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Tomarong, Richie James V.

Station 9

11 - Emerald


(Quarter 3. Week 6)

Perfomance Task 1


When I realized that every action or all human nature that exist with in us starts in our mind. I have
decided to change my mind. Our mind is the part of our human body that control our human action.
Every decision of our life, every action that we acted, every attitude that we showed, every ideas that
we shared, every words that we spoked, everything starts in our mind. I have decided to change my
mind that will also change my thoughts and changing my decision that will lead for a best success.
Because changing our mind can also change our lifestyle, attitude, priorities, and even our eating
habits. The main reason why I change my mind is for the fulfillment of my purpose. Knowing my
purpose in life pushes me to change my mind. A changed mind that can affect not only for myself and
my life in this world but also for my life after death. Because whether we like it or not, we humans,
after we born in this world we will end to our destination. And the bible tells us that we have only two
destination in our life after death, whether we perish in hell or we have an eternal life in heaven.
Everyone desired heaven because no one like to perish in hell, but the problem is we cannot go to
heaven because of our sin, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Even
though we want to go to heaven we cannot reached into it because of our sin. But through the love of
God, he himself have the solution for he gave his only son for whoever believes in him will not perish
but have eternal life in heaven (John 3:16). If God has the solution he has also the condition for us to be
saved and it is our faith, we must trust/believe in him and accept him into our life whole heartidly as
our Lord and saviour. And through our faith in Jesus Christ we have the assurance that we will have
an eternal life in heaven, not because of our good deeds and our religion but because of our faith and
relationship to the Lord. That is the main purpose of changing my mind, and that is to glorify the Lord.

Performance Task 2


My life before pandemic can be defined as a simple way of living, living the usual and normal state of
living. It is a kind of life were I live as just what other live also as the world rotated normally as before.
A simple lifestyle and a simple dream for a simple way of living. Normally studying with a normal way
of learning, normally travelled to church with a normal way of worshiping the Lord, and travelled to
any place with a normal action of human has.

When pandemic came, it change the major way of living in before. The new normal way of living. The
way I study, I'm learning with a modular distance type of learning in which a type of learning where
the students/learners will not meet face to face with the teacher. Many of the students and teachers
use the multimedia to communicate with each othet. A virtual way of learning. It also change the
normal action of myself, not only for myself but also for everyone. For there are many protocols and
preventive measures to follow, the way I travelled to every public places I have to follow every
protocols implemented by the government. The pandemic also gives me many realizations of life. One
of this is the power of prayer, it shows the impossible to be possible. I've realized the most important
things in life, the very purpose of life. It change my vision and mission of life.

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