Plant Astrology - Remedies To Get Relief From Sufferings

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Plant Astrology - Remedies to get relief from sufferings

Different plants have been associated with different planets

According to Vedic Astrology, Yagna is the most important ceremony to calm the planets
and attain their auspicious results. 

Scholars have identified the plants and herbs that should be used in yagna. Not every wood
can be used for this ceremony. 

As per the rituals in Vayu Purana, wood from sandalwood, palash, mango, teak, ficus,
banyan, pipal, fig, cedar etc are considered beneficial for yagna.

Different planets have been associated with different planets

Sun: Arka (English Name: Mudar); Bael (English name: Wood apple tree)
Moon: Dhak (English Name: Butea); Khirni (English name: Ceylon iron wood)
Mars: Khaira (English name: marsh mallow) ; Anantmool (English name: Indian
Mercury: Apamarga ( English name: Prickly Chaff ) Vidhara Root
Jupiter: Peepla (English name: Peepal tree) Banana root
Venus: Gular (English name: cluster fig) Sarpankhi root
Saturn: Shami (English name: Cikura pod)
Rahu: Durva (English name: Bermuda Grass) Sandalwood
Ketu: Kush 

Remedies to get relief from sufferings

Sun Planet
Wearing the roots of belpatra tied in a red cloth gives relief from troubles. The wood of aank
tree is used for hawana. The mantra to overcome obstacles due to afflicted Sun is given as “
Om Hram Hreem Hroma Saha Suraya Namah?  One should chant this mantra 7000 times.

Moon Planet
Roots of Khirni plant tied in a white cloth should be worn to get the benefits of Moon. Wood
of palash tree is used for hawana ceremony.  The mantra to overcome obstacles due to
afflicted Moon is given as “ Om Shram Shreem Shroma Saha Chandramase Namah?  One
should chant this mantra 11000 times.

Mars Planet
Roots of Anantmool plant tied in a red cloth should be worn to get the benefits of Mars.
Wood of Khair tree is used for hawana ceremony.  The mantra to overcome obstacles due to
afflicted Mars is given as “ Om Kram Kreem Kroma Saha Bhomaya Namah?  One should
chant this mantra 10000 times.

Mercury Planet
Roots of Vidhaar plant tied with green thread should be worn to get the benefits of Mercury.
Wood of Apamarg tree is used for hawana ceremony.  The mantra to overcome obstacles due
to afflicted Mercury is given as “ Om Bram Breem Broma Saha Budhaya Namah?  One
should chant this mantra 9000 times.

Jupiter Planet
Roots of Banana plant tied with yellow thread should be worn to get the benefits of Jupiter.
Wood of Peepal tree is used for havana ceremony to calm down the effects of malefic Jupiter.
The mantra to overcome obstacles due to afflicted Jupiter is given as “ Om Gram Greem
Groma Saha Gurveya Namah?  One should chant this mantra 19000 times.

Venus Planet
Roots of Sarponkha plant tied with glittering thread should be worn to get the benefits of
Venus. Wood of Gular tree is used for havana to calm down the effects of malefic Venus.
The mantra to overcome obstacles due to afflicted Venus is given as “ Om Dram Dreem
Droma Saha Shukraya Namah?  One should chant this mantra 16000 times.

Saturn Planet
Roots of Bichu plant tied with black thread should be worn to get the benefits of Saturn.
Wood of Shami tree is used for havana to calm down the effects of Saturn. The mantra to
overcome obstacles due to afflicted Saturn is given as “ Om Pram Preem Proma Saha
Shaneshcharya Namah?  One should chant this mantra 23000 times.

Rahu Planet
Wood of sandalwood tree should be worn to get the benefits of Rahu. The color of the thread
will depend upon the sign in which the Rahu will be situated. Wood of Durva tree is used for
havana. The mantra to overcome obstacles due to afflicted Rahu is given as "Om Bhram
Bhreem Bhroma Saha Rahve Namah?"  One should chant this mantra 18000 times.

Ketu Planet
Root of Asangadh tree should be worn to get the benefits of Ketu. The color of the thread will
depend upon the sign in which the Ketu will be situated. Wood of Kush tree is used for
havana. The mantra to overcome obstacles due to afflicted Ketu is given as “ Om Sram
Sreem Sroma Saha Ketve Namah?  One should chant this mantra 10000 times.

1. Peepal Tree
*In Hinduism, families worship Peepal Tree as a deity due to its beneficial effect by offering
the water to tree and it gives blessings to the worshipper as the roots Peepal Tree, represents
Brahma, the trunk of the tree represents Lord Vishnu and leaves of the tree represent Lord

* Worshipping the tree helps in controlling the thoughts, removes hurdles in marriage and
good for children and fertility and prosperous for family growth.

* It is astrlogically believed that if a person has manglik dosh, marrying a Peepal Tree,
removes the dosh and a person can marry a non-manglik person.

* It also helps in removing obstacles in Financial growth and brings multiple source of
income to the worshipper.

* In Astrology, the Peepal tree is related to the planet Jupiter. If a person has a auspicious
Jupiter, worshipping Peepal tree, makes Jupiter into very graceful and rewarding one and if a
person has an inauspicious Jupiter, worshipping Peepal tree turnsit into a stronger one. And
Also, wood of Peepal tree is used for havana ceremony to calm down the effects of malefic

* It is believed mythologically that Peepal tree grows itself and mostly found in Temples and
it is believed that if a Peepal tree grows in one’s house, its very fortunate and properous for
the entire family and no one plants the tree and one should not cut the tree.

