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Special Issue Introduction

Algorithmic Game Theory

Edith Elkind and Kevin Leyton-Brown

n We briefly survey the rise of game theory as ame theory is a branch of mathematics devoted to study-
a topic of study in artificial intelligence and
explain the term algorithmic game theory.
We then describe three broad areas of current
inquiry by AI researchers in algorithmic game
G ing interaction among rational and self-interested
agents. The field took on its modern form in the 1940s
and 1950s (von Neumann and Morgenstern 1947; Nash 1950,
Kuhn 1953), with even earlier antecedents (such as Zermelo
theory: game playing, social choice, and mech-
anism design. Finally, we give short summaries 1913 and von Neumann 1928). Although it has had occasional
of each of the six articles appearing in this and significant overlap with computer science over the years,
issue. game theory received most of its early study by economists.
Indeed, game theory now serves as perhaps the main analytical
framework in microeconomic theory, as evidenced by its promi-
nent role in economics textbooks (for example, Mas-Colell,
Whinston, and Green 1995) and by the many Nobel prizes in
economic sciences awarded to prominent game theorists.
Artificial intelligence got its start shortly after game theory
(McCarthy et al. 1955), and indeed pioneers such as von Neu-
mann and Simon made early contributions to both fields (see,
for example, Findler [1988], Simon [1981]). Both game theory
and AI draw (nonexclusively) on decision theory (von Neu-
mann and Morgenstern 1947); for example, one prominent
view defines artificial intelligence as “the study and construc-
tion of rational agents” (Russell and Norvig 2003), and hence
takes a decision-theoretic approach when the world is stochas-
tic. However, artificial intelligence spent most of its first 40 years
focused on the design and analysis of agents that act in isola-
tion, and hence had little need for game-theoretic analysis.
Starting in the mid to late 1990s, game theory became a
major topic of study for computer scientists, for at least two
main reasons. First, economists began to be interested in sys-
tems whose computational properties posed serious barriers to
practical use, and hence reached out to computer scientists;
notably, this occurred around the study of combinatorial auc-
tions (see, for example, Cramton, Shoham, and Steinberg 2006).
Second, the rise of distributed computing in general and the
Internet in particular made it increasingly necessary for com-
puter scientists to study settings in which intelligent agents rea-
son about and interact with other agents. Game theory gener-

Copyright © 2010, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. ISSN 0738-4602 WINTER 2010 9

