Adjective Comparison: To Complete My Assignment in English Language Subject

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To complete my assignment in english language subject

Arranged by


Supporting Lecturer

Yani Lubis, S.Ag., S.S., M.Hum




TA 2019/2020

First of all, we praised the thank-gratitude for his dish as the depraving the grace and
Hidayah to us all so we can complete the task that has been given by our lecturer Mr. Yani
Lubis, S.Ag., S.S., M.Hum. Working Paper has we bumped up with the maximum , but we
are still fully aware that it is still a lot of disadvantages. Therefor, with the open we accept
any suggestions and critics of the Readers so we can improve this Working Paper.

Finally, we hope that this Working Paper can provide many benefits and inspirations
for us.

Medan,April 20, 2020


Anjelin rahmi j hrp


PREFACE ..................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT’S ........................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1

A. Background .......................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Insolve ................................................................................... 1
C. Purpose ................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTE II DISCUSSIONS ....................................................................................... 2

A. Comparative Adjectives ....................................................................... 2

B. Forms of Comparison of Adjectives (Comparison of Adjectives)....... 2
C. Positive Degree .................................................................................... 3
D. Comperative Degree ............................................................................ 3
E. Superlative Degree .................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER III CLOSING ........................................................................................... 5

A. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 5
B. Suggestion ......................................................................................... 5

REFERENCE ............................................................................................................... 6

A. Background

In everyday life we often use adjectives in using language. In learning languages, of

course we use adjectives in a conversation or writing. Adjectives or adjectives in English
we often encounter when we learn them. In this case (learning English) we certainly need
to know the differences of some form of adjectives in English. On this occasion we will
discuss Comparison of Adjectives.

B. Problem Insolve
1. What are Comparison of Adjectives?
2. What is Positive Degree?
3. What is Comperative Degree?
4. What is Superlative Degree?
C. Purpose
1. To find out what Comparison of Adjective
2. To find out what is a Positive Degree
3. To find out what is of Comperative Degree
4. To find out what is of Superlative Degree

A. Comparative Adjectives

We use comparative adjectives to show change or make comparisons:

This car is certainly better, but it's much more expensive.
I'm feeling happier now.
We need a bigger garden.

We use than when we want to compare one thing with another:

She is two years older than me.
New York is much bigger than Boston.
He is a better player than Ronaldo.
France is a bigger country than Britain.

When we want to describe how something or someone changes we can use two
comparatives with and:
The balloon got bigger and bigger.
Everything is getting more and more expensive.
Grandfather is looking older and older. 

We often use the with comparative adjectives to show that one thing depends on
The faster you drive, the more dangerous it is. 
(= When you drive faster, it is more dangerous.)
The higher they climbed, the colder it got. 
(= When they climbed higher, it got colder.)

B. Forms of Comparison of Adjectives (Comparison of Adjectives)

Comparison of Adjectives can be divided into three, namely:

1. Positive
2. Comperative
3. Superlative

C. Positive Degree

Positive degree is adjective or adverb in simple form. Positive degree (adjective) used
to express that an object or person is in the same condition as another.

The equivalent comparison formula is:

1. Positive (+)
S + Tobe + as + Adjective + O

Luna is as beautiful  as her mother (Luna cantik seperti ibunya)
Yory is as tall as my brother (Yory tinggi seperti kakakku)
Doni is as strong as Tommy (Doni kuat seperti Tommy)
Diky is as handsome as my father ( Diky tampan seperti bapakku)
Tira is as cute as my sister  (Tira imut seperti adikku)

2. Negative (-)
S + Tobe + not = as/so + adjective + as + O

Luna is not as beautiful  as her mother (Luna tidak cantik seperti ibunya)
Yory is not as tall as my brother (Yory tidak tinggi seperti kakakku)
Doni is not as strong as Tommy (Doni tidak kuat seperti Tommy)
Diky is not as handsome as my father ( Diky tidak tampan seperti bapakku)
Tira is not as cute as my sister  (Tira tidak imut seperti adikku)

D. Comperative Degree

Comparative degree is used to state that the state of an object or person is more than
another which is not equal. In other words, one thing has an advantage over other things.
You can just add the -er suffix behind adjectives or add more in front of adjectives. Don't
forget to use than before mentioning the object (the second item).

Comparative degree formula:

S + Tobe + Adjective + -er + than + O
S + Tobe + more + Adjective + than + O
Madam Mee is taller than Lucia. (Nyonya Mee lebih tinggi dari Lucia)
Lia is not very strong. Mya is Stronger (Lia tidak terlalu kuat. Mya adalah yang terkuat)

E. Superlative Degree

Superlative degree is used to state that an object or person is the most compared to
another, where one object is the most / most ... of another object. You just add the -est
suffix behind adjectives or add the most in front of adjectives. Don't forget to add the
before the adjective which serves as a confirmation. In Superlative degree add the -est
suffix behind adjectives or add most in front of adjectives. The word "the" is added as a
confirmation before the adjective that functions as a confirmation.

Example superlative degree sentence:

a. Samuel is the tallest boy among them (Samuel adalah anak tertinggi di antara
b. Mr. Sucipto was the oldest man in the room (Tuan Sucipto adalah orang tertua di
dalam ruangan tersebut).



A. Conclusion

Comparison of Adjectives can be divided into three, namely:

1. Positive
2. Comperative
3. Superlative

Positive degree is adjective or adverb in simple form. Positive degree (adjective) used
to express that an object or person is in the same condition as another. Comparative
degree is used to state that the state of an object or person is more than another which is
not equal. Superlative degree is used to state that an object or person is the most
compared to another, where one object is the most / most ... of another object.

B. Suggestion

The conclusion that can be drawn from the discussion of this paper is that in English
we recognize sentence patterns with comparison degrees, which are sentences with
comparative patterns that are used to reveal the meaning of comparison. In comparison
degrees, there are three kinds of comparison degrees that are very easy to understand,
namely Positive degree, comparative degree, and superlative degree.


Setiawati, Ning. 2020. Comparison of Adjectives (Perbandingan Kata Sifat) : Bentuk

Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris. https://www.

Council, British. Comperative and Superlative Adjectives. LearnEnglish. https://learn

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