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Robot Kinematics

Eng. Jesús Rafael Tavarez Delgado

Evaluation aspects
Unit 1.- Introduction to robotics (Value for the course: 10%)

Learning results:
• Identify the evolution of robotics since its origin up to current times.

Evaluation aspects:
• U1EC1.- Checklist for questionnaire about introduction to Robotics (Value: 40%)
• U1EP1.- Checklist for research report about origin and evolution of Robotics (Value: 60%)
• U1EF1.- Checklist for evidence of activities made during the unit (Uploading of notes, research and

Important: To present the summative evaluations, 80% of the general score of formative activities must
be achieved.

Evaluation aspects
Unit 2.- Homogeneous transformations (Value for the course: 15%)

Learning results:
• Interpret aspects related to geometry.
• Locate different elements in the space using frames with positions and orientations.

Evaluation aspects:
• U2EC1.- Checklist for questionnaire about homogeneous transformations (Value: 45%)
• U2EP1.- Checklist for practice report about homogeneous transformations (Value: 55%)
• U2EF1.- Checklist for evidence of activities made during the unit (Uploading of notes, research and

Important: To present the summative evaluations, 80% of the general score of formative activities must
be achieved.

Evaluation aspects
Unit 3.- Forward kinematics (Value for the course: 30%)

Learning results:
• Interpret and apply the Denavit-Hartenberg method.
• Make the kinematic analysis of a manipulator robot of any degrees of freedom.
• Describe the movement of any manipulator robot part based on its kinematic analysis.

Evaluation aspects:
• U3EC1.- Checklist for questionnaire about forward kinematics (Value: 50%)
• U3EP1.- Checklist for practice report about forward kinematics (Value: 50%)
• U3EF1.- Checklist for evidence of activities made during the unit (Uploading of notes, research and

Important: To present the summative evaluations, 80% of the general score of formative activities must
be achieved.

Evaluation aspects
Unit 4.- Manipulator's Jacobian (Value for the course: 25%)

Learning results:
• Obtain the Jacobian of a manipulator robot.
• Interpret the Jacobian of a manipulator robot for any robot conformed by an open kinematic chain.
• Analyze the different applications of the Jacobian of a manipulator robot.

Evaluation aspects:
• U4EC1.- Checklist for questionnaire about manipulator's Jacobian (Value: 55%)
• U4EP1.- Checklist for practice report about manipulator's Jacobian (Value: 45%)
• U4EF1.- Checklist for evidence of activities made during the unit (Uploading of notes, research and

Important: To present the summative evaluations, 80% of the general score of formative activities must
be achieved.

Evaluation aspects
Unit 5.- Jacobian Applications (Value for the course: 20%)

Learning results:
• Identify the different application strategies of a manipulator Jacobian.
• Combine control aspects with the manipulator Jacobian.

Evaluation aspects:
• U5EP1.- Checklist for practice about programming and configuration of industrial robots (Value: 60%)
• U5EP2.- Checklist for practice report about programming and configuration of industrial robots
(Value: 40%)
• U5EF1.- Checklist for evidence of activities made during the unit (Uploading of notes, research and

Important: To present the summative evaluations, 80% of the general score of formative activities must
be achieved.

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