Some even believes that soul resides in the tree and one should not stay under the tree at

2. Banana Tree
* Banana Tree is a very pious tree and symbolizes Lord Vishnu. People worship the tree on
Thursdays to get the benefits of Jupiter. Roots of Banana Tree are tied with yellow thread are

* Banana as a fruit is offered to Lord Vishnu and Laksmi for good Married Life and good
Financial Condition and happiness of family.

* Leaves of Banana tree are used in many auspicious and used religiously in many Hindu

* It is astrologically believed that if a person has manglik dosh, marrying a Banana Tree
removes the dosh and a person can marry a non-manglik person.
3. Mango Tree
* Mango Tree is a very sacred Tree and its fruit and leaves are used in many religious
purposes like Yagya (Yagya is an important ceremony to calm down the negative effects
planets and obtain their beneficial results).

* According to Vasthu Sastra, mango leaves are helpful in removing Evil’s Eye and brings
harmony in one’s house.
Take 11 mango leaves, string together and hang over entrance of your house.

* According to Feng shui, Planting a Mango tree in your house or property, helps in inviting
the God of Wisdom, Peace and Luck.

4. Tulsi Plant (Holy Basil)

* In Hindu mythology, Tulsi is worshipped as Goddess, also considered as a wife of Lord
Vishnu (called as Vishnupriya, the beloved of Vishnu).

* According to Hindu customs, Tulsi Vivah ( is the ceremonial marriage of the Tulsi plant
who is considered to be an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi, with Lord Vishnu). Tulsi Vivah
(or Marriage) is helpful in removing obstacle if delay in marriage

* Tulsi Plant or Holy Basil is a very sacred plant, in other words its also called Miracle or
Queen of Herbs. It has been significant to mankind in many religious and medicinal ways.

* Tulsi Plant is also helpful as being spiritual purity, as it attracts the God’s energy (satvik)
and purify the mind and soul.

* According to Vasthu Sastra, planting a Tulsi Plant in your house (north, east, northeast or in
front of the house), is very auspicious.

* According to Ayurvedic studies, taking Tulsi leaves gives relief in stress and cold. It also
sharpens the memory and enhance the concentration power of the person.

5. Money Plant
* Money Plant is beautiful green leafy indoor plant, many people call it as “A Plant to
become Rich”, as its leaves stay greener more than other plant’s leaves And as the plant has
different shapes of leaves, it denotes differently in many terms.

* According to Vasthu Sastra, if one plants a Money Plant in the house brings Luck and
Riches in one’s life as its round and flat shaped leaves resembles a coin.

* Money Plant is also believed to bring long-lasting friendship, due its heart shaped leaves.
* According to Feng shui, Money Plant (also called as Feng Shui Money Tree is used to
enhance the energy of wealth and prosperity in the Wealth and Money Bagua area(Southeast)
of your home.

* According a myth, its said that one should not cutting of his or her planted Money Plant to
anyone as its believed that one is giving his or her wealth to other person.

The Magical Peepal Tree

By Acharya Aaditya

The Peepal tree has been worshipped since long in Hindu society. Elder women in every family have
offered prayers to the Peepal tree due to its benevolent and blessing qualities.Read more...

The Peepal tree also has astrological connotations. The tree is closely linked with the planet Jupiter.
Jupiter being the most rewarding planet in astrology, its presence is always regarded as both
rewarding as well as graceful.

Similarly, when Jupiter is afflicted in a horoscope, then a worship of the Peepal tree is
recommended. This is one unique remedy that does not require a recommendation. Simple Peepal
tree worship turns a strong Jupiter into an auspicious one and a weak Jupiter into a stronger one.

The Peepal tree is believed to be Lord Shiva’s abode. It is believed that both good and evil souls
reside in the Peepal tree. The greatness of the worship of this tree lies in the fact that whosoever
worships the Peepal tree, gets a reward equal to worshipping Lord Shiva. Peepal tree worship alone
has the tendency to overcome all planetary afflictions.

There are various ways to worship the Peepal tree. The simplest method is to offer jal (water) at its
roots every morning. It is never advisable to offer jal during the afternoon or evening time. Another
way is to light a ghee diya/lamp during evening time.

It is worth understanding that the peepal is scientifically a tree that breathes and lives like other
plants and trees. Any worship associated with a living entity is far more rewarding and fruitful than
worshipping idol(s). So, in a sense, worshipping the Peepal tree yields quicker and better results than
any other form of worship.
Another interesting facet of the Peepal tree is that it grows wild. No one plants a Peepal tree. It is
advisable that a Peepal tree should not be removed/cut unless absolutely necessary.

Peepal tree worship is recommended for all ascendants (Lagna).

Jupiter’s placement in the eighth house is considered very awkward and it should be worshipped
very uniquely to gain results. Natives with Jupiter placed in the eighth house should offer a mix of
milk and water to a Peepal tree during evening.

Worshipping a Peepal tree is known to provide the following results:

• Stability in thoughts and actions 

• Logical thinking 

• Timely Marriage (removes obstacles in marriage) 

• Child birth (as Jupiter is the significator for children) 

• A religious/charitable bent in life 

• Uninterrupted flow of income 

• Multiple sources of income 

• Propitiation of Lord Shiva

• Grants wisdom with advancing age

So, worship this tree and stay blessed in your life, says Acharya Aaditya

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