear) about a past event, or / was alleged, believed, said, thought) about to report what is or was said (after passive verbs lik past events. verb +having + past participle The verb + ~ing and verb + having + past participle forms have a similar meaning with these verbs: | now regret buying the car. and | now regret having bought the car. This form is most often used with admit, deny, forget, recall, regret and remember. Exercises EBD complete each sentence with one of the verbs in brackets. @D 1a Mymother me to throw away my old toys. (threatened / told) b My mother to throw away my old toys. 2 a They to visit Riko in hospital. (allowed / offered) b They Us to visit Riko in hospital. 3al to carry the heavy boxes up the stairs, (managed / persuaded) bi Hamza to carry the heavy boxes up the stairs. 4a She Lars to help in the garden. (agreed / encouraged) b She to help in the garden. Sal her to tidy up the house. (pretended / reminded) bl to tidy up the house. © a Jonas to study economics at university. (advised / hoped) b Jonas me to study economics at university. Write one word that is missing from each line in these texts. Put a “ where the word should be. a 1 When | advertised 4 a website designer for the business, Greta got for 2__ the job. But I've now learnt that you can’t rely Greta todo anything. 3. | waited ages her to come up with some initial ideas for the site, and 4 then | had to keep on her to do any more work on it. Finally, she said she couldn't do it after all. Managers of the National Electricity Company have appealed workers toend their strike, and have called the government to intervene in the dispute. The Energy Minister said that he has arranged employers and employees to meet next week, and he prevailed strikers to return to | work in the meantime. awNoe ap ‘Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets using one of the patterns in section C ‘opposite. Give alternatives where possible. WI anyone Marta's new address. (agree ~ not tell) 2 The prisoners through a broken window last night. (think —escape) 31 him at the conference. (not recall -see) 4 He any stolen property. (deny — receive) 5 He as the person who donated the money. (ask not name) 6 She all the way back home. (not feel like - walk) 7 am sure my purse was on the table a few minutes ago, but now it (seem disappear) 8 The Etruscans initaly in the 8th or 9th century BC. (believe arrive) ~ Additional exercise 7 (poge 244)

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