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General Instruction

1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory. Part A carries 24 marks
and part B carries 56 marks.
2. Part A has objective question and part B has descriptive type.
3. Both part A and part B have choices.


1. It consists of two section I and II

2. Section I comprises of 16 very short answer type question.
3. Section II contains 2 case studies. Each case study comprises of 5 case based MCQs. An
examinee is to attempt any 4 out of 5 MCQs.


1. It consist of three section III, IV and V.

2. Section III comprises of 10 question of 2 marks each.
3. Section IV comprises of 7 question of 3 marks each.
4. Section V comprises of 3 question of 5 marks each.
5. Internal choice is provided in 3 question of section III, 2 question of section IV and 3 question of
section V.


Section I

All questions are compulsory. In case of internal choice attempt any one.

1. If is equivalence relation in set = 0,1,2,3,4,5 given by = , :2 − .

Write equivalence class 0 .


Let be the relation in the set 1,2,3,4 given by

= 1,2 , 2,2 , 1,1 , 4,4 , 1,3 , 3,3 , 3,2 check whether the relation is symmetric or not.

2. If = , : ℎ 5 . Find the range of .

3. Check whether the relation defines on the set = 1,2,3,4,5,6 as = , : = + 1 is
reflexive symmetric or transitive.

State the reason for relation in the set 1,2,3 given by = 1,2 , 2,1 not to be transitive.

1 −1
=$ % and & = ' , then write the value of '.
−1 1
4. If matrix
3 4 ( 19
5. If $ % $ % = $ %, then find the value of (.
2 ( 1 15


cos - − sin -
=$ %, then find what value of -,
sin - cos -
If is an identity matrix?

1 2
=$ % as sum of symmetric and skew symmetric matrix.
3 4
6. Express the matrix
7. 0 tan34 ( (.

098 log tan ( (

8. Find the area bounded by : & = 4 ( and line ( = 4 .

9. Write the solution of the differential equation ;=
= 23< .


Solve the differential equation ( : + : ( = 0.

10. Find unit vector perpendicular to both > = 2?̂ + 3Â + 5BC and D> = ?̂ + Â + BC.
11. Find the angle between x-axis and the vector ?̂ + Â + BC.
12. If > and D> are two vectors such that E >. D>E = E > × D>E, then find the angle between > and D>.
13. Find the sum of intercept cut off by the plane 2( + : − H = 5 on the coordinate axis.
=3I <JK M3N
= =
L &
14. Write the vector equation of the following line .
15. If O P = 0.7, O R = 0.7 and O R/ = 0.5 then find O /R .
16. Prove that if T and U are independent, then events T′ and U′ are also independent.
Section II

Both the case study based questions are compulsory. Attempt any 4 sub parts from each question. Each
part carries 1 mark

17. In a bolt factory, machines A, B and C manufacture respectively 25%, 35% and 40% of the total
bolts. Of their output 5%, 4% and 2% are respectively defective bolts. On the basis of above
information answer the following
i. The probability that bolt drawn is defective given that bolt is manufacture by B is
(a) 0.05 (b) 0.04
(c) 0.02 (d) 0.01
ii. The probability that, if drawn bolt is defective, then it is manufacture by B is
&W 4X
(a) MX
4L 4K
(c) (d)
iii. The total probability of drawn bolt is defective, is
(a) 0.0435 (b) 0.0534
(c) 0.0345 (d) 0.0355
iv. If drawn bolt is defective, then the probability that it is not manufacture by C is
X K9
(a) MX (b) MX
K4 K&
(c) (d)
v. Let T4 , T& , T be the event that bolt is manufacture by , R, Y respectively and U be the
event that drawn bolt is defective, then the value of ∑[\4 O T[ /U is
(a) 0 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 1
18. Let a cone is inscribed in sphere of radius . The height and radius of cone are ℎ and