alizes the decision-theoretic approach, which was theory community. While it is difficult to draw
already widely adopted by computer scientists, and sharp distinctions between these literatures, we
so was a natural choice. The resulting research area, note two key differences in the sorts of questions
fusing a computational approach with game theo- emphasized. First, algorithmic game theory
retic models, has come to be called algorithmic researchers in AI are often interested in reasoning
game theory (Nisan et al. 2007). This field has grown about practical multiagent systems. AI work has
considerably in the last few years. It has a signifi- thus tended to emphasize elaborating theoretical
cant and growing presence in major AI conferences models to make them more realistic, scaling up to
such as the International Joint Conference on Arti- larger problems, using computational techniques
ficial Intelligence (IJCAI), the Conference of the in settings too complex for analysis, and address-
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intel- ing prescriptive questions about how agents
ligence (AAAI), and International Conference on should behave in the face of competition (for
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent System
example, through competitions; see, for example,
(AAMAS), and in journals such as Artificial Intelli-
Wellman, Greenwald, and Stone 2007). Second, AI
gence (AIJ), the Journal of Artificial Intelligence
has long studied practical techniques for solving
Research (JAIR) and Autonomous Agents and Multi-
computationally hard problems, and many of
Agent Systems (JAAMAS). It also has three dedicat-
these techniques have found application to prob-
ed archival conferences of its own: the ACM Con-
lems in game theory. Algorithmic game theory
ference on Electronic Commerce (ACM-EC), the
Workshop on Internet and Network Economics work in AI thus often emphasizes methods for
(WINE), and the Symposium on Algorithmic Game solving practical problems under resource con-
Theory (SAGT). straints, rather than considering computational
It is necessary to distinguish algorithmic game hardness results to be insurmountable roadblocks.
theory from a somewhat older and considerably
broader research area within AI — multiagent sys- This Special Issue
tems (Weiss 1999; Vlassis 2007; Wooldridge 2009;
Shoham and Leyton-Brown 2009; Vidal 2010). This special issue of AI Magazine aims to highlight
While multiagent systems indeed encompasses cutting-edge artificial intelligence research in algo-
most game-theoretic work within AI, it has a much rithmic game theory, and contains articles written
wider ambit, also including nongame-theoretic by some of the most prominent researchers in the
topics such as software engineering paradigms, dis- field. Our goal was to provide a broad sampling of
tributed constraint satisfaction and optimization, state-of-the-art AI work in algorithmic game theo-
logical reasoning about other agents’ beliefs and ry, emphasizing exciting applications and written
intentions, task sharing, argumentation, distrib- in an accessible manner. Specifically, we aimed to
uted sensing, and multirobot coordination. achieve balance between three key topics in cur-
Algorithmic game theory has received considerable rent research. The first, game playing, considers the
recent study outside artificial intelligence. The design of automated methods for playing compet-
term first gained currency among computer sci- itive games popular among humans. It focuses on
ence theorists, and is now used beyond that com- scaling up classical game-theoretic ideas to the
munity in networking, security, learning, and huge domains necessary to model these settings;
operating systems. In fact, the term has been com-
extending these ideas to deal with the approxima-
paratively slow to catch on in AI, and to date the
tions introduced by this scaling; and addressing
moniker “multiagent systems” is more broadly
the prescriptive problem of how an agent should
used. We argue, however, that there are advantages
act when it is not sure that its opponent is perfect-
to designating some AI research as “algorithmic
ly rational. The second topic is social choice, the
game theory.” First, the use of this label stresses
aggregation of preferences across agents, either
commonalities between AI research and work by
computer scientists in other areas, particularly the- through an explicit voting scheme or implicitly
orists. It is important to ensure that AI research through a prediction market. The final topic is
remains connected to this quickly growing body of mechanism design, which can be understood as the
work, for the benefit of researchers both inside and design of protocols for decision making among
outside of AI. Second, multiagent systems is now a noncooperative clients. Here much AI research
huge research area, and only some of this research focuses on elaborations to existing models, with
is game theoretic. It is thus sensible to have a the goal of making them more applicable to
coherent name for multiagent systems work that anonymous, dynamic environments such as the
takes a game-theoretic approach. Internet.
At this point the reader might wonder what In what follows, we describe this special issue’s
characterizes AI work within algorithmic game six articles in more detail, grouping them accord-
theory, as distinct for example, from work in the ing to our three thematic areas.


