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Microsoft Excel 16.

0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Hamza Assignment #3.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 4/6/2020 9:36:29 PM
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.016 Seconds.
Iterations: 12 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$O$27 Shortfall MIN Cost 0 150000

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$H$22 Seatle A Pittsburgh 1 0 0 Contin
$I$22 Seatle A Mobile 2 0 0 Contin
$J$22 Seatle A Denver 3 0 4000 Contin
$K$22 Seatle A Los Angeles 4 0 5000 Contin
$L$22 Seatle A Washington 5 0 0 Contin
$H$23 Columbus B Pittsburgh 1 0 0 Contin
$I$23 Columbus B Mobile 2 0 4000 Contin
$J$23 Columbus B Denver 3 0 0 Contin
$K$23 Columbus B Los Angeles 4 0 0 Contin
$L$23 Columbus B Washington 5 0 0 Contin
$H$24 New York C Pittsburgh 1 0 3000 Contin
$I$24 New York C Mobile 2 0 1000 Contin
$J$24 New York C Denver 3 0 0 Contin
$K$24 New York C Los Angeles 4 0 1000 Contin
$L$24 New York C Washington 5 0 3000 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$H$27 Shortfall Pittsburgh 1 0 $H$27<=0 Binding 0
$I$27 Shortfall Mobile 2 0 $I$27<=0 Binding 0
$J$27 Shortfall Denver 3 0 $J$27<=0 Binding 0
$K$27 Shortfall Los Angeles 4 0 $K$27<=0 Binding 0
$L$27 Shortfall Washington 5 0 $L$27<=0 Binding 0
$O$22 Seatle A Excess Capacity 0 $O$22>=0 Binding 0
$O$23 Columbus B Excess Capacity 0 $O$23>=0 Binding 0
$O$24 New York C Excess Capacity 0 $O$24>=0 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Hamza Assignment #3.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 4/6/2020 9:38:09 PM
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.015 Seconds.
Iterations: 12 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$O$36 Shortfall MIN Cost 0 141000

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$H$31 Seatle A Pittsburgh 1 0 0 Contin
$I$31 Seatle A Mobile 2 0 0 Contin
$J$31 Seatle A Denver 3 0 4000 Contin
$K$31 Seatle A Los Angeles 4 0 5000 Contin
$L$31 Seatle A Washington 5 0 0 Contin
$H$32 Columbus B Pittsburgh 1 0 0 Contin
$I$32 Columbus B Mobile 2 0 5000 Contin
$J$32 Columbus B Denver 3 0 0 Contin
$K$32 Columbus B Los Angeles 4 0 0 Contin
$L$32 Columbus B Washington 5 0 0 Contin
$H$33 New York C Pittsburgh 1 0 4000 Contin
$I$33 New York C Mobile 2 0 0 Contin
$J$33 New York C Denver 3 0 0 Contin
$K$33 New York C Los Angeles 4 0 1000 Contin
$L$33 New York C Washington 5 0 3000 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$H$36 Shortfall Pittsburgh 1 0 $H$36<=0 Binding 0
$I$36 Shortfall Mobile 2 0 $I$36<=0 Binding 0
$J$36 Shortfall Denver 3 0 $J$36<=0 Binding 0
$K$36 Shortfall Los Angeles 4 0 $K$36<=0 Binding 0
$L$36 Shortfall Washington 5 0 $L$36<=0 Binding 0
$O$31 Seatle A Excess Capacity 0 $O$31>=0 Binding 0
$O$32 Columbus B Excess Capacity 0 $O$32>=0 Binding 0
$O$33 New York C Excess Capacity 0 $O$33>=0 Binding 0
XC1+XC2+XC3+XC4+XC5= 8000 {where i=A,B,C and j=1,2,3,4,5}
Min(Z)= 10XA1+20XA2+…………+4XC5
All Xij>=0

Plant Pittsburgh 1 Mobile 2

Seatle A 10 20
Columbus B 2 10
New York C 1 20
Demand 3000 5000

Plant Pittsburgh 1 Mobile 2

Seatle A 0 0
Columbus B 0 4000
New York C 3000 1000
Demand 3000 5000
Received 3000 5000
Shortfall 0 0

Plant Pittsburgh 1 Mobile 2

Seatle A 0 0
Columbus B 0 5000
New York C 4000 0
Demand 4000 5000
Received 4000 5000
Shortfall 0 0
Denver 3 Los Angeles 4 Washington 5 Supply
5 9 10 9000
8 30 6 4000
7 10 4 8000
4000 6000 3000 21000

Denver 3 Los Angeles 4 Washington 5 Supply Sent Excess Capacity

4000 5000 0 9000 9000 0
0 0 0 4000 4000 0
0 1000 3000 8000 8000 0
4000 6000 3000 21000
4000 6000 3000 MIN Cost
0 0 0 150000

Denver 3 Los Angeles 4 Washington 5 Supply Sent Excess Capacity

4000 5000 0 9000 9000 0
0 0 0 5000 5000 0
0 1000 3000 8000 8000 0
4000 6000 3000 21000
4000 6000 3000 MIN Cost
0 0 0 141000

Muhammad Hamza -F2019087014
Assignment-3, Transportaion at Arnoff
Course Code (SM622 Sec-H)
Semester (Spring 2020)

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