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Republic of Yemen

The Legal Center for Rights and development

Human Righst Report

The Saudi-led Coalition Airstrikes target civilian Houses in (Bani

April 6, 2015 - Bait Al-Rejal

Issued by:
The Legal Center for Rights and Development

E-mail: Tel:00967777727212 Sanaa- Yemen



Human Righst Report

The Saudi-led Coalition Airstrikes target civilian
Houses in (Bani Matar)

April 6, 2015 - Bait Al-Rejal

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

Violation place: Bait Rejal is a village in Bani Matar district, 30 KMs away from the capital
city of Sana'a. The Saudi-led Coalition Airstrikes chose them to be his target. (War in

Time: 12:00 AM

Date: April 3, 2015

Violation type:

The Military Saudi Air Forces bombed civilian village in Bani Matar district caused the death
and injury of many people ,as well, complete damage on civilian properties.


Saudi Arabia and countries that joined war against Yemen: coalition countries are:

(United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Jordan, America)

Description of the transgressions:

It was on Monday at 12:00 am, the sixth of April 2015, The Saudi Air Force jets were flaying
at low levels while civilians in Bait Rejal were sleeping. The Saudi-led Coalition jets dropped
missiles on civilians houses and properties without any previous warning. The aggression
caused tens between dead and wounded.

Legal Center has documented killing and injury cases by talking eyewitnesses and victims'
families statements, pictures, official and medical reports:
Our team went to the aggression location to document and investigate on these crimes.
Listening to victims, documenting witnesses, recording videos, and taking pictures all these
are some duties our team has done during the field visit.

Witness (SYS) 55 years old said that it was Monday at 12:00 am, I heard sounds of flights
then a huge sound of an explosion in our village. The bombing caused the death of my (wife,
son, two daughters, and a child of my relatives). As well, the injury of another 6 among
them children and women.

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

- Wetness (YAAA) 42 years: Said, "it was 12:30 Am when The Sudi-led Coalition Airstrikes
bombed a village nearby (Koshir village), but there were no injuries. Few minutes later while
I was waking I saw a jet attacking Bait Rejal village. Salah Shalan house was the victim who
paid the price of this aggression. The bombing caused the death of (3) women, (3) children,
and more than 10 wounded most of them are in serious condition.

Medical statements:
Emergency official in (26 September) hospital in (Matnah) area also reported that many
injured cases arrived at 4 pm, including 5 dead civilians there were 3 children and two
women who they arrived at the hospital dead bodies and some pieces of human organs.

The hospital also received (6) people with serious injuries between the age of (one year and
half - (45) years), with varying severity injuries, some of whom were injured by shrapnel in
the skull, face and eyes.

He also noted that the hospital suffers from the lack of medicines and medical supplies as a
result of the blockade imposed on Yemen, which is causing the deterioration of the health
condition of the injured and patient people in hospital.

The bombing caused the following:


Legal Center has documented 5 dead and 6 wounded among them children and a women in
Bait Rejal village.

- Damage:

1- The complete destruction of a house in Bait Rejal caused the death of many civilians.

2- Damage on a water tanker and electricity network.

3- Death and injury of many cattle.

Crimes description according to the international and humanitarian law:

The legal center briefed on the incident and checked the targeting place, it was a civilian
residential area and rural villages populated by very poor people. The first targeting was
(Hajr Okaish) village it is a rural village inhabited by civilian farmers.

The second raid was launched by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance in (Bait
Rejal) village which resulted to a terrible massacre against civilians, women and children
among the dead and wounded. All these information confirm that the Saudi coalition forces

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

have been committed a war crime and a crime against humanity requires punish the

Also, the aviation launched many raids in the area including (Keshr) village, and targeted
factories that belong to the businessman (Al-Kaboos).


The Legal Center call on the international organizations to open an investigation

file and to send committees to investigate on these crimes that International conventions
and protocols, as well, we call on the ICC to investigate to immediately investigate these
violations and to bring perpetrators to justice, also to protect civilians, refugees,
children, women, and the residential areas.

We also call on The UN Security Council to investigate these crimes as well, to

bring perpetrators to Justice and to inflict the maximum penalty.

We urgently call upon those countries, and organizations to speed relief victims
and the IDPs and to provide help and assistance to do justice. In addition, we call on to
protect civilians and stop the war.

Victims picture

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

Houses picture

Issued by
The Legal Center for Rights and Development
Republic of Yemen – Sana'a

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

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