2011 January: Butler Broadcast

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But l e r Broadcast A report from the field of Child Welfare . . .

First National Resource Center 4Tribes

The Butler Institute was
invited to join with three Stronger Tribal Child Welfare Programs =
Native American serving Better Outcomes for American
organizations to create our Indian/Alaskan Native Children
nation’s first ever National
Resource Center for Tribes manage the NRC4Tribes resources and services, while
(NRC4Tribes). Funded by the Butler provides evaluation support.
federal government to sup-
port tribal child welfare pro- As a first step, the NRC4Tribes team conducted a com-
grams, the NRC4Tribes offers prehensive needs assessment of tribal child welfare. The
training and expert techni- assessment, with 375 participants and 200 tribes across
www.nrc4tribes.org cal assistance to all federally Indian Country, represents the largest and most com-
recognized tribes. Tribes can plete study of tribal child welfare ever undertaken. The
request assistance to improve child welfare services, assessment was designed
to build better relationships with courts, and to build and data gathered with
partnerships with states and community providers. Tribes the help of Indian consul- Tribal Law
Child &
can also get help developing data tracking and moni- tants that used a culturally & Policy Family
toring systems. This new Resource Center provides an based methodology. Our Institute Resource
unprecedented level of support to tribes as they guard evaluation team contin- Center
the safety, permanency, and well-being of American
Indian and Alaskan Native children.
ues to analyze the data NRC4Tribes
and will share the results
with the participating Native Butler
Our national partners – the Tribal tribes, the project funder Training
for Families
Study Stats: Law and Policy Center in Los (Department of Health Institute
Angeles, California, the Indian and Human Services, Chil-
375 participants Family Resource Center in Mon- dren’s Bureau), and the
200 tribes tana, and the Native American community at large in the NRC4Tribes Members
Training Institute in North Dakota spring of 2011.

Tribal Nations Reclaim Their Destiny

Through Implementation Center Project
From powerless to empowered, America’s tribal became entangled in state or county child protection
nations reclaim their destinies for those who represent and adoption cases. However, ICWA did not provide
the future—their children. resources to build the ca-
pacity of their child wel-
After the corrosive legacy of boarding schools and the fare programs, so Native
systematic placement of Native children in non-Native children continued to be
families, many tribes, including the 11,000 member over represented in state
Osage Nation of northern Oklahoma, are exercising and county child welfare
their tribal sovereignty and self-determination by making systems nationwide.
sure that their tribally-operated child welfare programs
are fully their own in terms of values, cultural practices, Today, the Osage Nation
and traditions. The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of is working towards ensuring
1978 strengthened tribal control over tribal children who safety, permanency, and

2148 S. High St. | Denver, CO 80208 | (303) 871.4548 | www.thebutlerinstitute.org

well-being for all of the tribe’s children and families program to support the development and implementa-
through a Children’s Bureau Mountain and Plains Child tion of the practice model. Osage Nation child welfare
Welfare Implementation Center grant. staff members recently completed Business Process
The project supports the implemen- Mapping to identify each activity, decision, and inter-
tation of an Osage Nation specific vention in the tribal child welfare process. Completion of
practice model that incorporates the the process prompted Lee Collins, Osage Nation Social
tribe’s world view, values, and tradi- Services Director,
tions, and also develops a compre- to praise the en-
hensive automated data system to deavor for foster- ICWA =
The Mountains and
support increased practice effective- ing among staff Good Intentions
Plains Child Welfare
Implementation Center ness. a sense of shared but Insufficient Results
A service of the
Children’s Bureau purpose and vi-
The Butler Institute is the tribe’s evalua-
sion — and a passion for the Osage Nation’s efforts to
A Member of the TTA Network

tion partner, offering ongoing feed-

www.uta.edu/mpcwic exercise sovereignty and self-determination.
back to the Osage child welfare

North Dakota Tribes Aim for Excellence

Two communities in North Dakota’s Indian Country con- by the partners. As part of the
tinue progress toward attaining excellence in services intervention, Learning Circles
for their children and families through a series of feder- encourage front line workers to
ally-funded projects. Established by treaty in 1851, the build solutions to practice issues
Fort Berthould Reservation in mid-west North Dakota is that they identify. In another
the home of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nations, component of the intervention
who join together as the Three Affiliated Tribes. Fur- plan, stipends for Bachelor and
ther north, just seven miles from the Canadian border, Masters of Social Work degrees
members of the Pembina are offered to social services
Interventions: Band of Chippewa call the employees to help professional-
68,000 acre Turtle Mountain ize the child welfare staff at each
Reservation home. These two agency. To date, fifteen students
nations partnered with the received stipends and six com-
Learning Circles
Butler Institute, the University pleted their degrees.
Design Teams
of Texas, Arlington (UTA), and
the Native American Training In the Garden Project, working
Institute for two Children’s Bureau projects to continue with UTA as the lead and Butler
their efforts to improve their child welfare programs. as the evaluator, these tribal sites
The Western Workforce Project and the Garden Project completed intense Business Pro- www.nativeinstitute.org
focus on their agency’s workforce to build first-rate tribal cess Mapping to under-
child welfare organizations. stand and clarify how About this Issue . . .
each site carried out
In the first phase of the their work to develop Executive Director
Western Workforce new practice models Cathryn Potter, Ph.D.
Project, teams from and build information
each nation assisted systems. The Western Editors
with the administra- Workforce Project and Sandra Spears, LCSW
tion of an on-site Garden Project assist Charmaine Brittain, Ph.D.
Organizational Health these tribal nations in
Assessment designed supporting continuous Robin Leake, Ph.D.
to identify agency examination of their Nancy Lucero, Ph. D
strengths and con- agencies and practices Joe Walker, MM, NATI
cerns. Data from their as they strive for excel-
assessments informed lence in their child wel- Layout & Design
multi-layered interven- fare programs for the Melissa Thompson
tion plans developed people of their tribal
nations. For more information, please
email Butler.Institute@du.edu.

2148 S. High St. | Denver, CO 80208 | (303) 871.4548 | www.thebutlerinstitute.org

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