Manager From A Shortlist of Five Candidates., Appointed To The Committee

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Arti dan perbedaan

Choose (v) VS Appoint (v)

Meaning: Meaning:
- to decide which thing or person you - to choose somebody for a job or
want out of the ones that are position of responsibility
available e.g. She has recently been
e.g. We have to choose a new appointed to the committee.
manager from a shortlist of five - to arrange or decide on a time or
candidates., place for doing something
- to prefer or decide to do something e.g. A date for the meeting is still
e.g. The government chose to to be appointed.
ignore the matter altogether. Arti dalam bahasa indonesia:
1. mengangkat, 2. Menunjuk, 3.
Arti dalam bahasa indonesia: menentukan
1. Memilih, 2. memutuskan
Finish (v) VS Complete (v)
Verba ini lebih banyak dan lebih lazim Complete digunakan ketika berhasil
digunakan dalam konteks sehari-hari. menyelesaikan suatu hal yang besar.
Meaning: Meaning:
- to stop doing something or making - to finish making or doing
something because it is complete something
e.g. We've just finished the project. e.g. He has recently completed
- to come to an end; to bring his first year at Durham
something to an end University.
e.g. The play finished at 10.30. - to write all the information you
- to eat, drink or use what remains of are asked for on a form
something e.g. Participants completed a
e.g.  I quickly finished my tea. survey designed to collect several
- to be in a particular state or position types of information.
at the end of a race or a competition - to make something whole or
e.g. She finished 12 seconds outside perfect
the world record. e.g. I only need one more card to
- to make somebody so tired or complete the set.
impatient that they cannot do any
more Arti dalam bahasa indonesia:
e.g. Climbing that hill really finished 1. Menyelesaikan, 2. Mencapai, 3.
me off. Mengisi

Arti dalam bahasa indonesia:

1. menyelesaikan, 2. Menghabiskan, 3.
Menghaluskan, 4. Tutup, 5. Menamatkan
Receive (v) VS Accept (v)
Receive digunakan untuk menerima sesuatu Accept digunakan untuk menerima
yang bentuknya fisik. sesuatu yang bentuknya bukan fisik.
Meaning: Meaning:
- to get or accept something that is - to take willingly something that is
sent or given to you offered; to say ‘yes’ to an offer,
e.g. I was delighted to receive your invitation, etc.
letter. e.g. The board of directors
- to experience or be given a accepted our proposal.
particular type of treatment or - to agree to or approve of
attention something
e.g. We have received overwhelming e.g. He accepted all the changes
support from the local community. we proposed.
- to welcome or entertain a guest, - to allow somebody to join an
especially formally organization, attend an
e.g. He was received as an honoured institution, use a service, etc.
guest at the White House. e.g. The college he applied to has
- to officially recognize and accept accepted him.
somebody as a member of a group Arti dalam bahasa indonesia:
e.g. He was received into the Church 1. menerima, 2. Menyetujui,
at Easter. mengabulkan

Arti dalam bahasa indonesia:

1. Menerima, 2. Mendapat, 3. menyambut

Preparation (n) VS Readiness (n)

Formal, Ada persiapan yang dilakukan Kondisi siap untuk melakukan sesuatu
sebelumnya sehingga siap saat dibutuhkan. sesuatu.
Meaning: Meaning:
- the act or process of getting ready - the state of being ready or
for something or making something prepared for something
ready e.g. They were holding
e.g. He's done a lot of preparation themselves in readiness to wage
for this meeting. war.
- things that you do to get ready for - the state of being willing to do
something or make something ready something
e.g. We made preparations to move e.g. Hungary has indicated its
to new offices. readiness to sign the treaty.
Arti dalam bahasa indonesia: Arti dalam bahasa indonesia:
1. persiapan, 2. Pengolahan 1. kesiapan, 2. Kesediaan, 3.
Delivey (n) VS Handover (n)
Meaning: Meaning:
- the act of taking goods, letters, etc. - the act of moving power or
to the people they have been sent responsibility from one person or
to group to another; the period
e.g. We are awaiting delivery of during which this is done
some new office furniture. e.g. The smooth handover of
- the act of making a service or power from a military to a civilian
information available to people government.
e.g. We need more efficient delivery - the act of giving a person or thing
of humanitarian aid. to somebody in authority
- the way in which somebody speaks,
sings a song, etc. in public Arti dalam bahasa indonesia:
e.g. The beautiful poetry was ruined 1. penyerahan
by her poor delivery.

Arti dalam bahasa indonesia:

1. pengiriman, pengantaran, 2. Cara
berpidato, 3. Pemasrahan, penyerahan

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