Game Playing an election outcome, the score of a football game,

Game playing is a traditional AI problem. Recent or the completion date of a construction project.
work in algorithmic game theory has extended the They distinguish between prediction markets,
competence of AI systems to new domains, such as where the events have a clear objective outcome,
poker and billiards. and peer prediction systems, where there is no
In our first article, “The State of Solving Large objective outcome to be measured and the players
Incomplete-Information Games, and Application are evaluated against other agents’ predictions. The
to Poker,” Tuomas Sandholm addresses the issue of authors suggest a number of desirable properties
computing equilibrium strategies in large games for such mechanisms, such as liquidity, expressive-
with incomplete information, with a particular ness, computational tractability and truthfulness,
focus on poker. This work has produced top-per- and evaluate existing mechanisms with respect to
forming poker-playing computer programs, and is these criteria.
based on the state-of-the-art techniques in linear The fourth article, “AI’s War on Manipulation:
and integer programming. Sandholm first outlines Are We Winning?” by Piotr Faliszewski and Ariel D.
several approaches to abstracting away some of the Procaccia, overviews the state of the art in another
features of the game in order to reduce search area of computational social choice: voting manip-
space. He then describes two classes of algorithms ulation. This is the problem of voters misrepre-
for computing the (approximate) equilibria of the senting their preferences in order to obtain a more
simplified game, namely, smoothing and gradient desirable outcome. This issue is known to be
descent algorithms and counterfactual regret min- unavoidable in voting, but it has been suggested
imization algorithms. Sandholm also discusses that computational complexity can be used as a
extensions of his methods to nonzero sum and barrier against manipulation, by identifying voting
multiplayer games, as well as nonequilibrium- rules for which manipulation is computationally
based approaches to designing good poker agents. hard. The authors present the existing worst-case
Some of the work surveyed in this article was the hardness results for manipulation and related
basis of Andrew Gilpin’s PhD dissertation, which problems, as well as the recent attacks on the
won the 2009 IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Distin- worst-case complexity approach.
guished Dissertation Award.
Second is “Computational Pool: A New Chal-
Mechanism Design
lenge for Game Theory Pragmatics,” in which Mechanism design is an important tool for reason-
Christopher Archibald, Alon Altman, Michael ing about the allocation of scarce resources in mul-
Greenspan, and Yoav Shoham describe their recent tiagent systems, and about noncooperative proto-
work on computational pool. Unlike poker, in a col design more generally. Recent directions in this
game of pool the player’s success depends not only literature focus on resistance to manipulations
on his or her strategic reasoning, but also on his or enabled by anonymous internet communication
her skills. Moreover, the agent’s action space is and the design of mechanisms for settings in
continuous rather than discrete. This introduces which agents’ preferences evolve over time.
new modeling and design challenges, and the In our fifth article, “Using Mechanism Design to
authors describe both theoretical and experimen- Prevent False-Name Manipulations,” Vincent
tal work that went into the design of a winning Conitzer and Makoto Yokoo observe that in elec-
computational pool player. The article also tronically-mediated mechanisms, it is often possi-
explores the impact of different noise levels and ble for an agent to benefit by pretending to be mul-
bounds on execution time on the agents’ perform- tiple agents. For example, the agent can place shill
ance; interestingly, it turns out that an agent may bids in eBaylike auctions, or can vote multiple
prefer to have weaker execution skills. times in an online poll. Such behavior is very hard
to avoid in anonymous environments such as the
Social Choice Internet, and therefore it is desirable to design
Social choice theory studies rules for aggregating multiagent systems in a way that is resilient to
agents’ beliefs and preferences. Two active research false-name manipulation. While this task is often
directions in this field that are represented in this challenging, the article describes several results in
special issue are using markets to induce experts to this vein for a wide variety of settings such as vot-
aid in belief fusion, and assessing the extent to ing, auctions and coalitional games. It also consid-
which computational complexity serves as a barri- ers practical ways of preventing agents from creat-
er to the manipulation of voting schemes. ing multiple identifiers, such as making the
In our third article, “Designing Markets for Pre- participation costly, verifying some of the identi-
diction,” Yiling Chen and David M. Pennock sur- fiers, or using the social network structure to pre-
vey the literature on prediction mechanisms, that vent agents from cheating.
is, systems that use “the wisdom of crowds” to pre- In the final article, “Dynamic Incentive Mecha-
dict the probability of an uncertain event, such as nisms” David C. Parkes, Ruggiero Cavallo, Florin

WINTER 2010 11

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Russell, S., and Norvig, P. 2003. Artificial Intelligence: A
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Weiss, G., ed. 1999. Multiagent Systems: A Modern
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References Edith Elkind is an assistant professor in the School of

Cramton, P.; Shoham, Y.; and Steinberg, R., eds. 2006. Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Techno-
Combinatorial Auctions. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. logical University (Singapore) and a Singapore NRF Fel-
Findler, N. V. 1988. The Debt of Artificial Intelligence to low. She received her Ph.D. from Princeton University in
John von Neumann. Artificial Intelligence Review 2(3): 2005. Her research focuses on algorithmic game theory
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Kuhn, H. 1953. Extensive Games and the Problem of Kevin Leyton-Brown is an associate professor of com-
Information. In Contributions to the Theory of Games, ed. puter science at the University of British Columbia and
H. Kuhn and A. Tucker volume II, 193–216. Princeton, coauthor of the books Multiagent Systems and Essentials of
NJ: Princeton University Press. Reprinted in Kuhn 1997. Game Theory. His research interests span computational
Kuhn, H. 1997. Classics in Game Theory. Princeton, NJ: game theory, auctions and mechanism design, and the
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