Based on above information answer the following questions

i. The relation between and in terms of ( is
(a) = √ & + ( & (b) = √ & − ( &
(c) = + ( (d) = − (
ii. The volume of the cone expressed as a function of ( is
4 4
(a) ^ +( −( &
(b) ^ +( &
4 4
(c) ^ +( (d) ^ −(
iii. Maximum value of volume is
&_ W
W4 &L
(a) (b)
& W
(c) &L ^ (d) ^
iv. The values of , ℎ when is maximum, are
& √& K` K` &√&
, ,
(a) (b)
√& &` &` √&
(b) , (c) ,
v. The ratio of volume of cone and volume of sphere, where volume of cone is maximum, is
& W
(a)&L (b) &L
& 4
(c) W (d) &L

Part B

Section III
19. Find the value of cos-1 ( & ) + tan-1 (-√3) – cosec-1 (2)

4 2
=$ % show that − 2a − 3a = 0
−1 1
20. If


2 0 1
If = b2 1 3c then find the value of &
−5 .
1 −1 0

B (& + 2 , d(≤0
21. For what value of ', is the function defined by d ( = e h is continuous at
3( + 1 , d(>0
( = 0.
22. Find the equation of tangent to curve ( = 1 − cos i , : = i − sin i at i = K .
jkl8 = ;=
23. 0
√mno8 =JK


0 √1 − sin 2( (

24. Find area of circle ( & + : & = 4 in the first quadrant using integration.
;< &=<
− = ( & + 2.
;= 4J= 8
25. Solve the differential equation
26. If > + D> + p> = 0 and | >| = 5, E D>E = 6 and |p>| = 9 then find the angle between > and D>.
27. A plane makes intercepts −6,3,4 respectively on the coordinate axes. Find the length of the
perpendicular from the origin on it.
28. Find the probability distribution of r, the number of heads in a simultaneous toss of two coins.


A random variable X has following probability distribution

r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
O r 0 ' 2' 2' 3' ' & 2' & 7' & + '
(i) Find ' (ii) O r ≤ 2

Section IV

29. Check whether relation in defined as = , : ≤ &

is Neither reflexive nor
symmetric nor transitive.
&; < ;<
30. If : = cot 34 ( &
then show that ( & + 1 ;= 8
+ 2( ( & + 1 ;=
= 2.

31. If ( = s and : = s
;< 3<
jtouv w lxjuv w then show that ;=
= =

If cos ( <
= cos : =
then find ;=

32. Find the intervals in which the function d ( = 3( K − 4( − 12( & + 5 is

(i) strictly increasing.
(ii) strictly decreasing.
33. Find 0 jto = (.
&Jlxj =
34. Find the Area of the region in the first quadrant enclosed by x-axis the line : = ( and circle
( & + : & = 32


Find the area of ellipse 16( & + 9: & = 144 using integration.
;< ;<
35. Solve the differential equation : + ( ;= = ( − : ;=
Section V

1 2 −3
36. Find 34
, where = b2 3 2 c hence solve the system of equation
3 −3 −4
( + 2: − 3H = −4
2( + 3: + 2H = 2
3( − 3: − 4H = 11


cos - − sin - 0
If = b sin - cos - 0c Find y and verify that y = y = | |a .
0 0 1

37. Find the image of the point ( 7 , 14 , 5) to the plane 2x + 4y – z = 2


Find the equation of plane passing through the point 1,1, −1 and perpendicular to the plane
( + 2: + 3H − 7 = 0 and 2( − 3: + 4H = 0.

38. Maximize z = 8( + 9: subject to constraint given below 2( + 3: ≤ 6, 3( − 2: ≤ 6,: ≤ 1,

( ≥ 0,: ≥ 0


Minimize Z = 30x – 30y + 1800, subject to constraints ,x + y ≤ 30 , x ≤ 15 , y ≤ 20 , x + y ≥15,

x≥ 0, y ≥ 0


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