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In developing a Road Re-routing Plan a traffic engineer, road engineer or anyone with

knowledge who can give a recommendation regarding the specific solution for the problem is

required. And also need data on road objectives and definition to identify design parameters.

Data such as vehicle types, flow, volumes, alignment, road surface or other important data for

the rerouting plan. And even the element of your design should be in accordance with the design

on the map of city lanes (Lanly, 1998).

In the road re-routing plan, in order to generate a transport mode it is necessary to first

determine the more priority transport mode in the area. Public mode has more prioritized as

compared to private mode for analysis for vehicle classifications. After the classification is the

zoning system, which represents as a study area for traffic flow for prioritized and

inconsequential vehicle type which lane it belongs to. (Dhaka Transport Coordination


The vehicle re-routing strategy is cost-effective and very easy to set up for vehicles as

long as they follow based on the type of transportation. This strategy is computed for alternatice

routes and will serve as a guide to drivers. But in this plan its effectiveness cannot be simply

evaluated, for the best experimental result it is only capable during travel time or rush hour (Pan,


Redirecting vehicle traffic is the most effective way to have better mobility in traffic.

Aside from having even faster traffic flow there will be even more definitely safer. So they have

proposed an efficient algorithm called "Better Safe Than Sorry" or "BSTS" which they consider

the traffic condition and public safety when they make a rerouting plan. And with this plan, it
also contributes more to the preference of the drivers and the mode of transportation will be more

efficient (Souza et. al, 2019).

There are two main problems with traffic congestion; expandability and privacy. By

proposing vehicular traffic re-routing it helps to alleviate these two main problems. This proposal

is called DIVERT, it is a vehicular rerouting system to avoid heavy traffic and a system that uses

Internet communication to determine which road can be an option in the occurences of heavy

traffic (Pan, 2017).

According to Zabal (2021) in his research on traffic congestion in Kalibo, Aklan, as the

economy and urbanization grow, so does the number for transportation. According to him, only a

rerouting plan can provide a solution to this problem.

In Cebu City, they are also implementing a rerouting plan, and road closure. City Mayor

Labella strictly announced this to better manage the flow of vehicles in the said city. He posted a

traffic scheme for drivers or travelers as a guide for their destination (Mancelita, 2020).

In some urban areas in Vietnam, their vehicle re-routing plan also includes limiting the

type of vehicles so that it do not exceed the road capacity. It is must in a certain roads to be

exclusive only for certain type of vehicles. They were able to propose a sustainable road

environment using only on what they call VRP-EL or Vehicle Routing Problem with Exclusive

Links. It is a model that optimizes routes to select exclusive lanes that is separated from any type

of vehicles (Lee, et.al, 2020).

In logistic distribution, the re-routing plan is an equitable plan and plan for effective

distribution for the vehicle in terms of schedule. And also a plan to reduce transportation costs

due to the right decision or plan for fast and smooth traffic flow. The use of GIS technology is
essential in this plan for assessing which lane or road is easier for the entrance and exit of

vehicles (Zou and Zhang, 2018).

As long as urbanization continues to grow, traffic congestion is inevitable and before this

can happen, a proactive road re-routing plan must be implemented. It offers alternative routes for

selected vehicles or prohibits vehicles that do not need to pass on the national highway. For

selection of vehicles, select vehicles according to driving intentions and distance for the

concerned road. And based on the results of their substantial experimentation it is also seen that

it also helps good for the air pollution and fuel consumption (Cao, et. al, 2017).

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